The Frontier, May 1933

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The Frontier, May 1933 University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana The Frontier and The Frontier and Midland Literary Magazines, 1920-1939 University of Montana Publications 5-1933 The Frontier, May 1933 Harold G. Merriam Follow this and additional works at: Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Merriam, Harold G., "The Frontier, May 1933" (1933). The Frontier and The Frontier and Midland Literary Magazines, 1920-1939. 44. This Journal is brought to you for free and open access by the University of Montana Publications at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Frontier and The Frontier and Midland Literary Magazines, 1920-1939 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ■ MAY, 1933 ■ H R 9 MAGAZINE O f THE NORTHWE ST BLACK ■ | M O T H ER A Story by Elma Godchaux RING-TAILED R fA R ER S H f i ■ V. L. O, CKittick ! ■ !-------------- , WE TALK ABOUT REGIONALISM: NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, AND WEST I Ben A . Botkin FORTY CENTS WESTERN MONTANA t f S R t f i e Scenic Empire ^ Sitoated approximately midway between tbe two great National Glacier, Missoula literally may be said to b e m me heart of tbe Scenic Empire of theNorfchwest In H directions out of B Garden City of Montana are places of marvelous. beauty. Entering Missoula from the Bast, tbe pas- s e ^ e r on either of the two great transconiahental lines/ Milwaukee R B Pacific, or the automobile, tourist winds "for miles through Hellgate Oanypu. Westward tbe way is through I the Bo^maes which provide never-ending delights for the eye of the traveler seeking Nature’s beauty spots. Should the vacationist *s urge be in the direction o f Glacier, his route will take him through the Flathead Valley fringed by the beautiful Mission Bangs , of the Bookies. Snow-capped, glacier- fringed, the Missions are incomparable in their beauty. As might be expected, I Western Montana country is a place for sportsmen. a radius of 25 miles of tbe City of Missoula. During thHbig game season, hunters H Missoula know where to go. |S Oome to the West you’re heard about ail your Po the things 9 H a e y ^ dcme before end always wanted to. The dqde ranches aud recreatiou of We.v -n^bu irf^n .■ - 'itiOh/'S^b S bathi I H B mbing mountains, flyin g, and hunting in the heart of H $<?ctey Mountains or on dude ranches thousands of acres in extent Indian life within twenty-five miles Of the City and buffalos and other wild life in their native land. Also historical places connected with the first settlement s Montana. H these things and more can he enjoyed in Western Mbntana’s SeenieEmpire. For Further information ? . 'f Inquire o f 9| H < I T h e M i s s o u l a C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e 1 H 1 8 8 0 V M , The Editors of THE HOUND & HORN announce for spring publication: MARX AND BAKUNIN, an Max Nomad PSYCHOMACHIA, a poem Theodore Spencer D. H. LAWRENCE, an Francis Fergusson AENEAS AT WASHINGTON, a Allen Tate PHILIP REISMAN, an Lincoln Kirstein LOVE STO R Y ____________________ _________________ by Robert Smith MR. GILMAN: SIBELIUS: THE B. H. Haggin PUDOVKIN AND THE REVOLUTIONARY FILM by Harry Alan Potamkin SHORT STORIES AND POETRY by Cuthbert, Tate, Stafford, MacLeish, etc. CHRONICLES on Art and Architecture by Leon Kroll and Harold Sterner DOCUMENTS PHOTOGRAPHS BOOK REVIEWS The Book Review section of the HOUND & HORN will include articles on: The Eighteenth Century, by Clara Gruening Stillman; Soviet Russia, by M. R. Werner; Samuel Butler, by Richard P. Blackmur; Ortega y Gasset’s Revolt of the Masses, by M. Benardete; The Economics of O. D. H. Cole, by Lawrence Dennis; The Poetry of T. Sturge Moore, . by Yvor Winters; Life and Letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by Hazel Hawthorne. THE HOUND & HORN, Inc. 545 Fifth Avenue ................................... ........... 19....... New York, N. Y. Gentlemen—Please enter my subscription to your periodical. I enclose ...............$2.00 for one year ($2.50 abroad) ...............$3.50 for two years ($4.50 abroad) Name ....................... ....................................................... ______ _______ ___________ ___ Address ................................................................................................. ......................... .... It- x r i a»Q o i. T H E FRONTIER Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Muse and Mirror, Seattle, merged with The Frontier, April, 1932 Volume Thirteen MAY, 1933 Number 4 CONTENTS Ring-Tailed Roarers, article. V. L. O. Chittick.......... 257 After Appomattox, poem...... .Gwendolen Haste.......... 264 Two Heads, story................... .....F. A. Hardman.......... 265 Black Mother, sto r y ............. ....Elma Godchaux.......... 273 Poems Hands ........................ ............ ..........Howard Nutt. .278 Dolores _____________ ................Jose Garcia Villa. .279 I Only Know................ ....... Albert Richard Wetjen. .279 Roadhouse ____ :_____ ......................... Don Stevens. .280 God Poems ................ ............... .Donald Partridge. .280 Stone Breaker ........... ...................... Merle Beynon. .281 Lullaby for Travelers. .........................Jane Morrill. .281 A Man Is Named ___ ..............John C. Frohlicher. ..282 Kettle Cache, story............ .Howard McKinley Corning. .283 We Talk About Regionalism: North, East, South, West................... B. A. Botkin. .286 Cheeseman Park, poem_______ _________________________ _____ John Van Male. .296 Adam Cargo, second installment and conclusion of a novel.............. Upton Terrell. .297 OPEN RANGE Old Timer: Ezra Meeker.......................................................Maud Maple Miles. .307 With Custer, poem. .Orpah M. Gardner. .310 HISTORICAL SECTION Upham Letters from the Upper Missouri, 1865.......Edited by Paul C. Phillips. .311 NORTHWEST FOLKLORE Traditions of West Coast Indians.™..................................... Albert B. Reagan. .318 BOOKSHELF-LITERARY NEWS—ABOARD THE COVERED WAGON.................. .................................................................................... Front and Back Advertising Sections BOARD OF EDITORS Editor.................... ...Harold G. M erriam ' G race Raym ond H ebard (Grace Stone Coates Advisory Editors University of Wyoming Assistant Editors. (B rassil F itzgerald for the Histori- Pa u l C. P hillips ical Section------ University of Montana F ran k B. Linderman A rcher B. H ulbert Jam es Stevens Colorado College Contributing Editors- L ew Sarett P h ilip A shton R ollins New York City H . L. D avis H elen M arino (V. L. O. Ch ittic k , Reed College Advisory Editors for the Folklore Section (H arry T urney-H igh , University of Montana Editor of Book Section Pat V. Morrissette, University of Oregon Manusci’ipts should be sent to the Editor; business communications to Frank Gal­ lagher, Business Manager; subscriptions to Harvey Thirloway, Circulation Manager—all at the State University of Montana, Missoula, Montana. ____________ Copyright 1933, by H. G. Merriam. Published in November, January, March and May. Entered as second-class matter May 4, 1928, at the postoffioe at Missoula, Montana, under the Act of March 3, 1879. _______________________ _____ ________________________________ _ THE FRONTIER is a member of the Missoula Chamber of Commerce. Order Magazines from T h e Frontier Subscription Agency Books about the West and Western Life 62/ Will Jam es Each volume profusely illustrated by the author All in the Day’s Riding “SS'sSSSSSSSK boy. There is a section on the cowboy’s work and outfit, from the reason why he wears a big hat to the reasons why his ‘hooks’ (spurs) are indispensable. There is a brief section on ‘the critter’ and long ones on horses. Altogether it makes admirable anti- depressive reading.” —New York Herald Tribune. $2.50 Uncle Bill: The Tale of Two Kids and a Cowboy “ The pictures are of the inimitable Will James variety with action, spirited composition, and much knowledge of horseflesh. The prose is that simple, warm earthy stuff which is fast making Will James an important creator of Americana.” —Chicago Daily News. $2.00 Lone Cowboy: My Life Story ''t^ h,y-fSrS\ alone would make it that, and the illustrations are a valuable addition to the text.” —Saturday Review, illustrated in juiicolor. $2.50 Smoky Big-Enough Sand “ One of the few truly great “ Combines the lives of a boy “ Presents a view of life in horse stories in our lan­ and a horse inseparably and the open that is absorbing guage!1'— William T.Horna- convincingly. ’ ’ and illuminating." day. Library Edition. $2.00 —The Nation. $2.50 —Philadelphia Ledger. $2.50 Cow Country $1.75 The Drifting Cowboy $1.75 Cowboys/ North and South $1.75 Charles Scribner’s Sons • New York Patom ize F rontier Advertisers iii ABOARD THE COVERED WAGON V. L. O. C h ittick (Portland), who sends this introduction, Ring-Tailed Roarers, to his collection of “Tall Tales,” is an editor of the Folklore section of The Frontier. From Port­ land, Oregon, also come the poems by A lbert Richard W etjen, an editor of The Out- lander, and M erle B eynon, and H oward M cK in l e y Corning’s fourth story to appear in The Frontier this year. From Spokane, Washington, come poems from Jan e Morrill and Orpah G ardner. Other Northwest writers are Donald Part­ ridge (Malta, Mont.), and Pa u l C. P hillips (Missoula, Mont.). Jo h n V a n M ale is a seller of rare books in Denver, Colo. A lbert B. R eagan (Ouray, Utah) is well known to Frontier readers. B en A. B otkin (University of Oklahoma) is perhaps the foremost student of literary regionalism in the United States. He edits the excellent volume, Folk-Sag. Jo h n C. F rohlicher (Kalispell, Mont.) is now editor of publications for Brown and Bigelow, St. Paul. D on Stevens (originally from Pony, Mont.) is a newspaper man on the San Francisco Examiner.
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