Carrizozo Outlook, 12-27-1918 William Kabler
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-27-1918 Carrizozo Outlook, 12-27-1918 William Kabler Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 12-27-1918." (1918). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Pñbüthetl Weekly m the Interest ef Cftrmew, and Lincoln County VOL. XIH-N- O. 48 CARBI7.0Z0, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, DEC. 27, 1918. PRICE $2:00 PER YEAS Situated Between the Dark MyateriotM Malpai, and the Tewerinff Sentinel Peaks ef Carrito and Nogal Talitha-Cum- FUNSTON-BLIS- S Miss Coeper'e Surprise i Christmas Entertainment GEORGE BARBER Thursday, December 20th was During the early part of the On tho night of Dec. 24th, tho NATIONAL HIGHWAY Miss Hilary Cooper's birthday; afternoon last Sunday, Miss annual Christmas entertainment WRITES LETTER knowning this, the thought Bug-Rest- Ethel Hoffman, after an illness of tho Methodist church wusj PROJECT ASSURED itself ta Miss Catherine of abort duration passed away at carried out. Santa Claus was TO HOME FOLKS Pine that n surprise party on her the Gallnchcr Hospital, Miss there of course, and distributed friend would bo a novel event Hoffman had been ailipg of late, his gifts of candy, nuts nnd Accidentally Meet- Meeting Held at Tucumcari especially during tho Yulo Tide. but she pursued her studies nt other dainties, . Tells uf Appoint Committees and Acting on the suggestion, she High School and to nil appear- The program, which showed ing Brother Ralph and made all necessary arrangements," ances her condition was nothing remarkable merit on the part of Other Things of Interest-Te- lls Arrange Plans for Meet- and invited u number of Miss to cause alarm until the latter those who took part in it, wns ing at Hutchinson, Kansas, Hilary's friends, informing them part of last week she suffered rendered as follows: Piano Duottj of Good Treatment January 20th, Carrizozo of the facts and at the same a nervous collapse which caused Clarite McQuillon, Ailecn Hnloy; and Speaks of Early Re time extending invitation to to and Quartette, "Glorious Night," an her abandon her studies turn to American Soil. Honored. Miss Cooper to spend a quiet remain in quiet, with the hope Julian nnd Mary White, May evening with the home folks. thnt this would work n change Schaeffer nnd Rolla Place. plan Carrizozo Is to have a National The worked magnificently, for tho hotter. Prayer, Pastor; Merry Christ- Somewhere in France, Highway; at tho conference in for when she arrived at tho To tho contrary however, her mas, David White; So am I, Nov. 23, 1918. Tucumcari last Friday, plans "Pines," she found n gay nnd condition grew worse, and on Dolly ChorusiLittlo Tot's Advice, Dear Father: wore formulated and temporary romping gathering tif enthu- being removed to the Gallochcr Jewell Henry Lewolling; I Won- Your letter came in- organization effected for tho siastic friends to greet her, Hospital, tho Drs, Baker who der, Raymond McLean; Santa several days ngi. and I wns cor-talii- ly purpose of securing the Natlonnl stead of oniy tjio family, a? she wcro called, advised, that an Glaus, school; Santa Claus'l Miss glad to know that you are highway from Kansas City to El had expected. To add to tho operation be performed, which You, Eiise McQuillon; Christmas all well. Mending Paso, said highway to follow tho novelty of tho affair, games of was done. Tho weakened con- Bee Marian Forrest, Ralph wns hero with mo up lino of theC. R. I. & P. railroad. "Ye Olden Time" were played, dition, it seems, was unable to Helen Rolland, Lena Harris. Hill n fow minutes ago and lias In attendance wore repre- and during the pleasant exor- withstand tho operation, and Lorino Stlmmel; Dialogue, Mrs. just Btarted back to his Com- sentatives from Hutchinson, cises rofreshmonts consisting of following this she died. Ferguson's clnss; When Yuletido pany (about 80 miles from here). Bucklin, Meade and Liberal. "pino" apple ice cream, nnd The funeral services were held Shlnoth, school; One Christmns He is looking fine, hasn't had a Kansas; Guymon and Tcxhomn, cake were served. An enjoyable Monday afternoon at tho Baptist Eve, Evelyn French; Song, scratch during all the time ha Dal-har- evening was by nil. by many Largo boys and girls; was Oklahoma; Stratford and t, experienced Church attended the It has been on tho firing line. He Texas; Nara Visa, Cuervo, Thoso present were: Tho Misses friends of the Hoffman family. Night When Tho Lord was Born, has been through ovorythiiig Vaughn and Carrizozo, New Minnie Zcuch, Roso Conway, Rev. Gwin after reading the Audrey Miller; Reading, Hilnry that comes under the name of Mexico. Myrl Corn, Hilary Cooper, Win-ni- o scriptures, made a short but im- Cooper. Tho Angels of Christ- WAR. I found out whero he Letters have been received by Taylor, Rosalind Burke, pressive talk on the rriany good mas, Fern Forrest, Mary White, was accidently, and started out Secretary J. E. Clayton, of the Lillian Merchant, Alice Scott, qualities of the departed girl. Julo Millor. Clarite McQuillon. hfbot to find him. I had a good Chamber of Commerce, Alamo Catherine Spencc, Marion Place, He said that she was so well visit with him nnd ho brought On American Soil gordo, Now Mexico und El Paso, Pearl Kennedy, Isabollo Tinnon, loved by all who knelier, thnt mo back this morning on n waSjfnot nenes-sar- y. Ex Mayor Henry Lutz has re- Toxas, pledging tlteir support to Urbana Corn.Adn Corn, Laureen n funeral sermon couple of his horses. He has -- ceived vord by wire from the thó project, but regretting their Wilson, Eva" Wnclr, Rachel He spoke teniturfy of her charge of a bunch of horses and Salvation Army Hendquatcrs at inability to have representatives Hughes, Catherine Pino; Messrs. attcntiveness to her school and mules there. York City present. John McLain, Edward Corn, church duties, dwelt kindly on Now to tho effect that All the boys treated mo just his son, Lieut. Henry Lutz, Jr., Messrs. I. C. Wotmoro and Chnrles Scott, G. U. Herrón, tho lovo her schoolmates bore like a brother, they all think the Boyd, had nrrived thero on Monday, .1. B. French wore to have at- John Joo Spence, Wni. for hor, nnd offered words of world of Ralph officers and all. Dec. 23rd. Tho reason for tho tended, but on account of the Johnson, Homer Donaldson, comfort to tho Borrowing parents They've all been through ho Mr, who bowed Lieutenant coming directly home inability of Mr. French to ar- Ben Scott, Kenneth Scott, sat in grief before much that they'ro ju3t like one after landing lies in the fact thnt range his business affairs in time, and Mrs. F. R. Miller, Mefdnmes him. big family of brothers. You cer- people of tho Metropolis are giv- ho asked Mr. Frank Gurnoy to Scott, Wells and McCarty. He was followed by Rev. tainly have reason to be proud ing our returning boys a Yule-tid- e attend in his place, which Mr. Lowelling, who offered his spirit- of him and the way he has car- greeting they will never for- Gumey gladly did, and the two Evelyn French Entertains ual advice to the saddened rela- ried out his part In tho scrap. tives, and spoke words of highest get. Wo rejoice with tho rel- They are all bclhg equipped above named representatives Miss Evelyn French onter-tnine- d praise for tho departed Jovcd atives of the Lioutennnt in tho with now outfit to go hack m from Carrizozo were prominently Christmas night ut the one. After tho services thoso fact that ho lias reached the now and I think that you'll recognized in tho temporary home of her parents on Capitán ro present were allowed fo view American shore, nnd tho fact him in a couple of months and organization. Avonue, with a dancing party. the remains, after which the that we may soon seo him. myself a little later. After a very enthusiastic meet- Refreshments of punch and funeral procossion wended its Lovo to all, ing, the following committee re- cake were served, young and the way to the ccinetery, attended Will Visit the Home Folks From your son, ports wore rendered; folks enjoyed tliumsolves with by Ethel's former High School Mrs. Dr. Gilbert of Caldwell, George Barbel. We, the Committee on tem- games dancing to and their associalos, and friends of tho Idaho, and the ynungost daugh- porary organization and resolu- Beginning heart's content. family in gonernl. Ethel was ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed R. tions, beg leave to report as witll young the fol- Funeral of A. R. Tice tho hostess, roared in Cnrrizozo; she was Kelley, will pay a visit to tho follows: lowing wore in Last Saturday nt attendance: well known, und thorofore much tho homo folks, and will arrive afternoon ARTICLE t. This organiza-tio- n Ailecn Haley, Clnrito McQuillon, sometime now and 8 d'clock the Inst nnd rites wore FUN-STON-F- loved. As her ambitions hero between the shall be known as the f. Lillinn nnd Jennetto Johnson, Now Year. performed over tho remains of BLISS MILITARY were always for the best, her Mny Schaoiror, Herndon Roily, Mrs.