DIRECTORY. 17t FENSTANTON.. [HUNTS.] parish takes in a great portion of the fens, and a quantity commuted. Lord Say and 1Sele is lord of the manor. of arable land lately drained which was formerly part of There is a l!mall charity for the apprmtici11g of boys. Whittlesea mere. The land, the surface of which is com- Acreage, 3,794. Population, in 18ol, was 756. posed of black soil, is very good. The tithes have been rarcet. . Quincey Edward,' Black Swan' Bird Leonard, farmer & grazier Betham Rev. Charles Jepson, H.A. Rimes Elijah, bl'ltcher & grazier Bradford Ralph, farmer & grazier Chapman Thomas Healey Rimes Adam, shoemaker Bradford Bellamy, farmer TRADBRS. South well John, farmer Freeman William, carpenter Banister William,' Anchor,'&: grocer Spriggs Thos. carpenter & wheelwright I Goodliffe Thomas, farmer & grazier BirdRobert,farmer&grazier,Gazley hall ThompsonJo~eph, machinema.&farmer Little George, farmer & grazier Blyton William, grocer & linendraper Toon Matthew, farmer & butcher Maddison Thomas, farmer Breese Matthew, blacksmith Letters received by foot post, through Neele Caleb, farmer Elderkin Thomas, grocer & cow keeper , from Peterboro' at 11 a.m Letters received by foot post, through Key Thomas, blacksmith E'arcet E'en.- Stanground, from , & Moore J obn, corn t hrashiog machine ma TRADERs. lodged at Farcet till called for Osboro Anthony, beer retailer • Bird John, sen. farmer & grazier National t Endozced School, 1ohn Gordon Owencroft,'master;. Mrs. Henrietta Owencron, mistress :E'BNSTAHTON and B:I:LTON. are two Dissenting chapels, British schools for boys and FBNSTANTON, a parish in the Hundred of Toseland and girls, and a National school. The Rev. Lancelot Robert , 1! miles south from St. Ives, on the road Brown is lord of the manor. In the centre of tbe High from Huotiogdon to Cambridge, contained, in 1851, 1,070 street is an ancient clock, supposed to have been ~reeted inhabitants, and an area of 3,548 acres. The liviug is a in 1666. vicarage, in the gift of the Master and Feiiows f'f Trinity HILTON is 3~ miles south-west from St. Ives, adjoining Hall, Cambridge; the Rev. Stanley Waltou, M.A., is the the London road. The church is an ancient structure, incumbent. The church is dedicated to St. Peter's. Here with a llquare tower. renstanton. Hall William, 'Queen's Head' Smith William, farmer Bourdillon ReT. Thomas, :M.A. Hall William, coach builder Sneatb Robert, 'George 1 Brown Rev. Joseph Hall William, shoemaker Sparrow John, baker Coote Thomas, esq Hammond William, farmer Underwood Robert, tailar Cowliol{ Miss Mary Hardy James, grocer & draper Witherow Charles, grocer Emery George, esq Hardy Robert, miller Witherow Joseph, beer retailer Ford Mr. James Hardy William, machine maker Wright James, relieving overseer Hammond William, esq Harrison John, shopkeeper Wright Jane (Miss), ladies' school Okins Miss Harrison Sparrow, builder &e Bilton. TRADERS. Haskins Joseph, tailor GENTRY • .Aldous George, shopkeeper Hitch Wortbam, wheelwright Gibbons Rev. Robert, K.A. [curate} Aldous James, carpenter Hodson Elizabeth (Mrs.),shopkeeper Mayson Rev. Martin, K • .l. Allpress George, farmer Hodson William, brewer & cooper TRADERS. Allpress Robert, butcher & post office Hunt Charles,' White Swan' Allpress Sarall (.Mrs.), shopkeeper & Baker Moses, beer retailer Inskip George, farmer beer retailer Barney Wm. beer retailer& coal dealer Kidman George, miller Beck William, shoemaker Beck Miss, ladies' school KidmanJohn,farmf>r,malfstr.&cattledlr Bedford James, 'George,' & farmer Blench Phillip, shopkeeper Kirby Philip, hay dealer Bedford Richard, baker Blench Thomas, beer retailer Lambert Cornelius, farmer & baker Bull Mary (Mrs.), farmer Bloom William, White Horsecommer- Lambert Joseph, farmer & maltster Burbidge John, shoemaker cial inn, & Market house Lancaster Edwin, plumber &:c Clark J oseph, blacksmith & post office Brilten George, beer retailer Mann John, farmer, Manor fa.t"lll Edwards Cbristopl1er, farmer Bunting George, builder &c. &. poor Marsh Henry, harness maker Elliott John, shopkeeper & ~boemaker rate collector 1\ietcalf John, parish clerk - Fordham William, beer retailer Byson Jo;~epb, blacksmith Millard William, shoemaker Furniss Benjamin, butcher Cannon Francis, beer retailer Milton Joseph, flour dealer Hitch Smith, farmer Cannon Phillis (Mrs.), beer retailer Oakett Joseph, shoemaker Hurst William, builder Cattle William, blacksmith Orage Williaw, farmer James John Luke, farmer Chandler Thomas, farmer Read William, beer retailer Kid man William, farmer Coote John, farmer, maltster & brewer Rich Alien, 'Crorvn,' baker&. corn dlr Ridge Barzili, blacksmith Crane Thomas, baker Rolls John, heer retailer & cattle dealer Scoult.on Thomas, shopkeeper Cri;~well Thomas, farmer&cattle dealer Rose Jobn, shoemaker SheJton William, farmer & beer retailer Derry Thomas, beer retailer Saint John, shoeUiaker Tbeed William, farmer Ford William,'Woolpack' Samom Elizabeth (Mr~.), beer retailer Tbeed William Vipam, farmer Gadsby 1ohn, beer retailer Smith James, builder &c White John, farmer & baker PosT OPFICES.-Robert Allpress, postmaster, Fenstanton. PUBLIC ScHooLs:- Letters arrive by foot post from St. l\"es at 8 a.m.; are British, John MunnP, master; Hrs. Mary .Anrt Munns, dispatched at ! past 6 p.m mistress Joseph Clark, postmaster, Hilton. Letters arrive by foot National, James Williams, master; 1\Irs. Elizabeth Peters, post from St. Ives at 9 a.m.; are dispatched at l past mistress o p.m St. Ives Ga1 Work1, Edward Hinde, manager PLA.CBS OP WoRSHIP:- CA.RRIERs,-Pilsworth,frouaGodmanchestertoCambridge, Baptist Chapel, minieters various toes. & sat. returnir1g same day ; Rayner's ~an, t"rorn Particular Baptist Chapel ( CaltJinistic), ministers various H untingdon to Cambndge, wed. & sat. returning same day P:r.ETTON is a small parish, situate on the borders of Peterborough branch of the London and North Western, Northamptonshire, in the Hundred of Norman Cross Eastern Counties, and Syston and Peterborough railway and Union of Peterborough, about 1 mile asouth from the companies, and is bounded by the , which latter, on the road to Whittles<:a. The living is a rectory, divides the two counties, and is navio-able from Sutton in the diocese of Ely and gift of Earl Fitilwilliam. Tile 1Wash, 30 miles eastward, and weatward to Northampton. Rev. Christopher Carr is the rector. The church is a The area is 1,200 acres, and the population, in 1851, small but ancient structure, with a spire. This pari3h was 603. contains the important etations of the Northampton and Pletton. Cooke Mr. Frederick Ketcher lrir. Frederick, Sexton villas Carr Rev. Christopher [rector} French l\lr. Benjamin, Sexton villas Lavington l\lr. Henry Hugh Compton Mr". Letitia Hardy Mr. Robert Lawrance William, esq. Tower