United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,951,860 B2 Mehanna Et A1
US006951860B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,951,860 B2 Mehanna et a1. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 4, 2005 (54) CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS 5,132,106 A 7/1992 Tuloup et a1. ......... .. 514/223.5 5,134,139 A 7/1992 Kawai et a1. 514/211.07 Inventors: (Us); JinyungSI Mehanna, T_ Kim, Sudbury, Boston, MA 5,144,029 A 9/1992 AdamsWard et 618.1. a1. ............... .. 540/610 (Us) 5,198,433 A 3/1993 Palfreyman et a1. 514/217.11 5,276,026 A 1/1994 Barrrsh et a1. ....... .. 514/212.02 (73> Assignees Messeeheseees Cellege ef Phesmeey, 2:531:33 2 511333 81315152111111: 1:: iii/552:5 Bostons MA (Us) 5,360,809 A 11/1994 Axelsson 618.1. 514/338 _ _ _ _ _ 5,387,592 A 2/1995 Bradbury et a1. ......... .. 514/312 (*) Notlcel sublectto any dlsclalmer?heterm Ofthls 5,496,815 A 3/1996 OZeki et a1. .... .. 514/2242 patent is eXtended or adjusted under 35 5,514,693 A 5/1996 COZZl et a1. .... .. 514/341 U.S.C. 154(1)) by 183 days. 5,607,939 A 3/1997 Kato et a1. ................ .. 514/278 5,623,051 A 4/1997 Catterall et a1. .......... .. 530/324 (21) Appl. NO.Z 09/998,623 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Flled: Oct‘ 31’ 2001 Gialdi et al., Abstract to CA 56:4664g.* (65) Prior Publication Data McMurry, John, Editor of Second Edition, Organic Chem istry, 1984, pp. 742—746.* Us 200301156551“ Aug- 22, 2002 Protiva, et al. of CZ 105,590 of CA59:10010f, Nov.
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