Fishes of the Indian River Lagoon and Adjacent Waters, Florida
FISHES OF THE INDIAN RIVER LAGOON AND ADJACENT WATERS, FLORIDA by R. Grant Gilmore, Jr. Christopher J. Donohoe Douglas W. Cooke Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc. RR 1, Box 196 Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 and David J. Herrema Applied Biology, Inc. 641 DeKalb Industrial Way Decatur, Georgia 30033 Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc. Technical Report No. 41 September 1981 Funding was provided by the Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc. and Florida Power & Light Company, Miami, Florida FISHES OF THE INDIAN RIVER LAGOON AND ADJACENT WATERS, FLORIDA R. Grant Gilmore, Jr. Christopher Donohoe Dougl as Cooke Davi d Herrema INTRODUCTION It is the intent of this presentation to briefly describe regional fish habitats and to list the fishes associated with these habitats in the Indian River lagoon, its freshwater tributaries and the adjacent continental shelf to a depth of 200 m. A brief historical review of other regional ichthyological studies is also given. Data presented here revises the first regional description and checklist of fishes in east central Florida (Gilmore, 1977). The Indian River is a narrow estuarine lagoon system extending from Ponce de Leon Inlet in Vol usia County south to Jupiter Inlet in Palm Beach County (Fig. 1). It lies within the zone of overlap between two well known faunal regimes (i.e. the warm temperate Carolinian and the tropical Caribbean). To the north of the region, Hildebrand and Schroeder (1928), Fowler (1945), Struhsaker (1969), Dahlberg (1971), and others have made major icthyofaunal reviews of the coastal waters of the southeastern United States. McLane (1955) and Tagatz (1967) have made extensive surveys of the fishes of the St.
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