MAKING INSPIRED LEADERS New Approaches to Jewish Leadership Development

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MAKING INSPIRED LEADERS New Approaches to Jewish Leadership Development MAKING INSPIRED LEADERS New Approaches to Jewish Leadership Development BY ERICA BROWN Scholar-in-Residence and Deputy Managing Director for Education and Leadership, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington eadership courses so often fail short of practical leadership skills, it is time to take Ltheir goal. Although critics blame this on them further and deeper, into the psyche of a failure to communicate leadership skills the Jewish leader. It is time to examine texts adequately, I suggest it has more to do with from the Hebrew Bible and Talmud and ex­ a failure both to tap into a leader's source of plore the issue of inspiration: what inspired inspiration and translate it into a powerful biblical leaders to take on a mission or act on leadership tool. a calling. Then we have to look inward, and Today, the issue of inspiration is being every person in the room is invited to tap into taken seriously in general leadership litera­ his or her own sources of inspiration, to tell ture: We want to know what leaders deem the moving stories of his or her personal purposeful work, who they are, and what journey to leadership. makes their careers meaningful; what en­ The stories vary greatly. A veteran leader hances their personal interactions; and how might say that he became a synagogue pres­ they inspire others. From interviews with the ident because he heard his grandfather's conductor of the Paris Opera to the co- voice moving quietly within him, asking him founder of a civil rights organization, Harris to take care of the Jewish community after he Collingwood concluded in a recent Harvard dies. A young, first-time board member Business Review article that "leadership is might say that she felt moved by the power autobiographical. If I don't know your life of Jewish camping from her own adolescent story, I don't know a thing about you as a experiences and wanted to give her time and leader" (2001, p. 23). money to support a camp. A breast cancer During the Jewish Leadership Institute victim might share the empowerment that seminar sponsored by the Greater Washing­ running a marathon gave her, which inspired ton federation, we give leaders a chance to her to create a support group for Jewish tell their stories in a session on inspiration, women who have suffered cancer and sur­ vision, and mentoring. This class follows vived. Day school parents often share mov­ sessions on leadership models and board de­ ing movements in a child's education that velopment focusing on board responsibih­ created a sense of enhanced belonging to the ties, the ideal board composition, lay/profes­ school "family." sional relations, and fundraising. Later in the Every time 1 do this exercise with a class, course, we work on conflict and change man­ I feel deeply touched by the stories that peo­ agement, effective agenda setting for meet­ ple share and am sometimes moved to tears. ings, and succession planning. As in other I understand the power of these personal courses, participants read cutting-edge lead­ narratives and the importance of saying them ership books and articles from the worlds of and hearing them. Each time, I feel that business and education. But unlike many participants have given themselves a gift; courses on leadership, we do not stop there. they have reenergized their non-profit work Only after skill building does the art of lead­ by coming into touch with what brought ership training really begin. them there in the first place. For a few mo­ Once members of a class have gotten to ments, they transcend their organization's know each other better and covered some politics and conflicts and realize that they 63 Journal of Jewish Communal Service I 64 need to do this more often — and need to evaluation. Lewis' insights and recommen­ help others do this. dations are well articulated and will, no These leaders then have to take some doubt, stimulate important future discussions piece of this narrative and sculpt it into the about what leadership training should be in story of their organization. Inspiration is im­ the Jewish community. However, Lewis did portant not only in recharging our own bat­ not adequately discuss the issue of inspira­ teries but it is also critical in expanding the tion, and in discrediting Jewish literacy as membership of our organizations, retaining part of the training, he may have cut off one those who are burning out, and keeping ac­ of the few sources of inspiration that many tive members joined to an institution's core leadership programs currently utilize. values. The leadership expert, John Kotter, About 25 years ago, a professor of Jewish claims that leaders who fail to inspire will history, Melvin Urofsky (cited by Lewis), have difficulty creating and sustaining a vi­ did an evaluation of American Jewish lead­ sion for their institutions: "Achieving a vi­ ership and also neglected the subject of in­ sion requires motivating and inspiring — spiration. He profiled then-contemporary keeping people moving in the right direction, Jewish leaders and challenged them with this despite major obstacles to change by appeal­ perennial question: Why do we not have ing to basic but often untapped human needs, people leading the Jewish community today values and emotions" (1999, p. 54). who resemble the Jewish titans of the past? This is despite the fact that many Jewish Although much attention has been fo­ leaders were serving on multiple boards and cused on the development of Jewish leader­ in national capacities at younger ages than ship programs recently, very little research ever before. Broad experience and extended has been done on the importance of inspira­ time as leaders did not necessarily create tion as part of leadership training. In a recent better, more qualified leadership. issue of this journal, Hal Lewis (2004) chal­ Given this conundrum, Urofsky con­ lenged the creators of leadership programs cluded that problems with American Jewish on several important grounds, but barely leadership have more to do with Jewish or­ mentioned inspiration. He claimed that we ganizational structures than with individual use the term "leader" very loosely, often leaders. Our organizations that are hierarchi­ erroneously referring to someone who is ei­ cal and heavily bureaucratic have often sty­ ther a volunteer or has deep philanthropic mied individuals from making important and pockets but may have poor leadership skills. noticeable changes. In such a culture, leaders Leadership courses (often organized at sig­ need to be more effective managers: nificant expense) have sometimes been vehi­ cles for the teaching of Jewish literacy and The maturation of American Jewry has pro­ may not broach the subject of leadership at duced a situation which requires management all. Lewis contends that despite the impor­ and the talented men and women who head the tance of being Jewishly knowledgeable, lit­ agencies to perform their jobs well. Neverthe­ eracy alone is not "sufficient to guarantee less, there remains a gnawing feeling that this effective leadership." is not enough. American Jewry, if it is to After examining a host of leadership pro­ survive in a creative and dynamic fashion, grams and exploring their methods, Lewis must be more than a conglomerate of organi­ came to some painful but all-too-evident zational structures, loosely tied together by the conclusions: We need to be more selective, campaigns and a commitment to Israel.. .it we should not confuse leadership with liter­ needs to be led as well as managed to sur­ acy or volunteers with leaders, and we need mount the many problems besetting it (Urof­ to make participants in such programs more sky, 1981, pp. 416-417). reflective about their own leadership styles through protracted study, mentoring, and Urofsky's conclusions, though written de- FALL/WINTER 2005 Making Inspired Leaders I 65 cades ago, are still relevant, but neither Urof- membership (Cohen & Eisen, 2000),' inter­ sky's statistical analysis nor Lewis' study of marriage (Eishman, 2004), and a strong methods deals with the enduring questions of sense of personahsm (Liebman, 1999), why anyone chooses to be a leader today and which diminishes institutional affiliations how to produce inspired leaders. Leaders (Farber & Waxman, 1999). Current leader­ who are effective managers have to motivate ship training does not address these factors. others. How do they do it? Good leadership Strategic planning, succession planning, and relies on having solid answers to this ques­ conflict management may make current Jew­ ish institutions function better operationally, tion. but better leadership skill sets or knowing the history of Jewish leadership will not alone WHO ARE WE LEADING? fill our halls with new Jewish faces. No text­ book on board development, fundraising, or Today's Jewish community is experienc­ agenda setting contains a magic formula for ing a crisis of inspiration. While profession­ solving this generic malaise. It can only truly als and lay leaders are busy greasing the be solved by addressing issues of motivation wheels of organizational structures, hun­ and inspiration. In other words, why join? dreds of thousands of Jews are further re­ Leaders do not only manage followers; moved from institutional Judaism than ever they create followers. A crisis of inspiration before. Standing on the outside, such mar­ requires a different kind of leadership think­ ginally affiliated Jews see Jewish organiza­ ing; we need leaders who are warm and tions as largely interested in their wallets, not embracing, who know how to extend an in­ their hearts. They see Jewish leaders as the vitation, and who are in touch with the emo­ top of a hierarchy that is out of touch with tions of leadership. Although most leader­ their need for meaning.
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