Georgia Gazetteer, 1860
A Gazetteer of Georgia ; CONTAINING A PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION OF THE STATE; ITS Kesources, Counties, Towns, Tillages, AND WHATEVER 1S USUAL IN STATISTICAL WORKS. BY ADIEL SHERWOOD, nONOEAET MEM BEE OF THE GEO EG I A HISTOBICAL SOCIETY, AND CORRESPONDING 6ECEETAEY 0F THE HISTOEICAL SOCIETY OF ILLINOIS. FOURTH EDITION, BE VISED AND COBBKCTED. GEORGIA: Macon: S. BOYKIN Griffin : BRAWNER & PUTNAM. Atlanta : J. RICHARDS. 1860. Entered according to Act or CongreBS, in the year 1850, by ADIEL SHERWOOD, b tie Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of Georgia. ABBREVIATIONS. Ala. Alabama, Mt. Mountain. c. Greek or branch, N. C. North Carolina. cap. Capital or place of No. Number. public business. p. t. Post Town. p. place. Co. County. p. v. Post Village. Is. Island, r. River. m. Miles. S. C. South Carolina. M. Milledgeville. Ten. Tennessee. PREFACE. Since the 3d edition of the Gazetteer of Georgia was published, in 1837, some forty new counties have been organized, making the whole number 132. True, since that date Rev. George White* has issued two statistical works; but as great changes have been made, a new edition of the Gazetteer is demanded. The census of 1859 has not been included, because it was not complete at first, as published by the Comptroller General, in the hope that the enumeration of 1860 would be out in time for this work. The papers will print it as early as pos sible, and when desired can be pasted upon the inside cover of this book. The Railroad routes, with the distances from place to place on the rude maps, will be a great convenience to travellers, and furnish all the information necessary in the cars.
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