Biodiversity International Journal

Review Article Open Access Review and assessment of environmental impacts of ecological disasters on biodiversity in ,

Abstract Volume 3 Issue 2 - 2019 Anambra State of Nigeria as well as other neighboring States and most of the other Boniface CE Egboka, Elizabeth I Okoyeh African countries suffer from major ecological disasters that pose much negative Department of Geological Sciences & sub-Department of environmental effects on Biodiversity; that have also resulted in terminal changes Applied Geophysics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria on the lives of plant and animal species in the total environment as glaringly- mirrored from Geological and Environmental Sciences field and laboratory studies Correspondence: Boniface CE Egboka, Department of and research. Climate change that results through natural and anthropogenic activities Geological Sciences & Sub Department of Applied Geophysics, into high temperatures, heat waves, wind/sand/dust storms, excessive aridity, heavy Nnamdi Azikiwe University, , Anambra State, Nigeria, rainfall, flooding, soil and gully erosion and landslides; environmental pollution and Email contamination; desertification; deforestation and urbanization; hunger, poverty and disease; greed, ignorance, poor professional attitude, fraud and corruption are some Received: February 11, 2018 | Published: April 01, 2019 of the major environmentally-destructive factors that adversely-derail Biodiversity resources. Many varieties of plant and animal species and wildlife have been terminally-lost; by which all losses affecting parts of the Tropics of African countries are trending fast to an emerging regional biotic extinction within this Holocene (Recent) times. The present attitude by governments and people of all affected areas including Anambra State as a case example to Biodiversity losses is of a laissez-faire attitude and unscientific nature; officials do not seem to care. Also the public does not seem to care on the outcome. National governments, national and international aid agencies, institutional and corporate bodies, professionals and other individuals must change their attitude and acts to proffer better understanding to problems-solution and provide more moral and intellectual support and funding to experts and professionals for studies, research and effective local, national and regional control measures to check the massive terminal losses in Biodiversity in the environment.

Introduction Biodiversity deals with components of “Bio or Life” and “Diverse” or varieties of environmental elements that affect life positively or negatively. Biodiversity issues require holistic and broad-based study/problem-solutions approach through the use of integrated, multitechnique and multiobjective measures in handling arising issues or solving the problems. As one writes on Biodiversity from the background and experience of field observations over the years Geology and Environmental Sciences, one realizes that professionals from different fields of endeavor should be encouraged to be part of problem-solutions. Anambra State is one of the fastest growing States out of the 36No. States in Nigeria (Figure 1). Anambra State is thickly-populated and compact with diverse socioeconomic and industrial activities (Figure 2). The State has lost a great deal vis-a-vis Biodiversity as a result of diverse negative impacts of many ecological disasters that hazard the environment; as many of the wildlife in form of plants and animals have gone out of existence. The high population density and crowded nature of the population of the State as well as the Map of Nigeria showing population density of different states of the nature of human settlements within urban, semi/peri-urban and rural Figure 1 federation (Source: Wikipedia). communities tend to defy proper classification of Demographic nature of Anambra State. The situation has adversely-affected Biodiversity The term, Biodiversity, must be well-understood and fully- of human beings, animal and plant lives. Wildlife and highly-needed appreciated on a wider scale so that one can articulate issues properly in plants, fruits and vegetables for food and medicinal purposes are order to possibly-solve the arising environmental/ecological problems terminally-lost as critically-observed for many years. from its negative global and high-level effects. Meaning of Biodiversity

Submit Manuscript | Biodiversity Int J. 2019;3(2):53‒58. 53 © 2019 Egboka et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially. Copyright: Review and assessment of environmental impacts of ecological disasters on biodiversity in Anambra state, 54 Nigeria ©2019 Egboka et al. is a composite of ‘bio’ (life) and ‘diversity’, a state of being diverse through the area as a tributary of the River Niger (Figures 1 & Figure or having variety generally refers to the variety and variability of life 3). Water quality devaluation constitutes a major environmental and on Earth. Biodiversity measures variation at genetic level the species socioeconomic problem.1 and ecosystem level (UNEP). Terrestrial Biodiversity tends to be greater near the Equator which seems to be the result of warm climate high primary productivity. Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on Earth, and is richest in the Tropics. These tropical forest ecosystems cover less than 10 percent of earth’s surface and contain about 90 percent of the world’s species. There are latitudinal gradients in species diversity. Biodiversity generally tends to cluster in hotspots and has been increasing through time but will likely slow down in the future. Rapid environmental changes cause mass extinction. More than 99.9% of all species that ever lived on Earth, amounting to over five billion species are estimated to be extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth’s current species range from 10 to 14 million of which about 1.2m has been documented and over 86 percent have not been described. More recently, in May 2016, scientists reported that 1 trillion species are estimated to be on Earth currently with only one-thousandth of one percent described. Since life began on Earth major mass extinction shave led to large and sudden drops in Biodiversity. Growth in Biodiversity via the Cambrian explosion in the last 540m years marked a rapid growth during which the majority of multicellular Phyla first appeared. The next 400m years included repeated losses in Biodiversity classified as mass extinction events. In Carboniferous period, rainforest collapse led to a great loss of plant and animal life. The Permian-Triassic extinction event, 251m years ago, was the worst; vertebrate recovery took 30m years. The most recent Cretaceous-Palaeogene extinction that occurred 65m years ago resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs. The period since the emergence of humans has displayed an ongoing Biodiversity reduction named the Holocene or Recent extinction primarily caused by human impacts by habitat destruction. Figure 3 Drainage map of Anambra State (Source: Geohazards, Awka). The indigenous ethnic groups in Anambra State are the Igbo (98%) and a small population of Igala (2%). The stretch of more than 45km distance between the towns of Oba and Amorka contains numerous thickly populated villages and small towns, giving the area an estimated thick average density of 1,500–2,000 persons per sq. km. The State is rich in natural gas, crude oil, bauxite, lignite, quartz sands/ironstone and kaolinite for ceramics-making. It has an almost 100% rich arable lands of clayey soils inter-layered with silty and sandy materials with sometimes overlying red earth of lateritic soils. Anambra State is famous for its acidic soils of southeastern Nigeria with pH of about 5 that also occur in places as thick erodible layers of sandy soils sometimes as thick as 15-20m. Other economic resources include agro-based activities such as fisheries and farming. Anambra State is one of the thirty-six States of Nigeria with a thick population of over four million (4,182,032) people who are mainly of the hardworking, entrepreneurial and industrious Igbo ethnic group. The State is embedded in thick vegetation of Tropical Rainforest Belt. Figure 2 Map of Anambra State showing urban and Peri-Urban communities. Unfortunately over 80% of Rainforest Belt has been lost as result Impacts of demography, pedology, geography, geology of active deforestation, urbanization, floods, soil and gully erosion, landslides, other anthropogenic activities and adverse impacts of and hydrogeology climate change. Demography (population impacts), Pedology (soils effects), Geomorphologically, Anambra State has scarp slopes, rolling hills, Geography (surface features), Geology (rocky/subsurface soil/rock valleys and lowlands with patches of ancient forests dotted here and materials), Hydrogeology (water resources) etc. are fundamental there around ancient shrines as well as springs, lakes, streams and elements in Applied Sciences that drive the machineries and engines of rivers that cover parts of the landscape. The State is bounded in the Biodiversity changes; they are surface and subsurface features, human west by Delta State and ; Rivers State to the south; Enugu beings, soils, solid and soft rocks and water elements that convey State to the east; and Kogi State to the north. Major urban centres data or issues on Biodiversity with which it is studied, described and include Awka, State capital, Onitsha, Nnewi, Ekwulobia etc. There are learned. Anambra State of Nigeria has Anambra River which flows

Citation: Egboka BCE, Okoyeh EI. Review and assessment of environmental impacts of ecological disasters on biodiversity in Anambra state, Nigeria. Biodiversity Int J. 2019;3(2):53‒58. DOI: 10.15406/bij.2019.03.00127 Copyright: Review and assessment of environmental impacts of ecological disasters on biodiversity in Anambra state, 55 Nigeria ©2019 Egboka et al. peri/semi-urban and rural communities. The area is almost separated negative impacts/effects on environmental Biodiversity. Northern into halves by north-south trending hilly/upland of Awka-Ekwulobia- parts of the State have more of harsh climatic conditions of Guinea Umuchu-Orlu escarpment/ cuesta with the steep scarp slope trending Savannah type of environment with brush and shrubby vegetation to the east and gentle dip slope trending to the west. This Geology with thereby displacing the former rich green-virgin Rainforest Belt in its north-south trending major escarpment together with other smaller the area. This is the result of downward ingress of the Sahara desert/ ones control to a great extent the Hydrology and Hydrogeology of the Sahel climatic conditions owing to desertification phenomenon. There environment whereby springs, lakes, streams and rivers issue out from are two major seasons, namely, the rainy season (April to October) both sides/flanks of the slopes/flanks of the cuesta (Figure 3 & Figure and dry season (November to March). Average annual rainfall during 4). The escarpment has a crest that stands 350m above mean sea level the rainy season is about 2000mm with high humidity, frightening forming surface water groundwater divides.2 The State is overlain and thunderstorms and heavy flooding that usually occurs. During dry underlain by sandy Nanka Formation underlain by clayey Imo Shale.3 season, the temperature is high at about 29-320C; extreme aridity, stormy winds carrying dust storms emanate from the Sahel region. The pastoralist Hausa-Fulani who were displaced from northern harsh environment advance southward with families and livestock of cows, sheep, goats etc. to the southern States. In their movements, they encounter hostile indigenes whose farms and waters may be destroyed by livestock. Fights that may end in fatalities have been of regular outcome resulting in major and painful socioeconomic problems and losses of lives, property and farmlands of the people. The Federal and State governments and some individuals have been trying to tackle/ check the problems. Biodiversity changes in animal and forest elements and socioeconomic resources Anambra State is a good case example of a heavily-urbanizing third world environment or community with highly-aggressive agricultural, quasi-industrial and commercial activities practiced Statewide. Any proper evaluations and analyses of Biodiversity of the State must seriously-consider the natural changes and anthropogenic impacts of human beings within the Biospheric environment in terms of negative and positive changes that have severely-interfered with Nature over the years. Land space and other material features of the earth such as water, air/oxygen, soils, rocks etc. are fixed by nature while human population and its anthropogenic needs/activities have geometrically-changed and increased to outpace the needs and responses by nature. As a result of this geometrical outpacing growth in population and material needs by nature and man, human beings, animals, reptiles, fishes, birds, plant species in various shapes of micro, macro and mega sizes etc. have to struggle and sometimes Figure 4 Geologic map of Anambra State (Source: Geohazards, Awka). adversely-interfere with their natural environments in order to survive and thrive. They are forced to tenaciously-adapt-to-live or eventually- Below the ground surface and within the sedimentary sandy/clayey die-out. For an example, as a result of increase in population, more units are found huge and high-yielding water-bearing unconfined or lands, marshlands, wetlands and forests have been lost as they have watertable aquifers and confined aquifers. The major surface waters been cleared of vegetation for agriculture to plant more food to feed in the area are springs, lakes, streams while the Rivers are Anambra, more mouths for subsistence; build more houses for more homesteads; Obizi, Idemili, Ezu, Aghomili, Uchu etc. They emerge from huge construct more roads for movements and transportation etc. Massive groundwater aquifers beneath the escarpment and flow eastwards deforestation for timber-harvesting and firewood for energy is also into the Imo River or westwards into the River Niger; both water- rife; thereby decimating forest life and its longevity. In urbanizing, flows of which eventually empty southward through their deltas into peri-urban communities and commercial centres, industrial activities the Atlantic Ocean. Along the flow systems of these major rivers are are ongoing whereby solid and liquid wastes are heavily-generated. heavy deposits of sands due to upland soil and gully erosion that They are usually-carelessly-disposed off along roadsides or into dry are commercially-mined and sold for construction purposes. Much valleys or surface waters.4–7 There are many urbanizing towns and of the heavy loads of sand deposits are being dredged presently for communities where several infrastructure of roads, bridges, drainages, commercial purposes in the River Niger (Egboka and Okoyeh, 2016). telecommunication systems, water reservoirs, buildings, markets, These rivers transport these heavy loads of sediments over the years industries, schools, churches, hospitals, playgrounds etc. are being put to form huge source rock-materials for the sedimentary Formations up aggressively. As a result, virgin lands and forests including those of the Mono-Economy based oil-wealth of the petroleum and natural reserved for sacred shrines, cemeteries, bushes, marshes/swamps/ gas-rich Niger Delta of Nigeria. wetlands, lakes, springs etc are aggressively-cleared and destroyed. The impacts of climate change have also become quite obvious All these anthropogenic activities have adversely changed the in parts of Anambra State and environs with its severe concomitant Biodiversity of the total environment of Anambra State. The State’s atmosphere, ground surface, surface waters, soil materials, rocks,

Citation: Egboka BCE, Okoyeh EI. Review and assessment of environmental impacts of ecological disasters on biodiversity in Anambra state, Nigeria. Biodiversity Int J. 2019;3(2):53‒58. DOI: 10.15406/bij.2019.03.00127 Copyright: Review and assessment of environmental impacts of ecological disasters on biodiversity in Anambra state, 56 Nigeria ©2019 Egboka et al.

groundwater resources, humans, plant and animal species and lives area vary from areas of high hydraulic head to areas of low hydraulic struggle to survive the adverse climatic changes and conditions. head13 and display the rate and magnitude of gullying and destruction. Ecological impacts and disasters as well as severe Deprivation, poverty, hunger, insecurity, ignorance, fraud, climate changes corruption etc. are also factors that harshly-affect management of problems that affect environmental hazards and Biodiversity. As a There are so many ecological problems that engineer Biodiversity result of these socioeconomic ailments, people and governments are changes in Anambra State and its environs. Some are briefly- unable to positively and effectively-tackle the problems that cause highlighted below. Unfortunately governments and the people disaffection in life of biota for them to reach appreciable growth and (leadership and commoners) do not seem to care or understand the longevity in life. Flood disasters are annual events; ravages of soil and ensuing hazards to appreciate the ongoing vagaries of nature, their gully erosion and landslides are endemic all over Anambra State and continued anthropogenic and destructive implications. There is a beyond, causing loss of lives and destruction of houses and property clear display of ignorance or laissez-faire attitude in taking serious worth trillions of Naira (billions of dollars). These problems have actions to check or curtail consequent unavoidable destructions and changed the Biodiversity features of the entire landscape. Ignorance, possible extinction of various biotic/abiotic species that have been laissez-faire attitude and corruption are key factors that hazard control 0 ongoing annually. Very high temperatures that are 30-40 C, excessive programmes as project funds may be mismanaged or be frittered aridity, low humidity and unbearable heat waves are commonplace away. Some professionals are poorly-trained such that they fail to annually during the dry season. These negatively-affect vegetation, understand the intricate inter-relationships over issues of Biodiversity, farm crops, dry up shallow surface waters and watertable aquifer. As professional practices, ethics and environmental management. As a a result of impacts of climate change, temperatures have increased result of professional ineptitude, pride and ignorance, Biodiversity 0 over the years up by 2 C. Dust storms are regular during dry periods, management eventually-suffers irreparable losses. Sometimes, covering landmass and forming irritating dust deposits. Large-scale provided funds may be misused or misappropriated such that what is deforestation, bush burning and excessive farming even at wrong required is not done. Again, contract projects may not be brought in localities are carried out annually thereby destroying virgin grounds, close liaison to the attention and participation of communities that need bushes and forests. Desertification impacts are felt in Anambra State the projects. Such projects suffer failures and incur losses even before where parts of the former Rainforest Belt have been replaced by conception. Attendant public health issues and possible emergence of Guinea savannah scrubland. Deforestation and urbanization are most esoteric diseases from transported plants and animals from desertified active as many former rural communities of Obosi, Ogidi, Abagana, regions into Anambra State may also affect Biodiversity.18,19 Ifite-Ukpo, Atani, Ihiala, Aguleri, Agulu, Ekwulobia, Uga, Umuchu, Achina, Umunze, Igbo-Ukwu, Nnobi, Oba etc. are actively being Environmental impacts on biodiversity changes in deforested and urbanized widely. These communities are knowingly anambra state or unknowingly interfering with or destroying the much-cherished The following environmental major factors and impacts on ancient forests forever and rendering Biodiversity almost to nullity Biodiversity changes in Anambra State and beyond may be of the or extinction. Heavy and thunderous rainfall occurs for many essence: months during the rainy season. The rains usher-in heavy flooding that generate excessive sheet, rill, soil, channel and gully erosion, Deforestation has caused great losses in different sizes and landslides and massive transportation of sediments into valleys and varieties of ancient plants, trees, shrubs, grasses that are of micro-, surface waters. All these environmental hazards destroy and ravage macro- and mega-sizes and shapes. Gigantic trees like oji (iroko), uku the physical and Hydrogeologic environment.8–10 The massive soil etc. have all been almost-harvested for timber; and have disappeared and gully erosion also exacerbate the incidences of environmental forever. Smaller trees have been cut down for firewood and use as pollution and contamination of lands and water courses through sticks in farms. Bushes have been burned and cleared almost-annually sediment transport and deposition. They silt up marsh/wetlands and for planting in Agriculture, buildings-homes and other infrastructure. turn streams, lakes and rivers into brownish or reddish colours making them eutrophic. They poison lives of humans, aquatic animals and Some ancient forests, dedicated to gods-of-shrines of plants such that many plants and fishes ultimately die. These events Archaeological rating and declared sacred covens, usually situated thereby display major threats and actual happenings to existing at headwaters of lakes, springs or streams on sandy/sedimentary species of and growth in Biodiversity. A proper understanding of Formations have been destroyed. People are barred from hunting in the biotic and physical environment is important to monitor and such sacred forests or fishing from the waters such that the ecosystem possibly-ameliorate the various forms of environmental degradation was protected, preserved and remained stable. As a result, wildlife that destroy or change for worse its biotic life.11 Furthermore and was abundant while the flora and fauna thrived; but most of these have similarly, industries and commercial concerns recklessly-dispose of been destroyed and lost. their solid and liquid wastes on land or into nearby surface waters The preserved sacred shrine-forests protected the biota, springs, where they cause pollution and contamination and consequent losses streams, lakes or rivers from overland pollution and contamination 12–16 in aquatic lives. The major gullies which advance frontally at the from floods, gully erosion and sedimentation and saved the areas from rate of about 4 to 8m per year pull down trees and destroy bushes in destruction. Today after deforestation and other adverse anthropogenic ravaged areas and pushing them into gully-chasms where such trees activities in such areas there are upsurges of mass wasting, soil/gully 17 and branches eventually die. Heavy loads of sediments carried by erosion, severe landslides and major losses in Biodiversity. floods from gully sites are transported into lakes, streams and rivers where heavy siltation that pollute waters. The sediment-load smother Deforestation has resulted in losses in wildlife through absence of biotic flora and fauna such that these animal and plants biota wither habitats for big and small wild life of animals, reptiles, birds insects away and die. The concentrations of gully erosion and landslide in the etc. Native hunting for wildlife has become a mirage and non-existent

Citation: Egboka BCE, Okoyeh EI. Review and assessment of environmental impacts of ecological disasters on biodiversity in Anambra state, Nigeria. Biodiversity Int J. 2019;3(2):53‒58. DOI: 10.15406/bij.2019.03.00127 Copyright: Review and assessment of environmental impacts of ecological disasters on biodiversity in Anambra state, 57 Nigeria ©2019 Egboka et al. in Anambra State because of environmental destruction. Such animals seem to have become terminal in nature. This is as a result of being as nchi (grasscutter), uze (squirrel), enwe (monkey), agwo (snakes exacerbated by the result of anthropogenic activities and Sahara of many kinds) and varieties of birds etc. do not exist anymore. The desert encroachment southward of Nigeria through desertification. native hunters are pauperized and have been put out of business. The chaotic processes in the present Biodiversity changes might be tending to a major mass permanent deaths or extinction of the Deforestation has resulted in excessive loss of vegetation such that various biota (plants and animal species). Those rare wild animals many species of medicinal plants and vegetables-for-foods have been and plants that served diverse socioeconomic purposes have been lost lost permanently. in perpetuity and can hardly be reproduced of their kinds anymore. Forest resources in Anambra State and beyond have become very Desertification and climate change, exacerbated by anthropogenic scarce. People travel quite far away to buy timber materials for civil activities, are precipitating these terminal biotic-to-abiotic changes constructions at high costs. in Anambra state and beyond. These may result in a major wave of Biodiversity extinction period for various animal and plant species Desertification in northern parts of Nigeria has rapidly-spread for long period of Archaeological times. Parts of northern Nigeria to the southern States including Anambra State. The harsh Guinea have been turned into desertified Sahel Savannah while parts of savannah environment has displaced the former Rainforest Belt that southern Nigeria including Anambra State have been turned into adorned parts of north Anambra area. harsh Guinea Savannah both with concomitant near-desert climate The movement of herdsmen from the north downsouth with resulting in major losses in wildlife, plants and animals. At rate of their families, cows, goats, sheep etc. have adversely-affected the desertification movement southward, it is possible in future that Biodiversity of the State. Instead of keeping secured their herds of Guinea Savannah may be replaced later by Sahel Savannah resulting cattle in ranches, they are moved along into urban and rural roads, in more Biodiversity losses in Anambra State and beyond. across homes, streams and farms. They pass faecal matter into streams These suggestions and recommendations for control and on roads and damage them. They devour and destroy farm crops and pollute streams. These excesses in cattle-rearing activities cause measures may be considered quarrels and disagreements that result in injuries and fatalities with International Aid Agencies, Federal and State governments of indigenous communities who own the land, farms and streams that Nigeria, private aid agencies and individuals should enlarge and are being destroyed. broaden their present and laudable Greenbelt Vegetation projects being carried out in parts of northern Nigeria to stop, check or slow These negatively-severe impacts of deforestation, erosion and down the aggressive and southward movement of Sahara desert. pollution on Biodiversity such as sediment loading and absence Possible check on desertification would enable some plant and animal of forest-covers increase losses in residential and agricultural species as well as total environment to recover and survive. lands through floods, soil and gully erosion. They also increase and exacerbate incidences of poverty, hunger, disease, insecurity, Excessive deforestation for urbanization, agricultural practices, permanent losses in medicinal plants and herbs, food vegetables, harvesting of firewood and timber have been ongoing on a large scale destructions of animals, plants and water resources. all over Nigeria. This should be checked, controlled or stopped. The governments and people should massively-fund planting-up lands The most pathetic aspect is that these negative Biodiversity changes with vegetation of prime lands, open spaces etc. are of a permanent feature that is akin to possible major extinction of the period as the biotic life can be hardly-reversed. There is no Proper Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for identifying serious attempts or programmes by anybody or governments to try possible negative effects of development on Biodiversity during and reverse them. Most of the lands have been left barren where they initiation and execution of projects should be carried out always are not built up or where there are no ongoing agricultural practices. in order to put in place control programmes that should enforce ameliorating measures against any destructive changes on the There have been some efforts in northern States of Nigeria to environment and that should be taken appropriately. establish Greenbelt Vegetation to check the vicious advance of Sahara desert. This laudable project is yet to be of any success. Today, one When controlling destructive impacts of natural and anthropogenic sees ill-looking remnants of the famous Rainforest Belt of Tropical ecological disasters of climate change, floods, soil, gully erosion and West Africa and patches of vegetation around abandoned shrines or landslides as well as environmental pollution and contamination, headwaters of almost dried-up springs, streams and lakes dotting the control measures should also consider taking into account measures landscape. to take care of possible negative impacts on Biodiversity changes that may arise and nip such problems in the bud. Efforts are made to check One may conceptualize that a high estimate in magnitude of gullies but valuable actions are not taken to replant lost biota. damages and losses have been caused in Biodiversity changes in Anambra State vis-a-vis the micro and macro-biota in Anambra State Developed nations and aid agencies of the United Nations and total environment and beyond. It is clear that the same or comparative other world funding bodies should consider provisions of much magnitude of losses must have been suffered equally and equivalently needed funds to developing countries to support in tackling of their by micro- and mega-scopic plants and animals. environmental scourges of disasters to save mammoth loses in global Biodiversity. The holocene/recent biodiversity terminal-changes: suggestions and recommendations There is great need for international and national agencies to intensively-support and fund more studies and research on the impacts The Holocene or Recent time-period in the Geologic Time-Scale of ecological disasters/malaise on Biodiversity changes within the spans from the age of 10,000 years to the present time. The Holocene total environment; and encourage massive development of Greenbelt or Recent Biodiversity changes during this period in Anambra State Vegetation in all affected and threatened environments. and in other parts of Nigeria particularly in the northern States

Citation: Egboka BCE, Okoyeh EI. Review and assessment of environmental impacts of ecological disasters on biodiversity in Anambra state, Nigeria. Biodiversity Int J. 2019;3(2):53‒58. DOI: 10.15406/bij.2019.03.00127 Copyright: Review and assessment of environmental impacts of ecological disasters on biodiversity in Anambra state, 58 Nigeria ©2019 Egboka et al.

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Citation: Egboka BCE, Okoyeh EI. Review and assessment of environmental impacts of ecological disasters on biodiversity in Anambra state, Nigeria. Biodiversity Int J. 2019;3(2):53‒58. DOI: 10.15406/bij.2019.03.00127