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KILL THE A little prep work can make carnpfire cooking There's so much for teens to do this, summer (almost) gourmet filter -HOMETOWNUFE-,C:1 July 5,2007 75 cents WINNERS OF STATE AND NATIONAL AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE mmmmmmmMMMmmmmmmm www.hometownlife .com deplete school ran BY TONY BRUSCATO Township. exciting to see them grow and Middle School, retired after STAFF WRITER "I really had a hard time their families grow. That's 22 years; Peggy Brooks, prin- leaving," Kuhn said. "Farrand the best part of being in an cipal at Smith Elementary^ i£ Sitting on the porch of her has a wonderful parent com- elementary building." gone after 111/2 years; Jarie - ' Frankfort home overlooking munity, the kids are great and Plymouth-Canton Schools Van Steenis, Bird Elementary Lake Michigan, Ann Kuhn the staff is unbeatable, they lost more than 100 years of principal, served P-CCS for said she "cried more tears the are simply the best people on educational experience when nine years; and Martha Giles, , last week of school" than any- earth to work with. Kuhn and several of her col- the program director for Early time in recent memory. "The thing that was so excit- leagues retired at the end Childhood, served five years., . Kuhn, a former Canton resi- ing for me is that I spent six of the school year. Barbara . With 30 years in educa- dent, retired at the end of the years with a lot of those kids, Rodenberg, the assistant tion, 22 of them in Plymouth- BILi BRESLEfi | STAFFPHOTOGRAPHER school yea]- w|th aU 1? years and sometimes more with superintendent of instruc- Canton, Franklin has taught Bird Elementary Principal Jane Van Steenis was among a group of retirees in Plymouth-Canton Schools their families," she added. tional services, left with 24 at every level. However, she who took more than 100 years of experience from the Plymouth-Canton as principal of Farrand "I helped some of those kids years in the district; Ellison schools with them. Elementary in Plymouth when they were babies. It's Franklin, principal at West Please see DISTRICT, A4 DDA concert series to jazz up Ford Road gearing up BY TIFFANY I. PARKS STAFF WRITER Potter madness When the Back in The Day Band becomes an international house- BY TIFFANY I. PARKS The seventh edition of the' hold name, Kathleen Salla wants STAFF WRITER collection, Harry Potter and .. Canton residents to be able say the Deathly Hallows, will/go they've been longtime fans of the Right up there with on sale for $37-05 at 12:01 a.m. group and that they saw them per- President Kennedy's assassina- Those that attend are encour- form live during the 2007 Canton tion, the Challenger explosion aged to dress as their favorite Color Tour. and O.J. Simpson's Bronco Harry Potter character. Books Returning for a second year, the chase will be "Where were you are guaranteed for people that jazz series partners the Downtown when the Deathly Hallows was purchase in advance. Development Authority, Chamber released?" Nicole Jackson of As The of Commerce and Leisure Services OK, maybe it won't be as Page Turns said she's geared with the FM radio station, Smooth widespread as knowing exactly up for the midnight rush., ,.v Jazz V98.7. where you were when the Twin "We are going to be a part of "The series features excellent Towers fell, but legions of history," she said, adding that music from emerging artists," said giddy Harry Potter fans will some fans have theorized that Salla, DDA director. "Smooth Jazz be lined up across the globe at Harry will be killed in this doesn't bring out anything but midnight July 21 in order to book, while others believe that quality." be among the first to clutch a this isn't the end of the series. The Auburn Hills-based Back in copy of the much-anticipated "People are pretty evenly split. The Day Band is fronted by former book between their palms. Some people think she'll come Detroit Lions player Larry Lee. The "Harry Potter is a big deal back with another book in nine-piece band is scheduled to out there," said Sean Fletcher, five years or will create a new perform during the series. Canton L-eisure Services recre- adventure." The free shows are slated for ation and facilities supervisor. In addition to the release Friday nights at 7 p.m. and, with Fletcher said the township event at the theater, The Book the exception of the last show, take is hoping to capitalize on the Cellar in Plymouth is also get- frenzy surrounding the final ting in on the Harry Potter book in J.K. Rowling's famed madness. Please see FORD, A2 series by partnering with As The store, located at 840 W. The Page Turns Bookstore to Ann Arbor Trail, will be open offer a release event at The at midnight July 21 and will Village Theater at Cherry Hill. offer the book for 20 percent For $10, series followers can off at the door. Pre-ordered The Canton Color Tour jazz series is LAWRENCE MCKEE | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER books will get a 25-percent back for the second year. The series, attend a showing of Harry Organizers of a Harry Potter book release party on Juiy 20 at the Village Theater are encouraging people Potter and the Goblet of Fire at which is a partnership between to come dressed as their favorite Harry Potter character. 9:30 p.m. July 20. Please see POTTER, A2 Canton, the Downtown Development Authority and FM radio station, Smooth Jazz V98.7, will run Friday nights throughout the summer. All shows begin at 7 p.m. The schedule is as follows: Slavens sworn in as 3rd Circuit judge » The Kimmie Home Show, July 13 at Home Depot Former Plymouth-Canton school Marilyn J. Kelly. Former Supreme "Thafwas very nice," Slavens said of BLaSheli Griffin, July 20at IKEA board President Mark Slavens of Court justice and mayor of Detroit, his father's invocation. "It was a very H Larry Lee & Back in The Day Band, Canton began the month of June Dennis Archer, spoke of Slavens' char- emotional moment for me when he got July 27 at b.d.'s Mongolian BBO garbed in a graduation cap and gown acter and aptitude for the court, to do that. I thought he did a very nice • The Herble Russ Band, Aug. 3 at as he proudly handed a diploma to his "It was very humbling to think I was job." Harvard Square son, Patrick, and other graduates of going to get to serve the citizens of the Plymouth-Canton Supt. James Ryan Plymouth High School. county of Wayne, but it was also very talked about Slavens' dedication to the • Randy Scott, Aug. 10 at Canton Slavens ended the month in a differ- exciting," Slavens said. "Once the pro- students of the district and his pursuit Corners ent robe, at his own investiture cere- ceedings got going, I felt almost elec- of more equitable school funding. • John E. Lawrence and Friends, mony as his family helped him don the trified. Having people like (Kelly and Many other members of the judiciary Aug. 17 at Kohl's robe of a judge after he was sworn in as Archer) saying nice things about you, it were present, including Judge Michael Mark Slavens, with his wife Dian at • Entertainment for the Aug. 24 con- a justice of the 3rd Circuit Court. was a pretty exciting day." Gerou of the 35th District Court in his side, places his hand on the Bible Many friends, his family and elected Slavens' father, the Rev. Tom Slavens, Plymouth. as he is sworn in as Judge of the 3rd cert at Willow Creek Center and for the : final concert on Sept. 7 at The Village officials gathered June 29 at the delivered the invocation and his min- Slavens will officiate in the Juvenile Circuit Court by Chief Justice Marilyn Coleman Young Municipal Building ister, the Rev. Bryan Smith of Geneva Court Division of the Circuit Court. Kelly, Judge Michael Gerou, of the Theater at Cherry Hill have yet to be in Detroit to see Slavens take the oath Presbyterian Church in Canton, gave 35th District Court in Plymouth; announced. of office from Supreme Court Justice the benediction. - listens in the background. '; D The Observer & Eccentric For Home Newspapers APARTMENTS B7 in Health Delivery call: AUTOMOTIVE B10 Volume 33 CLASSIFIED B5-C4 (866) 887-2737 Number 2 CROSSWORD PUZZLE B5 HOMETOWNUFE D1 Joss B8 MOVIE GUIDE E14 If! OBITUARIES A12 OPINION A8 PINK \\% REAL ESTATE B5 B1 A2 Observer S Eccentric | Thursday, July 5,2007 LOCAL NEWS Correction Lower Rouge River in Canton. with 11 taxa identified. Twice a year, teams of vol- To learn what you can do to Livonia Churchill sophomore unteers visit sites throughout help keep the township's water catcher Tyler Bledsoe, a first-team the Rouge River watershed resources clean, visit www. All-Observer pick in baseball, was and search for benthic macro- inadvertently omitted from the invertebrates (aquatic insects). asp. write-up in Sunday's edition (July 1) The presence or absence of To read a complete copy of of the 2007 Spring Sports All-Area these streambed creatures the Spring Bug Hunt report Teams. Bledsoe batted .337 for the reflects the quality of the visit, and Division 1 district champion Chargers. water and habitat. Each site is look under Programs/ Public "Tyler was a fixture in our lineup in given a quality score which is Involvement/ Volunteer the three and four spot the entire determined by weighing each Benthic Monitoring.