King Death Anniversary Marked in Red Bank SEE STORY BELOW

Fair, Pleasant FINAL Sunny and pleasant. today. THEDAUI Clear and mild tonight. Sun- Red Bonk, Freehold ny, pleasant tomorrow. Long Branch EDITION (Seo Detalli. Pag. 81 I 7 Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO.- 199 RED BANK, N.J., MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1969 22 PAGES 10 CENTS

Wayside Methodists Share Service With Victims ^ Reevytown Church Fire Seen 'Definite' Arson NEW. SHREWSBURY \- early Saturday by a blaze room. He said remnants of He said a five-hour search torium, spewing flames into The all-Mack congregation bi Borough Fire Marshall Walter several candles have been of the ruins by him and Mon- the choir room and the pulpit the burned-out Reevytown B. Cobb Jr. said had been found. mouth County Fire Marshall area. A.M.E. Zion Church joined in "definitely set" by someone He said entry to the Leonard Mack yesterday and Easter worship with the all- who broke into the building building was gained by break-1 Saturday "turned up some in- The walls and ceilings in white congregation of the through a window. The tiny ing a window in a corner of teresting leads." The two the auditorium, kitchen and Wayside Methodist Church, congregation was invited to the church shielded from men will continue their inves- lavatories, either burned out Ocean Township, yesterday share the Easter services in WyckoffRoad. tigation tomorrow. or blistered by the intense morning and took "renewed the Wayside church. Traces of blood found at the The fire got started in the heat, will have to be torn out courage from our good pris- Fire Marshall Cobb said the window area indicate the ar- meeting room-dining room in and replaced, and so will all tian neighbors," the Rev. fire was set by church can- sonist — or one of the arson- the center of the building, Mr. the electrical wiring, Mr. Charles Lee demons, pastor dles, lighted and left to burn ists if there were more than Cobb said, and the pressure Cobb said. The heat cracked of the Reevytown church said. on pew cushions and on tables one — was injured climbing and heat which built up almost every pane of glass in The interior of the Reevy- in the combination board through the window, Mr. Cobb melted a folding door separate the building. town church was wrecked meeting room and dining said. ing that room from the audi- (See AESON, Pg. 2, Col. 6) Ruled Out

Viet Military Victory FIRE'S TOLL — The Rev. Charles Lee demons, pastor of the Reevytown A.M.E. Zion Church, New Shrewsbury, shows Walter B. Cobb Jr., borough fire marshal, WASHINGTON (AP) -Two egy in /building up the Amer- by the White House on mili- fect" of American bombing of "Conditions may have been 100-year-old Bible charred by fire which wrecked interior of 85-year-old church the North probably induced former U.S. commanders in ican effort from 1964 until tary operations against Viet sufficiently serious to have early Saturday. Mr. Cobb says the fire was "definitely set." the Vietnam war say Amer- last year was generally suc- Cong and North Vietnamese Hanoi to seek relief by agree- induced North Vietnam to use ican escalation of the fighting cessful and ended any chance sanctuaries in neighboring ing to the negotiations now the tactics of 'negotiation' to (Register Staff Photo) was essential in preventing of an enemy victory. Lags, Cambodia and North under way in Paris. gain a period, of relief in the fall of South Vietnam, but Westmoreland, who ran the Vietnam "made it impossible "The cumulative effects "oj order to rectify its more White House restraints ruled U.S. war effort in Vietnam to destroy the enemy's forces air operations and the de- pressing problems, and to re- out a traditional military until he became Army chief in a traditional or classic mands of the war in South bvigorate support of the war jfn Close-Quarter Fighting victory, of staff last June, said with- sense." • • Vietnam resulted in unprece- in South Vietnam." dented stresses and strains on In their 347-page "Re- out the buildup of American Sharp, who. as U.S. com- Curbs Hurt port on the War. in .Viet- troops in 1965 he doubts the mander in the Pacific the North Vietnamese econ- nam," published today by South Vietnamese could have planned the air war against omy, production and distribu- Although calling the bomb", the Pentagon, Gen. William held out for more than six North Vietnam until his re- tion systems the life of the ing "the most precise in his- people and the politic*! con- tory," Sharp Implied the N. Viets Kill 14 GIs C. Westmoreland and Adm. months. -•'• tirement last August, for his U.S.G. Sharp said their strat- But, he wrote, restrictions part said the "profound ef- trol apparatus," Sharp %ote. raids could have been even SAIGON (AP) — North Airborne Brigade, defending lasting 2'/a hours, was in the more effective were it not for Vietnamese infantry- the southern approaches to Viet Cong's War Zone C restrictions irriposed by men slashed into^two groups the provincial capital of Bao stronghold in northern Tay Washington for nonmili- j>f US. troops last night, Loc. Ninh province along the Mark Anniversary of Death tary reasons. killing 14 Americans and As the mortars pinned down Cambodian border, where "From a military stand- wounding 28 in close - quarter the defenders, North Vietnam- thousands of American air , both ah* and naval pro- fighting. Only three enemy ese infantrymen drove to the cavalrymen are pursuing grams were inhibited by re- were known dead. barbed wire perimeter of the -troops of- the North Vietnam- strictions growing out of the Fighting generally"- ap- camp, hurling hand grenades ese 1st and 7th Divisions. limited nature of our conduct peared to be at the lowest lev- and firing machine guns and Troops of the 1st Air Caval- King Rites Held in Park ry Division sweeping 65 miles of the war," he said. el since the enemy's spring rifles. » by DORIS KULMAN service to the Rev. Dr. Mar- sorrow, 100 persons came yes- heard clergymen eulogize the offensive began six weeks The paratroopers fought northwest of Saigon late yes- Sharp also stated that "ad- ago. back and called in helicopter terday came under withering RED BANK - It was, al- tin Luther King Jr., four days terday to pay tribute to the slain civil rights leader and ditional operational lati- most, like that Sunday one dead. apostle of non-violence on the exhort all Americans to the Eleven Americans were gunships and troop reinforce- small arms and machine-gun non-violent direct, action the tude ... would have enabled killed and 13 were wounded ments, who succeeded in driv- fire that killed three Ameri- year ago, when more than Almost. first anniversary of his vio- cans and wounded 15. The 2,000 persons/wrapped in a In the . sun-drenched park lent death. Rev. Dr. King preached and the execution of campaigns in one fight, about 100 miles ing off the attackers after a practiced. Like those thou- against North Vietnam which northeast of Saigon. 2'/rhour battle. North Viet- enemy withdrew under heavy common grief, gathered in where last April 8 thousands Like those thousands of bombardment by warplanes Marine Park for a memorial gathered in an outpouring of mourners a year ago, they sands a year ago, the 100 would have brought about a Mortars slammed into a namese casualties were not blacks and whites yesterday more rapid deterioration of night bivouac of American known, spokesmen said. and artillery,' leaving only t joined in the singing of "We (See SUPPORT, Pg. 3, Col. 3) paratroopers from the 173rd The other engagement, also three bodies. Shall Overcome," the hymn of the early days of the civil rights movement Dr. King led. Color Switch Leads to Victory They came, yesterday as last April, the women in then- Easter Parade fashions, the young children, proud in their new "best" clothes, the. teenagers with long, tousled In Asbury's Big Easter Parade hair and blue jeans. And yes- terday, as a year ago, the By NANCY HUTCHINS firm, selected her outfit at decided on the color." She the boardwalk today. Just service was punctuated by ASBURY PARK - For the Middletown Shopping Cen- completed her outfit with a wait until my Mother sees the voices of the tots, black those who think Easter colors ter. Her decision to use tur- turquoise satin turban - style these!" "These" were the and white, playing together on should be the pastels of sea- quoise as the color compan- hat, a turquoise print scarf awards the winner receives, the park's swings and slides. sons past, the cliocolate ion, to her brown suit, shoes, at the neck, and her old the Gov. Richard J. Hughes brown ensemble of the win- gloves and handbag, was bracelet on her arm. trophy and the City of As- Gratified ner of the 34th Annual As- something of an accident. The oldest of four children, bury Park award. Mrs. Aggie L. Dixon, chair- bury Park . Easter Fashion "I came across an old tur- she was eager to get home Although her color choice man of the service which was Promenade may be a disap- quoise bracelet," she ex- to her parents, two sisters, was a departure from winners sponsored by the Red Bank pointment. plained, "and it looked so and brother. "I just thought of other years, Miss Borsel- Area Concerned Citizens, said But for the six judges in pretty with the brown that I it would be fun to walk on lino was joined by most of that although they had hoped the annual event, the classic the contenders in many style for a larger attendance, she styling and clever color co- elements. Her hemline, like was gratified by the number ordination shown in the out- most of the 50 women select- WITH LOVE AND SORROW — Mrs. John Dixon, 21 Carmen Place, Red Bank, who did come. It was Easter fit of the winner, Miss Linda (See COLOR, Pg. 2, Col. 3) chairman of the memorial service for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King held in Ma- Sunday, she pointed out "and Borsellino, 50 Lone Oak Road, rine Park yesterday, pauses before the floral tribute to his memory. Sharing many people have family Middletown, was an unbeat- their mother's moment of silent contemplation are Louis, 6, left, John Jr., 10, and commitments and couldn't be able combination. Biafrans here." [Register Staff Photo) Miss Borsellino, a 19-year- two-year-old Dolores. (See KING, Pg. 3, Col. 3) old secretary for a New York Said Fleeing Umuahia Thousands Join in Easter LAGOS, Nigera (AP) - Bi- The Inside Story afrans are fleeing Umuahia to escape a federal offensive Fashions steal the show ; Z .«. -....Page 8 aimed at the secessionist Holy Saturday brides ...Page 9 Vietnam War Protests headquarters and last major By ASSOCIATED PRESS installation ended in a clash barded with stones and bot- town, the Nigerian command Presidential pitch starts centennial Page 14 said today. Knlcks down, Rangers out : Page 14 Tens of thousands of per- that Injured 13 military po- tles. sons joined Easter weekend licemen. Several West Coast military A high military spokesman Mater Del, CBA diamond previews Page 14 protests against the Vietnam Seven MPs were treated for bases scheduled extra duty said the information came Trout stay away on opening day ...... Page 15_ eye injuries after being over the weekend during the from Col. Mohamed Shuwa, hours of the demonstrations. commander of the 1st Divi- AUcn-Goldsmlth 6 Sylvia Porter ....: 6 More lhan 50,000 gathered sprayed with an unidentified in New York's Central Park liquid. Three others suffered More than 10,000 persons sion that the Nigerians claim Amusements 10 Sports 14-15 has overrun Ozu Okoll, a rail- Successful Investing 12 Saturday in an orderly protest chemical skin burns and three marched through Chicago Sat- Astro Guide 21 that set the tone for parades more were cut by thrown bot- urday in a peaceful protest. way town eight miles north Surf, Field, Stream 15 1 tles. Police held three dem- Strong winds blew away their of Umuahia. The secessionist Births 2 Television „. 10 and rallies in other cities. The capital is only a mile out of protests were organized by onstrators. signs and there was scattered Jim Bishop fi Women's News 8-9 heckling. range of the 105mm howitzer*! Bridge * 21 the National Action Coalition, The parade, which included used by the Nigerians, tho Classified J6-20 DAILY REGISTER made up of 12 antiwar groups. some out-of-uniform service- About 3.500 people gathered spokesman said. Comics 21 PHONE NUMBERS The only violent incident men, moved from the Civic In Ijfls Angeles Sunday for an Crossword Puzzle 21 Mnln Office _...7410O10 came Sunday in Kan Francis- Center to tlw Presidio without antiwar rally. A brief scuffle Mary, Mary Home Delivery 741-0010 co, where a peaceful parade between tw.o antiwar groups Quilt" contrary, How does Editorials : « incident. ended with 12 fist-fiRhtorsfall- Hcrblock •> 'Mlddlclown Bureau .671-2250 of 10,000 to the Presidio Army Seek Entry THE WINNER — Miss Linda Borsollino, 19, of Middlo- your garden grow? Win our Jnmcs Kllpntrlck fi Freehold Bureau .452-2121 Big Doings The clash began when scv- _(r" .... town, hrlds fho winnorVtrophy aftor boing awardo

Main Office: 105 CHeitnit St., Red Kuk, M. I. 01701 Breach Office!: 171 Rt. 31, Mlddletawn. V. J. 31 KMt Main SI.. FraeboM, N. 1, 171 Broetdwaiy, Um Brawn. N. jr. EatabUahtd In 1878 by John H. Cook MI4 Henry Claj rubUiand by mi B«d Bunk Be»lil«t Incorporated Member of (he jtMocltted Trent — The Auoclited PreM U entitled NOT RECTANGULAR! exclusively to the use for republlcaJlon of all the local news prlntefl In this newspaper at well u all AP newa dUD&tchei. Beconii clua poMue peUd at Red Bark, N, J. 07701 and at additional milHtiE orrlcta. Publish*! dally. Monday through Friday. 1 month—13.75 6 monthe—»ll.on S months-47 So 12 months—127.00 Bubierlntlon Frlcea In Advance Home Dallverv hy Carrier — single oopy at oountir, 10 oenta; by Carrier CO Cente Per Week. last-Minute INCOME TAX RETURNS FILED TILL DEADLINE A GAUGE OF GREATNESS INCOME Dwight D. Eisenhower once devised his own scale for measuring the greatness of groat men. Nmv lliis sonic is made public for the first time in a new book, "Eisenhower: A1(Gaugc of Greatness," by two-time TAX Pulitzer pr'nc winner Rclman Morin. Morin's big, well illustrated, handsome volume not only "CHAKGtll" SERVICE discloses much new information about the.war time general Good news for last minute income tax filers! SAMPLE FINANCE CHART ;md peace time president, but it measures Eisenhower on his Ward's Tax Sctvice offices at all Montgomery AMOUNT TO DE FINANCED PER MONTHLY PAYMENTS Completely Installed own gauge. * lor your copy of this important new biograpliy, send $3 at Ward stores will be open during store hours from $ M once to the address indicated in the coupon. now till closing time, Tuesday, April 15th. 60- 12. CHECK THESE FEATURES Ward Tax Specialists will prepare returns * Maintenance Free right up tojjic deadline in order to accommodate 48 *An1hr ,mt f ,„„C|)p|i U * 24'x24',«" „„ everyone! lwim •«" ""»» *«r Back W.,1, * 6'25- p q p A Gaugi of Grtatntti • No Appointment Necessary • 1-Trip Service * One Piece Pool Will The Daily Register, Rid Bank • Private Interviews • Trained Personnel $ 24 * Vin,. CM 5...t, Fence *20Caut.Vta)rlUr«r Box H • Use Your Ward Charge-All 24- 25. * Chemld SUrtir Kit 500 •Dow not ctanou pool p.t(. Pauqbkicplle, N.I. 12*0) GUARANTEE- HOME- Encloied li S ter —— cepltt of tki ljM«k*wir bask. Wi piarsntie accurate priparallon ol everj lax return. II we mike any inors thai cost you any penally or Interest, wt will pay the pan- OWNERS CA1L TODAY alt; or Interest. Nome ONLY ROBBINSVILLE, N. J. PUaie hovo vour repreiantntfvej Street PUKES START AT ONLY $5.00! Call Today FREE SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE contact til with mere detail*. Call Collec; Operators On Duty 24 Hours <• 7 Days A Week ! NAME City, Zone and State Monmouth CALL TODAY CALL NOW I Shopping Center lot Jtu U)«JU. Eorontown Circle & EVERY DAY 10 A.M. till *;30 f.M. OPERATORS ON DUTY 7 DAY! A 741-4343 247-4443 j *** STATE Mriko thecks payable to The Anocij+ed Pre-u WEEVEBK - ??<< MRS. I PHONE THE DAILY REGISTER, Monday, April 7, ]%9—5 S. Vietnam9 s Most Powerful Party: Liberation Front By GEORGE McARTHUK announcement that alter 17 talks under way and talk in months ago. More recently, a sible and working through his These include men identi- posts in Thieu's administra- The most prominent anti- SAIGON (AP) - By the . months in office he, too, in- the air of a withdrawal • how- distraught official moaned: respected premier, Tran Van fied with the late President tion. In the topsy - turvy of Pinmists are the two generals questionable estimates of Sai- tended to form his own politi- ever gradual — of American "The big problem Is the Huong. South Vietnam's politics, al- most directly responsible for gon's coffee shop gossips, cal party. troops, the political climate same. Every Vietnamese Ngo Dinh Diem and those who most all the old Diemists have his downfall — Tran Van Don" there are some 80 political Thieu's approach thus far 'No Timetable' has changed. thinks he is the navel of the has evidently been a behind- ousted him. been "rehabilitated," adopt-. and Duong Van "Big" Minn, parties in South Vietnam. "I have no timetable," the "In the next two or three world." ing the line that D.iem's fam- the leader of the coup who " Some are three-man outfits the-scenes effort to win at Supporters of Diem, identi- cautious ex.- general stated. months we will be in bad This is the problem thieu ily was the villain but that was later exiled to Bangkok with a borrowed mimeograph .least nominal allegiance from fied loosely as members of the "But in Vietnam timing is trouble if we don't get togeth- is attacking, talking with as the leaders of the old - line their own hearts were in the but permitted to return last machine. Some are so secret' Catholic-dominated Can Lao most important, and we do er," said a former opponent many political leaders as pos- political formations. movement, hold important right place. year. the members are uncertain not have too much time." of Thieu who is now falling What they belong to. The statement was over- into line. Only a handful are orga- shadowed by his simultane- Ky Urges Unity nized in any formal way. Most ous announcement that his Even the president's long- at least pay lip service to the government was ready for time political rival, Vice Pres- Puttingyou first, keeps us first need for unity to fight Com- face-to-face private talks with ident Nguyen Cao Ky, is munists, but the most power- the National Liberation Front. preaching unity. ful single party is the Viet In fact, aides admit, Thieu "At the very least," one Cong's National Liberation knows that Vietnam's shaky Thieu associate'said, "we've Front, It is devoted purely political structure must be got to get this thing down to and simply to eating the oth- strongly shored up if Saigon's two or three recognizable par- ers up. representatives hope to nego- ties or groups." President Nguyen Van tiate successfully with the Whether this will come to Thieu said recently that the NLF. He admitted as much pass is questioned, however, conduct of Saigon's politi- himself two years ago when by even the most wishful cians had been something'of he said that talking to the thinkers. a disappointment to him. This NLF was virtually tanta- •"The nation is hopelessly was the 46 • year-old presi- mount to surrender. fragmented,'', elder statesman dent's preface to the low-key •* Now, however, with peace Phan Khac Suu remarked 18 Religious Campuses Stir By GEORGE W. CORNELL for1 the student concern, the the Second Sex," contend- NEW YORK (AP) - Fric- college president, the Very ing that a male - dominated tion is running high today in Rev. Seavey Joyce, has stuck church has traditionally re- several sectors of the reli- to the. decision, with the stricted women to a second- gious academic scene as a backing of the academic sen- ary place in it. result of personnel shakeups, ate, and declined to make stirring sparks among stu- "Some of the ideas she ex- public the reasons for it. pressed were considered pret- dents, administrations and Says She Was Fired ty radical by the theology professors. Says Dr. Daly: "I can only faculty," said Charles Barry, Facultvoustere, in some conclude that the Jesuits here editor of the campus news- cases, have touched off stu- don't like my ideas and want paper. He said the under- dent protests and calls for only one point of view ex- graduate congress was now outside inquiries. pressed. So they've proceed- working to achieve a greater At Jesuit-run Boston Col- ed to eliminate the opposition. voice in faculty tenure and lege, about 2,500 students What they did, in effect, was promotion procedures. signed a petition challenging to fire me. Diversity of opin- the administration's action ion is not appreciated around Sees Censorship . denying tenure to a noted here." In Arkadelphia, Ark., the Catholic theologian, Dr. Mary The holder of seven president of Ouachita Baptist Daly, and several other fac- degrees, including three doc- University, Dr, • Ralph A. ulty members. torates in religion, philosophy Phelps, resigned after head- Students also staged a mass and theology, Dr. Daly last ing the institution for 16 protest march. year authored a controver- years, claiming an "ul- Although voicing respect sial book, "The Church and traconservative group" in the state Baptist convention in- CENTENNIAL sisted on curbing academic freedom,, open inquiry and Foreground: Camato SS Convertible. Background Left: Impala Custom Coupe. Right: Chevelle SS 396 Sport Coupe. SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) - In the Presbyterian Church quality education. Organization of the United a Presbytery is the regiona Presbyterian Church's Pres- • governing body. "They're not my kind of bytery of Santa Fe in 1868 The Santa-Fe Presbyterj cats," he commented. "Bap- marked the first regional or- celebrated its centennial ii tists claim to be great be- ganization of Protestant Chris- 1968 with a distribution of i lievers in freedom, but they tianity in New Mexico. tree to each church and mis really only seem to believe in You have to have more pullto b e first. The Presbytery of Santa Fe, sion project in northern New the freedom to agree with when organized, included New Mexico. The young trees wil their traditional position." Mexico, Arizona and parts of serve as a symbol of the con Nevada.- Presently, it serves tinued growth of the Christiar At New Orleans Baptist that area of New Mexico cause in the state, a church Seminary, where the three north of U.S. 66. official said. members of the theology de- partment have resigned, one in open protest, the Ameri- can Association of Theologi-' cal Schools has scheduled a checkup this spring. That's what it takes to be a the road. is now available with most It is a regular, periodic leader. With features like our Anti- Chevy engines. evaluation, says the associa- And the 1969 Chevrolet Theft Lock System. When you Let your Chevy dealer show tion's president, Dr. Jesse H. Ziegler, of Dayton, Ohio, but Impala'sgotit. lock the ignition on a '69 Chevy, you what it takes to be first. it will examine "all aspects With the largest standard V8 you lock the steering wheel and Then you'll know why the of the life and operation of the school." in Chevy's field. A 327-cubic- transmission lever as well. competition has to play our The series of resignations inch 235-horsepower job that And if you think pulling a game. there began early this year thrives on regular gas. trailer or a boat is a drag, you Follow the leader. with that of the Rev. Robert With four big computer- haven't pulled one with R. Soileau, a faculty member for 11 years, who protested selected coil springs that leave Chevrolet's Turbo Hydra-matic. what he termed "oppressive bumps where they belong. On This three-range transmission Sfrris-RKieatfcmDepf. taciies" barring him from promotion for seven years.


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SUPPORT A variety of models Includes Ihs DtVllle Convertible, Iho Hardtop Sedan deVille and the Fluolwood Eldorado, Cadillac Motor Car Dlvlllon HOeiBRV The Cadillac luxury you enjoy first is the luxury of choice. Cadillac has always held that the luxury wood Seventy-Five is the only limousine the crisp, handsome styling that has con- motorist deserves the widest possible selec- Rent a safe deposit designed and built exclusively toBbe a tributed to the 1969 Cadillac's becoming tion to suit his individual preferences. For limousine1. Our personal car, the renowned the best accepted Cadillac ever built, and box. You have the this reason, we build eleven models—a far Eldorado, is the only true luxury car with only key. each is powered by a 472 V-8 engine, Sheers and deluxe sheers wider variety of models than all other front-wheel drive. largest in any production passenger car. of nylon-Lycra* spnndex. luxury car manufacturers combined. Although there is a wide diversity of See your authorized dealer soon and Bun guard toe, welt. Three Among them are a few "exclusives." Our Cadillac models, and an unrivaled selec- -drive the motor car that has achieved the popular shades. Fit 8S-11- II IK convertible, for example, is the only luxury tion of colors and interiors to personalize enviable reputation as the finest in the MWMHHIIII County convertible made in America. The Fleet- them, all have much in commpn. Each has world—in all of its versions. National Bank 52 Broad Si. Red Bank Watch the Masters Golf Telecast, presented by Cadillac, April 12 and 13, CBS-TV. There's an office near you! 8—THE DAILY REGISTER, Mond«y. April 7, Small-Fry Star in the Easter Show ASBURY PARK - Fashion is a family An interested spectator at the event affair. The Asbury Park Easter Fashion was Lt. Ool. Andre Daubard, a French liai- •Promenade may spotlight the tops in wom- son officer at Ft. Monmoutlh. Lt. Col. en's fashions, but local families look upon the event as an excellent way to enjoy be- Daubard was one of the Promenade judges, ing together. and he found the task enjoyable. He re- While some may come just for the flected the Frenchman's recognition that judges' attention, the vast majority of the beauty is ageless by selecting a number of enormous crowd at yesterday's 34th prome- more mature ladies. Judging is not a job nade were there to have fun. Since the event heralds the official beginning of the that everyone would like, but he was ob- shore resort season, all the rides and con- viously happy in his task. cessions were in full swing. Swinging with "I am delighted to have this chance to them were family groups, dressed in their .see American family life," he explained. holiday best, enjoying the sunny weather "When I write my two daughters in France and the opening of the Spring season. Look-Allkes about this, I am sure they will find the Mothers and fathers pushed baby car- picture of me as a fashion judge bard to riages, or held childish hands, as they believe," he added. strolled along the boardwalk. Here and One of the city's enthusiastic boosters there throughout the crowd were groups of was also present for the event. She is May children dressed in look-alike outfits, proud Derose, widow of Peter Derose, who wrote to be part of their family. Young boys en- such lasting favorites as "Deep Purple" joyed themselves, even though they were and "When Your Hair Has Turned to Sil- wearing dress pants and fancy sportscoats. ver. *' She was an honor guest at the pre- The gaudily painted whirling rides were Promenade luncheon, where she presented even more colorful, filled as they were with the judges, invited guests, and members of children in spring coats of pastel colors, the press a gift of a miniature Easter bon- and straw hats with flowing ribbons. net. As she presented the hats, she said, Even the animal members of the family "Even though my husband didn't write it, enjoyed the doings. Pooch coats, in colors it's still a nice song," and she sang a and styles to match the dog's owner's at- chorus of "In Your Easter Bonnet." Mrs. tire, drew stares from the boardwalkers. Derosa was billed as May Singhi. Breen MY. WHAT BIG EARS YOU HAVE SISTER FUN Gay Costumes Derose during her years in show business. A pretty Easter bunny joined the fashion paraders A trio of happy sisters try out the rides along the boardwalk during Enlivening the holiday mood was an Some may remember her. as "The Uketele at yesterday's Fashion Promenade in Asbury Park. occasional youngster costumed in a bunny Lady." Those who know her today think of the Asbury Park Annual Easter Fashion Promenade. Under the ears is five-year-old Patti Chesney of suit, with happy eyes sparkling with de- her as an active woman, full of vitality and (Register Staff Photos by Larry PernaJ light at being noticed. spirit. — Nancy Hutcbins Jackson Township. ANN LANDERS Bouquet of Luncheons Blind Couple Is Proud of Family Dear Ann Landers: I can- ago. (We met in 's the photograph of your family. students soak up information not truthfully say I read the School for the Blind in Lan- The girls are lovely! The like a blotter and retain near- letter signed "A Friend's sing.) Jennie and I had 10 boys are handsome. You and ly all of it. Others must work Friend." It was read to ma children - every one of them Mrs. Mahoney have a great their heads to the bone in by Bill Fitzgerald, a col- with perfect vision and in ex- deal to be proud of. order to comprehend half of cellent health. Our youngest what they read and hear and league in the Dear Ann Landers: I'm a Mich 1- is 7. We have two grandchil- then they forget three fourths dren. boy, 18, a freshman in col- of that within six hours. g a n House lege. I never cut classes, I o f Repre- In my 15 years as an elect- take good notes, and I do a If you slave as hard as you sentatives. I ed member of the Michigan considerable amount of out- claim and make only average am blind. State House of Representa- side study. Yet my grades grades, my advice is to keep I was in- tives, I've made countless are no better than average. I plugging. You will form work terested in trips from Lansing to Detroit. know kids who cut like crazy, habits which will prove far the letter, as I used to travel with my See- sleep during lectures, have more valuable than a flashy Bill knew I ing Eye dog; I now travel never owned a notebook, and grade point average. would be, be- alone. their grades are consistently I also suggest that you have LANDERS cause it con- I hope "Friend's Friend" better than mine. a talk with your professors cerned a mother whose son and ask them why you must sees this and .stops worrying Today I got back a psychol- had decided to marry a blind knock yourself out to get me- about what blind people can't ogy exam. I made a 78. The girl, The question was raised diocre grades. You might pick do. — Robert D. Mahoney, kid next to me got a 99. When — "What if they have chil- up some useful clues. Sixth District I asked if he studied for the dren?" • • * Dear Robert Mahoney: exam, he said, "Of course What awaits you on the My wife Jennie, who is also Thank you for an inspiring not. I faked it" I'm ready to blind, married me 27 years letter. And thank you, too, for other side of the marriage start "faking it" and see what veil? How can you be sure happens. I bet I'll be on pro- your marriage will work? bation before you can say Read Ann Landers' booklet "Wilhelm Wundt." "Marriage — What to Ex- What's the secret of mak- pect." Send your request to ing good grades besides pure Ann Landers in care of your study? Is there some secret newspaper enclosing 50 cents in coin and a long, stamped, to it? Thanks for any help self-addressed envelope. you can, .give me. — Begging Ann Landers will be glad to for a C help you with your problems. Dear Beg: First accept the Send them to her in care of fact that "all men are cre- this newspaper, enclosing a ated equal" doesn't apply to self-addressed, stamped en- educational aptitude. Some velope. Flowers Are V -ADVERTISEMENT— Flowers for the tables {or the second annual Clubwomen Hold Parley spring luncheon end fashion show of the Matawan IT'S A f WOMEN SUFFER MATAWAN-The Fifth Dls* Little Silver; Mrs. C. Edward Borough Auxiliary to the Bayshore Hoipital trict Evening Membership Sweeney, Long Branch; Mrs. claim the attention of chairmartvMrs. Jac Custiman, WITH BLADDER IRRITATION ocean Common Kidney or Bladder Irrita- Department Conference of the John H. Kinney, Matawan; •and her co-chairman Mrs. Stephen Ban&ak, Edgemero tions affect twice as many women u New Jersey State Federation men, often causing' tenseness and Mrs. John Windes, Middle- Drive, and Weldon Road, Matawan, respectively. DATE [ nervousness Irom frequent, burning. electric of Women's Clubs was town; Mrs. D. A. Ldetz, Mod- Itching urination. Secondarily, you Fashions will be by Wilhelmina Dobbins Ltd., WINE PROGRAM may lose sleep and have Headaches, See Our held last week in the Mata- ern Muses; Mrs. William Man- Backaches and (eel older, tired, de- wan Clubhouse. nel, Molly Pitcher, and Mrs. Middletown. LINCROFT - A wine-tast- pressed. In such cases. CYSTEX usu- Lovely Window ally brings relaxing comfort by curb- Chairmen from the fol- Leon G. Hoyt Jr,, Red Bank. ing program will be held by Ing germs In acid urine, and easing Display . . . lowing clubs reported on their Mrs. Fred J. Scott Jr., the St. Leo the Great Rosary p«in. Get CYSTEX it druggists today. Just Bursting club's activities, Mrs. James southern assistant to depart- Modefing the latest spring fashions from Main Street Altar Society tonight at ment project, described the With Color C. Hull, Asbury Park; Mrs. ltd., Holmdel, which will be shown April 18 at 9 p.m. in Our Lady of Fati- Willhun H. Cheeseman, Bel- year's project, Ranch Hope. WHEN DECORATING ma Hall, Newman Springs haw your Draptrln mar; Mrs. John J. New- 8,thoJndian,Hil) •lui u>.ti In and wrvlct party by choosing times found on other mucous surfaces It makes 15 Melting days featuring the famous a little bit of be- the mouth look as though covered with dry witchment from our curdled milk. This Infection needs prompt o. HILTON HOTELS of MEXICO wonderful selection pr For An Adventure In Lighting of formali In both fcsslonal help to prevent recurrence long and short If Thrush persists, be suspicious of ouro. or lengtni. For h*re, WEEKLY SUNDAY every woman it tooth defects which may harbor the »«" in. DEPARTURES sure to find the fect.on Also check the possibility ,, navl fl elegant clothei she ocean electric betes, for Thrush can be an accompanvinB «ymp. needi for her so- cial life. And for HWY. 35, OAKHURST Spring Bridei . • • MON. - TUES. - WED. - SAT. TIL 5:30 las our complete Deluxe Round Trip selection of gowns THURS. & KRI. TIL 9:00 for your wedding Including Air Far* party. neC d W KT. 9, HOWKIJL TWV. 364-3552 accountswelcome . revests for deliver<".nviry servicerv™e and, char\ g OPEN DAILY Til 5:30, KRI. 'TIL 9:00 TRAVEL caipins CENTER 364-3552 -?(<£2jwfl 449-4302 35 Broad St., Rod Bank 474 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY Daily 9:30.5:30 Ttt. 842-4900 Mon. - W.d. • Frl. till 9 P.M. MtECTMS: Ah* C. rortw • Mdwri W. tf-nt MAMMIR: Nwm I. KM* i i THE DAILY REGISTER, UonAty, April 7, Wfi-A Engagements Brides in Holy Saturday Rites Simpsori'Bearden CarmachCraft

NEW MONMOUTH - Miss nephew of the bridegroom; FT. MONMOUTH - The Post Chapel was the setting Lois Eileen Bearden, daugh- Norman Meier and Lawrence here Saturday for the marriage of Sharon Sedlar Craft, to ter of Mr. and Mrs. Almon Simpson, brother of the bride- Bearden, 74 Rt. 35, Middle- groom. Army Spec. 5 Eldred Edward Carmack Jr., son of Mr. and town, became the bride of A reception was held in the Mrs. Carmack, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Howard M. Simpson Saturday Fellowship Hall of the The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph in the New Monmouth Bap- church. The couple will reside Sedlar, 226 Navesink Ave., Loculst. Miss Satzinger tist Church. He is the son of in Newburg, Md. Blake Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simpson, The bride was graduated Catholic Chaplain (Capt.) Sigmund Brambella officiated Corjnth, Ken. Bloomer-iatzinger from Middletown Township at the double ring ceremony. • • The Rev. Donald N. High School, and attended Mrs. Gloria Bloom was matron of honor. Miss Linda LONG BRANCH — Announcement of the engagement Scofield officiated at'the dou- Madison College, Harri- of Miss Karen Mary Satzinger to Bruce Oudenhoven Bloom- ble ring ceremony. sonburg, Va. Fisher was bridesmaid. er is made by her parents, Mrs. Mary Satanger, 661 Ocean Ave., Long Branch, and Robert J. Satzinger of Cranford A Miss Joan Hedrick was The bridegroom, a graduate Army Spec. 5»Ronald L. Heroux, San Juan, Puerto May 10 wedding is planned, the marriage vows to be sol- maid of honor. The brides- of Grant /City High School, Rico, was best inan. Army Spec. 4 Lawrence M. Cody, emnized at a Nuptial Mass in Holy Cross Catholic Church, maids were the Misses Susan Dry Ridge, Ky., served in the Marshill, N. Cr, ushered for the military wedding. . Rumson. Bedell, Cynthia Lojewski and Army, 235th Military Police Kathleen Roca. The bride was graduated in 1966 from Middletown Town- The bride-elect is a graduate of Rumson-Fair Haven Detachment, at Ft. Hancock. Regional High School and the Helen Fuld School of Nursing, Lance Bearden, brother of He is employed by American ship High School, and the Northeast Business Machines Trenton, where she was class secretary for 1966-67. She is the bride, was best man. Ush- Telephone and Telegraph in Mis. Howard Simpson Mrs. Eldred Carmack Jr. School, Red Bank. ers were Randolph Gobel, Maryland. assistant head nurse on the staff at Riverview Hospital. (The former Lois Bearden) (The former Sharon Craft) The bridegroom was graduated from Sault Ste. Marie Red Bank. y •High Schtiol. He attended Lake Superior State College be- Mr. Bloomer, who attended Cornell University Ithaca N.Y., where he was a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon frater- Falh-Pettigrew BdhQregerson fore entering the Army. He served one year in Germany nity, is manager of Gentlemen n Restaurant in Baltimore, with the 26th Infantry Division as,a medic. During his 18 Md. FAIR HAVEN — Christ Gary Falk was his brothel's HARLEYVILLE, S.C. - The bride was given fa mar- months' service in Vietnam as a combat medic with the Methodist Church was the nest man. Miss Penny Lee Gregerson, riage by her father. 25th Infantry Division, he was awarded the Purple Heart Miss Bonnie Gregerson was Heath-Blake setting here Saturday for the The bride and bridegroom daughter of Mrs. Hazel Greg- for wounds received in action, and the Bronze Star with RUMSON — Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. wedding of Miss Christine her sister's maid of honor. are graduates of Rumson- erson, 27 Bay Ave., Atlantic Bridesmaids were the Misses Valor for Heroism. He is serving a four-year enlistment Julian Watson Blake, Black Point Horseshoe, of the engage- Pettigrew, daughter of Mr. Fair Haven Regional High ment of their daughter, Miss Mariana Leigh Blake, to James Highlands, N.J., and George Diane and Gilda Bell, sisters and is stationed as a medic at Patterson Army Hospital, and Mrs. William Pettigrew School and Montclair State Richard Heath, son of Mr.jrtd Mrs. Paul Heath of Salem, of Fair Haveiv to Irvin Voor- H. Gregerson of Elizabeth, of the bridegroom, and Kath- Ft, Monmouth. Ore. A June 17 wedding ^planned. College. She is a teacher in N.J., was married here Sat- leen Dantzler, the bride's hees Falk Jr., son of Mrs. Middletown Township. Mr. A reception was held in the Eatontown Firehouse Hall. Miss Blake, a 1965 graduate of Rumson-Fair Haven Re- Falk, 10 Blackpoint Horse- urday to James Edward Bell, cousin. Falk Is a member of Phi Del- The couple will reside in the Stoney Hill Apartments, gional High School, is a senior at Mount Holyoke College, shoe, Rumson, and the late son of Mr. and Mrs. Ubie Miss Donna Dantzler, cous- South Hadley, Mass. ta Sigma fraternity, and is in of the bride, was flower Eatontown. Mr. Falk. employed by Crum and For- Bell of Harleyville. Mr. Heath, a member of the class of 1969 at Dartmouth The Rev. Charles Hankins girl, and Derrick Ritter, the College, is a candidate for a degree with honors in interna- ester Insurance Group in bridegroom's cousin, was ring officiated. Newark. The Rev. Charles Boulware tional • • A reception was held in the officiated at the ceremony in bearer. Union House, Red Bank. The couple will reside at the Bethel Methodist Church. Ralph Riley was best ma.i. Mrs. Michael Sullivan was 1303 Laurel Ave., Wanamas- ,. A reception was held in the Ushers were Robert Kauff- ber sister's matron jOf honor. church social hall. man Jr., Fred L. Dantzler Jr., Joe Bell and Leonard Metts TEEN FORUM Sr. The bride is a graduate of Henry Hudson Regional School in Highlands, NJ., of and the Albert Einstein Medi- Ground Rules Are Needed cal Center School of Nursing Hazier in Philadelphia. She is em- Highway 35 By JEAN ADAMS was five miles away and that him you had better set two ployed at the Charleston, S.C, Miss McFadyen Miss Langhammer KISSER: (Q.) My boy was a long way to walk. ground rules and stick to Naval Base. friend is very handsome and After about 20 minutes his them: (1) No parking out in Her husband, a graduate of 264-2400 Estrada-McFadyen smart and I like him very, kisses changed. _He put his the middle of nowhere. It's i Harleyville - Ridgeville High POET MONMOUTH - Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McFadyen, very much. He" loves to kiss hands around my waist and dangerous. (2) No 20-minute School, is employed by the 47 Bray Ave., announce the engagement of their daughter me. He likes to so much we the both of them started go- kisses, and especially no 60- Giant Portland Cement Co., continues to present Easter Sunday, to Edward Estrada Jr., son of Mrs. Edward spend nearly all our time kiss- ing upward. Instead of kiss- minute kisses. They're more In Harleyville. He.served four Estrada, 148 Main St., and the late Mr. Estrada. A July 26 week end we went to ing me on my lips he started dangerous than parking out years with the Marine Corps. in the country. BY POPULAR DEMAND wedding is planned. a dance. He on my neck. He was holding The couple will reside in me so tight all I could do was You'll have to be smart to The bride-elect, who attended Middletown Township didn't like Harleyville. sit there and enjoy it. keep him under control. And the world famous R.C.A. High School, is a student at Northeast Business Machines it. At 8 he BUTTON TOPIC School, Red Bank. After an hour of this I felt I suspect that's the only way said let's go like Cloud 9. I was warm all you can keep him — under RED BANK — The Evening Mr. Estrada, a graduate of Middletown Township High eat. He took Membership Department of and Paramount Recording Stars School, is employed by Accurate Bushing Co., Garwood. over. Finally, I talked him control. If you don't you may me but into into going for a pizza. He told find out that a kiss can't last the ' Woman's Club of Red Frioud-Langhammer the country me at the pizza place he-was forever but it can lead to Bank will meet tonight at 8:15 and parked - other things, and it could all p.m;' In the' clubhouse. 'Sirs. the "CHUCKLES" RUMSON - Mr. and Mrs. John Langhammer, 83 Ward falling in love with me--and* end with you wiser and him Raymond Hill will speak on Ave., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss J*Th«kBUd-::» asked ra^tt^stflttly. * gone. antique buttons. THURS. - FRI. and SAT. Linda Meta Langhammer, to Jean Pierre Georges Frioud, 'die oT So- asked him why so miicii'kiss- where. I' ing, "When I'm falling in love son of Mr. and Mrs. Georges Frioud of Sandusky, Ohio, for- in our merly of AuDlneourt, France. ADAMS was petri- with someone I go beyond my privileges without nottcing Miss Langhammer, a 1965 graduate of Rumson-Fair fied. He it." I think I'm in love. Haven Regional High School, is a June candidate for a BS locked all the car doors. He said he wanted to spend the Should I go steady with him? FOUR YEAR OLDS COCKTAIL LOUNGE in physical education at Ohio University in Athens. . . • alert, and intelligent, and at mature as luch little children rest of the night kissing me. I He's 19 and I'm 17. - A CAN ba, are invited to loin our ntvr kindergarten clasiei. Our Mr. Frioud, a graduate of Sandusky j High School, is a Reader in Scranton, Pa. for your student also at Ohio University, majoring In industrial tech- would have jumped out of the success in teaching reading and arithmetic to qualified five- car, but the nearest house (A.) If you go steady with year-olds encouraged us last yaar to balieva that lonnthing nology. , . • root* In the way of readiness training could be dona for cer- tain four-year-old children than was being accomplished. We DANCING & LISTENING PLEASURE started this program, end it certainly worked, with a fair num. bar actually going into form11 reading and number work during WE SOLVE Teens to Vie In the yaar. We plan to continue parmenantly wl

PLUS ... The first un- conditional guarantee In slenderlilng history for a sewing machine SIX MONTHS FREE TUNE-UP•••••••••••«•*•! If for any reason you A 7-point program done in your own fall to receive the re- home, on any make or model sewing sults listed below. machine. Why not let the experts do $475 it for only TODAY IS APRIL 7 COMPLETETE 4 ru M\ 1. Adjust, bafanco tensions. 5. Chick wiring for nfely. IF YOU ARE A SIZE ... 3 CALL NOW 2. Adjust fabric Kindling. 14 You Can be a sire 10 by May 8 MONTH 8. Lubricate machine. $ 3. Do-lint Uireadhandllnff. 7. Inspect, lubrlute motor. 16 You Can be a slie 12 by May 14 Q00 4. Adjust belt tsntfon. 18 You Can be a size 14 by May 14 mm PER 842-2451 20 You Can be a slro 14 by May 21 ONLY 22 You Can be a size 16 by May 21 To The First 45 For Your FREE Treatment jIRliMfavf —TO CALL NOW— SINGER THE MALL RED BANK—6? BROAD ST. 747-3806 LOWIR LEVIL HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9 A.M.-? P.M. • A Tndimirk of THE SINGER COMPANY Eatontown—Monmoutli Shopping Center—542-4747 Iroad at Monmouth St., Reel lank Elaine Powers Figure Salons SAT. 9 A.M-4 P.M. JO-THE DAILY REGISTER, Monday, April 7, 1969 |«S Television Today TV COMMENT


9:00 D MAYBERRY R.r.D. » Biggest Drama Take someone Andy Griffith, in a guest appearance as sheriff Andy Taylor, persuades Sam Jones to make a goodwill time spot that was disastrous you love to DAYTIME SPECIALS gesture by hiring two ex-convlcta to work on his By CYNTHIA LOWRY farm. NEW YORK (AP) — Televi- for a succession of earlier a nice, warm, 8:55-5:00 ID School Television Service Program! sion's biggest drama — the shows. It has had respectable 1:30 ID NEW YORK YANKEE BASEBALL 0 O NBC MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES funny picture "The Reluctant Astronaut" starring Don Knotts. CBS-Smothers Brothers con- ratings although it could not Opening same of the 1969 season—New York be counted in the hit class. about a nice, Yankees vs Washington Senators (!t-D,C. Stadijun, An amusement park space ride operator, who suffers frontation — was played out Washington. - . from acrophobia, is volunteered by his father for over the weekend away from Therefore, it must be pre- warm, unwed training as an astronaut in America's space pro- the living room screens. And sumed that CBS was reluctant mother IAYTIME MOVIES ' gram. (1067) to take such drastic action. 0 THE OUTCASTS 0 the end may ,0:00 O "Kilmer" not have There are millions of dollars "The Stalking Devil". Jemal David eeU out alone to - and many jobs involved. 10:30 G "Mart Brothers at the Circus" capture El Diablo Negro, supposedly a Negro, for been writ- (D "A Millionaire for Christy" wanton killing of Indians, ten. The question now is whether 12:00 O "If I Were King" O WHAT'S MY LINE 0 CBS • TV there is still any chance 4:00 O "The Red Shoes" ' © N.E.T. JOURNAL • ". terminated things can be patched up. 4:30 O "Call of the Wild" "To Calm a Troubled Campus" its arrange- Opinion on this is split. O "Ski Party" 9:30 O FAMILY AFFAIR 0 ments for Ship Limps Home Cissy envies the freedom of the hippies and wants the Smoth- "The Ship That Wouldn't to leave home to join the flower children. After via- Die" on NBC last night was EVENING Itlng tho Greenwich Village pad of Cissy's new ers Brothers friends, Uncle Bill reluctantly agrees to let her try comedy hour an account of the, bombing of 6:00 B O NEWS 9 one weekend as a hippie. for next sea- I the carrier Franklin by the O GILLIGAN'S ISLAND O MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE son, charg- LOWRY Japanese in March 1945. With "Voodoo" "High Noon" starring Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly. ing breach of contract. Tom- more than 700 of her crew of ID BATMAN S The marshal of a town must face up to a killer and my Smothers insists there was 2,500 killed in the series of EATONTOWN • (B TV HIGH SCHOOL Jiis brothers whom he sent to prison five years no breach and that basis was explosions and consuming STARTS 4:30 O MY FAVORITE MARTIAN earlier and his conscience as well. (1952) his resistance to network fire, the ship somehow man- OMMUNITY WEDNESDAY O EYEWITNESS NEWS-6:3O REPORT 0 ID PASSWORD 0 censorship. aged to limp home. 542-4201 Guests: Irene Ryan, Bob Crane I O I SPY 3 10:00 The program has on occa- The program was based "Court of the Lion". An Oxford-educated Zulu has O THE CAROL BURNETT SHOW 0 sion been edited by network on some extraordinary film picked up a hatred of white men along with his de- Guests: Imogene Coca, Robert Goulet censors. Smothers has been shot during the period when gree, and plans to take his revenge by selling In- O 10 O'CLOCK NEWS a vocal critic of the practice, Unbelievable! dustrial diamonds to the Red Chinese. O THE BIG VALLEY 0 the ship was going up in ID VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA & "Town of No Exit". Heath Is Imprisoned In a run- in print and on other TV smoke and flames, with the The love affairs, insane parties "The Buccaneer". A mad art collector takes bvef down desert town by a group of deranged resident*. shows. This led one highly- able-bodied trying to contain and fantastic song and dance - T tho Seaview In a plot to pirate the Mona Lisa from ID DR. KILDARE placed CBS executive to com- the explosions by dumping spectaculars. The lavish locales, p French ship. "Onions, Garlic and Flowers That Bloom in the ment that "Tommy has been ammunition overboard and Spring". Dr. Kildare foregoes a vacation to take the wild'eharacters and the *•' IB CANCION DE LA RAZA sticking his finger in the net- helping the injured. exultant triumphs. 7:00 O CBS EVENING NEWS 8 over the near-tenement nelghborhood.practlce of th« work's eye and something had Earlier, "Pinter" People on with Walter Cronklta local doctor who suffered a heart attack. You won't believe it's * ID NEWSFRONT to be done." NBC's "Experiment in Tele- O THE HUNTLEY-BRINKLEY REPORT 0 At a news conference in To- vision" proved an unusual all in one movie O I LOVE LUCY® 11:00 BOOH) NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS 0 until you see O AWARD FILM FESTIVAL . ronto last night Tom indicat- and delightful way to show O ABC EVENING NEWS WITH ed the brothers would not sue what manner of man is Har- JULIE ANDREWS in FRANK REYNOLDS S "The Lost Weekend" (1944) starring Ray Milland, Jane Wyman. Based on Charles Jackson's novel of CBS although Dick had said old Pinter, the British play- ID NEW JERSEY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF brutal life of an alcoholic. in New York Saturday they wright. 7:30 O GUNSMOKE 0 (Following Movie) THE CHEATERS would "litigate to save the "Abelia". Acting deputy Festus Haggen poses as There was, In bits and the husband of a farm widow to protect her and O THE FLICK artistic integrity of televi- pieces, a Pinter interview — her two children against outlaws who are using: her "Two Women" starring Sophia Loren, Jean-Paul sion." off-hand,, rather cynical and Belmondo. A drama of a mother and daughter sav- "I cannot go to court," Tom obviously not at all the simple home as a rest stop while fleeing from a posse. agely trapped in a small Italian village ravaged by NOW AT POPULAR PRICES O I DREAM OF JEANNIE 0 war. (1961) said, "If I do, I will be tied uncomplicated fellow he pre- "Jeannic-Go-Round".' Jeannle is Impersonated b.y up in litigation for two or tended he was. Most interest- her mischievous sister who tries to convince Tony 11:30 O THE LATE SHOW three years. I can only accept ing were animated cartoons RKJiMOCMXM that his genie has become rebellious and disobedient. "April in Paris" starring Doris Day, Ray Bolger. and talk to the other net- O TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES 8 By mistake, a chorus girl is Invited by the State acting out a number of early Department to represent American Theatre at a works to try to get another Pinter sketches. He wrote O THE VIEW FROM SPACE 0 Paris festival. (1853) George C. Scott, narrator. The program includes the contract. them about characters of his photography shot during the recent Apollo 8 mission O THE TONIGHT SHOW 0 "We have always met our native London who caught his to the moon, as well as film from previous space O THE JOEY BISHOP SHOW 0 obligations," he said. "We ear much the way an artist excursions and from airplane research projects. ID TONIGHT AT THE MOVIES have been prepared to let the would sketch a character MATINEES DAILY O STEVE ALLEN SHOW 0 "Walk the Dark Streets" starring Chuck Connors, affiliates cut out anything who caught his eye. THRU TUESDAY Guests: Jack Cissldy, Rodney Dangerfleld, Barbara Don Ross. Two men, with a grudge, hunt down one they wanted — but CBS keeps Coming Right Up Feldon, Miss Peanut Butter. another with high powered rifles. (19S6) AT 2:00 P.M. ID F TROOP itself between the creative "Portrait of Petula," NBC, 1:00 ©'TONIGHT'S NEWS 0 people and the affiliates." 8-9 EST, Miss Clark's musical "Indian Fever" — , O THE BEST OF BROADWAY The program, opposite special, shot on location in HEROKEE PRODUCTIONS . © BOOK BEAT ~- "Where the Sidewalk Ends" (1950) starring Dan*j Andrews, Gene Tierney. Drama about a tough, un- NBC's, front-running "Bonan- • Europe and the United States, resents ' . • • " 8:00 O PORTRAIT OF PETULA O yielding police detective who, in the course of an za," has done pretty well in a with Andy Williams. THE FASTEST FINGER A musical special starring Petula Clark, with Investigation, accidentlly commits murder. SUPPORT guests, Andy Williams, Sacha Distel, Ron Moody. O JOE FRANKLIN SHOW 0 M THE WEST O PAY CARDS 0 ID LATE NEWS FINAL 0 TOUR i ! ID THE PATTY DUKE SHOW O THE GREAT GREAT SHOW "Best Date in Town" "It Happened Tomorrow" (1944) starring Dick Flaming Pit OpensLOCAL "^ Jf ID N.E.T. FESTIVAL Powell, Linda Darnell. Reporter, given the gift to "Mozart Piano Concerto No. 24" see the future by a strange little man, reads his own obituary in the papers. *i* SHERIFF 1:30 6 HERE'S LUCY 0 COLOR by DeLuxe Lucy is given the task, after repeated failures by 1:30 O THE LATE NIGHT NEWS 0 MShops€enter United Artists Uncle Harry, of serving a summons for one of 1:35 8 THE LATE LATE SHOW I EATONTOWN — Monsteaks- , seafood and fried FAMILY MOVIE OF THE WEEK Harry's clients. "Tower of London" starring Basil Rathbone, Boris O THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW 0 . Karloff. A British king falls under the Influence of moutfc Shopping Center is the chicken. There are separate Fred forces his attentions on Marsha; Hannah ana his cruel and ruthless breather. (1939) site of a new Flaming Pit res- luncheon and dinner menus. Steven have a confrontation about Peyton will; Dr. 2:00 O NEWS HEADLINES taurant. Manager of the Eatontown EATONTOWN ROUTE 35 Miles gets detective's report on Lewi an angry Dr. O NEWS AND WEATHER The 13,559 square foot res- restaurant is John Ward. Rossi searches for Fred. OMMUNITY EPTUNE CITY 3:30 O THE LATE LATE SHOW II taurant will seat 152 in the Flaming Pit restaurants "3:10 to Xuma" starring Glenn Howard, Van Heflln. main dining room and 67 in 542-4201 7744X72 ^The Cale oAh^Negllgent Nymph". Whilei tlshing, are a project of Hilfeary & II Witness to holdup succeeds against all odds In hold- Perry hauls in a gorgeous blonde, but he finds his the cocktail lounge. Four ban- Partners Ltd. of St. Louis. As- holiday ruined and himself Involved In a homicide. ing an outlaw leader prisoner for train to, Yuma.' quet rooms are available for cording to Harry L, Hilleary, (1957) as many as 222 persons. president of the parent com- The Flaming Pit is a pany, there will be aboutjlOO the shook that New Jersey Symphony big steak house restaurant Flaming Pits operating,, or shook Vegas to its At the Movies with plush yet casual de- under construction throughout foundations! cor, catering to the young the nation by the end of 1969. RED 'BANK DOVER- family market. Special chil- 2:00; >:30; The Eatontown Flaming Pit CARLTON- :'IWI: A Space Starts $150,000 Drive dren's menus are used and THEY NEWARK - The appoint- president of the Greater New- is No. 24 in the chain. Res- Buoni 8er» Mra. CMipbell 100; there are treasure chest taurants now in operation EATONTOWN North of Red Bank ment of Arch Blickenstaff of ark Chamber of Commerce prizes for children who clean COMMUNITY- Summit, executive vice He has served the United are located from Michi- MIDDLETOWN their plates. gan and Massachusetts to TO ROB , TtitJ C»m« to Rob Lu Vt[M 3:00; president of the Continental Community Fund and Council Like all Flaming Pits, the T:00; »:30. ^ TOWN- Insurance Companies, to of Essex and West Hudson Florida, Texas and Cali- Suitport Y»ur LoaU Shtrlff 2:23! restaurant will be open daily, 1ASVEGASI FREEHOLD serve as chairman of the New and the Greater Newark Hos- fornia. MALL— ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS pital Development Fund. including Sundays from 11:30 1 Jersey Symphony Orchestra's a.m. The menu features open ATLANTIC- first annual maintenance fund UNLIMITED FREE PARKING at. SUGGESTED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY LYRIC- ww " Oone With th« Wind 1:00. The goal is $150,000, repre- hearth charcoal broiled was announced today by Hen- senting 38 per cent of an op> Tfct IJon In WlolW S:»: 1:30. IIAZLET ry P. Becton, symphony , AIT MAYFAIR- PLAZA- erating budget of a half mil- HMI: A Spica Odmel 2:00; 7:00: president. Congress Vote THEATRES ASBURY FARK J001: A Spac* OaWey 8:00: T:00; 9:30. lion dollars for the 1968-69 1:30. "We are fortunate to have concert season. AYFAIR ST. JAMES- KEYPORT been able to secure the lead- Last Week • FREE SmoMna Sections! • STRAND- Among those on Mr. Bliek- 775-8BI1 of the Fiatieronan 3:30; 8:30. irp/ Mr. Blickenstaff, Register Washington Bureau Bullltt 7:00; 111:35: crmbasco. enstaff's committee is W. HOUSE NEPOTAECNEPTUNWE CITY EAST BRUNSWICK Silatly at this juncture They OMJM to Rob LM Vein 7:«: Daniel Williams, president of ThcpUzA TURNPIKE- when the symphony is facing On motion to recommit '" BRICK TOWN OUTIKIOR — Support Your Local difficult problems and needs New Jersey Natural Gas (and thus defeat) resolution Hlirrlff 1:00 ;10:M: Kltewllly 8:45. Company. BRICK PLAZA- INDnnH — Support Your Local as strong a base of support (H.Res.270) providing $400,- HELD OVER! 2nd Week! 20O1: A •>«*• Odyxej 2:00: 7:00; Slir-rm ;i:20; 1:30; ll:0Oi Flllwllly 009 for Internal Security Com- 1:30; 9:13. as possible," Mr. Becton said, Last year's successful Joint ACADEMY 0:30. Mr. Blickenstaff also is Campaign for the orches- mittee (formerly the Un- MALL CINEMA- PERTH AMBOY American Activities Commit- 4 AWARD AMBOYS DRIVE-IN- tra and Symphony Hall, Inc., NOMINATIONS! Curtnrtn 7:00: Support Your Locnt assured the matching of tee). COMMUNITY- ShiTltr 7:06; 11:12: MocifMV Bl»ll» a $500,000 grant from the For the motion — Howard. An epic drama Qon» WthtlwJVIriil _1:45; 7:49. 9:0S. City Studio Ford Foundation that will Motion defeated, 73-284. ultimately assure the orches- On passage of resolution of adventure Is Joined tra of an income from a $1 providing $400,000 for Internal and BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT million endowment. An add- Security Committee. ed requirement of the match- For the resolution — How- exploration! DINNER INVITATION OFFER By Ailster Ing grapt was that it also ard. LONG BRANCH - Harry raise operating expenses of Resolution passed, 305-51. By popular demand, we art pleated lo reiumi $90,000 a year for five years. our wtekly dinner Invitation ipeclalt at the Ailster, dancer and choreog- »•»»••••>••—•>•»»•>! rapher, has joined the staff The will also ful- MOLLY PITCHER MOTOR INN. Thli week we fill this requirement. present FOR FIVE DAYS ONLY at Lillian Stitely Dance Stu- {ATLANTIC dio, 12 Norwood Ave. | Atlantic Highlands 2V1-0148 ! Monday. April 7 THRU Friday. April 11 Mr. Ailster, who recently f Free Smoking Section | • STANLEY KUBRICK PRODUCTION our regular, COMPLETE $6.25 completed the choreography MATINEES - WED., SAT., SUN for Shore Regional High Eatontown NOW THRU TUESDAY AT 2:30 P.M. MATINEE TODAY AT 2:00 School's production of "Fun- 2001 EVENINGS AT 8:30 P.M. BROILED LOBSTER TAIL TONITE ONE SHOW AT 8:00 ny Girl," has done choreog- Student Gets a space odyssey SUNDAY EVENING AT 8 PM Dinner $ raphy work for shows at the Savoy and Starlit theater, GONE WITH Slim fAHAWSIOM8- UEIIOCOlOB For Just 4.75 Asbury Park. He will teach Scholarship THE WIND TODAY of 2, 7 and 9:30 _ Nominated for yoga, jazz, modern dance Thl> lobmr lovtr'i fcoil of a dlnrwr Includit tvtry- LONG BRANCH - Miss Ming: o lDrg« (10oil South African Ublttr Toll and a special class in creative 7 Academy Awarcls Charlotte Lee Morgan of Ea- Hen omcr OCINS i. ID broiled te o peak of perfection and lorvetf with drawn dance for boys, FREchold MAU Including: tontown, is Hie recipient of the 1UCIIIIC INCARHEMCRS butler PLUS toiled lolod, drafting, choice of oppetlierl, Mrs. Lillian Stitely was in I'HIIDRCN UNDER UtHtf. i loupi, detiert and beverogr Tht portion! art fho charge of choreography for Long Branch Lodge of Elks BEST PICTURE tame. The ONLY thing thot'i different li the enchant- "The Hoy Friend," presented $,•)()(] .scholarship. fffc.JOll IHHMMUH MATINEE TODAY at 2 • iMUVCOEMIASSVFUM hw emor ana chil Ueaetie Menton wtpots culinary lolenli Miss Morgan is the daugh- I DRIVE-IN 26O200J are me talk ol the oreo. Come In TONIGHT and Re- by students at Ocean Town- In newsercen splendor... Dlicowr the |oyi ol dining ot the MOLLY PITCHER ship High School. A vaudeville ter of Mr. and Mrs. James ^?S£?^ J9^ KATHARINeHGPBURN MOTOR INN and night club performer for P. Morgan, former city resi- GONE WITH The most magnificent 10 years, Mrs. Stitely operat- dents. She will attend Tren- THE WIND" pidureevcrl TH6UONINWIMT6R ™IMM,._ ed a Chicago dance studio ton Stale Teachers College. Piano Artist TOM FLANAGAN—NIGHTLY Retorved Seat Tlcketi Available By Mall for nine years before moving While a junior at Long GONE WITH : Sing-a-long with Tom — Sunday Afternoon! fiXRK GABLE Box OtfiM, Or A» Any Walter Rcade In the shore. lirnm-h High .School, Miss THE WIND" Dancing and Entertainment to the The studio offers instruc- Morgan was a member of the VMEN LEIGH FRANK PELL QUARTET Every Saturday Night tion in ballot, t;ip, acrobatics, National Honor Society. (MRKGABLE yoj;,i, modern dance, jazz and Tho scholarship award is Auilrmr biitoii by Holly Hakke. Adult > addition to the Man- training courses in 1968 which procedures. through. We need not repeat benefit." its educational and research jkiUs to bear on making th law advance the "health, we: t fare, comfort and safe pf the people of the state." This law (chapter 303 of tlv jaws of 1968) extends righ down from the state govern rjient to the counties and New Jersey's 567 municipali- ; ties. ! It applies to all classes - > public employes — policemen, '"firemen, sanitation workers | jchool teachers, toll colle i tots, everyone whose pa; < check comes from a publi! ' agency except elected offi ) cials, department heads, In this age of gimcracksand chrome, : board members and others S whose positions place them j in management functions. j Critics of the law fear / may tend to foment strike! is there a place for a car so masterfully engineered i pee those which have create! chaos in New York City anc elsewhere. • I Supporters believe that its | effect will be just the oppo- that 90 percent of its value is invisible? Ask Jetport Be Called 'Eisenhower' Mercedes-Benz thinks so. j HIGHLANDS - The Bay? ! j shore Republican Organize {tion has called for the nam- ing of the fourth metropolitan area jetport in honor of the late Gen. Dwight 0. Eisen- ' hower. In a separate action, the PRO, which consists of GOP leadership fa the 10-munici. pality Bayshore Area of Mon- mouth County, called upon U.S. Sen. Clifford P. Case, R- Yesterday's dreamboats Had Revealing showroom tests '_ N.J. to seek the party's gu- enormous tail fins. Run a finger along the body of bernatorial nomination. Today, it's fastbacks, racing the 250.No "orange peel" texture.Slide : Asiemblyman Joseph Ana- stripes, and wall-to-wall chrome lina R.Monmouth, GOP mu- in and open the glove compartment. nicipal chairman of Middle- grilles. • Fully trimmed. Close the car door. town,"moved the resolution , Obviously, thewjjare millions Ka-chunk. to name the proposed New every year who are vvlflGig ib buy a car Now flex your back. This is no' Jersey air facility "The that*s "in vogue"—even though they marshmallow seat. It supports you, pwight D. Eisenhower Inter know newer gimcracks and styling mile after mile. It should: it was de- 1 national Jetport." quirks will soon erode their investment. signed with the guidance of orthope- ' Copies of the resolution are But Mercedes-Benz refuses to dic physicians. being forwarded to Gov. Rich- play the "planned obsolescence"game. Crank the window and fiddle ard J. Hughes, Senate Presi- At Mercedes-Benz, iron-willed with Some knobs. "Everything worked dent Frank X. McDermott, R- engineers, not stylists, rule the roost. Union, Assembly Speaker Pe- with delightful precision, eliciting the And they insist on putting value where ter;'Moriates, H-Bergen, the same sort of satisfaction that cranes £prt of New York Authority, they think it belongs: at the heart of when the shutter mechanism crackles ' The New Jersey Turnpike their machines. shut on a good reflex camera," reported • ^Authority and New York Gov. That's why Mercedes-Benz Cor and Driver's expert. Kelson D. Rockefeller. motor can can cost anywhere from That's the beauty of the 250. „ about $4,500 to $26,000 without, to It's built as if it were a 3,000-pound 2 Injured some tastes,'looking" it. Hasselblad camera! Form follows function An unconventional car? Defi- In Collision antly so. Mercedes-Benz does not make Make no mistake. The perfec- conventional cars—and never will. . BED BANK — Two persons tionists at Mercedes-Benz do not apol- sustained minor injuries in a ogize for those classic lines—free of 24-page brochure two-car collision on Bridge faddish touches—that will still be If you'd like more facts on this - Ave. and Monmouth St. at handsome years from now. They sim- remarkable $5,208* machine, mail the 1:30 a.m. Saturday. ply think form should follow function coupon fora full-color brochure. Police identified the drivers instead of fashion. as Alexander P. Durko, 53, Of course, the quickest way to The contours of tKat 250 sedan Jhe newMerceies-Benz2S0. To tome, it doesn't "look"worth $5joa*. Read why it is, of 90 Newman, Springs Road verify the 250's virtues, both visible at right were dictated by the need to here, and James W. Black, and invisible, is simply to drop by the 27, of Jersey City. provide proper headroom, hiproom, showroom and arrange a test drioe. legroom and protective packaging for James W. Black was re- Other models to ponder: leased after treatment at Piv- five adults. Dictated by the propor- 2S0S Sedan—the most roads ervlew Hospital for whiplash tions required for nimble maneuver- worthy car you can buy in the luxury and an elbow injury, A pas- ability. This endows it witK the agility of a power than you may ever need. But And there's more. Construction senger in his car, James A. class, $6,133*. The car is both shorter and scrambling quarterback. you sleep better at night. of every Mercedes-Benz begins in a Black, 62, of 49 Neptune 280SL Roadster—a sports car leaner than its overweight rivals. Yet You can blast it over rutted and shower of sparks. Where conventional •Place, East Keansburg, was The pinnacle of safety for grown-ups, combines soul-stirring released after treatment' at it bristles with sophisticated, ultra- potholed gravel lanes. It behaves with cars use bolts to tie body and chassis performance with comfort, $6,802*. the same hospital for facial performance features that simply do. almost eerie calm. You can thread it As for safety, Mercedes-Benz together, Mercedes-Benz uses thou- 220 Diesel—the only diesel- cuts and a knee injury. Pa- not exist on domestic sedans. ""? through the corkscrew turns of a engineers applaud the intent of the sands of welds to create a single unit trolman Anthony Abbatemar- mountain road, and enjoy yourself. U.S. Government regulations, and of immense strength. After 50,000 powered automobile Mercedes-Benz co Investigated. A superb machine There's no sloppy play in the carry theirprotecrivemeasures beyond miles or so, you may begin to wonder makes, gives you small-car economy in a big, safe sedan that may well en- „ Too sophisticated, some critics steering. No mushiness. When you the letter of these laws. if your 250 will ever rattle. dure for decades, $4,692*. Parents Claim say. Nonsense, retort Mercedes-Benz hold the wheel, you "feel" the road. The 250's best defense against When welding stops, the raw 300SEL—an understated lim- engineers. If a man can afford to invest When you turn the wheel, the car re- blundering drivers is, of course, its al- body is dunked whole, like a taffy Son Was Beaten ousine, $9,759*. thousands of dollars in a superb driv- sponds instantly. Suddenly, you are a most uncanny evasive ability. But, if apple, into a gigantic vat of primer. It FREEHOLD-A Mlddletown more confident driver. the worst happens, your Mercedes- emerges with 24 pounds of rust father has filed a Superior ing machine, he is entitled to get some- Benz is designed to shield you. protection. Court suit against the Middle- thing superb. Heroic stopping power Mercedes-Benz of North town Board of Education, What he gets in a Mercedes- The entire passenger compart- More hidden value America. Inc. charging that one of its em- Benz islegendary in automotivedrdes. Stopping?. Unless you Have ment is built as a sturdy "safety ajpne." C. Douglas Alan, Inc. . ployes assaulted his 18-year- An expert from Car and Driver Hriven a 180-mph Grand Prix racing Doors are designed to stay closed on Every car gets 20 more pounds 100 Oceanport Ave.. old son in the high school. Little Silver, N.J. 07739 of primer and paint. Even the insidea In his suit, George E. Sin- tested the "new" 250 when it was re- car or a Mercedes-Benz, chances are impact. The front and rear sections of you have never experienced the secur- the car are engineered to crumple in of the hub caps are coated. As a final Please tend me a 24-page, full-color cox of 28 Shepherd Drive,, leased early in 1968 after an Incuba- brochure on the new generation of charges that James Gray, a tion period of five years. His verdict: ity that comes from having really good a violent crash at a controlled rate, ab- flourish in its armament against cor- motor cars from Mercedes-Benz. school board employe, who al- "Offhand, I can't think of any other" brakes. sorbing shock and reducing the threat rosion, each car gets a 24-pound fac- so Is named as a defendant, Disc brakes. tory slathering of undercoating. fssaulterf Ms son, flcor^ n., 4-door sedan in the world—with the of serious injury. Feb. 7, 1968, in the Middle- possible exception of the Maseratl A few domestic sedans Have Car and Drive/a sober conclu- The six-cylinder, overhead-cam NAME town Township High School Quattroporte—that handles, steers fronf-wheel disc brakes, and others sion: Of all the world's motor cars, engine of every 250 is bench tested be- while the student was in and stops like the Mercedes." offer /ronr-wheel discs as an option. the current Mercedes-Benz line "rep- fore installation, for more than 60 , school. Scrapping the solid rear axle But every Mercedes-Benz comes with resents the present pinnacle in safe minutes. A hint of trouble in this gruel- •)i The Sincoxes are seeking massive disc brakes on all four wheels. car engineering." ling test and the engine is torn down JudRmcnt for actual and pun- system of most domestic cars, the 250 • CITY STATE itive damages from Ihc school uses an all-independent suspension— Standard. Value. All of it concealed from; and rebuilt. Mercedes-Benz finds the board and from Mr. Gray. plus anti-sway bars front and rear. Result: You get more stopping the casual eye. But there. .lemons—not you. OCopyrl|hll969,M«r

In Africa, Bible Society "East ami Gulf Coast port! of entry, rveluslve of Iransporlallon, option!, itatt and local tUM, If Utyil vans must nflon drive at lop speed through vilhiRPS, as slowdowns or stops would mean that Iho van would be surrounded and scriptures sold out, with none left for C UOUgmS , 100OceanportAve.,LittleSilver,NewJersey07739Phone:201-842-5353 the, village for which delivery was intended. U-THE DAILY REGISTER, Little Silver Resident Adult Education Program Set' p.m. Friday, April 18, for Promote Keller MIDDLETOWN - The Rec- of the trade in being a suc- cessful toastmaster and, in those who wish to increase. NEW YORK - TJie Irving Successful reation Commission's spring In Cumberland Post speaking to groups with self- their artistic ability and un. Trust Co. has announwd the adult education program will confidence will bs stressed. derstanding. election of Arthur F. Keller VINELAND — Robert G. begin Monday, April 14, at 10 A course in securities and Each course will run eight of 50 Crest Road. Middletown, Hamlin, 350 Prospect Ave., weeks in the Community Cen- Investing Little Silver, formerly direc- a.m. with Yoga IL investments will begin at 7:30 N.J., as a vice president. He ter, next to Township Hall at is credit officer at the hank's tor of industrial development Yoga H is the Hatha type p.m. Thursday, April 17. One B GER E for the Central Railroad of of its "dividends" will be how Kings Hwy. and Rt. 35. • office at Rockefeller Center. Spear > R° « SPEAR Yoga and is a continuation of Information and the oppor- N.J., this week begins his du- the commission's winter Yoga to determine the best invest- A graduate of the I'Diver- Q — We own 300 shares of monthly income. What Is (unity to register for courses sity of Mississippi, he joined ties as $20,000-a-year director course. Women who have had ment for your money. American Telephone & Tele- your advice?—F.D. of the Cumberland County are available from the Rec- the Irving in 1952. Named ,n a first course in Yoga are in- Sculpture Course graph. My broker has sug- A — Since more than 15 per Economic Development Com- vited to attend. The week will end with a reation Commission office at assistant secretary in 1959. he Bodman Park. gested I sell and invest in a cent of my mail includes ref- mission. course in sculpture at 7:30 was elected an assistant vice erences to Ameriein Tele- Also starting at the same president three years later. mutual fund for a regular The 12-mcmber commission time is a course in spring phone, I will devote my e.i- was named early in 1968 by tire column to this one issue. fashion presented by Mrs. the Republican-controlled Carolyn Furst. Mrs. Furst will The company not only domi- Board of Freeholders but had nates the communications in- describe what is new from MAKE THE 616 a slow start. In the change Paris and the "in" look in The Newest Glamor Group? dustry, but permeates the of administration on Jan. 1 MOVE! whole fabric of American life. spring fashion. 'Concept Marketers' the new Democratic Freehold, This behemoth employs di- er Director Charles L. Scara- Other Courses rectly 870,000 people, about International Industries • Plaza Group ni in his acceptance speech Courses in interior decorat- "We Welcome equal to (he population of singled out the CCEDC as ing and women's exercise will Kentucky Fried Chicken STP Corp. Dallas, while the company's one agency of the county gov- start at 10 and 10:15 a.m., re- All New Accounts" tax burden last year was ernment he wanted to "get spectively, Tuesday, April 15. more than the entire U.S. ex- moving." Marge Lordi will present the Road the current issue of penditure in 1929. decorator course, emphasizing PER ANNUM ON Chairman Sidney L. Brody Robert G. Hamlin, More than 3.1 million peo- has described the commission procedures the housewife can SAVINGS CERTIFICATES 'Marketrend Analysis' ple own shares in Telephone as "the only agency of coun- follow to decorate her home to with close to 1,000 institutions tions until 1960 when he be- her taste most economically. to get our studied opinion ty government charged with came manager of industrial, FROM $10,000 holding 20 per cent of the bringing tax ratables into the Peggy Goodman will lead the 5 stock. Yet, despite — or per. development. He became di- exercise program, featuring a Annual Dividend county, not spending tax rector of industrial develop- Per Annum On You can get your FREE COPY of this lively haps as a result of-the com- weekly conditioning routine. Compounded money ior services." ment last year. I Savings Certificates market letter from Filor, Bullard & Smyth by pany's pervasiveaess, its Mr. Hamlin will bring to A course in public speaking From $5,000 Quarterly As director he assisted pros- calling (201) 229-6300, or writing to us at the shares are now trading 31 Che CCEDC the kind of direc- will be presented by Edward pective industry with develop- per cent below the high tion and expertise it is seek- Kiche, beginning at 7:30 p.m. ANCHOR YOUR SAVINGS TO address below. . ing data on labor pools, utili- reached in 1964 when earnings ing, Mr. Brody said. Wednesday, April 16. Tricks ties, zoning variances,, street You'll enjoy reading it... and it could help were lower. Mr. Hamlin, 53, is a gradu- dedications and riparian The bulk of analytic opinion ate in business administra- c»d LOAN your investment program. rights. He is a member of sees this low as a good buy- tion from the University of The Tamarack tree, also ASSOCIATION ing opportunity. Certainly, a New Hampshire. He began several industrial organiza- known as the Larch, and a 4.6 per cent yield and a mul- with Central Railroad as a tions including the Industrial member of the coniferous tiple of lSx estimates of $4 Heal Estate Brokers Associa- MIDDLETOWN | ATL. HIGHLANDS | LINCROFT freight rate clerk in Boston in pine family, unlike the pine, 671-2400 I 291-0100 ~| 842-4400 a share earnings tend to sup- 1937 and held various posi- tion of New York. sheds its foliage each fall. port this view. But In oppo- sition to the rather bright promise of growth within the communications industry Is PLAY BALL!! the high cost of doing busi- ness. Member New York and American Stock Exchanges In its most recent report — SUPER NHAST SALUTES .. 121 Monmouth Park Hwy., West Long Branch, N.J. 3 months ended FebP 28 — (201) 229-6300 Telephone reported a 10.6 per cent gain in revenues but on- ly a 5.3 per cent increase in net. Although this is the best quarterly showing since 1967, it nonetheless reflects an 11 per cent "increase in operating costs and a 10.2 per cent in- Our 2nd Year crease in taxes. The Most Modern Gutter Equipment Other factors were a de- cline in Western Eleetric's in New Jersey... contribution and a larger i—- number of shares outstanding. IMS Borrowing, primarily through debt securities, is estimated at. $1.5 billion annually for ICE CREAM the next five years. An in- crease in interest charges pf ItoSert Capanclll p Vi p«r cent would mean a AIL FLAVORS $7.5 million annual additional Holmdcl Man AND HMCNME OF $3.00 OS MOKE expense for lelephone on the proposed borrowing. In Daido Post Good At fifKst Only - Limit (1) Relief in the form of rate increases plus the use of oth- NORTH BERGEN - Rob- ert Capanelli, of 7 Beverly er financing methods may W« will form the gutter at your hem*—no seami Drive, Holmdel, has been help mitigate higher operat- named vice president' for —no koto. We will not use big fat nails, but we ing costs. In your particular sales of Daido Corp. Mr. Ca- will we our concealed hanging system and stain- case, I would be against the panelli had been national proposed move on the basis less steel screws. We shall be happy to have Mr. sales manager. of tax liability, and commis- Daido Corp., with manufac- Dillow stop at your home and measure your needs. sion costs, which added in- turing facilities in Japan, is a come would not offset for maker of such industrial Call for FREE ESTIMATE five years, staples as roller chains, V- helts, timing belts and tools FRII DILIVMY Crash Probed for the home craftsman. Daily cad Saturday I A.M.-5iJ0 P.M. Wtthnday mi hWny 'ril t P.M. In Red Bank RED BANK - Police are investigating an apparent hit- run accident on Maple Ave. Saturday, night. rUVVIlb kaa wmyvwng Police said that at 10:30 t32 BROAD ST. • 741-7500 • RED BANK p.m. Milton Gross, 26 Infield 1 CIIDIT TERMS AVAILAIU Lane, Matawan, reported a • IUD(ri • I*SY CHAttl • rXOWN'S CREDIT door on his car battered. Ttie car was parked on Maple Ave. Capt. Frank Mazza is inves- tigating.

SYSTEMATIC add Robert C. Warren SPAGHETTI *- SAVINGS any amount at any and Is Promoted Reg. or Thin fc MAINSTAY'S time and watch By Motorola CHICAGO - Robert C. HIGH your savings grow Warren of Colts Neck, N.J., : DIVIDEND has been promoted to general distribution manager for the CAMPBELL'S f \; JtATE consumer products division of at the rate of.. ^Motorola Inc. He only re- i**«your .-. cently joined the firm as east- ern sales manager. Mr. Warren will supervise VEG. SOUP wrings grow activities of all regional sales fearer! managers and coordinate fac- tory programs with about 100 r K6ETAMM wholesalers handling the Mo- VEGETAILE torola home television, radio PER ANNUM COMPOUNDED SEMI-AMNUALY and audio line across the country. He will make his of- BEECH-NUT • No minimum requirement fices at the Chicago head- quarters. FAB DETERGENT BABY FOOD • Highest rate permuted on passbook savings under Mr. Warren and his wife, WITH BORAX 5 ft. JVNKHt government rate control Mary, reside at 125 Galloping Hill Road in Colts Neck, with 23< Off LABEL 98 • Earnings paid on every dollar saved at... their children Mary Kathryn, Robert Charles Jr., and Chris- tina Ann. BAGGIES FOOD WRAP VANILLA EXTRACT Auto Blaze Doused Mainstay Federal Savings SAFE-CLEAR Htspkg. RED BANK - The West- McCORMICK ' OI- 39. bot. side Hose Co", extinguished a . and Loan Association car fire at 4:37 p.m. Saturday on Shrewsbury Ave. and W. 5mm Vff 1'JMtta. tats55c .50fcct35c *MfthSpnjClea«r Men Umtmm fit 425lt.iotk»1 Rew» S*«J Starch 36 MONMOUTH STREET, BED BANK Bergen Place. Scofl'i Place Mati, 24's pkg. 36c Lnfi Shirty Strwhtrry Proems"31202.jwsjnemj 31Zotjws»j$l l Le«»LBSW" BM Plaa'Llaacue uqnMg (I3cOffIIJCUID..) ... . 1ipi.i^oz.bol.SB pt. 12 Yuban Colfnn „„!, ' i . • M-Kt Fire Chief Willard It. Wat- Ynban Colfeo l Cl C llb MtltM MKarani 1 Ckera 2 8 oz. pkgs. 45c TfO-Sol Toilet Cleaner ..._ 12oz.bol.79c licky iVaf tmS pi ,i " , «nWc 711-0663 kins said Rfl.solpnc ignited as iKky leal MPl« ™l«« 1 Ib.6oz.can33c Endiiit 7oz.can75c • ' Umn Fllllw nhc"' "-"- it spilled from tho carburetor Save by the 10th — Earn jrom tho 1st of a car owned by Iluth John- Prleei effective thru Tuesday, April 8th. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Not responsible (or typogra hi coti, 3!i Hank SI. There was some damage to the car, Hie chief said. ROUTE 36 and FIRST AVE., ATUNTIC HIGHLANDS Firemen were on the scene 15 minutes. 320 THIRD AVE., LONG BRANCH •l Oil Stain ControlBill Vote Nears WASHINGTON - A $348 volving fund for cleanup," million water pollution con- Mr. Howard said. trol bill will come to the floor The bill, known as the Wa- of the House April 15, with ter Quality Improvement Act Eep. James J. Howard, (D- of 1969, requires that the own- N.J.), a co-sponsor of the er or operator of any vessel legislation, serving as floor which discharges oil, clean up manager of its oil pollution the oil immediately. If He fails control section. to do so, and the United THE PROBLEM — Keyport Mayor Robert J. Strang, left, and Councilman Robert Mr. Howard, who has been States performs the cleanup, sent by the House Committee the owner or operator is lia- E. Hartman look over traffic pattern at Rt. 36 and Broad St. Car In center is THE SOLUTION — Keansburg Mayor Leonard S. Bellena points out flow traffic 6n Public Works to investigate ble for up to $10 million of the about to cross two lanes of oncoming traffic in order to proceed east on Rt. 36. is able to turn east safely on Rt. 36 from Main St. since a delayed signal was in- Several oil pollution disasters, cleanup cost. Mr. Hartman recently termed the situation a 'mad scramble.' State Department stalled last year. Cars in background c an also turn west on Rt. 36 unmolested has been fighting for stronger Because of Mr. Howard's of Transportation has turned down the 'borough's request for a delayed signal.' because of the delayed timer. (Register Staff Photos) oil pollution control laws be- study of the problem, as well cause he is fearful that a ma- as previous oil pollution con- jor oil spill off the New Jer- trol legislation he has spon- sey coast could cripple New sored, Hep. George Fallon, Jersey's resort industry. (D-Md.), chairman of the "We have seen what oil pol- House Committee on Public Keyport Still Pressing for Signal Light lution can do to an area it Works, asked Mr. Howard to strikes, and I am very pleased floor manage the oil pollu- By ED WALSH by Palmer Ave. from the dicated "no particular prob- Councilman Robert E. Hart- J. Barnacle, instructed to that we are finally getting tion section of the bill when south. lem." man termed the report "ri- send another letter to the de- some meaningful oil pollution it comes before the House for KEYPORT — This borough "A left turn is a normal diculous." partment, said Friday, he control legislation to the floor a vote. will not take no for an answer When an answer was not im- condition recognized by driv- "Why, there have been asked the original request be of the House for a vote," Mr. from the state Department of mediately forthcoming, coun- * "It is important to get this ers using this intersection," three accidents at this inter- granted and pointed out that Howard said. Transportation concerning the cil wrote again in February legislation passed quickly and Mr. Nolan wrote. "A separate section in the past several St. John's Methodist Church- Prohibits Discharges signal light at Rt. 36 and seeking results.of- a state sur- signed into law because oil timing device would naturally months," Mr. Hartman said. will be constructing high rise The legislation would apply Broad St. vey. pollution is still very much a eliminate any left turn hazard, "It is nothing short of a mad apartments within the next to discharges of oil and mat- threat, and can not only cause Last year Borough Council When council met March 24. but would also take away- scramble every time that light two years on a Broad St. ter into navigable waters, the financial disaster to those who wrote the department seek- Robert J. Nolan, supervising green light time from Rt. 36 changes. We need delayed site. contiguous zone, and the high are dependent on resort trade, ing a delayed light similar to engineer for the state De- where 75 per cent of the traf- timing there and they know "We are hoping they grant seas from vessels and onshore but also ruin the vacation the/device that has remedied partment of Transportation, fic flows." it, but they don't want to our request and eliminate a and offshore facilities. plans of thousands and thou- the left turn, situation at Rt. told council in a letter that a Mr. Nolan told council a spend the money," he "The legislation not only sands of others," Mr: Howard 36 and Main St. in Keansburg. survey undertaken by the'de- pedestrian timer would be in- charged. problem before it starts," Mr. said. prohibits oil discharges from This intersection is also joined partment's area engineer in- stalled at the intersection. Borough Attorney Michael Barnacle said. vessels except in emergency The bill also would cover cases, but establishes civil the control of sewage from penalties of up to (10,000 for vessels, authorize grants and willful or negligent oil or mat- contracts for the prevention, ter discharged from vessels," removal and control of lake . Mr. Howard said. pollution, and authorize grants THEDAILY Squad Picketed by CG, The bill also would autho- and contracts for research rize the United States to re- and development on the pre- move or destroy a vessel when vention and control of oil pol- 7 a marine disaster creates a lution. substantial threat to the Another section of the bill —13 RED BANK, N.J., MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1969 Will Not Change Policy United States. would change the name of the "The legislation, which pro- Federal Water Pollution Con- FREEHOLD - The Con- "That definitely is not the better housing and a little vides for a system of financial trol Administration to the Na- cerned Citizens of Greater democratic way of settling more food in their stomachs responsibility for vessels, also tional Water Quality Admin- Freehold, 70 strong, picketed any grievances," the squad rather than trying to make establishes a $20 million re- istration. the First Aid Squad head- declared. martyrs of one or two men," quarters, Spring St., from 9 The squad statement said the squad statement said. a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, to "For nearly 28 years we have "When the squad was or- protest what it says is the ganized we never intended to 1 served the public to the best squad's discriminatory mem- of our ability regardless of- be discriminatory against any IJouse Thieves bership selection practices, race or creed, rich or poor, person, group or nationality then placed a wreath on the and now it seems our consti- ... "the statement continues. steps of City Hall where they tution and by-laws must be "When the founders of this or- held a brief memorial service changed to accommodate one ganization chose a few men Change Stance for the Rev. Dr. Martin Lu- person." of their own race they did not ther King, and went home. condemn or downgrade people The reference is to David -Meanwhile, the squad, in a of other races. This is an of Hamilton Ham, 130 Court St., a Negro, exercise of the right ot asso- By ASSOCIATED PRE5S 2i4-page release, announced who submitted a membership Police in several New Jer- cer County, said it hasn't any intention of ciation known to all Ameri- application but couldn't ob- cans as the right to choose.. sey suburban areas agree the and doors on suburban homes changing its present member- tain the two sponsors neces- house thief of today is usually are inadequate. ship requirements. sary. "I would recommend use of "Other organizations have a 9-to-5 professional who lays The pickets, black and "In our estimation, it fixed requirements for mem- - careful plans or an "up tight" the type of lock for which white, carried signs, with such you need a key on!the inside would be far better'!* the Con- bership. We cannot or do not junkie who steals to support slogans as "Equal Care for cerned Citizens would do as complain because some of us his drug habit. as well as the outside to open All Families. Must We Fight a door," he said. He also their name implies; try and cannot join them . . . Our "It's no longer the thief, in You to Assist You? Why?" help the underprivileged citi- membership requirements are the night," East Brunswick cited burglar alarm systems, "All People Bleed. Make It watchdogs, timers which turn zens of the community by se- proper and lawful and we in- Public Safety Director. Daniel Possible for All People to curing better medical aid, tend to abide by them'..." J. Spisso said. "Amazingly lights on and off, chain latch- Heal The Wounds," and j'The most of our 'burglaries' have es and peep holes as safety First Aid Squad is Violating occurred in the daytime and devices. the Human Rights Act of early evening."' Bojarsld said a professional 1964." burglar may stake out a house Rutgers Students Spisso said the prime tar- for as long, as a week, learn- SIGNING IN — The Concerned Citizen s of Greater Freehold picketed First Aid. John Davis, CC president, gets for professional thieves ing the comings and goings of Squad Headquarters Saturday to protest alleged discriminatory practices in se- yesterday declared the picket- are vacant homes, adding a a family. He said some lecting squad members. In the picket line, foreground, is Dan Lewis. ing successful — "we brought thief will try various methods the discriminatory practices "pros" will watch the obitu- * - , , (Register Staff Photo) Continue Boycott to determine whether a house ary columns for out-of-town to the attention of the commu- Is occupied. funerals or wakes, and then nity" — and said he had no NEWARK (AP) - Students a higher level," Talbott said. "We had one case of a 'bur- burglarize a house while the comment on the squad's at Rutgers University in New- About half the 200 faculty glar' who hurled rocks onto family is gone. statement. ark continued their boycott of members at the Newark cam- the roof of a house," Spisso He said many burglaries Two Houses Burn in Oceanport The squad was sharply eriti-' classes today in their cam- pus have voted support of the said. ,"When no light was are the work of amateur cal of the CC in its statement, boycott. turned on, the thief knew the thieves who are hooked on OCEANPORT - Two fires last seen, the cat was in good called to assist and 70 men declaring that "practically all paign to win additional funds house was empty." He also narcotics. within seven hours here Sat- shape. and six pieces of equipment •communication from the Con- for the campus here. Talbott cited several rea- urday gutted one-half the in- •The Britton house isn't live- fought for an hour to bring said burglars often will knock "These are the most dan- cerned Citizens group, either The students are supported sons for reallocating the funds on the door or telephone to gerous,1" Bojarski said, noting terior of one dwelling and able and the family is stay- the fire under control and by phone or letter, begins 'We to the Newark Campus: completely gutted another. ing with Mr. Britton's moth- keep the flames from spread- in their demand for more learn if a family is home. that few professional bur- want' or 'We demand ... if money by more than half the —Funds spent at Newark The director said the public glars carry guns or knives. "A •A fire at 4 p.m. wrecked er, who lives nearby, the ing. Firemen were on the not then you will hear from chief said. scene VA hours. • university faculty and Rut- are more wisely spent and often inadvertently aids such teen-ager or young adult two bedrooms, the living us again and further steps gers Vice President Malcolm will yield greater dividends Chief Marks said the 32 thieves by allowing newspa- who's supporting an $80 to room and the attic of. a ranch- The house, which was post- will be taken.' D. Talbott. Talbott, however, to more citizens of the state Gold St. dwelling was en- pers, mail, bread, milk and $100 per day drug habit might style house at 24 Comanche ed for sale, had been unoccu- and some faculty members than the same amount spent gulfed in flames when fire- other items to pile up on the do anything." Drive, owned and occupied by pied for the past two months, do not support the boycott. at Kilmer. front porch while on vacation. Police Capt. Frank J. the Britton family, Fire Chief men arrived on the scene. Chief Marks said. He said he Lodi Plant —There Is a large and Citing 1968 FBI crime sta- Schuler of Margate said the Michael J. Marks said. Neighbors reported hearing doesn't know who owns it. In addition to the Newark an explosion "and then the boycott, students at the uni- growing demand to attend tistics, which showed an in- most common method of en- The second fire, at 10:50 The cause of that fire is whole place went up," Chief versity's main campus in Rutgers Newark. crease of 13 per cent in these try used by burglars is to p.m. left only the four walls still under investigation. Blast Kills 1, crimes over 1967, Spisso em- break a glass pane on a rear Marks said. In both fires, the Fort Mon- New Brunswick plan a mass —The proposed Newark fa- standing of an unoccupied demonstration today to pro- cilities, which would be built phasized that public coopera- door. He said doors can be house at 32 Gold St. That "It was gone by the time mouth Fire Department stood we got there," he said. by at the Oceanport firehouse Injures 6 test the Rutgers' Board of if the $6.9 million is reallocat- tion with police could do much jimmied, picked or popped fire reportedly started to curtail the burglaries. in case of another fire call. LODI, N.J. (AP) - One Governors decision not to al- ed, had a higher priority in open, or that a thief can get with an explosion. Eatontown firemen were Police Capt. John Bojarskl In via a window. man has been found dead locate $6.9 million to the New- the university's six-year capi- No one was injured in and six others injured in ark campus. The money will tal plane. either blaze and the Britton's a fire and explosion ' at be used instead for a second —The Newark campus cat, found "more dead than a chemical plant here liberal arts college on the serves more minority group Soldiers Producing alive" after the flames were which rocked homes up Camp Kilmer campus outside students than any day or eve- quelled, was revived by fire- to four miles away and New Brunswick. ning facility of the state uni- men and is reported doing caused an estimated $3 mil- versity. well. lion in damages. "The students, faculty and the administrators have made —Because Rutgers Newark Clandestine Paper Mother Turns In Alarm Police tentatively identified formal, reasoned presenta- is a "commuter facility," the dead man as George FORrntJT DITYIXY (AP(W\ ) -— AA GRTI nmvprsituniversityv , wnyoui havhnvpe tno builhiii d Mrs. Britton turned in the 4 tions to the board beginning more students can be aided Jackson, 50, of Garfield, who Noy, 22," Talbot said Satur- than at a residence college. who wanted a copy of the a free society," says the pa- p.m. alarm when she dis- reported to work Saturday at Army Times put a dime in a per's editor-in-chief, who de- covered flames in a rear bed- day. "The students and fac- —Newark needs strong in- the B. L, Lemke & Co. only ulty have returned to subse- newspaper coin box here. He clined to be identified because room occupied by her chil- a few minutes before the stitutions to assist in the re- got his copy of the Times all of fear of reprisal. dren, Chief Marks said. quent board maetings with birth of the state's largest ur- blast. The body was found in detailed requests documenting right, but wrapped inside it Not In Open ban area. Flames were shooting out the employes' locker room, reasons why bond issued was an eight-page under- "Shakedown," which con- through the bedroom when where Jackson was last seen. —The Rutgers Newark ground tabloid called "Shake- funds should be used in New- tains ho bylines and no list of ifremen arrived on the scene, Three of the injured were ark rather than at Kilmer. .. campus would enroll the larg- down," ' editors, is not circulated open- he said. listed in satisfactory condi- est proportion of "education- "Shakedown," entirely writ- ly on the post. Instead, it's 1 The fire apparently was tion at Hackensack General 'Used Every Route' ally and economically dlsad- ten nnd produced by soldiers, passed out in adjoining started by "bad electrical Hospital and the other three "The students and faculty vantaged" high school grad- is one of a series of under- Wrightstown and at airports, connections of lamps" in the were treated and released. have used every route possi- uates under the university's ground anti-military tabloids bus terminals and railroad children's bedroom, accord- Authorities said the cause ble in the normal channels of liberalized admissions policy, cropping up at military bases stations In New York, Phila- ing to the chief. of the explosions and fire had the university to represent approved last month. delphia and Doston. not yet been determined, but around the country. It made Some 50 volunteer firemen what I consider a sound and Rutgers President Mason / It's also distributed surrep- one official said it could have its first appearance at this fought the flames for 70 min- wise point of view." W. Gross said the boycott 32,000-man infantry,, training titiously on the base. It's resulted from an explosion in would not change tho priori- smuggled into coin - operat- utes before bringing the blaze „ one of the factory's boilers. Talbott termed it "most un- center on March 21 and an- under control. tics set by the board, ed newspaper dispensers; "It sounded like a 500-|K)und fortunate" that the board other edition is scheduled to The remainder of the house would not reverse its decision "The suggestion that they, come out this week. dropped in service clubs, post bomb went off," Michael exchanges and telephone cen- was damaged by smoke and Cook, 22, said in describing and reallocate the $6.9 million the board members, could lie Its editors are a group of ters, nnd left in latrines. water and there Is some fire the terrific blast. Cook re- bond issue, approved by vot- coerced because of tho boy- self-described radicals who damage to the exterior of the sides near the plant. ers last November. view the Army as only an- The first edition contains a colt, I think, is unfortunate,'' one-story frame dwelling, the lx)(li Fire Chief William "As a result, students and other cog in what they call large box on page one that Dr. (Iross said Friday at the. chief said. HAPPY EASTER — This was part of the Eastor Sun- Dow.son was driving past the faculty have laken to boycol- "the system." They view antl- says: "The 'Shakedown' is Firemen administered oxy- plant on Main Street about Iliij; classes, which, while ad- tapini; of a WNDT-TV show. mililnry activities as a wny your personal property and day sorvieo senno at Trinity Episcopal Church, Rod 3:45 p.m. when an explosion versely nffccliiif; their studies, to change the entire society. cannot be taken away from gen to revive the Britton's Bank, yostorday. Tho I 19-yoar-old church, ravaged by (iross said amitluT bond is- you." It then cites an army cnt found under a living room blew the roof off the plant, does dramatize their frustra- sue .should be presented lo "You're not going to have regulation allowing soldiers to chair after the fire, Chief firo last Eaitor Sunday afternoon, rooponod for wor- which manufactures bulk tion with I he hope that there the puiilic to pay for the uni- Just a freifmllitary or a free- read what they wish. Marks* said. He said, when ship at 7 a.m. yostorcky. .(Register Staff Photo), pharir^cculicals. will be a reconsideration on versity's expansion. <\ 14—THE DAILY REGISTER. Mo»

SATURDAY IIrIrk Tup, nt lied Ilnnk (11 a.m.) Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Shnr* It eg. ill Miller Del ill a.m.) CHAMPIONSHIP SHAKE — Jimmy Gambacorto, tocond from loft, owner of Frrrhnlil nt Monirmutli Ilrg. Trnr-k Jimmy's Sunoco, Rod Bank, is congratulated by Alfred A. Gatta, director of Brick Tinttiohlii ul I'nlnt Iloro <10:3[)> Itnl Hunk nt Kiimntii. ftn :'.«>) "Shrewsbury the Parki and Rocroation Daparfmont, for winning the adult volloyball champion- (HA at St. .1 tih (Met) (.Irl*1 Triu'k ship. At tho flanks aro Tommy Gambacorto, loft, team manager, and Ernie Lat- Urd Hunk (nthollc n\ Hliore Reg, Shrewsbury Motors, Inc. (prflrtlfp) tanzio, sales roprosonMivo of the Sun Oil Co. Other mombors of the champion- KnllliiK Oliln Stntft inl^rnrrlldnAt at Ohio Shrewsbury Avenue ship team, which compiled a 27-6 record, are Jack Robinson, Bob Larson, Saul Htitlfl I'. RL'MIAY •SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICH EAST COAST P.O.E., LOCAL.TAXES AND OTHER DeALER DELIVERY CHARGES, Herihonoff, Tony Carlos, Charlie Smith, Charles Jones Jr. and Hank Zoubek. Ohio KUle lntersecllonal at Ohio R Stale- U. ANY, ADDITIONAL. WHITEWALLS OPTIONAL AT EXTRA COST. AUTOS FOR SALE AtTOS FOE RALE AUTOS FOB SAIE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOE SALE 16—THE DAILY REGISTER, Monday, April 7, 1969 LOST AND FOUND

nl whit. pitched m»l«,crt ntmed "Mlckty". n »een, pleaee cm Tti- SPRING FOR A PONTIAC 3788 or 7W-3730, AUTOS FOR SALE ... AT DOWNES PONTIAC rr ONLT TAKES A MINOTB-TO i«t i bitter deU «t Bui"" OWimobne- C»alll»c, 100 Newmw aprlDf Ha.. THE GREAT BREAKAWAY SALE F.d Bank. 7«-0M0. (More Classified Ad: IS ON ... On The Next Page) W*V« cut th« prhit to m«lr« it «*i!«r for you *° br#al<-iw«y AtTOS FOR SALE from dull driving. WVII ihow you dollar for dollar, you'll g»t mor« for your money, by driving that faw txtra miltVto M«t«warvDO IT NOW! Our at ••Itc+ion hat rt«v»r bean C. Douglas Alan battar, all modaU and colori MERCEDES-BENZ MONMOUTH to chooi* from. COUNTY'S Sales & Strvict Foreign or Domestic MOST BEAUTIFUL • Top Trade Allowance • Superior Service D.liv.ry

DEALERSHIP I 'Our 30th Year of Progre»s" Ont block from Litll. Sllv.r R.R. SUIion Don't wait . ... Stop in today . . . 842-5353 'OWNES KONTIAC 100 Octontwt Avi. Llltli Illwr buy that new we have CARS• •• 62 Low.r St. Mttiwan ' OPEN DAILY 'TIL 9 P.M. ' 566 • 2299 WED- * SAT- 'TIL 6 P.M. '69 CHEVROLET SPRING FEVER. (ktwiM Hlfkwty tl mi Htfhwn 14 «t ttt Parkway •rarpfN I CARS••• at CHEVY-TOWN! Buy now and SAVE! WANT A LOW PRICE Completely Seasonal-iied! IMPALA? CARS!! Get in the spirit of a bright, happy new swing- ing spring! And the best way to do it is to step SEE THE '67 MERCURY up to one of these swinging late-model OK Park Lonr Four-door hordtop, LOW OVERHEAD Used Cars from CHEVY-TOWN. These cars DEALER $2095 are "with it" when it comes to being seasonal- IN •67 LINCOLN ized! Two-door. Air. Pull power. ATLANTIC / $3495 HIGHLANDS FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO '67 MERCURY Pork Lont. Air. McCARthy $1995 CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. rCHEVROLSTj •67 OLDSMOBILE I 325 MAPLE AVENUE 741-3130 RED BANK 291-1101 i: $1895 First Avc. Atlantic Highlands WHERE DOING BUSINESS IS A PLEASURE It '67 MERCURY Monterey. $1795 •67 LINCOLN Four door convertible. Air. j $3995 ! THE MAVERICK IS COMING '67 LINCOLN Pour door, $3695 SWING... April 14,1969 '67 LINCOLN . . . Into Spring in br

'66 MERCURY OLDSMOBILE. Coni/ertlBlo. Air. CADILLAC CO. $1695 RUSSELL Red Bank '66 MERCURY 1100 Newman Springs Rd. Colony Park. 741-0910 $1995 OPEN WED. ind FRI. 'TIL 1 P.M. — SAT. 'TIL 4:10 P.M. '66 MERCURY i St. Two deor hardtop. $1795 FULL PULL PRICE PRICE '66 CHEVROLET 1948 FORD $2299 1945 OLDS S1S9S •el Alt wogon. Mustang Convtrtlbto. Candy ,' M: 2-door. V-6, automoilc, Applt Rtd. Loaded. powtr stterlng. Whltt. $1595 1*67 FORD $2399 1965 FORD SI 495 Galaxlt 2-door Hordtop. V-l, T-BIrd 2-door Hardtop. Gretn. ' outomotlc, powtr Uttrlng. V-l, power steerlnj, automillc '65 MERCURY 1967 FORD S219S bucket seats. Monttrey. Four door, Country Sedan. V-fi, automatic 1965 BUICK $1595 powtr stwrlng. Grttn. wildcat convertible. Turquoise. V-8, full power. Cream Puff. $1295 196* FORD $2295 194S PLYMOUTH $1295 Country Squirt. Blut. V-l, Fury III. Blue. 2-door Hardtop. '65 FORD automatic, powtr steering. V-8, Dower stterlng. l«o& CHIVROLET $1795 LTD two-door hardtop. 196$ FORD $ 99S Super Sport 2-dr. hardtop. Auto., Custom 2-door. White. • power itetrlng, bucket seats. 6 cyl,, automatic. 19»» CHEVROLET $1795 1965 CORVAIR $ 195 Impalo 2-daor Hordtop. Bronze. V-l, automotlc, power steering. Monia Corsair. Blue, auto- matic, bucket stati. $1195 and on 1969 PLYMOUTH'S & LOW WEEKLY "48 CHEVROLET $2495 f '47 PONTIAC $2195 t '*6 BUICK $2625 Imoolo, v-l. 4-door hardtop, power Colalhn tour-door Mdan. Tur- "ttV ElKtro Cuitom 4^oor hard. '65 MUSTANG •tttrlng. Hut, outomotlc tronimie. quoin, v-l. automatic tronimli- top. lull powtr Including olr condi- Hon. tlon with powir ittirlng ond tioning and automatic trontmlulon. PAYMENTS Two-door hardtop. ftrokn plut olr conditioning. Blut. '48 CHEVROLET $2495 Weekly WMkl» \ Pymts. ' Pymtt. $1095 Impolo. V-l. (-door hardtop, power •»7 T-BIRD $2825 "45 OLDSMOIILE $1295 •tttrlng, automatic trammlulon. 1945 MUSTANG $6.74 ' 1963 CHEVROLET $6.50 2-do«r hordtop, powtr dltx-broktii CUMOH convtrtmit, 4^1, outomdtie coupe. 6 cyl., Slick. i Nova Convertible. Automatic, Beige, powtr ttMrlng, oulomotlc tronimlt- '65 CHEVROLET trammlulon, pow« itttrlng and 19M FORD $6.25 ' 6 CVl. \ sion, l-cyllndtr, Chompognt Mitt. broktk blu*. let Air. Wagon. Country Squirt Wagon. V-i. ' 1965 CORVAIR $5.50 '68 FORD $2595 Automatic. 1 Four door Hordtop. Automatic. Galaxle, 2-door "Format top", with 1963 FORD $4.04' 1964 FORD $7,50 $1295 vinyl root, V-i, power iteerlng, •67 MUSTANG $1725 "44 PONTIAC $1250 Country Squire. Automatic, < Galaxle 4-door. V-8, aulo- automatic trammlulon. Maroon. Convartlblt. Maroon with block top, Cotallno Italian wagso, V-l, auto- power steering. nolle, poww Itetrlng. t-cylindir, powtr itttrlngt outo* matic trammlulon, pnwi brokn '65' StoiloFORn wogonD , matic tranimlnlon. ond powtr ttttrlno, Grey. Kyi.,Muitang automatic. v-l, .powe Vinyrl iturlngroof. . •48 PLYMOUTH $2850 Four tpttd. Fury III. <-dew hardtop. Factory $895 olr condition, automatic trontmlt- •47 CHEVROLET $2050 '44 PONTIAC $1350 $1295 lion, power itttrlng Hut. Impaio. 4door. Grttn, "S37" V-l §r\aln*. Factory air condlt(on«d, Grand Prix, automatic rronimmion, CREDIT FOR power storing, automatic trans. powtr stttrlng and powtr broktl. '64 MERCURY •48 VALIANT $1725 Whltt with black vinyl trim. •6Comet5 PONTIA. Four door.C V IOC 6-cyHndtr, automatic trans LoMont. Air, mlulon, J-door ltd en. Whltt, •64 CHEVROLET $1195 •44 CHEVROLET $ 950 EVERYONE $695 Impalo lour-door riordtop. Blut, $1795 V4. automatic tronsmltslon, powtr Impalo cwivtrtlblt, 6-petd tronl. 1964 PONTIAC JB.75 $1195 GTO Convertible. V-l. itlck. 1965 FALCON $6,75 '63 MERCURY Two-door. Blue, stick « cvl. \ 1964 CHEVROLET $6.75 Colony Pork. '67 MUSTANG $2095 •44 PONTIAC $2100 •43 OLOSMOBILE $ 825 Btl Air 2-door. Blue, 1965 VOLKSWAGEN $6,25 '64 CHEVROLET < cyl., stick. W.I it t, two-door hardtop wim auto- Wagon. Nlnt-pasicnoir, Blut, wim Cutioii Dtiuxi eonvtrtlblt, V4, Two-door. Gray. Radio i, heattr. $895 matlc trgnunlulon ond power full powtr and factory air condition automatic Ironimlulon. powtr •IttHng. Ing- A flnt glfl for tht big family, stttrlng. Blut. A vtry cltan car, '63 MERCURY Colonv Pork. FORTY THREE YEARS AND WE STILL RUN LIKE NEW. $795 \ '62 MERCURY CHRYSLER Monttrty. KROLL $795 '62 FORD ITTER f PLYMPOTH Squirt. MOTORS $695 WALL NEW LOCATION 3290 HWY. 35, HAZLET 571 Broadway, Long Branch SALES: 244-0198 SERVICE: 264-9090 Shrevvtbury Ave, at Sycamore Soles 222-3600 Service 229.3800 747-540~r 0 It Pays to Advertise in The Register AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOH SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE THE DAILY MonrJay, Apr,! 7, 1060—17 K-rull U'Arjta I.W7 GTO — C-ieWzn irAt-rtor Fa'Jf 1W7 SHELBY COEKA - JEcce-'lent 'lkiAt.Hl ISM »t**l Ix»w Hjlltuse. ExceiUM qonil- ewnlulon. LJme now / type l.lre< TRY US AND S£f mailc Very IH THE U™. Muet aa-orlflce. tZ.36O. CtJJ 787- AUTOS ¥QR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 428 cu. ID. fcEKtne P^tlbar. ah-iuMer NEW IXJOGBS SOU} AT COST PlJ]t best offer. 787- MonmouUi Chrysler Plymouth nu after 6:30. harness, priced l»r quick sale. 42.500 y. 36 Eatontown. N. J. 846-8371 after 6 p.m. NO MONEY DOWN 1964 CORVAIR - Spyder convertible 1956 CHEVROLET - Two-door ledan BUICK SPORTS WAOON — IBM. i»c- 542-5500 RAMBLER STATION WAGON 1965 Five year warranty. Immediate de. Four-speed. Good condition. 842-216! Slxcyllnder, illck. $7!i. CLASSIC V8-Power steering, power TWIN BORO RAMBLER livery. We'll beat anyone's deal' Over or 741-5234. 542-4103 rldce. Call AUSTIN AMERICA - Two-door, four- braHes, radio, heater. Automatic Jeep Sales and Service volume sale...aavei you hundreds. 741-0771 "1S?4> f1'872- P-°-E- sl|BMly higher transmission. Clean. Excellent condi- Prices start at $2630 plus freight CaU now! 568-61M 11)66 R1VIBRA — Power. Dark jreen 18fl8 VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER—SleepL LINCOLN -, Black. Four-door hard- with automatic. Also Sprites. Mldgeta. tion. Financing arranged. $925. 222- 7470040 TOWN « COUNTRY DODGE. INC. Bucket seats, chrome wheels. On four. Four new.tire*. Pop-top. AH ac lop. 196ft. Well kept. Remarkable con- BEST MOB roadsters — OT. A&G MOTORS, 60 Main St. Matawan owner. 12400. 787-2156. ceflfloriea. Call 741-6937. Asbury Park. 775-3483 0344 or 747-0338. dition. Body, chrome and paint ib> CONVERTIBLES — Choice of «evra aolutely perfect. Original leather up- NEW 1969 OLDSMOBILE F-85 - S2265 F * H Motors Inc. used. McFADDIN, 251 Broadway. 1SS8 CHEVROLET — Malibu convert- 1562 STUDEHAKER HAWK - At; i KARMANN OHIA — Little over. holstery like new. Blx tlrei and delivered. Gem Oldnmoblle, 110 Main Hwy. 35 Eatontown, N. J. Long Branch. 222-1231. ible. S2l9!i. conditioned. Phone 6,000 miles, Good buy. wheels. 4 nearly new. Mechanically FOR St., Matawan, 565-3600. 542-1111 WASHINGTON'S AI'TO SERVICE •147-9364 excpilent. $550 or nearest offer. Call 1962 CHEVY II — Convertible. Bucket 370 Broad St.. Keyport 264-1323. 196S OTO — Four-speed. Perrect con1 1961 CADILLAC — Ride* like new. 291-3137. 7 to in a.m. or after S p.m. seats, automatic. Radio and heater. ditlon. Phone • Perfect condition. $950. Call 747^ or all day Sunday. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Six cylinder. $295. Call 291-9517: KITSON CHEVROLET CO. SfiBBMl after 6 p.m. * * Hwy. 36 Eatontown 1963 OLD3MOBILE 08 — Tour-door 542-1000. 1067 FORD QALAXIE 500 — Four doo! 196i ' BUICK—LeSabre. four-door hard- BEST BUICK — OPEL BUYS hardtop. Fully equipped. A Real Buy. hardtop. V8, aulnmatlr. power hrskes top. Power -brakes, Peering. Radio, Straub Motora I9S6 DODOE Coronet SOT) convertible. formal vinyl roof, radio, vinyl Interior, heater. VS automatic transmission. Hwy. 35 Keyport 2M40OTJ RASSAS PONTIAC 383, 4-«peed, Call 229-2969 or six new tires New car guarantee LESS LOU LERNER'S and JERRY BARATTA'S New tires. A-l. $1050. 5*2-7248. 1964 FORD — Nine paanenger Counr 305 Broad St. 741 5180 Red Bank 222-2565 Mint condition. SI8W). Call 842-3729. 1983 CHEVROLET — giatlon wagon, try squire. Full power. Must aee to automatic nix. Except tonally clean. appreciate. 342-1367. AT PLYMOUTH-CHRYSLER AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Must bej seen to be appreciated. —,.. 1M6 FORD—Fatrlane V8. two-door. Power ateerlnK, automatic, radio and RASSAS PONTIAC heater. Excellent running condition. 395 Broad St. 741.5180 Red Bank Practically new tires, new exhaust DIRECT 1861 CHEVROLET - Bel Air. lystem. (1SSS. 91 Princeton Rd.. Fair KITSON Call Haven (orr Lake Ave.i 741-163J. FACTORY OUTLET! 1964 BUICK SPECIAL — Waion. [Ml VOLKBWAQEN — 1053 engine flood condition, SS95. Bob Whltt 5 YEAR WARRANTY Dependable transportation. $4H) or best BlilekOppl. 741-6200. Chevrolet olfer. •(frUTjl7il78 I96T CADILLAC-Convertlble DeVllle. Easter Week ISflT MOB—16,000 miles, electric over- Full power, factory air. automatic WAGONS factory drive and all extr&t. Right hand drive. cruise control, burglar alarm lyitem. Sal* Price Pay Dew» Pay MMrthfr Call 264-4060. ste reo tape, electric door, locks. Fmh 4«i Headlight dlmmBr. 228-2211. 1982 VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN — Clean. Valiants Well kept. 1%7 CAMARO RALLY SPORT — '67 BUICK $1950 N $46.58 5420576. Vinyl top- Console. Radla 1 tires. Three-speed. Big Six engine. $1700, Skylark Cuitom Sport wagon, Plyntouths $2150 O $51.36 1865 BUICK — LeSiltre. Air Condi- Call {»6*.3B8. tlorcd. $1195. automatic transmission, pow- Chryslers $2895 N $69.84 1965 RAMBLER — Ambassador con- •r it«ering, radio, rnater, Pat Keelen's Auto Sales vertible. V8. automatic, power steer* •ir-eenditionad. Wagons $2550 E $60.91 Hwy. 3« 787-1113 Keannburi Ing anil brakes. Excellent condition. One' owner. $1150. (Jail 946-8215 after Wen 1968 CHEVROLET — Impala station 5>p,m. NOW wagon. Factory air, power brakes and $2595 steering, one owner. Warranty. Mak- 1962 CADILLAC—Sedan DeVllle, four- A NEW SUPPLY OF otfer. 671-3095. door, all power. Excellent condition. *2379 Dark gray, black and white Interior. '68 EXECUTIVE CARS! 196S MO MIDGET — Oood condition 842-0937. H50. Call 747-4261. 1961 FORD — Country Squire itatlon •67 CHEVROLET after 0 p.m. wagon. 8-pasienger, three seats. $290. OVER 65 USED CARS 1987 KED OALAXIB—Air conditioned 747-5599. Brand New '69 PLYMOUTH FURY Call 1962 FORD HALAXIB 5110 - Auto- Impala V-8 wagon, auto- TO CHOOSE FROM 787-5931 matic VS. full power and air. Call matic tranimisiiorii radio, 787-4744. 1967 PLYMOUTH 1967 VALIANT 1958 CADILLAC 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA - Two- h»af*r, power stoaring. Sattelite, 2-door hardtop. V-100, 4-door sedan. J flood nttndltion. New brakes, seat cov door hardtop. Good condition. Call 4-door, Air Conditioned. era, front onil, tire*. Black. Two-rinn 741-4241. After 8. SM-8526. Was NOW 1963 CHEVROLET 1967 CHRYSLER ' hardtop. Call after 5:30 p.m., 403- Impala, Z-daor hordtop. 8675. $2295 Convertible, fully equipped, TRUCKS FOR SALE MURPHY A DAVISON. Merceden. '1995 1965 Country Squire V-8, Automatic Benz Sales and Service. Hwy. 9, Free- 1966 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT—Four 9-jwssenger station wagon with 1963 OLDSMOBILE hold. 462-5300. wheel drive with snow plow. Dual air conditioning, Station wagon, fully equlDood. battery set-up. May Inquire at S42< Transmission, Power 1967 BARRACUDA — One owner. 983!*) before 6 p.m. '67 CHEVELLE ReautlNll condition. Rpeclal price. Ca 1965 DODGE Ed Stlenekr. M. SCHWARTZ, 141 W. 1949 CHEVROLET PICKUP—(-speed, Malibu V-8.wagon, automat- Monaco "500," 2-door. Hardtop 1964 IMPERIAL Front St., Red Bank. 747-078^ •>125. 1859 CHEVROLET TICKUF, with air conditioning. Fully powered. Steering, Radio, *32IS. Call 741-2076. ic tr«niminion, radio, heat- 1BS3 OLDSMOBILE T8S — Btatloi wason. V8. automatic transmission I960 VOLKSWAOEN PANEL TRUCK er, powar itetring. 5 YEARS TO PAY — NO MONEY DOWN ' J19S Tinted Windshield, Whltewalls, radio, heater. Oood cond S42-O38.1 tlon. JBS5. S64-BS32. •• W« NOW 1965 FOKD, PICKUP ONE-HALF TOJJ MGB OT 1968 — Radtals. wire wheel! V8 automttlo BAYSHORE all features and Like new, Best offer. After 8, 84.8- 26<-5S23 6120. $2095 $1379 1953 FORD PICKUP TRUCK — Halt full factory 19«3 CHEVROLET BEL AIR — Four- ton body. J353 firm. Perfect eondl. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH door. Green. Very clean. 5525 or ber tlon. 747-9M2, offer. Call 787-0395, 1957 CHEVROLET '< ton pickup truck '66 FORD FIRST AVENUE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS JIM. call attar 5 p.m. equipment included. 1962 CADILLAC — Two-door. MetallK 201-2748 Country Squirt V-8, auto- Rreen. Perfect condition. Call 871 291-9200 229-4790 3545. matic transmission, radio, 1B65 OLDSMOBILE — 4-door hard- MOTORCYCLES htattr, power itetring. top AH power. Perfect condition, 1968 HONDA — 390 Serai FULL DELIVERED PRICE $1250. Call evenlnga after 7, 291-1848, Call 741-5810 Was NOW LATE 1965 DODOE MONACO - Buck After 6 p.m. et seats, console. Loaded. Regular plui $1995 snowtlres, power steering: and brakes. BULTACO 1967-200 cc. Like nlw. Only A Plymouth has Automatic transmission. First class 5.000 mllea. $325. condition. «1140. Call 483-8357. 542-4130 "ALSO FANTASTIC SAVINGS OH LOWER PRICED MODELS" 1963 VOLVO P-18OO — Sports Coupe. 1968 B8A 650 — Ulhtnlng. Low mile. Best offer drives it this week! Call 556- age. '66 CHEVROLET to be mighty good 7061 or see "at Matawan Sunoco, Hwy, 4311131 34, Matawan. 305 HONDA SCRAMBLER 1966 - V-8 Impale wagon, automat- 19«5 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 - Verj Low mlleags. Very good condition. to get a VW guarantee. clean. Has to he seen to be appreci- Call 741-2350. ic transmission, powir steer- COME VISIT OUR 50-CAR SHOWROOM ated Will wholesale. 291-3619. MOTOR BIKE ana motorcycle for ing, radio, heater. 1685 MUSTANG — Fajtnack. Radio. sale. Neeai work. 151 Point Rd., Lit- Power steering, power brakes. Auto tle Silver, hours 3:30 to 4:30 p.m Was NOW matic transmission. Air conditioned, and 8:30 to 9:30 evenings. Low mileage. 946-8158. 1961 FIAT SPIDER CONVERTIBLE - MOBILE HOMES Four speed, four cylinder. *400 or best $1569 WINDSOR — 10x50. Seasonable. Mult oiler. 6711814. see to appreciate. Completely fur- KARMANN GHIA - 1366 red hard op nished. 542-0432 alter « p.m. . M. SCHWARf Z Low mileage, clean. Must sell till '66 CHEVROLET week. JU95. 741-4525. TWO BEDROOMS — Ll\rtn| room, kitchen, bath. Wall-to-wall cirpttlni V-8 Bel Air wagon, automat- 1868 OLDSMOBILE — Cullasi. Air, throughout. Completely furnlihed. B«- First it has to pass the VW 16-point power Excellent condition. 8.00C nlor citizens only. 787-6389. ic transmission, radio, heat- CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH ^ m"e, Call 741-1913 after 5 p.m. Ol Safely and performance test. 988-7188 5 to 6 p.m. »nd sun. er, power steering. That's how we find out thot the cor OPEN EVENINGS EXCEPT SATURDAY "1962 VOLVO FOUR—DOUrl. TRACTORS CALL Was NOW is good. Good enough to get our 100% INTERNATIONAL 340 UTILITY "~7J7-53U TRACTOR — With new V»lk 8' »now $1695 guarantee that we'll repair or replace 141 WEST FRONT ST. 747-0787 RED BANK ploir and SunmaaUr W roury moir- •r, lota typ*. Verr good condition. H449 oil maior^Bch&Bieal parts* for 30 £{.'!•'• AUTOS FOB SALE 842-23S8 after 5 p.m^ or 1000 miles, whichever comes first. '66 CHEVROLET Mind you, we're not picking on WANTED AUTOMOTIVE Plymouth. It isn't the only car thafchas to, JUNK CARS V-8 Biscayne wagon, .stan- meet VW standards to get our guarantee. PIOICBD UP dard transmission, radio, 'engine, Iromrhiisron, reor axle, front oxt« as* Twinbrook Auto Wrecking heater. Umbllas, brokol system, electrical system. Eatontown 542-2235 Was NOW GUT CASH FOR YOUR FOREIGN - VOLKSWAGENS AND SPORTS CARS AT MONMOUTH $1495 MOTORS, INC., Hwy. 39, Xtlontowj, 542-2414.* *1249 1961 VOLKSWAGEk $ 795 Sedan. White, radio, heater. AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS 1962 VOLKSWAGEN ... % 895 '65 TEMPEST Sedan. Turquoise, radio, heater, NO3E and other body parta I960 Cad- illac. Call after 6 p.m. Six wagon, automatic trans- 1963 VOLKSWAGEN $ 950 264-7371 Sedan. Antti. gray, radio, heater, mission, radio, heater, power 1963 VOLKSWAGEN $1095 AUTO RENTALS steering. Convertible. Yellow, radio, heater. DAILY • WEEKLY • MONTHLY Was NOW 1964 VOLKSWAGEN $ 995 Prices start at 56.89 and up. Econo- Sunrool. Gray, radio, heeler. Car of Red Bank. 210 E. Newman 95 1965 VOLKSWAGEN , : $1095 gprlma Rd. 747-0173. »" *1329 Sedan. Beige, radio, heater. TOM'S FORD 1966 VOLKSWAGEN ...$1295 RENT A CAR Sedan. Blue, radio, heater. — EVERY NEW AND USED CAR MUST GO — W> HwT. 35 264-lMO Kerport '65 RAMBLER 1966 VOLKSWAGEN $1550 Y-8 wagon, automatic trans- Fallback. White, radio, heater. IOATS AND ACCESSORIES mission, radio, heater, power 1967 VOLKSWAGEN $1595 Sedan. Red, rodlo, heater. , THE BOATMAN'S SHOP itwring, air-conditioned. ALL YOUR SPRING 1967 VOLKSWAGEN $1895 FITTING OUT NEEDS Squorebock. Blue, radio, heater. New Jersey's Largest Uartii Supplr Was NOW House 24 Wharf Ave.. Red Bin*. 741- $1395 1968 VOLKSWAGEN $1995 5780. Open Sun, and Holldaya, 9 a.m. Sedan. Dam green, outomatlc, rodlo, heater. to 1 p.m. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN $1895 ir TROJAN SPEEDBOAT - With Light blue. Radio, heater. moter. trailer and other extras. Uust sell. Excellent condition. Male offer. '64 PONTIAC CAMPERS Call 671-1038 evenings. 1965 VOLKSWAGEN ; _„ $1495 24' ZOBEL SKIFF 1963 - 225 h.p. Catalin* Safari, power steer- Gray, ship-to-shore radio, monel tank Com per. Rodlo, heater, llghi blue. and shatt, Clean. (2499. Fhont 9 to 5. ing, automatic transmission, 1967 VOLKSWAGEN $2250 FALCON 542-2700. heater, three-way seat. Deluxe pop up top, with side tent. COUNTRY 28' CLAYTON SKIFF M «ke .offer Was NOW DOMESTICS WAGON 872-C221 SQUIRE 1966 — 27' ZOBEL Sea Fox Sports $1295 1963 CHEVROLET , $ 795 Fisherman. Fly bridge, radio, 300 h.p. $1049 Novrf ii: Two-door hordtop, standard, six cyl., radio, heater. Chris Craft. Many extras. Call after 1963 FORD $-995 6 D.m. 741-8509. •• ii • Galaxle "500." Convertible, radio, heater, automatic, V-8, ^ 22" MAHOGANY STEERINO WHEEL CHEAP - power steering, black. —With Ross gear. 28 !b. North Hill anchor. Power megaphone. Call 222* TRANSPORTATION 1963 BUICK $ 995 9358. Riviera, Two door hardtop, radio, heater, automatic, power. . COLUMBIA YACHTS '65 MUSTANG $989 1964 CHEVROLET $1095 The YACHT SHOP Malibu. Two door hardtop, radio, heater, automatic, V-8, 1184 Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. 842-1913 power steering. WANTED—Gaff rig satis for 24-ft. '65 STUDEBAKER $629 1965 CHEVROLET $1195 boat, with or without spars and rig- Impala convertible, Radio, heater, automatic, six cylinder, yellow. LID ging. Will consider Iceboat flails. '64 PONTIAC $749 Write giving measurements, condition 1966 BUICK $2195 MUSTANG UP and price lo Box II185, The Dally '64 CORVAIR $499 Rlvlero, Two door hardtop. Radio, heater, automatic, power. HARDTOP FROM 2688 '2380 Register, Red Bark. 1967 MUSTANG $1695 JERSEY SPEED SKIFF '63 PLYMOUTH $399 v-B. Rodlo, heater, three-speed. !«' loriE, :>27 cu. in, Chevrolet engine. 1968 CHEVROLET $2695 OTHER MODELS OTHER MODELS 2m h.p, trailer. $1500, Call alter 6 p.m. 842-0968. $289 Comoro. Two door hordtop. Radio, heater, automatic "327," ' '63 RAMBLER •47 LINCOLN $3095 '46 GALAXIE $1395 22.& LUHna — Chrysler mnrlne en- SPORT CARS Continental 4-daoo air conditioned. 500 hardtop), gine. Sleeps two. Head, Best offer. '62 TEMPEST $379 Leather trim,, vinyl roof, sterw Call 2(H-4600. 1967 MGB $1795 tape player, speed control, •67 CUSTOM $1350 5-50 lactory war.-inly, WANTED '62 CHEVROLET $389 Roadster. Green, rodlo, heater. PRAM In good condition, with oars. '48 GALAXIE S00 $2395 Call after 3 p.m. 7*7-40fl2. 1967 SUNBEAM $1495 '66 CUSTOM "500" SI 095 Alpine Roodster. Green, rodlo, heater. Hardtop. Air conditioned. NEW AND UfiEn SAILBOATS '62 CHRYSLER $399 5-5G lactory warranty. Four-door, automatic* MONM*OnTJ! SAILING CENTER 1968 FIAT : $1795 power steering. MONMCWTII MARINA ISO Spider convertible. White, radio, heater. '67 LTD $1850 4S Weat St. 2^2-3*32 Monmouth Beach. '60 COMET $279 STATION WAGONS Two-door hardtop. '65 GALAXIE $1195 5-50 factory warranty. WANTED — Rudder nnrt tiller for 500 4-door hardtops. Comet, plun Lightning. Also,Lightning '44 COUNTRY SQUIRE SUSS •69 mast. Call H42-IBJ1, FINANCING ARRANGED SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 5-50 factory warranty. '68 GALAXIE 500 $2250 '45 MUSTANG $1250 Hardtop, Air conditioned. fl' PRAM—Like new. Oar«, onrlncki, 3-30 factory warranty, nrhor No leaks. $3f>. Cull after 8 FOR ALL •45 COLONY PARK $1495 FORD TRUCKS i.m(* fl7Mlf>S. '£7 XL $1350 •65 CUSTOM $ 795 2-door. U^"PKPU~aKTF"K-2S hra. on IBS •It CUSTOM $1350 Two-door hardtop, bucket teats. h.p. Grny Fireball, Vfl engine, water Ranch Waaon. Air conditioning. > YOUR •68 FAIRLANE $1995 Jet drive ('remit Puff rn'urtltlnn. Call 5-50 factory warranty. l!2'-'-H0Rt .Irptwrcn T a nil R p.m. '45 COUNTRY SQUIRE $1359 500 4-door, S-cyl.r automatic, power iteerlnp. If FIBEHOLA8 OUTBOARD — With 10 passenger. '67 GALAXIE $1750 BEST BUY 4(> h.p. mtunr fliirl new trailer, RBady Convertible. •A7 FAIRLANE $1195 for launrhlng anil wntrr *M tun. 5550. '46 FALCON S1395 Cnll DVPS, only, 6Tt-rrfll3. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN '68 FAIRLANE $1750 Two door, automatic, KITSON Future-. Hardtop.* CANVAS~TOPS " ' Sedan, radio, heater, radial tires. 5-50 factory warranty. '65 MUSTANG $1195 TRUCKS Zenith blue. Full Volkiwag«n '64 COUNTRY SEDAN $ 850 Convertible, automatic. CliBtinn Marine Knhrle flsrvlce guarantor, $• Air conditioned. '67 GALAXIE $1750 nnK addition* »nd alterations. 1 FACTORY HELP rirat (1,000. ;»H 631 MIS ' LUKEK. 741-2JOP, 14' CikN'OK LANDSCAPINO and LAWN SERVICE No Experience Necessary (.IKE NEW A n. l>l«z, 19 L79 EMPLOYMENT We Will Train HEW WANTED—FEMALE We Will Train * BUSINESS NOTICES I.PN'JI _ a lo 11. n to 7. Klni Jamei ALSO TYr'N'corv Nurslne Home. IBM Executive Ts'Plnl Hud Mlmeo 2!I1-34(W Resumes - Letler* - Notary Blfi-4303 JOIN A GROWING COMPANY TANDY rnLTNTKR ATTENDANT FOREMAN - SECOND SHIFT RVEBKB 8TAMFB — Hade In orcer Fast." efficient •cn-le* tTie it Iwime of Api>Iy In perion after 6:^0 p.m. T0W> IN A GROWTH INDUSTRY builnrii. Call 741-3277 or 787-!«B. THEATRE 1IWY. 35, .MIDDLETOWN TWIST AND CABLE DEPT. FIRMTXIRB MOVINQ — Atlloa an CLERK TYPIST cellar* cleaned. Free MtlmatM Cal MONMnilTII COUNTY'S MOST We are a leading manufacfurinq of wire, itt-aooj IlEAUl'IFI.'L DEALKRBH1PI WIRE AND CABLE EXPERIENCE REQUIRED SHEET METAL WORK WANTBD Si>me automotive office experlenc cable and TV system products offering... Bmall or lar«e. Bed Bank Blurt Cnoil hDiirs. Pleasant working condl Metal Co.. 1 Leonard St. Bed Bant. 7(1.1134. WALL'LINCOLN-MERCURY JOIN A GROWING COMPANY tirrwNtinry Ave. BhrBwnbw GOOD SALARY SPRING PAINTING! Call betwei'Q 10 am. and 4 pm. IN A GROWTH INDUSTRY \ Call now lor free wtlm«te.-Tn|i Quail. ty Work. RpdBonnble Trice*. Fully In- 747-5400 GENEROUS BENEFITS PERMANENT AND TEMPORAR We are a leading manufacturer of wire, ; '""MY THREE SONS AOB EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Pdintlns Conlrachir* Thomas Avo. 747-3494 Shrewaour Apply in Person All Week "Scott got a REAL bunny for Easter and it's not cable and TV system products offering.".. EXPEllIICNCF,!) MARROW MA 583-9706 264-7449 CHINK — Single ntedln, operator. 35- „ . even made of chocolate I" UOHT HAUUNO—CLEAN CELIJHW hour u-i>eh. UxL-ellent nalary. Call be- •YAROy OARAGES — Vrr* MLlmaAea. tween 7.3(1 a.m. to 4:30 y.m. 741-W2 GOOD SALARY I Call alter ! tlm. 741-3140. JOY ANN COATS. VIKOA CABLE CO. SMALL JOB srECIAJJBT GIRL FRIDAY Halls Mill Road Freehold HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED—MALE Horn* repairs, alteration*, addition! Moil progrosalve real estate office In GENEROUS BENEFITS Inflde and outiilde. 291-32110. northern Montnmilh require! a per- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER iiblp and rellabM receptlonlat who HAVING A PARTY? i typo, tnkR Nhorthand and > com- Apply in Person All Week ; r>EL!i~Ierlonc'i! and rere. DARMAID WANTED — At Tile Hay- SALESPERSONS WANTBD — Fu VIKOA CABLE CO. ! tlnn. bualnesfl. perKOnal and payroll. alife Tavern, 6 Broad St., Keyport. iros. to llox Him, Tlie Dally Itcgi time yflsr round only. Five day week Paid Vacation and Hulldays. GrouD Wedicitl. Life Insurance and Pension Flan. Al»o bookkceplnl audlllni. Oltitand i. Itrd Hank. Please aiiply In iinrson. Apply F, W. Woolworth Co., 52 Broa ln« record ot MllKltd cllenu lor II Rt., Red Hank, after '2 p.m, Halls Mill Road Freehold' yearn In Mlfldletnwn Maximum legr SWITCHHOAIIH-OPERATOR — 3-11 BECTIETARY Coll or stop by between 9 a.m. and 4:20. p.m. Man. through Fri. lor riedur.tlon esuured. Reasonable rale: . Part • ttmo. Stonily work. An CLERK-TYPIST — Full time ponltlo Mr. F. A. Duranfe. T AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ; For a|i|referreil. Frufit sharing LEGAL SECRETARY — Typing and We will train and preo&re (or Licens- OPEKATOR FOR M.T S.T—In con- •Ian. 5-tlay week. Apply In person or WOMAN — Live In, lo run household shorthand skills required. Apply ing, through our special company To work with teen-age boys in $200 MINIMUM LANDSCAPING — Maintenance and genial offlco In Eatontown. Write rot write EBSCO. oppoalta Airport, for middle-aged couple with no chil- Monmoutll Legal Services Organiza- school, qualified young men for po- Rototllllm. FRED ESTIMATES, Call Interview, stating iialary denlred, to dren. Includes cooking. No cleaning or tion. 3 E. Front St., Red Bank. 741- distribution and sale of Mon- WEEKLY GUARANTEE 1SMHJ0. flux I1-1B8, Thn Dally Register. Red Sliri'WJtbury, N. J. sitions In one of today'! most lucra- laundering. Salary commensurate with 1401. tive profession!. It you are Interested mouth County newspaper. Must PLUS COMMISSIONS rfLABTKRINO — Cement, rinlahlntc. Itsnk. INTELLIGENT WOMEN — Interested ability. References required. Write to In first year earnings of S12.00O, with chlmnevB. Hrleka and blocks. Ba DENTAL A8S1RTANT—Permsnent po- n permanent part-time employment. Box D-180. The Dally Register. Red MACHINE OPERATORS — New com- unlimited future Income potential, call be able to work with the public. International company, a leader in lh» B-Q \>\\t. Tlreplaeea. WiterprootLni. lltlon In Ha?.let. High school gradu- i^resa dipping aiurenu has ojipnltiRSi HanK. pany (Union I SCHARP CORP., 322 Mr. Steam, 787-6600. Sales ability an asset. 5-Day, Security Alarm Systems Field, 1$ seek* 7«I-5TM. ate to train No experience necessary, for two roaclerB. Apply Iloom 507, 12 Main St.. Uelroril. 787-7B77. Ing two personable ambitious men. Hrojut St., Kcd Bank, B-i I a.m. LPN'S all shifts, shift differential. Call MECHANIC—Experienced on Chrysler Monday to Friday. Good start- Protected territory, no overnight LAWN MAINTENANCE and cuttlni Write to Box P-178. The Dally Keg- for an appointment. tMfi-4200. HOLM NURSE'S AIDES WANTED — 3 to 11 Corporation cars. FREEHOLD DODGE. travel. Sales experience desirable but by the month. ColU Ntck-Holmdol Istcr, Red Bank. M • WAITRBSS — DEL CONVALESCENT CENTER, Hwy p.m. shut. Please call 462-6234. ing salary. Many fringe bene- not necessary. Excellent management area Phone 631-4680. Experienced. Rippp In. other help 34, Holmriel. 231-3400 potential, IrInge bei.e4.ta and bonus kt Permanent. 229-0S43. fits. Call 741-0010. Ask for Cir- MOBILE HOMES HOUSEKEEPER — Companion Live HOUSEWORKER WANTED — Every LINOTYPE OPERATOR — Part-time program. In. Centrally located Red Bank, call No night work. COMMERCIAL culation. AUTOS FOR SALE WAITRESSES — 2.1 needed, experl- second week. Llncroft area. Call 741- PRESS. 1C9 W. Front St., Red Bank. prc'd. Apply In person only, Mer- 741-2473 after 4 p.m. 54 For Personal Interview maid Diner, Hvry. 36, Leonardo. -• 747-3611. CALL MR. TAYLOR SCHIFFMAN DENTAL ASSISTANT — Red Bank, RN OR LPN FOR PEDIATRICIAN'S Experienced preferred. Bend exporl- OFFICFJ — Call 566-4494 between 9 531-5159 PART-TIME EVES 6-10 p.m. SALE s We hove 1 CAMKRI & TRAILUS BOOKKEEPER enee and qualifications to Box B-17B, a.m. and 5 _ . CAREER (0:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.) TRAILERS - CAMPERS Full charge, five day week, 9 to S, The Dally Register, Red Bank. -"•Mr* We now. have several openings avail- tyTTH CULLIGAN - able on our newly created evening IS IT. FOR YOU? new 19M MOTOR HOMES Nice situation. Experience ar\d Blick- SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS — ASSEMBLERS: N. J.'s largest dealer, over 100 units needed. Apply in person. Bhift for men to work as material OLDSMOBILS Experienced or Inexperienced. We NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY handlers. Reliability, rather than ex- The name Culligan has become a on display. RED BANK LUMBER will train. Apply LAS Sportswear. Un MUST HAVE STEADY WORK RECORD "PAINTERS" UorNs cold Seal. Monitor. Avion. perience Is desired. household word In the rapidly growing In Inventor/. earl and Wall Red Bank "(1-5500 Ion Ave., Union Beach. INTERVIEWS field of water softening. A Culligan EXPERIENCED ONLY Del/Rey. Volunlatr. SwWaei. Pickers and Packers: TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS salesman becomes Known as "Tlie cul- We're anxious Wlnnesoao. Gilts. Arlilocrat. Smoker- Call MY THREE SONS WOMAN — To wnrh In dniK store, BEAUTICIAN MUST BE HIGH SCHOOL OKADS 9 a-m. -10 a.m. 2 p.m. • 3 p.m. llgan Man" In the community he 284-7449 583-97M to dispose el You can lee them all al Tues. and Thura., Q-!t p.m. Rod Bank* High Btyliat. Must be experienced. Top serves, u-Jiere he can expoct to settle SCHIFFMANS MlrldlPtown art 11. Wrllo lies N-123, «ali\ry. plus commlislon. Terrific op. Wo otler excellent working conditions LANYIN- In a tltetlme career ELS a respected EXPERIENCED PAINTERS — Anrly II. Call Jim CodlllocOldsmoblle at the Coilingwood Circle, Rt. 33 & M The Dally Register. Heel Bank. norlunlty for right party. Apply In combined wltli a congenial atmosphere CHARLES OF THE RITZ member of that community. In person, 45 Hendrlcksoti 'PL, Pali FarrrtlnQdoll. N. J. 936-5254. pmon, WANNER'B OF SWITZER- in ouc new ultra modern plant. Haven, between 5:30 and 6:30 evea. Clophom or Broadway al Fourth ,EOAL SECRETARY — Minimum ot LAND, Rt. 35, Mlddletown Shopping RT. 35 HOLMDEL. N. J. The Culligan sales man builds his ca- No phone calls. Long Branch yearH recent legal experience. Nona Center. INTERVIEWS reer by selling softened water and Gill Frank. ither need apply. Modern new offices. TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS OPENING now available In the Hal- 1MI1M MACHINE OPERATOR Culllgan equipment for home use with AUTOS FOR SALE Top salary (or right person, call REGISTERED NURSB — Evening 9 AM-10 AM 2 PM-3 FM Starting $2.25 hour. Benefits, vacation.. confidence that each new user will be- let area for lull or part-time CREDIT MM Rundqulst, 2S9-32OO. •mrt. Shift differential. Call for an ap- LANVIN- Apply at INSUL-COUSTICB Jernee Mill come both a friend and a source of COLLECTOR. Salary commensurate polntmcnl. 948-4200. HOLMDEL CON- Rd., Bayrevllle, N, J. enthusiastic help towards more cus- with ability. Call 264-7170. MATURB WOMAN - Pleasant per- VALESCENT CENTER. Hwy. 34, CHARLES OF THE RITZ tomers. Steady, diligent and conKcl- MASON'S HELPER — No experience sonality, wanted ns receptionist (or Holmdel. EXPERIENCED MECHANIC - Ap- entioua effort, without high pressure, necessary. Call after 6 p.m., busy medical oHIrv. Munt bs experl* RT. 35 HOLMDEL. N.J. ply In person to Bill Grant, Service are basic requirements in this work. enccd. Bnokkc^rlitR background pre- SECRETARY — Experienced. Perma- DENTAL ASSISTANT-Inlerestecl In a 741-6718. nent employment, Freehold. Must be Manager, McFaddln Cadillac, Olds mo- (erred. Write Hox H-lg8. The Dally good Jo\ In comfortable surround- bile, £51 Broadway. Long Branch. 222- REAL ESTATE SALESMAN — Apply Register, Red HanU^ expert stenographer and typlat, and tnga with pleasant co-workers? Chalr- If you are the man for this opportuni- The biggest bargain willing to assume some reBponalbilty 1234. ty, and live in Monmouth County, we Applenroolt ARency, 950 Hwy 35. Mid- Blde assistant needed. Experience pre- cllclown. 671-2300. for orftce routine. Must be high school ferred but will train qualified person. offer an Interesting salary and bonus OPPORTUNITY! graduate and resident of Monmouth TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS - plan with paid 'lite Insurance, hospital, Neat appearance and good working Two years commercial experience. TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS, -» 'our women to liPi'iimp reprpsent^tlvea County, Five day week, 9 to i :30. New habits essential. Mlddletown area. vacation ami profit aharinig. Please •Experienced. After G, in todays in the h\gMy pruflhiMe home decorat- ly redecorated, refurnished, alr-condl Apply In person at N&ppl Trucking phone 688-1609. Write to Box D-182. The Dally Reg- Corp.. Rt. ai. .Matawan. 671-3057 ing Hold. T( you have the nbSlity to tloneil oirlcc. Many benefits. No age ister, Reil Bank. Iterflii^dp peopip ami can sprnk well, limit. Qood salary for rlBht person See Our Ad Under - Reply In,' own handwriting to Box D- MEN WANTED SALES CAREER imported car marketr •all llfi.-esoo ami nsk for Mlclicle. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER - For the right Individual, we offer a 181. The Dally Register. Red Bank. Knowledge of payroll, typing and gen- Business Opportunities Road bt Track COtrNTEHQIRl-^-And checkop Tor dry eral orHce procedures, send resume MCDONALD'S PRIVE-IN marvelous challenge. No celling on leaning establishment, Full-time em* CREDIT INTERVIEWER — Dl.KI to stating experience, salary level and 925 Hwy. 3* MlddJetown "A One-Man Busineis 19&9 AUSTIN AMERICAN $1765 P.O.E. ilovmpiit, 40 Tirs. Must tit* neat and start. Evening hours and weekends. availability. 'Reply to P. O. Box J. Full or part-time workers for eve- $2,000 Investment" .rr«mat).>?. Avply LITTLB SILVER Mature married woman preferred, Mlcldlctown. N. J. 07748. nings. Must be at least 18 years old. 'LKANEHS, «'lt Hrnnrh Ave,, Little Eatfintown area. Call 542-5771 after (Can Start Part-Time) Silver. 4 p.m. PERSONNEL QUALITY CONTROL LET 1989 be your year ot opportunity. ADRIAN PYLE TRADING AS KXPEItlENCBO WAITBEaa.ES PART-TIME — Earn $75-Sl»O per SECRETARY/ASSISTANT Call 549-7587, eves 671-2232 today. SALESMEN igh clnss restaurant. Call between innnlli showing new home cflrc prod- I acck an attractive self-starter with An equal opportunity employer. M/F If you have experience In direct Mlliag II snd 1 p.m. 220-7901. ivt-tB live hours p«r week. Call Mr. ot brains and good skll.s including sieno FOREMAN (books, pools, vacuums, 'Carpet, ete.) Mrs. Erdmann at 666-7961. to be my right arm In our Personnel SHORT ORDER COOKS — Six need- We will aisure you an unuiually hlih TOP HAIRDRESSER OR MANICUR- Department. ed. Full or part-time. Apply In per- Income. A&G MOTORS ST - Top aftlary, All year round, WAITRESSES — All three shifts open Challenging supervisory position for I seek a sal who can work "on her responsible, intelligent man wltti one son, Mermaid Diner, Hwy. 36, Leo- our men sell by qualified appoint- k3M239 Tnp wages. Apply In person. Dog own'' and who in comfortable with nardo. Mousr. Rt. 35, Mlddletown. or two years experience In quality ments In Monmouth and Hiddlaiiz 82 S. Main St. 775-3483 " Asbury Park, N.J. people. Interviewing experience heln- control or equivalent. counties and our customer tll DKNTAI. ASSISTANT — Part-time. lul; but I will train a capable girl, DISHWASHER - For night work. Is unbeatable. Call 264-6800. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE This position will be Available the la Minimum hlgrj school education or one Apply dally, except Mondays, COLO- Experience preferred, but not neces- week In April. NY RESTAURANT, Itldgo lid., uilj sary. Hox F-11S. The Dally Register. or two years college preferred. Please Ave of Two Rivers, Rumson. 842-9827. AUTO MECHANIC • Red Bank. The Company benefits arc excellen He nil resume and salary history to and the offices are new and air con- Mrs. A, Robinsun. or call 671-200O, Ext. Top pay tor experienced man. All ben*, WANTED COUNTER OIRL — To work In m dllloneil. Pleuse submit resume in 251 OA3 ATTENDANT ,- To work al] fits. 6 day« a week. Finn Bulck, Inc., night. Apply Pulton Texaco Service '^Broadway, Long Branch. Call 222- 100 USED CARS era dry vlrantag plant Must It neat, fiiicnco indicating present anrt de- Center, Hivy 38 and Middle Rd., Haz- mil M2-0533. il salary to: Mr. Howard Webe let. 264-9654. Cash waiting for you Personnel Mgr. LILY-TULIP FACTORY MEN - QOOd pay for LANVIN-C'HARLES OF THE RITZ DIVISION OP OWENS-ILLINOIS 40 hours Rteady work, Year-round VOLVO TOWN & COUNTRY AUTO RENTALS \\O. HOX 638, RED BANK, N. J, Hwy. 35 Holmdel, N. J. MANAGEMENT CAREER Indoors making flno ceramic tile. No An Equal Opportunity Employer In retailing. Rapid advancement. Job experience needed. Old factory Isn't DODGE MAIlVs WANTED — D&lly. "weekly. security. Nelsner Brothers, a rapidly 31.41) an Iir. Transportation provided PLUMBERS AND HELPERS — Ex- *xparullng^-retail chain, operating HtO fancy, but you'll like Atco/s Irlendly 60 MAIN ST. M4-41W MATAWA Call 2r.l!K):M. v. perience necessary. Steady work. people. Paid Holidays, vncatlon, Iniur- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! RENT A CAR modern department and Junior depart- ance, other benefits. We were an EXPERIENCED NCR 482 OPERA' Good pay. Benefits and paid holld&ys. ment stores In 19 states, offers a for- Call 566-4421 afler 7,. mal management training program for equal opportunity employer years te- DAY • WEEK • MONTH TORS—Salary commensurate with ex fore It became fashionable. ATCO CE- NEW JERSEY'S OLDEST perlence. Employe benefits, paid hol- MEN qualified yuung men who can be devel. idays, etc. Write lo Hox B-181. Thi oped IIKO store manogcrB and to posi- RAMICS CORP., Hwy. 35, Keyport. Spring Is Just WALL Daily Register, Red Dank. MATERIAL HANDLERS tions of eventual greater responsibility 2(i4'80O0. AND* MOST RELIABLE LINCOLN-MERCURY Due lo our policy of Internal promo* Excellent startlne salary. QUALIFICA- Around the Comw... • Shriwitiury Avt., ot Sycomor* NURSES' AIDES—Navesln). House, tions, once again we have several TIONS: College training highly desir- VOLVO DEALER. 40 Riverside Ave. Contact Mrs. Mill; Openings available for men aa ma* able, minimum high school graduate. (More Classified Ads and wi need 100 Utad Can 747-5400 Mon. thru Frl. between S *nd 4. 842 terlftl handlers, Our nt art Ing rate Is Capacity to meet high mental and On The Next Page) W« will \m4* or buy ou* $l.!>0 per hr. with regular Increases physical demands of lralnlns program ami excellent advancement opportuni- demonstrate leadership ability, have MONMOUTH COUNTY'S IMPORT LEADER right — Call or CorrffvJr, ties, A good steady work record, the necessary drive and flexibility to HELP WAMED-4FEMALE HELP WANTED-FEMALE rattier than experience la our only succeed In the dynamic and highly HELP WANTED-MALE TOM'S FORD qualification. comimtlllvo chain store Industry. Will- RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS We offer splendid working conditions ingnoss to relocate. Company henefltH ASK FOR ED SIGUR anil liberal benefits combined with a Include liberal retirement, excellent NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD 741-5886 RED BANK congenial atmosphere In our modern, nospiiallZHilon and major medical plan JOB OPPORTUNITIES Hwy. 35 264-KOD K*yperr prollt sharing bonus, paid vacation OPEN EVES. TIL ? P.M. — WED. TIL 6 P.M. alr-LoiiditiuiiQd plant. holidays and sickness plan. Minimum INO MACHINES - Typewriter! Expertly on bratded nylon. IISI • If you have good skills, use the electric dlUona RiiiV aienettts. T*l-7««. old, renti-c. repaired Serplco'i 101 ANDERSON BROS. strand Sterling claipj from Tnc lonmnulli 81 . Red Bank. 717-Mib. APPRENTICE - To Irani the print INC. IUM1831I.LK3 111 Uroid St.. Rad typewriter and want a good job with Ing trade on a dally newspaper. Bank. Rtead.v advancement In. salary and PACKING — MOVING a future, here is your chance for a TRAINEES FOREMEN all-year around employment. Excellent Diamond! Bought or Restyled fringe benefits. For Interview, write STORAGE diversified and interesting position alum resume to RDX D-170, The Dally Photography Register, Red Bnnk. L«t ut buy the diamonds you don'l with a dynamic, fast growing oil com- wear or let us reRtyla thtm for you SALESMEN WANTED 1 NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED personally ReujiUlu . 16 Broad It WinnNUB ~ Portraits, TTtaatfieal, pany. Attractive starting salaries, PART-TIME *M,O00 Advertlalnt riLM ART PRODUO FULL-TIME »2«,000 TIONS, Kalr Haven. 741-4741. liberal'benefits program and company If you have the Initiative we have the Electrical Contractor! money. World known corporation. No WE WILL TRAIN WJT/AUIEO VAN LINES cafeteria. competlllon. Call Mr. Carvollo, 717-11701. MechonlcSI. 741-0030 Ridlonk O. * C ELECTRIC - New "lrin«, Plumbing anil Heating ALERT, AMBITIOUS HIGH SCHOOL rawlrlng Electric heat No lob too Odd Jobs Call 636-3000 HELP WANTED-FEMALE GRADUATE. DRAFT DEFERRED. imall 7>14IH0. 741B7M, I.KllIT HAULING—Collari nratei Pl.UMntNO -- Hratlni anrl bathroom or apply in person to Mr. Seyler rjcined up Have truck Free aiti- remouellng EXPERIENCED General Contractor! GOOD STARTING SALARY mates 74l-2l*B after 3 pra CORRISAN'S KEYPUNCH .21 Okklftlit. %\.. Hrd BanH 141-210* HESS OIL & TOP COMPANY PAID BSNrF!TS CAftPKNTKY - Adilliiom ptndlnn. Painting and Dccoraling ctepi. fldewalka, iu!l»«, odd )i>l,a OPERATORS Pleosi wrlle in commence lo Personnel Department Reai'inanlc rates i<2-43K.1, HI .'OX ( A1U. M JONKri - rnlntlnn anil Full or part-time. Days ond ovu, \Mi!!!'/ir"Tln* l-'ully Insured. For ff«" Roofing, Sidinj; & Insulation CHEMICAL CORPORATION ]8£ FOX & BOTTONE BOX 708 ALI, TYI'EIl II) IIOMK ltKI'AIKK I Hsss Plaza Woodbridge, New Jersey (Dole? Processing! Freehold, New Jersey 07728 Tall'jnp, rrrn'iilellng, and iniliitlrig KnHKin H FAI1WKI.1, 0L8EN CO. IN(' n.niflri)., fllril Red Bank An Equal Opportunity Employer Reasonably priced, I-'ree entllnateB I';.T,'in^ K DicnralinK lnvi]nM'-n lnifn,l»*'1 mill Kiifcra An eqjnl opportunity employtr Crompt service rail 7i"|.;iftM Kri-f Ksuinatea call MJ IIW for 10 »e*rrf TT.Vl)Tav 281-OM0, 741-0050 BELP WANTEtt-MAIJ! HELP WANTED-Mtte-fenuteHELP WANTED-MtteFemtle FOB8ALE FOH SALE PETS AVD LIVESTOCK OPERATOR - B THE DAILY liEGISTOl, M.«,«iay. Apr,, 7, \W>—19 ITEMS YOU NO LONGER WAUL-TQ'WAtX CARPET PUT A POfJJ.iLK IN yrjrjH EAHTKH -alle training plus qttHUy twnu* af We must sacrifice our dlecpntlnued BASKET -- Toys, Minis. Eicellent t,r traiutaf pertwl. Paid vacitlon, Inventory for new stock. Now for on- pedigrees. Home bred, hand ralstM. FURNISHED ROOMS LEGAL NOTICE fcald holllaya, croup imurmce ilu> MONMOUTH COUNTY'S MOST NEED OR USE WILL ... ly 1179 we will Install 270 sq. It. ol Call 666-4809 after 4 p.m. Jn.Jor nudlcal. Cill HT-62OO or ipp 100% nylon carpet with padding. MOTEL AND HOTEL ROOMS - S15 jit 11 AppH St. New Bhr»wslniry. BEAUTIFUL DEALERSHIP Call now • Only four colors left HOMINO PIGEONS foe sale. SI ea. a week and up. * Maid servli-a. Call NOTICE TO BIDDERS Home Decorators, KeypDrt 261-8800.. 8721773 Alpine Manor, Highlands, Separate sealed bids will b« re- or 12-50 for mated pairs. Call c*iive«l by the Hajslet Townahfp Hoard MIN — To learn auto anil plat SELL 747-0349. ROOM -- For gentleman. Next to rial, trade, mechanically Inclined. 19" PORTABLE ZENITH TV — Black bath. Compatible. $!«. Call of Hlducation at• the ofiice of „' the' J>»rman«nt position. All paid bene* and white. Call HERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES — 7U-R,r>86 Recr-tary. 1719A Union Avenue at •ltl. Apply ATLANTIC GLASS CO Middle Road. Ha/let. New Jer- r 222-4438 Six weekH old. SIRED ly KELLY OF ", lower Main St.. Matiwm. THANKS YOU FOR FAST CHESTERFIELD. AKC wlnm-i twh-e SINGLE ROOMS - rlean. ci sey un:il 2:00 p.m. on April 18. 1989 'CITIZEN BANI5~RADIO — (Mobile? Females '}75. Males $100. 787-984B. able. Reasonable Gentleman for furrtlihlng: PARK AND RECREATION MAIN HB23, Lafayette. All 23 channets. plus terrd. 92 Wallace St., 741-5392. . Medical SupiitlfM 1MD.1[)7O WITH A QUICK ACTION extra channel for public address sys- TBNANCB MAN - Mlddletown real WIRE FOX TERRIERS-AKC rcKl.i- ROOMS FOR RENT — Adults. Call Physical Eduu^tlMn Supplle* 1969- dent Civil larvtc« appointment. Ful tem. Six months old. ran be seen o;i- 197D HELPING HIM GROW LOW-COST eratlng. $100. Call 568-0936 after B pin. terert puppies. Wormed and inocu- .fter 6 p.m. • time position. Call 741-08U tor furthe lated. 585. 671-1802. 291 oo«6 Garbage ~T96O-1970 • Information between 8 a.m. ird UilPtto Supplied A Equipment lf>69. I p.m. DAILY REGISTER MAHOGANY OFFICE DESK — Clean PROFESSIONAL POODLE GROOM- 1970 2(1x40. Solid top, three dcawer3 encli ING — We groom to please. In your REAL ESTATE FOR SALE kh will be opened by the Sec- • NURSERY HELP FOR MEN _ 18 Bide, one in center. {25. 787-6180 poodle ready for Eaater? 542-55.')0. ry r,f the Board who will publicly • years old and over. Our minimum BUT.... FAMILY AD ounce tin: bid total. • wage la $1.85 per hour. Lovett's Nur- OLD FRANKLIN PAHLOR STOVE — POODLE PUPS — Pocket toys, »lx HOUSES FOR SALE hp cnnrtltlons. tcrnrn and speclflca- Very food condition, $80. 4x8 drartlna tiona for tin- above may h« obtained 1 wry Inc., Phalanx Rd.. Colts Neck. 3 LINES - 5 DAYS table with atool, 515. Call evenings, weeks. AKC, $125 up. Private bred. | Oil 7*1-2200 tor particulars. Duo to your tremendous acceptance- of our Dealership, After 5. 261-8174. from the -SncreUry of the Board of 787-3530. HILLSIDE COLONIAL Education at the address shown be- I EXPERIENCED HAIRDBESSKK - we must now add mor» personnel ta our stiff. We are FOR $9 low. I All year round. Top salary. 53 (1OOD USED TIRES — 13" to 15". BEAOLES — Fully broken and start- tystom built 10-room, 2'/2-bath I 4222. looking for the aggressive person who it willing to work on rims, $5 each. 50 tires lor sale ers. Priced to sell. Some registered. The board of Education reserves JUST ^. wholesale. 493-0823. 542-7958. home only six months old. En-the *Tigrn to rejerrt any or all bids I ASSEMBLERS AND WOODWORKERS and grow with us. We have severs) openings for the Available for Merchandise For Sals try foyer, spacious living room and to waive any immaterial Infnrmal- I Permanent full time work with sail- only. Article roust originate from a 243 WINCHESTER — Model 70. Leo- MINIATURE POODLE - AKC regis- Itie-s, I lioat mtnuficturer. Boat experience following positions, household and may not exceed a sula pold variable 3x9 scope. Hcdfleld tered. U-week-old pick-ot-Ilttcr- puppy. with wood burning fireplace, Robert r;. Havens, Secretary 1 not necessary. Many benelitj. Call be price of [>«r article. mounts, allng, complete reloading Apricot male. $100. champion sired Hazlet Township Br>ard of Education tween 8 a.m. arid fi p.m. JENSE nice MUST be advertised. Each ad. equipment. Best offer. Ftberglaa Apricot at stud. 542-7032 after 6 p.m. overlooking sloping hillside. 171BA Union Avenue at Middle Road MARINE, (310100, • Salesmen • Mechanics • Parti Men dlUonal line (1.00. No copy changes steam cabinet, (100. 711-7608 sfler S Formal dining room, dream P. O. Box 237 mar be made and no discounts or p.m. , GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES — Hazlet. New Jersey 07730 returns will be made It ad Is can- ^Slre champion Dot-Wall's Vance, 1-tam kitchen. Four king size bed- Dated: April 1, 1969 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT — • Body Men • Office Personnel eelMl before expiration. champion Cato of FleUlstone grand- April 7 $800 Full time. Experienced man only. BAND SAW — No motor, JIO. Also daughter. Bred for temperament as rooms, family room, two-car Apply In person, Herble'i Cltgo Sta- To Plaet Your Daily Regiiter drill press, $!0. well aa conformation. Phono 671-9120. tion, Llncrott. If you feel you qualify • * e 787-6180 garage. Brokenhearted owner HOUSES FOR SALE FAMILY AD, CALL ... TWO-YEAR OLD MALE COLLIE FULL OB PART-TIME HELP — A HOPE CHEST — 150. Crib S55. Bu- transferred, must sacrifice at Stop in today for an interview at our new home. $26 RUMSON atlUts. Apply BLACKWELL HESS, Rl reau S35. End tables S10 and SIS. All 741-Z177 Si. Matiwan. antiqued while. 842-4435. 157,0m. Better than new center hall Colonial. 741-6900 King alze riv>m.i throughout. Four, bed- OELDINO — Six years old. llunlpil CARPET INSTALLER WALNUT OHAIN Formica top table nionn 2\2 baths, den, fireplace, ralsred Mechanic wanted to do work In lie 24-Hour Service with leaf, four chairs, (30. Call 291- and; shown. English only. Gentle anri VTREES GALORE liearlh. Fully air conditioned, base- mouth and Middlesex counties for fas DISKS 115 up FILES, tables, onalrs, 2212 before 11 a.m. reliable. CANNON HILL .FARM, Mr. ment, m acre with trees In quiet crowing carpet chain. Generous In- WALL adding maohfnes, typwrltera, Dfflce Hollander. D46-452S after 6 p.m. Centrally air conditioned four- area. $78,000 A "Must lee." Don't equipment, etc., at bargain prices. wait. come, for right man. We will -— - Naw or used AAC DESK OUTLET, ELECTRIC STOVE — Two ovens. Ex- bedroom, VA • bath Colonial the yard or weekly, call 28' .,; Lintoln Mercury. cellent condition. Call MIXED BREED PUPPIES Rt M, Oakhuran 331-39(0. 812-0397 MALE AND FEMALES home. Living room, formal din- BBRVICB STATION ATTENDANT - Call 542-4663, after 5 p.m. 747-3500 Full time, Hi days. Salary commen- Shrewsbury Ave., at Sycamore CHEST OP DRAWERS AND DRESS- ing rooin, kitchen-family room, auratt with ability, quiet ralmi, If RENT A TV ER TO MATCH — With large mir- PROTECTION CLASSES — For your ROLSTON WATERBJRY wllllntneia to accept reipomlblllty li Color or black and white. Day, week ror. Both *25. 787-6180. dog. Why pay $700 when you can full basement, attached garage. nealtor-Insuror chown. Commlaalons and vacations. or month. J^ow rates. BATBHC&B TV have your dog guard you for »4ft? City sewers. Owner transferred. J6 W. Front St. Rod Bink 0T701 Apply In person, MAW Gulr Service. 747-5400 M Church »t.. Kcantburg. 787-MOa PHONO. RECORDS — 78 R.P.M. STAN LERNER. Professional Trainer, Cor. Mapla Av>. and W. Front Gt Early Jazz. Big Bands. Some Classics. guarantees this training will not $33,500. AN IDEA: SAVE TIME: Red Bank. 542-1849 change your clog's personality; but P.S. If you don't need a job, step in anyway and buy a will teach him to protect you. 531-8854. Ask for Horn* Buyera' OuWn Bro- CERAMIC TILE HELPER PIANOS.ORGANS SWIMM1NO POOLS — All types ol Tho McSOWAN AGENCY chure, photos: Greater Red Bink, CALL new or used car of your choice. lnground and above-ground pools. DOBERMAN PINBCHER — F.xtra Rurason, other areas. Honu, Estates, 842-1242 - Thank You. Lou of trade-ins' from *SS. Truck Chemicals and supplies. Discount gentle. Especially gjiod with children. Realtors River-Oceanfront Propertlea. Multiple loads of new pianos and organs lust prices. ADDON POOLS, 1400 Hwy. Father a Champion. $75 for quick pale. Listings. Open 7 days. PLUMBING MECHANIC - A-l In all arrived. Spinet pianos from 1499. Com- 35, Mlddletown (ISO's nouth of Sears), 531-8154. 258 Newman Springs Rd. phases of plumhlnir and heating work. plete players - now and used. Rentals ELLA WILTSHIRE AGENCY Steady, year round employment. 531- from S7o a week. PRE-SEASON SALE — On Fhllco and Red Bank 747-3000 Realton Firestone air conditioners. As low aa PEKINGESE PUPPY — Male, 14 8055 weeks old, with papers. $123. Csil 229- 1180 Ocean Ave, - sea Bright J109 for 500O BTU Firestone. Come in S42-00W FLOOR WAXER-WINDOW CLEANER HELP WANTED-Male-Fcma! SITUATIONS WANTEDMale Come see our Warehouse and see at FIRESTONE, White and 4226 after 5:30. WEST LONG BRANCH "Just for Fun" Call after 5 p.m. Maple Sts.. Red Bank. (5AU5-VIN PET SHOPPE OLDB SHREWSBURY 566-7018 SHORT ORDER COOKS — Expert LIFEOUARD - senior Red cross enced. Hate or female. For tavern LHesavIng Certificate, available for FRIIHOLD K1UBALL PIANO & THOMA3 INTERMEZZO — Two man- Monmouth Shopping Center Executive Moving Out Cnmpact. Convenient, Fairly priced. SECURITY GUARD — Full time posl- Good pay. Days or nights. 2:10733 summer work. Full time. Or Indoor ORGAN WAREHOUSE! ual electric organ, S250. Admiral Su- 542-1273 Throe bedrooms, dining L, gameroom. tlon available In modern growing hos- pool, part-time now. Call 7I7-4S15 af- «4 Houth SL Freehold par Freezer. 15 cu. ft.. S100. Whirlpool special of the week of State Attached garage. Nicely landscaped. pital with food salary and full frlng ter 5. UM1M 462-4730 portable dlahwaBher, wooded block top, Finches — 51.50 Spacious corner ranch, beautifully Early possession, Don't wait. 525,900. benefits. Must be able to do shirt takes II place settings, 'MOO. 842-2674 AKC MINIATURE SCHNAUZER landscaped, shade trees, enclosed with work. Contact Personnel Office. River- •JBDPINO DOWN — Of Cnantllly mornings or evenings. PUPPIES—Salt and pepper. Dam and country [encc. 747-3500 view Hospital, 741-2700, -Ext. 229, for lace. Alencon and Peau de Sole. pups champion sired. $125.- 46S-90S9. en Interview. An Equal Opportunity FINANCIAL Detachable Watteau train. Spray of BARBECUE ROTISSERIE - Store. Commercial type, heavy duty motor. Fireplace In living room, dining ROLSTON WATERBURY Employer. MEN and WOMEN appliques on (own and train. Head room, pan ale d den Glamourous com- nealtor-Inauror BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Stainless steel, three glass windows. place of crystal and piarL No veil. plete new kitchen, laundry mnm, W. Front St. Red Bank 077O1 PART-TIMS — Apply In person, Full Time And Moonlighters Size 12. Ilia 2ei-1056, alter 6 p.m. $25. 787-6180. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT screened porch • overlooking garden, Kraimer's Dairy. 80 First Ave., At- OULF SERVICE STATIONS FOR flagstone patio. . lantic Highlands. Turret Latltd Operators LEASE — Uedera 3-baT. good neigh- ADDINO MACHINE — Rebuilt Under- APARTMENTS PERFECT RETIREMENT borhood! and transit trade. Paid ANTIQUES wood Btandard manual. $35. Floored attic, hot wator .•(.'•at, dill All brick compact home In mint con- CLEAN UP MAN WANTED — New Metal Polishers Relics from old houses, mantels, odd- •71-Mll cellar with paneled recreation mom. training. One In Uatawan and one In EATONTOWN, BATON CREBT-QoU Workshop. Additional paneled study Dillon. Handy lo shopping and bu» end used cars. Contact Service De- CJieesequaxe. call dan, HI) e-SOM. ities, furniture, chandeliers, china, LAWN MOWER — Completely over- Medallion Club and Apartments. 1 lines. Asking J22.500. partment at BAYBHORE CHRYSLER, Foundry Sand Molders cut flius, service plates. Special this wllh outside entrance. Three large bed- After 5 call 727-1M7. hauled. 4 cycle Brlggs and stratton and - 2 . bedrooms. 542-1103, dally 8-5. rooms, two ballia. Double closets, 2914200. Foundry Core Makers week—Leva seat, matching rocker gaaoilne engine. 22" blade, |20. 741- STERLING THOMPSON ASSOC. and chairs, lovely, for 1190. Browse 2570. MONUOUTH BEACH — Beautiful, REALTOR MANAGER — Paint and hardwan ESTABLISHED - Full service beauty and nave coffee with us. dept. Experience preferred, nut will Sheetmetal Workers salon located In growing Bayshora large Two-bedroom apartments. $44,500 GALLERY OF HOMES town. Proven moneymaker but Illness FREE BICYCLE ACCESSORIES - Largs closets. Large private' patio. Includes electric a.r»p1lancen, curtains, •3 W. Rim Rd. 747-0800 Bumson train. Excellent opportunity. Apply In Locksmiths GRACE A. SCHOLL Laundry facilities. Parking. Heat and person to Mr. Ron Manarell. Manager, forces salt (or 180,000 cash. CaU 787- 10 W. Front Bt. 812-29*7 Red Bank With each bike purchased In April, drapes, and carpeting. Tool Makers 0182. Take your pick. Horns, belts, baskets, hot water supplied. From $185. Call Home in A-l condition, ready to move Faint and Hardware Dept. J.M. Fields, Resident Manager, River A Surf Club Kt. 38, HaUet, after 1 p.m. ANTIQUE SACRIFICE! OUR OWN or lights at FIRESTONE, White and Into. CaU for appointment. $22,500 General Help COLLECTION FOR SAUDI Retiring Maple 9ts.. Red Bank. Apt!., 25 Park Rd. 2228309. Brick anil Iramo Caper Cod. Handy PART-TIME MAN — Floor wailni Maintenance Men •HELL OIL CO. for health! CURIOSITY SHOP, u Fair Haven location. Lois ol value. and Janitorial service. Mult be 23 o TbreeDaT branch located at Rt. 8Q, Third Ave.. Long Branch, 11-& RELOCATING — All household furni- RED BANK — 3K rooin apartment. ENNIS-VOSEL, REALTOR" Three bedrooms, screened porch, base- over. Must drive. Experience prefer We need good all round Neptune, will be available on or about ture must (a. Call 264-7063 after 6 Modern garden development. Air con- board heat, two-car heated garage. p.m. ditioned. See manager, 239 Spring 8t 292 Norwood Ave. Deal red. Four hours in a.m. or threi May 1st., 1M8. 53M2M hours In evening. Call 787-2094. men. Will train persons SIDING HAVE KITCHEN SINKS with fixtures, Apartment E 0. Paid training:. Excellent hospital medi- Contractor has Alcoa Aluminum Sid- 747-3500 FULL TIME — Truck driving an- with good steady work his- also sink cabinet. Perfect condition. RED BANK —* 1 and 2-bedroom un- WATERFRONT cal plan. Financing available. If In- Ing and Vinyl siding left over Irom Yours for $20. 4954823. ROLSTON WATERBURY construction work. Familiar with con- tory if not experienced. terested, please contact Mr. Devlin Development. Closeout halt price sale furnished garden apartments. Molly LITTLE SILVER struction equipment Some mechanical at «0t-3te-S337 or (evenings 201-M5- Installed on your home. No money BINGO BIQN — Letters carved out. Pitcher Apartments, Branch and Mad- Realtor-Insuror ' ability. Excellent pay. References. Steady year round employ- 0870). down. First payment September 1958. Multi-color. Made from % Inch ply- ison Ave. Apartment viewing between 16 W. Front SL Red Bank 07701 Telephone 291-3539 between toura o Call collect wood. S'xS' long. $29. 787-8180. 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. only. See Mana- Centrally air conditioned brick anri ment. All company benefits ger In Apt 24. No phone calls. MOST FOR THE MONEY—Excellent 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. Soldo conitructloi FOR LBA8B ~ Beachcomber Beach HOLIDAY BUILDERS 353-4545 frame ranch In private iiectlnn pf Ini-ntlon. Three-bedroom split with Co., Inc., 800 Hwy. 36, MMdleiown THREE-PIECE limed oak bedroom set and advancement opportu- Club, Ocean at Atlantic Ave., Long with combination desk-chest. Wing UNFURNISHED RED BANK - Four- Little Silver. Living room with liZQf nice yard for children and summer DRIVER FOR LUMBER DELIVER- Branch. 400' private beacn, snack, bar back chair. Edison cylinder record room apartment with 1 Vi baths. Heat place, dining room, 24x15' game room, cook-nuta. Family »lze living room, IES - All benefits. Call 741-U47 for nities. and parking. Writ* 133 Clifton PI., dining room, kitchen, jameroom and player with 75 cylinder records. and water furnished. Couple only. No three ted rooms, two baths. Attached attached garage. Value plus at $25 • appointment Jersey-City. „ HAMMOND Lamps. Antiques, etc. 671-5932. pets. Lease required. Immediate oc- two-car garage. Flagstone patio. Moat 900. E. A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, PART-TIME—Retired fishing captain APPLY DJ PERSON cupancy. $140 a month. E A. ARM- Realtors, 555 Prospect Ave.. Little FBOM SMALL INVESTMENT (132.64] HAY FOR HORSES — Alfalfa and STKONO AGENCY, Realtor, 555 Pros- rooms have wall-to-wall carpeting. or one who Is thoroughly familiar —Build a nice little part-time buslnesi timothy mixture. Also rye straw for pect Ave., Little Silver. 7414500. Silver. 741-4500. with boats. 3 days per week during Of your own. Phone llr. Xrdmann al bedding. A.S. Williams. 345 W. River- Newly bulkheaded. Asking $67,500. months of May ttrourt September KLE-FORGE CORP. ORGAN OCEANPORT—Three bedrooms, very tW-7961 » a.m. to « p.m. dale Ave., New Shrewsbury. MONUOUTH BEACH — Lovely large We have tha key. .Write Aaron iklndsr, P. O. Box 50 one-bedroom apartments. Private pa- large living room, large dining room, Newark, N. J. j, Rt. 34 & Garden State Parkway. OE AIR CONDITIONER — Two ypftrs beautiful eat-In kitchen, 1% baths. old, 385. One 11x15 Lees rug and pad, tio. Large walk In closets. Laundry Exit HI A One-man Business facilities. Parking. Heat and not wat- HALL BROS., Roal+ors House better Ihan new. Aluminum STUDIO beige, two years old. paid $200, 575. 813 River Hd. 741-7638 Fair Haven siding, screened-ln porch, air condi- APPRENTICB—Printer for growing Allenwood, N. J. $2,000 Investment Hoover vacuum cleaner, upright, one er supplied. From $145. Apply rest- tioning. Beautifully landscaped. See OF ASBURY PARK year OH. paid $60. asking J30. Other dent manager. River and Surf Club Member Multiple Listing Service it to appreciate It. For information local dally newspaper. Top starling household articles. 842-0420. Apts. 25 Park Rd. 222-830°. Open 7 Daya call 542-4947. (Can Start Part Time) Open dally 'til »: Bat 'til 5:30 Light, pleasant, EXTREMELY FRO IMITATION ORAY STONE FIRE- LONG BRANCH Furnished four . BE NOT KIDDED! galary for 37M-nour week, with reg CAR HOPS — Over IS. Call In pe: FITABLX: BUSINESS servicing lo- rooms and bath, heat and water sup- WATERFRONT PLACE WITH LIGHT — Also three Homes with features most buyers want AAA location. Vacant. Enjoy the bulk- •on. after 2 p.m. STEWARTi, Hw cal atores, etc.. with a NATIONAL- BRAND NEW drawer mahogany secretary. Call 542- plied. Oceanfront. Private beach. Call ular Increases In pay- Sicellenl 36, Highlands. LY FAMOUS M YEAR OLD FOOD after 5 p.m.. 229-1553. are no longer for sale al $20-25,00n. headed river this spring and sum- BEVERAGE product which Is SPINET PIANO Let's start a.t $30,000, up or do-wn. We mer. Four bedrooms, three baths, fringe benefits and pleasant working Full keyboard, 3 pedals, keyboard oov. SECOND FLOOR APARTMENT - can begin to patisfy. Good homea are den; nine rooms total. Key In our of- CLBRKS — To work part-time In u HOUSEHOLD WORD IN AMER- FOUR BAKREL BEER COOLER— Centrally located at 7J Branch Ave., tall food store. Must be over 21. Semi ICA, Is consumed by the THOU- er, bsneh. delivery free tuning at your Two Olendolas, two commercial elec- quickly reHaleahlG. Carrying charges fice. $M,S0n. WALKER A WALKER. conditions. For further Information borne, 15 year guarantee, traditional Red Bank. Available May 1st. 842 often leas than rent. See our stock Realtor*. Hwy. 35. Shrewsbury. 741* retired persons welcome. Opening! SANDS DAILY In this community tric ranges. Call 787-0358. 5650. available evenings and weekends. An and enjoys LIFETIME: REPEAT or contemporary strle- In botl) Multiple areas. Call 671-2590; 5212. 24-Hour Service. tall 7*1-0010 aid ask for Mr. Lench ply In person 9 a.m. to 7 js'.m.. Cum •PBCIAL PRICK: HAMMOND ORGAN — Model Ell. IDEAL BEACH FRONT — 2',5 rooms eve*., 291-0130. BUSINESS. -•--'• Used very little. Excellent condition. FARMHOUSE-TWO rireplafres. Four berland Farms stores, 604 River Rd., Completely ' furnished. Utilities. $26 bedrooms. Heated sunporch. Full Fair Haven-164 Newman Springs Hd., Reasonable. Call 775-7097. per week. 707-0803 or 274-3809. IMPORTED CAR PARTS DEPART- SNYDER AGENCY, Realtors basement. Barn has three horsa Red Bank. No Selling! CORNER COUCHES — Two beige stalls. City sewora. $35,900, THE KIR- MENT — Requires man. Experience AS PRODUCT (BIGGl-ST NAME IN $525 RED BANK — Studio apartment. Mlddlotown Five Corners desired, but not necessary. Apply In tweed, with square table to fit, seats Share bath. Private entrance. 741- WAN CO. Realtors. 787-6600. FOOD INDUSrRY) 13 PRB-SOLD 3 and 2. A-l. <200. 8423230. person, Bed Bank Auto Imports, 191 THRU EXTENSIVE AND CON- 775-9300 2838 after 5. INCOME PROPERTY - With pano- E. Newman Springs Rd.. Red Bank. RED BANK ACCOUNTING TINUOUS ADVEKTiaiNO ON TV, 300 Main Bt Asbury park THREE RECTANGULAR COPPER RED BANK — Off Broad St. Close ramie view, onfi three-room apart- MECHANIC — Or mechanically In RADIO, MAOAZINBS, NEWSPA- PLANTERS - With artificial greens to downtown and stores. Third floor. ., BEACH EXCLUSIVE ment furnished $90 per month. One cllned, to work on small equipment PERS E1C. ICOMPANY PRO- and rocks. 110 each. 842-3230. One bedroom, living room and dining Lovely ranch. Full dining rown. M five-room apartment $150 per month. DUCT SALBS IN EXCE3S OF Hi SINGER ZIG ZAG ern kitchen and batli. Many extras One neven-room imartment" with l'i have own tools. C days. 671-1713. Af CLERKS One of the latest models. Does every- HUEBBCH STB AM DRYER - 30'A" area. $70 per month. Write glvlfig ret- BILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY). 0 erences to Box B-180. The Dally Regis- including wall-to-wall. Choice location. b&ths J160. Asking 52*.500. Call 741-3754. ter 6, 671-3470. Or apply at Ditch CONSISTS OF COLLECTING FOR I ..I*? "' "•""ninenls. Slightly deep 36" diameter drum, $45, 5 h.p. Only 122,500. VETS NO MONEY Witch of New Jersey. 10U Hwy. 35, vent blower 30" fan, $60. Textile ma- ter. Red Bank. UNION BEACH — 515.100. Six rooms. (SENIOR) MERCHANDISE SOLD AND RE- ««edLIJ5.20 or»7 monthly. Guaranteed. DOWN. FHA ONLY J1500 DOWN, Mlddletown. PLENISHING INVENTORY. chine works dryer #S. 1800 RPM, S25. WEST END — Attractive, motlprn, Three hedroonu. Mortgage, $14,600, DRIVER—For linen supply route CREDIT DEPT. • 254-5553 842-1250 264-5268. furnished three rooms. A dream! Near available. 264-3134, 10 a.m. • 1 p.m. Mutual Fund based in Mid' WHITE BIRCH TREES - Single and ocean. Vearly. Utilities. Reasonable. BEACH AGENCY, Realtor Union benefits, scale wages. Call or REQUIREMENTS: Must aspire to clump. K to $15, delivered. Call 591- FOLK GUITAR —Salt water fishing apply after 3 p.m. Garden State Tow dletown, N. J., prefer Mu 9714. tackle • Harnetl rod, Penn reel. HIV 1 West End Court. 222-2648. 1W m. 35 HMrlfetown, N.J. el Supply. 82 Birch Ave., Little Sll Income, of spinning rod, Luxor reel. 74M65B. APARTMENTS — One three rooms 812-2626 " Open 7 days LOTS AND ACREAGE ver. 747-5771. tual Fund experience, chal- and one four rooms. Rt. 34. Holmdel. Eves: 531-4768 ver. I»I-UI 'a. $300 Week Up UNPAINTED FURNITURE LAWN MOWERS — Porter Cable Payments approximate FROM ONE LOT TO 100 ACRKB — lenging assignment with'op- have serviceable car. 8TAKT IMMEDI- Mark 29 rldtng mower. Toro profes- Near Bell Lab. In two-family house. Qualified buyers "YOUNG, MARTUED MAN - with Call Blfr-4483 after 5 p.m. Either commercial or residential. Call driver's license, to learn fence busl portunity for advancement. ATELY If accepted and HAVE the CLEARANCE SALE sional 22" rotary mower, aerator, MULLANEY REALTY 871.8151. ness Call 787-5131 or 566-47191 necessary $2,090 101 inventory NOW fertilizer and spreader. Call 842-1882. laARGE studio room. Tile bath. Light LITTLE SILVER COLONIAL In the bank. Uok for yellow tag for special sals MIDDLETOWN — Oik Hill — Deep, OPPORTUNITY — For experienced Call (212) 964-3921 OR TWO dOOD 710x15 TIRES — On Ply housekeeping, Good location. Quiet ma- Two-year-old house in excellent condi- pr(j:e. ture business woman. 741-0761. dale area. Over an acre, thickly business man to handle business de- For local interview, Include yes/ car, mouth wheels. $25. tion. Five bedrooms, three full baths. wooded. Call 566-6975. partment of old established real es- (201) £71-9500, RED BANK LUMBER 741-8748 Lovely paneled den wlLh fireplace. apedflc time (during business HAZLET — Studio, bedroom, kitchen, Large eat-In kitchen. Fufl basement. COLTS NECK — Clover Hill Lane. tate agency. Involves the sale or hours) NOW available to service Pearl and Wall. Red Bank. 741-5500 SURFBOARD — 9' Hohle. Good for bath. $90 per month, utilities Included. businesses, acreage, apartment house OUITARS — Amplifiers, drums, ac- Call 264-8395. Centrally air conditioned, wall-to-wall Heavily wooded one an re. Will "juild MEDICAL TECHNOLOQIBT — Foi accounts, and phone number. Box beginners. Best offer. Call carpeting. Just Hated at $43,900. or Belt. 500* north of Clover Hill Rd. sites, farms and professional and In- H1SO, The Dally Register, Red cordions, l AUTO MECHANIC—Oood opportunity Call for an appointment. other purpose. Up to 30 years to re- WEDDING DOWN—Imported French 247-8153. 9494200 pay, confidential, immediate service. LARGE JACOBSEN MOWER — For COMMERCIAL RENTALS A great deal of a home wllh 11x21 for man with experience »nj >«>J"- Call for appointment BUY-R1TB Rosepolnt lace and peau de sole gown. estate or professional use. Best offer living room with, formal din- AnJenen. Inc., Red Bank. T'TiMO. Crown made of hand cut crystals. REALTY, 787-1010, (Broker). used only once. Size 10. 1125. Call takes. 775-0810. WAREHOUSE STORAGE 3PACB — ing room, modern kitchen, full baae- COMMERCIAL PROPERTY anytime 542-3272. FROST FREB REFRIGERATOR — Approximately 1300 aq. !L CaU menl, four bedrooms, screened-In FACTORY WORK FINANCING FOR BUBINB8SMEN — Paid '1320, will sell for $160. Call after 747-JTO) porch. "Tip-top" condition, plus view HELP WANTED-Male-Femali Write. Confidential. Central Credit of water. MrDDLBTTOWN TWP. — Commorcta. Immediate PERMANENT optnlnn fi TWO-WHEEL UTILITY TRAILER 6l 4, 671-0958. OFFICES — (Prlvatel In large suite. properly along Hwy. $5 or 36- From Corp., Boi oB3, Asbury Park, N.J. 10—Enclosed steel deck. Six-ply tires As small as 70 sq. ft. All services MEN — WOMEN males and females. MUST work ro. THREE-PIECE MODERN BECTION- 17V to 10 aerei MULLANEY REAL- our firm needs « to start Immediate- tatlnt iHUti. starting salary UATi and ahocki. M25. Call after a. 747-0412 as desired. Executive Center, 1 Main PAUL BRAGAR TY 671-5151. per hour plus shift differential. OVER AL—Two new flix-ply whltewall tlrea. St.. Eatontown. 542-3261. ly No experience W« train. 1115- KITCHEN CABINETS — Top and 825x14. mounted. One girl's two-wheel REALTOH 1110 to .tart Call 741-1014. TIME. Excellent fringe benefits. Drlvi INSTRUCTION MODERN OFFICES - Singles or to Exit 120, Garden Stale Parkway, bottom birch corner unit, fxTW. Full English bike. One reversible thermo- 794 BroaJ St.. Shrewsbury 74T-0221 back splash. Phone 842-1197. static fan. Call 671-5330. suites, own parking, Colonial style REAL ESTATE WANTED JUJAL ISTATB BALIS PERSON - right turn on Mitiwan Rd., left turn PAINTING-All Media. Private les- building. Heat, full maintenance, air RED BANK • RUM3ON AND MlT-Elf Become, a professional. Experienced on Cllffwood Ave. to plant. Apply la sons or organized groups only. Lonla RIDING LAWN MOWER - Sears, AKOUND - Multiple Listings. Bend Tor person at Personnel Office. ATTIC AND BASEMENT — Contents condltlonlnR optional. Reasonable ren- free catalog of modest hom,eB, farms, or Inexperienced, Monmouth County i crthyvoulou. studio 21. 31 Broad SL, Roebuck, 25", 5 h.p. Best offer. Call tals, 10 Snrlnz at. Red Bank Call COLTS NECK-HOLMDEL raiteil growing broker will train you Red Bank. 741-em of old hotel. Wash stand, chamber alter J_p.m. 741-3047. palatial Rnmson estates, waterrronts, to earn 11H.0OO tlret year. A.k tor Mr poll, glassware, trunks, dishes cup- 741-MB3. ' acreage, lots, buHlne^s opportunities. Wo have ready qualified buyers, so Rich, 671-HKM. MIDLAND GLASS CO. board, marble-top dresser. 778-8558. GOLF CLUBS — And bag. Youth OFFICE SUITE - 75« sq. ft. In ex- for fast efficient service, cill J D. starter set. Hi. cellent location. Desirable for any pro- RAY STILLMAN, Realtor ROOHE. Realtor. Rt 34. Colts NPCk. CLIFFWOOD AVE. COMPUTER CAREERS MOVINQ—Must sail very reasonably, CUFFWOOD, N. J. In business, Industry and guveroment 542-1578 fession Call 747-3730 between 9 and 8. "Our 50th Year" 162-2741. Member Multiple Listing Ser- Beautiful mahogany dining room buf- 648 Hwy. 35 Shrewsbury 741-8600 vice. rsD?%MPiov«i^s An Equal Opportunity Employer start wltn acpi training. Day and fet, cedar chest highboy, round wool GLASS TOP — Round maple table 3500 SQ. FT. — Light manufacturing TOWN AREA. CALL MR- LEVEY MEN . . WOMEN . , STUDENTS evenlnp. Call BCP1 at 6U-2&D or Celadon green rug, 8' diameter. Large with four chairs. $«. Twin maple loft for lease. FAIR HAVEN • KIVER OAKS FOR INTERVIEW 222-1000. visit LCP1 2*3L Uonmoulb Park Hwr., mirror, gold leaf frame. All aicsllent beds, complete, $50. Playpen. $7. 741- Call 747-1100 WE CAN MULTIPLE LIST SWIM CLUB MARLBORO - I*««' West Long Branch. condition. 5647581. Three-bedroom split. Everything de- and manager for snack bar conces- EARN $125 + OFKICE AND YARD — Fenced In sired in n lininc, including locutkm, YOUR HOME sion, lifeguards, grass cutting. 948- FRIOIDAIRB - $45. Rowing ma- area. Call 291-2400 or Formal dining room. Two balhs. Lnrge 2M1 family room. Fireplace. Ful) dry base- Call today and givo details and cash B89S after 6 p.m. and on weeVenas NEXT 26 WEEKS MEN CUT LUMBER? chine, 112. Sofa, $35. kltcherf tuble, price STERLING THOMPSON A A9- W« need 25 men for May training. $15, kitchen chairs, $2. 222-2775. ment. Garago and extras. $39,600, 711 Bute we do It, and at modeet prices. 6.000 SO. FT. — Excellent light man- 6945. 8O(T. 747-SfiOO WAITERS AND WAITRESBES-rurt According to an Independent surve Earn $10,000 yr. and more. No need to Bring In written list of sizes. We will "OE REFRlrfERATOR — And lenor ufacturing facilities for lease. First time or full time, experienced pre- leave your preieot Job while training nave order In 24 hours. We cut circles, floor. Cnll 747-1100, LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES — made by a leading National manizine, saxaphone. Must sell. Best offer. Call LITTLE SILVER—You will be de- IN Keann'iurg • Mlddletown - Hazlet- ferred. Must be over 21. Call for Inter Oood Humor personnel were rated on bulldozers, cranes, grade rt, etc., at wedges, brackets, stair stringers, etc. 284-4320. lighted when you see this brick and vlnw. 741-1500. our VA approved and »t*t« licensed Ko phone orders. SPACE FOR RENT — Reasonably, In Hnlmdfil. The Smolko Agency. 7870123 third among the highest paid seasons established antique shop In Red Bank. fninie much UM l*t acres or bpiuill- COOKS AND WAITRESSES-Experl employees on the labor market. facility. Iraln full or part-time. Free LIVING ROOM SET—Flve-plcce sec- fully landscaped grounds with brook job guidance — budget terms. For Im- RED BANK LUMBER tional. S175. Coffee table, end tinlc, Call 8«-501B, Noon to 5 p.m. Atter 5 URGENTLY NEEDED — Two and enced only. Apply In person, Mar p.m. S46-4416. and natural womls, felntry hall, \nrgp. mediate information aend name, ad- Comer Pearl and Wall Red Bank $30. Pole lamp, $10. Excellent condi- living room wllh fireplace, dfr.lnR three-bedroom homes Mlddletown, Haz- tlnl's Diner, Rt. 3«. Keansburg. e SELECTED ROUTES drcM and phona number to: American tion. Call after «, 741-2184. let vicinity We hav buyers waiting. e NO EXPERIENCE NEOEBSARY 1500 sq FT. OFNEWWAREHOUSE- room, ent-in kitchen, 2ir den. Three THE KIRWAN CO 787-5500. Training Strvlcei, P.O. Sox 1970, NO LEAKS Wlth olflce. In Lime sliver. Call 542- bedrooms, two tile baths. Plus 2V HAIRDRESSER — Top laltry am e ALL EXPENSES PAID Dept. DR-T, Camden, N, J. 08101. commission plus vacation. Allenhurst • NO BONDING REQUIRED With eur seamless white aluminum 0142. screen and fihcrglas porch. Prlrcd fit area. Days 831-2288. After 7, S22-2B16. e NO INVESTMENT NEEDED gutter. Only heavy .033 gauge used. MERCHANDISE WANTED only 'J49,9Q0. E, A. ARMSTRONG LIST WITH CONFIDENCE • FRINGE BENEFIT! NOT NAILED UP. Installed with con. AGENCY, Rrnltorn, !W> Prospect AVP., Little Silver. 7-11-1SO0. Our U professional salespeople are FACTORY HELP - For greeting LEARN TO PLAY oealed hanging system. Free estimates. ANTIQUES — Tiffany Items, toys, fur- HOUSES FOR RENT ready and able to market your prop- A valid N. J. driver's license, and In nlture. china, paintings, statuary, coins, erty iiiccesafully. card plant. No experience necessary. PIANO or ORGAN PROWN'S $85 to $350 Per Month MIDDLETOWN good working conditions. Full time ability to drive a stick shift are the lighting fixtures. Carved oak dining Trade-Ins - Exchanges only requirements. IN YOUR HOME 92 Broad St. Rad Bank 741-7500 room pieces. Copper Kettle Antiques, THE BERO AGENCY Excellent rour-bedrcMim fi)>llt on large only. Apply In psraon. HAWTHORNE Rt. V Middlelown lot. ln-grnunri swiminliiK pool. \\;n-k- Momtier Multiple Listing Services SOMMERFIELD, INC., Center and STUDENTS: Apply HDW anil eecui ALFRED B. MASON MAYTAQ WRINGER TYPE WASHER OakhursL 531-1)99 or 229-0892. WALKEH & WALKER, Realtors your summer Job. APPLY TODAY". n Maplewood Dr. New Monmouth 671-1000 yar'd conplotoly fenced nnd excellent Jackson St., Freehold. —*33, kitchen cabinet S3, Kelvlnstor laiiflscaplric fall tn mal(c lilt ;t,'!>nint- stiri'wihury Holmdel SEASON STARTS APRIL 1st. 671-5673 refrigerator 135. 842-4259. OOLLKfTTOR — Wants old toy trains WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS - 7il-i21J 871-3311 Furnished and unfurnished Immedi- mrnt tn nee this jjrorertv nt WEUWd. EXPERIENCED CHEF any condition. Pay cssh or will trade. WALKER ft WALKEH, Rcnllnis, Please call JOBS WAITING 1 ! I AQUARIUM EQUIPMENT — Tanka HO., 027, 0. standard gauge. 774-3710. ate occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHER GOOD HUMOR AGENCY. Oceanport Ave., Oeeanport. IIolmdcl.MlridU'tnwM. 1171*3311. Mul- 291-0000 pumps, lights, etc. Sold only as unit. tiple Listings nnd Trmlc-ins. Bend for NEED VACANT LAND B85 Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury, N.J. WANTED 542-3MK). {Opposite Red Bank ilrporti 787-6159. Used Oriental Rugs rn Kilns. ^^ Smal. lot or la rue tracu, Call MUL- Open 7 days ... 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. LEARN IBM KEYPUNCH Chinese and Persian LANEY REALTY 671-5151. HELP WANTED-Male-Female THREE • WHEEL CHAIN DRIVEN TWO AND THREE-BEDROOM HOMES COLTS OLEN — Freehold* Tw,i, TwiT Also Wall Tapeatrles — For rent or sale. $125 to $180 a BUS DRIVERS—Female and male, Trained Operators Needed TRICYCLE — One year old. Excel- FRIEDMAN OALLERIEB 774-3143 yc-nr old Southern Colnnlnl split. Hrlck Township residents. Part-time am NOW! lent condition. (IB. 711-6618. month THE KIRWAN CO.. REAL- front. Pour large bedrooniH, 2'-. baths, TY — On whli^i modern duplex 'could full-time. Mlddletown Township Boar TORS,' Belford. 787-5500, W. Keans- 2(1' IWinR room, formal, nrp.ii-.ilt- din- hp h\itlt or p.xIstliiR modern durlox, BOY'S CLOTHBB-Sult, almoit new, NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL YOUR burg 787-6600. Hazlct. 264.7100. of Education, 671-3850. GUNS — Near and old. Please call Ing room, 2Tx2T paneled rrr rent Inn MlnliiHim roui rooms puch unit. East Free placement assistance •Ize 8 $10, red blazer, size tj, $4, "plaid room wllh built-in bnr. Twn-cnr nt- INSTRUCTOR — For Junior Sailing jacket, ilze 12, ««, ilx patri Bermu- FOUR HOOMS — Furnished. All year tnchpd fwrage. Basement. Fully nlr AOICN'CV. Ut'nlltir, 3l)t Maple Ave., TELEPHONE Day or evening classes das, nevir worn, ilze 14, (3 each. num. round. Avnllanlc May 1st. 55 Hurling- Training Program. Call or write At- MAOIC — Turn i your old stuff Into conditional. SHunteri on hilly l:nnt- corniM- licit,"'" 1*1.. Ui;d Bunk. 741-010(1 ton Ave., Leonardo,. 21)1-38(17. «ca,ped lot of ni>!>rnslnuiti'ly \ ncrc lantic Highlands Yacht Club. 291-1111 money. We buy anything over 40 ITCICK is SKCONHARY * 70 Ball Training- Committee. CALL 747-4647 SURFBOARD — Locked-In, 0' 9" years old. Our attic. 531-8854. MIDDLTSTOWN — Three -hrril'oom with mnlura fruit In $.a.llufl. Fnr My buyer wants n threo to four- • ORDER appointment cnll m-ft'lfn. CAN YOU CUT NBWSPAPJin. ARTI Eicellent condition. $40. OLD FURNITURE — Antiques, china, ranch. ?225 per month plus utilities. licilnjum home In lht> Xvw Mmimmtlh NORTHEAST 591 -im .wUnn of Mlrlillolnwii. I'nsh nr a'a- CLEB? With razor. Must be fast. Per- 7870543, glassware, a-rt objects and brlo-a-brao, PRirEn~TO BKLL! Senior" Citizen 1 mantnt part-limp. Room M7, 12 Immediate cash for anything and ev- ninvIiiK iiml iimnt lli|iil<1nt p.m. 842-0327. r:Y, Rfflltnr, HOI M:i|ilc Ave., cnnicr Excellent opportunity MERCHANDISE BABY CARRIAOB — Like new. 523. Hergen PI., Itcd Hunk. • 741-PlflO. SITUATIONS WANTED-Female Crib SO. Baby scale. (2. Play pen, PETS AND LIVESTOCK to tarn extra cash. 17. Also ha'iy clothes 741-8042. WANTED TO RENT RKUABLE WOMAN FUR SALE PROFESSIONAL DOO OROOMINO— tractive six-room Crtpfl fnil nn 'J7.V Will Babysit In My Home PORT'A-CRIB — Car bed. baby By appointment only. AKC - poodle WE NEED — Five or sla, 2-3 ben- rtCPp [inrlfltko gr.ouniift- Thrrt* bed- Evenings 5:30 to 9:30 Call 2S4-72X KAX FOR IALI swing, bassinet, child's maple rolltDp and sctinaurer puppies. 671-0S21. room Rental Homes, furnished or un- ronmfl. tllpj bnlh, living rnnrn with IBO a bale and up. Also stiaw. desk, child's dressing tahle and atool furnished from $85 to £150 por mouth rircpliico, nnturnl plnn piiiiclr'tl kitch- and Saturday a.m. MAID — 8l"p In. British West In- I63-BJ7I gate. All good condition. All for 5(8, AKO K-S OUT1ES for Incoming personnel THE BHHtQ dian. Available In about five months. en with rttahwusher, hcamiful 2i' ilon. Salary $38 plui bonus. 7oT2i01. AQKHCY, lit. Ill), Mldilletown. 671-1000 1 Kxcfillent rpfprpiiurn. Attorney. Week TTTIWRITnM. ADDIHO maehlnta. SIZZLING HOT full biiHi'mcnt nnd nltuchpd Riirnpi . days. (SI2I (13:1-87(11. CLOCK — Ansnnla cast Iron mantel, Offered nt ^7.500. rail 1UAW1 todJiy. All makes naw or ustd. Ouarantssd. patent date 18A2, 145. Power Inwn DOG SALE TWOHICDHOOM Kl'HNlHllKll HOME "KnmnN' T\VP7'"corner lot. Three- Apply in parson this GA'PAIIIJC WOMAN —Desires to Lmr as 123. flarplea's 101 Monmouth — July nnfl August. In- i-nlivn. mower, 18" reel, and Krasi catcher, nli'nl loCTilimi. Arliill.i. Nn pels, lipdrniiiii nini-h. La rite II vim: ninm, m-f. (or the SKml and convalescent It Neit to theaUr. 747-O4K. Va. Call 5!UI'»llfH alter 5. Instant Credit "nil M- hltclirn, liirKc rrcrenlloii rcom, bine- •vsning at 5:30 p.m. PUP OOKS HOME WITH YOU NOW lor li. arj-3314. all 7fine:< IN REAL ESTATE YnllNI) WOMAN Wttilli':! ill .•!' B.nlc. jri« Aid, *7&, nu-.-nriO. KI1KH1 1,11'F, INHIIHANCIO I' ICFI ni'.'iitlnrnt wllh uinillirr ynuiiK v LUNCHEONETTE CON- ALL PUPS HEALTH ClUAKANTKKIl an. Call Ki'Jliti.ll iiftt-r fl |i.m. Coniult a ellJln'rrlOMIX — Vacuum with JIOW- Permanent »lu>t;i, worrnctl. Lowont CESSION AVAILABLE Prices, lint Quality. Pitas* us* side «n- Member of er nozzle and cord winder. Sacrifice. CltftWKU. AMNNl'V. Vli W- Yeor round. Good volue. Phone for •09. Call 747-5701. ] K. Front Bt. llf.fl IHnk Itril II, ink. Ttl-IIKIU, 747-3634 FURNISHED ROOMS trane*. norllculors, H2.540I after t p.m. R«d B«nk Area EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE — HOMKIl - FARMH — A( Mr. Vodei. MLS Sofa, loveaeal, ror.kars, lamps. Ex- POOPLMs" — AK(3 mini, on" fWv^r I.AIKIHI ltOdM — With bnlh. private- Now liMt mniiv i,"»"<» liiivr-i.Cnll I,AM- — th* on« ml. cellent condition. Rannonahly pried. anil one black. Call 071-OHiB after entrance. 747-1011. After 5 p.m. call BON. INC. JIEAI/1'OR!.. KHKHHUl.II. y q Call after 6 p.m. 721-5170. (iKvid tt 5:30. via MU. \ 1 20—THE DAILY RET, I«tip, Mondsv. Apn! 7, 1969 Mr*. ScJiuHMiiWg Mm. Genevieve Molt - Private Songs by Pet Show KEYPORT - Mrs. Louise EAI Promotes Five Mr*. Julia Kios Kobert M. Baird Jr. services were heir] this morn- M. ScimUenberg, 79, who H1GHTST0WN - Mrs. Ju- ing in the John E. Day Fu- UNION BEACH - Robert with her late husband oper- lia Rios, 84, of 135 Maxwell M. Baird Jr., 59, of 814 Fourth neral Home, Red Bank, for In a Computer Unit Voice of Authority Ave., formerly of Freehold St. died Friday in Monmouth ated Schuttenberg's Deli- Mrs. Genevleve B. Molt of Pelican Drive, former own- WEST LONG BRANCH - previously a senior engineer. Township, died Saturday in Medical Center, Long Branch. catessen here many years, „ „„„ ^,.nH»c their two children made ththeie r er of the Hilltop Nursing, Electronic Associates Inc. has He earned a B.M.E. from By BOB THOMAS Princeton Hospital. She was Born in Jersey City, Mr. died Saturday in Riverview home in Paris. Now they re- Home, who died Friday in announced five promotions in Manhattan College in 1961, HOLLYWOOD (AP) - She side in Geneva "because the widow of Mareclino Lo- Baird lived in Union before Hospital, Red Bank. pez. the Eaton Park Nursing the company's Computer Di- . and received his M.S.fe, from seems tiny, even frail, but privacy isn't respected in moving here 20 years ago. He vision Engineering Depart- the University of Pennsylvan- Mrs. Bios was born in Puer- Mrs. Schuttenberg sold the Home, Eatontown, after a when Petula Clark begins to France any more," as well as was an electrical engineer. ment. ia in 1966. He has been with to Rico. She was a commu- delicatessen some time after long illness. sing, there is no mistaking for tax advantages. Mr. Baird's wife was the EAI since 1966. nicant of St. Anthony's Cath- her husband, John Schutten- Hilltop Nursing Home was In this realignment, Walter her authority. Her admirers "Singing in France was laic Florence Klug Baird. berg, died 21 years ago. Monmouth County's first nurs- Tetschher was named assis- Prior to his advancement, will be able olic Church, here. He Is survived by two sons, especially good for my style," Surviving are two sons, Born in Hoboken, she ing home when Mrs. Molt tant group manager for Mr. Tonnessen, 209 Carton to see and Petula said. "The French Itobert V. Baird, here, and founded it here in 1940. PACE systems development Ave., Neptune, was a senior hear their Pet Emanuel Lopez of Freehold John E. Baird, with the U.S. moved here 46 years ago. She aren't very musical; they Mrs. Molt was born in New- engineering, Michael Solebel- engineer. He attended Union tonight when Township and Dometrio IJO- Air Force in Florida; a lived al 60 Walnut St. and was care more about the lyric ark and had lived here most lo was promoted to assistant Junior College, and joined the she stars in pez, with whom she made her daughter, Mrs: Florence a member of St. John's Senior than the melody. For that rea- of her life. She was the widow group manager for digital company in 1955. her second home, and 14 grandchildren. Slutter of Hazlet, and six Citizens Club, Lady Colfax son there aren't many good of Emerson M. Molt. computer systems develop- Mr. Scarborough, Eaton telev i- A Requiem Mass wilJ be of- grandchildren. Rebekkah Lodge, and the Re- singers in France, but there fered Wednesday at 10:30 formed Church of Keyport. Mrs. Molt was a member ment, Alfred Tonnessen and Crest Drive, Eatontown, holds sion special are many excellent perfor- Services will be at 1:30 Richard Scarborough were hisB.S.E.E. from Carnegie on NBC. a.m. in St. Anthony's Church, Surviving are a daughter, of the New Monmouth Bap- mers who know how to in- o'clock this afternoon in the advanced to assistant group Institute of Technology, and To casual terpret songs. They seem to here. Burial will be in St. Mrs. Garrett E. Post, here; tist Church, here, and the Or- • Day Funeral Home, Keyport, managers for analog comput- a master's degree in.indus- listeners know how to get inside the Rose of Lima Cemetery, a brother, Frederick Doering der of the Eastern Star, Key- with the Fev. Vincent Petlit, port. er systems and James Ma- trial engineering from Ste- who heard meaning of the words. Freehold Township, under di- of St. Petersburg, Fla; three THOMAS rection of the Freeman Fu- pastor of St. Mary's Episco- She was a past president guire was named staff engi- vens Institute of Technology. her "Down . Delivery's Important pal Church, Keyport, officiat- grandchildren, and two great- neer specializing in industrial He has been with EAI nine town" and other big selling neral Home, Freehold. The grandchildren. of the N.J. State Nursing "The simple matter of sing- cortege will leave the funeral ing. Burial will be in Shore- Home Association. computer systems for analog years, and was previously a records, Petula two sisters, Mrs. Virginia M. in electripal engineering. He He earned his bachelor's de- nett apart from the others. thtni lloor-McMIni H»ll; a.1 32 Non- Dippold, 81), of 520 Washing- concert halls throughout Eu- moiKh Btrew. R«l Bank, Nn» Jfnry, be in East Ridgelawn Ceme- Cowal and Mrs. C. R. Dadies, joined EAI in 1965, and prior gree in electrical engineering They seem able to. digest the Ten Hfally Corporation will ap- ton Ave. died Thursday in to his promotion he was a from Manhattan College in rope, their songs. pear before the Board for * major tery, Clifton. both here, and four grandchil- •ubdlvlnlon aenarillnl InU a IS «n<1 « Jersey Shore Medical Center. dren. senior engineer. 1956, and his master's degree More recently she has add- "If a singer can touch the S Ul*t «r» presently Miw-ra-le Inu on ed a new dimension to her till TM M»J> of ln» Borough o( Re<1 She was the mother of Mr. Solebello, 17 Bread- from Newark College of En- audience, not only musically , Bank. Said properties ara locMed a* George J. Dippold of Madi- William F. Starkey career: movies. She can cur- foltnw*: Mrs. Mary Roe moor Drive, Lincroft, was gineering in 1960. but with the meaning of a Block 47 LK # S Irontini en Die son Township and sister of rently be seen with Fred As- song as well, that's the real louth BM* of Linden place and Block "LAURENCE HARBOR - MONMOUTH BEACH - 47 Lot tt lft frogling on the Ea«t John Kaiser of Kcansburg. William F. Starkey, 73, of 120 Mrs. Mary Katherine Roe, 79, taire in "Finian's Rainbow." thrill." Petulahas mixed feel- •Ida of Sroa.fl Slreft. Coming up: "Goodbye, Mr. Norman Let Mrs. Dippold was the widow McKinley Ave. died Friday in of 3 West St. died Saturday ings about her film debut as Chairman of George Dippold, the Emery Manor Nursing In Monmouth Medical Center, Hudson Division Post Chips" with Peter O'Toole. a singing star. "Finian's Red Rank Planning B OF AN ORDINANCE Gerardo Penetta of Bloom- been at wqrMpr mow than a « Niw Shrewsbury be and Uiey are KNOWN BY ITS SHORT FORM TITLE I960. year developing plans and Middletowii and Matawan. hereby authorised and directed to AS 'REVISED ORDINANCE FOR THE field; three daughters, Mrs. POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE petition the Lcglilawre at the State 1 Mr. Samuel was a member programs for the occasion. BOROUGH OF NEW SHREWSBURY , Jean Nigro of Bloomfield, t Bell Labs A graduate of Briarcliff, g( New Jersey for Uie pusaga of a law whose general nature shall be to Adopted December T, 1M1 aa amended Mrs. Virginia Lsrotta of of Bloomfield Lodge, F&AM, The emerging role of the Mrs. Heermans has also com- authorize and empower the governing and aupplemented waa preeenled for a life member and. past pres- body of thla municipality to make, Introduction and first reading on Bloomfield and Mrs. Mar- retail pharmacist from a pur- pleted specialized real estate permanent Uie appointment of WIL- Maroh 13, 18fJ9 by Mayor and Council ident of the Brdokdale Second Department courses at the University of LIAM** MOWN to Uie Police Depart- of Borough or New Shrewsbury and garlte Mirro of Hazlet; a veyor of.nostrums to an ad- menl of Uie Borough of New Shrewa- on April 3. lRllfi waa finally adopted Ward Republican Club, an ex- North Carolina. She has been and approved. brother, Gaetano Ruvo of viser to physicians will be un- bury, notwlUiatandlng hla age wae empt member of Active Hose grtaler at tin time of till employ- Francla L. Coeper West Orange; a sister in veiled as the observance un- Head Named sales representative for Real- ment than the maximum age limit Mayor Italy; 15 grandchildren, and Company, all of Bloomfield, tor Ellen S. Hazelton of Rum- •« lorui in Seotlon 40:47-4 of the Re- Borough of New Shrewsbury folds. HOLMDEL - William H. vlaed Statutei. Atteat: , eight great-grandchildren, and a member of the N. J. son for the past 10 years, and •eotlon 2. The Mayer and Bor- Jerome 8. Reed State Exempt Firemen's As- Ninke, 38 Greenwood Drive, prior to that, represent- ough Clerk are hereby aulhnrlied and ClerK A High Mass of Requiem directed to take all etepa which may April 7 . OK sociation. Millington, has been promot- ed agencies in Freeport, be neceaaary for the proper enact- will be offered at 9 a.m. PUBLIC NOTICE Surviving are his widow, £LU Chapter ed to head of the Digital Sys- Grand Bahamas and in ment of aadd law. 'AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN Thursday in Holy Family Mrs. Natalie Heermans Section 3. TtiU ordinance Wall take ORniNANOE PROVIDING! FOR Mrs. Fannie E. Cook Samuel tems Research Department Greensboro, N.C. •fleet upon 111 paaaage and publica- . AND AUTHORIZING THE PUR- Church. Burial, directed by tion according to law. OHASE OF AN AUTOMATIC COPY and three brothers, George T. Elects Palenik at Bell Telephone Labora- • Mrs. Heermans is a member the Day Funeral Home, Key- PUBLIC SALE MACHINE FOR USE IN THE Samuel of Roseland, William tories. of the Monmouth County Ju- The foregoing ordinance waa Intro. MUNICIPAL CENTER AND A port, will be in Mt. Olivet EATONTOWN - The Mon- Auced and paaaad first reading at a VALIDATING AND RICEIPTINO . S. Samuel of Bloomfield and In his new post, Dr. Ninke nior League of America. She Volunteers Will regular meellng of. tiie Mayor and MACHINE FOR USE IN THE TAX Cemetery, Bloomfield. "itiouth - Ocean County Chap- Council of Uie Borough of New COLLECTOR'S OFFIOE AND A Charles A. Samuel, here. ter of the Chartered Life Un- will be responsible fcr re- and her husband have four Bhrewabury held' on April S, 1909, and PROPRIATINC1 THE HUM OF DEATH NOTICE Aid Teachers eaid ordinance will be further con- J4S00 OUT OF OAPITAL IMPROVE MARTIN — Sylveater K.. of 1518 Services will be tomorrow derwriters Association held search related to telephone children. aldrred for final pauate aJ a regular MBNT THEREFOR" Ruatlc Dr. Oakhurat. nn Saturday networks, computer design NEW SHREWSBURY - meeting of aald governing body to he waa preaented For Introduction and April 9, IMS. beloved husband of at 7:'3O p.m. in the John W. its first meeting in Old Or- held on May 1. 1M0, at 8:00 P.M. at flrnt reading nn March A, IMS by Oladya Jolly Martin, father of 8. Mehlenbeck Funeral Home, and computer • aided design. The Mflnmouth Regional High Uie Ttnton Palla School New Rhrewa- Mayer and Council of Borough of New Charles and Jny H. Martin, brother chard Country Club here and bury, New Jeraey, at which time and Shrewsbury and on April 3. : of Marie Long. The Rev. Neal S. with the Rev. Theodore C. elected officers. A native of Toledo, Ohio, Named M&Q School Communities Associa- ace all peraona dealrlng lo he wae finally, .adopted and approved. Buaker will ennduot the aervfee In Muller, pastor of Faith Re- Dr. Ninke received degrees Elard Uierrecn will be alvtn full Francis L. Cooper the Buckley Funeral Home, M6 Second Louis S. Palenik of Asbury tion, acting in conjunction portunlty. Mayor Ave., Aabury Park on Tuesday, April formed Church of Hazlet, of- in mechanical engineering Sales tfnit Head JEROME B REED Borough of New Shrewsbury 8 at 11 a.m. Burial vi\l ba In Fern, Park was elected president; wood Cemetery, Jameaburg. N.J. ficiating. Masonic services from Case Institute of Tech- with the Board of Education Borough Clerk Atteirt: Morris Westerman of Little nATED: April 4, IMS Jerome S. Reed, Clerk Frlenda may call at the funeral home will follow immediately at nology. He received the Ph.D. and the school administra- April. 7 U6 25 April I, ' IS.78 today from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Silver, vice president, and 8:15 p.m. Burial will be in degree in digital systems, al- tion, is embarking on a volun- George P. Bauman, secre- LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Bloomfield Cemetery, Bloom- so from Case In 1964. tary - treasurer. teer aide program geared to 81IPERI0R COURT OF NEW JERSEY field. After joining Bell Labora- Other underwriters at the free teachers from non pro- CHANCERY DIVISION - MONMOUTH COUNTY tories in 1963, Dr. Ninke be- DOCKET NO. F-T880-W meeting were Harry W. Ber- fessional duties they have BOROUGH OF UNION BEACH, a August C. Kraft came involved in improving municipal corporation. . i ger, Louis Blank, Joseph A, Plaintiff, 'i Civil Action ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS- communication techniques been assuming and allow va NOTICE 1 Guzzi, Edward H. Kingsbury, OF IN REM FORECLOSURE* OF August C. Kraft, 70, of 28 E. between man and computer. them more time for profes- BLOCK 173. LOT 3 eaaeaned TAX LIEN TITLES Phineas R. Kuhl, Arthur Mer- to r. AQUIRRL and other Highland Ave. died suddenly He also worked on the design sional responsibilities. lindi. fen and Kenneth F. Ronan. Defendant,. Saturday in Riverview Hos- of computer display consoles By Borough M Union Beach, In Uie county of Monmouth, a Munlclnat Corporation. The program Is an experi- TAKE NOTICE, that an action. In rem, baa tiefn commenced In the Superior Court of New Jeraey, by the pital, Red Bank. and on special - purpose com- mental one and will take flung of a Complaint on March H, 1&69 and the filing cf Amendment to Complaint on March 27th, 1968 to fore* Born in Preston, Conn., Mr. puter design. oloae and forever bar any and all rtghu of redemption of the parcela of land deaorlbed In im tax fereeloaure list Three Fort Employes below from r>lalntirf'a lax lien titles. Kraft was a son of the late Dr. Ninke is a member of place during April and May I. The action La hnniKht aEalnst the land onlv. an d no neraonn.1 turifmenl mav be entered therein. ?. Any peraon deftlrlng to proteot a right, title or Intpreat In the described land or any parcel thereof by re- Julius and Louise D. Freeze Are Given-Awards the Institute of Electrical and of this year. demption or to contest plamtlrfa right lo foreeloap. muat rio ao by paying Uie amount required to redeem aa let forth below, plua intereat to Die date of redemption, and atich* aa the court may allow, prior to the entry r>( Kraft. He was a lifelong resi- FT. MONMOUTH — Col. Electronics Engineers and of One of the times . when Judgment therein, or by filing the anawtr to Uie complaint arttlng forth defendant'a defenae, within forty-five daya After date of the publication i>f thla nrtlcr. dent of the Irvington area Dana S. Prescott, project the honorary societies, Tail volunteer aides are needed is 3. In the event of (allure to redeem or anauor by any person having the right to redeem or answer, auch and had lived here two manager of Army Area Com- Beta Pi and Sigma XI. peraon ahall be lorever barrrd and forecloni'd of al! hla right, title and Intereat and eaufty of redemption In and during the lunch period, when io the parcela of land deacrlhed In the following foreclosure Hat. months. munications Systems, has 4. The following la a copy of uie Tax Foreclosure Lial, allowing the lands axalnat which this action la brought: aides will replace some of TAX I OHKC IdSl'ltE LIST Mr. Kraft had retired as a presented performance and In the following Tax Forecloaure Llat each rerliflcate nr tax ante la Malgned a aohedule number, and follow- shipping clerk for the Nation- monetary awards to three Squad Plans the seven teachers now as- ing aaoh auch schedule mimhnr la a statement of tlie Information concerning each certificate aa la reaulred by law. The InForma'lon coneernlns ench scheduled certificate* which la reaulred bv law la aa follows, and the al Lock Washer Co., Newark. AACOMS employes. signed to lunch room and Information Indicated by each column number below Is hereby Incorporated by reference Into each certificate of tax aale actiidule. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. An outstanding perfor- hall duties. It is planned to I. Column No. 1 seta fortli schedule number*. Martha Schweitzer Kraft; two To Dedicate 3. Column No. 2 sets forth aerial number or other idenUflcatlnn of certificate of lax Bale. mance rating and sustained have at least five volunteer 3. Column No., 3 sets forth the dale of recording of the tax sale certificate In the MonmouUi County sons, the Rev. Harry Kraft, superior performance award Robert Lewis dark's Office. aides work at the school from 4. Column N'n. t sets forth book and pane ol recording of certificate of tax aale In the Office of the Clerk pastor of the Central Baptist •went to Col. Prescott's secre- Its Building 'of afonrnoiitil County. Church of Atlantic Highlands, tary, Miss Sophie C. Izzo, 238 FREEHOLD — Robert 11:29 a.m. to 1 p.m. each 6. Column No ri sets forth the name nfa tlie person appearing la owner ot land to ba affected by the ENGL1SHTOWN - Building •torecJosure proceedings as it appeara on the laat Tax Duplicate. and .August Kraft of Nave- Van Dyke Place, Long Lewis, 700 River Road, Fair day, with one or two certified e. Column No. B apU Forth the rleacrlrrtlon of the land aa It appears on the tax sale certificate. sink; a daughter, Mrs. Mois dedications are gala occa- Haven, has been promoted 7. Column No. 7 seta rnfth the deacripllnn of tht land aa It appeara an tha Tax Duplicate. Branch, and outstanding sions — especially when teachers to keep order and 5. Column No. 8 aela forth the date of the tax iale. . ' Galinkin of Avenel; three sis- performance and quality sal- to head of the meat process- S. Column No, s seta forth Uie amount of the tax sale. you've done the building with assist in problem areas. 10. Column No. 10 seta form the amount of all tax liens accruing subsequent lo sals Including Interest, ters, Mrs. Frieda Lambert of ary increases were given ing film sales at M & Q Plas- fMMltiea and oost. .. '' Avon Park, Fla., Mrs. Doro- your own hands. tic Products. Mrs. N! Morganthal is II. Column No. u aeta forth tne amount to redeem. Francis X. Beauduy, deputy Such is the case of the En- chairman of the volunteer BATOD! April TUi. IS* thy G. Ommoll of Belmarand project manager, 28 Arlene The appointment was an- BLANDA AND BLANDA glishtown and Manalapan aide program. Parents wishing Attorneys for Plaintiff Mrs. Ruth Gotsch of Maple- nounced by William Menges, Drive, West Long Branch, Township First Aid Squad. to serve may contact Mrs BY: wood; three brothers, Harry company vice president. Mr. rhlllo J. Blanda. Jr. and John J. Lo Re Sr., Iseli.i. Squad members and neigh- Morganthal through the A Member ARE. A 1 HAS DRIVEN WWnWHtt.MA^WWl-rHE^ "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean THAT INFORMATION I ADMIT YOU M/e uel IJ/MI ni/v.i ANGEL TO LOVE ME! ~ IF YOU BLOW -LIKE AN AT 15 OA55IFIED! OWE ME NO FAVOM, It Hii THE OFFICE. IT. YOU'LL WANT TO BEFORE ABM OF TMW CONCOT Tuesday, April 8 BUT CAN'T VOU GIVE KILL ME! OF THE , ! 5tEM5 TO MAM IT ME A HINT AS TO HIM FURIOUS! in i "DAILY VOUR."BI6 Present—For You and Yours • • • Another ARGU5*- SURPRISE"? excellent day—the third in a row this weekl Avoid 20 ai w133 1 dissipating your energy needlessly. Stress orderly details of work and soft-pedal aggressive tendencies. i Aspects favor business activity and strengthening a* 17 ia ia piestige both In career and In social contact*. •m 17 39 The Day Under Your Sign Hi 1 AfiM.SomMw.2l to Apr. l» Libra. Srpt. » to Oct. 22 Before you critidia mttc'f WmfcinK condition, are uader 4* neutral taya » yod won't pto- ipcndinx, cxfmlne TOOT- <""> •MB «tuiT««nt ImpoUu. Krcaa u WCU« )(U«T6NIN\.. Cancer. Jww 32 i» July 21 Your emotional life adversely SEA REAL Emotional conflict with co- aapected. Don't girt up—thing* n~ s FOP NOT tf worker indicated M Veep your work oat belter than expected. TURNIN' 4 1 distance todar. W iGor SHOWlM UP Leo. July 22 to Auj. 21 Aquariin. Jan. 21 to Feb. If You liave a h«rd time facing tip Hard work neceaaanr. You can't rw POINT..,. ' FIREOFOR _/ to problem, unless you exereifte ware a mute wand and expect BEING more patience with otbeis. draun to come tiue. LATE Virgo. Aug. 2} ta Stpt. 22 PIKOI. Fob. 20 to Marti. 20 Hon't let Mkcrs tell you what Amid artilrarr attitude. Com- to do about maltcia inrolving promise about matter on which i family teciirlty. you and mate diuitree. ©Field Entoja-laea, Inc* W» Bridge Advice

By ALFRED SHEINWOLD' f-7 Dennis the Menace The first rule for the tour- West dealer nament player is: Never be Neither lide vulnerable The Wizard of Id the first to draw attention to NORTH your own mistake. If you * None keep quiet, your partner may 53 A 62 not notice what has taken 0 AKI54 place until hours later. By * J9543 that time you may de quite WEST BAST safe — especially if you lock 4 Q86:I 4 J 109754 your door and take your tele- 0 K87 OQJ103 phone off the hook. 0 Q83 0 76 West opened the deuce of 4 A76 • Q spades when today's hand SOUTH was played last month in the 4 AK3 annual contest for the Van- C? 954 O 1092 derbilt Cup. South gratefully « K1082 took both-top spades, discard- ing the low hearts from dum- Y/ttt North East Soolk my. Put. 1 O Put. 2 * Piss. 3 4 Paw. 3 NT South next led a heart to Pass. 4 9 Paw. 4 4> Snuffy Smith dummy's ace and returned a Pass. 6* AUPass SVMPATHV- low club. East was obliged to Owning lead - •> 2 VOR'N- ) PfllNS, play the queen, and South WHAT IN J RECKON happily played the king. West THUNDER r", won with the ace of clubs and the hand at four hearts, It ARE VE ) led another spade, forcing cost East nothing to indicate SNIFFIN' dummy to ruff. that he would welcome a heart opening lead. With a FER? Declarer drew a round of heart lead South, could not trumps with the jack, cashed the ace of diamonds and then make even live clubs. led a trump to his own ten. East's pass was costly, but This put South in position to it was a tactical error for him lead the ten of diamonds for to. say anything about it. The a finesse. admission gave West ammu- Finesse Succeeds nition for several hours of When the finesse succeeded comment on East's bidding. South claimed the rest of the What sensible player wants to The Phantom tricks, admitting sheepishly open such a Pandora's Box? Winners at Bridge that he had been in a horrible DAILY QUESTION HAVE )/WBETHEm contract since he had needed Partner opens with one dia- MATAWAN - Mrs. Conrad east and west, and Mrs. Nor- two finesses (trumps and dia- mond, and the next player Brevick, director, has an- man Brenner and Mrs. Sol monds) and a favorable open- passes. You hold: S— Q 8 B 2 BROTHER, FATHER nounced the winners of the Shepper, second. ing lead to make his slam. H -rK 87D-Q83C-A AtORRA. Duplicate Bridge Tourna- The next session of the West shook his head dole- 7 6. What do you say? ment sponsored by The Wom- tournament will be played fully, but was thinking more Answer: Bid one spade. an's Club Friday afternoons Friday, April 18, at 1 p.m. of South's ambitious bidding You can bid notrump at your in the clubhouse on Jackson In the clubhouse. Partners than of anything else. If East next turn. The hand is too St. are always welcome, and the had kept quiet nobody would strong for an immediate re- Mrs. Leroy Sickels and Mrs. public is invited. have noticed his mistake. In- sponse of l-NT, but not strong Paul A. Egan Sr. placed first, On Friday, April 11, players cidentally, have you noticed enough for a jump to 2-NT. north, and south, with Mrs. are welcome to attend the it? (A Pocket Guide to Bridge Leon Christinat and Mrs. dessert card party to be con- East should have doubled is available. Get your copy Everett Carlson, second. ducted by the ways and North's cue-bid of four by sending 50 cents to Red SOOR SURAhl. Mrs. Paul Sturkie, New means committee under the di- hearts. Since it was impossi- Bank Kegister Inc., Box 3318, HE'S SO FAR AWAV Brunswick, and Mrs. Frank rection of Mrs. A. H. Lobls- ble for North or South to have Grand Central Station, New Hicks, Freehold, placed first, ser, chairman. good enough hearts to play York, N.Y. 10017.)

-...TWlNKf VOU 8UK6 LOOK Beetle Bailey ^/Tmftfifioury/cvrj peef-tv TOPAY/ you If WAS Uf STICK., COULDN' NAIUfOUVSH, 1 toot uiiff ruBL£ii<5. /! IN THE WHOLE A«M/WHO ISSUES HERUN&

Hi and Lois (SOSH/^W WELL.V3U VtoULD BE VkOMEN H TOO IF SOMEONE SURPRISED I'psuesesTw* YOU LIKE THAT/ NEXT seceeewnvA / OP&ROVNp * WHAT HUNK ^ICgNIIMiN'AabUNP fAK[S0 Off... ) I OJO. HfAfff I*NP. Moaday, April 7, 1%9 What County Scouts Are Doing Advertise in The Register BLUE-GOLD DINNER All Brownies received a dai- cott, chairman, Youth Activ- are members of Brownie 575, led by Mrs. Whelchel. Leah Crocker. She Is a mem- HAZLET — Bud Hasler, sy for achievement. The ities Association. Troop 123, led by Mrs. Ey- Tempera, first, Clarice Cos- ber Troop 575. Collages, Susan Dough- district Boy Scout chairman, Judges awarded double nor Brown. tello. She is a member of and Mario DeSalvo, institu- ART SHOW WINNERS Crayon drawings: first, Ma- Troop 362 as were the oth- ty, second, Kay Whelchel. aaisios for outstanding work She is a member of Troop tional representative, were NEW SHREWSBURY - donna Goss. She is a mem- er two winners in this cate- guests at Cub Scout Pack to Eileen Johnson, Jule Grom- ber of Troop 231 led b/'Mrs. gory. Second, Anita Brown, 575. Third, Judy Madea. She The Neighborhood of Girl is a member of Troop 232. 235s second annual Blue and bachcr, Joyce Beadenkopf Scouts held its annual Girl Chester Goss. Second, Jean- and third, Mary Badwick. PUBLIC NOTICE! Gold Dinner in Buck Smith's, hiid l-ana Russell. Scout Art Show in the Re- nie Badwick, and third, Mary Pencil and Pastel, first, Crayon, first, Ava Stern. She is a member of Troop East Keansburg. Mrs. Lyons Chairman formed Church on Hance Kay Mannix. Both girls are Bonnie Emrick. She is a mem- Named "Family of the Ave. members of Troop 693 led by ber of Troop 485, led by Mrs. 485. Second, Beth Madigan, The Wesr Keansburg Wafer Company will Chairman of the art com- and third, Sharon Wilson. Year" for their work in scout- mittee was Mrs, William C. Mrs. Mannix. Emrick. Second, Lorrie Mil- Senior Troop 560 was in ler. She is a member of Troop Both are members of Troop commence with the flushing of fire hydrants ing were Mr. and Mrs. An- Lyons. Mrs. Christine M. Fru- charge. Judges were Mrs. geio Guaslafcrro. Cut-outs, first, Shawn Fee- 337 led by Mrs. Miller. Third, 575. musa was in charge of pub- Jerome Reed and Jack Rind- ney. She is a member of from April 7 through April 25, inclusive, Cubmaster Richard O'Mal- licity. ner. Troop 231. Second, Tracy Jus- ley, pack founder, and his Judges for the show were tus, and third, Jill Pederson. during the hours of 10 p.m- *> 5 a.m. wife, Helen, a den mother for "Best in Show" award went Mrs. J. H. Griggs, Mrs. Rich- Both are members of Troop the past two years, were pre- to Junior Scout Susan Dough- Your cooperation during this period of ard Jordan and Maj, James 264, led by Mrs. Conklin. sented with a plaque in recog- ty for her collage entitled D. Robertson. Sculpture, first, Barbara flushing will be greatly appreciated. nition of their services, Guests at the open house in- "Lake in Summer." She is Receiving awards were the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barrie. She is a member of cluded » Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Troop 231. Michael Bernstein, Mit- George Kandebach, third vice John Doughty of Thaycr chell Burkowsky, Mic-hael president of Mon mouth Coun- Drive, and a member of Ju- Junior level: water colors, WEST KEANSBURG Callahan, Ixxmard Fallefta, cil, and Mrs. Richard More- nior Troop 575 ledfeby Mrs. first, Virginia Cooper. She is Steven Greco, Lawrence Im- head,, Council public relations Eston Whelchel. ' a member of Junior Troop WATER COMPANY "bro, Joseph Kelly, James coordinator; Col. John Good- Other awards: Brownie lev- 362, led by Mrs. O'Shaugh- Malloy, Irwin Waldman, Ken- man, commanding officer, el, abstracts, first, Janie Ca- nessy. Second, Peggy Jacko, Flowers will bloom in the spring, tra-la, in neth Watson, Donald Gold- , Electronics Support Com- taldi; second, Irene Hatner, and third, Lisa Singleton. Natelson J. Kridel's little vest pocket park. , stein, Adrian MadUn, David mand, and Col. D. S. Pres- and third. Janine Talbot. All They are members of Troop • Alba, Marvin Hirschfield, Wil- liam O'Malley, James Wat- son, Jeffrey Weiner, Michael Dressman, Robert Bacigalu- po, Robert Shapelow, Steven CARPET & RUG • Garfunkel, Matthew Gilmar- 1843 ROUTE 35, MIDDLETOWN REMNANT tin, Edward Hutnik, Ray- mond Ulley, Kenneth Kox, NEXT TO ADLER LUMBER WAREHOUSE OUTLET Anthony Arechi, Ronald Mc- Allister, Robert Marlni, Dan- iel Camporeale, Kenneth Har- mer, Bruce Willcnce, James Osborne, Ricky Torres, James O'Malley, Richard Kuhl, Gary Imbro," Robert Mode, Steven Busso, James Hunter and Airs, Angelo Guastaferro. •» wswinrw » wre SB * «rw» vstm m isr THINKING DAY MORGANVILLE - All troops in the Marlboro Neigh- borhood attended the Girl Scout Thinking Day celebra- tion at Turkey Swamp Park. The opening ceremony was conducted by Brownie Troop 667. Cadet te Linda Nagel ex- plained the meaning of the Brownie Friendship Pin which was given to all Brown- Jes. Cadette Shirley Tackett explained the parts of the World Association Pin which can be earned at the junior level. There was a collection Uken for the Juliette Low Fund in honor of the found- er of the Girl Scouts. USED RUG . The troops then had a cook- jjjtit. Two new Brownie troops EARLY BIRD SPECIALS Were cook-out guests of Ca- Size Color and Description Value Price dette Troop 361. This enabled 5'7"x7'7" Antique Gold Sculptured Nylon .... 49.00 9.00 those girls who are working toward their Social Dependa- All the rugs listed below are used — All in good S'xIO'o" ©old Random-Sheared Nylon 99.00 19.00 SALE STARTS bility Pins to fulfill some of condition — Some show a little soil many like new. 8'xl2' Beige Tip-Sheared Herculon 129.00 9.00 their challange preps. None worn or torn, every one represents a fantastic 9x9'10" Burnt Orange Sculptured Nylon .... 99.00 19.00 TUESDAY 10 A.M. Senior Troop 730 spent the value. These rugs are display rugs, mill experiments, 12'xir Avocado Sculptured Nylon 139.00 19.00 morning preparing a scav- mill returns, sample house rugs, all at unbelievable |2'xl2'6" Most Tweed Loop Nylon .. 139.00 19.00 (TOMORROW) LASTS ALL WEEK. •nger hunt for the Brownies. prices. Hurry in — Sale Starts Tuesday 10 A.M. \Tx\T9" Gold Popcorn Nylon J39.00 9.00 At the end of the day, Jun- OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. ior Troop MO conducted a (Tomorrow) Last* All Week. I4'xl8' Beige Velvet Acriian _ 449.00 39.00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Nights dosing ceremony. CHARTER RENEWED Slit Dncrlptlon NewVoluo SALE Size Description Ntw Value SALE Site Description Slie Description 9'xll'J" Olive Mist Tip-Shear Kod«) 109.00 19.00 lOT'xH'l" • Avocado Nylon Velvet U'9"xl9'3" Aqua Random Shear Acrllon HAZLET - Boy Scout S'lC'xlW Avocado Plush Nylon . 89.M )9.oe Troop 136, sponsored by the 9'J'WJ" Avocado Velvet Acrllon _ _..._ 169.00 41.00 10'6"x!6' Burnt Orange Sculpture Nylon ll?10"xl3'8" Gold Brick Pottern Nylon .... 6'e"xlO'6" Avocgdo Random Shear Nylon 5?.CO 19,00 Citizens Group, of Hazlet, 97 xU'10" Sage Rondom Shear Acriloo [109.00 II.N 10'6xl9'J" Man Random Shear Acrllon — 11'4"xl1'9' Rust Texture Nylon Tweed WxM'IO" Kelly Green Plush Acrllon _ ....;. _....1OT.0O 11.00 Phillips and Theodore Beth- 9'9"xlO'B" - Gold Embost Nylon -119.00 J9.80 !0'8"x14'9" Avocado Scroll Acrilan H'9"xl4'7" Olive Mist Tip Shear Kodel .. had its charter renewed. 6'10"x9' Ayocodo Plush Kodel __ 59.00 lt.00 9'irxiro" Gold Sculpture Nylon ... _ ...109.00 10'10"xl4'8" Kelly Green Plush Acrllon IJ'x'll' Avocado Emboss Nylon ... Appointed adult leaders o'IO"xl2' MOM Velv«t Nylon 109.00 1100 IO'KIO'B" Aa/M Nylon Twist _ 149.00 11.90 were George Tuschmann, IVJCJI'T" Gold Brick Pattern Nylon . U'x15'6" White Plush 'Acrllon _ 7'XI4"IO" tldht Olive Sculpture Nylon ...119.00 l».0O IO'KU'H" MOSS Loop Texture Nylon _ —I49.0J lt.00 11 scoutmaster, and Jerry Ot- 'W'xMIS Sooe Green Corvee! Nylon _ IW'XWJ" Avocodo Nylon Velvet „ 1 10'KIJ Burnt Orange Sculpture Nylon 149.00 J9.08 1 ten, Ernest Carver, William lxll'4" Rust Twnd Kllchtn Corpet 19.00 49.00 irs-'xll *". Burnt Orange Tip Shear Kodel lW'xH'e" Avocodo Velvet Acrllon Burkett, Thomas Kaelin and I'xlV Burnt Orange Nylon Twnd 99.00 IS.00 1D'«12'5" Moss Loop Texture Nylon —149.03 3».0O 11'6"xll'i' Avocado Rondom Shear Nylon . H'S'WJ" Mos« Corved Nylon „ Vincent Fucci, assistant rxl2' Burnt Orange Kitchen Corpet 99.00 SI.M 10T'x14' Deep Moss Sculpture Acrllon .149.00 39.00 IWW Moss Scultpre Nylon _., U'5"x14'4" Light Green Sculpture Nylpn scoutmasters, 10T'xir4" Avocado Velvet Acrilan - .-. -.199.00 4B.0O ll'7"xli' Burnt Orange Kodel Snog 199.00 1!'9"x!5' Avocado Gold Flock Nylon .. The troop committee in- 8'4"xl0'3" Dresden Slut Velvet Nylon 89.00 19.00 cludes Edward Furlong, chairman; Jack Radigan, PARTIAL LIST of OTHER TREMENDOUS REMNANT BARGAINS... A SIZE i=0fi EVERY ROOM... A PRICE FOR EVERY PURSE treasurer and transportation; Joseph Lyttle, board of re- Color and Description Value PRICE Size .Description Value PRICE '--Pexsiptlon . Value PRICE Oft White Looped Acrllan „..__. view; Steven Swlnarski, Pumpkin Tip Sheared Kodel ...H8.0O 99,01 ll-ll i__l_ .249.00 U9.00 " Celery Tip Sheared Nylon _ „ .290.00 110.00 conservation and activities; Multl color Shag Nylon .vim i9oa 12'xl2' Blue Bronn Commerelat Wool '.. J.—. 229.00 129.00 Red Tone Commercial Acrllan :.. moo 159.00 Brown Tone Commercial Wool _...139.00 95.80 12'xJl" Walter Schutsky, neighbor- Red Sculptured Nylon .„ 129.00 59,01 Embossed Wool _.:'. —209.M 119.00 Rust Shag Acrllan ' moo moo 12'x21'4" Cocoa Sculptured Nylon 339.00 175.00 Red on Bronze Looped Nylon w/frlnge . 119.00 59.00 hood commissioner; Martin Avocado'Tip Sheared Kodel , 225.00 149.08 B'xB'l" Avocodo Sculptured Wool 395.00 209.00 Red-Black Commercial Tweed Nylon .... 159.00 73.10 Marino, Institutional repre- Corn Yellow Looped Acrllan _1«.00 89.08 Velvet Plush Nylon — -.414.00 849.01 119.00 15.00 1 sentative, and John J. Whal- Peach Tip Sheared Nylon 12'xll Royal Blue Velvet Plush Antrim 9.00 149,00 U'9"xlS' Rust Sculptured Acrllan .... .- —279.00 119.00 en, publicity. Moss Green Random Sheared Acrilan w.oo ».o» H'XW Royal Blue Tip Sheared Nylon 71.0I Sky Blue Looped. Kodel „ ,... 2B9.00 149.00 Kelly Green Velvet Pluck Kodel 119.00 10J.0J 12'xll'i" Celedon Velvet Plush Acrllan . _ 219.00 117.06 13'J"xlS' Gold Tone Velvet Plusli Nylon 3S9.00 195.08 Strawberry Velvet Nylon * 119.00 73.00 12'xlJ'6" LKne Velvet Plush Acrllon 219.00 1M.M 13'8"xi5' Blu»Oreen Embossed Nylon ... 279.00 119.00 Hoi Pink Velvet Plush Kodel ..2I0.CO 10900 12'X14' Celery Shoo Nylon .109.00 99.N 13'9'WS' paital Green Twist Wool 322.00 509.00 1 Brown Rondom Shearel Kodel „. .119.00 9I.N 12'xU Blue Green Embossed Nylon 149.00 95.60 13'10"xl5' Powder Blue Velvet Plush Wool . 432.00 214.00 1 Blue-Green Embossed Acrllon .130.00 MOO 12'xlS Gold Tone Commercial Nylon 159.00 99.08 . U'xli" Sort Pink Shag Nylon 1 399.00 179.00 1 14'3"xlS' Blue-Brome Embossed Acrilan - ... 149.00 tt.N 12'xlS Blue Bronie Embossed Acrllan 270.00 119.0* Lemon Velvet plush Wool . . : 480.00 240.00 1 14'o"xlJ' Celedon Sculptured Acrilan .5)5.00 150*1 12'xlS Turquoise Embossed Nylon ,239.00 149.00 Avocodo Embossed Nylon ...... ^...300.00 123.09 1 14'8"xlS' Starters ill' Beige Emtosied Nylon .moo IMOO 12W5 I Red Tone Embossed Nylon . 129.00 19.01 Gold Tone Commercial Nylon _]49.00 99.09 1 Mty'x22'a 'xlB'4" Kelly Green Sculptured Nylon .219.00 10909 U'xlS ' Avocado Looped Nylon —__239.00 149,08 Avocodo Velvet Nylon ...... 349.00 159.00 15*xi'S" 9'x20'4" Mustard Gold Scultpred Nylon .220.00 119.00 Green Tom Embossed Nylon .... -.189.00 89.00 Gold Tone Looped Herculon _ _ : 200.00 119.09 15'x15'J" Edwin 9'x22'8" Red Tone Commercial Wool .219.00 170.00 Pastel Blue Sculptured Wool 219.09 159.00 Avocodo Velvet Plush Wool 510.00 254 09 12'XU1 Blue and Green Shag Nylon t. Placillu 9'J"xl2' Avocodo Tip Sheared Kodel .119.00 1090J ..moo 154.00 on White Tip Sheored Kodel 370.00 240.00 9'3"xlS' Blue Twist Wool .. . _..2IO.OD 140.00 12'X16' Blue Tone Commercial Nylon . 195.00 lat.OO lS'xlS'9" Spanish Gold Rondom Shear Wool Z 375.00 229.00 ll'Xlo'i" Midnight Blue Tip Sheored Kodel. 15'xlS'IO" 9'3"xl5' Gold Tone Commercial Acrilan .135.00 KM -289.09 179.08 Baby Blue Tip Shear Kodel 389.00 216.09 12'xl7'o" Bronze Velvet Nylon ...189.00 99,00 IS'xH', 9'e"xlS' Royal Blue Velvet Plush Wool ..3U.D0 138.M Lemon Velvet Plush Kodel 259.00 159.00 12WG" Brown and Wlilte Looped Nylon .199.00 99*0 \5f%W 9'7"xl5' Oil White Tip Sheared Kodel 339.00 14301 Green Tone Embossed Nylon - 259.00 149.08 •TxlS'J" Lemon Velvet Plush Wool 225.00 115 00 11'XU' Avocodo Embossed Nylon 119.00 119.99 IS'XW Deep Lime Velvet piuih Wool 199.00 1 —375.00 9'H"xlO'4" Deep Lime Tip Sheared Kodel ..1V9.00 111.09 ll'xll Red and Black Slwg Nylon 199.00 11908 1SW10" Copper Looped Acrllon 110.00 1 449.00 ll 12'xlS Spanish Gold Velvet Nylon 219,00 129,99 The on* desire moit wivti hive 9'10 xl2' Orchid Tip Sheored Kodel - - J09.00 UO.Ot Sky Blue Velvel Plusli Acrllon ...... 339.00 159.00 cl 12'xll' OH White Embossed Nylon IJ9.00 119 M 15'XU' is io go away on vacation or m xl2' Antic Gold Velvet Nylon 98.00 S9.0J Avocodo Tone Velvet Plush" Nylon 330.00 210.00 12'xll1 Maroon Sculptured Nylon 2A9.0D 147.80 15'xlS' vacations with their beloved H'2"xl5' Green Tone Embossed Nylon 189.00 1I9.O» White Carved Nylon 340.00 1M.00 12'Xll' Rust Embossed Nylon — 189.00 119.00 15'xl8'9" Oil White Tip Sheared Kodel 275.00 173.00 spice Green Commercial Nylon . .249.00 119.00 hulband. Bui contrary to the ii'xll'4" Axmlnlster Velvet Wool 299.00 lJ9.0f lS'xl?'7" Powder Blue Tip Sheored Nylon 162.00 93.01 Oranoe Looped Acrllon 410.00 179.00 edvico of molt doctors, it il 12-X19' Blue and Green Embossed Nylon .. ...183.00 109,88 15'x2a'«" Blue Commercial Acrilan 159.00 99.00 Celery Shag Nylon ZZI 299.00 11I.0O lometimei far better for a buiy li'x20' Sandalwood Sculptured wool ...... 339.00 119.01 1l'10"xU' Kelly Green Random Sheared Nylon .... 139.OD If.N Brown and White Commercial Nylon .. 259.00 141.00 executive to ikip hi* vocation and send his wife off alone. The SCATTER RUGS HALL RUNNERS reason is rather limpha: A man CARPET HEAVY RUBBER who loves his job and Is deeply "SOIL Discontinued Samplei All perfect quality, all fully bound*. involved in an unfinished project Waffle Pad cannot easily put it out of hit Luiury Qualities Fine qu«liti«> made from cerpet STAIR TREADS mind. H he spends his vacation remnants. Assorted colors. FOIL MATS" worrying, he is more likely to SAU precipitate s heart attack than Wide Long IALB OO ' IB"xJ7" SIZE 18"x27" if he had stayed at his detk. 1.00 95 VALUES TO $5.00 27" 12' 35.00 12.00 99 per set Our dviire at IINCROFT AS- 27"j54" SIZE 15 Value $6 VALUES TO $20.00 3.00 9 •OeMI SOCIATES REALTORS, 765 27" 15' 45.00 15.00 Value to $20 1 Highway 35, MiddUtown (opp. Amaiing Flock Nylon— Grabs the 3'x5' SIZE H. Johnson's) is to find the real Values to $25 dirt and dust from your jhoe.. VALUES TO $30.00 7.00 36" 12' 45.00 16.00 13 steps, 14 risers, set include! estate of your dreams. Call txcollenr for your doorways and tacks. Fully bound, made from First Quality — Protocts your rugi your carl Assorted colors/heavy 071-5333. We ate constantly •Cx6' SIZE y acquiring new and valuable list- VALUE5 TO $45.00 10.00 36" 15" 55.00 18.00 better quality carpet remnants. and adds luxury underfoot. vinyl, non-skid. Ings. All forms of reel .itato ... residential, commercial, industrial, farms and rentals. Open 9 5. EVERY day. HAMRAH-EMERSON CARPETS HELPFUL HINT: Water plants with water that wggiliolli liave 1843 ROUTE 35 Serving the Plainficld Area for Over 40 Yean MIDDLETOWN been sitting in. Tfie lime ex- 1/4 Mile North of Sean tracted from file •rjgihelll Credit Termi Arranged All Itemi Subject to Prior Sale greatly benefits the pUnU. PHONE 671-5880