University of Cincinnati News Record. Tuesday, January 14, 1969. Vol
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Studen ts ProposeCha~gesToLarigsa;m by Bryan Rose A student organized group The creation of the post would student government was not David Altman, a graduate the years with the conventional consisting of. approximately 500 m 0 r e' c los ely 1ink the' directly and effectively.meeting student in political sociology; and wisdom that administration doors students, today presented to {J.G. adminstration with the grievances 'student needs. ,spoKesman for the group, in an are closed," he said. "I believe the, President Walter Langsam a list of of the students. The proposal to 'add two interview for the Cincinnati average student can get together four proposals calling for basic The call for an open forum .students, one graduate' and one Enquirer pointed out that "the· with administration people, have c han: g e s bot h i n the along with the referendum. to undergraduate student, .to the UC whole thesis of GRO' is that many . common interests with them, and stu den t - a d In i n is tr a t ion abolish the present student· Board of Directors would more of the doors of the adtfJ,inistration . create change without any kind of relationship and student government, Student Seriate, was 'e f f e c t i vel y e nh a nce the are open tostudents. That isn't' to·· radical action." government. { requested because thegro~p felt . stu den t - a d min is t rat i·o n sa~ that th~re aren 't problems::: .Last .week the .group circulated that the present structured .relationship, The group, temporarilyentitled Students have, grown up. over petitions soliciting students who the Campus Reformation Council, favored .change to sign and was' recently formed at' the An Editorial b e com e' i n vo l v e d : An beginning of the Winter Quarter overwhelming number of students after concerned students met and showed their concern by 'signing, decided that· effective change indicating a willingness to change. could come 'about without radical A·Cha·nce 7[0 Think For-Ourselves action if the administration was The student group announced approached in the proper manner, - that a press conference would be The four proposals that the; The presentation - today of a list of "group" are merely a cross section of the held 'following the presentation of the proposals to the President. group presented to <the President demands to President Langsam ijy a student body, except that they are more . included the creation of an .group of students concerned about. the active in showing their concern than the "The purpose of the ombudsman, the adoption / of conference," IMr. Altman sta~ed, direct participatory government UC student's role in determining the average. student. pThey found in "is to. answer any questions through the formation of an open circumstances of his college education t he m s e Iv e s .ce r t a tn com mo n concerning the proposals and the forum, the call for a referendum could well be a watershed in the history denominators-a dissatisfaction. with the future plans of the organization." to abolish Student Senate and the of this-University. generallack of interest on the partof UC A .mass meeting of students will seating of two students elected by take place Thursday, Jan. 16, to the student body on the DC Equally as significant as the four students in every area of the University, establish an open forum and to Board of Directors. demands (see accompanying story) is the a frustration spawned by the lack 'of submitt petition calling for a The creation of the ombudsman evolution of the group which formulated dynamic progress characteristic of allthe referendum. is a relatively knew concept which th em. T he group is 'not an traditional reservoirs of "student has been tried successfully on "organization" in the common sense of power, ~'and a sincere desire to work for Mr. Altman, pointed out, "eRC some major college campuses. It is a temporary thing, not an involves creating' a post to be the word; it does not even have a name the betterment of the University. In ongoing thing. Its aim is to a manned by a senior faculty (the initials on the petition circul~tedassessing the problems they faced in catalyst to the rest of the member, well respected by the last ,week were merely an. indentifying trying to catalyze a new sense of student students, and get as many of them student body, who will directly trademark). The - members of .the' involvement, they concluded that the involved as possible. As citizens of act as a mediator for student a campus. they have a right to be grievances. (continued on page 4) heard and a right to know." / V,CEN,l'12 ' -uc"-'I, University_, of Cincinnati ~. _1~.'10 ~' NEW S,·'"R'EC-OR'D ~,1JU * Published Tuesdays and Fridays during the Academic Year except as scheduled. '.b. f_"J ....Vlg _,\9" Vol . 56 Cincinnati, Ohio Tuesday, January 14, 1969 No. 19 , :4.l~;'\;?:~4A_ ~j ~ .; .!' , • ~ .:,,:..:.: :,\ii':/. ....." ,:,.'_, ' '>' _~::.._. ~ "'" ~ < The Council on Student-Faculty Association of Un ive rs ity" Relations, which-has been meeting Professiors) appointed a the last several months to' try to committee on Faculty by Billiye Smith , , mil ita n t soc j a 1 action - resigned his post of adviser to the' improve relations between the Responsibility for Student. involvment," .will speak in Wilson NAACP Youth Council, but - student body and the faculty and Academic Freedom, which "No matter where you go Auditorum tomorrow at 'i :30 denies that he was pressured out administration, has instituted a. examined all aspects of student there's this tremendous feeling of p.m, in the first, of a- two part of, the organization that he mechanism by which students can life and proposed a number of white supremancy. You get it up p r o gram on "Rights· and . founded. He feels that the Council voice their complaints and policies and grievance procedures. to the neck. After a while it turns Revolution," which will, bring . is, capable of'running itself -now, suggestions directly. The new The ,NR feature Direct Line one bitter." Such are the feelings William F. Buckley; Jr., tOC,alnPUS and has been thinking of resigning service is a telephone line, open to carries answers to questions from of Father 'JameliKl Groppi, Jan. 24. ,'for over a-year. He finally decided all students, to record student students about. a variety of speaking in defense of today's The 38 ye,ar old priest made his to' 'resign in early November problems. campus problems. ' black rebellion. first controversial public before the organization's election. Numerous groups have been The Student-Faculty Council, Father Groppi is "washed up" appearance three years ago, "I ani still a 'member of the' involved in trying to find answers established by the Student Senate with r-white people, according to leading a three. 'and half day _NAACP," Groppi has said. '\oJ to 'student problems. During this last spring, has been examining Maluna Ron Karenga, a black _ boycott of public schools aimed think the NAACP is one of the past registration week several the concept of and the possibility nationalist and one of Father against de facto segregation. great hopes of the country. It hundred students signed a petition for a University "ombudsman," a Groppi's greatest critics, who also Groppi, then the second vice hasn't bent with polarization." expressing their interest in the person devoted solely to the feels that what Father Groppi president of the, Milwaukee . Father Groppi has said that he programs of 'a group of concerned solving of relations within 'the represents is an argument against United School Ln t er gration w 0 u 1d not f ors ak e his students, billed on the ,p.etition as University community. Since last "black unity". Committee, led picketing youths organization, "I 'can't see any the CRC. Last year the UC November the Council has been Father Groppi, activist and and taught in freedom schools. 2 Father Groppi has just recently [continued on page ) .chapter of the AAUP (American (continued on page 2) organizer of a program of '-\.~ ,Rice le,aves Hec dFo otb oll P.ost; .Coll chon Named As Successor The man who brought the afternoon. He replaces, Walter "fourth-quarter push" to' Bearcat Rabb as the head' of the North football, and whose quiet manner Carolina athletic program. was in direct contrast to the ,. 'Callahan, who spent four exciting team he produced, has seasons as an assistant to. left his UC post to move on to University of' Kentucky coach anqther'position. Charlie, Bradshaw, is one of seven Homer Rice,' head football - assistants remaining at UC:·:The coach at UC the past two 'seasons, ·others are:. Leeman_Be.nnett, has left UC to take the position 'of Ralph Hawkins, George, Athletic Director at the University and former UC gridders 'Jim 'Kelly~ of North Carolina in. Chapel Hill. Ralph Staub, and Dick Rothfuss. Ray Callahan; defensive line coach Rice had been reported several under Rice; was named yesterday months ago. to be moving to' afternoon tb take over the head Kentucky as head coach, but he coaching spot. refused that school's offer. This Rice, who came to UC after past .season concluded "Phase coaching at the University of Two,"as-Rice put it, of his master Kentucky and the University of plan to return UC 'football to the Oklahoma, compiled an 8-10-1 prominent position it had earlier record in- his two years here, and occupied. brought to the gridiron a Several players from this fall's wide-open offensive' and team.