TWITTER SPORTS @newsofbahrain WORLD 6 China says Martian rover takes first drive on Mars INSTAGRAM Ukraine look for /newsofbahrain 23 ‘decent fight’ LINKEDIN SUNDAY newsofbahrain MAY, 2021 against Bahrain 210 FILS WHATSAPP ISSUE NO. 8844 Helio Sousa: Friendly 3844 4692 match in Kharkiv FACEBOOK will be a good ‘test’ /nobmedia against ‘such a strong team’ | P12 MAIL
[email protected] WEBSITE Dwayne to voice Krypto the Super-Dog in Warner Bros. ‘DC League of Super-Pets’ 9 CELEBS BUSINESS 5 BHB launches investor relations best practice guide Gatherings increase the risk of COVID-19 infection In 1958 US Go directly to BIECC if considered nuclear Last update - 9:00 pm strike on China over tested +ve in rapid test 22 May 2021 Taiwan: documents TDT | Manama AFP News o directly to Bah- S mil- Grain International Uitary Exhibition and Con- planners vention Centre if test- pushed ed positive in a rapid Individuals vaccinated for nucle- COVID-19 test, said the ar strikes Health Ministry yes- on main- Daniel Ellsberg terday. land Chi- The new directives, (First dose) (Second dose) na in 1958 to protect Taiwan the ministry said, from an invasion by Com- comes into play for those test at the Convention Centre. munist forces, classified emerging positive to a rapid “Do not forget to carry the documents posted online COVID-19 test. rapid test device with you” to by Daniel Ellsberg of “Pen- If positive, report that imme- the centre and bring it after tagon Papers” fame show. diately to the ministry through placing the device in a “trans- US planners also assumed the “BeAware” application.