The SCA: Myths vs Reality Is the SCA what you think it is?

Steve Bernier Researcher, Project Leader Advanced Radio Systems

1 OutlineOutline

1. Overview of the Software Communications Architecture (SCA)

2. Is the SCA too slow ?

3. Is the SCA too fat ?

4. Summary

2 1. SCAOutline Overview

• The SCA was developed to assist in the development of SDR for the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS). As such, the SCA has been structured to: – Provide for portability of applications between different SCA platforms – Leverage commercials standards to reduce development costs – Reduce software development time with the ability to reuse design modules – Build on evolving commercial frameworks and architectures • The SCA is not a system specification but an implementation-independent set of rules that constrain the design of systems to achieve the above objectives

3 1. SCAOutline Overview

• Myth #1: The SCA is only for military Radios – While its true the SCA specification was developed for the US DoD JTRS program, the reality is the core framework specification contains no military features at all !

• Myth #2: The SCA is for building Software Defined Radios – None of the core framework APIs are radio specific ! – An SCA platform can host any kind of application • radar, medical imagery, test equipment, etc.

4 1. SCAOutline Overview

• The SCA Core Framework specification (version 2.2.2) is made of five documents: – Main document (130 pages) – Appendix B – Application Environment Profile (21 pages) – Appendix C – IDL (41 pages) – Appendix D – Domain Profile (64 pages) – Appendix D – Attachment 2 – Common Properties (4 pages) • Previous releases of the SCA specification had two extra documents named Security Supplement and API Supplement – These documents were last published in 2001 – The security supplement adds RED/BLACK centric APIs – The API supplement adds communications/radio centric APIs

5 1. SCA Overview

• The SCA is application domain independent JTRS • API supplements are domain Waveform specific Applications

Automotive Radar API SCA API API Supplement Supplement Supplement

SCA Core Framework SCA Security Supplement

6 1. SCAOutline Overview

• The SCA specification describes how to create a platform that can host SCA-compliant applications – It describes how a platform makes its devices and services available to applications – It also describes how applications are deployed

• The SCA describes an architecture capable of doing what every real-time operating systems does: – Load and execute applications – Specify priorities and stack sizes for individual tasks

7 1. SCAOutline Overview

• So what is so unique about the SCA ? – It is platform independent • Supports any *, processor, and file system

– It is a scalable distributed system • Supports single processor applications the same way it supports multi-processor applications

– An SCA platform can be made of several nodes with different processor architectures running different operating systems supporting different file systems • The most unique attribute of the SCA is that it’s actually a Component Based Development architecture !

* OS must meet a subset of POSIX APIs 8 1. SCAOutline Overview

• What is Component Based Development (CBD) ? – Definition: an architecture which allows the creation, integration, and re-use of components of program code – CBD is a new development paradigm where the smallest unit of software is a component – With CBD, an application is ‘assembled’ using software components much like a PCB is populated with hardware components • CBD is a very popular paradigm for application development – ‘.Net’ (from Microsoft) and ‘EJB’ (from Sun Microsystems) are two very popular CBD architectures – The OMG CORBA Component Model (CCM) is another example of a CBD architecture

9 1. SCAOutline Overview

• Software Component – Definition: is a small, reusable module of executable code that performs a well-defined function. It is designed, implemented, and tested as a unit prior to integration into an application – It is not a function compiled and stored in a static library; it’s executable code which provides a service • A software component is a “black box” – Application designer is concerned with what a component does, not how it does it – Creating an application requires component assembly-level information; the equivalent of a “spec sheet” • With the SCA, this information is located in a database called the “domain profile”

10 1. SCAOutline Overview

• Here’s an example of a component assembly – FM modulation application

INPUT DATA Filter data Filter data Interpolation (High Pass) (Low Pass)


AudioDevice Squelch Generator

data OUTPUT DATA DUC data ModulationFM

11 1. SCAOutline Overview

• How is the SCA different as a CBD ? – As opposed to EJB, the SCA supports native components – As opposed to .Net, the SCA is platform-independent – As opposed to CCM, the SCA is device-centric • Provides fine control over the deployment of components • With the SCA, a software component can be packaged with several implementations – Each implementation is characterized by capacity requirements (run-time memory, mips, channels, etc.) and capability requirements (OS, processor, etc.)

12 1. SCAOutline Overview

• Here’s what the definition of an SCA software component (spec sheet) looks like:

encoder.spd.xml encoder.scd.xml Component InPort: OctetProducer Descriptor encoder.prf.xml OutPort: OctetConsumer CodeRate: double Property File

Encoder_vxw.a Implementation 1

Encoder_linux.a Implementation 2 . . Encoder_win.exe Implementation n

13 1. SCAOutline Overview

• In summary, the SCA is a Component Based Development architecture which is platform- independent and device-centric

• The SCA is not specific to SDR or military applications

14 OutlineOutline

1. Overview of the Software Communications Architecture (SCA)

2. Is the SCA too slow ?

3. Is the SCA too fat ?

4. Summary

15 2. Is the OutlineSCA too Slow ?

• In order to measure the speed of the SCA, lets look at different common use cases for an SCA platform: – Use Case 1: Booting an SCA platform – Use Case 2: Installing an application – Use Case 3: Running an application • Use Case 1 involves starting a number of SCA components – Starting software components means creating a number of process/tasks – This is not unique to the SCA, it’s required for any SDR platform – How fast can your RTOS create/spawn a process/task ? – How fast can application artifacts be copied from storage memory to run-time memory ?

16 2. Is the OutlineSCA too Slow ?

• Use Case 2 involves loading all the artifacts associated with an application into storage memory of an SCA platform – Again, this is not unique to the SCA – Depends on the speed of the bus/memory and the size of the artifacts – Installation of an application is typically done at the factory when time is not very critical

17 2. Is the OutlineSCA too Slow ?

• Use Case 3 involves starting application software components – A target device must be chosen for each component • This may take some time, but the SCA offers a way of avoiding run-time decisions

– The chosen implementation for each component must be loaded into the runtime memory of the target device • Depends on the speed of the bus/memory • This can be an issue; not unique to the SCA • Better SCA implementations can alleviate this problem

18 2. Is the OutlineSCA too Slow ?

• Use Case 3 also involves data processing – SCA application components must communicate with each other to perform signal processing – With the SCA, communications are normally implemented using CORBA – Application throughput is therefore limited by CORBA – How fast is CORBA?

19 2. Is the OutlineSCA too Slow ?

• CBD requires inter-process communications (IPC) to allow components to interact – A software component can run as a process or task – Cannot assume components always run in a process • The SCA mandates the use of CORBA as the primary form of communications between software components – CORBA is very scalable and provides a single model for component communications • Communications APIs are the same whether components are across the network, on the same board, or in the same process – CORBA is COTS

20 2. Is the OutlineSCA too Slow ?

• CORBA supports several IPC mechanisms • However, most commercial CORBA products are implemented using the Socket IPC mechanism for TCP/IP

Client Server

Client Stub Server Skel IPC IPC

21 2. Is the OutlineSCA too Slow ?

• Myth #3: CORBA is slow! – The speed of communications between components is directly related to the IPC mechanism being used – Using TCP/IP can be slow and it’s often a bad choice for embedded systems – In reality: CORBA is NOT slow but TCP/IP can be. • Real-time CORBA products typically support several IPC mechanisms – UDP, Multicast, Shared Memory, etc. – Developers can add support for other IPC mechanisms

22 2. Is the OutlineSCA too Slow ?

• Using a Real-time ORB makes a great difference! – For instance, ISR Technologies manufactures an SCA radio which comes with two applications: Voice over IP and Video

– Using the ORBexpress (i.e. CORBA) and the INTCONN IPC, they were able to lower the ping delay between two radios to ~10msec vs ~300 msec for TCP/IP

Client Server SCARI++ CF

Client Stub Server Skel INTCONN INTCONN

23 2. Is the OutlineSCA too Slow ?

• Is CORBA slow? – The real question is: How fast is your IPC mechanism? • If there’s an IPC mechanism that’s fast enough for your application, then you should use CORBA! – no learning curve for the IPC – Provides IPC independence • if a new and faster IPC becomes available, you can use it without changing any source code • Conclusion: The SCA is as fast as the CORBA product being used – The SCA does not get involved in the communications between application components; only CORBA does!

24 OutlineOutline

1. Overview of the Software Communications Architecture (SCA)

2. Is the SCA too slow ?

3. Is the SCA too fat ?

4. Summary

25 3. Is theOutline SCA too Fat ?

• Here’s a block diagram of an SCA platform SCA Applications SCA CF + SCA Devices/Services POSIX AEP Device Drivers Operating System Processor • The SCA requires an operating system capable of loading new code dynamically – Many SDRs only use a simple scheduler/kernel which only supports static images – Essential to support new applications without rebooting

26 3. Is theOutline SCA too Fat ?

• The SCA does not require just any OS – OS must provide a subset of the POSIX APIs – Essential to enhance application portability • The SCA Core Framework – Provides platform control • Install/launch applications • Start node components to gain access to devices – Requires an XML parser • Xerces-C++ requires 2.6 MB of static footprint and typically around 4 MB of dynamic footprint – Requires CORBA generated code • Static footprint: 750K (ORBexpress) or 3.3 MB (TAO)

27 3. Is theOutline SCA too Fat ?

• SCA Application – Is an assembly of several software components – Each component requires CORBA generated code • Static footprint: 730K for ORBexpress or 3.3M for TAO • Quantifying the footprint requirement for an SCA radio is difficult – Is directly related to the number of software components required by the platform and the applications – Currently, a full featured SCA CF and a node with a couple devices and services will require around 25 MB of footprint • The Xerces-C++ XML parser will use ~40% • CORBA generated code ~30%

28 3. Is theOutline SCA too Fat ?

• The CRC AudioEffect demonstrator runs in ~50 MB of total footprint – Embedded Planet PPC405 board (EP405), 128MB RAM – CRC’ SCARI++ CF for INTEGRITY/ORBexpress – Node description: • Full featured DeviceManager • ExecutableDevice • Log service – Application with 3 components which perform Echo and Chorus effect on an input voice signal – Xerces-C++ XML parser – INTEGRITY Kernel with POSIX and VFS/NFS support – ORBexpress Name Service

29 3. Is theOutline SCA too Fat ?

• The ISR JTRS Demo Set requires ~51 MB of total footprint – VoIP 256 Kbits/s BFSK, Video Waveform1024 Kbits/s BFSK – Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA, 128MB RAM – CRC’ SCARI++ CF for INTEGRITY/ORBexpress – Node description: • DeviceManager, DDCDevice, DUCDevice, EthernetDevice, FGPAExecutableDevice – 2 SCA applications of 2 components each – Xerces-C++ XML parser – INTEGRITY Kernel with POSIX and VFS/FFS support – ORBexpress INTCONN support – ORBexpress Name Service

30 3. Is theOutline SCA too Fat ?

• Is the SCA is too fat? – Reality: the SCA can be large for a small form factor SDR which will never be upgraded post-manufacturing – Won’t fit on a cell phone…yet!

• SCA CF Implementations can be made “lighter” while maintaining compliance with the SCA – Its just a question of time…

31 OutlineOutline

1. Overview of the Software Communications Architecture (SCA)

2. Is the SCA too slow ?

3. Is the SCA too fat ?

4. Summary

32 4. Summary

• The SCA is a Component Based Development architecture – Not specific to military SDR – Can be used for any embedded application • The SCA can be slow – Using a Real-Time CORBA product is essential • The SCA footprint is reasonable and will improve with time – 64 MB is enough for many platforms – The SCA can be made smaller without having to change the specification

33 Questions ?

34 SCARI++ Software Suite

• CRC offers the most complete solution for SCA development – Development tools – Monitoring tools – Core Framework – Training – Consulting – Certification expertise

35 SCARI++ Software Suite

• Team has over 6 years of SCA experience – CRC trained companies from around the world – CRC helps companies to gear-up for the SCA market

• CRC’s SCARI++ Core Framework is available for the most popular operating system and processors

• CRC will soon offer a completely new Eclipse-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

36 IDE Highlights

• CRC offers an complete Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the SCA – Core Framework Independent • Implements real-time model validation; prevents you from creating invalid XML descriptors – Validation messages are hyperlinked to models • Provides model re-factoring capabilities – Common model validation errors can be fixed through suggested re-factoring • Can reverse-engineer models for existing components • CRC’s development tools have been designed with an intimate knowledge of the SCA specification

37 IDE Highlights

• Based on the widely adopted Eclipse framework – Provides platform independence (Windows, MAC, , etc) – Every major vendor of the embedded domain support Eclipse – There is a enormous number of plug-ins to choose from to help with every aspect of software development (code authoring, documentation, unit test, configuration management, UML, etc.)

• Simplifies Configuration Management – Perform CM tasks at the model level instead of at the artifacts level

38 SCARI++ CF Highlights

• CRC also provides a Core Framework: SCARI++

– Built from the ground-up for embedded platforms – Implementation of the SCA version 2.2 – Very portable POSIX implementation – Implemented with lessons learned from the JTRS Certified SCARI Core Framework – Comes with a POSIX Executable Device, an AudioDevice and demo applications

39 SCARI++ CF Highlights

• Provides extra APIs for introspection – Optimized way of obtaining deployment information – Can show established connections during run time • Supports the deployment of components on standalone remote Devices – Devices can be started manually and report to a remote DeviceManager • Allows Devices to be collocated in a same address space – Dramatically increase rate of communications between Devices

40 SCARI++ CF Highlights

• Transparently optimizes connections so they can be performed as fast as possible – Indirect connections are transformed into direct connections which requires much less CORBA interactions

• Supports orderly shutdown of devices even when running applications – A Device can be released or killed while it is running an application

41 SCARI++ CF Highlights

• Available for different operating systems: – INTEGRITY – VxWorks – Linux – Yellow Dog – and soon for LynxOS

• Available for different ORBs: – ORBexpress – TAO