File Ref: IITG/SAC/GYM19/Elections/Nominations/

Nomination Form Post contesting for: PG Senator

Candidate details: Name: SAKSHAM JANGIR Roll No.:184103214 Dept. /Branch: Mechanical (CAM) CPI: 8.5 Semester: 2 Backlogs: 0 Active Backlogs (if any):0 Email Id:[email protected] Contact No.: 7578853136 Hostel: LOHIT Room No.: D-060

Signature with date: 19-03-2019 Proposed by: Name: Kunal singh Roll No.: Dept. /Branch: Mechanical (CAM) CPI: 8.44 Semester: 2 Email Id: [email protected] Contact No.: 9990993187 Hostel: LOHIT Room No.: D-226

Signature with date: 19-09-2019

Seconded by: Name: Snehal Shende Roll No.: 184103215 Dept. /Branch: CPI: 8.3 Semester: 2 Email Id: [email protected] Contact No.: 7798899601 Hostel: BRAMHAPUTRA Room No.: G-241

Signature with date:

STUDENTS’ GYMKHANA ELECTIONS Year 2019-20 Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

File Ref: IITG/SAC/GYM19/Elections/Agenda/

Agendas and Declaration Form

Post contesting for: PG senator


Nick Name.: sakku Tagline (Punch line): Work is Worship.


Agenda 1- DOMAIN – Extra curricular. HEADING - INVOLVEMENT OF PG STUDENTS IN EXTRA CURRICULAR. We often ignore the fact the while doing higher studies, one just does'nt focus on education solely but also on various extra-curricular activities. IIT Guwahati has always been a platform for excelling in extra-curricular. But it is seen, that PG students rarely participate in the events that may help them better their extra-curricular. This may be due to lack of interest and is mostly due to lack of encouragement. PROPOSAL- I would like to encourage PG students as equally as UG students to take part in various events like , , various other inter-hostel competitions etc. PLAN OF ACTION- Motivating PG students for participation in various events by telling them importance of that events and encouraging them that it will make their CV strong.

Agenda 2- DOMAIN- Placements and career development. HEADING - PLACEMENTS OF MTECH AND PHD It has been seen that the placement percentages of MTech and PhD are deteriorating with years. This is not only because the companies prefer UG over PG students but also due to lack of skill improving classes for PG. PLAN OF ACTION- It should be kept in mind that the students pursuing masters need some classes on soft skills, communication skills and also coding. .

Agenda 3- DOMAIN - sports and physical activities. HEADING - SPORTS EVENTS FOR PG STUDENTS. PROPOSAL- PG students rarely get chance to be involved in sports may be sibce their schedule doesn't match with the undergraduate studenst. To avoid this seperate practice teams can be made for UG and PG students. PLAN OF ACTION- It will be compulsory for all the PG student to choose at least one sport same as UG course.

Agenda 4: DOMAIN- Summer internships HEADING - SUMMER INTERNSHIP FOR PG STUDENTS. PROPOSAL- As UG final year students get a chance to go for summer internships, the same provisions should be provided to the PG students. A seperate internship portal should be opened for the PG students where they can apply for summer internships. PLAN OF ACTION- Introducing a different portal for PG students to apply for internships in country as well as in abroad so that they can get a chance to get job or explore theirselves.

Agenda 5- DOMAIN- Girls welfare HEADING- 1.SINGLE ROOMS FOR PG GIRLS. 2.IMPROVING PARTICIPATION OF GIRLS IN EVENTS. PROPOSAL- Masters and phD girls should get should get single rooms from very first year same as boys.

Experiences (Credentials if any):

POSITION OF RESPONSIBILITY  Volunteer at Research Conclave, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati  Coordinated hostel day “SANGAM” 2K16 and “ABHIVYAKTI” 2K17 & 2K18  Coordinated “Youth Week” 2k17 organized by Vivekanand study circle  Coordinated various inter-branch and intercollege Basketball tournaments  Successfully organized an event “TECHNOTHLON” that provided a platform for the students to prepare for placements  Coordinated an event named “Junkyard War” in University level Tech fest “THAR”  Organized various technical and sports events in college annual function “ANUKRITI”  Volunteered in the event L@PLACE (Learning About Placement)

Declaration by the candidate: I hereby declare that the above information is to the best of my knowledge. I do not have any disciplinary probation by the Institute and will abide by the rules and regulations laid for Gymkhana Election. I do not have any active backlogs to be cleared. I know that any false information in this nomination form will lead to cancellation of my nomination and disciplinary action.

Signature of candidate with date: Signature of CEO
