First published at and YouTube on the 13 April 2011, and registered with the Portuguese Society of Authors Some Facts and Comments on the Strange Clouds People Around the World Call ªChemtrailsº, and Their Probable Relation to the HAARP System Includes some directives for a possible scientific research plan J. Manuel Feliz-Teixeira March 2011 Physics, Modelling and Simulation
[email protected] KEYWORDS: artificial clouds, solar radiation, global In 2007, near 30% of the population of my country were warming, contrails, abnormal aircraft trails, public health, already suffering chronic rhinitis1. In this article we give a fear, climate change. testimony of our own empirical observations and comment on some aspects that may be related to the ABSTRACT phenomenon. We hope this may be seen as a contribution to those in the Sciences of Health and Environment who Near 10 years have passed since my eyes could for the probably might like to investigate the issue by means of a first time observe one of those abnormal trails crossing truly scientific perspective. In that sense, we will also the entire sky. It was a clean day of a wonderful blue sky. make some references to the project known as High 2 And, over our heads, a first line of a constant width Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) , hundreds of kilometres in length was splitting such a blue which many people on the Internet suspect of also being ceiling into two parts. Only a single flight did it, in the related to such abnormal aircraft trails.