Speech Outcomes following Pharyngeal Flap in Patients with Velocardiofacial Syndrome

Edward W. Swanson, B.A.S. Background: Velocardiofacial syndrome is the most common defined disorder Stephen R. Sullivan, M.D., associated with palatal insufficiency. The authors’ purpose is to evaluate one M.P.H. surgeon’s experience with correction of velopharyngeal insufficiency in velo- Emily B. Ridgway, M.D. cardiofacial syndrome using a tailored pharyngeal flap. Eileen M. Marrinan, M.S., Methods: The authors reviewed the records of all children with velocardiofacial M.P.H. syndrome and velopharyngeal insufficiency who were managed with a pharyn- John B. Mulliken, M.D. geal flap between 1983 and 2009. Data collected included age at operation, Boston, Mass.; and Syracuse, N.Y. preoperative videofluoroscopic findings, speech outcomes, complications, and need for a secondary operation. Results: The authors identified 33 patients with velocardiofacial syndrome and velopharyngeal insufficiency who had postoperative speech evaluations. Velopha- ryngeal insufficiency was diagnosed at a median age of 5 years. Palatal findings were: Veau type I (n ϭ 4), overt submucous (n ϭ 6), or occult submucous (n ϭ 23). Median preoperative lateral pharyngeal wall movement was 22 percent (range, 0 to 90 percent). Successful correction of velopharyngeal insufficiency was achieved in 29 of 33 patients (88 percent). One patient had a medially displaced right internal carotid artery, and evidenced intraoperative and required a trans- fusion. One patient developed obstructive . Conclusion: A tailored pharyngeal flap is highly effective for correction of velopharyngeal insufficiency in velocardiofacial syndrome with few complications. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 127: 2045, 2011.)

irst described by Shprintzen et al. in 1978,1 the The reported prevalence of velopharyngeal in- estimated incidence of velocardiofacial syn- sufficiency in velocardiofacial syndrome ranges drome ranges from one in 2000 to one in 7000 between 32 and 75 percent.13,14 Approximately 75 F 2,3 births. It can be sporadic or inherited as an percent of patients with velocardiofacial syndrome autosomal dominant disorder, and is caused by have either overt cleft (20 percent), sub- deletion of band 11.2 on chromosome 22.4–6 This mucous cleft palate (44 percent), or occult sub- deletion can be diagnosed by fluorescent in situ mucous cleft palate (38 percent).15 Adenoidal hy- hybridization5,7 and with increased sensitivity by mul- poplasia and cranial platybasia cause a relatively tiplex ligation–dependent probe amplification deep , which further contributes to velo- technology.8,9 Clinical features include characteristic pharyngeal insufficiency.11,12,16 The most impor- facies, cognitive or behavioral disorders, hearing loss, conotruncal cardiac malformations, urogenital anomalies, hypocalcemia, immunologic disorders, and musculoskeletal abnormalities.10–13 Disclosure: There are no commercial associations or financial disclosures to report for this article.

From the Department of Plastic Surgery and the Craniofacial Center, Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, and the Central New York Cleft and Craniofacial Center, Upstate Medical University Hospital. Supplemental digital content is available for Received for publication June 18, 2010; accepted October 18, this article. Direct URL citations appear in the 2010. printed text; simply type the URL address into Presented at the 16th Annual International Scientific Meet- any Web browser to access this content. Click- ing of the Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome Educational Foun- able links to the material are provided in the dation, Inc., in Rome, Italy, July 3 through 5, 2009. HTML text of this article on the Journal’s Web Copyright ©2011 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons site ( DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31820e91e6 2045 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2011 tant cause of velopharyngeal insufficiency is gen- nance angiography to assess possible medial dis- eralized pharyngeal hypotonia, resulting in placement of the internal carotid arteries. limited palatal and lateral pharyngeal wall move- ment, and is observed in up to 90 percent of Operative Technique patients.17 Postverbal resolution of velopharyngeal The pharyngeal flap is constructed with the insufficiency contributes to the high prevalence of child in the Rose position.23 Slight cervical exten- compensatory articulation (e.g., glottal stops, la- sion helps straighten and laterally displace the ryngeal fricatives, and pharyngeal fricatives), sometimes medially deviated internal carotid which also diminishes lateral pharyngeal wall arteries.27 The velum is divided in the midline, movement. This combination of anatomical and approximately halfway to the junction with the physiologic abnormalities makes it difficult to hard palate, and trapezoidal nasal mucosal flaps treat velopharyngeal insufficiency in velocardio- are incised and elevated. A superiorly based flap is facial syndrome. A pharyngeal flap is considered elevated off the buccopharyngeal fascia to a level the most effective procedure, with success rates above the . Flap width (either narrow, of 78 to 98 percent.18–21 Other surgical options, medium, wide, very wide, subobstructing) is “tai- including (intravelar muscular lored” based on lateral pharyngeal wall motion (as retropositioning22 or double-opposing Z-palato- documented by videofluoroscopy) and transverse plasty23) and sphincter pharyngoplasty,16 are re- oropharyngeal dimension. The pharyngeal donor ported to be less successful.24–26 The purpose of site is closed by advancing the lateral mucosal this study was to evaluate one surgeon’s experi- edges, which are sutured to the fascia superiorly ence with correction of velopharyngeal insuffi- and apposed inferiorly. The distal end of the up- ciency in velocardiofacial syndrome using a lined turned pharyngeal flap is placed on the raw nasal pharyngeal flap, constructed based on lateral pha- surface of the soft palate and secured with three ryngeal wall motion and the transverse dimension resorbable horizontal mattress sutures. Then, 12- of the oropharynx. or 14-French red rubber catheters are placed through the nose and along each side of the flap; 28 PATIENTS AND METHODS however, “lateral port control” is not used. The nasal mucosal flaps are sutured to the base of the After approval by the Institutional Review flap, apposed to line the raw surface of the flap, Board of the Committee on Clinical Investigation, and the velum is repaired. we identified and reviewed the charts of all pa- tients who had a diagnosis of velocardiofacial syn- drome and had an operation for velopharyngeal Treatment Outcomes insufficiency. A geneticist evaluated all patients, Patients were followed annually in the cleft – and the clinical diagnosis was made in conjunction cleft palate clinic; the senior author examined all with a positive fluorescent in situ hybridization test patients. A speech pathologist performed preoper- for 22q11.2 deletion. The senior author (J.B.M.) ative and postoperative perceptual assessments us- performed all operations between 1983 and 2009. ing the Pittsburgh Weighted Values for Speech Patient charts and operative reports were culled, Symptoms Associated with Velopharyngeal Incom- and data collected included date of birth, sex, age petence instrument.29–31 Speech performance was at primary operation, preoperative and postoper- based on three structurally correctable variables: ative speech assessment, videofluoroscopic results, resonance (normal, mildly hyponasal, mixed hypo- need for a secondary operation, and perioperative nasal/hypernasal, inconsistent mildly hypernasal, and postoperative complications. consistent mildly hypernasal, or moderately or se- Patients with velopharyngeal insufficiency were verely hypernasal), nasal emission (absent by mir- evaluated at age 4 years or older by multiview vid- ror examination, visible, audible, or turbulent), eofluoroscopy before a pharyngeal flap. Lateral pha- and intraoral pressure (normal or decreased). All ryngeal wall motion (i.e., percentage of closure by children and families were asked whether speech medial movement), velopharyngeal gap size (i.e., posed a personal or social problem when talking small, moderate, or gross), and shape of the velo- to others.32 The speech pathologist provided an pharyngeal defect (i.e., coronal, sagittal, or circu- overall assessment of velopharyngeal function: (1) lar) were recorded. Enlarged (2ϩ or normal (normal or hyponasal resonance, absence greater) were removed at least 8 weeks before the of visible nasal emission by mirror examination, pharyngeal flap. All patients had preoperative normal intraoral pressure, or no personal/social magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic reso- problems); (2) borderline sufficient (inconsistent

2046 Volume 127, Number 5 • Correcting Velopharyngeal Insufficiency mildly hypernasal resonance, visible nasal emission, acteristics of these 33 patients who had a pharyn- normal intraoral pressure, or no personal/social geal flap are summarized in Table 1. problems); (3) borderline insufficient (consistent The median preoperative lateral pharyngeal mildly hypernasal resonance, audible or turbulent wall movement was 22 percent (range, 0 to 90 nasal emission, inconsistent decreased intraoral percent). Most patients had a large circular velo- pressure, or a personal/social problem); and (4) pharyngeal defect (Fig. 1, above and center). The insufficient (moderately or severely hypernasal reso- width of the pharyngeal flap was designed based nance, audible or turbulent nasal emission, de- on videofluoroscopic findings (Fig. 1, below). Most creased intraoral pressure, or a personal/social patients required a wide (34 percent) or very wide problem). Normal or borderline sufficient velopha- pharyngeal flap (38 percent). No patient received ryngeal function was categorized as a success, a narrow flap. Fourteen children (42 percent) had whereas borderline insufficient or insufficient velo- preoperative and 10 (30 percent) pharyngeal function was categorized as a failure and also had . The median follow-up a secondary operation was recommended. was 3.8 months (range, 1.6 to 105 months). Complications were recorded, such as bleed- ing requiring transfusion, carotid arterial injury, flap dehiscence, hyponasal speech, and obstruc- Speech Outcomes tive sleep apnea. Polysomnography was conducted Preoperative and postoperative speech results if a child exhibited postoperative obstructive signs are listed in Table 2. The median interval between or symptoms. Possible need for a secondary op- operation and speech assessment was 3.5 months eration was also documented (e.g., flap revision or (range, 1.6 to 105 months). There was a significant take-down, dilation of the lateral pharyngeal ports, improvement in the median postoperative tonsillectomy, or adenoidectomy). weighted speech score as compared with preop- erative values (p Ͻ 0.001) (Fig. 2). Normal velo- Statistical Analysis pharyngeal function was achieved in 16 patients Patient characteristics and descriptive statistics and borderline sufficiency was achieved in 13 pa- were summarized and the incidences of speech tients, translating to successful correction of velo- characteristics, and overall velopharyngeal func- pharyngeal insufficiency in 29 of 33 patients (88 tion, were calculated. Fisher’s exact test was used percent). An example of a patient who achieved to compare preoperative and postoperative normal velopharyngeal function is included. (See speech characteristics. The Wilcoxon signed rank Video, Supplemental Digital Content 1, recorded sum test was used to compare the preoperative and weeks before pharyngeal flap, at the age of 4 years, postoperative weighted scores. All calculated p val- demonstrating severe hypernasality. The postop- ues were two-tailed and considered significant for erative video, taken at the age of 18 years, dem- values of p Ͻ 0.05. Statistical analyses were per- onstrates normal velopharyngeal function and res- formed using Stata version 8 (StataCorp., College onance, All four Station, Texas). patients with persistent velopharyngeal insuffi- ciency had construction a very wide pharyngeal RESULTS flap; their preoperative lateral pharyngeal wall Patient Characteristics Forty-nine patients with a clinical diagnosis of Table 1. Patient Characteristics velocardiofacial syndrome and velopharyngeal in- Value (%) sufficiency were evaluated between 1983 and 2009. No. of patients 33 All patients had fluorescent in situ hybridization Age at surgery, yr testing for a 22q11.2 deletion, which was confir- Median 6.4 Range 4.4–19 matory in 40 patients (82 percent). Five patients Female-to-male ratio 19:14 (58:42) with Veau type I cleft palate had palatoplasty in Veau type I cleft palate 4 (12) infancy, and three who required a pharyngeal flap Overt submucous cleft palate 6 (18) Occult submucous cleft palate 23 (70) were included. In summary, after exclusion of the Tonsillectomy* 14 (42) nine patients with negative genetic testing, the two Adenoidectomy* 10 (30) of five patients with velopharyngeal competence Hearing loss 8 (24) Conductive 4 (12) following primary palatoplasty, and another five Sensorineural 4 (12) patients lacking postoperative speech evaluations, *Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy were performed before pharyn- 33 patients remained in the study. Clinical char- geal flap.

2047 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2011

bleeding was controlled, but transfusion of two units of packed red blood cells was needed. One patient developed follow- ing a wide pharyngeal flap as confirmed by poly- somnography. The patient and the family chose to treat the sleep apnea using continuous positive airway pressure therapy rather than division of the flap. One patient required augmentation of the flap. None of the patients needed division of the flap, dilatation of the lateral portals, or sec- ondary tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy. DISCUSSION Children with velocardiofacial syndrome have both anatomical and physiologic palatal and pha- ryngeal abnormalities33 that make operative cor- rection of velopharyngeal insufficiency different from that for nonsyndromic children with re- paired cleft palate. Learning and cognitive dis- abilities may also complicate speech development and therapy.34 Our patients generally had a large circular velopharyngeal gap with limited lateral pharyn- geal wall movement. Average pharyngeal wall mo- tion was 30 Ϯ 26 percent in children with velo- cardiofacial syndrome and 58 Ϯ 24 percent in our nonsyndromic children with velopharyngeal in- sufficiency after palatoplasty.35 Velopharyngeal in- sufficiency can be suspected at approximately age 2.5 to 3 years. There is general agreement that children must be at least 4 years of age before Fig. 1. Pie charts showing videofluoroscopic results for percent- velopharyngeal function can be assessed by 36–40 age of patients by (above) velopharyngeal closure pattern cate- videofluoroscopy. The median age of video- fluoroscopy in our series was 5 years. Some chil- gories, (center) velopharyngeal gap size, and (below) pharyngeal ϭ flap width based on lateral pharyngeal wall motion. dren (n 12) with velocardiofacial syndrome and velopharyngeal insufficiency presented late at a median age of 11 years (range, 8.6 to 19 years). movements were 5, 10, 20, and 30 percent. Two of Patients were operated on at a median age of 6.4 the four patients with persistent velopharyngeal years (range, 4.4 to 19 years). Six patients had an insufficiency had primary palatoplasty. overt submucous cleft palate. Occult submucous cleft palate can be diagnosed by viewing the nasal surface of the soft palate by means of nasopharyn- Complications goscopy. Nasopharyngoscopy was performed in Hyponasal speech was detected in five patients only two of 33 patients; nevertheless, we assumed (17 percent). Significant medial dislocation of the the diagnosis of occult submucous cleft palate in internal carotid arteries was documented in 33 all patients with a long, intact palate (n ϭ 23) (i.e., percent of patients by magnetic resonance angiog- no obvious signs of submucous cleft palate). Our raphy (16 percent unilateral and 17 percent bi- prevalence of occult submucous cleft palate is con- lateral); an additional 21 percent had minor me- sistent with earlier reports.41 dial deviation of one or both carotid arteries. Large tonsils and exuberant inter- Injury to an internal carotid artery did not occur fere with construction of a “tailored” pharyngeal during any flap procedure. There was excessive flap. In our series, preliminary tonsillectomy was intraoperative bleeding (approximately 300 cc) necessary in 42 percent of children and - while elevating the flap in one patient with a me- ectomy was performed in 30 percent. Many au- dially displaced right internal carotid artery. The thors recommend routine adenotonsillectomy be-

2048 Volume 127, Number 5 • Correcting Velopharyngeal Insufficiency

Table 2. Perceptual Speech Analysis* Pharyngeal Flap

Preoperatively (%) Postoperatively (%) p† No. 33 33 Velopharyngeal function Ͻ0.001 Normal 0 (0) 16 (48) Borderline sufficient 0 (0) 13 (39) Borderline insufficient 0 (0) 1 (3) Insufficient 33 (100) 3 (9) Not recorded 0 0 Resonance Ͻ0.001 Normal 0 (0) 15 (50) Hyponasal 0 (0) 5 (17) Mixed hyponasal/hypernasal 2 (7) 3 (10) Inconsistent mildly hypernasal 1 (3) 3 (10) Moderately hypernasal 9 (30) 4 (13) Severely hypernasal 18 (60) 0 (0) Not recorded 3 0 Nasal emission 0.005 Absent by mirror examination 0 (0) 8 (28) Visible 22 (76) 18 (62) Audible 7 (24) 3 (10) Not recorded 3 1 Intraoral pressure Ͻ0.001 Normal 1 (4) 21 (81) Reduced 25 (96) 5 (19) Not recorded 4 3 Articulation 0.05 Normal 8 (31) 16 (62) Abnormal 18 (69) 10 (38) Not recorded 4 3 Parental rating of speech improvement Slight N/A 4 (16) Moderate N/A 1 (4) Great N/A 20 (80) Not recorded N/A 8 N/A, not applicable. *Comparison of speech assessment before and after pharyngeal flap. †p values calculated using Fisher’s exact test.

Fig. 2. Median (preoperative and postoperative) weighted Video. Supplemental Digital Content 1, recorded weeks before values for speech symptoms associated with velopharyngeal pharyngeal flap, at the age of 4 years, demonstrates severe hy- incompetence (McWilliams and Philips, 1979). Error bars ϭ SD. pernasality.Thepostoperativevideo,takenattheageof18years, The p value was calculated using the Wilcoxon signed rank demonstrates normal velopharyngeal function and resonance, sum test.

2049 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2011 fore a pharyngeal flap (or sphincter pharyngoplasty), ative velar function and type of cleft palate were regardless of size, because of postoperative hypertro- not reported. phy and late-onset .21,39,42,43 Our ad- Our 88 percent correction of velopharyngeal enotonsillectomy rates might be considered low based insufficiency following pharyngeal flap in velocar- on this advice. diofacial syndrome compares favorably with previ- There are alternative surgical options to a pha- ous reports.40,46,47 This outcome nearly equals that ryngeal flap for correction of velopharyngeal insuf- in nonsyndromic patients with repaired cleft pal- ficiency in children with velocardiofacial syndrome. ate and velopharyngeal insufficiency.19,21,32,48 Fur- Mehendale et al. audited their management of ve- thermore, our success with one operation com- lopharyngeal insufficiency in 42 patients with pares favorably to the rates of velopharyngeal velocardiofacial syndrome. Twenty-five patients with sufficiency reported after multiple operations by overt or occult submucous cleft palate were Mehendale et al.44 treated with radical velar muscular dissection and Despite the effectiveness of a pharyngeal flap, retropositioning.44 Sixteen patients without obvious many surgeons worry about possible obstructive submucous cleft palate had augmentation of the sleep apnea. Some degree of minor obstruction, as posterior pharyngeal wall. One patient had both exhibited by hyponasal speech and , is de- retropositioning and pharyngeal augmentation. Of sirable in the immediate postoperative period; however, this diminishes 2 to 3 months later, with the 25 patients managed with velar muscular retro- 21,49–51 positioning, 13 required revision, either Hynes type reduced swelling of the flap and pharynx. pharyngoplasty (n ϭ 11) or a pharyngeal flap (n ϭ Shprintzen, in his initial report, found an in- 2). Of the 16 patients who had only pharyngoplasty, creased rate of obstructive sleep apnea after pha- three required either revision of the pharyngoplasty ryngeal flap in 28 patients with velocardiofacial ϭ ϭ syndrome (43 percent) compared with nonsyn- (n 1) or repeated velar retropositioning (n 2). 52 This report underscores the relative ineffectiveness dromic cleft palate patients (6 percent). In a of muscular retropositioning, as compared with pha- later study from another institution, the review by Shprintzen and colleagues of a larger series of 49 ryngoplasty. Palatoplasty reorients the velar muscles patients with velocardiofacial syndrome found no but does not address velar or lateral pharyngeal wall obstructive sleep apnea following pharyngeal hypotonia or the increased velopharyngeal depth flap.21 Only one of our patients developed airway secondary to platybasia and adenoidal hypoplasia. obstruction; this same low rate was documented in Sphincter pharyngoplasty only decreases the nonsyndromic patients with repaired cleft palate circumference of the velopharyngeal gap. Of 32 undergoing pharyngeal flap.35,53 Moreover, com- velocardiofacial patients with velopharyngeal in- parable rates of obstructive sleep apnea have been sufficiency, Losken et al. reported a 22 percent 24 reported after sphincter pharyngoplasty in non- revision rate following sphincter pharyngoplasty. syndromic and velocardiofacial syndrome No description of the type of palatal anomaly was patients.33,54 included. In a retrospective study, Witt and col- Careful preoperative analysis by the surgeon leagues used sphincter pharyngoplasty in 19 pa- and speech pathologist is essential to planning tients with velocardiofacial syndrome (14 with sub- operative correction of velopharyngeal insuffi- mucous cleft palate and three with incomplete ciency and minimizing sleep apnea. Despite wide 33 cleft of the secondary palate). They found suc- variance in preoperative lateral pharyngeal wall cessful speech outcome in 18 of 19 patients; how- motion (0 to 90 percent) in our series, a pharyn- ever, five patients developed persistent snoring geal flap was successful because the width was de- and one had sleep apnea.33 Sie et al. also docu- signed based on lateral pharyngeal wall movement mented results of sphincter pharyngoplasty in and the transverse pharyngeal dimension. There nine patients with velocardiofacial syndrome and is also evidence that flap width does not correlate occult submucous cleft palate. They found normal with obstructive sleep apnea.21,42,52,55 Indeed, 72 speech in five of nine patients, minor velopharyn- percent of our patients had a wide or very wide geal insufficiency in the remaining four patients, pharyngeal flap, yet only one patient developed and no patients with hyponasality.23 sleep apnea after a wide flap. There is one report of Furlow double-oppos- A second feared complication of pharyngeal ing Z-palatoplasty in velocardiofacial syndrome as flap in patients with velocardiofacial syndrome is primary repair. D’Antonio et al. retrospectively injury to a medially transposed internal carotid reviewed four patients, and none had adequate artery. Tatum and colleagues used magnetic res- velopharyngeal closure.45 Details on the preoper- onance angiography to show that 25 percent of

2050 Volume 127, Number 5 • Correcting Velopharyngeal Insufficiency patients had medially displaced internal carotid ar- tients, the lack of cost-to-benefit analysis, and re- teries lying directly beneath the pharyngeal flap do- liance on anecdotal evidence.62 He concluded that nor site.48 Indeed, some surgeons believe that medial magnetic resonance angiography serves to pre- malposition of the internal carotid arteries is a rel- pare the surgeon.48,60 We agree, and still recom- ative contraindication to pharyngeal flap in patients mend it. Interestingly, often parents are aware of with velocardiofacial syndrome.56,57 Deviated inter- this anatomical variant in this disorder (from the nal carotid arteries can be seen during the proce- Internet) and ask for an explanation as to its im- dure. (See Video, Supplemental Digital Content 2, portance. which shows pulsations of medially positioned inter- As in any study based on subjective speech nal carotid arteries, evaluation, there are limitations. In our cleft As in other reports,21,58 injury to the internal carotid lip–cleft palate clinic, two speech pathologists artery did not occur in our series, 33 percent of who specialize in cleft palate evaluated all the which were medially deviated. Nevertheless, one pa- patients. Judgments may differ slightly and con- tient with a medially deviated internal carotid artery tinuity with one speech pathologist would have had excessive blood loss during elevation of the flap. been preferable. The source of bleeding in this patient was not en- John B. Mulliken, M.D. tirely clear; the internal carotid artery was not in- Department of Plastic and Oral Surgery jured. Others have noted that bleeding in this stage Children’s Hospital in the operation is caused by cutting the ascending 300 Longwood Avenue pharyngeal artery or one of its branches.28,59 Boston, Mass. 02115 Mitnick et al. reported that visible pulsation [email protected] seen on nasopharyngoscopic evaluation does not correlate with medially deviated internal carotid PATIENT CONSENT arteries, and that deviated internal carotid arteries seen on magnetic resonance angiography do not Parents or guardians provided written consent for always exhibit obvious pulsations.60 These authors the use of the patient images. concluded that vascular imaging should be per- formed on all patients with velocardiofacial syn- REFERENCES drome before a pharyngeal flap. To the contrary, 1. Shprintzen RJ, Goldberg RB, Lewin ML, et al. A new syn- Witt and colleagues concluded that preoperative drome involving cleft palate, cardiac anomalies, typical facies imaging is not cost effective and that there are no and learning disabilities. Cleft Palate J. 1978;15:56–62. reports of patient deaths or internal carotid artery 2. Shprintzen RJ. Velo-cardio-facial syndrome: 30 years of study. 61 Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2008;14:3–10. injury. In his editorial comment, Shprintzen ex- 3. Oskarsdottir S, Vujic M, Fasth A. Incidence and prevalence pressed concern over the small number of pa- of the 22q11 deletion syndrome: A population-based study in Western Sweden. Arch Dis Child. 2004;89:148–151. 4. Yamagishi H, Garg V, Matuoaka R, Thomas T, Srivastava D. A molecular pathway revealing a genetic basis for human cardiac and craniofacial defects. Science 1999;283:1158–1161. 5. Yamagishi H. The 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Keio J Med. 2002;51:77–88. 6. Shprintzen RJ, Siegel-Sadewitz VL, Amato J, Goldberg RD. Retrospective diagnoses of previously missed syndromic dis- orders among 1,000 patients with cleft lip, cleft palate, or both. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser. 1985;21:85–92. 7. Driscoll DA, Salvin J, Sellinger B, et al. Prevalence of 22q11 microdeletions in DiGeorge and velocardiofacial syndromes: Implications for genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis. J Med Genet. 1993;30:813–817. 8. Vortsman JA, Jalali GR, Rappaport EF, Hacker AM, Scott C, Emanuel BS. MLPA: A rapid, reliable, and sensitive method for detection and analysis of abnormalities of 22q. Hum Mu- tat. 2006;27:814–821. 9. Stachon AC, Baskin B, Smith AC, et al. Molecular diagnosis of 22q11.2 deletion and duplication by multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification. Am J Med Genet A 2007;143A: 2924–2930. Video. Supplemental Digital Content 2 is an intraoperative 10. Arvystas M, Shprintzen RJ. Craniofacial morphology in the video showing pulsations of medially positioned internal carotid velo-cardio-facial syndrome. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol. 1984; arteries, 4:39–45.

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