HARYANA SCHOOL SHIKSHA PARIYOJNA PARISHAD (Regd. Under Societies Registration Act, 1860) Shiksha sadan, 3.d & 4th Floor, Sector-S, Panchkula-L34Lo9 Tel:QL72-2590505,2585026(F) | E-mail:
[email protected] I Website: www'hsspp'iR 1? Ref. No. 7l4s-2o1e(NsQFll \Ss J I Dated:- a\lta l To A11 India society for Electronics and computer TechnoloSr. SCOPE CAMPUS, NH-12, HOSHANGABAD ROAD, NEAR MISROD, BHOPAL 462Q47 (M.P'). Subject:-Regarding allocation of Schools pertaining to Retail, Agriculture and BeautY & Wellness. ptease refer to this office letter no. 7149-20l9(NSQF)/38396-38400 the dated 2t.II.2OIg and, 7 I 49-2019(NSQF) I 44435-38 dated !3.12.2019 on subject cited above. A committee comprising of Joint Director (PM), Programme Manager (NSQF), Representatiire of NSDC and HSDM was constituted for recommend,ation of the allocation of 140 Schools of Retail, Agriculture and Beauty & Wellness to the eligible/ suitable VTPs. The meeting of the above said. Committee was held on L6.I2.2O19 in which your representative also remained present. Keeping in view the terms & conditions of the agreement signed between the Parishad and your organization and as per the recommendation of the above said committee, it has been decided to allot the 61 schools (12 of Retail , 36 of Agriculture & 13 of B&W) pertaining to Bhiwani, Fatehabad, Jind, Jhajjar, Kaithal, Mahendergarh, Rewari & Yamunanagar to your organization. You are, therefore, directed to take over these 61 schools (list attached). The monthly contractual package is based on attendance like other VTs. ft1 ts"'it#34#r2t Joint Director (PMl for State Project Director DA:- as Above HSSPP, Ppchkula Rreff-,.sr s[ftrorr sd terstr siBis|q ssG Fd EF HARYANA SCHOOL SHIKSHA PARIYOJNA PARISHAD (Regd.