Fatboy Slim, Gallery of Sound Stereotype, 1999
E 4 E E-l \t +N :-' I !l -^. lliA e.rv ft t\J tlt#-al I r I -^J v tereotype Jan .7 -l{, 1998 .t "L-B.-*r* Bs a q i.:r!, %' .E Ch.*?, e##ffi$effi# ###ff. e/ectronica's populist, kicks back and enioys worldwide stardom as f,#P##Y Sf,FFT#" by Justin Hampton was recording under the name Fatboy Slim or be careful not to end up with a bit of a formu- other aliases like the Mighty Dub Katz, 1a," Norman insists. "That's probably the rea- Freakpower and Pizzaman. Even the compila- son why I don't want to do more Fatboy stuff ]tHfll#:'ifrt,;-.:'# tion of classic tracks that was Fatboy's frst yet, because I've got to think of a new gag. or by tweaking his 303s to the point of absurd- album, Better Living Through Chemistry I've done the first album gag and I've done the ity. Most amazingly, he acrually gets away [Astralwerks] only won over a few of the second album gag, and I've got to think of with it, breaking down the steely resolve of uninitiated. Cornershop later requested Mr. kind of slantl or else it will end up being a lit- Americans against dance music and becoming Cook to remix "Brimful of Asha," and the tle bit of a formula." Long acknowledging the an intemational star in the process. "[ like to] result climbed the British Top 10. He fo1- massive influence the Chemical Brothers have make [the music] more accessible to people, lowed this up with a mind-blowing remix of had on his music, he says, laughing, "I'll wait rather than being cooler-than-thou and moody Wildchild's "Renegade Master," and this to see what Tom and Ed's new album is like and whatever," Norman declares from a hotel remix, as well as the summer release of the and then I'll copy them.
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