TUESDAY,JANUARY 2, 2018 €1.20 LIMERICK AND PROUD facebook.com/limerickleader @limerick_leader www.limerickleader.ie WHERE SOLD LET’SCELEBRATE! HITSFROMTHE 1980s MAKE FORA‘DYNAMITE’NIGHT PAGE 14 Welcome to 2018 NEWYEAR’S ORIGINAL BABIESGIVE ADDED JOY OPERA PLAN HAD PAGE 3 Book of the year LOCALFACES SHARE THEIR HOUSING BEST OF 2017 the‘preliminary capacitystudy’pre- NICK RABBITTS e-mail:
[email protected] paredbythe city’s senior executive Twitter: @nick468official architect Seamus Hanrahan out- lined theproposal,withformer city THE original plans forProject managerTom Mackey addingthe Operaincluded 161 housing units in sitecould “comfortably accom- thescheme,the Limerick Chronicle modate” both social and affordable can reveal. housing. Amidpersistentcalls forresiden- Planswerealso in place fora tial units in the€150m project,ithas “large departmentstore”withits The bells were ringing outfor 2018 PAGE 15 nowcome to lightthatdaysbeforese- main entrance at theEllen Street- curing fundingtobuy thesitefrom Michael Streetjunction. Nama, council bosses outlined plans Instead,afresh blueprintun- IN keeping with along tradition, the bells rang out on the stroke of midnight on for59units in existing buildings and veiledforthe€150mproposalearlier NewYear'sEve at St Mary'sCathedral in the citytoring in 2018. Pictured 102new homes. wishing each other well forthe year ahead were locals Sarah Mooreand Documentsreleased underthe Audrey O'Connell. Formoreonthis story, including the postponementofthe Freedom of InformationAct, show CONTINUEDONPAGE2