DOLLAR DAYS Son, of Near Bethany
THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 Ellenboro, R-2; and G. B- Moore, of MR. J. K. MOORE, OF Ellenboro and Mrs. Jessie Moore Par- MRS. L. L. WOMACK GOLDEN VALLEY The Newest In nell. ___ t Mr. A. C. Moore, One full brother, CLAIMED BY DEATH Bostic, R-4, Sept. 23.?Rev. K. N. FALL SHOES CAROLEEN, DEAD of Forest City, R-2, survives also one Snipes filled his regular appointment Fashion reaches a climax of smartness in this unique two-strap full sister, Mrs. Dona Grose, who i at Golden Valley Methodist church is one of many de- makes her home with Mr. O. B. Grose, j Funeral Services Held Satur- Patent Pump. Price $12.50. This artistic shoe Prominent Citizen of Lower Sunday morning with good atten- Wright-Scruggs' collection of beautiful Fall of Forest City, R-2. Three half broth- day at Floyds Creek for I lightful models in Rutherford Succumbs To , dance. He preached a splendid ser- ers and two half sisters survive and Weil-Known Woman footwear models. Brief Illness mon which was thoroughly enjoyed , ' of Boiling Springs; City, R-2 I' are John Moore, of Forest ,by {his audience. His subject was Thomas Moore, of Forest City,R-2; ? Whether worn with lustroua J. Kistler | i I "The Five Links of the Golden Caroleen, Sept. 24.?Mr. : of Raleigh. The sis- ( / shimmering and Joe Moore, Forest City, R-2, Sept. 24.?Mrs. | Chain." satin, velvet or aged seventy-two years, died of Moore, I ters are Mrs. R. C. Ledbetter, , L.
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