.... w- I -t MOND AT. *••*

iKanr^Pistfr Stipnfng li^iriiUi - •’ - ■- Avaraga Dally Nat Preaa Run Far the Week Boding riiiiui ? r o*Tninii ■■■■ A stated communication of dannory 9, IM l ' •nie Sewing Orcle of the Con­ John May and Charles J. Jphn* 1 Tstey fair and eeelt Ughiii* eon, both of Manchester, are enter­ Manchester Lodge of Masons will cordia Lutheran church will meet be held at 7:30 tomorrow evsning. near W| toaIgM tair and AhoIttTowft tonight at 7:80. ing birds in the 103rd Boston Poul­ 10^192 try Show at Mechanics building, Following the ' transaction xpf JUR^FuoA 'B0$ Jaiiuary 17 to 2l. The show, the business, the Fellowcraft Degree New Look! Aodlt 9 m i* m MA « . Ontor George Opoper Of W nity “MOTIiER-OF-PEARL” ' “ ■ Mom A llii^itirn ni in M4 • oollege wUl bd the apeaker a t the oldest and largest poultry exposi­ will be conferred, mfter which tkere Manehe9tet>^AlCUy of VillagoXharm Ml W«dneiitf«]r Manchester T.W.OA. lecture tion in the country, thla year ex- will be a social hour and refresh­ iA*k* ta tiM ihotTOW afternoon at the. Oommu>i ^Ijecto more than 6000 entries, ments. Jiftc r Um im at' nltjr F, under the direction hf the AI v6lk:;J.XX, N O .^ : Advetfkdng m MANCHESTER, CONN., T U E ^A ^, JANUARY 9M851 (’TWELVE PAGES) toy pMtjr •Publid Affairs committee. Hla top* S-, tlM-oIno*; Ic'wUI be “Britain and the Baltic tlM t t wtmm ^ ■■»■■. •••• OoUntriea.” An, Informal luncheon v a n luiiJn^M th jtt tiM will be held at 42:80, with each GermaB^Seqgde tVUl—- Not Swfccwmat ba'^-'*‘ gum t bimging her p ^ sandwich* C o n fe re n c e Eye jBg ta that tlMy ^ With dessert and coRee on saw WHITNEYS sti^aiqlme your Idtdie^ ^ h t foi<^t w Wwt via the ^hMdnn and the lecture WrtU begin r ^ i i c c Seeli C HamburgiJ3ermanJ Jon.'- Levy to WILD BIRDSEED SMM at low C o jt!\ —f/P)—’The weat.^Gcrmi ."'A.^'ihar n C ^ W atld ^ ^^vgoo wia- lwm thla morning ai' dom League hos'begun Issul BnthMtf wUI be lljvFTancw hospital to -Mr. ^ MIXTURE thougM^ of “Neutroltti PUy Arms eo-iwat T-v- - — J a A ' and i(fA4tuguatlha Kamienskt of In Rules Cards”^ declaring the bearer Ml of Borthu for (ha -- iUuy , “fight neither for the Weet 888 WestMJdnter street. The cou* tiorthe East'.". , '' flttiher meeting of the Now pie h ^f Ifouf-'d^ghtere. The baby Hold Talks Today ; Each Tniniaii Tells Byril Na­ iMiii Chimter of X. I. D., — m th e ggrandsohvofvMr. and Mra. Even with a slender budget, y^t( can your Th^I^ague, whleh sSyii it la American IQoUtttU of Deoomtora. M >r^ Robbins of thia tonii. hon-partioari''and independent, tion Must Be Taxed kitchen or dinette that coitly decorator took- House May Have to X, The meeting will »>ojhold — Tliey'M visit ypu regularly if you n td said thousands bf^Germane orn Until It Hurts; In- i w evening at the Wowena Cltjr S. Jewett, of 174 Operate Under Own accepting the edrds which- chib, Beacon otreet, Booton.. ^ them___ _ WHliFNEY’S' It’s a \ Modernize economically With a new Vinyleen bear the inscription, “German Soiiunlt stredAjw been admitted of seeds that kirds love an4,bajanced for 3 l |I C f r s O l ^ ., Rule as ih >^Gme 'Tax Inadequate 'AI to the School o f^ u catlo n at Syra- 6 1941 Passport No. —,“ with., a Itancheoter . ^ corrfet nourishniapt, too. ^No ^cracked ' Plastic All-Purpose Enf4mble. The fashionable declaration in German, Eng-, V D ia le d Americnn • t-i.ms ana cusa University. Admission to the 8-iof-Pearr' effect in gay, clear colors i« state Capitol, Hartford, Jon. 9 lish, Russian and French that ' Bulletin! Alllpt^ Recover Ground ^'AitxiUary will, ok > J:30 to* Come.'■ te. 1in for S-, ^ v Rival leaders arranged a the bearer "wants a German \ Waahlni^iil, ' Jb’’- b— night in front of the Taylor and only upon completion of the sopho­ N government'^ which • visibly U, S. Consul Warns ^ IvOfit in Battle Soutl^- more yasr of college Mias Jewett, In Tllb,BMenient\; the tame tha^ being featured on high-priced bl-putloan conference today In on 'V tentative a'gTCMhent to be- Funeral Home. 238 Waah- \ makes all efforts to keep all gtn>cpnslderation^'-o( a ne*v ^ngton e ^ t , Hartford. J o pay a Junior, la majorliig in Ebigllsh. effort to settle their differences West of ^onju; Fight- An alumna of LaUralton Hell kitchen and dinette sets. You'll have enduring Germans out of oily kind of multl-bllUon dollar 'tqx -blU thou reapecto- to EJmeat KirtlMd, over rules for the new General As- military conflict by means of a . February 1 whs reached today _ae**^ end 8on-in-law,—--- School -In Milford, Conn., she has Americans to ^uit ej* i\B om h^ Roar .whOTOv daughter been active in the university beauty, too,^because it's made of tough, wear- oembly. policy of strict neutrality.” '-by Secretary of the TreaauYy Mr. a n tr^ fn Albert Sheftield, are H i U L ^ e b t n What the chances were for Snyder and Congressional Domi Utz Close Sup­ le chapter and aux' chorus, the Catholic choir aiid as tht JW , membera o if^' drau^g up a set of joint rules ac­ manugeiy of lax legislation. chapel representative of her \ MANCMHTM COlUi^ defying 8 gauge Vinyleen Plastic that won't crack ceptable to both sides, no one was port of tne^Grouitd^ llia^. sorority. Kappa Kappa Gamma This new ml-asure may raise Hong Kong at Once .or peel. A damp cloth keeps it immaculate! willing to soy definitely. Some tuxes as much aa 910,000,000,- Mra. Marlon Garttnona Fitch leaders osilerted, however, that If Reich Generals 000 a year. Forf^es; Action ^ ^ sa n waa hoateaa at a dinner party at a quick compromise did not mate­ Hong Kong, Jan. 9 '- (B)-A'merl-»• panics were warned last week to Limited to hDUer'fl Saturday night honoring rialize, the probability was that Washington. Jan. 9 Pres­cans In this British Oown Colony j return home. Some British resl- Mr. and Mra. C. P. Morgan, and \ each House would operate under Talk to Allies ident Truman said today the na­ Mr. and Mra. Arthur Schwab, of Its own rules as was done in 1941. bordering Red China were warned i dents and wealthy Chinese have Tokyo, Jan. 9.—(/P)—Al--^ tion must be taxed "until It hurts" today to remove their families b«'- ] gone. Philadelphia. Other local people ChboM These Matching Ac The experience of previous to arm the free world against the Hod tfoojm fought doRperate- In attendance were Mr. and Mra. years indicates, experts say, that On Re-Arming menace of Communist aggression. cause of the worsening situation | official warning came as no ly today to alow the Commu­ C A. Hoaglund, Mr. and Mrs. C. THANK the Legislature can operate more Secretary of the Treasury Sny­ In the Orient. surprise. Americans have been ALLESO.N’S In 5 BfiRkuit Fadeproef efficiently and harmoniously if ...... U. 8. Consul General Walter P. watching Chinese Red forces on nist title rolling toward the W. Keeney, Miss Marion Fitch der. it was learned, believes that and Mias Jane Tarca. YOU governed by joint rules. despite widespread recommenda­ McConaughy told a special news the neighboring mnlnlnnd swell to heart of South Korea and GREAT JANUARY Y E L L O W , GRAY RED <» EEN IL U E Foes Stand Fast Director of Nazi Cam­ U. 8. Army offlrem confer over a map with, Korean officers while the tions for "pay-as-you-go" financ­ conference no actua. emergency Is an Army qf more than 45,000 In menacing the U. S. Eighth for your wonderful re­ Rs the Legislators reconvened paign Against Russia ROK motorcycle driver keeps well bunHfed against the biting cold. ing, taxation steep enough to pay seen but that the warning "is more the past mohth. Army’s retreat route to t^e for their • second meeting, there Tho conference took place somewhere on the Korean front. (Photo out of hand for the huge re-arnia- or less precautionary." Hong Kong, through which Brit­ WANTED sponse to our dollar days. were no signs that either side was Included in Group by NEA-Acme stsiff ^ntographer Walter I-ea). meirt effort would rip the nation's An official clrculai Is being put ish trade with srriDg the oulgnment Refiecllhg the general'approval river where (he U, S, 24th Division Mrs. Elsie Minicucci which he told Pace: also are taking part—John Ward i In Brooklyn^ Cut Up ing." of additional U. 8. ground forces British Deputy High Commission­ to Europe until Congress fixes an expressed In the British press last Phone 77.T7 “If someone is actually stealing / I'rgee Sales Tax night, newspapers In France, Bel­ (ObStbiDed on Page Four) secret decodsfl messages from the er; Armand Berard, Deputy Her Body and Stuffed XTpnn releasing Mr. Truman’s overall ^llcy. Sheets and AT BOLAND’S French High Commissioner, and Tip on D-Day This Issue Is at the heart of the gium, Scandinavia and other na- Pentagon and handing them to letter, Byrd told newsmen; REGULAR 1.00 2 2 ^ b a t h SIZE Theodor Blank, West German 1 It in Two Suitcases swelling foreign policy debate Uoni under the Communist shadow Pearson the Uvea of many of our "I feel certain that. If the bud' aald the speech would harden young men and the security of which haa taken on added vigor In Wrtitem Europe's will to defend this nation are in grave danger.” . (OoBttaned ou Page Fear) Ex-Spy Claims Russians New York, Jan. 9 — W ■:r A (Oonttnned on Page Poor) the wake of severe military re­ Award Five Paiow Cases verses in Korea. itself. In a Senate speech last F^day, Knew of Normandy housepainter confessed to Brook­ As yet (here was no reaction REGULAR 50c 16x28 HAND SIZE McCarthy charged that "some Truman Was Mum lyn’s dime locker t o r ^ slaying Reduced to Its essence, the de­ reported from Moscow, but else­ man In the decofiing room fat the Invasion in Advance where the Communist press, with Honor Medals i^tagon) Is guilty of high trea- Paris Reds early today, offtclale^'said, a few bate is over whether this nation THE FAMOUS Cook Reported should concentrate Its defenses Its usual single accord, branded ^n» A woAe*"* *’***•*%* son*f if the messages published by hours aAer detectives nabbed him the speech as a new step toward a Pearfon in a column Dec. 30 were New York, Jan. 9—(g’)—Former trying to flee his boarding house against Communist aggression Next of Kin Receive REGULAR 25c FACE CLOTHS within its own shores or should “war of aggression." authentic^. The column sold In es­ Attack GI’s Soviet spy courier Elizabeth Bent­ in pajamas. ' Back in U. S. The independent Figaro of Paris Niagara Glass Check sence that the Chinfse Communist ley related yesterday that Com­ Police (Commissioner Thomas F. give extensive aid aa well to Congressional Award friendly nations In Western Eu­ pretty well summed up the West­ Real heavy quality Cannon towels and face cloths that are munist cloak-and-dagger activity MurphV'Ond District Attorney ern reaction with these wonls: From the President (t'ontlnoed on Page Pwo) Milea,F. McDonald announced the rope and elsewhere. on exceptional value for Januar>’. Slight oil spots or mlsweavea Demonstrators Against In wartime Washington -uncovered Woman Fled Man An Mr. Truman Hid nothing about “Weakneea Over" which will not impair the wearing qualities. Peach, Yellow, NEW TIRES top-secret data for D-Day in Eu­ coij/wion by Pasquale Donofrio, sending more troops abroad in his "The year of weakness Is over. Dish Towels Aqua, Green and Flamingo. Eisenhower Scratch rope. Bwering His Descrip- America hu not forgotten the Washington, Jan. 9—(45—There iliiu i WE W IU ALLOW UP TO McDonald said Donofrio ad­ personally deliver^ "State of the were priceless decoratinna today Bhe told her story In testimonv Union” meuage me to the new Con­ unfortunate consequences of ap­ ATTACHiD Corporal ill Melee mitted the slaying of Dorothy Mar­ lion in E. Kansas. peasement." $5 FOR YOUR OLD TIRES at the federal perjury trial of Wil­ gress yesterday. for five soldiers who could not be News Tidbits liam W. Remln^on, 33, former tin, 37. of Saugertles, N. Y„ last But he described the North At­ The Influential Times of London 3 0 c each Reg. 45c ea. Paris, Jan. 9—(iP)—Clommunista Nov. 25. called for Britain's government here to receive from President O N N E W demonstrating against Gen. (Commerce Department Economlat. San Diego, Calif., Jan. 9—WP)— lantic Community aa “the heart Truman the medal on the blue, ’ Called Prom i/P) WirCa He Is charged with lying before a Body Found In I.,nrkcr Badman Bill Cook Is still at large of our defense effort" and left no leaders to "do as well In defining January Sale Dwight D! Eisenhower set upon what the demands of readiness, star-flecked t^bboii which bears If you have never used these wonderfully absorbent and •t two uniformed American soldiers Grand Jury!ii.when he denied he Her dismembered body was today somewhere In the United doubt that he has no Intention of the single word "valor.” nrtstona, Mohourk. ever was a Communist. found stuffed into two suitcases States or Mexico—and that leaves turning back from the course of without war, must be.” noo-lint Niagara dish' towels, try them now! Red, Blue, Green Navy announces it will order on the C^ampa-EHyseas today. One The Paris L'Aube. which speaks Some of the recipients of the mnA Oold all-over checks and new multi-color stripes. 47,000 eaUsted reaervlats to duty of them, a corporal, was struck in Mias Bentley said Remington last Dec. 4 in two lockers In the officers plenty of territory to comb helping friendly nations to re­ Medal of Honor died while doing OUR REGULAR ’37 LAFAYETTE 4-DR-—Black, H. .... 75 Goodyaor, Amoco waa a member of the Communist Long Island Rail Road. Station. for the Missouri ex-convict. arm. for tho Catholic Popular Republi­ during April, May and June .. the back by fista and a'woman can Movement Scotland Yard detectives, still Keremeos, B. C„ Jan. 9—(P i- * far when she talked to newsmen tpe Fairchild Ehiglne and Airplane V $3-®9 Reg-$4-29 Dainty Flocked Ninon Cement, Point Chumley, things can’t.g o on like mystified by the disappearance of Paris, Jan. 9—(-4*)—Edouard Herriot, 78-jrear-oId former After 15 days of chanting and j yesterday. Corp., or the CIO United Auto Metal Westhw Stripping , Today this. First the Scone Stone and the Coronation Stone from West­ Premier, today was re-elected President of the French Na­ prayer in a darkened stone form j “We are waiting to meet God,’’ Workers of a return to the bar­ Bma Jilgh quality covor ws have carried for yean. Heavy 1 Lot of Drainage Tile now Britannia’s sword. Biul minster Abbey on Christmas ^ y , tional Assembly. He has held the position since 1946. cottage, ,35 members of a queer she H id . “But we don’t know gaining table. Each limited its ?^b1earhid cotton with eeams an bound and with rubber buttons. 1 Home Croft Drill • A steady one-minute test show." were switched to the new theflr * * * religtoiua cult were ready today in what form. Only God knows comments to blaming the other Fun and twin bed slMe. SCARFS 1 M.M.O. Pnn Saw . blgst of Manchester’s Civil­ Indeed Britannia's sword Is They hsd these facts. to work for the end of the world or to ' that.’’ for the strike. 1 Set of Garage Overhead Doors ian Defense audible warn­ gone. on: . Greenwood Certified Over Blacy “meet their God.” Walt In OorkneH The walkout ynterdoy morning Inoulatloa ing- Hvatem will be sounded The fouiSfoot bronze sword was Saturday night, London was Albaim N, Y„ Jan. 9—(A>)—-TM State Board of Canvassers Thfcre appeared to be some Then sh^ reiterated that she Idled 5,200 workers and stopped . . ■ ' . - -''-Plaiter Board ,jv tqa only source of production at .... • f at 5 p.m. today. Chief of attached to a girdle around tbe filled to overflowing with soccihr today emiffed that Democrat Ernest Greenwood defeated doubt Just what the ’’Chlldreh of had experienced a phenomenon Grnen Stamps Given With Cash SWea • IS X 44 DRESSER LENGTH...... 79c .Outside and Inside Doors figjire of Britannia seated at .the fans who travelled from all ports Republican incumbent Kingaland by 135 votes in Light,’’ os they can themselves, and bad bad visions which wera thb big troop-carrying C-119 Oak Flooring ’Y0UR HOME TOWN NASH DCALEII” Police Herman O. .Schendel, base of a ststue of Scotsman (^oTd of the country to take In the, Foot­ expect to happen. “too, Hcred to disclose.’’ Pocket, being used extensively in Louvre Windows coordinator/asks that resi- Clyde, the Indian mutiny hero. It ball Associktlon matches. the First Congressional Distriri. The action cleared the way Followera poMod out word aft­ Whatever the “Children of the Korean campaign. Moulding. * 369 CBNTBR STRRBT—AT WEST CENTER STREET—TEL. 4,079 denta of the c^tlying sec­ was reported missing lost night Sunday morning rlt was.gone. tor the seating of Greenwood in the 82nd CoAgreas. er their vigil began Dec. 26 that Light" anticipate, they await It In Offored. 12-Oent Boeot Finished and unUnlshed lumber by the Ministry of Works, prob­ Sleuths In qaandoig ■ ■ • ♦ • . the knowkidge of earth’s Impend­ Mml-dorkneM. , The strike resulted from nphils- 15 X 34 CHEST LENGTH...... 69c ond-a let of other miaceUoneous tions of town telephone to I iim .' i m" III iji is ^ Police Headquarters after ably owlped gpmsUms Isgt Satur­ Detectives, scratching their Maclean Chaplain Of Honan ing end Jab. 9 hod oome In a vi- Blankets have been pinned over mots over the eonqpany*s merit iterai, ...... I' ' ’MBiy’.i.i day nlgM or sdrljT' Sunday morn­ heads, ashed this question! "Who State GipItoL Hartford, Jan 9—

—Speaker Mansfield sU>n to their grey-haired leader, windows of the isolated oottage.en mrstem. of pay Incr eMei . 77is i^CORR Doled at Maaebeater, thla Sth the test arid report whether ing. took It?" Mra.-Oroee AghM Garlaon. the outskirts of this Httle firult union wonts the syetem eliminat­ You won’t be able to realst these dainty flocked scarfa with floral day of January,^.D., 1981. Sprague today appointed aa Chaplain of the House the Rev. ed and a eolory "progresiton* jt" Mil* j^tterne in colors on white grounds. Blue, row, geld and green. Adveirtiae in The Hearald— It Pay» • i t the signal was audible in The statue is In Waterloo Place, Oouid it have been supporters But 50-jrear-old Mrs. Carlson, forming commqnjty of 1,000. Attest-^ James Duffy, their section ef town. right off Poll Moll, In the heart of ll^fred Maelttn, pastor of the Broadview Community Church dressed In a .flowing white robe . Oonriable London.' (OsntlsMd so NIm ) ip-Hartford. . and zed h im . would not ere that (CoatfauMd sa Fasa W osl (Ooatifiwad m WomX I L ■ ' ’ • h . ^ .^ V V ,. - r" ' r ♦ " t ■ ' ' r\'- . i ■ ■

^ 1, LYankshaw and William Aleshin; Robert H. Smith; Membenh^, Skatintr Allowed Tonight Garden Club Vendrillo, Carl RleffiSr; dallnquent Mrs. Dudley Bostick; Ways and Bank Meeting Mra. lioma Burr, prtsldent of the Tells of Korea Guardsmen l$id Engaged to Wed Pension Fund Betrothal Listed Trib^ Installs’^ commlttaa, Paul Jones, AI Bubb, Means, Mr. and Mng Lewis Osis church arhool, and C3iarles Griffin, At Center Sprinffs Rink Francla DiuicoMe. aM Mr. and Mrs. K T. auditor. Dr. Harold J. Lehmus. tele­ Heai’s Lecture Aftar the thstialliKlan of the Gef Rid Of Unwdilfid Hoir Hi teciamlve, Mrs. Robert Mcmi Thi^ Afternoon Three World War n veteralie There will be skaUng to­ Navy Activity phone 7249, Dr. Frank H. Hor­ For Musicians Report Made New Officers^ officers a aocial time waa enjoyed Don’t let stiff, unwanted hairs embarraa yoo. [^M em bers HespitaDts^ Mrs. Richard Martin have been recalled to service re­ night at Center Springs Park ton, 2-200L (children ortly) are with refreahmenta being aorved. It may now be removed, safely and permanently muH^ and Mrs.JRiQr Warren, co-chair­ cently. They are .Capt. George pond between the hours of 6:30 the physicians who will resipor ind waa prepared by Paul Jones and Bencroft, who ease action in the. an^ 10 o'clock Park Superin­ Lt. /Harold Civiello of to emergency calls tomoirroIW Members Listen to In­ Startjry Olaaver. elect rolyHis. Free consuItation—^AII work done by men; Mrs. C bm sf Mute, Mrs. Don­ E le ^ o |i !t»f^Qffi^ers and E.T.Q. in the last war; Arthur R. Briga^. Ruid Enlist­ "l otai\ Membership Is Girl Rirnier Is 8ral* pointment. Joins at ald Conrad, Mrs. Barlni, Mrs. tendent Horace Murphey re­ Van SlcMln of Wapplng Center ported today. . This Town on Vessel formative Address in Now at 134; ed as Sarhem by thr Frank Terry, Mra. T1il)p^y.Moran. Proposfed'>4^$ing^ in and caiarles Callahan of Msdn . The akating area will be il­ ments Sought hy the ITirsT J le ia in Mrs. Joseph Stevenson^^swtf M «. 'J Raising Water Lilies Window Sbatlered; B y - I ^ w s street, both eallited members of luminated ' with flomilights. In Korean Waiert theme for the lecturer’s hour and $223,5(nNiii the Bank Local Red Men ELECTROLYSIS SALON 9sm ard Lyons; publlcityv^xMlav |h a ^krtford Organised Naval Rc- State Guar«\ \ Herbert A. France and Mra Music will be carried over the Jess Hills and Kehncth Porter are 669 MAIN ST. M. CROHSEN, R.N. O^EB MABLOWK ' sOcye Unit. CapC Bancroft, his public address ■ system which Is Mr. and Mrs. Anthiny Civiello, charge oil t,he proghun. MoiihhcsUr "ctYden Club"'^6in- Driver Arreslrd Phone Ofikra 3-2607—Hooae 3-SSM^/., BatatdMs. annual meeting Of,^stoc!ov bers met last night in the R<^ 1 '-made The Manchester ^^ployees’ re­ Mlantonomoh Tribe No...58, Im­ tm rm t 'WifV'Md two (Mldrebc will soon located in the, lorlgc. TTie lodge 164 South Main street, -have re- “ ■’.s. Jules Rebillard Of North 9:80 -five Befot^iniing to the school caf- the Manche8ter''T^t^ lekye fOn^Fort Dtja N. J.h.and ex­ Will be open (luring Uie hoiira bins room of Center Church houls^ that the brigade hand of the Con­ tirement allowance fuiid amount- proved Order m Red Men, lield Ofnra Hmin: A. M. to ffP. M. ia for r^freahmenta and a so­ cel ved'w letter from their son, Lt,, straerii^evented what mlgtiF-bave for their monthly meeting. Mrs’.\ necticut. State Guard will be sta^ Harry Miller, 53, of 210 School Wed. Afternoona and Evenings Bg AppotatlOMBi snOsfrletid* compkm^^ijl be held at 4 this af; pect to of skating.^' , j. g. Harold J. .Civiello of the U. S. been e siYlpusvfire at their hohie 'bd to $323,501.65 as of iranuary 5 Its regular meeting and installa­ th« cial n ^ r , parentsa aiaited claaa- Henry Rockwell presided, at the tioned in the Hartford State Ar­ tion of officers in TlnHer hall, last street, was arrested last night by pJt» rnoms td^cpnault with teachers and ternoonW^h^bapk- 0» agen­ so. T li; X .. Navy, relatW his ifecent exper­ early • Frl(iayx^enlng. The Are according to a report on thV.^n- 'Rte' Wifdjwsdgy^fternoon Club Short business meeting, aiM Miss mory. CWO Loula A; DcQapua Hion fuhdfor town employees niglit. Deputy Groat Sachom Patrolntan Frederick W. Tcdforil brlngUjK^t^ snjoy. the attractive bulletin board da for the mnrtlhg^ xbeaidea the iences aboapu tbg U.S.S, Bayfield started in the living room when Matjy Chapman, horticultural stated that the recruiting of quali- on charges of driving while under .of will bMtct at' the nsme bf xMra. ftn tour of /luty in Korean waters. , the Rebillard (diildi’eii lighted can- by Tow n^^asiirer C. Leroy Noi Francis Burke and hia staff of to u l of t8« 0*«^»rte*' m em S ^ diiplaya and ■ Ibits of 'the bhll- making of the iinyiia^1>ort ia the Ralph Lkabury.'^ndnbaday ^tcr- ciiaimi'ah, mentioned------k1 ■ a fsw faw vArie- viqie- . fled- bandamen will etart at once. Rockville installed the following the influenrt* of intoxicating ,-llq- oTgahh»tJoa>., ' .diw 's worit thPofl out thb^tmild- .of Directors After h/ving been assigned to | dies whlch Ignlteilthw curtains. ties of flowivering ahruba native .iiora or dniga. 'evading respimsi- election of the Bo noon at 3 ’o’clock.>^|lrihxKelpb About Town this ship/last September, Lt. Ol- Mrs. Rebillard puUbd. o b ^ the The age limit of bandsmen is 18 to Total membe^hip is now 134 offi(x>ra; tumpor^rt • ^- ihg;. Green of Rye Korea. Mrs> Walter Bryant ou'Jtr 55 years and former servicemen Sacheni, Carl Riemer; Senior billty and damage of private prop­ SI N dhd approval of a proposal change vlelln irtirtlcipated, in the Marine curtains and threw tMm, ’Tik. a With 11 receiving pension. Of the erty. . / .Hthtfuj:i^prmaUW td J^ y MIm in the by-laws ,to peitftlk the guest speaker' an'd will ''t 4Uk The., Sfcohd Congregational lined- plans for''Tlie annual Hsrt-' are eepecially desired. Ail musi­ Sagamore, Otto Herrmann; Jun­ her OrilwUiptn, prlncIpsK. who 'lamlln* at Inchon, the Chlnnampo nearlw stove. She then\gali ford flower show.v/w hlch will be assets of the fund $210.(100 ia in­ Miller allegedly drove hla car hank’s annual session to be^lifkl ■•'American Antique'-xFurnlture. lioral Society Wilt omit its re- operpDcih and the Hungnam cvacu the Hebr-on volunteer fli^e depart- cians within a radiiis of twenty vested in government ''-bonds, ior Sagamore, Al Biibb: Prophet. nted f*c)»'iUff ittwnb^of! ■The hostesses will he Mrs. Ldrha Id as usual in MarciD. miles of Hartford are urged and William D enier^ keeper of rec­ through the window of Johtuioq M ett hereaftbr on the fourth TueiWay, this cveningx. . I.'Thb Marine landing at Inch-' nlent but ebc proceeded to put autlfui table arrangement $4,229.28 is cosh on hand, Brotliers elei trnnl appliance store schQta Md ;*pp^ on , “P ^ dji January.' , Btirr. Mrs. Mildred Raymond and on/waa ohe of the, greatest ih the out the Are by throwing water on invited to enlist in the brigade $7,897.37 la employee contrlbiN ords, William Savino; collector of AJmi.” «xplaln«J olF all'^wlilte, "Star of Betl^hciT'" band. The band room in 'the Wampum. Salve Ve'ndrlHo; keep­ at 106.1 Main stri'ct and tlien left 'A}so achediiled for action la the M tij. Ruth Adams. 'x Anthotl Rayles, chairntap of t/cent conftibt.' ' x • the burning woodwork. The dre flowers wHh sprays of pine, Ih'^a 'itons Slid $1,375 ia~ Interest on the scene. kf too ediicatlonal philoaophy Leak grantumg of Authority to tlie The'School Building commltteo. Jhe installat banquet conitmlt- armory will open from 8 to 10:30 er of wampum, Wiliiaih J. Leg­ foU ow ^\1n !M»n»proval. Th^e plan, of a 14-room school building had row' night at'TtSO. It ia important were wouhd^ at the' time of the the/pown Hall on January 9 at "Fhey are lastifig and mosl'--«ult- hprna will have instruments laaued Two new fund members joined forest, Francis Daneosse: guard plaiiBinf'-tKe cuftHculum around to ^em and all other players are er. of 471 Nortff-Main street, an­ 94 Middle Turnpike E sit, cJi' of the wigwam, Ir\1ng Mills. Aral (l^ d iv il Dt'feiiHe erally reported. conslderii^pn and .sCtidy for been approved by the Board. Also that ail mrmberlKattend Pyongyang at^cl^ eight Yj’.clock. Bridge, setback, abft/Tor Chrbitmas decoratlons.\„ nounce the engagfement of their during the month. nounce the engagement of Uu^lr the neS* ofvthe Individual child.! Pearson replied thsl beforfv us­ about'two years, provides for rc- tile Board approved the expendi­ The evacuatioh'-^ the Hungnam asked to bring their instrumenta sanap. John Buck: second .saiiap, whist and^pinochle Will be played '''..GuesL Sp^ker '''• daughter, Mies Dorothy-'M- Decker daughter. Barbara, to Pfc. E<1‘ William Schleldge, Sr.: waniors, MUw G n u ia^ «>*" introduced ing the cables from Gen. Douglas tiremenObf eniployOtKOn pension ture of IB5.000 for renovating the Ths second service ihxtKe week beachhead waa.van operation with prlEe.4 TOT '®ch gara'e. Re­ Leslie Bupkland of Ifillatown when-puditlonlng-for enlistment. to Irving A. Russell, soft- of Mr. ward (?uster, son of Mr. and Mrk; The Riicklaiid-Oakland (Tub will Mias Genevifev^, Scannel. re a d i^ MaoArthur’s Tokyo Headquarters at the age 0L.6B. provhl^ they I’lilon grammar school. Flniu ac­ of prayer for parishlonert'xif' the unique In American btrtory. In 13 freshments ivllD-be serv'ed! ' The road, proprieftH/of the New.; Eng­ The band will be drilled^in mlli- and Mrs. Calvin C. Ru.sscll of Edward Custer of 41 Dougherty, ..Paul Jones, Wajter Gustafson, O. sf)Onsor a ncighhorhoqd meeting I f consultant, wBk explained the ■‘1 consulted the PenatgOn, which have a recoi'fiNif employment nl tion will he made at a special (.ovenant-CongregatlonM clilurh. ■ \ tsry police duties as medical corps- TKlkka. John Magliire, hravi's, )4ii the suliject of clvijlan defense days, 150,000 soldiers ahdsOl.OOU proceeils are to bhxused for lil- land Water Lily G^dens, who'waa Newport. Rhode I.sland. ' South Covenlrv street. \ ■ — Shading progr*"' , , assured me there would he no ,se- the hank for at w a^ ten years, j town meeting. will bo held toniorrow/evejijng ap Korean civlliana were, rehoned staillng water at-the^'GlIead hall. .introduced . . to the'-members -meinl by . ''•->men along with the regular duties No date for the wedding ha.s ■k^er Kanelih Stanley _ Ol.saver,/\Ve.lne.S(l8y evening. Jan. 17, at Chief among the iftuna of bual- I'urity risk, provided, the dates of five of which shall .follow e.staiK; At a meeting of Abe Miller 7:30 at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. o ^ a musician. Pfc. (lister is now stationed at Hoy i ’helps! Cleveland Elliiigton’. Hie Blicklanil aehooi. 1 - ^ from beachhead udder (mnstaat dtx Tlie engagement of Mary j Program Chairman Sttgs Ellen been set. Mrs. Pauline Little Camp Pickett, Va., with the 43rd neaa of the evening wVre the adop' the rnbles were changed and a few llshment of the fund l>*ost. A L,. Auxiliary, Friday evr*tlnns: llie Amciitan Lcgifm minstrel, waled in pink and white. About ! ships. A Navy auiiounccment said Pohlman and her committee served I. Borst, Adolph Simona. John J. College Library w-ili be a guest surceasfiil aa the test nights of "1. Even if a ‘few words and distance to vote. It , was first which was presented in December com’^ittee. W alt-r Hewitt. Rlch- liot coffee and home-made cake in npeaker and will tell of the needs Announcement haa been made Ihouglil that this plan would have fifteen fi lemls of the hrido-elecl Lhal "for the first time in history. i pi-d Geant and Norman LVmsn Hooker and Albert S. Taylor com­ that State Policeman Charlea last year. The classes and judges the date’ were changed In decod­ Alic .Miller post and Auxitiaryx attended and .showered her With an entire army with all its sup- j np* members of the sick commit- variety. prise the executive board. A sick affd benefits of the new regional will be announced in the near fu­ ed messages and allowed to fall to be passed by the Legislature Will be hOHtp for the meeting ot library which the slate hopes to Heckler of North Coventry who is These Tea-Bags are Better! Chewing^gley’s hut at a meeting of the Reptilill- personal gin.s, A hiiffct style plies and oqiiipment. has been .sue- ! committee la made up of Walter attached to the Special Services ture. into the enemy’s hands, would this the First District In March. / luncheon was served, the tabic cessfully deployed by sea in face cards carrvlnc the fire call 13 Win CerUficstes C. Hewitt, Richard M. Grant and establish in the Wlllimantic area. Division of the State Police De­ The dogi are put through their still not be very valuable to him can Town committee Wedne.sday The JUkdles’ Aid will hold/ a This project will have to be ap- There's more tea and finer Town Attorney Daniel Cavanaugh ('filtered with a prettily decorated of enemy pressure. .have been mailed to ever'” famiiv Norman R. Lyman. (Tarda have partment, has resumed his duties show paces and judges rate thein. in breaking our code? nieetlhg Friday afterncxm at /tw o aliowcr cake. On Hospital Duty ■ toivr. ’’’h" number is WI1H- Hartford, Jan. 9 - iJ*!—Thirteen been aenb out to ail Hebron fam­ proved/by the general assembly be­ as assistant to County Detective as they do in the shows. All dog Spearmint Gum ,"2. Did the Pentagon give reported that the move can he Ap­ at/ih e home of Mra. John Alden out of 77 persons w ho took exami­ fore it can be made a going con­ proved by vote of a town meeting At the present time. Lt. Civiello i 3.5693 ilies, giving the proper fire call Rowe H Wheeler. For the past owners interested In ahnwing in quality tea in Pearson permission, as he stated, ^Harrison of Buckland road/ This Tile Ward Group pf llie South ha-s been assigned to duly at tlie \ nations here last November quali­ number. People of different ex­ cern. two years Officer Heckler waa the future should come and exhibit to publish those secret military' and need not go through the Leg­ will be the annual meetliuf with fied for tlie certificate of certified The Civic Council met Monday Is Thrifty Treat islature. Methodist church will meet in tlie C. 8. Naval Hospital in Yakosuka, ! changes are reminded that the personal chauffeur to former Gov- their dogs at the weekly meetings. eGAHARDINKS messages on the condition that he reports from the officers Mem­ ohurcli parlors toniorroiv at 8 p,-l Japan, whsre the hospital Is re- public accountant. The successful number given ia in the Willlman- evening in IJie town hall, for the (cp«imlUees and offi­ of the program. / cer group of the Second Congrega­ months in the South Pacific area. | Frank Sturtevant. 25 Ulley street: vate line with phones located In .school, from 3 to 4 p.m. The The Oiveiitry Junior Homemak­ "4, Was not whoever handed cers were r e ^ showing that the Mrs. Charles Tattle of Ellington tional clmrcli scheduled for tomor­ His wife and five-year-old (laugh Hartford: Gordon W. Tasker, of three-places besides the flrehouae. Brownies have their meeting Tues­ ers 4-H Oub will meet Wednesday church expertenced a very pros­ Mrs. Florine Barron, 18 Chestnut Bv Local Barbers Pearson those messages guilty of road is a patiem at the Manches­ row lias been postponed. ter are residing at Philadelphia, street: Mrs. Waver B(ecker, 31 West Hartford; Sidney L. Wasser- It waa announced at the meet­ day at the town hall, on the same after school at the home of Mra. TEA-BAGS l-’larrd and Fly l-'ronta. a violation of our espionage laws? perous year. During the meeting ter Memorial liospltal. Pa., close to the home of her par­ Golway street: Miss Mary Glcn- nian. of Meriden: P-pger H. Wol­ ing of the Hebron PTA, last hour. Ralph C. Hoffman, leader. Hlr.ea; 24 In .32. ",’i. Were the messages from a letter was read by Robert It wa.s votM to send a girl from i s* . ' ents. where they will stay until cott and Edward J. bowling, both The Merry Maids 4-H Junior Russell Inzinga, of 38 P$arl ney, 29 Foster street; Sedrick Thuraday evening, that there will Sewing glrla will meet Wednesday Mar Arthur’s headquarters g1\'en Boardman from Mrs, Harvey Ell.s\{'orth .SlMiorial High school L O O K l \ C B O r l C < l such time aa they can join Lt. Straughan, 44 Lewis street; Vic­ of Waterburj': Edwin O. Shook, of be an executive board meeting street, last night waa elected prea- ralka aren’t aa apt to “staff” to any other newsmen and. if so. Goddard, widow of the late Dr. again this year to I.AUreI Girls’ I Civlelli; tor Dozier, 831 Center street; Mrs. Bridgeport: Henrv’ Bernard, of January 17, at the home of Albert after school at thV home of Mrs. Idenj of the Manchester Barbers' tbemselvco between meals when to whom ' Goddard, which contained a check Etta Fallow-, 23 Gerard street: Stratford; Lawrence A. Robbins, CcKilidge, when money raising Tollaucl Walter Cargo, leader. Both this AssOciatiem, Local 23, for the com­ "6, \vhat other secret decoded for 6500 to be iisod as an ' emer­ " • ^ Back ill y.S. Tliomas Blevins, J.r., 178 South 1 of Watertown; and Victor S. projects will be discussed. It has group and Mrs. ('^ g o ’a Senior ing year. The annual meeting w-as they keep welcome, tasty waiSLEY’S messages were given to Mr. Pear­ gency fund and to be set up as Sewing girls are workhuj on bean held at the State Barber .Shop on WIMMMT «M handy to enjoy. Main street; Vincent and Robert Ayers, of Simsbury. In addition to been suggested that ai play or Mrs. Emery M. Clough is a pa­ bags for the lower gra^a at the son ' , the Harvey Goddard Fund. The DelMastro, 21 Henry street; Mrs. I thjj.se awarded certificates, 19 minstrel ahow might be a good Biasell street. Inzinga succeeds • a • "7. From Pearson’s statement, following officers were chosen for (Continued from Page one) Gilead tient at the Hartford Hospital. George Hersey Robertaoiv school. Vincent Farrand. Auflover Susan Bldwell. .^80’ North Main I received credits toward the cer- way to bring in acme cash, to be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson The arts and crafts wortshop WhalaaaaMWrigley’s Spearmint it apoeared that he was to change the coming year; Harold Newber­ 1 street. ’ ! tiflcatc. held next spring. It waa kinder­ Other officers elected were Har­ Dollar Values CkUi Aaeant crowd tammies yet the date and a few words, mean­ ry was re-elected president; Dex­ ______boutlioastern Kansas was in an up- Tlic Ladies Aid Society of the ! spent the week end In New York to be conducted by Mias Esther old CAsey. vice president; and Tlie regular meeting of the And- night after a 25-yeur-old Admitted today: Mrs. Dorothy garten night at the meeting, and Cohen of the Willlmantic State ing that he had a verbatim de(jc,d- ter Burnham, cierlG Charles Hud-■ /z . ^ j Gilead Congregational church will Goodfleld. Farmington: Roger quitq a number of parents were with relatives. Frank McKeechte, secretary Here This Week Only r in6lafH^>hd* ffealra tor a ed gopy of those secret code mes- son, treasury; Mrs. Helen Ban- pver Volunteer Fire Department ! answering hold their annual meeting at the Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Hayden Teachers College will start Jan­ treasurer. ^ . « ------^ ___ Looks description approached her Moore. 851 Center street. present. Movies on Manitoba were uary 22 from 4 p.m., until. 5:40 GIRLS’ lOOr:;, ALL WOOL . iMtweaD-aieal sweet. aages.j-.Ts this correct, or was croft, assistant treMurer; Robert liome of 5Irs. Norpian Warner on Discharged yesterday: Mr.?. Em- and two children have returned to Pearson again lying? will be held in the fire house on car in wiiat she thought was a n ! showm. Refreshments were served their home in Durham, N. H. after p.m., in Room 104 at the college i • • • Boardman, investment office^ Friday, January 12, at 8 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. January 10 ogene Grant. 50 Foster street: and a pleasant social Urns enjoy­ Names Mra. Miller Aide B— spAaniNT auti tastes "S. Can I or any other member which office he has held for M - attempt to kidnap her. She told at two o’clock. The officers will sometime as guests of the.ir par­ instead of at the George HetWey I m of t>e Congress call St the Penta­ The second in the scries of First Police Chief Albert Cla'rk there! Mrs. Beatrice Cu.ster, 72 Summer ed. Mias Marion Randall, the kin­ Robertson school as previously an­ KNIT BONNETS ■0 good, costa ao httle millions .vear.s; church comniittee-at-larM, give their annual report of 1950 street; Samuel Toman. 19 St. Law­ dergarten teacher, was present ents Mr. and Mra. W. Hoyt Hay­ Hartford, Jan. 9—i^i—The ap­ gon and see the message.s from Aid Instructors Course in w-liicli wa.s anulher man with him. and the election of officers for the den. nounced. dally enjoy this refreshing treat Mrs. 51arg6ret Peck, Mrs. Apna rence street: Miss Janet Morrill, and the parents had the opportu­ The course carries college cre­ pointment of Mrs. Charlotte E MacArthiir’s Intelligence Head­ V. Shepard and Mra. Joseph ' El­ several from tills town are listed The woman, wliose name was year 1951 will take place. Rookvll^; Mrs. Florence Muzzulin, WED„ THURS., FRI., SAT. Mr. and Mrs. George Schofield Miller, of East Haven, as her per­ Attractive Plaid Pattern*! at tbelr work. Just try It today. quarter’s ’’ withheld, said she grabbed her car Mr. and Mra. J. Kellogg White nity to ipeet her. have accepted the position of As­ dits and will last about 15 weeks. •)•. WJist. if any. invesligation more; deacon, RqjMrt Bosseiy, real will be held in the new Athletic : keys and lied into her mother's 101 Lenox street: Mrs. Victoria Mr. and Mrs. David K. Porter It is open to all Interested parents sonal secretary was announced last estate commiUee. Kermlt ^ n n ett. liave received a letter from their Waddell, 381 Main street; Morton sistant at Tolland Jail and have night by Secretary of the State Chaw ing ' has been instituted, or is contem- building at the University of Con­ hoiiiie befeu-e the men could stop/,7n''sgL Harold WhUe that he i.s have mb-v^ into their new house moved there from Stafford. free of charge. Some {Pur parents ■plated. by the Department of the chalriiian, Harold Dellert^ Merle necticut on Thursday, Jamiary.il Handler, 39 Gerard street; William which is located on the Hebron- have already contacted the Rob­ Alice K. I^eopold. Mra. Miller, a BOYS’ 100% ALL WOOL WRIGLErS SPEARMINT GUM Tapley, M>Ton Burr and/Jean E. her.' Said Clai-k : "The whole town ' jn a Japanese Hospital til with Nell, 54 High street . Richard Rud- Miss Bernice A. Hall of the East Army to find out who has been 7:30 p.m. 18 m-uused Md the police station ; sinus infection and jaundice. Sgt. THE Oilead road, about opposite the ertson School office indicating an Republican, was Mrs.. Leopold's Shepard. Jr.; finance obmmtttee, •'The 5lodern Magic" was the deli. 44 Bissau street: Richard Claude W. Jones place. Haven High School faculty spent interest in taking tjh'la course. Any campaign manager. She served aids digestion, feefii, breath giving secret messages to Mr. Is filled with people wlu) w-anl i \%-fi|te has been in Korea since Riemer, 132 Maple street; Mrs. IW the week end at the home of her SKI CAPS Pearson?" chairman, A. C. Hollaffil, William topic of the sermon on which Rev. last August. His wife and son There was a communion service others, desiring to participate in six terms in the House of Repre­ Malcolm Crook spoke on Supday Marv Burdick, 75 Union street; SOUTH Sunday at SL Peter’s Episcopal mother Mrs. Leila 8. Hall. the program are requeated to im­ sentatives, and is President of the Adding to the hubbub in Kan-1 have an apartment in Wlllimantic. Mrs.' Lilia Hayes, 389 Summit Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Luhrsen Janiiary 7. Tlie hymn.s used.were sas was tlie report of a service The main highwiays were cover­ SEAS church in connection with the 11 mediately submit their names to Owls (Order of Women Legisla­ Warmly lined with cotton flannel. Enr- “Come Thou Almighty I ^ g .’’ street; Miss Maiy Greene, Rock­ a. m. service, the Rev. H. R. Keen and two daughters were Sunday this office. ' tors). lapo for added warmth. Plnld pattern. station operator in Pittsburg— ed with a coating of ice on Sun­ ville: John Hood, 16 West Center MUSICAL guests of Rockville relatives. "More Love to -Thee, O ^ r i s t " . only 25 miles from Cook’s home- day evening. Traffic was at a officiating. In spite of the heavy and JesiiS Calls Us. O er the town of Joplin, M o.-that he had street. snow about 30 were present. The The Federated Church Teachers standstill for awhile but the young Discharged today: Miriam Bur­ and Officers will meet in the church mult." Advance notice was giveh- rold gas to a man resembling people enjoyed the ley condition. junior choir took part in the serv­ of a school of OmrchmanshlprThe ' gess, Wapplng; Ronald Wlllhlde, ice in their new 'Vestments, and it parlors, Monday evening. January, CHILDREN’S SANFORIZED k last night. The *csuc was They were able to slide on' Martin 183 Thompson road. 15, at 8 o'clock. first in this series of meetings d^ciicrlbed as a green 1P47 Chev­ Road for at least a mile. The only made a very pleasing sight. Only will be at Vernon Center on Janu­ Birth yesterday; A daughter to 13 of the choir were present, the Rev. W. C. H. Moe selected for rolet with Oklahoma license trouble wffs the i?y walk up the j jjy iV j'" E^V rd Spellman, his Sunday Sermon-Theme: "Dwell FOR EVERYTHING ary 29 at 7 p.m. Tickets for the plates. hill. choir number about 30. Mr. Keen FLANNEL SHIRTS j supper may be prociirred from Rockville. told of the 'difference in calendars Deep.” Holy Communion was ob­ Arthur LockwoixL ”1116 topic will FBI agents in Houston were The Teen-Agers had to postpone Births todayj A daughter to Mr. served during the morning worship keeping an eye on Cook's sister's their meeting which was to be and Mra. Theodore Melen, North between the Eastern' religions and i Sizes: fl-fl-IO. 1 be "The Place of the Church in held on Sunday evening on account those of our country and others. service. Rev. Moe conducted the I the Present Emergency. A state home there after a hitchhiker CTOventTv; a son to Mr. and Mrs. jail service at 2:30 p.m. said he rode across Texas from of the weather and traveling- The Lewis Blssell, 30 Drive C. Silver The former were now celebrating I representative of the Civilian De- meeting will now be held on Sun­ (Thriatmss on January. 7, because The Tolland Community Women’s IBEAUTY SALON! I tense will be the leader. This El Paso with a short stocky man Lane homes; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Club will be held in the Church resembling the gunman. day evening January 14 at the Julius Beer, Rockville. their calendar ia out of step with 100% ALL WOOL school is being conducted by and home of The Misses Patricia and the western area. To them Janu­ parlors, Wednesday, January 17tb for the men of the Tolland County Darrell E. Hall, 21, told police at 8 p.m., with Mrs. Amy Bi^- the man kept a pistol on the seat PhyUU Fogll on Gilead street at The Nail commander at the ary 7 is December 25. Mr. Keen j Congregational churches. seven o’clock. Miss Patricia Fogll announced that the annual church nard president to preside, bin. Have Your Hair A meeting of the Pioneer Past between them. . The car was a Battle of the Bulgg in December, BABY SWEATERS 1949 or 1950 sedan with Texas and Calvin Fish are In charge of 1944, was General v'on*Rtmdatedt. meeting will be held Saturday at Helen Needham ia program chair­ , Masters Association was held In the meeting. 8 p. m., in the church, for render­ man for the evening entertain­ Are - i the church sociisl rooms on Satur- license plates. Sizes: I-S. Pink, Blue, Vyhlte. Oregon hlghwray -patrolmen were Mrs. J. Kellogg White and kira. ing of reporta of officers and for ment and refreshments. Distinctly Styled Helen* Rubinitein > I day night' with Andover Grange Joseph Pagach’ and daughter Jo- the election of officers to serve for The Tolland Boy Scoutf Troop I as host and Past Master Olga alerted to be off the lookout for a EUlen were recent trailers of Mra. the ensuing year, and to transact 15 with Francis Weston ap leader Lindholm in charge. A pot-luch hitchhiker resembling the desper­ ado. A motorist, E. A. Mor- Harold White In WllllmanUc. ' any other proper.business. collected the waste pap?!: bundles You A supper w-as served 4t 7:30 p.m. Little David Ulm, son of Mr. The Hebron Volunteer Fire com­ in town on Saturday, January 6. By Our GIRLS’ 100% ALL WOOL followed by the business of ths vaec, Milwaukee, Oregon, told and Mra. Frank Ulm of Bolton The Pioneer Past Meter’s As­ organization. The program con­ Oregon city police last night be CIRCLE pany was called out the past week spent the week-end at the home ■picked up a hitchhiker who an­ NOW< EN D S TH C ltSD A T in response to an SOS call from sociation of which Tolland Grange sisted of Christmas Carols by all, of hla grandparents Mr. and Mra the Jules Rebillard home in Gilead, ia affiliated was planned for Fri­ Beauty Consultant SLIP-ON SWEATERS exchange of gifts, stunts and mus­ swered Cook’s description. Charles Fish. / Tvonne DeCaito. Rickard Green Furnace Fighter? ical selections by Elwood Hudson The man Jumped out of hid car “DESERT HAWK” Technicolor Lighted candles and flapping cur­ day night December 29, but owing MR. EDWARD Hebron Grange had |t very inter­ tains bad played mischief, with the to the severe storm was postponed Short Sleeve. Navy, Toast. Slze*:/4-5. on the violin and Cliff Goodale on and ran when Morvaec stopped at esting meeting with twenty-five CG-HIT: Jeff Obaiidler in direct from the New York Salon of his accordlan. Seventy-two mem­ an Oregon City gas station. Mor­ “DEPORTED” result that there was great danger to Saturday, January 6, at the members and a guest from Am­ that th e. house might go up in church rooms in Andover. Noted Hair Slyiiat bers and friends of the Associa­ vaec said the filkher had asked herst, Masa, present. The lecturer tion attended. him if he had money and plenty STARTS FRIDAY smoke. Fortunately Mre. Rebillard The Tolland Omnty School-Prin­ Mra. Mary Porter had charge of had quick Wit and efficiency cipals will meet Thursday, Jan­ GIRLS’ LONG SLEEVE Mrs. Montague White and Mrs. of gasoline and that he replied no the program "A Preview for the lING CROSttY in George Nelson attended a Board to both questions. enough to take mattera into her uary 11, at 7:30 p.m. at Hicks Me­ Helena Rubinstein Coming Year.” Esoh mohhh was "MR. MUSIC" own hands while waiting for the morial School to organize a Tolland aoA meeting of the Wlllimantic Coun­ The man eald lie was. from Sen portrayed In tableau form or read­ .50 cil of (Christian Women held at Francisco, hadn’t oaten for two — - PLU S’ — engine to appear. Bath -Water County Principals Association. The worWV greatest beauly authority— Helena Rubinstein NYLON SLIP-ONS ing. January, "Prayer for the New “Prisoners In Pettleoats", There will be speakers and elec­ the CipigregatJonal Church House days and was headed for Canada Year" read by Miss Clara Ellis; drawm happened to be all ready — sends her Beauty Crinsultant here to help you become on Friday afternoon. or Idaho, Morvaec told offlcei-a. and she applied it with might and tion of officers. Pink Only. Aizes: 5. 6. 6x. February. Mr. and Mra. Ernest main, having torn the curtains Deputy, .Alfred Beckwith and your oiin beauty expert. She II give you If you are waging a doily battle with on antiquated heat­ At the regular meeting of the A 1940 Chevrolet eedan stolen Dlffgweli enacted the song. "When Ladies Benevolent Society held at Mexicali. Calif- proved to have down' and chucked them into the staff-of OKwebetuck Orange and ing system maybe it's time you catted 5135 for a discus­ In the church pocIb! room I no conneetbm with Cook, ths FBI I ' stove. The fire was all out by tlie hia inatalllng officers, seated Louis V .A Free Beauty Analysis. An individual analysis of Thursday evening, announcement i March w as represented by Mrs. time the engine got there, but the Visby newly elected master of Charles Fish who gave a reading EASTWOOD Tolland Grange; Overseer, Harry your own beauly problems, just as it’s given in the New York 100% ALL WOOL sion with our heating experts. We're staffed, equipped was made that ttie Military Whiat Officers throughout aouthArn HOWARD men looked things over and saw For a Limited parUea will be reaumed and the * raUfomla border cmintlea had or* about March and Easter; April, that there was no further danger. Labonta; Lecturer. Elsie Labonta; Wonder S(d)ool. next party will be held on Jan-j ,)ers to "shoot to kill If necessary” , Mias___ Sally Landon re#d "Spring Pnrt.r JAMES MAUREEN They said they did not think the Steward, Robert Smith; aaairtant SPECIAL! Time Only RUG ond ready to tackle your requirements whether it's% uary 13 at 8:15 p.m. In the CTiurch a„d road blocks were estaWi.shed | Prophecies . Kenneth Porter, STEWART O’HARA house could have been saved with­ Steward, Richard Amiot; Chaplain, A G>mplinientary Home Beauty G>urse. A com-'^ Social- room. “Tlie next meeting of on'most highways. ^ RARBARA i JOHN out Mra. Reblllard's prompt work. Dorothy Amiot; Treasurer, Flor­ conversion burner er a complete heating system. And, the Society will be held on Jan­ Cook Is wanted by the FBI for enacted May with a May Basket, HALE 'PATNB Dr, Irving Friedman, health ot- ence Ayera; Secretary, Edith Our Reg. $12.50 pletp 7-day Beauty Plan when you get your beauty analyse, uary 18. Tlie ’■Society will serve the desert slaying last Saturday of Carolyn Saglio and Sally Landon TRIPOLI ffeer for Hebron, will give physical Vealey: Gate Keeper, John Ed­ ItV based on Helena Rubinstein’s famous NewYork Wonder IncidentoHy, eur portable heerter previdns heat during a supper for the Tolland CJounty Robert H. Dewey, Seattle sales­ were the bride lUid groom In a JACKPOT la eeler examinations to all abhooi chil­ wards: Ores, Jennie Labonta; Men’s Association on Monday, man. near Blythe, Calif., and for wedding scene for June; Robert S:I»S:M-6!4S 1:4»-6:14 T tecH N !^ dren, with consent of parents, at Pomona, Elizabeth Smith; Flora, Course for which women pay J25! The big illustrated 32- instoMotlon. Fabruary 36 and take charge’ of questioning In the probable killing Links showed "Haying in July"; the ifchool, January 11. The exam­ Alice Wilcox: Lady Asaiatant page .book comes at absolutely no cost to you! It’s packed the Family Night supper and en­ of Carl Mosaer. hla wife and three Mr. and Mra. Wilbur S. Portar, ■aenaraoi ination is free. The school nurse, Steward Maude Des Jardins. Ex­ COLD tertainment of and for the local children. In Oklahoma. The search ’.‘Picnicking In Augiut,” School WEONESDAir ecutive Committee, Serine Labon­ with everything about beauty care— how to exercise for a church on January 19. Rita Bulford, wrill aaaist. The state fort their bodies continues near Days were represented by Mra. “3 WEEKS W l'^ LOVE" law requires that a physical exami- ta, Sylvia Pokorney. Russell Gun­ slim figure, guard your chin line, make your hair radiant, Announcement has been made Okmulgee. Their blood-spattered Jean Raymond as teacher and a ther. of the marriage of Stephen! Bir­ (In TcchohMor) naiUon ahall be given to eachiachool car wraa found Jan. 8 near Tiilsa. group iang "School Days’’ and Mrs. ■aesg^ffWSS* child once In three years. Parents care for your skin, correct blemishes. There’s a 7-day diet, mingham and Miss Janet TiUson Before Dewey’s body was found Raymiind read “Summer has fad­ OiHitlnue ShooUag Oaae WAVE o f. Modesto. California, on Janu­ Cook had Wdnaooed Sheriff’s De­ ed.” October wras shown by Jesse l**C Me beei Oei. aeit ty may take.their children to their make-up color chart, eye make-up diagram— and dozens of Siemn, elM eesilaHc I* Sm own physieiacn instead, if they so ary 5 in Modesto. Mr. Birming­ puty Homer Waldrip, but released Hilli In a hunting scene. November a-6-M ttCOWt «IW>M Hartford,,Jan. 9—(/Pi—The case other wonderful beauty secrets! ham Is tha aon of Mr. and Mra. him' unharmed after anarling: . prefer. j For Only OPEN DAILY 9:00 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M. vRR enacted by MIm Carol Warner Hebron members of Colonel of Henry L. Gray, 34, charged T. J. Birmingham, Long Hill Road, ‘Tve murdered aeveh other and Miea Rina Boraottl. dressed as with assault with intent to kill Make your appointment with Helena Rubinstein’s Beauty Andover. people and I would Just as soon Henry Champion Chapter, DAR, Pilgrims and their Tkaokagtving — PLUS •...... — are notified of_a chapter meeting in the shooting of his wife and Consultant ftxfay. Her time is limited. murder you." and December was ahown by sing­ I Laxarr beaUsg — Rteriag Aids two step-sons on Sunday, haa , Waldrip said Cook alao claimed MARJORIE MAIN to be held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m„ ing pilent Night and .Santa Claus at the home of former regenit, Mira been continued until Januiuy 19 to have burled two men in a snow­ played by Clarence Rathbim ap­ !. Stewart M. O'Hara in Police Court here. Judge Vin­ drift in Oklahoma. J*lia Payne JAMES WHITMORE in Elizabeth O. Day; in Colchester, $8.50 Personal Notices peared down the fireplace with his aorhora |lale cent W. Dennis, befiire whom Gray The trail dipped into Mexico pack of toys. Mrs. Mary Porter “MRS. O'MALLEY Jan. 10th. Mra. Albert W. Hlld- was arraigned yesterday, aet his after De-way’s car was found aban- “TrIpoU” Ing will preside as regant 'Ilia ball St $25,000. Gray’s wife. Myrtle donad 40 mtlea btlow tha border read about "Twelve Days." The “Jack Pot” snd NR. MAIAINB" Card of Tbsnkt program cloeed with singing "Auld la Celer -ruest speaker will be the Rev. 34, waa rejported in critical condi­ IncIodM Hair Shapiiiff and Styling, 0 m ■■ ipii towm of Mexicali.. Deeplta the re­ A* 9tN 6:M .t:W "arletbn Eastman, pastor of the tion With a atomach wound In I With ts thank rslatlvaa and ports from Taxas and Kansas, tha Lang Syne." i' 'olchester Federated charcb. He Lather Creme Shampoo (SMtkfrSi.. friends for th* kindness snd sympath)' Hebron Orange P of R No. 11 TOOATi “BOOB OfKHOOM" Hartiford HospitSL The two step FRl»CRI$»TIOil FHARMACV FBI tras not ovarlooking ths itea- V*4.. “Tws W*eh* WHh Latt*; wlU tall of his axperiences as chap­ shown me durinc ths lilnsss snd st rtbillty that Cook might atUl be will hold .their next'regular .meet­ 1 I 1 PLUSi JOE PALOORA te sons, Rufus, 19,. and Robert, 17, -»OI MAINXTHirT.MANCHtXTiR —Ji* the time of the (Jeath of my husband. \ “SI**plBC lain in the World War, in Ot%> were. In MqCook Hospital with Jamea U. Quinii. ■outh of the border—and beading ing at the pilead Community Hall 1 J “TUB SQUARED CIRCLE" •many. . , - farthar south. Thire have baen no on Tuesday svisnlng January 18 at gunshot wounds. Rufus was shot PHONE 2-3991 IJJow for an Appointment Advertise in The Herald— It Pays sight o’clock. Men’s Night ia the saav rack passora Mr. and. Mrs. Carl'. 195t,

IVONS— 1418 W n c — 1080 during this tlma nio southern atatea CAN IE In Slaying Seek Accord let holes in the eabin. door last Leader Dies have ahnwnYehodarate increase In On Battleship to Help nlilit. They found the bodies on the number ofs. reported eases. separate beds. A .83 calibre 4:60—' <(8:45— Survey Indicates Adjust- (^ii8p8 More lAtoH in Km- .There la a yacj'lnatlon against In Rules Row pistol lay noarhy. Eugene W. House, of WDRC—Strik* It Rich. ! WHAY- Show. thtye ty'pesqrf influenza, arcording -H ere Pay Arms Bill Kentuckian Says He New York StSto Police checked WTHtT—Family Album. ’8:65— iiu^iit' More Rapitl in pUtyiiumt 'Tliuii Any to thR4’'fl)®'^-jfitu)uni4^Y®ve1opa Walter Grayb Sends l«t- the registration mimbar of Bash- WHAY—Pollen Hop. V WONS—Bill Henry aJttk. the a week tq ten dayaiifter Infmc'ila- Glastonbury^ PasMS News. In fa n try w- ier to Parents Here, (Conttnned ftbniPag* Om )' Killed Wife, Son When (Continued from Page One) arm's car. They reported It had \5TIC—Backntage Wlfa. SmalLTown Areas Otjier Dificape of I^lan tion and Tasts fo r^f :hre« loted R*«Uo CommenU- vtSorT^iMt July when 1>U outfit been re'-isteced In ?Talone. N. Y., Away in Hospital W(!;OC —Ju n to r Disc Jockey. 0 :00— inontha. They Picked on Him by Democrats, experts say, is to and that he had given tha Hotel WKNB^News; Request Mat w Yj RC-L ife with Luigi. • a o R nh T ro u t in T ow n fought the holding hOtjon at Tae- Giving Experiences get la balanced, Congr^aa^iiot only orra. Jan. '9.^— German and Head stuffed? Sneezing.? Eyes In commenting'' make more effective their 19 to 17 Flanagan as his address. inee. WHAY^Moohllght Matinee. tor HOD irouiin When tnunleroulcartillery , m\Mt call all non-eaaentlal^ov- Hartford, Jan. 9— -Eugma Ausman refugees ^ fh e 30’a, par- watery ? Suffering with a cold ? Dr. James r. Haft, director 1 J)ONT • Plkevllle, Ky., Jan. 9 — (/P>~A control of the Senate. The House VONS-Hcdlywood, U. d. A. W TIC—jBob Hope. .T o P ren are N alio n w in e^re and overwhelming nuiiihers of Mr, ajid Mrs. Joseph Orsyb of M ill; emment spending and Inctagse tlcularljYhoae of the professional Well, you are not alone. The hnremi of pryventaWe 88-year-old father of six was held is dominantly Republican. W. Houss, l i , oldest' member in 4 : 1 6 ; ^ WTHT—America's Town Meet­ the slate dedottmenl of 'health , I tfiavenemy pushed the division out street have received a lettbr dated tha existing sources Of MVend^ level, have adJtiSted to Aiilarlcan Conhectleut State r»epartnVonl of TOPAYL idcaM O f the fcvent burning Taejon, he stayed with Buvev n»»o I but also must enter new fields of today follow tng the slaying of his Democrats have Insisted from point'of service on the Republican WTIO^Stillla Dallaii?\ ing of the Air.. Health's current issue of Its week­ niHes that. "If there Is nnv Christmas dsy, **^"*'^ j taxation—probably such as h ra- the first that the Legislature ; WOCC—Biar Brother Bl WONS—John .Steele. Adventur­ life quicker In lim^li comnuinTtiea donee of an approacidng Infiprirza'' (4«h the last- imlU of the rearguard. w if^^d a son and the wounding State Cchtr^ committee, died late Uian In the, larger 'mjban reniel-s? ly bullftln points out that the A n action, he Wslter, who Is with Unit Band No. ^ transactions tax." should have Joint rules. Ohituary er. highly infectious common cold af- |4<.Jomla.n went back to saareh foK othar also • for — tha Protestant Christmas i u v" ^oo ooo to . *80,000,000,060...... Bheriff Bata Cofiway said a “What do they think we're go­ Fuiierttls w t h Y Music. ho nrnlootod w-Jrif'vjjr.-lno.'q largo- conducted on a tnter fit. service In tha^momlng. j •. murder charge would hk'Wed and ing to do," he sulked, "sneak into W'ONS Mysterious Traveler. ua million* of^ dollars each year in sc.alo .'mmunizatlon ptograrib-^will avUlan pefense ^ e in by wounded. Ha didn't coma bach. . . «... mlttee. A former Hartford County WTICI—Young W ld d ^ Brown-. country ffoni Gemiany and Aus­ Wooldn’t Quit Pest He also his parentsJhe Trum an told Byrd he had presented to the drand Juiyjv^rob- the Senate some day when they're Mrs. Pearl Jackson . commisaloncr, l.o had long been 9;46— lost wng^s alone. , , I'o urgod Chief of'Police Herman. O. Schen- short-handed and put over our. 6:00-m ' tria during the years 19.13 to I94t. Sergeant Watkins served In ^ristm as edition ^o kmmli cure foh,a common Upe recordings of the pro- Sheriff ConVay quoted Cochran: s Lodge Shuns Controversy Shop. •\WTIC->Bjg Town. \ meftU Snd Division until enemy m^int. and added; "Present condi­ son of 1343 Tolland T ^rnidke. As.sembly, V921 and 1923, rep. WRAY—Story Queen. this year, wn.s made possible by cold,''-ami. the department.^ iii'ges gundre cut him down on the Had uash on Head When a reports remarked that Friday noon atat me the Msnenes Manches-1-1 „senting Olas'onhum- He was W THT—OIk T rial. - \ Kxlcni?«‘»| Pori'riiH l ght of the scheduled tour, tions are such now, however, that WTHT — News; Waitin’ for the Oiierlacnder Trust of the Caid cau tlo n 1n.^the nqe of the ao*mlied mornthg of Sept. 3 near Tong- "Yea, 1 'shot them. Each one. It theUie Dcniocrats .iiiauimight have some-1 te r j^<,niorialM em orial hospital, nuspnai, was held ( „ oi,e,.fr ,from___ 1918 to 1927 WDRC -S alute4 " l^ing Cro.Shy. "nnllhistamitie' ani|;s; It advihck srtdch started at 1 p. m., w as a It Is nireM sary fo VVakkIey. W H A Y -N ew s; M<}onllght M at­ ScHure Memorial Foundation in san. Pour days before the ene­ was self defense. They was al­ thing like ttist .n mind, the G. O. from the W. P. Quish ^'o"*ral ; 'Ir Philadelphia. Hietr use onlY'^in thn, recommen-' Boston, Jan, 0 oT* Die toiu-' my had v^ked around behind *"*He mentioneit.no specific figure, ways picking on me. TlieY wuuld WOiNR—Straight Arrow. inee, K. aSpment ofSli Civilian Defense p; spokc-sninn knotted: Home yekterday afternoon at i aftorhev and StaU'Police tlTIG —^W’hen a Girl Marries. Dr. Keht. traveled the length 1 1 R L I N RIRUILD IS—Berlin's UUest apartawiU he«se. datlon of ' a physiilnn. Recently, pteqturo ip New England rlurirtg j ! » h i i ^ nren wb.s sim- and taolsted about 30 men of hla hut some members have killed me." "That’s ridiculoua," o’clock. Rev. Uland O. Hunt, min- St*te a 10115— and breadth -of the country con­ an elrM.*.ttar]i bailding. tots'crs oitec Innsbnw krr FItIa In U, 8. SI lentlfioally controlled experU 'progrira. A Cochran had a gash in his head. _____ I Asie-1. 1fstrr’of . ss.# the ci^ranriS^ond r'nnoT«i0’AtiarM.l!Congregaticmal' CommiMcommissioner ionfr KuuSadKdwara JJ. . Hickey 5 :l6 r - W'ONS—I Love a Myster^\^ the n*xl^ five days, January 10! a t 'one of new housing outm. ■ The sergeant took com­ are guessing that hev^'lll ssk for Governor Loi ge, f liiopg the earl­ tacting many dfthe more than Kctor. Ballt with M aruall Plan zM. (be houac contoUu *11 Uin ments have shown that in recom­ de^^^menU by bloclilng a road mand. He moved around from about »10,000;000.000 m ots In new He said he wa.s struck w ith an ier arrivals at the Capitol, appar------church, of which the deceased was was County detective. WTIC—Portia Faces Life. W’THT-Guest Star. \ 7..500 Tefugees who ip their native iateat tccbnical raflnementa. mended , doses, these drugs ))nve through 'jmmary 1«, Wednesday! foxhole to foxhole, encouraging Iron poker. ently was taking no part in the a member of the choir, offtclatem In 1928 House became superin­ WHAY—Meet the Bond. I0:.10— lapds had been doctors, lawyers. no Iwneflcial curative or preven­ through BunMy.wll1 average near with fallen treea. A crewNjeaded taxes. WDRC- Capitol Cloak Room. James Sheekey. defense the ■ men. When the aupply of Offers Olive Breach Officers foun^ the bodies of Mrs. controversy over the legislative ■ Tbs large number of frienda and tendent of the -^fire swept terrain and nrlddential feeling that It will be Cwhran, 19, lying on a bed in the Aides of the Chief Executive j in ivhlch the deceased wan held held the position w:ier, the new majority 'had become inicgratrcl ■The hunetin joints nut that al­ Thursday turning eolileu fpr the, Sn waU s1«(4t romiad yea how the road would'be cleared In "reitsdes from dead enemy •o1* dtffie lit to mateh revenue with hrW 20 miles southwest ot here W(WS—Sky King. WONS News: Jack 's -Wax- into AmericHlv.life to a degree and sore throat laae.s declined from ,5 M anchenter said it was 'irUikcly Jie would in-' Members of the choir attended the Washington street building was to- 4. those of poliomyelitis from though there Is no specific, cure 'week-end. ihai (bis pfxrfaasloeal pkais U of an emergency by using liers/^ He killed -l^n se. In the defense program, near thq^ V irgima border. tervene in such a situation unless. service In a body. o|lencd in 1929. He a e n e d in th a t 5 :4 5 -- works. with a rapidity hot 'known to pre­ I for a cold, thei-e are certain pre­ T' gase Six Com 11:00— ti* 2. while for the second we-k .dome normals for the porhid a><>,l macy U alw ats at yowr sarw aome of the heavy equipment that • ,^.ho Juttiped, 1^ . ! M^Tniman blamed previous | Anothch son, Sturgill 23. was S tate were Bearers \vere Warren Wood, capacity until i947 when he sue- WDRC—Curt Massey. vious immigrant ghnips. Da I ft Hook cautions that can he taken to grensdas the warfare of ' the News on all stations The university faculty member menlngocbrcal meningitis case.** aa follow*: Boston 28, T•^llvl*lencr] was displayedlisplaved several weeks ago | munists started lobbing the action of the Re- reported in ctlUcal condition at a Rnyraond Colpltts. Gerald Chappell I ceeded Cliarles E. Goodrich WHAV—Sports. avoid ealehtng a rold. These are; 27, N antucket 32. New Haven 28. (xMtm OO as for aboohHs at”’the"ctv1Ilsn Defense show at an American machins gun directly concerned. 11:15— said the majority of the refugees IX ' Min. d a l I mibhcan 80lh Congress In cutting j hospital at Gruhdy. Va. A daugli- Burton Jackson. Earl Armstrong County Commissioner. He wgs re­ IMTIC—Front Page Farrell, t'fir the sevenlli I'on.secultve Sunday, .lonuary 14 freqiient hand washing, es|vclally Concord, N. H . 22, nurlinglon lO! aecuracyt (rcth, po(ao4 drugs Jarvis Field. i nosltlon. Watkins, alreadv wotind- publican soin v- Sarali. 14, wavtrcnrtcd for a Uppermost in the Governor's WTHT—UN Highlight.' contacted in the course of, his and William Tragper. tired as (ioimty Commissioner in 6;8a ,^ ivjfCk. ( ’orm cctliu t wa.s w ithout a Iwfore eating, dressing sensilily to Portland 23, Kastpnrt 20, Green­ and fair prlcaa. Roaombto. Flrst .\M Ilemonstrellon j,, the heart, stood up in nis '“ne*'offered an olive branch to tlr.sli wound in the arm,^ mind, it was rcpoi lcd, was the sub­ Burial was in the Buckland cem­ W TIC—Music, study were concentrated in New Hartford District Youtli Rally avoid ehllling and keeping nalunil ject of Civil Defense, one of the . 1949 by the ag e litniiatlon. , WTHT—Palstaff’s Fabulous Fa­ WDRC—The World.Tonight. York imd other large urban cen­ typhoid fever case. It was iil.so of Lilt her l-eagucra al South ville 13 anti Presque Isle 10. ' —next tlfoa plrasa bring W The tour opened with a first aid foxhole. Machlnemm hre e op Byrd, in the spirit of his advice to ■ --- etery. ' House ia aurvivot by his widow, bles. the .state's third consecutive week I body resistance higli througti ade- thief topics under discussion at WONS—Jack's Waxw'orks. ters, blit tluit those settling in Mclliodi.st church. 4 p. m. qviate diet, exerelae and rest At Boston the normal maxi- I demonstration at the Munic ipal , „o,i mto his hsekbone. He re­ Congress yesterday to put country . Mrs. Ada B. House, and a daugh- WONS-;-Bobby Benson. without a diphtheHa case. j your d(Ktor’l^p(ascrip(ioaa. nding under the direction of mrned the fir.', killed all six. the New England Goternors’ Con­ ll:* 5 — sm aller communities were n>bre W'isinesdny. January 17 j For those unfortunates who mum trniperaturo during this | ^«d of party. Mr. Truman said LlirO U C P reS S ^ t ter, Mrs. Henry E. Fresk, both of 8:80— WDRC Public Service Program pi*i1iKl Is 35 and the normal mlnl- an H. Osborne. Then, a t 2 -phen, paralyxed from ‘^he w aist “ vernl months ago that there | r ference which Lodge attended in quickly assimilated. Dr. K i^ al­ l.('(Hire on Merit Systerna for i have contrarted a cold, the bulletin B.m.. . Trout and company were ^own, he collap.sed Into the to^ Glastonbury, WDRC—News. so discovered that the wopien rc- Jtilnicipal I’er.sonncI by Charlca F. j suggests bed real and a light diet luiim temperature 19. CENTER were too many I Reich Generals Funeral plans are incomplete. WTHT—Joe Girand Show. Frequency Modulation fugee.' took to American rd , cIllB 1 1 llllld ll The Administration, the Gover­ Engfigemt*nt Yard, at Center rhuri'h. unilsf lucluding plenty of liquids. Don't Preeljiltailoh diirtng this pertml where, a pfaptlc# alsrt was given calllug out •'Hang on fei- I nor's Office reiKiitcd, is now en­ W TIC—News. WDRC>—FM 98.7 MC. cluding fa.shlon.s and.' l.angunge, aiispicc.s of j.rf'ague of Women blow your nose loo vigorously ls>- will on the average total between didn’t know ranch about hudget.s. WHAY—News. much faster than tj*4 men refu- PHARMACY and the children.demonstrated the pjow kill one for me. w nen gaged in examining the Civil De­ Talk to Allies Mr. House w aa well know n In W THA— 108.7 MC.. Voters, 8 p. in. rau^ you may forre the germs 0.2 and 0 8 inch melted exoepi “H'bcra Pharmacy la A Hiil in hi.H letter to Byrd, the (Continued From Page One) W ONS—News. W*nC— FM 96.5 MC. gees. / over 0.8 Inch in Maine ocourring safety precautions they have been ^ ppeame apparent help wouuin i Waller Cirryb President addressed him as "Dear fense organ Ira tions m other atates Manchester. largely through his Siitiirday. January ‘20 . into the- sinuses and middle ear Prolesalon” trained to take. Air raid drills i p^rive. he ordere.l his cn'ii to 6e l0— WDRC—FM On the air I p. ni.- Some 9.3 per cent of the group (■ihson-IVIohr whore they may rause even more as a few Hglit snow flurries In ex- Harry" and said: of the foreign policy of the United to make sure that n'. "loopholes" political activity. He had frequent­ surveyed are now United States Annual enlorlainment and 487 Main Mt. IgL 4388 hsva been conducted in local abandon the position. ” c wouldn t cd on the ship. It Is a profusely jvill be left in the Connecticut set­ ly attended Republican 'gatherings WDRC—Jack Smith, Sportcast. 11:25 p. m. Tlioma.s Gibson, of 17 W'ci.t eiious dl.srnses.. If Die rold seems tromr nop hem New England "1 am very highly pleased with state.'." On Re-Arming 8:15— citizen.**. Dr. K ent noted. Pearl sliect. New nntiim, an­ linn* •* of M ancbealer I’ii>e liand. Free Delivery KhooU recently with the coopers-1 to carry him hack^ illustrated pamphlet of twelve here and his organizational ability Same as WDRC. at Rainbow ballroom. t'l linger nr If yolr (lavc fei'er and Wednesday and Weilnosdny nlglit. vour pledge of support in the pres- in O lo the non-political Mor up. nounces the engagement of hl.s tlon of Superintendent of Schools (rrinncd snd wished them pages, with a picture of the Nativ­ Tlic Governor's first formal made him a potent factor Id local WTIC—Bob Rteele W THA— . rliiUs, a pain in the (’heat, or if More general precipitation la in­ ent emergency. I don't think tliei e jjenposlen said the President "once (Continued from Page One) WDRC—Needle Club. 9:.30 a. m.-l p, m,--.Music for daughter, Mfss idly filbson, to Siiltday, .lantmry 28 to February 4 dicated toward the end of the A rthur H. IlUng. . „ „ 1 luck on their trip. ity on the front page; Santa Claus. ncw.s conference, his aides said. and district political Influence. vou cough un a himidy ruat-c'dored Waialnk BiMto at 6 r . M. j Lip„tpnnnt Henry sacrificed V, l.slilng a "Mci j-y Cliidi»lttias as has ever been any serinus differ- pccoidcd that the defense of WHAY—Supper Serenade Listening. (^liipkeiipox Still i.'be.ster H Mohr, son of Mr, and Obserxance of Youth Week, .■‘piiiuni. call yoiir phyaician at week occurring as snow in north­ H - At 5 p.m.. Chief Schendel plan.s lie is aboiit to go down the smoke- ence of opinion between us on the Western Europe is identical with probably will be held "In a day or Qjiancollor Konrad Adenauer's ad- WONS—Sports. W TIC—ITlf On the a ir 6:2.5 a. m. I I Mrs. Edgar W. Mohr, of 348 MUl- sponeored 1)V United Christian once. ern New England and as rain or to sound the test warning blast defense of America." : two " in connection with the forth- vl.ser bn security. ' 8:*0— M o st I l*evaleill|rtl® Turnp.ko. east. Youth Movei.ient. The hulletin also points out that snow in southern New England. | i | Slotkholm a Conservative Sven-1 coming announcement of the ap- These eight men must report from tha switchboard at Police .qsth Infantry Regiment, near Am-r' nppi-oarlilng the star cept In some »'■x.n'r.rht'S ^ '“s S Vole on Sending WDR(?— Record Alb'um Telertslon Headquarters, and at 8 p m., the r^ng on Seft. 1. A sergeant who , decorated Christmas ti-ee. which wa naturally w o u ld not ska Dagbladct said "Truman s polnlment of a pres secretary. : back to their respective chiefs, who 6:80— WNH41—T>’ rcali.stic views and foiihright state-1 Crge 2-.vear License | will carry out the bargaining on Chirkenpox, which r*>se from short-wave radio system of the lo­ las there told the story. "A hunch ^ , ,tar and atrings of i agree ’’ WTHT—Sereno Garrtmell. P. M. \ \ f cal Civilian Defense program will of North Koreans attacked our pO' something white resembling the House Democratic Leader Mc- Hients must make a very favorable ! One of the first bills to be intro- what West C^nnany is prepare Troops Overseas 4:00—Homemaker's Exchange 115 to 130 rases during the pa.st WTK?—Emil Cote Glee club seven days remained the state's be demonstrated at Police Head- altion . . . we fought the «n«^y » old fashioned pop-corn strings. I Cormack, of Massacliu-sctts. has impression in Western Europe. ” It duced today, the opening trickle of . Jo do and what jwlltlcal 4:30—-Vanity Fair. •u artsrs. already suggested that a general added, however: | what will soon became a flood of , Weatera ^ make In re- •''■enlng Star. most prevalent disease for the long time . . ■ There were bulWs Gives Review Of Year (Continued from Page One) WTIC—Three Star Extra. 5 :00—l.ucky Pup. ' fourth consecutive week, acconl- Oeacral Manager Osorga H. and aheUs falling all around. Our Two pages are devoted to a pic­ i manufacturers’ exciaa tax la one "But will they hav. any effect on ■ new legislation, would provide for , turn for mllltaor a a. 5 »1.5—-Dmc for Beany/ W ai^U and Leon Thorp, defense field open for taxaUon. The last word rests with the Brl- ing to the Connecticut Slate I'c- ammunition waa torial review of the year, show­ a diehard isolationist like Robert | the issuance of motor vehicle oper- | tl.sh, French and United S tates have authority to commit troops WTIC?—Three Star Extra .5:30—Howdy Dividy partment of Health. Next on the public Informdtlon director, were Henry sent me out after the ing the Missouri aground In Chesa­ Secretary .Snyder arranged to raft, who opposed the Inlroduc- | ator’s llcenscj every two years, in- j 6:00—Kit Doodle the Clown •inoiig those who made the tour. Governments, which must approve abroad without consulting Con­ list came mumps, which mcreaseil and ammunition of the peake Bay. the departure from j meet with the two tlon of compul.iory military .service stead of annually as at present. i any agreement. | gress, promised to air his views in WTHT—Edwin C. Hill 6:.30- Little ShpW. from 24 to 6f> cases during the - Displayed at Police Headquar­ When T came hack, he pul m Norfolk for Korea, the hin-rlcane Iraadlng congres-slonal tax commit- ‘ ' iJforo Pearl Har- 7:00— 6:4.5—.SidewaJX Interviews ters was the auxiliary snd emer­ ' lees, but none of the three seemed « months before I carl w ar The measure, filed in the Senate I t probably w ill be m any m onths , a National Press Club speech to­ week Ju.st ended. the hole with him and told the encountered en route, the bom­ day. 7:00—K uk'lib'Fran and OIllc gency equipment for civilian dc- inclined toward a budgcl-balanc-, bor . by Senator Elmer Watson (R- before a final decl.slon is resched. WDRC—Beulah. Other increases were recorded in men to atari withdrawing and he barding of Hamhung and other of . Wethersfield), a former Slate Sir. Truman promised weapons W I'lC—Boaton Blackie. 7 :,30—Sporda, broncho pneumonia, which ro.se FORD STEPS AHEAD fanse. , ^ would cover, us. We start^ back ' ing *20,000,000.000 or more annual ' Tha Independent Mclropole 7:4.5 - Ne'wsreel. Tow* Widely Recognised subjects. Brussels car.aoU an account of | Motor Vehicles Commissioner, also and equipment not only to North WHAY—Symphony Hall from 20 to 40 ca.ses, lobar pneu­ and Lt. Henry etayed by hlmaelf Seaman Grzyb who will be re- boost in taxes. Atlantic treaty partners but to W TH T—On the A*iley. k;00 —jCfiiton Bert* Show monia. which Inerra.scd from .5 to Mandieater Is widely recognised He seemed to be firing everything . ,„emherod for his line tenor voice i Snyder ha.s been saying merely the speech under the headline 'The , would stagger the license renewal Voice of Wisdom. " Editorially it date by calling for renewal on thePlans for Season nation.*- in the N ear East and the WONS'—Fulton Lewis ,Jr ' ft:00/-Vaughn Monroe Show. 10 ca.ses, measle.s which m.sc from •s being one of the most ad­ at once. I didn't see Lt. Henry af­ and skill on the organ, is men- ' tb t taxes should be hiked sharply 9:30—Suspense. vanced communities in the coun- said the apc“th "gives proof of first day of the month in which the Far East "which are trying to de­ 7:16— 7 to 8 cases and (lernmn measles Honed three times In the printed hut only to cover as nmcli of the fend their freedom." 10:00—Original Amateur Hour. tiT as regards civilian defense, ter that." good sense and realiarr and pollti-j operator's blrtliday falls. Uiscussetl bv Club WONS—Tello-Test which rose from 4 to 5 cases. Uhlgs to Tank Deck list of services at the Clirlstmas . increased defense costs "as possl- Tliroughout a 30-mlnute address WDRC—Jack Smith 11:00—Holiday Hotel. On the decline were poilomye- and It la believed that this Is the Sergeant Turner waa ahot down scason. From his letter he Is now 1 ble.” cal courage for whch Europeans— i present law. all licenses must be rc- which lawmakers Internjpted by 11:.30- Party Dme al Club Ro­ rsasmi Mr. Trmt and the NBC ‘ W'THT—Elmer Davfa. litis, scarlet fever, whooping and killed sa he atood on the top using an aerordlsn to accompany | Chairman Georga (D-Ga) of the applause 15 times, the President 7:80— ma. rough and the venereal dlsea.ses. taehnlelanB came here today. has siow r'B T ’apreS 'tha clerical work i The Soroptiml.t Oub at it. Tha latest phase of the local of a tank to fire »hest wishes ! brook I. Albert W. Cretella (R- voung busine.'s girls — together taxes he will propo.se -except to which will sound whistle alarms In free nations to prove they will go Haven) and Alfred A. Tos- say the tax boost would be "ma­ W 'ilC-^Ca valcade of America. to raise fares to 10 cents ca«h on j 75 millimeter gun. He was w ound- for a happv day to all hands of the | « .r-, with the first l.ssue of the new WONS - Oime Docs Not Pav, lines where they are now three for of an emergency. all out in then .self defense. ; (D-N cw H aven). jor." More and more folks who are buying ed. but clung to the tank dec^ good shin MIs.souri on this (Thrist- IL ccls vgO l "Venture Echo." to be.published W T H T -C a n You Top Thi.*,? a quarter: and charge 10 ront.s who use In case there ia an alert. Chief The tank was hit more than oO mas 1950. us do our Job well ------Thia committee's first task will bv the American Council of Ven­ He said the nation is prepnnng with an eye to the future are buying Bchendel, through the new set-up. (or full wartime mobilization \ if WHAY- Rosam*. cash or three tokens for a quarter times, its periscope snd antenna enouch to be able to enloy Clirlst- be to consider the contested elec­ ture Clubs at the Philadelphia 8!18— on lines where the present fare is PAR|[4’oway Fords. Tho reusona are ao simple. vriil he able to notify immediately shot away. Then the machine gun mss 19.51, stateside with our loved tion ot a repreaontatlva from headquarters. Misa Haynes urges that becomes necessary. Ha aald the alarm atations. Each of the Tip oil D-Uay ^ Paris Reils WDAY -Polish National Home. seven cents cash or three tokens In every feature, in every detail the fire found .Sergeant Turner. ones." Brooklyn. No member from that the local club to consider the or Congress should broaden the draft 8:.5(t— for 20 cents. Drivers’ top wages whistles ia sounded from the boiler These men arc the first to re­ town was awom In when the House ^anizatlon of a Venture Club In law. Calling for increased defense Ovo^ftead Doors '51 Ford is built to be a fine car . . . room of the mills. (Contlniiad froir Page Use) Attack G.I.’s WDRC - Mr. and Mrs. North, would be Increased from 11.10 to ceive the Congressional Medal of I organized Wednesday. ' Manchester, and seeks the oppor- production, he said Industrlnl ex­ WONS-Official Defective 11.2.5 an hour under the company's to stay a fine car for yearn ahead! The mllla from which alarms will Honor in the Korean War. In What will probably be the first tunlty to talk it over writh the pansion Is planned ..o provide for 11^ the very host bo sounded are Colonial Board, Fight Bitterly the D-Day information from a WTHT—Auditions of the Air. proposal. TTie drivers have asked World 'War II. 427 man received (Continued from Page One) of several measures proposing re- ; local Soroptimist Club, production of 50,000 airplanes and WTIC!—Baby Snooks. a *1.,35 top. You’ll find thia Ford offern you Lydall A Foulds, Cheney Brothers, the high decoration 2.53 Army, 67 contact In the office of MaJ. Gen. vision of the State’s antl-gambllng A letter was ai.so receded from 3S.000 tanka a year. Those num­ Case Brothers, Orford Soap and To Stem Reds John H. Hllldrlng. in charge of the laws was introdticed in the House tho executive board at hoauquar- a pick of engines . . . V-8 or Six. .Navy, 37 Air Force, 79 M arines parted for Brussels, about 1.000 bers are not being ordered now, he Itogera (torporation. and one Coast Guard. (Ttvllian A ffairs Division. bv Rep. JOtseph V. Serena (R- lers. stating that the spiritual Both are a match in get-up-and-go Emergency Alert Signals I t >8'asn't Chanler dcmon.statofs started parading up aald. and down the Champs-Elysees Westport). It would permit towns leader.ship of these organizations The^President made only the The emergency alert signals are . (Cuniloued'trom Page Oaa) * However, she aald aha waa quite to BUthorize fraternal, chai'ltable. is^need^ today, and stig^^^ for iiiiy engine at any price. ■a follows: Red or danger—Short —. cartoin that no one in Hllldring'a I I the Broadway of Paris) chanting moat general referencea-to, hia Both ofTcr you famous Ford economy. Masts for three minutes duration. LI, S. Consul W arns began Ita tragic defenaa of Taejon the aama alogana. ■ ul!r'ihurcraaenC ce at the'lr "Fair Deal" proposals In tha office Intentionally leaked the in-1 operate games of chance for mer . ' ular church attendance And you’ll diacover new starting All,clear signal ia s steady blast last July. formation. \ About 1.000 police, with night I meetings, as a part of their con­ speech, which du«lt prtaclpally for *one minute, then two minutes The Korean Communists, bul­ atick.s at the ready, kept both the chandize prizes. with foreign policy. More details eaae witli Ford’s Key-Turn Starting “Quit Hong Kong’^ WlUiam C. (Sianler, Chief of De- Anotlier new mea.surc proposed tribution to world service. ' erf ailenca another blast for one warked now by hundreds of thou* fensa (tounael, Interrupted to say I early and late demon.stratora probably will be, included In a" . . . comfort with Autombtiic Posture abolishing the property tax on all minute, ovo minutes of silenre. sands of Chinese who entered the he waa the general’s deputy at the from approaching the Hotel As­ economic message 'ster in the then another blast for one minute. (Continued from Pago One) toria. Traffic was blocked In the tangible personal property except THERE IS S T IU TIME TO Control . . . all-weather protection War when the Allies almoet had lima, and asked of tha leak: week, possibly Friday, and a bud­ with Double-Seal King-Size These sire th e Federal and S tate it won, were retracing their route "It wasn't me, was It?" Arc de Triomphe area, and had to I automobiles. At present articles Public Kecords get message next Monday, - Code signals. nie Crown Colony, a great cen of summer conquest Into South "No, Mr. (hanler, the witness ■ be rerouted. About 30 of the dem like jewelry and home furnishings W hile D em ocrats an*, some Re­ Brakes. The 8 p.m. signal today will be are taxable, although the tsx sel­ ter of trade In the Orient,- waa oc- Korea. replied With a smile. onstrators w'ere arrested. Incorporation publicans applauded hla collective JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB merely a test of the existing audi­ Ike Visits Fontainebleau dom ia collected. ciipted by the Japanese on Christ­ The Reds walked into abandoned Miss Bentley also named Lauch- Manchester Tool and Design, to- security theme, some lawniakora And you'll find fine-car beauty ble warning syateni, and none of mas Day, 1941. They surrendered Ossn Mond.xy, Osan. 28 miles south lln Currie, a Secretary to the late General Ei.senhower today con­ . and ffive yourself a bonus in time for Christmaa. the above signals will be sounded. tinues a 10-nation European tour corporated, to do manufacturing called for raucli faster moblUxatlon in Ford's new “Fashion Car’’ there in September. 194.5. Hong of Seoul, is the town near where, President Roosevelt, as an alleged and engineering: authorized vapl- than the President ______seemed,— to en- The teat Signal will be a steady Kong's estimated population In the first American soldier of the to find more of the army he is to Be among the thousands of First National Bank of Manchester styling . . . with Luxury blast of one-mlnute duration. member of the group ahe said waa FimI Bodies Of tal *50.000 in 1.000 shards at *50 i vr-ane in the "long pull" he said 1045 was ab o u t-1.600.000, of whom Korean War was killed last July. headed by Slivcrmaater. lead. par starting with *1.800; j.^hcad Ixjungc Interiors custom-matched Chief Schendel haa asked that only about 16,000 were non-Chi­ Communist forces rushed Tues­ At 2 p. m. he and his staff left j Chriatmaa Club members who enter the Chriatmaa aea.son with the - Tesidenta of outlying districts re­ Ip tha past aha has labelled Sll- Slain Salesmen porators. Kenneth A. Cloutier. Sid-: urealor Sa rlllcea to outside colors. nese. day into the Oaan area, massing vermaater, Ullman and Currie as for Brussels, second atop on the port to Police Headquarters as to I'rg * Move. Now for the oontlnulng pursuit of the tour of Atlantic Pact powers , Chairman Russell (D-Ga -of th. ad^ed aatiafaction of knowing where the extra money i.s coming from. whether they were able to hear spy ring contacta, and all have de­ The U. S. Consulate Oenerai'a fleeing Eighth Army. The Reds nied the charges. which will supply his army. (CnntiDued fnim Page One) ^ Marr?are Llre^lics ^.rmed Services CJommittes the lest blast. To facilitate the circular warns Americana to nota: moved artlllerv southward aeroas Me plsns to go a.lso to Holland procedure, reslder.»» are asked to Cross examination by Clianler Kenneth Vincent McClurken j*’on'^the%art For money when you need it most, join one of these clubs: The deterioration of the alt- !thc Him riv e r at Seoul also cast light upon the secrets of Denmark. Norway, Britain, Porlu- waa killed b.v a single shot East Hartford and Barbate Jatie j flees will be needed on P*[‘ telephone headquarters, give their uation in the Far Blast and the I An Eighth Army apokesman and .Meatman of this town; wedding Uhe American people and tneir location, and tell whether or not Communist private lives. During I B*l. Italy, G erm any through the ear. 4 % ' possibility that a further deterio­ said one force r.stimated at 10,000 quesUonlng about her one-time; Luxembourg, before returning to ^ Jan u ary 20. i Allies. they heard the blast. troops was spotted near Osan. O’Brien said there was evidence ration woukl interfere with regu­ (tommunlst superior, the late Jac­ Paris. Then he files home by wa.v of a struggle in ‘he cabin where Frederick Richard Hettinger of "1 don't believe we .lan lar commercial shipping and air Reds Clog Roads of Iceland and Canada to com­ 422 Nbrth Main street and Mary this prpgram for out security witn- Which Class Below Is flit One for You? ob Golos, Chanler asked: the men registered Sunday night. N • services to Hong Kong." Allied pilots .said Comm unist plete the circuit. Mclntlre Gravell of Gleason out greater sacrifl* t than ha men* A w ard F iv e troopa were clogging the roads "You were his mtslress. were Two notes were found Indicating, Americans were urged to "se­ you n o t? ” Before leaving for Bruasels, the street. tloned," RussaU daelarad. Members Faying riously consider" removing de­ south of Seoul and in th* Wonju flve-atar Kehefal \1slted Fontaine­ the Police Chief said, that Bashars "If you care to put it tliai way," was despondent bscause of Illness WlUiam. Lewis Bryant of 49 Honor MeilaU pendents and their effects now, araa 6.5 milea southeast. Ona air­ bleau Cffiateau, 35 miles south of Deming street and Marie Ellen m an said: the vritaeas iudd, and flushed. 25c a week for 50 weeks will receive $12.50 while normal transportation facil­ “From a (tommunist standpoint It Paris and one of the spots being ^ d a pending operatiOT TTie mes. 3 ™ ”^ bfYl7 East Center street; A rlm itfl ities are available. "I've never seen so many people considered for hia historic Inter­ rages were written on the backs of ^ January 20 at St. Brid- 8 /xCilllll® 50c a week for 50 w'eeks will receive O' (Centlnned from Page One) on the road.s up there> They were waa marriage.” $25.00 Consulate attaches re-empha-rc'diilJii** j .. Y Golos did not lielieve in "bour- national Army’s headquarters. two envelopes. get’s church. geolse marriage,” she explained, The Chateau now is headquarters “Pain Tcirifle" Warrantee Deeds Slaying Woman 11.00 a week for 50 weeks will receive $50.00 aergeant the first lieutenant, the 1 I " *1*^^^^ One said; master aergaant . . . a croM a ^ l» d A non-lcgal wife in Russia for Field Marshal Viscount Mont­ Albert T. and Elizabeth Heavy- gomery, commander of the five- 7"tVhcn over 50 life ia ho fun. My^ tion of ail the valiant men who I at® 1 munlat lines, whether in or out of and relationships with oilier wom­ sides to John F. and Doris O'Hara, $2.00 a week for 50 weeks will receive $ 100.00 j o L ficial- put it m a way en here snd there. power "Brulsels Pact” military r'ight eye goes bad on me. I have S».. property at 40-51 Elro street. (Coattnoed From Page One) J fight wars. uniform, except for obvious family aurpMATK RIM CONTR(M b o brand now Sard wngoai riding develepmenf. Dtrough o (•oming. AUTOMATK MUIA8IMAKM b o 3-woy corburution. Ignition and combutllon tyitoin Ihot l __ Let's not take them by rank, "\Vc don’t mean to imply that Bacli "bod.wcUj the same re­ alliance. - I sugar. My bad right arm goes dsad Stewart Dillon to Russell S. and $3.00 a week for.50 weeks will receive $150.00 groups or children. Mabel Potterton, property at Cen­ police headquartera and the,rail­ ua of odvoncud Hydra-Cog' front Spring*, now VarWbla.Rata Rrar Sprint Smpuntlon and matchut timing to tuut (borgu*. b tguoaiot Mm tact ounca of powar out of orary drap of go*, because courage )ahove and beyond adverse events are imminent. We Use Civilian Clothing lationship to him that I had," ahe i on me. I had an operation for Just don’t know. And when you added. They were married “in hernia on my right aide. I had an ter and Church streets; stamps road terminal. ' • $5.00 a week for 50 weeks will receive $250.00 "Vbcout ContreT Shedi Alxerbort b odooRy odgnt* yoor rido 10 rood condition* conMnuoydy— b wOMud.. . givui you Mgli comproitian purfonnonco wlih regular ga*. And ford'* now Woi the call of duty is not the peculiar Associated Press (Dprrespondent automatically . . . bon* out Hi« buntp*.. Jraop* your r iit lovoll j IgnMan Syctum dolivurc quick ctort* in Mm wuttuit uraaltMr. fruvnnti unginu being ibntt*d out by i don't know the best policy is us­ Stan Swlnton reported from Fifth | O'* S t r i k e I f l l e S accident. The doctor told ma I *28.40. Acted on Tip attributa of class or seniority of Acting oii ikn ^anonymous Up, * Wrvice. ually to go ahead and take no Air Force Headquarters that the gether, and "divorced in the Com­ have a tumor on the right tide of 4)ultolalm Deed 1 $l0.OO a week for 60 weeks will ^ceive $500.00 Held Off Attack chances.'’ order waa provoked by the Reds* munist senra" when they parted. my.head. The pain la terrific." Cheney Brothers to Andrew An- detectives surrounded the house. Ordered Embargo ^ persistent use of civilian-clothing Mira Bentley aald. Fairchild Plaul The second note, apparently saldi, five acres on Bidwell street. Dono'frlo, who occupied A main $20.00 a week for 50 weeks will receive $1000.00 The five are PFC. Melvin L. Executor’s Deed X. Blown,, of Mabaffey, Pa.; MaJ. Hong Kong has Just concluded to camouflage their troops. The witness said It was Goloa written the following day, Mon­ floor room, apparently heard them one -of the most prosperous trading Thousands of Chinese and Kor­ who first Introduced her to Rem­ day, said; Estate of Howard L Taylor to and fled upstairs. Qan. William F. Dean, of Berkeley, (Centbined from Page One) Irvin W. Taylor, property a t 143 But he quietly aurreader^ Calif.; Master Sgt. Travis E. Wat­ periods in its history. It did rough­ ean Red soldiera clad in white ington. "I can't stand the snow any You can pay more ly *1,115,000,000 in business in the olvlUan ^clothing have inflltrated She added th a t Goloa waa In more. I hope and I trust I don't South Main atreeL when the p^ce threatened to kins of Gladewater, Tex.; Lt. method of automgtic increases in Aasoclatlon Artlclea Frederick F. Henry, of Clinton. first 11 m onths of 1950. refugee columns passing Into al­ contitet with Canadian spies Sam have to live here If I come out shoot aa ha reached the skyUght lied lines. ' Carr and Fred Rose; now serving its place. Keeney Street Parent-Teacher to the roof. OPEN EVERY SATURDAY MORNING FROiifI 9-12 NOON Okla.; and Sgt. 1st Class Charles The U. S. clamped an embargo Tlie company offered a 13-cent okay Club^tocottH>rated. for educaUonal on shipments to Red China, how­ Pilots spotted'4,000 Reds chang­ prison terms, and with Paul and McDonald, aald Donofrio admit­ but you can’t buy better W. Turner, of Boston. - • across-the-board w age hUce, which f purpoc4a. ' Pfc. Brown, 31, of Company D. ever, after the Chinese' swept Into ing Monday from uniform to pea- Luii Aranel. . thta pain until they Operate, but ted he kiUed Mias Martin and told 8ant clothing. T he Anm®!** infiltrated would increase tha minimum wage how he dismembered hag body . lJMI Engineer. ComtMt Batulion, the Korean .war in late. November, into the Trotaky movement in of a production or maintenance what is the use of the '’operation. '‘ft iarinMnf. Standing on top of The ban bn American trada to A)* Red patrol attacked two Al­ They tell me only one out of a the day after she dlad iflG* • lied companies early Tuesday IS Mexico before Trotsky waa assas­ worker to *1.27. hack-saw* sad a raaor blade t h a n ______',AS0r tha took the body t o th e term inal. Me* l5 *wiufe2 a w 35ed™^8b 1846. at Annap- aeuth aereaa the Hati river. of Conununjet spy tie». in tha windy. I 8-degrea weather. da- Re emoted them ee aavina tourmaline the btrthatone. Denald said.

• >■ '* ~ ,V .... r s ;- X.


Manchester Girl Scout monthly' 18 of 120 Pork street who was rid­ gram they would be able to offer diacuaalon on lessons learned from performing amoslns and unbeliev­ tenta.were practically a total lo.sa , Ella Fitzgerald aoundly. But, thanka to the InBa- , ' y ou r bulletin. WAMTED ing with Scussell, said that he was the greatMt service and contact the last election of which Mrs. able fAits . Also on the surround-' hope, behind the •cenei, It io •« The outside of the trailer being i Rockville driving. When the pollca tsorned Bolton the person In charge. All peniona Babel te Ronshoff will be rhal'rman. tog atage ahow will bs Benny Msr- Uoii none of ua helped prevent, metal la Intact but the Interior U p t ^ w r t t r eager 'and •• conbcientloue about G irl Our new Brownie troop, troop i the true situation later Poooceo Doris Mohr D'HoUa who have had first old or home Attorney Elaine Webaler of Rock­ Heads Big Show off, noted band maestro; Loins the rood Ihveatnienl •"B'* *’•" will have to be rpbullt If It la to ' was fined $9 for giving the police exploiting eny diplomatic oppor FIRE 144, held iU InveaUture ceremony] EXPERIENCED ToL Mosehester 8848 nursing training and hreglstered ville " ill participate to the dis- and Crawford to "Velvet Motion:" heejkdlacredlted. Ainencano who be livable again. Mrs. Amea S^out i last Thursday afternoon at Ita I false Information and Scussell was nursea are asked to register with rusalon of Republican plans for Wanda and Armand In a aensa-' -l^ r r d il turilUes—auch an may He in grabbed Her little girl and ran at® Nurses Meet A 2-for-l stage show will be pre­ Laned Ifltl dollara to the govern- meeting room In St. Bridget’s fined $100 less $50 for operating Mrs. Shinn. S-9931. > leorganlzatlon of which Dr. Maty tional puppet act; DeMay and __ >^T T H» \ 'propoaiM- for a Four Power Con a neighbor arwl on her return It church. Nineteen girls were pre­ CARPENTERS . V on automobile while his license Bolton's CivUion Defense com­ The standard red or alert signal P. Hfilleran Is chairman. The pro­ sented at the State 'nieater, Hart­ Moore, a knockout comedy team; ®iKttwjpo.7"nrc. fetwee - aih4t la in ita open call havc.'bern Rettiiuf IH''! ply 8t ■ - ^ x , The aft clear or white signal will rector of the Women's Division, gram will feature a great vaudi. There ore late atage shows evbry airength. was driven back flre^-.Md Girl Scout or- I Two basketball games are sched­ iU chairman, E. Pierce Herrick, conalst of three ateady one.minute Saturday aqd Sunday starting at t4. iv^va«-i Treasury auth{)rat*k seem to smoke. The c a u s e d the Are tg^ The^ MancheatM' Republican National Committee vtlle bill, headlinglng F.lla KltzgCi. October 1. IMl. .6 IkiviT Road Rockville Groujri^ Hold uled for this evening in the Inter- who will be assisted by Charies A. bloats of thd siren each of which "ill be guest speaker at the luneh- 10 p. m. , ' EE not known at tha preSent Mme. mlZBtton iH^gair he new yearx, program committee met^ aid ."The First Lady of .Song" an I reject llie sUKReslloti^ ^thM"th^ tthey Or rhnue 4112 ilediqte League at the Town Hall, Robbins. John Hwsnson, Sr. 'will will be separated by a two minute eon, Mrs. Donald Tedford, 8375, Mr, and Mrs. Ned Ames have oc­ u illv a bus> week of^ibCelings and Thursday eVwiIng. January 4. at^ Aoitual SeMion; ^t«te creator of "Tlaket a Toaket ." Kiln Tw in RihKs jifuarantee the investihvnt aojuml- the Aces ploying Minnie's team at have charge of public works, period of eltrore. x 'x, will be glad to give anyofie Inter­ Htrong cupied the trailer for some yeai:a Me^bera o/lt^Coun- th e ^ ^ JARVIS KPUJ.TY CO. .7:30 p.m. and the Bon an team will sing the'songa which brought olftoA at aanAeatar, Coer <3eneralSCjwArthur’a y > ar enf her newest rerordlng auggealion thblk^rJiapa he ^Wiay p. m. tlea and trans^rtstlon. engineer­ tinue ln'«(fect os usual. tlons .shrluj^' a Jrap-door sTvtd^'a door ^h®® iJearly every ^ u ^ e oriarty, : Rockville, Jon. ^x^Spnclal)— before Jan- hits, Inriiiding "Dream A Utile, |i> revoke > li ma*niflcei actual' Value of the doflAr^at th Th^RockvlUe High School team The IocwxPTA and State De­ he's holding It ddvgl.>JL man weri; l|6 annual meeting of the'Rqck- ing and rescue servlcgs- Peter Mss- liacj' 12 . Dreaiiyof Me," "Can Anyone Ex- gift X ^ek ee to JapaiKl^ > e « ^ - tlnte of ' roalurlty. That Xjefuia feasimahman lakes ato^ < :oc8 toxMiddletown today to (ftay soltnl will be responsible for se­ portment of Hgalth will sponsor proportionately strohjf^he could as he'gpea^to a year. thV^pro-1. " rMis fsith anmp^s,>s a Rood vUIcY m MIc Health Nursing 'Asafr. , — -■ —~. curity, including police, tire and another dental cIthtQln April which niim/roua others. The second part exert a pull of ten tonA ;x . Xend tltKj;eanMlng of Uihi^'pUnT t . .. Ui.m,ts dutinx- 1950L mcmbCii^rthc committee. Mra> ntxx X.. , X. .AuArded 82(i,fi60 .AHiuony ' '-XXX ve^tiuent>s^lthou'Ksonif real Rua» • gdure n^kke. a lot o f ^ e tran'Mcr Chester >‘r»-.^e hinlmU^SJeorge commtMloner, elation wML^be held this evenilg>t4 ^ * ^ ^ x warden services and communlcs- "ill administer flounne treatments program v^■|ll offer one of voo; try^a^nlerUhg^ ith reeponsei I Kltlngton Grange will fne®t _«ron p " ,.' tlona Red Oreto eeriices will be to three, four and flvo^^year old anti^that ihflation 'wil^ j>e pre- becauae.it leti Kp^npw where yC were vV jonhnnd'arh)^^aha M L & S, Baker. "Girl 7:80 o’clock^at^ the aosoclatloh^^x,.. x Roimmaitera HartfoAL.^.T^. 9 (ipi >A!libqny most'gigantic spectacles ever moat >xgrlly aitjular to ^Wedneada^ *»'K*'tO»*'v^th* Town bion^r. Mrs. Qo^ot'Re \ . ^____the m w xjHome Dohionstiwtion Agent- administered by Mrs. Ralph H. children. The. treat'menta>wHI be resented oh any stage, George ted. la RoinR'tu^be a bardask , stand. glvea\j(ouyou acme per- rooms on Park itgeeL Mlga Irma of $2.5.000 ItOs hWq^awarce of the retiring u^^ers i-. Biehausen, State. Service Director County, Farm BUregu hakxMhed-. in Uhvjutul-e, Anierlcfins will bUy I speclive on^neral cbh^ltlOna that ''^ fq r the Connecticitt,.^Canccr Socie- supervjM medical services, public four consecutive weeks, The flrXt^Mrs. Marjory W.'RjnioiWv^awarj' ' ..AtHcrlin's finest animal act. with HEARING-AID i»^*clii»iv*iXvprbpOeition for -the rearnilng of of 1950>\ Tlie charter will he "’ ‘S T i e n of atanding comniit-• coTiitox yew were dls uietl thr^.,^ meciingsx on ’Abort bonds, iisihe patriolieXsIluation | ark lively to feet yo* in 't^W llI discuss "Our'rC'ancer Pro- heSlUi and welfare which includes clinic of this type In Bolton wqis a .divorce from her Tt«}ibaitd.^i i iro»)s7''xllgers.‘ leopnftls and pan- lenuany;^.^ i future. And it nMpa you draped In memoty of Mrs. Mar­ Ws for 19S1 »re *» folMys; Mra ; aratiob^ held I Cuts lit Hduaekeeping’'x^tartlhg, to port, priepnnel, medical rescue, held during the fall and was very I thers .B^nartng together^ on the BATTERIES demands it '^ ^ il I t , "'*11 wllHiim B(*necUct. proRra^ti and day p artyx^ be beld in r gramWftd'A'I Related Prob- W'cdncsdajxJ^uary 10 the .janun W. KlniOce, manu^tet} TiiK^rst >ca('tion isMrohi meet future problei x'^ tha Nangle. a IJO year siib-^htmltleca, Mrs. John Pickles, were considehNl At ttoa event^ll^ lems.” '''t5Mt 'public ia Invllcd-to at­ ^q>Mlal servlcos. evacuation, tem­ succeesful. Three year old chil­ stage lit-a huge 30 foot cage, and lane^theihaMves. ThC\iiu>re ■oof of their \patriOUsin Taklnif Stock makeax.genae for-lwho died at her home.Sunday, home of Mrs.' Heleftvtoung in'Ver­ porary shelter,, feeding and cloth­ dren were not treatfd at that time. burlap vaults, on grounds ftf'vha For All Hearing-Aids TultoTu%w' and Mrs. EWsrard, Manchester Girb^^uto gather to ■ tend the rnrallng. ./x^ non Center at 1:30 p.'^ji. On Joh-- huiirtde of ^hem'' object because th^>.^-lll do It k n io^ g that the e flgh^ra.xt«o. For exaiURle, we M A and Mrs. ChaHea Hein of airvtce- Mrs. Mwln .celebrate the founding of the Girl RcptRtjlcaa Club 4;^ ing.* Miss Jeanette ' Sumner has 'Two members of 'Tolland Coiiuty I'ltiinl liileni'perance. Tbe^erreexi ••Eveready". "Mint-Max’* cahxJook back .pb 19.50 ancK,aee meetlng wftk.be held Republican Women's Club will par­ handed down ^aterday Vy Judge inv’estnbuit angle leav riurfr ..omSrk roMl entertaln^^M^^and I '' ' MrV Herbert . . i Scout _ mot ement ‘ in ''«ie The Gnited i T^e Women-a'^^b.hcan aub't }i^^e“aflemoon In Bolton Ond at Itew assigned heodquitrtera and Uiey havf^had ^pugb'A^ar. 'Hie that Bra losses continued to Bdtoittlstration--which will include ticipate to panel dlacusslons to be Edward .1. Qulnlatv *'V Sifpfelor Hllppery Driving Mrs. carl Colson ®f Lake Gc r„ ^ , Miss Gertrude States by Juliette L o w X i lPW<^ of the Town of Ve*tjonx,wiIl hold -7:30 livtoe evening at the ^ bqm^'O.f - oiof'ti, achenUpR ainbiti^ theni oh-, bf pretty wtj|lc throughout the na y., over the week-end. | Carlson, ' The eommltte.- also ;mad^ it^ . , „ its annual meeting itx.th®' YFVV records, files, eahcatlon and tiw)n- held at the annual meeting of the cinirl. gave Mrs. Elnidl^the famils' 9m Mrs. GeHnide Schultz in Rock AUTO lN5URANCVx^ ject bebaju'e they wanT^he same non Final 'Tigjiirea are not yet In, 'X " x ‘ office: Charles CrockclI, j budget for 1951. Mrs, Coe serv-any'of $25 s week j ViiiBMmgft Ai'rir for the camp committee. ^meeting. s ^ G L E s - RO dnN G William Sadlak in charge. The 'yi Raymond ^O orinm ' ' \ i own mulctary destinies if they are way ffoto .licking the ftf* problem ;:30 a. m. to 3 p:xm. at the of Tolland., aecretary of the local and $15 a \veek/svipport for each CtK^bATtOSS. Connecii^uf Officers for 1951 are: Mrs. O. — — —------principal business of the meeting On c hail in North Cbv^ntry on 42 Brookfield 81.—TeL 84M 873 rel. 4136 MOBILllEfiT HF>al0„Ko militAria'*'' in America.' ,People slmptS- won’t Bv T h e AsfMieUiled I’ ress Insulation b . Wallhpards DoOra -will be the annual election of offl- which branch ®f. the defense pro­ county club,'Will take part in the of two childre itake the time 'or trouble to do the New York-Dr. KSHlman \V. .Tones, commissioner: first ggfW.Ofltt Damages the .-lubject of Pocketbooli&>, On no'a.sB'ie'.sl r«,pen»uUIUy fcf; Tlte. srcond>e,aclion, s.s with Ihe .'^1 deputy rcimmlsaloncr, Mias Evallne | 'cera. The nominating pommlttec things that slipuld. and can be Sheehan. 64. InternalionirUy known January class in Rug Making of .Oermahyv .omes from , Yankee PehUand; second deputy commis- j jsjjw'Hayan, Jan, 9- l/P)—A au.lt I c:hi-N ^ei Palftta inCUides Mrs. Glenn Stephenson, will be hold at 91 Elm street, ih^| ' doin' ff) keep losses down. pioneer in llie color fiimiiig"'ftt sur­ chairinsn, Mrs. Frances Maguire '.V TeSsemftitss'ivd other resdins nis'ter.c have lisd'pa.«l expert- • I Looking ahead realistically, we gical operationi, former President sioner. ^Mlss ^ l l y asking damages of $950,000 has I .structed by Mrit. Emma J. Urban By A. H. O. tary, Mrs. C hiles HamlUon Federal Court by the] Voungstown Kitchen CaMnets and Mrkxphsrles Weber. 1 of Springfield, those attending IB Tb^«nehfH>r EYrnlne HerslU ; .lapanese rft>Ularlam. ' find the picture is not tpo bright. 'xMeetlnga We have been told- as we Were eL'*'pi«urSimgS^ and p ro to s-Hepasurer. | Biever Motor Car Company of will bring a box lunch and coffee Tuekday. January 9 | The Philippines and Australia j a J' ...... ^registrar. Mrs. Leland Carl- ,sgainst the Chrysler The Every Motoer's Club will will be served. Aa the attendance told in the last war — thi Farm Bureau office In Rockville President Truman's meSssRe t o ; Japanese military power. And tion. \IV'e are all worried about (Jack) Tulloch. 51, managing edi­ Scout glee club was held last sal l __ rim-aler anri The Veteran Firemen's Associa­ for Information. N E W YEAR’S RESOLUTION FOR 1957- motivations Inside Democratic tha atom bomb, of course. What tor of The Alexandria Garette to~1944 to distribute Chryeler and' tion meets tonight at eight o'clock Conxreaa on the "SUle. of the ; China, like Russia with Germany .State Clialrman John Bailey aa he we seem to forget la that Incen­ since 1936 and associated with I*’® | *h^" qp^R^office^ ^^venty-elght Plymouth gutomobiles as a ’’dlrect at the Hockanum Firehouse. Women oT Uio Moose XJnlmT was. In the first place, a I in Rurope. regards the proposition pulled his long bluff and lost. Wc diary bonihs are s much greater ilKggigifigm! There will be a faculty meeting A meeting of the Women of the shall begin charitably, gnd single Moose wilf be held this evening at general anmvar to U.ose who ad- ' as . mortal blow nfreat. The allies and the axis i 32 years. of the Union Congregational out, nrst. llie most creditable ol IR. 10. 7 and 19, were .•eglstereci. delivered no automobiles; the Moose rooms with Senior Re­ powers did plenty of damage with Washington Mrs, Ida ' " p'-’*®®'I The nmre the merrier! Scouts, church school .this evening at 7 :30 vocale aomHhlng less than a full; As for us, the stakes an essen- these null!VIItjofis. since then, the suit alleged. gent Margaret Johndrow presid­ o( i liallv the same as they are in the Incendiaries during World War II. ' gp. stepmother of the Iste Al J'’l- L „„ie Saturdays and have fun p. m. at the church. union of our cause with that Believe it or .not, John Bailey ' The Luther League of the Firat ing. A social will follow the meet­ Fire bombs are s lot cheaper to j son. the famed ”Jar.x Singer." singing wHth your frlenda. Mrs. ^------1— 2—fT . Open Dally 7 A. M, to 6 P. M. ing. world. Ill* ! rearmament of (.erinany. AI was fiRhting primarily for the make and to ro "deliver” aeiiver thanman atomicaiomic ]| London Dr.ur. Philipt-niiip Franklin.rranKim. 70, ‘ o- U^petta f^petta Hansen, s senior at the,the The Department‘T of Commerce, a . Lutheran churrii meets at 7:30 p. the raat of the free prestige of his party and of his 1 and laibor was created February ■ IncludinR Wed. .\iteniOOIia Board of EduoaUoa t’-l picture of our potential position I thouR.h we may regard the rearm bomba andad If we are really going | noted British . ear, nose and . .,throat . ] Bartt Sehool of Muaie. will direct ! *"® m. at the church. ing of Japan as necessary, it, like own leadership •■'onically, he was to get intto an all-out war, we had surgeon. He was born in San Fran- group. Ttie place of the next , and was divided March q .yji Qn Sat. There will be a vestry, meeting . ,, , meeung of the In a world in which we were Iso­ 1 1 m. at St. ! ' Board of Ediioalion wlU be , ,, ,, tlghtiiig for sonietliing in the better hep prepared, , cisco, 1, meeting on Saturday "will ill he an-]*-an- : - 1913,1•— ‘ " ‘ o t"'®’ this evening at 7:30 p. lated by rommunisl aggression the rearming of (,crmsny. would I ^ ^ atmo.splierc for menls. John's Episcopal church. held till." evening at the office of What tills means is that every Princeton. N, ,1.- Roy Dickinson pQiijjppj jj,, paper and in .the Superintendent of SchOoIa at 7:30 which had allowed to be success- also be quite likely . to he , the „ thing , luiiiself and his parly. 'I'lic most i bii.sineasman. every householder, | Welsh, 65, Chairman of the Music The choir of the First Congrega­ important thing driving him to ^ tional church of Vernon will hold o’clock. i ’ i Ml everywhere else was a potent that would guarantee full world I every citizen should look to hla | Department of Princeton Unlvrr- Postponed Meetliig ills rotirse of action was some- 1 flre defenses now - and not wait I ally since 1935. He was born in a rehearsal this evening at 7 p. m. one. It would be the worst of ehc war. thing psychological. I at the County Home auditorium. The postponed election of offi­ k ' until an elaborate Civil Defense 1 Dan-sville. N. Y. cers of Tankeroosan Tribe of Red alternaUvea wa face. Although we would rearm the It IS ss If the state of Connec tl- machine gets going. Yon can check | New York Max Werner. 49, a \ Jury Coses In the aecond place. President , Japanese In order In have them cul were a .street which contained ^rPhe following jury cases are Men will take place at the meet­ ■ now to be anre the people you live 1 military affairs writer whose col- ing to be held this evening at Truman's measage was an outline join our side of the worl.l divi- tivo hoiisi'.s One IS a lather pios- i and work ami apend your leisure 1 umns woVe published, in The New scheduled for the seialon of the perou.s iiian.sion that of the Ke- Tolland County Superior Court on eight o'clock at Red Men's hall, a ! of the meaaurei hla admlnislra- 1 slon, we could have no guarantee time with know exactly what to do York Compass, Kansas City Star WHAT GOOD IS meeting of the Red Men’s .Social puhlu an party -which retains a in the event of .an air raid. 'You and San Francisco Chronicle, and Wednesday, starting at 10 a. m. tioB proposes to create that free I of any kind that they would, tn with Jiiftge Thomas J. MoIIoy pre­ Club with election with follow the ; great degi*ee of frontal respeda- can check up now on yoiir fire­ former newspaper editor in Mann­ regular meeting. | world strength which. In hla opin- | Ihe showdown, be faithful allies. hlllty no matter what the condiirl siding: Upyd Mosley et als vs. 8t fighting equipment—extinguishers heim. Germany. He was born In Ion, ’is the only realistic road to | They would be for Japan first, as of its residents. There is never Russia. HALF William Goj'ette et al; Robert Jo­ r' hose and water aiipply. You can seph Roy Vs. Donald G. Parker; •. I the rearmed Germans would lie gny question aliout tins mansion make sure you have enough of all Honolulu—Vern Hinkley, 58. as­ licioiiging, nstiiinlly, it\ its domi-. sistant to the editor of The Hono­ J(^n C. Hutdhinson vs. Arthur E. Officers Selected There can be little real quarrel for Germany first, and they would the equipment yon might need and Plnney; Jr.; Hkrold Barton va. Le­ M ^ nanl pliicV on tlie street. that it is the right kind of equip- lulu Star-Bulletin and associated t with these measures of produc- play the game In whatever way The other rtj.sidcnce on the Con- j with the paper for 28 years. He AN UMBRELLA? roy N. Hansen. - By Rainbow Girls seemed moat likely to benefit nectlnil street ia not quite in the waa born in Sioux City. la.- C$ty Oourt tioii and aacriflea at home, organ- At.^ the sesaion of the Rockville A’ them. They love neither the t'nit- same clas.s. It always seems a I fieveland Albert D. Taylor. 97, laatioil and coordination abroad, | little bit slialitiy and infcrmi, no a former President of the Ameri­ When you want protection— you want City'Court on Monday with Judge At the meeting of Manchester \Ve are already strong in polen- ; ed Stales nor Russia, and events maUcr what the conduct of those Saul Peizer presiding, Ernest A. F A l l i n ^ o n can Society of Landscape Archi­ complete protection. Assembly No. 15, Order of the tial; we are going to be stronger; alone would determine which way who live in It. It, always looks a- tects. Clang, 31, of Norwich was bound Rainbow for Girls, held last eve­ they would finally jump. if it had been located on the street ' Many people carry “jw t a little” in­ ever to the Tolland Coupty Supe­ ning at the Masonic Temple, the ■ wa need have no hysterical Inferi­ rior Oourt under bonds 'of $500. 'C»- The twin safety measures—re­ by some accident. It never quite ‘ Douglas Alexander of Plnney Dirret Primary Favored surance to caae their minds. But insur­ election of officers took place. ority complex whan It cornea to I ------Ho plead guilty to a charge of ob­ The Worthy Advisor elect is scema to belong there. This ts the street, Ellington, was granted a ance should really INSURE. 'nattara tn tha realm of force. arming Germany and rearming Greenwich, Jan. 9 —(/P|—A reso­ taining money under false pyeten- Miss Marguerite E. Htoricha, Japan are loaded with Inevitable residence-of the Ctomocratic party, .ii^oree from Angelina' Whitt v sca and in default of bonds hetva.i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. LOOK OocaatonaUy peeping out of the lution urging the General Assem­ LOOK Half enough is not enough when you taken to Tolland Jail. It \yas PraaldsnVa wnrta, like % timid risk. mansion siwav.s behave as if they | Alexander of .New York c ly on bly to consider legislation estab- Hlnrlchs of 140 Summit street. owned the whole atie. t. and wck j gii'imda of desertion by Judge liahing the direct primary system have to rebuild your home atler a fire, claimed that to 1949 he passed Other officers elected are: and half-forgotlen stray rather 1 the street's only respectability. ' Thomas J, Mnlloy in the Tolland for municipalities was adopted by or pay off a damage suit as a result of an worthless checks on four Rockville Worthy Associate Advisor, Jean at these modern, at these cooking aahamed to be seen in pub-. “Soft" Or Ra.shly Tough? 'Hie le.sidenlsof the Democratic j County Superior Court. Mr the representative town meeting 1 auto accident. merchants, and when ho returned ;Smlth: Charity, Afarlene Rlng- He. was the possibility of peace. tioiifc rc.scnt this atmosphere, and j Alexander clalineil his wife re- here last night. Spon.sora of the | to the state from the south on Sat­ MoneA Hope, Patricia Toung: urday he was arrested In Norwich. FVmdHtois Hooey, "We are ailllng, aa we have al- A false argiiiiient will always, aie alwaya struggling to destroy | fused to come to this state to live, resolution c.onlended that the , Don’t be half safe! Be completely safe direct primary method of selecting As the result of an accident in ’npEMmi-public installation will ’ ways been, " the President said in Ihe end, defesi itself. Ver^ it. Tliey lind thi' assnmpllon ol j Ellington flie department was with the right kind of insurance and In automatic advantages that their own inferiority galling In the i railed to a trailer on Bonier." road cBndidntcs for ptlUllc olTicc is ' Rockville December 22, two Staf­ be held at the Ma.sonlc Temple "to negotiate honorable scUle- often out of Hie veiv lips which' more, Democrain- than the caucus ^ the proper amounts. 1-et us check your ford Springs men ware fined. It on Monday evening, January 22, cxtrenie. They are unisniiied with | at T2:.50 p m . Monday where the at eight o’clock. fM menU with the Soviet fnion. Bui | lia\c llu'iiiselvi's used tile false, a dc.sirc to provi' to everylioily inside of the Irailei- wa.s filled with , or convention system in general j insurance coverage today. A call will in­ appeared that the driver waa Rich­ argument m the first place. that they have just as niiieli right fire and smoke so that the con- , use in the state's towns and cities. volve no obligation. ard A. Scuoaell. 19. of 449 Furnace only gas wa will not engage in appease­ avenue, but that Fosco J. Posocco, The spCfd of light was 8rst I We are wondering whether, on the street as anybody else, jiisl ment. measured by observations of the ' during the present debate on for­ as much title to everything on the moons of Jupiter which were •The Soviet rulera have made It street as anybody else, jn.st aa gives! eign policy, people are not having found to go into eclipse later or features! clear that we mu.sl have strength niiieli respectability as aiiyhoaly M atron earlier acrordirtg to whether Jupi- i aa well as right oii our side. If wr some trouble remembering back else. ter was close to or far from the build our strength and we are to tha time - auch a very few Hometfmea they have distin­ ROBERT J. SMITH, INC Two P iece earth. weeks ago—when the Truman- guished vlaltora, like Cross, or building It—the Soviet rulera may Botvlea, sitting ronaplcuously Guaranteed WATCH REPAIR I face the facu and lay aside their Acheaon foreign policy waa being In the front parlor window. But REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE accused of being "soft" on Com­ al other limes, they resort to ☆ a// Work Done By Fqciory Trained Smocked Frock plans to take over the world. TELEPHONE ^450 "That is what we hope will hap­ munism: and classified as a policy all kinds of artlfielal and annoy­ Experts Givfi jreur w«tcli 9.V1 MAIN STREET of '‘appeasement." ing atralegirs designed to provo • B0W fiMrt M •TNSURANSMITHS SINCE 1914’ pen, and that la what we are try­ their equality. They bring trou- Wh. trhif k im ing to bring about We find it very difficult to re­ Mesome Inwaolts, they put up mmk liEvt it •That la the only reallatic road member that far back. And the no treapnaslng M|ns, they fight DEWEY4UCHMAN ck«ck«4. All reason is that many of the same over the numker of apple# each ^rH •ftd r»- to peace.” pmir% mf 2

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, C6NN, TUESDAY, JANUARY », 1951_ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY. JANUARY 9. 1961 f f l Q R T . PAG! Ost Cheneys IT'S A SNOW SCOUT Botvler itt Y League with 119.14 Police and Firemen Little League Local Builder iJfit Engageinrnt Elected Head Basketball Results For Contract / Hurt in Cirasli Of Men’s Q i East Side R «e (Julniby. r ( , Awarded Nearly Half Nassiff Arms Hqve Big Coleman. If (icorge Forbrn Treiitcil Charlcff Cole THE M oriarty’s Turn Back ^ic Taggart Riinineru^^ The first game found the M illio n D o lla rs De* Patrolmen nosing out the Hoae- Toisl* ...... 6 1-3 17 Al IIofi|iilnI After Arei- President at M< ^m es Listed This Week mcn 20-18. It was a fast and excit­ Score Al haiftimf, )0*t Ilofctticn. fenie^ Job for Cloth (U'lit 4>i) S iiin iiiit Slreel lERALD ing game with Leander, "Mickey” : . Q f Si6 Afary^e Gronl K ^ cn . and Caselli dividing up toe T o /Motoi*' Sales A iq^ Hartford JSn. 9- (45—Defense scorihghonora. A1 Cole and Billie ' George Forbes 70, of 40 Del- Naaalff Arms go to toe poat .he won three yearj In a »“o)y from St. Ji^aify's M en's' ^\lAfeKW .YOST 2 : .lohnatoft tyere the top point getters ^ rickral, rf .. con'tracts totaling $2,740,870 have mont street, well-known local ttvlM this week agalnat formidable 1846 through 1948. \ clecti^ Oolo.j3tl' for toe'HMomen. I .Smith, rf , . recentijf been awarded to Conncct- builder, waa treated at the Man­ Electric Eye Foul Llnc\ :McCu>ry and Correnti street'^mg ttfs chi^a Jimmy SiiHaf^s Tap-In oppohepta l » im'^portant Eastern' Meriden la keeping pace w The seccmcl^aine proved to be a , nsriinkv. if ... j lout compahicB. Largest among the chester Memnilal hnapltnl for head Install^al West Side^ i^J^Iiidians Point- 1951 at tiiel^stmMkmee^ with the Tr'ttern., Tatum ciu rtl . In Lag| Ten^Seconds ague "clMhea,, Thursday night '.Nasslffa at home, also boasting I Qf MotdrxSales Rank duplicate of thV\flrst with the j J'* Os'dliv^lf (hO "''o| contracts, anmiUiiccd yesterday by lacerations after an accident al 8 Laddernien edgifig Ihb-Cruiscrd 22- ^ 'hJ'.k' iirh.i c ' ‘>u evening., ' «r«w ^ n 4 B h t in an exhlWUnn in Hart^ IheMocalsmvade Bristol armory I six victories without defeat. Player* 1-3 111 Ihe Federal Department of Coni- a. m. yesterday at Summit snd xPecides “Y” f>i^e T h e' tyest Side i^ c howling ■ N e^; Bo^"'^haller’« 18. Jackie Sullivan broke^lnto the^ I’aiee. j-g Holllaler streets. Korlira bad aeven fo>d one winter night when Bobby to taKievon the""%H City Tram ps: coach Ernie Cal verley intased toe * merce’a Field Office here, wa.s one Other, offlcers\rf Ui "Une-up for the first tlm c l rreat X^u«t. ig .. Tver ; waa wi^th Hartford. The^ beat man alleys are'^oow eqiuTP«l S|M*ncer J. Clark, vli Tlhriller; Eagles Win^ electric eyes "on the foul . llnea. Crew Hi^dfi Sumdings tangy $lva«0,876 ,7 ! oh the floor, was, you gnewed It, in qu«ait of Vneventicatoatghtith N itr win here a month ago but w ill Ikafi atyiq getting ten points.^ jj ■ Com panj^nc.. of WtlllmantlG, for four sutures on the scalp. After #nd Rsiymond Amea, lancM TTie electric eyes.were first'In-’ ai-eh'. ' M r. K n iK h t;\ at home agalnsb-toe M erid a Proa, his charges tn this all important" Mark Solomon dropped In .. 18.713 mlles"of wire. Others m- his iieek was X-rayed, he waa dis­ 'I’he office o f aecretory nnany' .willed last seaAtm St the Play U n k e ^ W eaver chet “caii «*« dwonp” Nowiiitt^ rrstten CO) charged. , Alwava one' for home coolilng ‘^Atfiidiiiga ciitrently runnlngNi^ontJ fo^Naa- contest Sunday. Barry Krelaberg, pqinls to help the cause aloiig. at; ^ fi. T.; chided $436,580'tq Cheney Bros, of"' open temporarily, RtitMell------¥h« libtaldv L. YMCA.^Ianes and prdVe^ very Patrolman Josuph Kartor re- ; ab^a familiar beih^Knlght decided YV. alffs Meriden will teqt Walling­ ber of' the Wallingford Veta last H a rt* ! ^ aatllnr 9 bliaUring^'^ca tn toe' alW.flid some nice work in getting^ h*. Manchester, for rayon cloth; $481,- haying been elected, bu(^ WM US>V with .wtegit^vihb . ^ 7 0 popular. towering hoopster who was a Iligk Tonight i "porled that l.lhero .1. (Utolie, 40, si^o phaa up bamatofnilnK and re- Mortarty'a ... ford Thursday night alaq bn tnb* I T ^ aI V ' ^ Wednesday Night Bovs’llng many rebounds" "Red’' Campbell, lO to toe Ansonia MHls, Inc., for niiii." to accept since'he"ia socretai^ Into'tWa Vll- ilhalivinHartford. The Trotters loss 1 of"30 V i. tons riwtd. was driving W a p p ln g----- latter's coiirt. t season, made-iits debut In the ford; "--Home r r t l l ^ y with a fine 119.14 aveilage. Keeney, and Orr ^ r o the main cotton webbing and $18I.50Q to the of t he club, the ^aMrled- odiH' Sinba too first 4 x3 Gai^rn Grove After gettlhg away to a Mqw leagne with the Pros" last Sunday scorers for the Cruisers, ■" Bridgepqrt Fabrics, Inc. of Bridge­ east dw Hollister street when he plea’ groiiji'at St. M a rF o X ^ Bob tmTeilad toe laatoer bilk^'*’ hu^N^hu^'\ n ie,, during^vthe Bolton ...... 3 8 start, the Tramps have begui and vvllLappcar here. ' ^ 1716 Gasman, a member o f the" Uibbf. skidded through the stop sign Undefeated M'eaver High of Bowers League " . F*rrFll. rf port, alsoTpr cotton webbing. RooftFaf Advteot* • ^ v e beet many outatandlnK^^'^*'^'''**' North Ends .. 2 4 clicking and have started to climb 'x ; ^ e Iwhis hold two wlrtis-ln aa fl'rat^ round champion Manchester 'C and Into the Forbes vehicle which * Saturday morning found the Orarfi. r* 1-0"^. I ’he new Board of Advtoora, _ _ .down through toe years, 811k City ---- 3 5 Two Silffei* up the hulfier. For two weeks they mahystartalnjer Bristol while the Hartford will receive Manchester Idotof'Sales. rolled in 24 games. "v ■ vyas proceeding niirtli on Riimmlt Mlaa Pearl I-eFort L.u«d If elected at laat nlght'a la s tin g oon- . teams. Rockets ...... 1 5 were burlW ln the cellar, hqt last Meriimivwrles stqmla at one gam » Hosenicn setting down the PatriJl- sl>«rl. Forbes wax. taken to the Jth B tK jl High tonight at the Big green's Vtc. "Jumbo" Taggart, best known Tr^ih<;t, If ... sisis of Lawrence A. Mo^iliit can go back only ' Brl-Mars ---- 1 6 apiece. Jhckle Alkm and Inga men wliile the Laddernien noaed hospital In the police "ixyiiiser. Annoiineeuient Is ina.le of the week they came up with winii over gj*nv. Coach Charlie HorvAth'a for bla exptoiU C4i toe baseball MRiigruin X^aptiii*ci» rellring prealdimt; George Ml «nd aurtng tola period. Fii'st Losses Meriden and Torrington to mov*e W'alsh will rtjqln NasSKfs^for these out the Cruisers. In the tlrst Tc>(«tB so eiigagoiiienl <)f Penrl .Slilrley L-- -T- mounil,"!# runiterwb' in the aver­ lellrtng treaaijrerTvW. B, Hutl ^^Ight laHhe claaa. A Jimmy Suitor's tap-ln In the last Into fourth place," q half game contests—both\\v*ere tihqble to M'eaver five has notched five tri­ game "Scotty" Mitchell broke Scorf ft hAl(tim«, 12-7 Cru^ Kort, daughter of Wiirren Elector ages with 9^116.31 per gkro* aver­ ton. W, H. Peabotly, Albert «tw»a«af^'wjnan. l ^ l g h t Is the seconds enabled Moriarty out of third, gtrengthened by the make the game las't-^nday."'Ihere umphs In as many outings toil age,. Frtddy Mt^Juny* and Hippo away for three 'tpulck hoops with Los Angeles Open LeForf and the jatr Florence Hart less than a minute to go which ^>rplf«ch Girl Scout# go camping or on outdoor adventures all year IjcFort, of 676 F^dall afreet, to Dewey, .Samuel Nelson, John H. IS«d Brothers to tack a S6 to 55 defeat Wyoming and Duqueme return of Tom Henry and the ae* probably wilt be one bg two olhgr season and appears to be one of Correnti follow >wlth 116.8 and BritaiiiiKV^ Snorcl on thh'Wapplng Harvesters In the won the game 19-17^. “ Gabby” PatrolaiFa (S7t round—not Jnst In summertime, Ilikes. overnight ramping trips, Maurtee A, rtotihle.iily,^ son of Mr tlyile. Charles Miner, Earls Rohan,, ll'ahowlng o f the KaseWf Attna en qulaltlon of Hank Poppe, Mana­ changes since the locaf"-manage'-' t^e better Class A teams In toe 116-1 mirk-s. The averages weri* B. r ■T. Loa Angeles, Jan. 8- u7’i—Hen­ .lylnter sports and games make ■V'Sentoi^ Basketball l.«ague last Masnieki tossed tn eight, points Girl Scouting as much fun in and Mrs. Hyde Doubiei •lohn A. Trotierr Hanry Watr and J ^ trr In toe Baatem Professtooiil Blasted from Rnnkg ger Julie I.arese It ready to make ment was dissntisfied with, the compiled add passed along for Sliciining. rf ...... 2 0-0 4 ry Ransom, who claims hay fever Janpary as it is in June. night. The -pattle of the unde­ stotc. for the Patroliflen. VaiiiHlieR Too Robert. J, Smith. • ^'^NiteAetbaU League thia season, his bid for . the loop crown, which showing of some players. -- Manchester trimmed Hamden publication by Henry LaCbapellei MAcCIuggagr. ff --- ... 0 0-1 0 la hla Worst enemv. mav have • ^ ^ ^ l a n ’t anything that Bobby feated teams was toe best played Of the Undefeated In the second game the Ladder:: X 0-2 - 6 ; . -J ‘ ■ V Fiiftuer Hub Offlelala IJlgh lait-FrIday night at the local the very capable and enetgetic Baver. \l ...... found r aecond cholee. It could be sonieliiiie. Balurday mght or soihe- and hardest fought of the season. men, smarting from -•'laat week’s '(^■hlng. If ...... 0 0-0 0 of the aert, hut their signifleanre ^eea-r^ with a baaketbaU. e*c«Py armory an^-js pointing to an up­ league secretary. Lloyd Mangrum, who cost him the (Conflmie4t"'(rnm Page One) tune Sunday morning The rettrlrig president waa WU- The Gds House Oahg; has now New York. Jan. 9—(;li -Wyo­ aetback, had to put on the pressure iVoicIk. c ...... 9 2-A ao Seel Awaits was not known. Boaatbly. to eat it. For a set over the u'h^aten Weaver tos- . Seven members of toe Motor pQtr^BQn. c ...... 0 0-0 0 Loa Angeles Open golf title. ■ "The Ixird Clyde atatue showi Iratn B. Klopperihurg, and tha ro-" 5 S r of 22 years who never played racked up seven strnlghCUiumphs in the last period to keep an early of the Cardiff aoebay team tn ming and ruiquesne were ttimbled sers. weaver has"plcnty of height Sales are all averaging better tnrgdv. >g ...... 1 0-0 a Ransom, like Mangrum. is a Townspeople Don’t Worry toe ilnldler with hla sword aheated. tiring.^ secretary Robert Henry S S l ^ o o T T college ball, Bob- tWvile the Harvesters sp^t^a six Laurels Play Legion, lead. Leading by a 12-0 score at demonstrate their ahpport of from the ranks of the unbeaten with speed to* matcb.but the In­ than 110 per game. Nowleki, Mc- Hewm. rgN.^...... 0 0-0 0 Texan transplanted to a profes­ IMeeliiig ^Itli liod In Keremeos, there wss little Al hla foot Rrllannia sita on a .Smith DUiera who haVe servedoii W a r l^ s up toe ladder to success and one won and losa league" rec­ half time the Laddermen found 0-0 0 Welsh hoini' nile? diana, who have blown - .hot and Curry, Correnti. Bnino Mazzoll GAura, ig ... 0 sional's Job in Illinnia. They tan­ Worry over whether the world will lion. The asyord was In a metal the B o a r d A d v is o r s during the ord. last night, hut the natfon'a top the CruLsers breaking away for JarlowiBk!. Ig .. JV*...... 3 1-4 5 lOiie ttienry alioiit the ' C.ihnna- has been phenomenal. cold at times, could very, well 114.18. Charlie Varrick 114.4. Cliff gled in a duel on the back nine of end. Townspeople slej)t iindistnrbed cnniHiiier on hety^sklrt. year piisi iire"An>ert. B. Foy, Ran-* ' ' Without any question, Knighh Wapplng Started off controlling three basketball teams— Bradley, eight straight baaketa, but finally (Contlniierl from Page One) - tlon atone theft was that HeoltIkK ilall 'l'•(op, F.rnest-vColllna, W. S. Groves Meet Eagles spring one of the upsets o f the Keeney 110.7 and Franny Brogan TotAlB . .^^l7 S-13 87 the $15,000 tournament yesterday through the night, Tlie only rep- Medical Pfeae llel|m the ball and toe game with Dan won out 22-18. "Hooker" Holmes Nationalists hoisted it from the m U sreatest dribbler to ever play Oklahoma A and M and Kentucky seaaon with spirited play, 110.1 arc too ace plnnera with the HOBFBiPg (M> and Mangrum won the prize by a tKaentative of the law. William Davies, Gordon Fogg .and John L. Daley giving an wchlbltlon of long led the leaders \v1to 13 points while Within are men, women and rhll- Abbey. The stone waa nrigtnall.v t q r d Clyde waa born Cplln Camp­ Jenney. -v. * -roared-to expected victories. Friday night the Inmans arc Bob Schaller sponsored team. The . B. P. T. stroke. Hare of the Royal Canadian set shooting. From beyond the Nels Qninby got five for the los­ n. Cyr. rf ...... 5 1-8 It Mangrum came from five strokes dren who have divested thcmh<’lves taken from Seottand tiy England's bell HKOlaagow In 1792.'" He waa After tos meeting toe newltr* center of the court he put In six The . Bradley Braves, No. 1 hcKit to Middletown High in an­ team average Is 114.86. Police, anid "there ahmildn't he raised toMhe peerage In 1851^ for Qtanto was good, ae was ‘ Two Fine Games Listed ing Cruisers. GleAAon. rf ...... 0 0-0 0 back to card 280. The best Ran­ of things worldly*. Edward I In the 17th century I elected officers and Hoard o r'A d -' In toe first half and two In toe again In this week's Assoelated I-aurelfi’ Ace other CCIL game at the armory. Best three string was a 403 Kiigllth, If ...... 4 0-0 s any trouble." Hr planned to Ignore hla aervleea"aji general eommabd.- VerpiBnrk, League som could do, under terrific prea* Mold I’oShcssl'inN Could it tiBve been the Csrliste visors met' amt voted partlclpatlbn SSatoU herM chseat to none. second that b ro ^ h l applause from Press poll. hla.xted Drake, 74-55, Tonight in Senior score by J«rr>* Goodrich of Center iiollftnd. If ...... 0 0-0 0 the eult "unless Uiere's a dlstur;;^ •followers to show lb. y liaeked mg the Brllisli'-j^iirees during the In a Missouri Valley tilt to hang 3-4 b sure, was 281. Sam Snead. Inst I bailee or l•olnethlng. ' i'y Mary’s Men’s club In a gen­ all present. This Ihootlng put Service. Ted Chambers of Cham- In Saturday’s twin-bill, the Pa- .\itkrn. c ...... 1 Many sold nil their j'osacseion.* their Seollisli neighbors? Carlisle Indian mutiny, He"al.so commanded eral parish bazaar In 1951. Ro- "^NiialffB have featured a rarrle- up their Lith straight triumph. tMihArt.' c ...... 0 0-0 0 year's winner who played Uiis If the da.v goee by without any Wapplng out In front at the quar­ Ixiagiie; Lull Night I bers Movers with a 152 and Mc- to be free of debt "when th'* Lord Is right on the border of .Keotland a brigade during the^rymean War. tlrlhg prealdent M a cG U ^ was t. fM t breaking offense the Oklahoma A and M, ralcd No. May iVot Discipline ZinMcr. rg ...... 3 0-0 4 tournament with a hi oken bone In manifestations from the. heavens, ter. 20 to 16, and,they atlll led at f5irry of the Motors share tlie 0-0 2 Its supporters were in a gay mood Meanwhile, the Medical Preaa name Tnvfni .. n l‘S played a fine floor gams for toe lIubbArd. rg ...... 0 0-0 0 shadows. Mrs. Carlson, who came hera know. It aent Ita men to railway ball with 15 seconds and could not game which will mean a -great Mangrum got a birdie on the first Year." ttonal Collegiate A. A. convene that anyone would he nervous who 13 gam es, O klahom a A anr S*rvir»‘ ...... i (tv « personal fouls. By f ^ tap-ups. Suitor hit with a basket Htaiim will be out in full force to statement through President J. F. fans as' Bobby did with the Trot­ Nine games. LIU, Hamitne, just speculation, of course, and for the losers. carved .stone, said to represent two than a year when she broke with someone hrsn'lishlng something keenest player on the team. " and this meant toe game. Wap- notch thta one and will bank on hta ChiinbFr.fi MovFrs ...... 1W.4 . Totala...... s 4-10 20 near holc-ln-one which hit the pin tionary War to Ainerlcan taxpay­ McKalc. University of Arizona ters:* but he was. Washington. maybe we've been unduly sus­ The aecond game was nip-and- and bounced lightly back to roost angels. Th»ve were the symbols the local Pentecostal Church. like a four-fool bronze aword eheek of the score book will bear plng tried a shot from mid-court Eight games. Columbia. Prince- i high-scoring ace. Norm Burke, and Don WillM ...... 107. <0 Hotemea (It) ers was $144,5,55,642. athletic director. Knight has often said to hts picious of convention mancuveiing HFnn> Ta\ ...... Ih.'i.r.-g tuck all the way with the Ladder- B. F. T. on toe lip of the cup at the par ISltem.".. , K"«“ . .. . .h,.. rfrthhiAAdribbles tootfsi but to no avail. Moriarty's Suitor ton, St. Bonaventure and Wash- ! also on hanil will be the clever and Bryant A: C*hHpiuan ...... men grabbing the lead with sec­ 0-4 10 three personals In th*- first six teanimatos^thi J. Barnard and ever since toe late Judge Brani- Cule rf ...... 1. 1 three fifth. ington and Jefferson. I colorful Jack Perry who Impre.ssed ladiildsal onds to go snd successfully freez­ M. McDonough. If .. ... 1 0-0 a Ransom, whose hay fever is so Jum teTln Meriden and from then ri*^ I^r* I Kelly with. 11 each starred for the Thta Hat mav diminish even the crowd greatly in his first ap- hani disinterred the votes of a lot know, is not true. Knight esn j .Maarh^iiter .Mtitor ing the ball to protect toelr slim Falkowaki. If ...... 0 0-0 0 bad when the pollen starts to float ■e had to take things easy. The winner*. with 19 was the further tonight. When LIU enter-' pearance a few weeks ago. Other of Inoperative minor leagues to G. - . 0-1 4 ' dribble a basketball fnsber than jiB M S C o one point lead. Norm Hohenthal Johnson, c ...... 1 in August that he requires a three- game's leading scorer and high tain.- St. Ix)Uls University in Mad- : pla.vers filling out the team will be | •N-.m.cM ..... liy.M .S MtDonough. rg ...... 0 0-0 0 • t w i t was a Nassiff setback. big battles some pacecl toe Laddermen by rackipg mimtli vacaUon, credited Man- 'N e v e r known for his scoring, the moat players can run. If Bobby man tor Wapplng. ^ Ison Square Garden and Haniline I Randy Cole, one of |fie most im- of baseball's McCiirr:* ...... '... 3-i Ilb.i Uusaell. rg ...... 0 0-1 0 COME A-BOMB, H-BOMB, HIOHWATER OR HURRICANE TO CAUSE A POWER FAILURE has any fiiuU. it's that he doesn't In the second game the Silk jxars ago . . But after thumbing Corr^nli ...... fi Ilt-1 up 11 points. Jarry Paige and Irv Mulfener. )g ...... 0 0-1 0 grum's putting with the win, and *lrlngy Negro ace has averaged playa St. Marv's of Minnesota. | proved pla.vers In the league, Tom , i M<oM ...... 114.IS blamed hia own. shoot enough. Can you imagine City Eagles had a field day and Norm Barkc August played well for toe win­ etter than 12 points per outing Gene Melchiorre paced Bradlev's I Conran and Fred Booth. Vtrr)»*k ...... rm IM t ... f 0-T u •wvwa _ A fsevswi. any player In modern basketball scored 92 points to the Bri-Mars' I w hat we figure could h^pen. ners while Ken Lowd and Jeff Totmlg ...... _ well-rounded attack with 18 For the Legion Coach John Hcd- ...... 77 117,0 Score at hainisM, 14-9 Patrolmen. rsastry risk aeason. I f NBA, ! today with that fault, if you want Amendments Against The Buys Gibbs were toe "big-guns” for to# 64 to chSilk up the highest scor­ points. The Brsves, In winning lund has a young team of fast and Brogan ...... 21 110.1 died, aa they are Gossip w'e hear is that no effort loeers. The win was toe second Slesatsts Ealght would be far out in front to call It a fault? ing game of the league thus far. their third straight league game, hustling youngsters who have C lijiBibfrM’ MHTrra Weet SIS# Tsam , w . I , The ebony wiziard. who moves wilt be made to discipline any C. \\ <*. straight for the surging Ladder- R o y s t, r ...... ,t7 - 1,1 The Eagles started off hilling bolted to a 16-0 lead and Drake been a big help In making the I-aSSeneea (IS) I iHaflTUf P^y* .-Ai faater than a .make once in basket­ L ocqI Sport schools for non-compUance with 1 Ko' Is ...... 3« Its 1 men. TttIfiBtf ...... 3.1 jU A ta lx feci, two mchca. the 160- from all comers and the BilrMars nerer had a chance. leagus a fast one. Johnny will B. the Sanity Code until there's an ' ...... ' U-. Wee* Mde Roe ...... b Top-Fltt^a ...... 22 lotmfi Jumplng-Jack la ball toga, la without any hesitation, could not atop them ss Jim' Defense-minded Oklahoma A have a surprise In store for last 1)0 ?) K. Reynold*, rf ...... attempt to make the rode easier 1 Chambf*rB ...... 33 B. Reynolds, I f ...... 4 K ro -n it^ i ...... to 22 b average-Mte player but glft^ the best basketball player thia Blanchard was the star In the Aral and M displayed a powerful offen­ year's runner?«fpa to aid Leo Day. j \S Kkowski .. __ 2H UiP.l.'i In toe first game toe Hosemen writer has ever seen play In Man- (shatter to comply with . • • This would Donahue, e ...... a I>oti ...... 29 23 ^ t h natural talent and apringii in half. At the quarter the Eagles sive in whipping Wichita, a jinx Don Hubhartl and George Zwick | WUkif* ...... X3 107 23 opened up some of their power and B«dforC» ...... 20 32 Y O U U ALWAYS, HAVE RADIO ehester Right now, lie'.s well on were ahead 1.5 to 12 and also led come under the completely re­ |0)i,’* McPaII. rg ...... 4 la feet, Knight l.s as valuable off team for the Aggies, Little Norm and will make sure that the | 18. IlilitiBki .. __ 30 ran away from the Patrolmen to Minor, Ig ...... 0 ...... at his wav to becoming the Most at the half 3.5 to 26. Going Into Pilgrim, with 23 ixilnls, led the Ijturels are going to have a tuasle | Chet Now ickl is setting a blister- vised constitution and by-laws that 1 Wennergr*-!! . . 2.') 104.12 toe tune of 67-38. Dick Jenkina SweeuholR ...... is xi tie'backboards as any player six NPriir# Valiinble Player reciiilent for the the second half. Pat Bolduc look A snd M marksmen. on...... fheir hands ing pace In both the West Side Rec are up for adoption and the, vari­ 1 Thr CpHlrr was toe big man of the game and Total* ...... I f 35 Illfh single —LsmbccX ...... i»;n I tip where Blanchard left off and ous proposed constitutional amend­ (a. A' p. High three--Piper ...... i n WHEN YOU HAVE A feet, six Inches (j,p 1 lIi.Ml-.M F.astem League season. Kentuckv, like Bradley, spoil to In the next game Chief Schen- I Bowling League and the Y Wednes- Ufi.S! of the day as he scored 34 points Craleera (34) (ha best all-around board man ine i s put in to hoops to keep the Eagles ments . . . Presumably the Taggart ...... 30 Schubert ...... 41J an earl.v lead. The Wildcats (9-1 I del will probabl.v have to send the 1 day Night ^ w lln g l.,eague In the (flfaron ...... 39 114.1S which puts him far into toe lead Hlgn single without s msrk— Kaaalffa tX’aat. He has fascinated flying. The Brl-Mnrs just could jumped Into a 10-0 advantage in whole force down aa. fro.m the j race for high Individual .average simplest way would be first to 119.36 8irii:h. rf , iida all over the league with Ofx»4rlf*h ...... 50 in all the Leagues SA high indi­ AnSerron. If ■Bristol ...... not rope with this pace and trailed four mimites and led throughout. ■ game that took place laat week. I honors. A t the end of the first | adopt the new set of laws and then 8chm*»irkp .... 39 100.3 vidual scorer so far thle season. boArd work. A iiiioiiiice (Aliaiiges ('unn)nfham. nigh tesm single—Kro-rntes ...... by 30 points. Blanchard gathered Seven-foot Bill Spivey flipped in | there isn't any love between these | round In each league. Nowicl:! was proceed to amend them, especially \V. Iltllnfkl . . .. 3r, 107.13 “ Half-pint" McCurry, Minor, and Wagner. High r^sm three game—Top-KlitAs IT14 rOccaMonally Bobby foul.'*, hut .I’e polnl.s and Bolduc got 32. A1 in field goals and a foul, good for two. So check your guns at the | at. the head of the i-lass. | since the code then comes under l>oa WltlU (l•p»gr A\r. McDonald were toe best for the REkare rg BOt once this seaaon has he ever 111 WouH'irN League Ol-sson got 22 point.* for the loners 21 points, for the winners. office, please, boys. | _____ the by-laws, which can be altered G. V'Uson. Ig PlnalitU t.t) Ki^’nipAnlk losers. — '■ gueatloned a call, something im- while Tleman helped with 18. Cincinnati, sparked by Joe Liichi There 8 no need of WTiling about I jsiorihern Connecticut Board ot *>>' Port#rheld inn 104 107 311 // Morlirt, Brnthrrs tSSt But the new Olkn ...... In the aecond game the .Ladder- TotsJi 16 34 LIthvtn ...... 102 94 tiaual for EJastem League players ------.vnd Jim Holstein, staged a furi­ tho.seino.*e twoiwo teamsreams becauseoecause theme fsnslaiis . „ . t>„.r>i»«. ..-ill hr.lH nn im. I ° f two-lhlrds . . . -...... WalckoM'^kl 92 29»J ' CROSLEY |k gentleman of toe first degree at ; Team changes in the Women's B r T. ous attack to stop Duquesne's 10- men eked out a victory over toe Score St hslftlme. 22-19 Cruisers; Buckled .... . f)i 131 95 317 .1. BArniird. rf ...... 3 that witnessed the last battle. AbraittB ... St. John .... . 1.32 102 103 337 time# on the court is the Hart- ^ Rowling I-eapiie at the Y for the gsme winning .streak. The Ohio­ know verv well what la in store. | P° _. , L nrevioiislv' an ! ments can be voted on only if they leKJlpy ...... Cruisers 36-34. It wss a fast and .1 III k(>. rf ...... 4 well played game with Kenny Rey­ Besesws (01) ...... M 106 104 297 ford apeedater. ' .-pcon'l half of the sea.sim are as ...... 4 ans spurted to a 44-34 halftime Both teams will also have new Thursday , have been submitted two months Saxton K^lly, If - nounced. at 7 o clock at the East i^ ,„re jhe convention. Instead of nolds and McFall paving the way Teambd with Jackie Allen, the follows T. Harlmnt If ...... bulge, and had little trouble after i fares and this should be the lilt I Holland, rf ToUU A13 SXH 501 16.62 1 . Side Rer. Diiea for to,*,* weeks ss at present and mail- for the winners while Wilson and tglented fireman from Rhode Island | Frances L, e i.s leaving the Msn- Snltf'F r ...... (i that. IvUchl poured in 32 points ' of the vear- Groves and Eagle.*.# Jenkins. If (2) Glirlio .,... 11)* 14 KArpuaka PORTABLE RADIO ■ ■ /•, ...... 1 son are payable at this time. ^ members atx week# In Smith were high men for the losers. Wright, c ptste College, Knight gives Man- ihesler Radiator team and Helen I»uripk rg . . Holsteirv 22 . I ' . . ------107 9 as 96 116 3(kl l(unMni:tf>n. Ig ...... r\ Skoog ...... Standing* Benson, rg Bn«tol ...... 109 37 — m ehaater toe beat-court duet In the | Wilhelm will he added. Helen . 'j!' Mel* Hutchins fired home 24 ; ' ^ ; advance . . . The same reatrictlona Pipkpy .... KW. 11 i JHl the Radiators Wirth. Ig ...... 0 Bennett Ig P. Ballslffper . . 94 — 93 187 ftreutt. Both are 40 minute players j bowled with . ; points as Brigham Young halted | Reserved seat reserr attons for | apply to those articles in the by- J. HlUntkl 105.3 .-•? ...... J Varney ...... JUI.6 LaddeiMlien ...... g q . .94 Ill 138 333 and fancy dan paasera. I year. ToUIb ...... 2.1 j W'yomlng after 12 straight vic- Revihed Roc Senior Sunday afternoon's F,gstern League ; laws gqvernirtg financial aid and Duke ...... 13 67 LamhFrk .... . -• lai m 288 IVactice haa b<*en the keynote in . C’arlson A (*o Is going to oper llEltralrfta iM ‘ torles. Hutchins scored two quick i game at toe armory between recnilUtif . . . Two very almllaf BHfWn ---- J0O..10 Crulstrs ...... j i Pstrslaiea (M) Hllliuikl ...... 44 Appini 66.3 . 99 114 127 340 the success Atory of Knight. He ate with aeven bowlers as Jeanette | R. baskets at f,he start to give Brig- I Loagu<< Schedule Meriden and Nasslffa are now be­ ahsendmenta ewere included In the Symington Hosemen . , ...... -j ^ E. ■ — ___ practiced day and night the year (Pushing IS rejoining the team. n. Bmkp, rf ...... 4 ham 5’oung a lead It never reltn- i ing accepted by Xtel Ciiahlng, N CAA notice dated Dec. 1. Others Patrolm en ...... " n ? .VlcDondd rf ...... 5 492 538 5&0 1600 ...... 1 A>e. G«or. rf ...... found near his Hartford home. At Jeanette worked the first part of AtmBfla. rf .... qiiished. Ttjesday, Jan. 9 -5 vs. 2. 1 va. 3. ■phone 4.59.5, Reeerved seat ttek- weren’t submitted until after con­ *715.3 ! PUirS tlKWHEIE 18 he played In the New England the season making It Impossible Muf*ka. If ...... :f Lu««« ...... r.sflt aid* D. Reynolds. If ...... Tltlfiifttfit* There was plenty of action In | 4 and 6 Bye. etn are available at Nasalffs and at ference meetings in December AtamUn ...... 109.7 beague with Hartford and the fol- for h^r to bowl We hope she (;. Burkf. If ...... 1 I.addrraipa (271 t'l*ndanl*l. If ...... ilarriiigton 126 11 .’i the big 10 and Big .Seven Confer- i Tuesday, Jan. 16—4 vs. 6. 5 va. | the sports department of The I So tt seema If the diesldent mem- Barton ...... 106.23 B. Taylor, c ...... num**/.. r ...... 4 I B T. Wilkie ...... no 123 fewlng year with the same team in didn't let the bowling afm gel ...... -3 eners. 2, 1 and 3 Bye. bers vote to'm ake changes easier, Pa^ne 104.1 Minor, c KrrvBBlg rg . . »l ' Herald. , The largest crowd !rCurry . , 116.6 .... SwertvhoU ( 1) Viiu’ll fi>t load* of onjoymrnl out of • Bilk rit) Rtglet ( f 2) 1, 2 and 4 Bye. Hamden High Inst Friday night at remarked: " I don't think it will Gilmore, Ig ...... 0 Andereou ...... life in time—an opportunity to play with and the r’rinee.o.s Restaurant entry B. F. Michigan 67-64. and Minnesota Tuesday. Feb. 13 4 vs. 5. 2 vs. be that way. Compliance comes Correnti .. 116.1 Warren .. your f'rm ley portable radio. Take It on ripped Ohio Slate's defenrkng tlt- ! the armory, has regafned the Indi­ , 115.9 ...... 9l 107 toe famous Harlem Globe Trotters. will all eontlniie to howl without G»»nol(\. rf ...... 4 2 3, 1 and 6 Bye. under the head of bid business.” Lucar ..... Total* ...... 9 4-11 33 L*ockw<>o(« ...... t03 104 pirnir* or to the braeh— play It any- 2 llstsi 77-64. vidual scoring leadership among 714.16 Bobby waa "on the squad” with roster changes Blanrhard. If ...... 17 Tuesday. F'cb. 20 4 vs. 1, 5 vs. One Affirm ative Vote MaxsffU .. Craliers (IS) About Town Stllfs ...... lU 130 tvhere. All thi* In addition to It* uaeful- Moriarty. c ...... R 1 Kansan gained’ the Big Seven ' Manchester High players. The Gleaaon 114.46 Low Man the famous stars and played brief­ With Kansas State's baaketbajl- 114.4 B...... 86 lOJ nenK in the home In rase of an elerfrlc ly. He waa shuttled o ff to toe Shftir. c ...... 2 1 lead with a 61-46 victory over Mla- Varrick .. McOram. rf ...... ___ 0 power fftlinre. Non . . more than ever ...... 11 0 ^ Feb'’27-5 vs. 3, 6 v.; jhas 52 tallies, two ers setting a hot pace for their Kompaolk 114.3 Campbell, If ...... 0 Mrs. Rose Stoughton of New western division of the Trotters Bolduc, rg ...... aourl. Clyde Lovellet scored 18 .... 4 Tu l.n ...... SOI 544 4^8 1J13 BJorkkmAn. rg ...... 1 0 2, la n d 4B ve. Playoffs. j more than guard Johnny Perry. Big Seven rivals. Business Mana­ Goodrich . . 119.36 Keeney, c ...... J ; Haven, formerly of tola town, and • , , no home *hoiilil be uilhout one. and finished out the season. Later Sports Mirror points for Kansas. Nebraska ral­ fiwfHje Andornon. held to a single .... a Liivrrnre, Ig ...... 2 0 ger Fritz Knorr haa found that Burkf. rg ...... 1 SouUi Windsor, haa been vlaiung be toured Europe and Cuba with 0 lied to down lows State, 51-19. Kra-rUU. (|i DrvfAU, Ig ...... Two aeveland Indian .sluggers ' >'• even the new 13.000 capacity field Ast«B*4ln Lcses* Orr. ig ...... 2 4 1 &Ira. Cora Clarke of East Center E. Ballaieper ...... _ loi toe magicians of the hardwood Today s Year Ago Virgil and Oklahoma breezed past Color­ 106 208 j shared the A. 1. record for toe | ^ ' Morgan 'vRh 44 and Billy louse Isn’t big enough for all the — 1 street. Mrs. Stoughton waa toe rUnd ...... 102 , court tSffore cmplng home. l Trucks. Detroit Tigers pitcher. TotBlB ...... 43 6 »3 ado, 61-44. Totala ...... 96 198 most time* hit by a pitched ball She.key with 43 follow in that ana who. want to see the Vfild- RsllmeM a F lu f „ ...... A- 3-10 .i* foriner Miss Rose Tregoning, and Carl*i.*n .. 102 102 Goose Tatum, the high-scoring signed his 19.50 contract for a re- Hrl-M*ra (64) In other games. Cqrnell ripped — 206 Score at h ilf time.' J7-13 Laddermen. -•Ic.Namara _ __ j B. r. during the 19.50 .aegaon. L u k e| °™ '’^' cata play K ans^ U. next month Plrkey ...... IH 90 her father when they lived In ...... 99 99 center and funnyman of the Trot- ported $22,500, Taie, 83-36; Syracuse pounded Rossetto ...... 90 — too 190 K'swsrs McCann ...... 126 OI**on. rf ...... 4. 11 0 Easter and A1 Rosen each got . . . But can't' be aa inadequate m 117 34H CrelghttMi. 66-46; Auburn tripped Babcock ...... 13) 109 93 33.9 l.sddermsB ( 22) Manclieater. was isuperintendent Rorkwell ...... 98 131 tera, waa the fellow who recom- ; Five Years Ago- -The New York Tleman. It ...... 1 2 Effectlt'e today. The Herald as Old Nlchola gym . . . A couple 12k 2*>7 Tenneaa^. 63-59; William and nlckA 10 times. Musks ...... 100 JJ 98 296 B. T. of the Mather Electric comfiany,* fa re...... 130 154 103 mended to Abe Sapersteln that j Stale Racing,Commission abolished Kel^-. e ...... 4 1 sports department will not sc­ of years ago K.-State was cam­ Holmes. Tt ... 377 1 Mary blasted Furman. 65-37; Flor­ YlUncr . . . » 1Q5 (M 290 II Which A t the time owned and oc­ Knight be givtfe. a 9hanc^to play j the daily double form of wager- Thompaon. rz .. 1 at cept for publication any more paigning for the field house and ...... — 93 II 174 Folfjv rf .... 3 T o u t . ___ CamiMuielU. I| ...... 2 0 ida defeated Mississippi. 69-58; i Duririg hla four seasons SUroltsky Msyhrw. if .. cupied toe brick building on Hil­ ...... 545 693 549 1687 GET YOUR I tng at New 5’ork tracks in 1946. 'Viale." Tony Lavelll ,of toe New carbon copies' of bowling matches Invited all the state legislators to 4 Tap-Pllte* (| ) Uaella, I f ...... i 0 SMU whipped Arkansas. 60-^5 and ...... 532 495 463 1479 DrtuU, If ... liard'street, now one of toe group McBridF j Ten Years Ago—Henry Arm- Knickerbockers tosadd in on Herald score ahdets. see. the Miasoun game . . , • To Totals 3 ...... 105 107 113 325 Utah State nipped Colorado A and Vlork Belsse Msiars (3) Fslkowski. c 0 of buildings of the Orford Soap Hackney I strong received the Eddie Nell Me- ...... » 4 M make the Impreasion atponger, ...... 93 108 118 319 CROSLEY PORTABLE Total* ...... M. 63-62. 1.964 points In 97 games. Wbtteneck 29 too 134 333 Prlgusno. rg 0 Company. DeMartln ...... 104 COMPARE I'ms'rial Award from the New TTork Score St half time. SS-96 Eagles. students stood In. line, w inning .- .r\enson. rg 117 105 * 32d I President Mike Save'rlck of the Duke ...... 102 108 100 91,1 0 P. L'.rUon ...... -- m 109 I Boxing Writers AssoelatlQn. themselves by open fires and nib­ 107 .9i6 Rylsndcr. !g 220 Allstate. Auto Insurance Rec Senior Basketball League Brown .. ■. 106 m 2[ St. Anne's Mothers' Circle will Otllafers ...... 133 110 232 I Fifteen Years Ago—Wilmer Alll- rtremes's LeagM bling lunches, even though they . 63 UO 107 900 Cs\ensro. Ig OlKin . . . . TODAY! PHILIP C. DERRAH I passes along the Information that lUhfleld .. _ j meet tomorrow evening with Mrs...... 9« KM sgo { sop. Austin. Tex., and Helen EM e tie. Me. I each team in the league la allow- knew there w*aa no chance of get­ Jarvis — 26 123 137 3U 66 West Middle Turnpike tSsreomb ...... J1 W ToUls ...... i 2 1 William G. Bents of 229 Summit I Jacobs. Berkeley, Calif., headed the Several Serious Problems I ed to drop and add two playera ting Into the gym . . . When' the 4-7 T o lil* ___ ...... 630 547 555 1633 Tel. 2-3460 Wilkinson ...... I l l lOS 423 661 565 1606 CrsiMrt til) 1 street. ’ Men's and Women's U. S. tennis game started, the players were Totals .... C A LL 5191 Smith ...... tin tot j for the second round of play. Each B o > a U ( 1) rankings for 1935. Psganl ...... 106 123 I team la allowed three out-of-town virtually In the spectators' laps X. Qqlmby. rf . DsCsraikr Mslars 43) Piper ___ ...... 97 107 UO 314 Pleaut ...... 136 31 Confront Pro NBA Teams I playera. and vice versa . . . At tlw first P. Simmon*, rf I The Women's Home League of lU ie y ... AND WE WILL DELIVER ONE Mslorea ...... 90 79 91 363 RSfazzo. It ___ ...... 84 97 109 290 time out. Sparky Stalcup? Mis­ 4 1 the Salvation Army will meet at Barrett ...... 97 104 626 602 4lt 1622 Lynch ...... 93 95 — U 8 If .. 75 279 M«aphMl|lpr New York. Jan. 9.—(A5—T h e. Danny Biaaone. preaident of the York ...... 90 — 18 165 in toe Junior halL The hostess Schubert ...... 137 119 Savprirk . . lOS 107 S37 Rec Bowling League got off to a huddle for Instnictlon wlien the Sclntosh. rg .. 146 391 ... inti NaUonal Basketball Association Syracuse club, branded Irish’s re- K.-Statc cheerleaders raced on toe W ilber ...... ** ‘J! m ?CT will ba Mrs. Major Benjamin C. lOt 311 poor start last night with two for­ Bsllileper. rg ., TotaU ...... 697 Oop^Ftll . .. ME — IM f J . I . . . . marks "purely malarkey. Mau- floor apd shouted: “ All together. gareniba ...... — *4 93 167 Ilagaaow, If ... Jones. 610 637 1534 today had one less team and two ri^, president said feits. Diana's and the Walnuts Bedfera* Slosoe ... ••aaaee.e** gf ...... tl7 119 of a former club. The aecond rhubarb developed Lovell ...... 100 99 90 366 114 210 tions with the yell leaders. 160 96 96 330 (U) ‘curred on Sunday...... 109 too Eec leagae The Washington Capitols, tall- when, in Chicago, owner# o f the Bannlne — — 94 94 Total...... 499 678 ...... 110 99 K s n y 's (4) enders In toe league's Eastern Di­ dehinct Chicago Stags, who fold­ tAMst !>lighVs rights WesneskI ...... P y k i. Tt ...... 676 1640 ...... 96 *2 ...... 90 110 to; 907 Sixcet, rf .... Mr. and Mrs. Etdaoii Lloyd of 434 vision with a 10-24 record, will be ed after last season becaiise o f fi­ Totata^. l u 436 466 1464 Main otreat, announced the birth Eddie Sawyer Honored Pina 84.9S for batteftea. Ptaya nltk ...... 25 23 114 901 S|Mir1i» S rhinliilp Vltcbell, rf .. 490 612 1644 ..*...... 129 136 133 363 disbanded after playing In Phila­ nancial problems, sued the NBA By The AsMCiated Press of a SOB, Oragory, bom January 7 or without electricity. Soieg tax extra. to get back toelp team franchise Kellerher. If ...... 26 — — 98 delphia tonight That will leave Stamford — Chico Vejar, 123, BirMd SirMi M*4m 49) FarlsH Hathea-fon, c at toe Hartford hospital. M n. Westerly, R 1., Jan. 9—(d>)— , 10 clubs tn toe circuit—five In the Maasbetlar Badleler <4> xiag Surging Back ...... 103 — — 103 and playera. Stamford, stopped Jo Jo Moore, Tonight Thayer..rf ... Uoyd la toe former Barbara Haas. Eddie Sawyer, manager of the ! Stafford, Jan. 9—OPl—Prpfea- 21- 77 162 Eastern Division arid five in the T h e suit, filed In Clrcv‘ t Court Hempstead, N- T. (2). Lagion va. Laurels, 7 p.m.—^Rec. O'NsIll ...... 98 99 — 116 Hahn, rg ---- Western 'section. by the Chicago BaaketbaU Club, Richardson 133 103 99 I3S •tndcraoil. Is Philadelphia Phillies, . National ■ io ^ boxing, long dormant here, Providence. R. I.—George Arau­ Groves va. Eagles. 8:30—Rec. Breau 107 - 106 315 Edward Churllla, son of mV. League baseball champions, came Totals 614 412 436 1362 The flret rhubarb broke out yes­ In c .,-c h iw g e d ^ ^ ownara o f sev­ jo, 121 8*4, Providence, outpointed filhimon*. I f . EASY TERMS ia>urglng back strongly thanke Otssa's , Wednleednir, Jam arr >8 ragaa ...... 104 lU 111 633 snd Mrs. George Churilla o f 82 home to hia birthplace yesterday terday when Ned ftish, executive en N ^ teams and Podolqff “con­ Roy Andrews. 135, Lowell, Make., North Ends vs. Rockets, 7:18— Pslerlon 94 93 94 36i cherub-cheeked Chico Vejar, a 'utala 1-4 16 Foxcroft Drive, left Friday to be­ and received a small granite key m vice president*-: of New . Tork'g spired" to dilfnuidiise the Stags WUhalroa ...... — 100 95 195 ftudent tn Stamford Higtr-arhoot. Walaat BlfSet Tavers (2) Pert*l4 ( 121. y . Eatrelmca (17) gin his basic training in the A ir to toe townt. ^ Madiaon Square Garden, threat­ and take away tha club's players. Boston—Paul Bender, 180. Bos- Bolton vs. Caterera. 8:80—T. AVAILABLE Last night Vejar won hta 22d r««ke44‘s (f) a Force at San Antonio, Taxas. It 'wma “Eddie Sawyer Day" 100 23 26 337 ened to b v pro basketball from Damages of 1160,000 were asked (on. knocked out Bobby Hayaa, Fiidny, iaaonry U Totala 936 611 417 1640 Balisleper,' rf consecutive victory, including 16 LeTedre ...... ; ...... here and the genial Phtta' pilot, knockouts, when he w as. given Barfmla ...... 107 107 lie 330 toe bi^ arena if “ atrocious, tac­ in the suit, which named ownera 168, Boston (7). : Mid(fb9town ▼«. High. 8:80—A r ­ Uarttn. rf .... 351 EAST CENTER STREET TELEraONE 5191 713 138 .114 164 Fra Baeheth^ at • OISMa St. BUxabeth’a Motoar'a CirclS bblng aaen in parson by many credit for.a technical kqockout Lsatlae ..•••■j, tics” do not stop, ^ a h put the fin­ of the foUowiBg .N B A dubs: . Lawiaton. Ms. — Harmls Froe* mory. Mainlekl. If .. Keeney...... 134 .102 124 267 Btmdajr, Jaaaary M Bralnard,. U . will hold a matting tomorrow ova- hundroda for the flrot Uma, toured over Jo Jo Moore, of He: ger on toe Syracuser Nationals and Mlnneapolhi, New Tork, Syracuse, man, 136, Bath, Ms., knocked out ning at .eight a’clock at the home, 64. Qaorge alio took verbal poke - 'at toe Jlobl^ Ekigtiah, 131, Fall lUver, ~ Merldsn Proa va. Nanaifla^ 8:18 NaiUoiial Aaeodatlon , Trlrlfno. c ... toe town’s schools where ho OPEN WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P* M. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL SKM P. L. I., N. T., halting Moo a Trt-CiUes, Kochester, Fon Wayna Meaaer. b '.... of ifra. Lawroiiea Kramer. 38 Hor-' Baltimore Bunets. "KM... 17>. —Armory. New Tork 76. Fcttt tVayne 70. spoke to a total of 3.300 boys and beaten etrUig at 18. Totals ...... Ml’ M7 6M U a and Philadelphia.'- , Biow a.,r f ... tpn rood. . i firla. ; /

v'irAfcl’ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1961 PAGE eiMVmf MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, JANUARY 9,1951 —:------i : W > Dost Be Too Big A dentist asked his new patient WsBt9d-.4tod BsUM 77 TOUNKRVILLK VOLKH' BY FONTAINE FOX M HousglioMl Goods II Honats for Salo 72 Don't be too Wg to do each day If he had been anywhere else be­ H«HlB»«~Plo»biag 17 HtiB WurtB^Mal* Did Yon Know That- | Aatl^lRblloB for Solo 4 Q U AU rtBD Buyera. anzioualy The little thlnga that come your fore coniing to see him. AatoaiobilM tor Bal* ^ P m em STREET Patient — Only to the villege WANTED— Salesman for estab' MR. ALBBH* HAS waiting tor good homea in good way. H e dOT MIS HEAP IM IT EASY ENOUGH * 1949 FORD CUSTOM PLiUMBma dnd Heating. Furn­ MANOTHER O T H E R GOODO BARG AINU Sense and Nonsense druggist. A pressure gauge has been de­ OU>8MOBILB 70 llahed laundry and dry cleaning For nothing Is ao amalU you know, veloped that Is so sensitive It can CONV. COUPK . aces, oil burners^and boilers. Earl Juet Returned Ret From Owner will aell to responeible condition. It you want prompt ac­ Doctor — And what idiotic BEDANSTTB Van Camp. Tel. 5 7 ^ route in Hartford. Good commis­ tion and personal attention on But bringe a chance for ue lo grow. detect one air molecule out of A very"^ean. low mileagre car. *‘O R to ^ ACRIACRES” MODEL HOME party one of the few remaining And all that comes on this old ndvice did he give you (with, the Dark lili)OKi>y'*nwtic and heat- sion. Apply New System Laundry, your property call, Douglaa ■ervtca to Homaalty Tom — My brother la working every 10,000,000,000 originally Fully equipped. Reconditioned and PUlUBlNU And Heatlng^Hipeotai. IROOM FURNITVRB home Bites on this excellent resi­ earth professional man's usual contempt ar. A OM o w m c ^ r . Priced to aell. 44 Harrison street. Blanchard, Real Estate Service. Each and aVery man ought to with SOOff men under him. proesnt In a ..Vacuum aysteni. (guaranteed. tains. In rapatra, ramodalinf,' " w i t h dential street. 90 x 200 feet. Dlck-!^Where ? le just to test our real worth. for the layman's opinion). “WESTTNGHOUSE ELEC. REF. 5447. intardid hlmsalf in public affslra. Patient—Why, he told me to BALCH PONWAC Inc, par waur piping, naw con Price 82,700. Tom—Mowing lawns in a ceme­ For iqany things that aecm eo America had about four mil­ BAliCH PONTTAC. “BENGAL COMBINATION There ii'a o happineea In mere dol- come and nee you. US Center Stie^t 155 Center Sti tion, esUmates gtvM, Uma pay XJQNSTRUCTION WITHOUT OBUGATION tery. " \ amiUL lion Income tax payers before RANGE iars. A ftW \ thcjritare acquired, Lead to the greatest ones of all. AUndieattr 2-4541 Manchester .2-454 mapta arraaited. Ed"ward. Johnson. Juat like new. Fully Guaranteed. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA\^ We shall be glad to call and dta- one can use but. a very moderate Householder ".jCfacIng burglar World • War II. T n ^ are about with rdvolvcr)—nit.aU that stuff And he 'Who does the least task Playing billbllly Hmorda is most 58 million now. sedaji. PhOna 8B79 or dMA >ER1OTENDENT Used only a short time, for ex­ Realtor :ouaa any questions you might hava amount. It is giVen^ to a man to !UHE^ Ca s h prices paldSw PACKARD 8, I960, black back on the aldeboard ait once, do rigkt, . economical. When the >e(v)rds arc Automatic tranenilsslonn. ver^ hibition. In : regiM to aelllng your home. \- eat so much, to wearko much. t \ii4nMQ to itfSO used cars. la Rood- l^fcKiUIENT Plumbtitg^ and bekL ConatruMlon conigmiy, located 875 MAIN STREET We'hava^many desirable cuatomefs. you hear? And giv«!a his best kith all his worn out, n6 one can tell the dif-1 China and India with about 40 and P di^ i^ " ^ a n . Single owner, low mileage. I WILL ARRANGE >^arohaU Field Bdltton. Douslas Motor Plugged drains '"'ptachine In., central ConhecUcutKyiM open- LOW EASY TERMS Bat. 1921 Burglar — Lumme, gov’nbr,.^ not might. ferehce. ^ , ! per cent of the world’s population Br&nner'A' Car Wboleealers, 358 ------r— 'Mhnve about two per cent of the Kder ^Main etreet. ctcahad. Carl J. Nygrad^x^SOS IngTor an A Number 1 experienced With Storage and Insurance until M^iudiaatef 8009 ’ ■ all of it: be fair I 'Arf of it belohgs Will do the greater work e h e ^ P5s8t Center street. Open Wed., Oaklandsatreet. Phone 8407. \ ' Job • AuMrintendent\for "'heavy PHONE 5 ^ or 5938 Bachelor Uncle^—Baby, six weeks next door. . ,gnd^L«ad — Instctul of being led. Sue-That salesman! I’ve never manufacturing. you-want It. at no coat to you. B. G R A ^ Y -,^ e^ Eatate CHEVltOliBT eedan with Thurs.. FHk 'til 9> Saturday *til S. , \ConStmctlon Mncluoing H old you eay. Talk yet? From "The Rotary Punch.!.*^ 'firord a man talk so fast in my 'WHO t< ^ d gold rinf ritde trailatttisslon. . Fuljy uiiuK-^, roads, dams, etb;\MuBr FOR DEFORMATION Home LisUnga Wanted Father—^No. Not yet. It i^Mtiihated that about 15 Catone, in StaU theater 1960 Ch e v r o l e t dub coupe, AND D^AILS EVenr automobile accident bas eq u lp r^ ^ positively like "new. M oving-r* be c a ^ le to hkndle Job from itgrt Bachelor Uncle—Boy, eh ? one tbmk in common with every L cii--^ h y shouldih’t ho? His per Cent M^U. S, pupils still at­ .kindly mSrin to very low mileage^, inimaculdi^ Phone Mr. Albert MANCHESTER—A Very nice six Legal NotIcbB A m i^iOv^ked into a public- tend one-rouilKgchoolli. BUT HE WAS CITEI> FOR BRAVERY AND r A iSEP Very le^^^Uits model ^ available. s t b i n i ^ N . to flnlehc.handling..all phases room single hon.e buiH in 1946. ■ -N other; BomevPereon caused it assistance office, picked up a chair fathei* v)aa a tobacco auctioneer lS.^Bratoard Plac«?x«>r throughout. High ftade allow­ the work.\M ust have excellent .Hartford 8-0388. Douglas Mm O ^ SSS Main. . v-i. ~ Lavatory second Uoor, full bath A ^ncinnitl boy was injured by and could JusT'as easily have pre­ and smashed ei^M^indows while and his nudher was a wongim. J8. ValuS^cepeake. ances at Douglas Motors, 333 THPI^.AUSTIN a . Chambbeg CO., reboia for character, . experience A ftir.7 P. M. 48-4880 : Report of condition of the Menches^ i. P .' T. Barnum^wka,, once .mayor TO A G e n e r a l ’ s /I R a n k a n d ...... on first floor. Vestibule with large hltchirig hie sled'to a milk’ wagon. vented it. To avbldbecoming one three officials JuaV'etood by and "S oto ouJSMOBrtaE^sEUJAM " Main. local "^aqd long distance mo>ing, and production. When answering, ter Trust Compeny of ■ Manchester, Here's hoping other boys catch on Ii)f ..^Bridgeport, Conn. FOR I M I ^ dTa TE sale. 3-piece closet, full celiar,^lHot water heat. Connticticut. a State Banklhf Institu­ of the victims, makekure your car watched, a court w m Confljcius wriJt«:\"A wise and 3 n g e r ^ viriCinltjNrf P o ^ IBW^SI^SMOBILE i'W ^ DOOR packing," “ ‘I storage. give full infomiatloii. Including but not to milk wegons. living roohv^et, one drop leaf ma­ 100% insulated. 30.day occupan­ tion. at the close of business oq De­ is in safe condition; ther^drlve “de The officials explained tha+"t^ey good mania composed'Snd happy; JWrw^t. A nn^ to Serviea to a1l..j)ai1.a^of the U. 8. past experience and ivglUibilityi Americans owned an average of M &AOE UNDER SOIK hogany table>qne electric heater, cy. Priced at 312,500, cash needed cember 30, 1350. Published In accord­ fensively” — aa if all other'drivers were not allowed to lay hancla.jim afMllaal\vaya.worriddahd.^fuUof|aboulout 35,O0Q35,0O() worth of life Insur- Aoto Aecesaoiles— A and Canada. -<^1 Hart­ Salary secondary to procuHiig the ance with a call made by the Bank \ SUBSTA>PriAL SAVINoK o four burner, table-top white gas 34,000. Six room Uingl^ Q years A I t t ^ girl had found a pressed were unpredictable (some of thepi anyone seeking aaslstaiice. distrea ante per family at the end of 1949, T ire* ford 6-1423 right man. Commissioner pursuant to the provi­ maple leaf Inin the. pa^eg of the are) , N|W c a r 'S i^ a n t e e " -1 ■ . I ■ " . . . I ...... stove,, also maple"lritchen set. old. Warm air heat, ba^ment sions of the banking law of the State famUy Bible. > 'V ' ^ " ^ e H. C. and L. hM affected you want to stop sailing [ PJ^R 5.50 X Ip snow tires, hot re- MANtmBSTER . sckage I>eliy«Ey Highest bidder take^ thein laundry, quiet street. 30 day Oc­ of Connecticut. „ c, Before World W ir II about 40 WRITE BOX C Assets / Child—Just looltwhat I’ve found, Some girls are not afraid of even"nien's styles—hip and change on the ^ p f trouble try - tpssing j per cent of U. K. expoHs went to ^ UQLE----- MOTORS tresda Gone Iess"t}ian 500 miles, Local tight trucking and p A cl^ t Call 2-8414. Inquire 4 Tyler Cir­ cupancy. Priced at 39,400. Cash Ride"ritpm ' W Oak 4184 cle. Cfesh; balances »-lth other mother. I bet it belonged to Eve. mice. Others have pretty legi. pocketa"h^lng much flatter. out your j the British Empire. WA5ITBD—1 32.5. Dbuglas Motor"'S^*«. 53* deitvciy. Refrigerators, waaneri c'o HERALD needed 33,850. FliA 5-5 rooms, banka, including reserve !'»«tre«-to TraveleRk'Ti 4 1 oUr>'d^ to Main s tr e ^ 1941 CHEVROLET elub and stove moving a qieclalty^ OLD RED Tin Bam, 708 NorthJ^pomhes, 2-car g m g t . on nice balance, and cash items '-d:>0. m n e WS2. ^ ~~X. Phone 2-0V52. I qwlet street. 15 mll.i.te bus serv- In process or collection ..13,068.953.86 MICKEY FINN Poor 1^1 I.ANR LEONARD radio, heater. Good condition, buj Main street, buya and M|la good United Ststes Government «R>w. Spring prices vrilb be ter- WA^ITEIV—Experienced power oil used fumlt-,r>' and antiques, iceSiear school anirstores. Priced liasineoo Somcoib Offerod HI CALL Phil, for moving, light burner service and installation at 316;80O, $8,000 \cash needed. obligations. direct and I ^ITMINKHEIL accounting: rtft^Pouglas Motors, S33k Main. Frank Denettc. Pkpne 2>SS78. guaranteed ...... 3,833.096.89 trucking. Specialise in (Tenemem'..TOcupiea). Rents at KOtUy/HE aarriee. Call Dan 2-3329. FLOOR PROBLEJiS soIVe^ with man. Call 4784 or 2-0760 after 8 Loans anC discounts tln- linoleum, aephall tile counter. Oood service Good work. 2-9248. p. m. WB BUT and sell good used luml- 380 per moiulK^ For appointment cludlng *189.96 overdrafts.) 3,447,619.18 LOOKS STUPID rgaTradSw^HniursS^for 1947 PONTOC SEDAN COUPE Expart wor. >)anahlp, free esti­ 54 Birch street. ture, combination ranges, gas Howard R. Hastings. Phohe 2- Furniture and flxturea . . . . 50.393.92 IUT> N o w IT WON'T COME Very d$an iwd low milenge. . eal estatft owned other diildren. qe-klndergaHcA mates. Open evenings. Jones Fur-' ranges and heaters Jonca Fumi- 1107. k .Guaranteed ^tief««t^on on this Sitoationa Wanted— than bank premises...... 7.$00.00 f madet^actan. 8rsi^r4de. M om ^ nlture;- Oak street. Phone 2-1041. tura Store, 86 Oak Phone 3-1041.. Other assets ...... 3,126.75 through F^day. TranspoitaOon beautiful car. ; ' < Paintinc—Pipeline 21 Fem ale 78 CUSTOM RANCH Hduae.'’8 jw m s, |\*fnnilehed. Mrt. Ia U Tybur. dlrec- DB LONOS Refrigerator service. VERY OOOD selection amall elec­ bath, lavatory and laundry room. TOTAL A39BTS ...... *",389,888.90 BALCH PONPiAC, lilv RAY OPALACH and Fred E. WOMAN Desires to do washings trical appliunces. Toasters, mix­ Attached 2-car ga.age C. H. ^ Phone 4287. 155 Center Street \ \ Repairs on all m ^as, commer­ and ironing in her home. Tel. LIABILITIKb cial and domestic. Emergency 34- Lauritzen. Painting and papering ers, irons, steam irons, etc. Fur heat. Baseboard radiation. Two ^>xm»n(l deposits of indl- Manchester 2-454A \;> Tel. 4.566 or 2-00,53. 10 Wood 3639. vhlufls. partnerships, snd WANTED—Ride tc Pratt A Wblt- '-tjour service Phone 2-1707. niture for the entitv home. Radios fireplaces. Aluminum combina Lane or 104 Homestead street tion Windows. V» acre landscap­ corpni-atlona ...... * ney Aircraft, let shift, from cor- WANTED to care for pre-school and T.V. U save at Chambers Deposits ot^ United States 1947 BUICK super. Fully equipped, AJ>n7ijyES KeOntshed. Repairing . ner Falrvlew and Center streets. children, day or weekly ra,tes. Furniture at the Green. Hours 10 ing plot. All feature for modern auvernmcntM.lnc 1 u d I 11 g radio and heater. One owner. Low done oir-Any furniture. Tlemann. INTERIOR and exterior painting, living. Suburban Realty Co.. Real Phone 8831.______paperhanging, cellli.ga refinIshed. Call Mrs. U. J. Sylvester. 371 to 6. 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. postal savlngst ...... 314.762.40 mileage, 11.195. Phone 2-0710. 189 South "-Main etreet Phone tors, 40 Perkins street. Phone Deposits of Slate and poli­ Fully maured. Exj ert work. Wall­ Lake street. Phone 2-2471. ilRS. BALLARD'S pre-klndsrgar 6843. LIKE NEW, double oven, charco- 8215. tical subdivisions ...... 180.042.6:1 ten school has an opening for ots 1948 CHEVROLET Areoseidan. paper books. Edward R. Price, lator broiler, safe-tee-kee feature Deposits of banks ...... 94.436.02 /.tiiiij for the winter term, age 3h 1946 Pontiac sedanette. 1940 Olds LINOLEITM Remnaht^i, .50c square Phone 2-10O3. SIX ROOM Cape Cod. Includes liv­ Other d*-poslts (eertlfted Dotes— Rlrda— Pete 41 gas range. Also used gas refriger­ and officers' checks, etc.) 113,515.97 t o 8. Call 2-1898. 79 Lakewood dub coupti 1948 Plymouth sedan yard. Asphalt tile, wiH covering. ing room, fireplace, dining room, FOR PAINTING, paper hanging ator in good condition: Reason­ 1949 Chevrolet sedan. Douglas Done by reliable, weD-tralncd NICE SMALL Fox Terrier pup kitchen and 3 good sized bed­ i - (Brt«sw4 >f 7W asB Erasusts. laa) / Orels. ceilings whitened, floors sanded able. Call 6656. TOTAL DEPOSITS ...... *6.791.*81.32 Motors, 333 Main. men. All Jobs guaranteed. Hall pies. Also Cross breeds. Zimmer rooms. Fully plastered, oak floors Other Ilahllitles ...... * 36.317.80 and reflnished and general car­ FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER BUGS BUNNY BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES The System WANTED—Ride to “ V* Linoleum Co., 32 Oak street man Kennels, Lake street. Phone ONE BENGAL coal jand gas throughout, excellent location on BY EDGAR MARTIN Whitney, from Park and Chest­ E3CTRA CLEAN, LOW MILEAGE penter work call, Oilbert Flckett '. OTAL LIABILITIES , *6.818.099.12 Phone 2-4022, evenings 6166 or 6287. comblnstlon range, 3801 one Ben­ large lot, convenient to bus, store VER OONNA ae AIN'T rr I'LU 9AN oosy \ Ald'.OMkO, AkVlVVONII. .00054*. nut atreets, 7 to 3:30 Shift. Phone a t LOWER PRICES 698,?. gal oil and gAB combination CftplUil AreoaaU NUT« ABOUT A NIC* ON* THINS 8109. and good school. Down payment Capital atock (total par ov 1 VWKV3*. OK'D TO TkVU SOO 2-9328. WRITTEN GUARANTEE range, 380; one Kalamazoo oil H' ..IT'S BBBN to veteran '2,660. to non-veteran value): ...... * 2110,800.00 UVBD IN.r VODtW ^ WOhO WVAMOOOl 1950 PONTIAC 8 SEDAN RANGE Burners, pot burners and FOR SALBl—Cross bred puppies, and gas combination range, 380; . . . . 300.000.00 1960 DODGE TUDOR R epa in n g 2.7 33,850. For appointment call Surplus ...... MBCKV heaters cleaned, serviced and re­ 33 each. Cali Rockville 0S0-J8. several used refrigerators and Douglas Blanchard, Real Estate Undl\idrd profUa ...... l THERM I new Uree. Fine transporta­ Car Wholesalers, 358 East Center ly awear that the foregoing aUtenient 6000 (308H, TEUJN6 WHAT WR neapolis controls. Earl \’an Camp. PAIR OF Hlikory skis. Inquire 50 good vac values In used machines. Li4»la lorj,Sal* 73 and other Information l« true to the OOP.VOU'VE/' street. Open Wed.. Thura., Fri. Help Wanted— remale 35 MAT RUN INTO! tion at low price, 3895. Phone 5244. Middle Turnpike, west. Low price*. A.B.C. Appliance Co.. beat of our knowledge and belief. RUINED 1988 PLYMOITTH SEDAN—Gray, ’til 9, Saturday 'til 5. IN COUNTRY Uke atmosphere, R. B. HATHAWAY. ITI BEST GREETING card sellers! 21 H^ple street. , V M' radio, heater, new motor. 1947 CHEVROI.ET Fleetline DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, IN GOOD Condition, Universal large building lots with shade • President. Oood dependable car. Price copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, Earn up to 350 spare time taking V. W. INGRAHAM. sedan, radio, healer, nice shape. hand carpet swaeper, 33. Hey- trees. Overlook Drive. Wm Treaaurer. 8280. guns, etc. repaired, skateti. ordera for 100 nationally adver­ wood-Wiakefleld baby carriage, MuMrai litfitrnm4>nt* 53 Kanehl. buLder Phone 7773. A real buy at 31.095. Honest tised all-occasion assortments. SubacrlbeC and aworn to before me 1940 PONTTAC 8 CTU SEDAN shears, knives, mowers, etc. put color grey, 312. Biwketnette 20" thti 8th day of January. 1951. values at Douglas Motors. 333 Proflt.-I to looe/e. 21-card 31 b o x - —Radle and heater. Oood in condition for coming needs X 32”, cradle type with mattress, OLD PLAYER piano rolls, 15c W. N. GRU8HA. Main. others 60e to 3 1 25— aell on sight. Suburban for Sale 75 Notary Public, fUnfly oar. Priced at 3495. BraiUiwalte, 52 Pearl street. $5. 44 Durant street. apiece. Good condition. Call 8469 Personal stationery, other im- after 5. 1948 CHEVROUET 4-DR. SEDAN 1941 PONTIAC 6-c'ylinder two- ALL T l’ PES of income taxes pre­ SOUTH WINDSOR — 7-room Dark blue, radio and heater, door etreamllner. Four new white prlnla_ Samples on approval. Ar­ TELEVISION—Largest stock in pared by tax expert. Reasonable tistic. 701 Way, Elmira, New dwelling, breezeway and ga­ Tliea Hke new, low mileage, wall tires. Excellent paint. Radio, Connecticut. RCA, Zenith, Croe- 58 rates. Phone 2-0744. Mr. Dolan York. Wanteil—To Boy rage, hot water oil heat, fireplace, Realtor Officers j ' Price 8996. heater, seat covers, etc." Clean ley. Admiral, General Electric, combination storm windows and after 5:30 p. m. Bendix, Erne-son, Air-King, Tel- “Your honor, I objootr .A- 1948 HUDSON SUPER 2-D R .- inside and out. Very good me- WANTED—Girl for general office WANTED— Good used furniture screens, large lot. Bhill price 316,- Klng and Duo-Vue, Brunner’s T.V. 1-0 i-a i Dark blue. Fine car for only otianicaUy, 3596, or best offer. work. Small office. Off Monday, Any quantity. We offer you high­ 800. Alice Clampet Agency. Phone To Be Installed Incorp., 358 Blast Center street. I 8795. Manchester 2-3027. CELLARS CLEANED, ashes and --work all day Saturday. Write Box est prices. Woodshed Phone 2' 2-4543. Mrs. Wagner 2-0028. Mr. SIDE GLANCES Open Wed., Thurs., and Friday BY GALBRAITH CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER ■4a rtnaan. 1947 lOERCURT SEDAN — Ever- rubbish removed. Phone 7644. T, Herald. 3154. Mitten 6930. James J. Rohan will be inaug­ 44- T glade green. Radio, heater. NEW DODGE JOB RATED ’til 9. All day Saturday ’til 5. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS An Enemy? BY MERRILL C. BLOS8ER ' spotlight fog lights, back up ALL APPLIANCES serviced and ROCKVILLE—The ewnere of this urated aa president of the Man­ TRUCKS WANTED—Experienced waitress. ROYAL AND Smlth-Oorona port KiMiins Without K4wr4 TON PICKUP—With standard ranges, washers, etc All work The Tea Room, 883 Main street. fornia immediately. Last week we luncheort meeting tomorrow noon CANDT TOTCWOJRB ME? I WAVE NO , SW IAUNCEU3T WHAli-MtS- All makes of adding machines ROOM FQR Rent, lady preferred- i\ ENEMY— EXCEPT »>ERHAPS----- NAMa.' L*T5 SEER AUOICNCE We want you to check speed­ metal body and extra heavy guaranteed. Metro Service Co. 5 minutes from Cheney’s. Call advertised this property for 39,- at Murphy’s restaurant. To be Tel. Manchester 2-0883. WANTED —Woman to do light sold or rented. Repairs on al J u st ONB ) O N E FOR. 1 30Ci7 ometer reading!, former owners. clutch. 3521. 000, this week they will accept seated aa vice president ia George ' Our guarantee. All tires replaced housework. Assist with meals for' makes. Marlow’s. Tb fiTEAoy I TON WITH RACK BODY—7V4 38.500. Two-family house, excel-' L. Graziadio, second vice presi­ W NERVES 18CF j with best grade new tires. No re­ REPAIRING BY S’.uart R. Wol­ elderly woman. Good home in ROOM FOR rent for girls or mar­ L feet long with dual ttrea. cott on washing machines, vac­ BOLTON — Building atone and lent condition. Oil heat, acre of dent William Goodchlld, Sr., se- capo. preference to high, wages. Call 2- ried couple. "Two minutes from land, 7 rooms available to buyer. Sent itaoiuis uum cleaners, motors, small ap­ flagstone. Also rock drilling creUry Herbert McKinney, trea­ A8 IS SPECIALS FROM 850 UP 1936 DODGE 1V4 TON WITH 1724 between 7 and 9 p. m. Main street. Call 2-1614, or 47 Rent 319 month after down pay­ AIdni bomb 7 pliances. Welding and cutting. and blaaUng. Bolton Notch Quar­ surer M. Madeline Smith and state RACK BODY—Dttal tires, fine Cottage street. ment. Call Anita White 8274. Don’t Miss. Call On Your condition, 3350. Motor replacements A-1 Repair, WOMAN Desiring a home, to keep ry. Phone 2-0617. Stanley Patnode director Arthur Knofla. Sales. 180 Main. Phone 8597. house for Protestant family of The officers were elected at a . ^ Downtown Dodge and 1948 FORD F-8 CHASSIS AND TWO 50 GALLON nil drums and FURNISHED Room with kitchen three. References required. Live privileges, '.all 2-9850 between 5 \/Vantr4l—Meal Hzlaie 77 previous meeting of the Board. Plymouth Dealer CAB—Heater, booster brake, TELEVISION Repair, service and stands. 310 complete. One gas in. •Phone 2-9125. and 7. All Board members are invited 8,000 miles. New tires. Regis­ Installation, at reasonable prices. heater. 30 gallon tank. Very good CONSIDERING SKtXJNO to be present at the affair, which ters for 6 ton. Priced at 31.495. condition, 320. complete. Man­ Work guaranteed. Phone 2-1403. WANTED—Saleslady for store YOUR p r o p e r t y T is the annual meeting of the or-, SOLlMENE and FLAGG, Inc. chester 2-0722. 85 Mill street. 834 Ceatar S t Phone 6101 See Uoyd Hevenor. he will be work. Steady employment. State ROOM FOR rent. Inquire 81 Cam­ Without obUgatlop to you, we ganization. glad to quote you prices and trade ASHES AND Rubbblsh removed. age and experienre. Write Box Call Norman Pierce, 9 Trotter TBUEVISION—Large 12>4 inch bridge street, or phone 674^. will appraise or make you a cash IjORD V-a 1949, 2 door, medium allowances. You can trade your J. Herald. tMt *T »€*'tif*»icfri5er T. street. Phone 2-0252. table model, 3245.95. Complete offer for property. See ua before ^ e goalkeeper, three defense- ' blue. 'Good buy. Radio, heater. car for a new truck, also new or men and seven forwards on the Brunner’s, Oar Wholesalers, 868 u se d ^ r. WOMAN Wanted for part time with excise tax anu outside coni­ ROOM FOR Women. Central. 186 , you sell. PRISCILLA’S POP In Technicolor, Too BY AL VBRMEBH grill work. Apply Manager. cal antenna. Installed with 90-day I Phone 6273 Chicago Blackhawka of the Na­ East Center etreet. We esn finance your truck for ■ehoM Stnric Blssell street. tional Hockey League are former VOU KNOW that AVVFUL 24 months with 1-8 down. B oi Cheney Cafeteria. warrzntee and one year, on large BRAE-BURN REALTY ORE A M ------MERCURY V-8, 1949. Bedan, OffCKtf 13IA picture tube. Nothlnj else to buy members of the Detroit Red black. A-1 throughout. Radio, We are ready to help you with GIRL FOR office work. No short­ only 362.50 down. Balance in 85 Apartment*, Plata, FOR QUICK sale of property list Wings. heater, low mileage. Doctor's car. your transportation problems at WEtAVINQ of burns, moth holes hand, but typing necessary. Apply weeks to pay! Order your set to­ with an active concern. Confiden­ any time. Tenementa ' 63 Brunner’a Car Wholesalers, 358 4tnd torn clothing, hoalery runs, in person. Manchester, Coat, day, only a limited number to sell tial esttinates by qualified ap­ East Oeater street. Tour Down Town handbags repaired, zipper re- Apron Supply, 73 Summit street. Brunner’s T.V. Incorp.. 358 Elzst ONE 3 ROOM and one 4 modern praisers arriving at a satisfac­ Dodge and Plymouth Dealer placemenL umbraUaa repaUvd, Center Street. Open Wed., Thurs. apartments with heat and hot tory orlce for you. Allen Realtv men'a shirt oollara revera^ and 1M9 FORD, V-8 half-ton pickup EARN E3CCELLENT money for a Friday ’til 9. AU day Saturday *tll -water, 385 month. Write Box Y, Co., Realto.s, 180< Center streeL replaced. Marlow's Little Mending with beater, helper springs, large few apase evening hours by dem­ Herald. Manchester 5105. grill guard, low mileage, excellent SOLlMENE and FLAGG. Inc. Shop. onstrating plaatica, and forming 5. It's our business 834 Center Street Phone 6101 WANTED—Residential properties; condition. Phone 4858. Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. merchandise clubs. Complete line TELEVISION—Juat arrived large CORNICES and valance boards. of plastics Including sensational Busineaa IxicatioBa 4 to 8 rooma Buyers waiting. Cnstom buUt, choice of designs. 12'-4 picture combination radio, to protect yours 1948 STTTDEBAKER LAND PLYMOUTH, 1941, 2-door sedan. new "Texas-Ware” dishes. Royal 64 Competent, confidential '• cervlea. Phone 2-3524 from 9 a. m. to 9 phonograph famous make Admir­ For Rent CRUI8E1R—Radio, climatlzer, Tan. Very special, 3275. BnmA Plastics Company. 4275, 10 to al. In a beautiful mahogany cab­ Suburban Realty Co., realtora 49 mrardrive. p. m. ner's. Car Wholesalers, 358 Blast 12:30 44. ra.. 1:30 to j p, m. inet. 3299.95 plus excise tax and OFFICE IN Orford building. Real Perkins street. TeL Mane. 8215. Every businrsa pian takes a 1848 STUDEBAKER 5 PASSEN­ Center etreet. Open Wed., Ihurs., estate, profeasional, eto. Apply chance on some things. But you GER STARLIGHT COUPE. f l a t FINISH. HoUand Window warrantee. Brunner’s TV Incorp BUY, SELL, exchange—need 4-6- Fri. ’U1 9. Saturday ’tU 5. WANTED — Waitress for night 358 East Center street. Open Marlow's. 1947 STUDEBAKER 2-DR. SE­ shades made to measure. All work. Apply Roy’s Restaurant, 6-7 room single. 2-famlly houses want "to confine risk taking to S2£!_Ut metal Venetian bllnda at a new Wed., Thurs , Fri. til 9. All day essa. t«ti BT Nt« stsnea an. r m DAN. TWO BALCH SPECIALS 37 b ik afreet. FIVE LARGE rooma for rent ' and country property. Call, writ# things that offer opportunity VIC FLINT Ouiser In Troable BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY 1847 STUDEBAKER COMMAN­ low pride- Keys made while you Saturday 'til 5. Corner house, business seetton or phone, Howard R- Haatlnga for worthwhile profit UtWllly WalL MarloWa. . twiar >■* itavitt. aia T. n wa u. a e«T o»». 1-9 S?HE ENRAfirET BOAR gUiei^'THBKflfA MAN DER CONV. COUPE—FuUy 1940 CHEVROLET COUPE—Good WANTCD— High school girl as COMPLETE AtRCO gas welding Suitable for business and resl 489 Main street, Manchester 2- claims and theft losses *re Just “Nuraa, will you talk to my wifo? 8h* juat laugha whan I EXONTKigOW equipped. 19 6IVIN5 THE C K U te & t IN A P«N KACi motor, good body, good paint. companion for 7 ', year old girl outfit. Quick sale 390. Tel. 2-9881 dence com'b-jied. Apply Backsr 1107. tall har I'm aitting u|> with a friand who I* at daath’a door!” 1848 OLDSMOBILE MODEL 76. iMANUHESTBlR Upholstartttg Oo. as serious threats as fire. May "Cartainly blu* bacomet har! I—^h—just wish sha’d A ROU&H T iaNE. WITH A VICI0O5> A good buy at 3195. Re-upbol«terlng. draperies, slip after school, from 77 to 5:30. Pine 36 Oak stree.. 4-DR. SEDAN—Radio, heat­ Acres Terrace, fel. 2-9181. Call eveninga. ______we help you check your insur­ •wair mora of It!” er, hydramatic drive. 1941 PONTIAC TUDOR TOR- Ooverz 48 Purnell Place. Call 2- .01/1 111 • ty -X1 BY J. R. WILLIAMS 9521. Open cvenlnga after 8. ance needa againat all three T OUR BOARDING HOUSE' with MAJOR HOOPLE 1840 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SEDAN. PEHX) 8—A one owner car In Dtamonda— Saharban (or Rent 66 These Cars Guaranteed fine -condition. Only 3495. HOU8BICBXPER Wanted to live ESAO.A CTW HEC JA K e KiOOWd T H t JAUE'S AS SLICK KuM Be Seen To Be Appreciated Jawalfy . 68 t h r e e -r o o m fumlsliad ^rwri WANTED BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. HjiM ing—tontraettiiK H in. for a mother working late THEWASLEY UNCERTAINTIES OVER ODDS AR E AS A Thin d im s 1848 WnXTB JEEP 4-WHEEL nighta, sleeping days. She needs LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler, re- Central. RockviUe. Mlddle-zged uttle Things kub m v TEN TO CW A VNBT BAR DRIVE—Been driven 15,000 155 Center Street couple preferred. References. Bo« Liatinfs, both rural and CARPENTER and builder. All a dependable, understanding per­ paiiz. adjust, walchss ekpertly- Ner ve s r a .\n .'— (PNe i t s — ALSO HE'S mllea urban by which we can bet­ Phone 2-4645 lines of building and repairing. son with good referencee to help Reasonabls prtcas. Open daUy. F, Herald. . .AGENCY vNMAn Kin o o f SONieTHiNG NEVER eCEN 1847 INTERNATIONAL PLAT­ Good work. Fair prices. Problenu care for her children. There ia a ter serve oar long list of •$oRPCi6e’'couLo SDMC80OY SCORED FOR A FORM. 1940 CHEVROI.E2T four-door Thursday svsnlnga, 129 Sprues STATE THEATEE BUM}. invited. Tel. Rockville 1897-J2 fair salary and rmple time off property buyers. H* POSSISCV - 1MB INTERNATIONAL PICKUP. sedan. EhcceUent mechanical oon- straeL A o n t 2-4887. ' . . Wanted to Rent 68 . TliL.8a48 NB6LECTEO WILD prrcH after. 8. Be. SdNOtNcs ? ■TBWART CAB and CHASSIS— ditlon. Priced for quick sale. Sea including every week-end. Please TO NAIL DOWN WITH MiS , Wor heavy duty. it today at Belch Pontiac. Inc., ^ v s telephone number when 49A WANTEDr-3 or 4 room unfurnish­ JARVIS A N D I'LL 0ANkROU. CUSTOM BUILT homes. AU types writing, to Box L, Herald.______Foal gmi F*a< ed apartment or house, by couple. m a k e TH6 CBORCHE8 MOTOR SALES 155 Center street. Manchester 2- of exacting alteration work. Ad­ 4545. Call Norwich 7-0383, collect - 80 OaktaBd S t Phone 2-8483 ditions and roofing. Real 'value RELIABLE Housekeeper, middle- HAY 830 per ton. Krause. WUU- REALTY CO. at a reasonable coeL Wealey E. aged or younger, live in, excel­ mantic. Tel. 3-0488. Call between WANTED—In Manchester, by cou­ 654 CENTER ST. Read Herald Advs. Vaneour. Buildet, 172 Highland lent position, two adults. Wind­ 5 and 7 p. m. ple, 4 or 5 room rent, unfurnish­ PHeNB 4112 WASH TUBBS On The Trail BY LESLIE ^TVJBNBB street. Phone 4838. sor g-8163.. between 8-9 a. m. or ed. wm exchange 4 room low NATURAaV THE ARMS M»9T >E IA5S0RBYDU montmb Aaol rent unfurnished apartment in M i Thm fST 5-4 p. m. -Mala 36 FIRST QUAUTT Green Moun TRUBTEDIMIFK FEATURING Guaranteed roofa UROENTLY Needed, 4 room rent and expert repaire as well aa WANTED —Married man. well tain poUtoea Mealy, cook and IME.McK|M IW M. taaU good, 81.00 bushel delivered by two aoulta t>oth working. ROGERS CORPORATION gutter and conductor work. Try acquainted with Manchester, to Best of rsftirencta Phone 2-1888 1949 MERCURY to your doot. Ckdl Hathaway 8 your “Local Roofer.” CaU Oough- operate retaU milk route in Man­ after 4^ p. m. Un 7707. chester. Salary and eommiaalon, 1390. CLUB COUPE ROOfTNG. Spectallalng in repair­ 5V4 day 1 work week. Apply In- person,' Uncoln Dairy Oo., 89 Ht for 3ala 73 HELP WANTED heater. ing roofa of all klnda. Alao new HddSeliold Gdodd 11 root*. Quttar work. Chimneya Ward Place, HarUord. Oonn. LAKEWOOD ClRCLE^BaauUBd BBtaasatte wladow lifta. claaned and rapaired. 28 yeisra ax- s i x DRAWER double ckest $> > W c . eaa as* several qualified attO wprlierB at our FIRST CLASS mecbanict, axper 88, suitable for chUdren'a roomi or 8-room ciutom built hoqM and perienca. Free eatlmatca. CaU ienced on Chrysler produot oar. garsg*. Locatad on lar^ well- Howley, Manchestar 6361. Btorage of linens. 22 South Alton landscaped lot Extra fepturM too Manchestar plant, Min and Oakland Streets. If Inter­ Extensive benefiU, ^ d vacation street. GIRWikUeHS l-V $1695 Good working conditions. Part numerous to list. Sbowr. by ap­ ested please call Mr. Clarence Maron, Supt. at the mill. BORN THIRTV YEARS TOO SOON 9-«.*M«».**v«W ^____ m e ^ help considered. Apply . . . How- PIANO AND bench, refinUhed in pointment only. E. F. Von Bcker, Read HeraM AfIvB, ard ^ liT p ro :‘'BH)wii-Beaupre, "30+ green, white gaa stove. Wanted— agent, 809-Keeney str^t Mah^+I Biasell .atrctL„ . Pflt farags doors. Call 8109. Chester. ■ ’ r TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1961- manrli^iitrr lEoVning Hrralh Average Dally Net Frees R ^ ' Th« WattlMr : For tke week Eadlag ) St 0. •. WaaMsr V M M - Jaaaary f. ISSl second rdquMt, providing Luo« . Tsiag gsawny telri wssmssi To Conduct Choir* Board Grants continues to make Improvements highest ttesginmirs Mar 41$ to- Blood Donor* Needed ^Younger Set” to the land with landscaping. MEN, WOMEN 10,192 night f i HMsalty telr..warnBsr. thaa u tT o w n Here on Janosry 15 th Action on an application by Irtt ^^T^rsfcg* Samuel Felice to enlarge non- Biember o t tbe A b « t Four Requests Bureau of Olieutstlaas _ to n i « t tiM H «rt- Hava you made an appoint* Gives Program conforming building In excess of MARRIED, SINGLE Maneh9$U>r^A City o f VUlago Charm __ «a January 4 to Mr. ment to be (t blood donor when 60 per cent of assessed vslua at inituiffiTiuMiiitr the Bloodmoblib\ vlslU Man- 234 Oak street. Residence B, was RaMaottd CSiartier, Jr., One Denied and One Is toam $38 TO $M»e ■ tm t hM been cheater on Mondiy. January Youthful Performers tabled. Felice hai made applica­ C M H v o u a c r (Claaalfied AdverttehiB m Fago 14) MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 19. 1951 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE n V E JCBNTB tion to the Town Planning Com­ ON tIONATURI AlOM VOL. LXX^ NO. 84 P miJm . Mr. and 19- Tabled by the Zoning MMsaO kKve one other Donors sae ^snwclally |intertain at Meeting of mission for the change of the Don’t borrow unnocossarlly, but if a loon will pay old bUIs, modi- i34ShO $31X37 Sandra L m . ftirtte 2:16 to 8:80 p. m, _ Board of Appeals building line at said location and The. Chaminade Club this will come up at the next ses­ cal or dontal oxponsos, eat or bono 348.22 4SIA5 polnMenU. Call 6111 now and^ repairs—it’s promptly to 4 do your'pmt In this life saving sion o f the Planners, scheduled for Chief Schendel S | | ^ a ls for Test Blast tM regular weekly meeting ^ Fom- applications were acted fa ­ out of 5 at AsMssof. Fast, frisndly House, Seiiafe Flu Epidei^t^Rages "Younger Set” entertained January. 27. ' "i- Maadieeter Rotary chib will hlood p r ^ a m . \ ■srvico. Corns in or A Qm it t1tIM cmH tM.40 mtmm $rwmpvi 01 the ” (3Mer Set’^ in a pleasing and vorably upon by the Zoning Board tonight at the Country phono todayt mtiH tt II0.R} mcK 16:S0. Following the eup- varied prognim at^tlje Chaminade of Appeals last night in the first Draft Separate . Morgan Porter, eecretary M i^ ca l clubA meetmg, held laat public hearing of 1901. There were o| The Joy Group dt. the North & * was tabled. VAPORIZEllS find floor • HATI TNIATM lUllDINO ______r." Following the meet- perlora. The regular meeting John Baronousky. was denied Aiitonrmtio ^ u t-O ff TS3 MAIN m in , MANeHUnR, CONN. As 150 Die in BHfpiti tbwe will be a meeting of the formera, noted that ManchCater's will be held at two. 'musical future la adsured ana' lii permiH.Miun to rebuild a chicken OM 3430 • Ooorfo HoiUm, YIS MANoftr Efforts to Formulate! ot'DIrectoni. coop and continue to kcc|) chick­ Arthur Drug Storei tMM MSt N mMwli d III nmwiliiii tasih To Trap^tii safe keeping as the wealth pf mu­ London, Jan. 10—(.4V-An tnflu-,s2a deaths in that region and^>a(d The officers and members of the sical ^ability for the evening ens at 225 Woodland street in a Joint Rules Fail in ate bridge wUl be played House Committee of the British- enza epidemic which already has that 7g0 other persona are betn^ ^ Friday night thle showed^'the young mualclana rang­ Residence Zone A. taken almost 300 lives is sweep­ treated In hospltpls. Many nurses American Club will meet at 8 Michael Habererrl received per­ OFFICE OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 Day Long Session; at ThAer Khll. January ing in agfexfrom 13 to 18 y«art; also were reported stricken. Auth' o'clock tonight at the club. ing through Western Europe. Foe Ma**e* 20D Master Point will be held at Despite the ^dptry weather an ap­ mission to convert a two-farally Democrats Adamant In Britain alone it has killed 160 orttles in both East and West Ber­ preciative audience of members dwelling into a three-family dwell­ ^ : 1 8 tonight. No Songster practice of the Sal- in the laat two weelca and- sent lin reported a “ high number" of And SOO^lgne* were last weeR^winners. and guests welcohapd the student ing at 137 Bla.sell street. Dillon HALE'S cases. vaUon Arnly will be held this eve­ Hkr^otd, Jan. 10— (d — Rank- thousands of others to hospitals. artists warmly and regarded them O. Albert Tefilxon \ Motdr Sales was granted permla-: SomeOtJlIIC factoriesI In the indiistrial Swedish health authorities algo pvcp tb\Ren^i*'vDrlve. ning. but band practice will be slon and a Certificate of Approval T o t ^ The Mother Cabrinl Mothers' with generous applausSvv A ll the Headquarters and-file l^eglslatore took a holiday irhkUantjiantls reported one out' of said that the epidemic in that Down PeninBobi^\|o Chrele erin meet tomorrow held as usual. performers of the evening are sons a. Albert Pearpon. director of fqr a gasoline pump at the rear today while'-leaders of the rival every.^,1,10 of their workers IIL country Is the worst of the last and daughters of pupils of Cbam- music Ih the local h l^ school and of 8J9 Main street. In dfeenland, Utht malady caused decade. It flared throughout Swe­ at 8 o’clock at the home of M ^:The Manchester improvement YOR parties sharing, control of the Y^isan; Snow Shrbuc John Tlemey. OTMWdle Turnpike, Insde Club members. organist and choirmaster at the Batenslnns Are Granted the d e a t h h fll persons p in Freder- den, they said, after breaking out Over WitirTaft As^riatlon will hold its monthly ' Chnrlea.Duce presented two ap­ Genetal Assembly'tnside one more srest.. ^ Opening Program First Lutheran CHurrJi, New ickshaab, a naonl'ilet of 500 popula­ In northern Lapland during Christ' Fighting for Wonju": mccting;.ton>orrow night at eight plications fdr.extenslon of permis­ stab at reaching agreement on a Opening the program, Vemer ^ t a in , will conduct the. com­ tion. mas week. o'clock im . JJborty hiiU. Golway sion to repair aara at 624 Middle Unne Lodge No. 72. ^ g h U of Gustafson, son of Elsie Gustafson, b in e senior choirs of Emanuel set o f legislative rules. ' Physicians along the North Ger­ In the northern province of Doubt* (ioIlapHC of II. N^ street. President Edw-ard K. Mqri- Turnpike East arid use a lot for Both sides seemed to agree'that R u U etln i will hold Its regular played a piano solo, “Gypsy Lutheran Church, Hartford, First man coast said the 'eplde.ihlc Is nrty urges the members to sttend. parking cars es.st of that address. the chsncka were remote for If It Fail* to Solve m g tomorrow evening at Dance" by Uchner. Verner Is a pu­ Lutherafi Church, New Britain and the worst in 1.1 years. Tfi>y, listed (Continued on Pnge Twelve) Tfikyd, Jan. 10.— elghb>Clock In Orange hall A secretary will w'-elected to suc­ The board granted a one year ex­ drafting a set of Joint rules ac­ ceed Frank Zarembn w[ho has re­ pil of Burdette Hawley, . organist Emanuel Lutheran Church, Man­ Korean Oi*i*; IMans. criil Mac Arthur’s nffidgi chester at Jhe Youth Rally, spon­ tension on the first application and ceptable to both the Republican- D " ^ ------signed and reports wdlKlje sub-, of the fioiith Conf^gatlonal controlled House and the Senate, spokesman ' t ^ y deni church in Hartford. Jean White- sored by the Hartford District extended to September 1951, the New Note to Ru**ia mltted In regard to the nnjuial where Democrats hold a 19-17 ms- a Luther League, Sun^lay afternoon, there were any^ facts to .a\ Kiddles Christmas psrty which hill, mezzo-soprano, sang “ Dutch jority. Hint Nation May Get HATS CLEANED the association sponsors. - ^ lls " by Oalerle and "FvCnlng January 11, at four at the South The aim of conferences sche­ Washington, Jan. - Sec­ story printed in th^ United Prayer'' from Humperdinck’s Methodist Church. duled for today by Republican retary of State Acheson Said to­ State* that the generid^ hail \AND BLOCKED The Dorcas Society wrtll hold "Hahapl and G retel" Jean studies Clarence W. Helslng, organist and Democratic leaders was to voice viPth O. Albert Pearson, di­ and choirmaster at Emanuel WINE- LIQUOR day he would be glad to talk with recommended withdrawal . of iU monthly meeting tomorrow achieve separate rules for the Y ear’s T a x Breather all United Nations fo rc^ . ^ HENRY’S evening In Emanuel Lutheran rector of 'Tuiislc at Manchester Church' here will accompany tbe two chambers which would, as Senator Taft, or any other member Shoe See vice— Dry Cleaning church. Mrs. Marion Turner will High school, Imd is a member of massed chorus, while George^ and BEER nearly as possible, allow for ex­ ot what he called the minority from Korea. t4* No. MMii St. Depot 8q. have charge of the devotions, and the Round TablfiN^ngers and the Swanson, organist and choirmaster peditious handling of "legislative He referred to a copyright­ for Any Oc couon Range*. Refrigerator* party, on foreign policy matters. the hosteawa will he Mias Har­ A Capella CTioir. HlSrvmoth^, Vir­ at Eitianuel Church, Hartford, will business. Chinese Reds ed story by Keye* Beech, Chi­ ginia Whitehill, was her aSpom- I > : ^ . I I ' I Answering questions at a news riet Caaperson, chairman; Mrs. play for the service. Inaugural Delayed cago Daily News correspond­ Lorraine Berggren. Mrs. Miriam panlst. The chorus will sing four an­ Washer* and Ai! The battle over rules began on conference, Acheaon also told re­ '41 DeSOTO SEDAN ed Before 1952 on porters he thought failure ot the ent covering MacArthut> Carlson. Mrs. Agnes Johnson,-Mrs. Willard Hills, son of Jose))lil thems, ngmely, “Beautiful / 5//V;A7 \ A the opening day of the Legisla­ Plan Big Push Anna V. Johnson and Mrs. Marie Hills, played a piano arrangeme: Saviour” bjt Christiansen; “ Ohljt Other Appliances * ture a week ago when Governor United Nsllona to solve the prob­ headquarters, which aaM of "II Balen," a well known aria\ PACKAGE STORE New Bill Hiking Taxes lem of the Korean crisis would Bunsel. Begotten Word of God Eternal," '48 PLYMOUTH SEDAN John le d g e ’s InauguraUon was ii-Photo bv Robert F. Nauman from Verdi’s “II Trovatore." Wil­ delayed until Just before midnight naturally diminish Its prestige and MacArthur wm “ understood arranged by Br'own; “ Be Thou My 35 OAK STREET TEL. 6597 TtM c o u Chief of Police Herman O. Schendel. coordinator of Manchester’s c;ivlllan Ilefense program. Is lard studies with Fred Werner, as one consequence of the fight. 111 Indocliina power. But he characterized as an to have recommended to Manchester Chapter. No., 17, ^ slo n " composed by the conductor, MAMCHISTW COMW shown as he alerted the various signal stations at 5 p. ni. ymterday for the test blast of the audible Bulletin! Disabled American Veterans, will local piano teacher and director m K Pearson, and vxhe Halleluiah '49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN As on opening day, the chief Washington, inn. 10—iJV— overstatement a suggestion that a Washington withdrawal of all of the Beethoven Glee club. Alfred stumbling block to agreement be warning system. Holding the nticrophone Is NBC Radio C'ommentator' Rob Trout. Seated behind U. N. failure to take strong action meet this e.venlng at eight o'clock Chdtua" from Handel’s "Messiah." the sultcjiboard is Clinton O’Brien of the Southern Kew Kiiqiand Telephone eoiiipeny. TajM* record­ Secretary of Defense Marslinll United Nation* forces from \ l Lange, accompanied by hla moth­ tween the opposing sides yester­ Furiiiosa Reports Show now would wreck the organization. at the Silver Lane Community MAjibers of the chorus are re­ ings were taken of the proceedings and will be broodi-nst Saturday night from eoast-to-eoast. urged Oongress today to ap­ Korea.’’ Beech said he obtain­ house. All members are urged to er. Ethel Ij>nge, played two trum­ minded to be at South CJhurch for '46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN day was Democratic insistence Consult On New Note pet solos, “Angel’s Serenade” by prove a draft of I * year olds Massing of Troops on ed hi* information frmn “ au­ attend. rehearsal next Sunday. that In the Senate the rules may Taft, Republican Policy (Jhalr- Braga and “ Melody in P”’ by Rub- at 2:00 not be suspended except by two- for 27 months’ service to build The gtiest speaker for Uila oc- '46 DeSOTO SEDAN up the nation’s fighting forces. Bonier; Russian Talks raan Chief in the Senate, has )>een thoritative aourcea.’’ \V W iee Dr. A. E. Friend will give an enstein. Ward Krause, local music thirds vote of the total member­ carrying on a continuous criticism teacher and orchestra leader, Is cassion will be Dr. Wilton Rerg- ship. In past sessions, the rules He told a Senate Armed klMlllfll N.ucmc Illustrated talk on his trip to Eu­ strand of Minneapolis Minnekota, Nation to Hear About Pledge Twelve Services Subcommittee Ikat a With Ho Chi Minh of the Administration's foreign Tokyo, Jan. 10.— fltet meeting of the year tuiiiglit Mary Fogg. mezzo-soprano, The Democratic proposal would rri 9 r Italy Divisions Taipei, Formosa, Jan. 10—(IP)— French force fought through sang “ Indian Love Call" from public, both youtli and adults, are give that party tighter control sents What I bellera Is the Senate Democrats rallied to the in the school hall. The program '49 FORD 2-DR. V-8 Tha Nallonallit Defense Mtniatry Administration's support In Its a crust of Red Koreans today "Rose Marie" by F'riml and “ How cordially Invited. over legislation and appointments best way to meet our Immedi­ wdn be followed by a social time 1 own s C m c Defenses rr n ^ a ■aid today part of the Chineie Red plan to help W’estern Europe man Lovely Is the Hand of God" by Following the service, refresh­ later In the seoslon. ate need for enlarged f»m bat into the key road-rail ranter with refreshments In the kinder­ ments will be served by the Luther ______l o Ike s Army forces and at the same tlote, foreea In Korea are being moved Its defenses against possible So­ garten room. Loughborough. Her accompanist '48 CHEVROLET SEDAN Democrats Insistent of Wonju. The Allies found was Charlotte Gray, with whom Leag;uer8 of Emanuel Church, as­ Democrats insisted that their to provide an enduring base back Into China amid stronK Indl viet aggression. sisted by members of the Ladies I Broadcast to Be Made for our mllltaiy strength." Most of the questioning at Adhe- the town empty. Allied intel­ RUMMAGE A meeting of the members of she studies voice. provision be put In the Joint rules, catlona of plana for a push into ligence said, however, the Charles Keeney and his moth­ Aid, Dorcas Society and Luther- '39 DeSOTO SEDAN which can be changed only by Sinclair Lewis General Warmly Greet* Indochina. son's brief news conference con­ the Sacred Heart Mothers' Circle I On Saturday Night ali , , „ , , cerned Taft and hls views. er Dorothy Keeney, played two weds. concurrent action of both Houses. Washington, Jan. 10 -■ (P) - A The Ministry said eo-called vol Reds have 200 tanks and 600 wdll be held at the home of Mrs. On another subject, however, Thomas O'Brien, 8 Gerard street, piano duets, “Gltanerias" by Le- THESE CARS ARE A L L IN GOOD CONDITION Republicans took the position that i 6 :3 0; Story Recorded I « U >7 Bni.«-l.<,ro«rd.; key Senator hints the nation might iinteers would be used in Indo­ C!hlntse planes poised farther Acheson said that the United SALE Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. couna and “ Frasqulta Serenade” If the two branches couldn’t agree Dies in Rome Red Protest in Paris yet a year’s breather before it china. That waa the term applied north for a big pqah Into tha by Lehar. Cffiarlea receives his SEALY M A TI R E S SE S $29.95 and np on Joint rules, the only remaining On Tape Yesterday by the Chlnera Communists to States la consulting with Britain heart of South Korea. It said tha has to shoulder a new tax burden, and Franca on a new note to Rua- North Methodist W. 8. C. 8. *nis monthly meeting of the piano Instruction from his mother. alternative was to adopt separate Fails to Tie Up a ty troops intervening in the Korean Communists hava massed a forca but the Cliatnnan of the House sla about a Big Four meeting of Emblem Club will be held at the The program was brought to AUTO GLASS rules. Of Pneumonia The story of the progress ot War. of poasibly 280,000 troops for a a close with two baritone solos by Foreign Ministers. He said no dtf- new offensive. Elks home In Rockville tomorrow And St the close of Yesterday’s Manchester's Civilian Defense pro­ Brussels, Belgium, Jan. 10— (IPi Tax (Jommlttee said today he ex­ The Ministry said Chinese Red Barclay Wood, accompanied by ROY MOTORS Inc. pects new laviiM to be enacted by ferancea of views have developed The Allies liad abandoned Won­ evening at eight o'clock. The MIRRORS KEMP’S, Inc. conferences, both sides said they —The first two stops on bis 10- Intentlona to Intervene in Indo­ FRIDAY his mother. Florence Wood. Bar­ gram will be told to the nation mid-summer. among tha thraa weatera powers business session will be preceded wera proceeding with separate Creator of Babitt, Dods- china were seen in five develop' ju to the Redo only Monday after clay, who has studied voice with IN E BEDDING DeSOTO and PLYMOUTH riiles although D>moeratsktin con- Saturday night when the National nation. tour of Western Europe ' Mesnwhite, - Benator Anderson and that a note will go out to Mos­ two days of fighting ter the gate­ JANUARY IS—9 A. M. by a pot luck supper at .6:30. A ments: cow'>rery aoon. good turnout Is hoped for at this G. Albert Pearson, chose for his 76.3 MAIN STREE1 TEL. 5680 tende'* Joint -rulee wouM be pref­ wortby Elmer Gan­ Broadcasting company presents a have left Gen. Dwight D. Eisen­ (D -N M ) said In a speech "high way town to South Korea’s intart- selections "Bols Epals" by Lully 1 Movement of part of the first meeting of the new year. 241 NORTH MAIN ST. TEL. 5113 erably in the Interests o f orderly coBst-to-coast broadcast o f tape hower "reasonably well satisfied” and responsible officials" have dis­ Ahvaya Ready for Talka or. and “Clang of the Forge” by Rod­ try Succumbs at 65; cussed the possibility that 10 to Communist troops In KArea back T a ft Said in a speech at ths N a and efficient procedure. recordings made here yesterday with his survey of defense pros­ Into China proper. Fighting swirled In new fallen ney. In 1941, the laat time the Senate by the noted radio commentator 1.5 billion dollars a year would tionel Press club yesterday that he snow throughout tho Wonju area. Following the program, refresh­ Planncfl New Book pects. 2. Movement of Junks and oth' and House operated with separate and news analyst. Bob Trout. have to be raised through a nation­ waa ready to alt down with PreS' ments were served by the follow­ 'This summary of his findings rules, only about 600 of 2,500 bills TTie broadcast" will be carried al sales tax. Idenl Truman or “anybody else on ing ho.stcs8cs: H'lbra Chase, chair­ on hls defense survey In France (Oonttniied on Page Twolve) (OMttnood on Paga Foot) Rome, Jan. 10— (P) — Sinclair over 179 stations from 6:30 to 7 "Breathing Spell" talk—despite tha majority aide” and work out a man, Bertha McFadyen, Beatrice and ^ Ig iu m was made by one of (OratiBoed ea Fagie Twelvel Lewis, bltihgly realistic novelist of p.m. The NBC station in this area the general's associates as the A t­ recent emphasis on “ pay-as-you- domestic and foreign relatlona pro­ Ruptured Roberta. Ruth Shedd, Virginia go" rearmament—was aroused on modern American life who brought Is W T IC in Hartford. lantic Pact Commander moved gram that would oommand nation' Whitehill. CARiFULLY Capital Hill by a remark yester­ al support. AKRON TRUSS PIT- Trout headed a group of NBC Into closed meetings of hls slay Call Surprise A t the business meeting the club American literature its first men that v le w ^ the local civilian day of Senator George (t>-Ga), Gehr Unmoved Acheson was asked about Taft'a TINO by graduated ex- rccelvffd a complete financial re­ in Belgium before going to Hol­ A COMPOUNOEO Nobel Prize, died here today. He defense system yesterday as Chairman of the Senate Finance offer. He aald that where domestic perta. Doa’t lake chances port of the concert held last Nov­ i l l It Center St. Phone 6850 Chicago Union land. guests of Chief of Police Herman (Committee. He said "there la no or military policlea were concerned with Inexperienced trass ember and voted to make up from would have been 6fi next Feb. 7. He had at least one bright rea­ Witness Today Store Fronts, Picture Framing, O. Schendel. coordinator. Condi­ assurance" work on a new tax At ‘‘Evidence” the matter waa out of hla field and fitting. Our expeita give the club treasury enough to bring The noted author of 21 books, son for being happy. In spite of Vejietlan Blinds, tions that might arise under emer­ bill can be completed this year. you private, peiaonai Official Shot the fulminations of the Communist would be up to President Truman the total scholarship fund to JIOO Furniture Tops most of them best sellers, died at gency attack were simulated, and Be “ A Good Thlug” aervtce. It von have press, a large crowd gathered in and Secretary of Defense Marshall. which will be presented to the high Bring your doctor’s prescript ims here the Villa EUectra clinic, where he the men were shown Manchester's A member of George's commit­ Western Busine** Man worn a traaa, you wUI school authorities In the near front of the Hotel Metropole last Coat and Shoes of Slain With respect to foreign policy, had been a patient with bronchial ability to handle situations rang­ tee. who declined to be named, told know what real comfort fviture.' Betty Werner, soprano, for careful compounding while wait. Repprt Hoodlums Try night and cheered him as he left Acheson commented that he and pneumonia since Dec. 31. Hospital ing from treating the Injured to a reporter "that would mean a Wife Introduced at To Testify in Trial t>F was accepted Into membership for dinner with U. S. Ambassador his aaaoclates have been discussing means It yon let our «x- attendants said he suffered also clearing roadblocki. year’s breather. And It would pro- and presented to the club by the To Take Over AFL Robert Murphy. fo^lgn policy with the people se­ William W. Remington ^ rta 8t yon with a new No parking problems here. Park ree from an inflammation of the Non-Reds Apalhettr ■bLbly be a good thing—If we find His Murder Tria AKRON MODERN president. heart. OUled MsgnIfloenI Job lected by the minority for that right next to our pharmacy. Bakery Drivers’ Local Impressed by what he saw, The showing was in contrast that we can afford It. I doubt that purpose. In the Senate, he went on, TRUSS. The next meeting of the club Creator of George Babbitt, the we can but I won't make an is­ New York, Jan. 10—(P)— Tha Vvtll be a potluck supper on Mon­ Trout last night commented on to the apathetic reaction of Non- Carmel, N. Y., Jan. 10— The tho men who constitute the official (3ilcago, Jan. 10.—(ff)—Police typical American businessmen of the magnificent Job being done Communist Paris crowds to the sue of it at this time.” coat and shoes worn by Mrs. An channel for dlscussiona are the government may real Its perjury day, February 5. at 6:30 o'clock. the 1020's, Lewis made literary But Rep. Doughton (D „ N. C.). hunted for clues today in the by Chief Schendel and his civilian five-star general’a return to that drea Gehr, 30, wlien she was fatal members of the Foreign Relations case against William W. Remlng^ QUINN’S history' also with such searching (^airm an of the House Wsys and THE MEDICAL latest outbreak of violence against defense staff. The people of Man­ city five years after hla armies ly shot in a divorce-evidence raid Committee. ton today with the calling of a - - . = 5 OLD The Holy P’amily Mothers’ Cir­ studies of American life as “ Main had liberated it from Hitler. Means committee, which writes cle will meet tomorrow evening the AFL Teamsttra Union after a chester also deserve a great deal on her husband's love-neat cabin surprise witness. 344 MAIN STREET Street,” “Arrowamlth,’’ "Elmer of credit Jor the progress that has In the French capital the chief tax* laws, said In an intervlow to­ at eight o'clock at the home of business agent was shot and last July, were Introduced In evi Tho 3S-yesr-oId former Com­ ilUiHILE Gantry,’’ “Dodsworth,” “It Can’t been mane possible only through public response to Elsenhower was day; PHARMACY Mrs. Geno Andrelnl of 89 Weaver TELEPHONE 3524 wounded in gang style ambush dence t(^ay at Herbert Gehr' merce Department Elconomist Is last night. Happen Here" and “ Klngsblood their cooperation In the defense a demonstration yesterday against "I'll be greatly surprised and aecond-degree murder trial. road. ' Royal.” - disappointed if new tax laws to Leaders Urge accused of lying when he denied A tall, gray-coated gunman program." his visit by about 4,000 Commu­ Gehr. who wept openly yester­ meet the nation's dlrie emergency before a Federal Grand Jury that pumped seven bullets Into the au­ Won Nobel Prize Manchester's defense system has nists. The Reds failed, however. day when a coroner described an are not enacted by mld-aummer he never had been a Communist tomobile of A l O as, 42, as he en­ He was awarded the Nobel Prize been recognized as among the In their advertised plans to tie autopsy on the body of hla slain ..If we have to work through to Atlantic Union party member. Mimw's tered the car in front of his West In 1030, chiefly for Babbitt. Four most advanced in the country, and up the city with a strike. wife, showed no emotion when years before he had refused a this community was selected by Elsenhower’s schedule for to- next N ew Year’s day. and give up Prosecution officials would not Side home to drive to a union District Attorney Fred A. Dickin­ identify the new witneaa. Pulitzer Prize because he dis­ NBC as "an example of a town the usual mid-summer or fall ad- meeting. 'Two bullets struck Oeas son produced the garments in However, it waa reported unoffi­ agreed with the terms of Joseph that has really done something (Continued on Pnge Twelve) Journnient, we should do It." court. Propose Federation of George declined to speculate cially that be is a mtdwestera (OoBtlaoed oa Page Twelve) Pulitzer’s will setUng up the prize. about civilian defense," according The defendant gave them a quick whether—If a final vote on a new Britain, Ginada, Unit- biialneasman and former friend of His 21st book, "The God-Seek­ to Jack Gerber of the NBC news­ Tniasury Balance glance and then looked down. room. He said that it is hoped the tax boost Is deferred until early the defendant. It is understood er.” was published In 1940. TTie prosecutor asked trooper eil State* and France Manchester Barber broadcast will stimulate the In­ 1952—any of the Increases would that he Is not a former Commu­ The famous author had been un- Washington. Jan. iO— The William Zimmer, of the State Po­ terest of other towns In civilian be applied to this'year's taxes. nist party member. treatment for some time. position of the Treasury Jan. 8; lice Barracks at Brewster, N. Y., Association Fuel bills too hjgh? Get guar­ Friends said he realized his death defense. Garber directed the re­ Congress traditlonaly has Boston, Jan. 10— (!P)—X group ■To Fotlow Bentley Good Brakes •• Good Insurance net budget receipts. $173,506,312.- whether the coat was the one Mrs. of Massachusetts civic leaders Hls testimony would follow fur­ News Tidbits was near and wanted to die ih cordings yesterday and is in 76: budget expenditures, $111,223.- aviolded retroactive Increases in anteed fiiel oil M v i ^ by ra p l^ FUEL OIL SAVINGS charge of the broadcast’s produc­ Gehr was wearing at the time of urged E*resldent Truman last night ther cross axamination by the de­ Shops Italy, where he wrote "Babbitt" 673.93; cash balance, $2,981,137, Ike shooting last July 10. ing your present oU borner with, Culhid From (/P) Wires and where he met his second wife, tion. NBC la presenting the pro­ (OontInOed on Page Twelve) to take the lead In organizing an fense of Miss Elizabeth Bentley, gram as a public service, he said. 024.57. The trooper said yes. He fiald Atlantic Union o f the United Get Them Adjusted or Relined Here .a new Timken Silent Automatic columnist-commentator Dorothy he saw the suede shoes laying Thompson. ' Credit la Olvea Edwards States, Britain, France and Cana­ ((Vinfimird 'in Pnge. Ponr) CLOSED WEDNESDAY Wall-Flame Oil Burner! We w ill , Oen. Abdul Kayum Khan, across Mrs. Gehr’a abdomen, the Plotted New Novel The major part of the credit for da. test yOur present oil burner and, premier of Pakistan’s northwest si rape hooked together, as She lay They said In a letter to the Pres­ Don’t gEunble with your safety or the safety pf your paasengerai IN THE SOUTH END GiRANTEED After a visit to Italy in 1940, making the broadcast possible be­ from die results, tell you bow frontier province, urgeu bis coun' he returned to the United States, longs to Fred Eklwards o f Porter dead In front of Oehr'a mountain ident that "alliances are not cabin. enough — we need union." Bring your car to this-downtown Chrysler-Plymouth headquarters' much fuel oil iron can save. I f try to break with liritlsh Cominoa- his friends said, to put hls affairs street. Edwards, a radio engineer Ur»e Stiffening witil THIS wealth, charging British indiffer­ in order. He returned here early with Wnc, is technical adviser in News Flashes Feared "Prowlers” Federation," they added, "can now. Precision equipment enables ua to get your brakea In the be«t CLOSED THURSDAY you buy, we wiU gvereislsk/5m « ence to bitter Indtsn-Pakistanl dis­ this year and after a sojourn in the emergency communications Gehr has said that he fired into be a dramatic, effective answer to sdvmgt in tvrUing—oti a money- pute over possession of Kashmir Florence took an apartment In division o f the local defense pro­ (Late BoUethis o4 tts UPl W in ) the darkness outside the cabin be­ the present crisis” Marriage Law IN THE NORTH END .... Britain’s goM-doUar luuervee Rome with his secretary, Alexan­ gram. He broached the broadcast lieving there were prowlers out­ Mutt Unite possible shape for fast action in emergeiicies. back, burner-back basis! No side. shot up 8644,000,000 during last der Manson. idea to NBC officials. Among the signers were former The Time other oil burner is backed by Others who accompanied ’Trout ' Zimmer said Gehr talked volun­ Secretary of the Navy (Jharles THRIFTY quarter of 1050, ' treasury an­ Associates disclosed that he had Quads Born In Michigan tarily when he was taken to the Francis Adams, Ksrl T. Compton, Propose 30-Day Wait this written guarantee! Fordier- nounces . . . . Thousands of small outlined the plot of a new book, yesterday were Thomas Baton, WTIC news diirector; Ross Miller, Pontiac, Mich., Jan. 10—{iP)— Quadnipkls were born to­ Brewster. Barracks after he and. Chairman of the Board of the Mas­ moc^ you’ll eoja were out why not call NEW MODEL—8072— Bradstreet wholesale price ladex Cult Members Glum as Girl to Get Eyes of Boy li 11 1. - I I.\Ml police records dating back to their youth. charged with asking Non-Epiaco- up nine cents from lart week to paliana' to take Holy Communion eC<{mplete Interior Dec­ You’ll be pleased with the professional re- 87.02—Mghest . sinm mid-August World Refuses to End No New Plates For Trucks Fatally Hurt in Accident in their churebas and it w ai urged orating Planning iults and the comparatively small cost. 4H I III K M II of 1»48. not to aeek draft deferments for Society of Automotive Cn- Providence, B. I-, Jan. 10—aire modern autos result ftom some University of Pennsylvania. 'wUl marriage canon be changed to pro­ e Quality Materials and form of Ignltloa treable . , . Ua- cult who put In the past 15 days worldly property in anticipation of to provide plates for trucks, taxis and miscenaneous vehiciro. be seeing through the eyes of a OIL MIMini VnClINCY nSTI 1$ $1 perform Uie delicate transplanting vide for a 80-day forced wait be­ aecB salper 'sends shots crashing In a barbed and shuttered cottage the "end of the world.” sevenryaar-old boy. Co'' Workmanship Wo will ten your pteitnt oil boniM—tsgardlen of make or type—for U ttie Btspben KoUgaard was operation—probably today. Suc­ tween a requeet for remarriage and' St ■ -.-I I .— ,, . , Humber Ot through windows o f two buses in waiting fo r the end o f the worid Mrs. Ctrao* Oarlson, grey-haired W ife Badly Slashed opeistina efideaty, osiag laboratory-type ioftrfimeott antTfrctory-speci- suburban Roxborough near FhUa- apparently, were ready to quit OO^year-oId legddr o f the 84 mem­ knocked from his bicycle by an cessful use o f corneas Usually granting chuicb permisMoa. fiad mcnodi. Van will receive a comprebensive written report (A>—An attractive 25-year- automoblte last Saturday. Ha died must follow Within 48 hours the XWM BlslMp9 JkMMMeA For EsUmajlcs Mam operatini eftciency ood ^ detailed estuoate oo bow moeb you will MVk trial In BrattslSva on charges of Yesterday WM supposed to., be sion, Indicated rather mysterious­ old woman was in critical condition today after being sluhed in Die hospital Monday. death o f the donor. BUhop Angiu Dun e i WaffhlBS* : m with • ‘naikea SUtnt Atwbmsti& Phone us tedayl No oblissuoo. of course! U gh treason aad espionage, an­ "Doomsday.” Instead, it turned ly that their exodus would start with a knife so badly that 260 stitches had to be taken to Hla parents, ReynM^ Norma Dr. Scheie, who saved the sight ton, D. C , and Bishop Charias W. TEL. 4370 of Admlra) Lord Louis Mounthat- HaU o f N ew Hampahira each were ' nounces Prague radio . . . In out to be Just apother Tuesday. soon. Hrir prophecy: e l ^ her wounds. Police Ubirt Goa Hudson said Mrs. James Kollgakrd, were told their son's contrast' to Hong Kong develop- Tbe strange raligious sect, "Our exit win be terrifflc—you’fi healUi^corneas might savs anoth­ ten’s toft sye la Burma during icbargad with Inviting members of 74 HENRY STREET ,qi4ntr. there are ao evacoatien which calls idielf the “ ChUdrsn of know I t " Damron was cut up in a domestic fuss with her husband. er’s syeaighL So , with their con­ World W ar H, would not disclose other dsnoadnatlana to partielpato (Cor, of Sommit) Heat and Engineering jitters among 440 Ameriesna in Light” cult, had been confined in Hudson said Damron was JailM on a_eharfc ii| . assault to sent Stephen’s eyes were re­ the girl's name, svsa to ths KolL- MANCHESTER _-Slnfajpor^.__,______. . the cottage m the edge of 4Us (OMHte«o4‘o* rhige ffkartaeal murder. ' “ m oved g a a i ^ (Osattaasd s41 ^ S87 MAIN aXREET- TEL. 2-llM MANCHES’TCtt Al V

’ ’ k '