.... w- I -t MOND AT. *••* iKanr^Pistfr Stipnfng li^iriiUi - •’ - ■- Avaraga Dally Nat Preaa Run Far the Week Boding riiiiui ? r o*Tninii ■■■■ A stated communication of dannory 9, IM l ' •nie Sewing Orcle of the Con­ John May and Charles J. Jphn* 1 Tstey fair and eeelt Ughiii* eon, both of Manchester, are enter­ Manchester Lodge of Masons will cordia Lutheran church will meet be held at 7:30 tomorrow evsning. near W| toaIgM tair and AhoIttTowft tonight at 7:80. ing birds in the 103rd Boston Poul­ 10^192 try Show at Mechanics building, Following the ' transaction xpf JUR^FuoA 'B0$ Jaiiuary 17 to 2l. The show, the business, the Fellowcraft Degree New Look! Aodlt 9 m i* m MA « . Ontor George Opoper Of W nity “MOTIiER-OF-PEARL” ' “ ■ Mom A llii^itirn ni in M4 • oollege wUl bd the apeaker a t the oldest and largest poultry exposi­ will be conferred, mfter which tkere Manehe9tet>^AlCUy of VillagoXharm Ml W«dneiitf«]r Manchester T.W.OA. lecture tion in the country, thla year ex- will be a social hour and refresh­ iA*k* ta tiM ihotTOW afternoon at the. Oommu>i ^Ijecto more than 6000 entries, ments. Jiftc r Um im at' nltjr F, under the direction hf the AI v6lk:;J.XX, N O .^ : Advetfkdng m MANCHESTER, CONN., T U E ^A ^, JANUARY 9M851 (’TWELVE PAGES) toy pMtjr •Publid Affairs committee. Hla top* S-, tlM-oIno*; Ic'wUI be “Britain and the Baltic tlM t t wtmm ^ ■■»■■. •••• OoUntriea.” An, Informal luncheon v a n luiiJn^M th jtt tiM will be held at 42:80, with each GermaB^Seqgde tVUl—- Not Swfccwmat ba'^-'*‘ gum t bimging her p ^ sandwich* C o n fe re n c e Eye jBg ta that tlMy ^ With dessert and coRee on saw WHITNEYS sti^aiqlme your Idtdie^ ^ h t foi<^t w Wwt via the ^hMdnn and the lecture WrtU begin r ^ i i c c Seeli C HamburgiJ3ermanJ Jon.'- Levy to WILD BIRDSEED SMM at low C o jt!\ —f/P)—’The weat.^Gcrmi ."'A.^'ihar n C ^ W atld ^ ^^vgoo wia- lwm thla morning ai' dom League hos'begun Issul BnthMtf wUI be lljvFTancw hospital to -Mr. ^ MIXTURE thougM^ of “Neutroltti PUy Arms eo-iwat T-v- - — J a A ' and i(fA4tuguatlha Kamienskt of In Rules Cards”^ declaring the bearer Ml of Borthu for (ha -- iUuy , “fight neither for the Weet 888 WestMJdnter street. The cou* tiorthe East'.". , '' flttiher meeting of the Now pie h ^f Ifouf-'d^ghtere. The baby Hold Talks Today ; Each Tniniaii Tells Byril Na­ iMiii Chimter of X. I. D., — m th e ggrandsohvofvMr. and Mra. Even with a slender budget, y^t( can your Th^I^ague, whleh sSyii it la American IQoUtttU of Deoomtora. M >r^ Robbins of thia tonii. hon-partioari''and independent, tion Must Be Taxed kitchen or dinette that coitly decorator took- House May Have to X, The meeting will »>ojhold — Tliey'M visit ypu regularly if you n td said thousands bf^Germane orn Until It Hurts; In- i w evening at the Wowena Cltjr S. Jewett, of 174 Operate Under Own accepting the edrds which- chib, Beacon otreet, Booton.. ^ them___ _ WHliFNEY’S' It’s a \ Modernize economically With a new Vinyleen bear the inscription, “German Soiiunlt stredAjw been admitted of seeds that kirds love an4,bajanced for 3 l |I C f r s O l ^ ., Rule as ih >^Gme 'Tax Inadequate 'A I to the School o f^ u catlo n at Syra- 6 1941 Passport No. —,“ with., a Itancheoter . ^ corrfet nourishniapt, too. ^No ^cracked ' Plastic All-Purpose Enf4mble. The fashionable declaration in German, Eng-, V D ia le d Americnn • t-i.ms ana cusa University. Admission to the 8<pho(d of Education attained '\to rn , harsh grains of noxious weed seed. O flrV OVC~, "Mothe>-iof-Pearr' effect in gay, clear colors i« state Capitol, Hartford, Jon. 9 lish, Russian and French that ' Bulletin! Alllpt^ Recover Ground ^'AitxiUary will, ok > J:30 to* Come.'■ te. 1in for S-, ^ v Rival leaders arranged a the bearer "wants a German \ Waahlni^iil, ' Jb’’- b— night in front of the Taylor and only upon completion of the sopho­ N government'^ which • visibly U, S. Consul Warns ^ IvOfit in Battle Soutl^- more yasr of college Mias Jewett, In Tllb,BMenient\; the tame tha^ being featured on high-priced bl-putloan conference today In on 'V tentative a'gTCMhent to be- Funeral Home. 238 Waah- \ makes all efforts to keep all gtn>cpnslderation^'-o( a ne*v ^ngton e ^ t , Hartford. J o pay a Junior, la majorliig in Ebigllsh. effort to settle their differences West of ^onju; Fight- An alumna of LaUralton Hell kitchen and dinette sets. You'll have enduring Germans out of oily kind of multl-bllUon dollar 'tqx -blU thou reapecto- to EJmeat KirtlMd, over rules for the new General As- military conflict by means of a . February 1 whs reached today _ae**^ end 8on-in-law,—--- School -In Milford, Conn., she has Americans to ^uit ej* i\B om h^ Roar .whOTOv daughter been active in the university beauty, too,^because it's made of tough, wear- oembly. policy of strict neutrality.” '-by Secretary of the TreaauYy Mr. a n tr^ fn Albert Sheftield, are H i U L ^ e b t n What the chances were for Snyder and Congressional Domi Utz Close Sup­ le chapter and aux' chorus, the Catholic choir aiid as tht JW , membera o if^' drau^g up a set of joint rules ac­ manugeiy of lax legislation. chapel representative of her \ MANCMHTM COlUi^ defying 8 gauge Vinyleen Plastic that won't crack ceptable to both sides, no one was port of tne^Grouitd^ llia^. sorority. Kappa Kappa Gamma This new ml-asure may raise Hong Kong at Once .or peel. A damp cloth keeps it immaculate! willing to soy definitely. Some tuxes as much aa 910,000,000,- Mra. Marlon Garttnona Fitch leaders osilerted, however, that If Reich Generals 000 a year. Forf^es; Action ^ ^ sa n waa hoateaa at a dinner party at a quick compromise did not mate­ Hong Kong, Jan. 9 '- (B)-A'merl-»• panics were warned last week to Limited to hDUer'fl Saturday night honoring rialize, the probability was that Washington. Jan. 9 Pres­cans In this British Oown Colony j return home. Some British resl- Mr. and Mra. C. P. Morgan, and \ each House would operate under Talk to Allies ident Truman said today the na­ Mr. and Mra. Arthur Schwab, of Its own rules as was done in 1941. bordering Red China were warned i dents and wealthy Chinese have Tokyo, Jan. 9.—(/P)—Al--^ tion must be taxed "until It hurts" today to remove their families b«'- ] gone. Philadelphia. Other local people ChboM These Matching Ac The experience of previous to arm the free world against the Hod tfoojm fought doRperate- In attendance were Mr. and Mra. years indicates, experts say, that On Re-Arming menace of Communist aggression. cause of the worsening situation | official warning came as no ly today to alow the Commu­ C A. Hoaglund, Mr. and Mrs. C. THANK the Legislature can operate more Secretary of the Treasury Sny­ In the Orient. surprise. Americans have been ALLESO.N’S In 5 BfiRkuit Fadeproef efficiently and harmoniously if ........ U. 8. Consul General Walter P. watching Chinese Red forces on nist title rolling toward the W. Keeney, Miss Marion Fitch der. it was learned, believes that and Mias Jane Tarca. YOU governed by joint rules. despite widespread recommenda­ McConaughy told a special news the neighboring mnlnlnnd swell to heart of South Korea and GREAT JANUARY Y E L L O W , GRAY RED <» EEN IL U E Foes Stand Fast Director of Nazi Cam­ U. 8. Army offlrem confer over a map with, Korean officers while the tions for "pay-as-you-go" financ­ conference no actua. emergency Is an Army qf more than 45,000 In menacing the U. S. Eighth for your wonderful re­ Rs the Legislators reconvened paign Against Russia ROK motorcycle driver keeps well bunHfed against the biting cold. ing, taxation steep enough to pay seen but that the warning "is more the past mohth. Army’s retreat route to t^e for their • second meeting, there Tho conference took place somewhere on the Korean front. (Photo out of hand for the huge re-arnia- or less precautionary." Hong Kong, through which Brit­ WANTED sponse to our dollar days. were no signs that either side was Included in Group by NEA-Acme stsiff ^ntographer Walter I-ea). meirt effort would rip the nation's An official clrculai Is being put ish trade with <?hlna passes, 1s at old I’uaan beachhead. Two We win rontinne this TaMt Cloths, 54’* x|4’’ / $1.79 aa. ready to ^v e ground in the’ fight economic fabric. out by the Consulate General to­ the mouth of the Canton river, United Nations battalions at­ ^ PERIEN CED which delayed the inauguration of Now Meeting at Bonn Any hope that sizeable new fed­ morrow to the (100 heads of Amer­ about 90 milea south of the hig tacked a Red Korean force two great sale throughout Gov. John Lodge last Wednesday. eral deficits could be avoided by ican families In tbe Colony. Near­ oouth China city of Canton. The miles south of battie-wrecked $ DOLLAR DAYS $ Chair Cnthioas yK \ $1.29 aa. The dispute centered around a Wonju, road hub abandoned Mon­ this week, so come in and Bonn, Germany, Jan. 9.—(fl-)— Find Bodies of Slain Increased taxes appeared to be ly 1,400 Americans are registered Island was ceded to Britain by Democratic demand for a more Eight men met today in a hotel fading aa members of the new here.
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