NEWARK ~'DOLLAR DAYS" AUGUST 3rd AND 4th 14 PAGES == - 1 The Ne'w ar·k Post SECTION ONE NEWARK, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, JULY 29,1937 NUMBER 27 COMMERCE OFFICIAL NiNTH ANNUAL '-----=--=-'="""::::"'=---..111CLUB MEMBERS ISALARY CUTS II' LOCAL BUYERS TEST OF CARS GIVEN AWARDS .RESTORED TO TO PROFIT BY IS COMPLETED FOR PROJECTS FACUL TY HERE TWO·DAY SALE Newark Lane Moved Saturday Awarded To Members Of 4-H 47 Teacher.. Receive Boost In Newark Merchants Will Give With 1,815 Vehicles On Organizations At Kent- Wages; Payroll To Be Saving Values On Dollar Inspection List SU8lex Fair This Week Increased ~lmost $4000 Days-Tues. and Wed. LIGHTS CAUSE TROUBLE HELD AT HARRINGTON STAFF CHANGES. MADE PRICES ARE SLASHED! The forty-seven members of the 'Brakes Bring Rejections To Huge crowds are attending the First Event Of Its Kind In Many As 1,111 Pass On Kent-Sussex Fair which is being faculty at the Newark Public Schools staged at Harrington this week. Ap­ will receive a 5 pel' cent restoration Four Years; Over Fifty First Presentation proximately 10,000 were present on of their salary cut, as a result of the Businesses Cooperate Safetl' lane number three operat­ Tuesday which was set aside for the action taken at the last meeting of the state legislature. Tuesday and Wednesday will mark ing und er the direction of the Motor children. I Awards Made Originally cut 10 per cent, the two of Newark's greatest thrift days Vehicl e Depart ment complet~d the nint h annual inspection of automo­ Awards made to members of 4-H amount was decreased iJ>" half last in hi story, when the majority of local biles and trucks here Saturday. A Club members from New Castle year and beginning with the fall term I merchants will offer for two days, County were as follows: canned veg- of the original wage scale will merchandise that will be sold, in most total of 1, 15 vehicles were passed 1937, etables, Esther Suppe, Bear; and be resqmed. cases, far below cost. A wonderful op- bl the crew of six men, which func­ Anna McDowell, Ethel Ginn and To Pay $3,924.38 More portunity presents itself to Newark tioned under t he guidance of John Geneva Butler, all of Middletown; The increased salaries paid to shoppers to pUI'chase goods at one- Fisher, party head, of Milton. !II', Fisher's final tabulations best hemmed towel, Betty Hutchison, Newark teachers will amount to $3,- half the regular cost or less. showed that 1,111 vehicles received Christiana; Louise Daniels, Towns- 924.38 more, annually, than was paid HERMAN HANDLOFF First In 4 Years end; Katherine Fraze, Newark and prior to the passage of the restora- . Secretary of the Newark Chamber Staged under the direction of the tbe necessary windshield stickel' the Betty Dukes and Frances Bell, of tion bill. Delaware teachers receiv- of Commerce, Mr. Handloff has been Newark Chamber of Commerce, the .----- irst time they were presented fOl; in­ President-manager of the Delaware Townsend; best sewing bag,' Betty ing a salary of le'ss than $1,000 were active in arranging the first "Dollar 1937 sale is the first of its kind in speetion. Adj ustments were ordered Safety Council and former secretary Dukes, Townsend; Christina Brown, not affected by the cuts, and conse- Days" sales to be staged here since foul' years, and from advance reports, for 704 machines before they were of state, Mr. Smith reviewed the his­ Stanton; Katherine Fraze, Newark; quently have had no increase in pay. it is expected to surpass any event of passed. The lane opened in Newark ~933. tory of the inspection of motor Anna Crossland, St, Georges and No Newark teachers, however, are its kind held in the past as far a s on Jul y 14 and was operated daily vehicles in Delaware before the Lions bargains and cooperative selling is Louise Daniels, Townsend; best night , paid less than this amount. concerned . • ----_ fo r ten days. Club of Newark Tuesday evening. PRICES FIXED Memb ers of the crew were R. W. gown, Betty Dukes, Townsend; Kath- Those receiving more than $1,500 BY STATE LAW Official "Dollar Day" stores will dis- Hancock, Newark; Edward R. Wil­ erine Fraze, Newark; Betty Hutchi- were originally cut 15 per cent, and play a distinctive. emblem and price son, Gl asgow; John Lawler, New VEHICLE TEST son, Christiana; Christina Brown, so receive 7% per cent restoration cards, both of whICh have been pro- .----. Castl e; J. E. Latta and James W. Stanton and Dorothy Plotts, Newark; by the new law. Only one person --- vided by the Chamber of Commerce. Webber, Bl ackbird Hundred; and best under garments, Helen Fraze, connes:ted ,vith the local schools is in Pennsylvania Plan To Check On each page of this paper, you will Norman Reynolds, Odessa. LAW REVIEWED Newark; Jean Collins, Newark; So- this group. Used-Car Market Holds find bargains, and we mean bargains- Following the tests here, the lane phie Galuszka, Marshallton; Gloria Several changes in the faculty Attention Here at prices so low that they will astonish was moved to Delaware City Monday Walter Dent Smith Recalls DePrisco, Minquadale and Mafalda were announced yesterday by Super- , you. Check the items you need with Ind was opened in New Castle today. Inspection Start At DiVirgilio, Marshallton; best dress intendent Carleton E. Douglass. M. Pennsylvania's two-year experiment the advertisement and plan to pur- The group will operate in Middletown . Lions Meeting with set-in sleeves, Helen Fraze, and 'i Ja~e ~ Parsons, formel:ly supervisi~g in fixing the sale price of second- chase them during the sale. Shoppers fro m August 5 to 14 and will be in Jean Collins, Newark; Margaret principal /lot the Se)byville. school, Will hand automobiles, which started last are urged to patronize those establish­ In an interesting discourse on the Brown, Stanton; Marion Plotts, New- be part-time teacher and assistant Thursday, is being regarded with ments displaying the "Dollar Day" _---.-,----.. mY l'l1n from ft..ugust 16 to 25. Li ght -Brakes Lead history of the annual inspection of ark and Gloria DePrisco, Minquadale. in superintendence and administra- deep interest by dealers in Newark insignia. Handli ng 208 cars on Thursday of motor vehicles, Walter Dent Smith, Best ~chool outfit prizes were tion. Mr. Parsons is a graduate of and other cities and towns bordering Plans for the bargain days are be- last week, 165 on Friday and 168 on former secretary of sta.te and presi- awarded to Helen Downs, Townsend; Washington College and received his the Keystone State. ing made by Myel' Pilnick, chairman Saturday, the inspectors continued to dent-man~ger of the Del~ware Safe- Betty Marsey, Yorklyn; Dorothy master of science degree at the Un i- Governor George H. Earle appoint- of the mercantile division who is being ty Council, told local LIOns at. the Lamborn, Marshallton; Alberta Pord- versity of Pennsylvania. His gradu- ed last week th.. .Il..ve members of assisted by President George F. Jack­ .====:.encoun ter difficulty with improperly adj usted li ghts and poor foot brakes. Newa~'k .Cou?try ~lub Tuesday n~ght I ham, Middletown and Myrtle Fulton, ate work was carried on at the Uni- a motor vehicle de"iiiei-,s commission son and Herman Handloff, secretary Altogether, 386 cars were turned that It IS . hiS belief the campalg?s Yorklyn; best sport outfit, Mildred versity of Delawa{'e and the Wharton to regulate the used-car industry. of the commerce group. for light adjustments, while 341 have contributed greatly to safety. m Morrison, Marshallton; Canie Ly- School of Accounting and Finance. Two other members will be appointed Over 60 local merchants and busi- fe re ordered to have brakes equal­ the state. Former R:presentatlve nam and Maggie Campbell, Newark A rt Teacher Resigns later. ' ness houses have joined in the move- ayne C: Brew:r, preSident of the and Loui!3 Downs, Townsend; best Miss Mildred Burney, for mer Motor car dealers, who charged ment to bring shoppers here and to i,Pd . ti llhtened 01' relined. Other ad­ V; e ",ub, o.ffi~lated. dress outfit, Rachel Morrison and teacher of art at the Delmar school, so me CO nlP~ ' itors with granting "ex- ofl'pr m"l'p ;T)ducem.,.lt to Newark ju tments we re ordered as follow: . Outlining the. growt.h o.f Inspec- Irene Wlodkowski, Marshallton; Mar- has been engaged as art teacher for horbitant" allowances on trade-ins, people to do their buying in Newark licenses and plates, 31; tires, 23; th~ tlOns from theu' beglnnmg m . 192~, garet Shafer, Blackbird and Anna the coming year. She succeeds Miss sponsored the legislation as a "little rather than in neighboring cities and mir rol's, 2, windshields, 4; windshield I E when 79 per cent of the motOl'lsts 1.n Hamilton, Newark. Florence Wilder, who r esigned. -Miss NRA" for the industry. Many other towns. riper , 7; horns, 13; emergency Delaware volunteered have Mildred Morrison, of Marshallton, Elizabeth Child, art instructor at the dealers opposed the idea. Prices Slashed brakes, 3 ~ ; steering gears, 6; clear­ t~ the~r cars checked, Mr. ~Inlth, wh~ IS was awarded the prize for the best Women's College, University of Dela- i Some dealer!, argued that the au- Practically every item that the mer- ance lights and flares, 1 each. chairman of the. natlO~al committee clothing exhibit. ware, will be Miss Burney's part- thority given to fix the trade-in value chants are offering during these two Local garagemen who handled the on co m~ul sory mspectlOn laws for Carry Off Honors time assistant.
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