Oral History of Victor (Vic) Poor
Oral History of Victor (Vic) Poor Interviewed by: Gardner Hendrie Len Shustek Recorded: December 8, 2004 Melbourne, Florida CHM Reference number: X3110.2005 © 2005 Computer History Museum Oral History of Victor (Vic) Poor Gardner Hendrie: Vic Poor has agreed to an oral history interview for the Computer History Museum and, right at the beginning, we thank you for being willing to do this. I think probably maybe the best place to start. Could you tell us a little bit about your family background, siblings, where you grew up, you know, when you were born, some of those things. Victor Poor: Why? Does that have anything to do with computers? <laughs> Hendrie: Huh? Poor: I said, does that have anything to do with computers? Hendrie: Well, what it actually does is, there's a clear association with people's early background and what they ended up doing. Poor: Well, I'm a native of California, born in Los Angeles and I have-- I had one sister, who is also still alive, now lives in Seattle. But I was actually raised in San Diego, which was where I lived until I finished high school. My parents tell me that I was fascinated by radio and that, as soon as I was old enough to reach the knob on our Philco shortwave set, I was mesmerized by the radio. I certainly can't remember that but I do remember becoming a ham radio operator early on in life and I've always been a active ham radio operator. Hendrie: What were your parents occupations? What did they do? Poor: My mother was a public health nurse and my father was a construction..
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