Ford’s Theater, Abraham Andrew Derringer pistol shot to avenge the defeat April 14, 1865 April 15, 1865 Washington, Lincoln Johnson to head of the Confederacy D.C.

railway station, pistol shot to disappointed office James Garfield Chester Arthur July 2, 1881 Sept. 19, 1881 Washington Charles J. Guiteau abdomen seeker D.C.

Pan-American pistol shot to William Theodore Exhibition abdomen(died b/c of Sept. 6 1901 Sept. 14, 1901 anarchist McKinley Roosevelt Center, poor medical Buffalo, NY treatment)

motorcade in rifle shots to head John Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Nov. 22, 1963 Nov. 22, 1963 uncertain Dallas, TX and neck PRESIDENTIAL ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATIONS


Capitol Rotunda pistol misfired, Jackson was Andrew Jackson Jan. 30, 1835 Richard Lawrence paranoid schizophrenic Washington, DC unharmed

Wisconsin, while pistol shot deflected by didn’t want former-president (former-president) Oct. 14, 1912 camping as a break from manuscript in TR’s chest John F. Schrank Roosevelt to be elected to a third Theodore Roosevelt campaigning pocket leaving him unharmed term

“Too many people starving.” May political rally, pistol shots fired but missed have been a Mob hit on Chicago Franklin Roosevelt Feb. 15, 1933 Guiseppe Zangara Miami, FL FDR who was unhurt Mayor Anton Cermak who was mortally wounded.

Executive Office automatic weapons used, but Oscar Collazo and to help gain independence for Harry Truman Nov. 1, 1950 Building, both assailants captured before Griselio Torresola Puerto Rico Washington, DC reaching Truman

unsuccessful airline hijack Delta Airlines blamed his personal troubles on the Feb. 22, 1974 attempt thwarted intention to Samuel Byck commercial airliner government and Nixon in particular dive plane into

pointed pistol at Ford to give Charles Manson a forum to Gerald Ford Sept. 5, 1975 Sacramento, CA Lynette Alice Fromme but did not fire address the world at her trial

to avenge herself against the FBI San Francisco, CA pistol shot deflected, Sara Jane Moore and prove to radicals, on whom she Gerald Ford Sept. 22, 1975 did not hit Ford was spying, that she was a revolutionary like them.

sidewalk outside Ronald Reagan March 30, 1981 Sheraton Hotel, shot in chest with handgun John Hinckley, Jr. to impress actress Jodie Foster Washington, DC

dived light plane into side of William Clinton Sept. 12, 1994 Washington, DC Frank Eugene Corder drunken despair over failed life White House

fired semi-automatic rifle into William Clinton Oct. 29, 1994 Washington, DC Francisco Duran “Its time to take our country back.” White House from sidewalk