WAIMATE HIGH SCHOOL 2020 Phone: 689 8920 Fax: 689 8925 www.waimatehigh.school.nz Email
[email protected] Principal: Mrs Janette Packman Email
[email protected] Deputy Principal: Mr David Shea Deputy Principal: Mrs K Tagiaia Useful contacts: BOT Chairperson: Mr S Duncan NCEA / NZQA: Miss T Dollan Learning Support Co-ordinator: Mrs S Geaney Pastoral Managers 11, 12 & 13 Mrs J Simpson 9 & 10 Mrs A Nicolson 7 & 8 Miss K Jarvis Guidance Counsellor: Miss J Fisher Careers Counsellor: Mrs M Donaldson Uniform Co-ordinator: Mrs V Scott Bus Controller: Mr S Albrey Learning Advisors: CSH Mr N Schumacher CSM Mr M Simonsen GLD Mr B Liddy GTS Mr M Thomson LAL Mr S Albrey LSO Miss N Solomon PHA Ms A Harvey PNC Mrs A Nicolson “Kaua e hoki i te waewae tutuki a apa ano hei te ūpoko pakaru” Māori whakatauki \ Do not turn your back because of minor obstacles but press ahead to the desired goal. 18 September 2020 The Principal’s word Te wiki o te teo Māori language week has inspired us to Kia kaha te reo Māori. He mihi nui ki a koutou - a huge participate in a range of activities. On Monday 12 noon thank you to everyone involved and especially Carol our school took up the challenge and joined over one and Stuart Duncan for capturing our moment on film. million other New Zealanders to sing a waiata at that time. Our entire school and staff stood united in front of our kura to sing our support for Te wā tuku reo Māori - the Māori language moment.