."TIOK OALIKDAR Jlll';i\TfI, . 'A·I·I<, Re~ .lamp., A8 Ibro.," 7:1 alii! ,\5 CloudY. Ibrou,b 05 ,00' I.'ollnllol" rIOCE."ED 1'0008, BI ...I .... p. A8 Ibr••• b !118 aD' A5 Ibrou,b 105, ,00' 1.,.f1Dllol,: IIUGAR, ....., .80, st, a~ ••• sa •• vb .ood ror flv. pOUlD4. at aanol'AJ •• ,.r IhroM,1l Feblulr)', IOWA: Partly Claud, and WanD .0'" Toar: GA80LINE A·)3, lout ,.11.".... b, ,ood Ibroll,b Deo. ~l: rUEL OIL porl04 ••"d & ••• po"., THE GlllIpOnl .DAILY IOWAN &,ood .brourh SIPi. M. Hew perlgj) oue DOW rood i SHOES, alrptanl lia.pl 1 and 2, ,ood M • N -

~ ~~ID4~";'ln~lt.~IY~.======~~~~~~======~======~lo::w::a==C~i;t~y~'~s~~~o~r~n~'~n~g~~e~W~s;p~a~p;e~r~======~~~~::~~======V~UNffi)~~~~~n:JI ADOCl'AftIt .- VOLUME XL V NUMBER 3 fIVE CENTS t'B • .uIOClADJI ..... IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER '};T, 1944 h = YANKS HUNT NAZI ENEMY IN THEIR HOMELAND Transpor-ts Land in Holland; Russians Pr.ess Toward Riga Jazis Yield Announces New Banl- New British 500 Towns U. _Se_R_estricl__s _A_r-=-ge_' n__ti _ne_I_ro_o_e Drive Opens WASHINGTON CAP) - The A state department spokesman Wue a-pttiea United States tightened screws on said the reason tor the hipping Recognition was refused to Far- Fall Back on Riga Argentino yesterday with two Germans Claim moves thinning trade between the ban was because route. must be rell's government and American 'Red Devil' Division For What May Be two countries to a trickle. r ponslve to war requirements. Ambassador Norman Armour was Lalt Baltic Stand The state department announced Tho e countries contribulinl ef­ withdrawn {rom Buenos Aires Wiped Out the first move-a ban preventing fectively to the pro. ecution of the this summer. IJONDO (AP) - Yielding American ships from calling at war will or course continue to re­ Last month, all exporls of gold PREME lIEADQI AR- more than 500 towns lind vii· Ar,entine ports after Oct. I. cei ve sympathetic consideration were banned to Argentlna, [lDd TER, • AEF, "IV dn sday ( AP) At the same time, it was with respect to American ships the state department made clear - 'fh Briti h 'ccond anny nt lages 10 the RUF;sians, the for their domestic need , he con­ Monday that Ar,entine firms Jearned, the department Instruct d anoth r column t toward AS A CAMOUFLAGED TANK opens UP on a hidden Nasi position In the town of Roth, Germany, mouled divisions or the German the foreign economic admlnisttn­ tinued. which helped the Nazis will con­ American infantrymell crouch by a roadside fence alld hold their machine runs readY. The moment the northern ormy corp. fell back lion to restrict export licenses to The trade restrictions headed tinue on an American blacklist l'many y . terda)" pnlling lip enemy 'is flushed out ,the runs will berln their de adly chatter. This Is all official slrnal corps photo, on Ri~a last night for what may Argentina to a minimum. the list ot a long series 01 diplO­ after the war. on th fen riv r at B xm r, be their last stand in t he Baltic No Trade matic ond economic measures Political Isolation of Argentina 13 mill' !IOnth of Nijml'grn and stat p . . The shipping ban means that which this gO\olCrnment has taken tram the rest of the al1!ed world only thr mil from th DlIt~b· A brief oviet commnnique no American vessels can engage against the militaristic regime of was climaxed when Farrell's (lOV­ Grrman hol'dl'r. reported that Red army fore . in trade with Argentina, re ultlng President Edelmiro Farrell since ernment withdrew this month Tlli n w driv am SUI Presiden.t Names New Dean took more than 200 ploceR in In a huge slash in the amount of it seized power at the beeinning tram the inter-American commit­ American tron port 1 n n d (' d their drive to clear the scattered goods which can be carried. at the year. tee for political defense. 10. behind th front in Hoi· this position the dean administered City. In 1934 he was named to the and disorganized enemy from land with ml' n. wr ollOIl ond Allin Winston Dakin the joint functions of the three col­ teach ing sta!! of the commerce de­ the west coo t of Estonia south­ \IT>pli for thr brlragu r<'d leges whic hhave individual presi­ partment of Robert college at west of Tallinn and pressed on Marines on Peleliu B·29's Bomb House CommiHee airborne troops in th NIJm g n­ Istanbul, T u r key and I ate r down within 45 miles northeast at Arnhem sector and bolstered the To Assume New Post dents and separate boards of assumed the office of bursar of Riga. taking 300 places in Latvia. trustees. Robert college and the American Near Akarakoro Point A h J Starts Contempt Case anted forces for the Increaslnlly A native of Iowa, Dean Dakin College for Girlll. While in Istan­ Capture Cesls vital struule at the northern Appointed to Work A supplement to the communi­ was born in Mason City, June 2, bul he was managing director of Sever Communications Cite Edward Rumely ,oteway to the Rhine. As Administrative 1905, the son of Dr. Channing E. the American hospital, largest in­ que mentioned capture of Cesls, ns an, ap There l Ull was no word eorlY Assistant to President and Norra A. Dakin. His parents stitution of its kind east of Paris. 50 miles northeast of Riga. and For Refusal to Produce today. however, 01 the tate of the were graduated from the Univer- During his five years in Turkey. Madliena, 37 miles east of Riga, Between Jap Lines; Sf el Cenler Subpoenaed Records British airborne "Red Devil" dl­ sity of Iowa and his father, a Dean Dakin traveled extensively as among the day's notable feats. Encircle Some Units e vislon which has clun, stubbornly President Virgil M. Hancher an- graduate of the class of '96, was for spending one summer visiting Riga, last Baltic capital in to a 11 tUe foothold on the north nounced yesterday the appoint- 45 years a surgeon in Mason City. throughout A nat 0 I I a to learn enemy hands and a highly valu- U. S. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD­ A B-29 SUP E R FOR TRESS WASHINGTON (AP) - The bank of the Nedel' Rhine for nine house campallD Inv Utatln, com­ ment of Allin Winston Dakin of His mother, a graduate of '97, is Turkish business procedure. He able naval base for the newly un- QUARTERS Pearl Harbor (AP) BASE IN WEST CHINA (AP)- A doys and nllhu. Claremont. Calif. as his adminis- the daughter of Thomas and Kate travelled through Africa, especial­ fettered Red Baltic fleet, already l-s' h ~red and eighty-six heavy torce of American Super­ mittee called yesterday for federal A German broadcast, uncon­ trative assistant with the rank and Allin, pioneer residents of Iowa ly south Africa and the eastern is closely threatened by the Rus- IX un court action apinst an official 01 flrmed by allied sources. asserted slans six miles to the south. and Americans have been kllled, 406 fo rtresses bombed Industrial in­ title of dean. The newly-named City. ports. He visited in Crimea, stallations at Anshan In Man­ the committee for constitutional that the valiant little band or dean will come to the University Dean Dakin was graduated from Cascausia, northern Russia and only a narrow escape corridor are missing and 4,408 have been churia for the third time by day­ British ,ltytTooper. finally had of Iowa from the associated Clare- the University of Iowa in 1926, Scandinavia. leading westward along the sea wounded in the invasion of lhe light yesterday. ,overnment who refused to sub- been liquidated with the last 600 mont colleges: Pomona, Scripps, president of his class. For three 1ft Far East remains to the Germans. Palaus through Sept. 25 Admiral The B-29 squadrons. second in mit a list of contributors of $100 or IUTrel\de'I1n, , terda, mornlo,.; ..... 'monv a re- and Claremont, as soon as his suc- years after graduation, he re­ In 1939, enroute to the United The Soviet communique al~o . ' . &ize only to those which made a more. The combination of powerful Chi cessor there has been appointed. mained at Iowa as a member of the States, he went to India. the East announced capture of Turka. in Chester W. NimItz announced 10 mass attack on Manchuria Sept. 8, The congret8lo081 committee, around blow. by British armor The bride's In making the appointment, teaching staff of the college of Indies, China and Japan. From southern Poland 12 miles from the a communique last night. took off early in the morning to and the reinforcements and sup~ which was President Hancher said that the commerce. experiences gained in these travels border of Czechoslovakia, and Last night Nimitz reported that "clean up anything ov rloo)

'AGE TWO THE DAILY JOW AN, IOWA CI,.y, IOWA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1944 WBoNE • ==- Opinions On and Off the Campus- THE DAILY IOWAN Septemher 21- OFFICIAL DAIL Y BULLETlti Items In tile UNIVERSITY CALENPAR .r. schedllied In tIM ,.,.. Published every morning except Monday by Student PubUcatloDi dent'. Outee, Cild Copltol. Item. for the GI!:~AL NOTrcU IN What Gift A,re YOIF Semling Your ServicelRlA Omseas~. depoell,ed with the campus editor of Til. nally rOWln or mar be Re fDcorporated at 126-130 Iowa avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. ~.\l,',pla,.~edl_ln the llox.J>rovlded for their clopo,lt In the office, of 1'M GENERAL NOTICES mult be at TIle Dall1. Iowan .., A. Back p. m . Ih. day preeedlnil llrlt publlcalionl nolie•• will NOT "" Bond ot Trustees: Wilbur Schramm, Kirk H. Porter, Crail Doria Kaelrln« .~nop~r a small foxhoLe pillow and a Mrs. AUlust Vermace, Z3 N. Icoepted by telephone, and must b. TYPED 0 .. LEOmLY WJUTTIIIj Baird, Paul R. Olson, Donald Ottilie, Mary Jane Neville, Mary Beth I ' ... " ,money belt. He emphw;ized send­ Lucas street, laundry employee: and SIGNED by a teaponllb1. person. Pllmer, Karalyn Keller, Jack Moyers. U15 Rocllester avenue. L don t ing food of any sort that would Comn "I send candy, tobacco, shaving. Wednesday, September 27, lBU 'know where he is so it is hard' to ' Keep, ~ I sent canned tins of Fred M. Pownall Publisher Tracks soap, razor blades, toothpaste, leads Dorothy Klein, Editor Dick Baxter, Adv. Mgl'. decide what to give, but I think food, cookies, fruit cake and hard UNIVERSITY CALENDAR I'll send an identification brace- candy." I combs and brushe~ to my i\usbllnd Entered as lteond class mail SUbscription rates-By mail $11 * 1918* * let." who is serving in India." Thursday, Sept. 28 Wednesday, Oct. " With: matter at the poatoffice at Iowa per year; by carrier, 111 cent. One hundred bluejackets will City, Iowa, under the act of con- weekly, $5 per year. l'atricla lOrby, A3 of Greens- . 9 a. m.-4 p: m. Surgical dres- add color to the olive drab ranks : ,,:'da~:~eer ~or:s~:;~~~~: . m~~~~g Ppi~'u;e~~~,~~u~t~~:~; Regisll' IN8I of March 2, 1879. Veva Bleaa MarDI, pealdent seas. I'm sendin, her cosmetics viUe: "I'm sending gum, peatnuts, ~mgs, University club, Film" "Whistling Wings" Room The Associated Presl is exclu- that are to transform the Uni­ 't' , four cour versity of Iowa into a training V. F. W. auxiliary: "We are send­ and soap. A girL has to keep up cheese and candy. I believe that 1 p. m. Red Cross Kensmg on , 223 Engineering building, curriculu TELEPBONllS sively entitled to use for republi- Ing greetings to all members of her morale no matter where she tmese articles are unperishabLe University club. Thursday, Oct, 5 I:dl.torial Offic:e 4192 cation of all newl dispatcht!l camp for war this year. arts are 1920 armed forces whose parents be­ is." and will arrive there in good con- 3 p. m. Information First: "From Conference on administration dents enr ----. credited to it or not otherwise long to Post 581 of V. F. W." Society Office __. __.•. 4193 credited in thil paper and also Men who served overseas for dition." the Battlefront," by Gordon Gam- and supervision, senate chamber, skiils," it Business Office __... _~ ... 4191 the local news published herein. one year or more do not have Mn. Bertha Mantlel'" 525 Olive ' mack, senate chamber, Old Capi- Old Capitol. day. to wear the traditional green caps. Mn. Kenneth Millsa.. jewelry ••en ... "I'm sending my grand- Lou Sc)u:oeder, J4, Webl~r tal. 9 a. m. Surgical dressings, Uni- This la WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1944 1922 clerk, 228 S. Summit: "I'm send­ son some of my special strawber- City: "I plan to send personali:<:ed 4 p. m. Tea, University club. versity club. sections ' A new name has appeared in ing my husband cookies and other ry: jam, I think it wiJI give him hand soap with the marine in- Friday, Sept. 29 1 p. m. Red Cross kenSington, tion of P the jargon of campus life. The goodies which he can enjoy as a little touch of home. I might signia and hi~ name on' it." 7:45 p. m.-Baconian lecturo on Univel'sit. club, the speec term 'housemother' is to super­ soon as he gets them." inclt~de " paDCake mix and maple History and Political Science, by 4 p. m, "Information First: "The wl'iting, 1944 Victory Talk Decreases- sede the sorority 'chaperon.' sirup." Peuy Hoyt A2, Emmetsburl: Prof. J E Briggs senate chamber Basis of WorLd Peace," by Gov. 1923 Jayne Llvinptone, A3 of Ft. '''Although t am not defJ,nitely de~ 'Old Capit~l.' , Bourke B. Hickenlooper, senate LONDON (AP)-The past week not represent a breakthrough and Germans do not want their DollIe: "I'm sending books-sev- Mn. Russell Cochran, 426 N., cided as yet, I think I will. at Sunday, Oct .1 chamber, Old Capitol. has done much toward putting that a breakthrough was accom- wives too modern, if modernity eral short humorous books, a ca1'- ' DOOle street', dru, store clerk: Least send a writing- kit and a 6 p. m.-Buffet supper, Univer- 4 p. m. Tea, University club. into a more realistic perspective a includes bobbed hair. That is toon book and a good novel." "We send them cards" dice and box of that candy which is all sity club. FrIday, Oct. 6 plished only when such a penetra- ' t f d t' things Like soap and shaving pow- ,prepared fou mailing. Perhaps TIlesda-y, Oct. 3 Conference on administration great deal ot the talk about cer- j qw te apparen rom a ver Ise- tain victory before the end ot tion had been exploited so that tisements for wives appearing in MJ's. Maye Stum/lJ, cha,pel'OIl, der. We aLso s.end canned soup I fill fill up a box with such 4 p, m.-Y. W, C .A. meeting; and supervision, senate chamber, 1944. troops could flow freely throught the best German newspapers. Delta Gamma: "I'm sending my . and beans. We've found some things as wool socks, gum, a pipe, address by Prof. H, J. Thornton, Old Capitol. . In the week the British sweep the gap for operations beyond the The new hoine of Delta Gamma', grandson only gifts he asked for chocolafes that ship well because razor blades and other incident- senate chamber, Old Capitol. I 7:45 p. m. Baconian lecture on to the weak northern flank of the defense belt. ·.situated at the intersection of: -moccasins, several small books, they stapd a heat of 126 degrees." als." II p. m.-University lecture by Language and Literature, by Pro!. Siegfried line has been stymied The next morning a communi~ College and Summit streets, is Dr. Y. C. Yang, Macbdde audi- B. V. Crawford, senate chambe: torium. Old Capitol, and three racing American armies que said "Our forces are fighting ready for occupancy. PauJ MaUon Says- \' have been slowed to a walk in the in the southern outskirts of 1924 (For information recardlng dates beToncl this IIChedule, lee stiffening enemy defenses short Aachen and strong elements have French girls too taU . too r"8I'VatioDs in the offIce of the PresIdent, Old CapiioL) of the Rhine. broken through the Siegfried de- heavy ... too homely, according The allies announced one pene'" fenses east of the city against to a university male recently re- tration through the Siegfried de- heavy resistance." turned from France. There May Not Be a Bumper Crop GENERAL NOTICES fenses. But so far they have not , That may yet become a break- 1925 ( been able to exploit it into any- through. But it has not become Horseback riding classes have By PAUL MALLON the administration is worried welJ'as justification. S~Al.S SWIMMING CLUB will hold its weekly meeting Wed­ thing resembling a breakthrough. ,one in these ten days. On the other been revived this year by the WASHINGTON-T h e 0 fficial Se"ls, honorary swimming club nesday at 7:15 in room 110, The German army was whipped side of this breach, the Germans women's physical education de­ stories say there will be another about the polls showing Dewey The Bankhead idea for govern- for \I 'omen, will hold tryouts for Schaeffer hall. All those inter­ in Franc(), but it has yet to. be have hurled in enoug/l force to parfinent. bumpeD crop this year, but some leading in the farm regions. ment purchase of the full cotton memt-ership Sept. 28. ested in Christian Science al'e in­ whipped on its horne soil and in ,plult the opening while behind 1927 of the pl'ivate experts suggest it Gross panaceas to aid the far- crop (which along with wheat is JOAN WHEELER vited to attend. its own dl~fense belt. them a pick and shovel army of Night clubs are growing more will tum out mucb less than la:;;t mer natu,.ally are in good order, good) has better justification but President MARGARET L. PETERSON This is the fight that is shaping civilians was put to work digging numerous in England and Wales year as a whoLe. and it may be necessary to wait is running into questions as to Actina: President up now. The power, the position a new trench line. but there are fewer public houses Decreases will come in soy until after election to get any where the government could store NEWMAN CLUB beans, flax, corn, peanuts, hay, clear cut absolute picture of the store it and keep it, at what cost The Newman club mixer dance and the initiative have be.en main- Sixty miles to the south ot and less drunkenness, the home GRADUATE RECORD office points out. oats and barley. situation. and in what condition for protec- sched.led for Se.pt. 22 ha3 been tained by the allies despite the Aachen other First army forces EXAMINATION intensity of the German counter- generally: are across the Reich Commercial airlines in the Economic stabilizer Byrnes is Even so, there seems to be con- fion against deterioration. postpone:! until Sept. 29 at 8 The graduate college, in cooper~ attacks. But the victory remains frontier. But they have been un­ United States are rapidly growing w;king $2,000,000,000 to handle fusion among the managers here No doubt the government would o'clock al Iowa Union. the officially predi.cted surpluses, of ou~ manalled, economy, some further like to take more food off MARY JANE ZECH ation with other leading universi~ to be won only after hard fighting. able to fashion any really- sub- 1928 ties and through the Carnegie Armed with knives and hoes, but the housewife knows there of whom are political. The stories the rationing list before election. Social Chairman Corre!Jpondents were told on stantial gains out of: their initial foundation for the advancement the evening of Sept. 16 that "at wedges into the Siegfcled line at pupils of the fifth and sixth are obvious further shortages in of surpluses sound good to con- But the inner condition of various butter and cheese, and rationing is sumers and processors, but make line;; does not encourage such SUMMER SEMESTER GRADES of teaching, is giving the graduate one point east of Aachen troops Prum and Trier. grades in the university elemen­ record examination for orientation of General Hodge's American Farther sou t h Lieut. Gen. tary school attacked unsightly still going. • the farmer shaky. action-a pretty fair indication Grades fl'r the 1944 summer Vermont's senator Aiken is pro- Some ot the outsiders (Dewey that surpluses at the moment are semester for beginning freshmen at the beginnin, 01 grllduate First army have completely pene- 'AlexandeJ: M. Patch's Seventh weeds on the hillside north of the work. The examination will be trated the Siegfried line and have armies still are forced to fight building. moting a regtoJ;ation of the food sympathizers, no doubt) suspect hard to find . in liberal art~ are available at the stamp plan to dole out the sup- the planners at over-emphasizing The prohibitive increase in office of tho registrar upon the held Wednesday and Thursday, taken up positions on the other with fury for every foot across 1930 Oct. 11 and 12, 8 a. m. to 12 M. in side oj! the line." the Moselle river, 40 miles and Bobby Jones assumed undis­ posed surpluses, but there are no surplus prospects in all official point values of catsup, fruit and presentation of the certificate of needy to justify such a dole. bulletins to restore complete post- tomato juices recently was offic­ registration or student identifict~ room 301, Physics building. It was emphasized that this did more from the Rhine. puted supremacy in the golfing This shows the relative achieve­ world by his fourth major victory Reports from official qUarters war acreage control to Washington. ially attrihuted to "increased arm:\' tion card. ment of the student in eight of this year. SUggest the armY is overstocked in The old AAA crowd has not demand." But this action also en­ Profession:ll college grades will ,Europe, anw certainly it is true iost its desire for regimentation, abIes continuance of mechanics of be distributed as announced by the principal fields of learning, Missouri Valtey Pfans Investigated- Nah--I,'fee-Num.-.SI:uk, 121 year that the job of feeding northern even though war necesseties have the rationing system by taking ill the dean of the college. which is exceedingly valuable to old .Ind1an now hvmg on ~ reser- Europe, will be less than we ex~ forced an opposite policy to pro- the blue points, earlier lifted trom HARRY G. BARNES the student for self-analysis and , atlOn in Mayett~, .'Kansas,ls' mak- peeted. Conditions in Germany as mo t e utmost production-and vegetables and a rew other items. WASHINGTON (AP)-A sen'- The suggested 5,000-foot differ- :v Recistral' self-guidance. It is used in edu­ mi plans to VlSlt the home ot well as France seem less dnastic on 'those are the boys who make the Yet the vegetable canning out~ cational guidance, recommenda­ ate i r rig a t ion subeommittee ence, Sloan figured, wouLd repre­ hi~ ~OYhOOd, the shores of Lake that sco.re than we anticipated. offi~ial statistics. No doubt they look for winter is not up. F'ur~ delved yesterday into a major diL- sent loss of a million aeres of pe­ FIUD HOUSE tions and the awarding of gradu~ Michigan. But there are no official figure::; would like to get the farm situa- :thermor~ sugar allotments tor ate stipends and honors. ferenoe in two contrasting plans tentially irrigable land in the All university men may use the 1933 to show how much overstocking lion back in their laps, where they home canning did not do the job field house floors and facilities This examination is available for Missouri river developmen~ upper basin, or 29 percent of the Letters to be carl!ied by the the defenses services have done, had' it. of promoting the usual amount the amount of water needed to total acreage which the bureau .from 6:30 to 9 p.m. They must be to all registered graduate students Graf Zeppelin must be in New or in what lines. The :food,' stamp plan on the of that home food supply for the dressed in regulation gym suit of who have not comgleted more establish a 9-foot channel between proposes to benefif. YOi'll: by October 4, it was an- Toss all these and other similar other hand will certainly be kIlled winter. Home canning is d'efin- than 15 semester hours of gradu­ Sioux City, Iowa, and St. Louis. Only p r act i cal experience qlack shorts, white shirt, and rub­ nounced today. A special Graf news evidences of the food situa- by congress, It will no doubt get itely down. . ber-soled gym shoes. ate credit and to juniors and se­ It would be less, witnesses sai.d, would finally d' e t e l' min e tile Zeppelin flight postage stamp has tion into the air, and you will find' out of the full agriculture commit- So anyone who likes clarity and niors who plan to enter graduate Undet' the reclamation bureau. pro- amount actually needed for navi­ E. G. SCHROEDER been Issued by the post offke de.- very little solid fact floating to the tee to tile floor. But. the senate assured facts will the trouble work. It is a formal requirement gram embracedin a bill before gation, said the bureau official partment. ground. is not likely to appro.ve, and eVeD- o~ looking behind the food news for first yenr graduate students, the subcommittee- introduced by who is credited with devising its Jt.ECKEATIONAL SWDBUNG 1934 About the only visibLe fact is if it does, the house-will not. The until after November 7. .Ml I WOMEN'S POOL now registered, who are or plan Senator O'Mahoney (D., Wyo.) $1,257,000,000 plan for the basin. Princess Marina ot Greece has that this is an election year and measure cleady lacks urgency, as find there now is politics. 4~5 p. m. Monday, Tuesday, to become candidates for ad­ than the amount estimated under IrrigatioJl power and flood con~ taken all England, by storm since Wednesda~ and Friday. vanced degrees and thosa who an 8l'my engineers' plan covered trol dams the bureau contemplates the anouncement of her betroth­ 10 a. m.-12 M. Saturday. hoLd graduate stipends. in measures already passed by above Sioux City would mean al to Prince George, youngest son Recreational 8wirning periods The examination requires no the house. a more un$rm flow, lower ve- of the British royal family. Kirke Simpson Interprets the War Hews are open to aU women students, preparation. It will take two half­ Committee approval of the bill., locity and. leBsening of the silt 1935 r faculty, faculty wives, wives of days. Each student will receive a proposing authorization of $40.0,- problem,. thus contributing toward Gales up to five miles an hour A curtain ot silence drawn by with HIe business of smashing the Belgium are to be fully exploited. graduafle studlmts an dad minis­ full report and explanation of hi' 000,000 on 30 projects as the ini- maintaining a uniform I channel s w e p t Jamaica, uprooting an Nazi "west wall" defense system The uLtimate victory in Europe tratlve staff members. Students record. Each departmenb will re­ tial stage of a bureau plan for full depth and thereby reducing the estl'mated two mil' ll'on ban a n a General Eisenhower over allied b ttl . . te ed e ore au umna rams 10 rven , is not in question. The time it will should present their identifica­ ceive a proIile ot its rellistered utilization of the river systetn,. flow necessary for navigation sta~ trees. operations ih Ule Brabant gateway Targets picked for massed heavy tion card sto the ma,ron for ad­ students and a complete file will would put it in pOSition fOIl at- bility, he expLained. LYNN, Ma'Ss.: Hornets, dis­ area in east central Holland' to bombe attacks tend to bear out t<\ke to achieve it, and the hope mittance. be kept in the offices ot the dean tachlng as an amendment to the Sloan told Sen a tor Johnson lodged from their nest when city northern Germany has all but that assumption. They included of averting a deadening winter oC thc graduate college and the house legislation. Thus hoth plans (D., Col.) that he believed the employees cut down a giant tree, blacked out news trom that seeth- communication hubs· of the Nazi campaign witp its heavy casualty llECREATIONAL SWIMMING office of the registrar, and may would be laid before a conference states inVolved could agree "right \SWead. havoc throul!ho~ the. ing front. It leaves-the fate of gal- supply line for the Dutch sector lists not only in battle but from The swimming pool at Iowa be certified by the registrar to committee. now" on. the allo'Catibn of water neighborhood stinging numerous lant British "Red Devil" airborne of The "west wall" front like' Bre- prolonged exposure of the troops field house will be open to all men any institution to which the stu­ From. W. G. Sloan, assistant proposed in the bureau's plan and persons. advance units ih. doubt despite men, Ham m and Osnabruck. in sodden trench lines, are at students and faculty members for dent may transfer. regional. director of the bureau, I Johl¥lon advised that agreements 1937 Berlin radio claims of their liq.ui- Within that 150-mile radius east stake. recreational swimming on Tues­ The examination is free to the senators received an estimate between the states be obtained BERLIN: Benito Mussolini and. dation. of Amhem lie- the raiiyards, road Undoubtedly Eisenhower and day, Wednesday, Thursday and graduate students now registered that for the 9-foot channel in first. Otherwise the s\ates wlIl I)e Adolf Hitler, in an exchange ban­ rt seems certain, however, that junctions and r i vel' crossings his commanders are straining to Friday nights from 7 to 9:30. in the uni versity and to any ju­ the low!!r river a flow of "17,000 indifferent, he obse'rved. quet, realfirmed the solidarity. of; Eise!ihower's security move was \ through which supplies and rein- bring the tull weight of their Students and faculty must ar­ niors or seniors who plan to enter second feet at Siopx City probably Sloan told the senator that the the Rome-Berlin axis of close col­ dictated by other considerations, forcements move up to bolster the greater numbers and better equip­ range for lockers before 6 p. m. at this graduate college. All others Will be adequate." facilities planned would have con~ laboration In E'uropean l affairs. The enemy certainly know' al 'desperate German effo~t to stave ment to bear promptly and decis­ the fieldhouse, must pay a nominal fee of $1.50 Army engineers were repre- Lrolled the 1943 and 1944 floods 'Live' billboards, either human, about the situation at till!' Arnnem off an allied break-through into ively at the selected point or points E. G. SCllROEDER for the entire service. All students Bented in testimony ye~terday as above Omaha and that the bureaU' or animal, were declared illegal portal where the British daredev- the Hanoverian plain. Jbetween Al'Jlhem and the BeUort required to take the examination advocating 22,000 second feet as had adopted the army's plan for in Los Angl!les after pOlice re­ Us have kept- a stubborn toe in the' Not many weektt of good fig/lt~ gap. FUt/5T ALL-UNIVERSITY and all who elect it must file ap­ the necp-saary minimum. flood control in the lower river. ported these devices congest traf­ Brabant door to the north German iog w~ther J:emain. Becli.n broQd~ Eisenhower'S call to millions of LECTURE plication belore Saturday, Sept. fic and ca use accidents. plain for nearly 10' days. casU. reflect Nazi hopes ot holding enslaved foreign workers in Ger­ Dr. Y. C. Yang, president of 30, in the university examinatIOn. 1938 The silence order has some oubat all cosu. in the west to await many to get into action turther Soochow university in China, and servico office, room 114, Univer­ ,Air DeUter F. D. R pleads for continua­ other significance that probably a win_ stabilization of the bat- testifies to his determination to director of the Speaker' bureau sity hall. Freighters. Reinforcemenfs- tion of negotiations to prevent bodes the foe no good. It obviously tle lines. The allied ltigh command push on betore (winter. And if he of the Chinese news service in CARL E. SEASHO&E ,war in his second, cabled appeal was intended to deny the enemy in, Europe also clearly rec<>¥nizes succeeds in cracking through the New York City, will deliver the Deall, the Graduate CoileI' By A. r. GOLDBERG to Hitler. knowledge of a swift shifting of that time is rUrullng against it: "west' wall" anywhere within the first all-university lecture lor this SOMEWHERE IN HOli.L~ corps men swung jeeps out of the 1839 allied forces for a concentrated that a supreme and immediate ef- weeks al\ead the British in' the year Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 8 p. m. in JNTRAMUaA£S '(AP)~American freighters of the pIlmes. Hitler was reported tonight to power stroke to end file stalemate tort is in or~er in the west if the. Arnhem area must be given milch the main, lounge of the Iowa Union. Tlte subject will be "China There wllI be a meeting of all air late yesterday poured jeeps, 'It's been Ii> success so fa~," he be massing his troops to use them in the Dutch corddor and get on sweeping victories in France and of the cradit for it. in the 20th Century." Frce tic­ the newly appoinled Intramurai men and weapons onto a forward ventured. to induce France and Britain to discuss peace terms. kets for faculty members and stu­ athlelic managers, T h u r s d a'y, Sept. 28, ut 4:30 p. m. in room 5 airfield here in thl! first landings Pilot ot my jeep-hauling trans~ 18 •• dents will be available at the In­ of the !Ieldhousc locker room. with supplies for the harassed port was Lieut. R. H. Koon, of Jeff Davis, king of the hoboes, hem~ ta frood ill Affer V~E DiY formation desk of Iowa Union be­ 1I. E. BJtICILAHI) forces in the Eindhoven-Arnhem Sheridan, Ark. sent word by grapevine and mail ginning Thursday morning, Sept. to 1,010,000 'subjects' today to get WASHINGTON (AP)-"Wan.t- nearJy all civilian controls will be washing maehines- are almost des­ 28. corridor, Previously supply and OthellS of this· !reigh b crew, all Any tickets unclaimed by Oct. lIANDJCRAFT CLUB reinforcinlt of this battle '4ne veterans of heavy glider and cargo off the road and into military ed: Any electric iron at your, •dropped. perately scarce, and' WPB SUl'veys 2 wlll be made availabLe to the The W. R. A. Handicraft ciub has been done by glider or. by hauls since D-day, included Sergt. service or defense1941 industries. price, bonus one bottle of good Automobiles may t'ake three to have shown that more than one- general public. will hold iLs first lIIeeting THurs­ parachut'ing men and materiel. Kenneth A1eers, of Keystone, ' Statisticians al/ree that United scotch." . eight months, by varying est!- fo\,\rth of all the radio sets in tne BARL E. HARPER day, Scpt. 28, at 7:30 p. m. in the ClIalrman States citizens pay higher taxes That was the noUce tacked OR mates. Industry people headqj.Ulr- 'country are out of ser",ice. The sociall'oom of the Women's iym­ ,.h'Jre were Germans near and Iowa. nasium, Anyone Interested ill the blue smoke of battle was than British subjecta, despite er- a Washinaton aparlimEnt house · tered In Washinlton estimate vol.- ,casualty rate among' household ' OPEN HOUSE 110 TES ES crnILs is asked to meet with the clearl" VIS' ible when the C-47 sne- roneous belief that the tax bur- bulletin boaed recently. It l1I.uI- 'ume prOdUction of radios in foue apliances generally is growing. Today at 4 p, m. in the so- group at thut time. Plans will be oT' .. of rr daIs highballed onto this grassy RAF~ I"KInlllJuA~·n""'s - Recard den in Britain is higher. t ra t es the con...... - 111111. scarc.,I.... or flve \ montns vacuum cleaners In most cases none haVe been ci a I room 0.• th e w ome n' s tlym~ mllde for the club's program for pasture and began to disgorge LONDON (AP) _ The R A F' that home neceulty, even though about the sam~, a few w.ashing made since April, 1942, and the , n:Sj~m t thete ~iU ~he II S~ce~ng thc year. their loads. d 'Rabbit Hutches' a bii manufacturer wa. adwr- • .. th Rick of I ,. i .... i' 0 08 esses or e a ur ay JEAN KUEHL transpol1t com man announced N N -0 i ' tis'n" na .... ~ft·nll" of.f.eri.... auto- ' I)l8chl~S 1n three mon s. e~ la repa r par", s ucg nom, night open h.ouse. Tho me-eling The fir.st planes were emptied yesterday that its planes have L 0 'Ii> 0 (AP) ppos t10n u,. "' ...... ,., ... ~I_t tak I to t Il f Cbalrmall and taking off for their Bnitish flown ' n ear I y 29,000 wounded members in com m 0 n s made matic irons 01 pre-war quaillty. It ---.. 'Irs Illa&- e neal' y as e • wlli be' in the orm of a tea, and bases by the time the last planes soldiers from France and, the low barbed com p 1 a i n t s yesterday wm. take a long time to fill -up lottl' a ~ alltOmobilll!l. ' stoves have been produced aU girls who signed for thi a('­ ORCHESI8 were in through the narrow, un- countries to Btltain since D-day against the government program the trade pipelines, and inlfull Plel)tLful supplies will not /le only Ol:l a priority basis since tivity are urpd to attend. The Orchcsis will mcet tomonow certuin corridor, of the Normandy invasion without for making 2,500 pretsbricafled 0refwfe.rlnp will go onlr, to the luck)' avaiJable, some think" fol' six to (JLlUe, 1942, but relief is in the fslerp8~.o:oe,nfr~~s;:3~j~0 ~~ S[)~~~dn~' night at 7:30 in thc mirror room The unarmed trllnsl)"O'PtlJ of the' the loss of a single plane Nearly houses weekly as a preliminary 12 th t'nM Hi"1 d _.~n C of th women's ~ym na slu m, fi1'Jt allied airborne army had a a third of the casualties flown to to bullding 300,000 permanent One-fourth more metal tOY8 are. , mon 8 a - , " er s ow •...... ,. 'offing. oal and wood-bul'Rinl I Margaret Mordy, instruclor o! CAROL WELLMAN thiclli escore of flgMers bUzzinl·on Bl!itish hospitals in the past three homes within two years after the expected this Christmas, war pro- As for furniture, the uphollt- 'cooking and heating stoves go off physical educatlon, wilL discuss Prelll4ll!nl thll'ir flanks and no enemy planes I days have been m em b e r s of war and 4,000,000 within 12 years. ductlon board (WPB) (olks say, e1'1 d'abrlc slwation 'lis dlfflcuU," r;ationing OCt. 15, and' the num- 'the various duties ot u ho t ss u~ c/laUenged them. American unlts. Despite the "lIharpshooters, the bu.t that still Isn't very manf, and WPB officials Insist there is 'ber ot electric stoves permUted is this meeting, MV IC HOUR Th was no fink and all Plllne"l bill was passed through the sec- Most toys will continue to be the DOTT.It: B6NN W dnesduy evening music hour ere"" ond of its three required readings. wood and cardboard creations by not enouah lumber. for full-scale IIraduaIJy inq1l8118log. Chalrm~n of Opea lioule in the convoy headed safely ba.ck . 'MlS81Ng' now familiar. manufacturing. The. bridht d''''' for motbrists wlll b broadcast over wsur to­ to Enclend, belying tne German Seymour Cocks, Labor member, • -" night at eight o'clock . The pro­ radio Which announced at 6 p. m. ' NEW, YORK (AP)-An anxious declared, "Such rabbit hutches Such small and simple items, There' are not 80 manlY &~ pfibl)lib(~ will be in early 111411, SOCIAL DAME LJ:IiiSONS I/ram will include electrical trans­ (L p. 1m. EWlD) tha~ the Germ8lL B roo k I y n housewife yesterday seem only suitable for Snow White alona with a vast range ot kitch- carri.lls QI there' aliI' naw ba.. I wilen the office of price admin- The suie of social dance Lesson or! pUons of music performl!d bY ail'force had bro~n up an attempt ,asked, selective seDVICIJ haadtuw;- and the seven dwarfs to iet in, enware, hardware and houeehold blell· aU210\l'11l sp«:ial etrol!b Hu list i ff t.ir. 'Uckelll will start Sc~ 28, in members of the music depart­ to. reinforce the corridor with ters fall aid in ;etUDa ' news of ,and one inevitabl would be supplies, will surge back into pro- been made by WPB to ptovidiF r rat on plans to 0 er new ~It ~ 'he Lobby of Iowa Union and con- ment. h~J( r ]OI8eII to thl' sHied, planls, her husband" who she said, "haa Grumpy," duction q:ulckLy once Germany both carrlBl/1!B and strollers. , to A-card drivers, ~jnuQ through Saturday, T n ADDItiON ALSPAOB Maj. WilLl~ Childers~ . Mem- been 1'8Qortad rnissllla; for ftJUr Thomas Johnston, secretary of falls. A· nllmber of lnanufactul'et'8- · But the lIWitt elmtlft in' the- l~liSOll S wJl1 be tuught for $1. pht8, Tenn., whot briefed the monlN." state for Scotland, reported the The bigger things wJ11 take have already been autllorized to, feneral civilian outlook of the Students will meet ovol'y Monday UNIVEltt;lTY DI1lECTOJl,f IIClU&droil with which I flew and , "MiSlllla. from. what. area-what aovennment alrea!!» had recawed- 10llier, althouab ac. t 1.n.1- W2B llSUme production at p.\ a nos. 'lilt fow WdeU and months teach- avenini, Copy [or thc University DI~ ~ in, ftrat ·eiem... t, stood in the battle?" alkld, Col Al:thUl:v' }orc- applioatlons for. 221,000. of ttte chairman J. A. lCru~ .&,VI Amari- where lumption will rtoll.ll1teJl- •• one leuon to . whic~ all JOv- Rum I. amLiN tory is now beina prepareTEMDl:!n 21, i'944 TaE 1>AlLY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA PAGE 1'Hilm Registrations for Four Courses In New Curriculum Total 1,647 . ------~------Communication Skins Petitioning for Four Irene Krall, Frank Dolezal Wed in Single leads ,Enrollment Panhellenic Offices Ring Service in Sf. Wenceslaus Church With 836 Students To Start Monday In 11 single ring ceremony, Trene MorrOOn of Ced r Rapids, and , LUELLA Krall. daughter of John Krall, H:lTITlan 'Krall, also of Cedar Rap. Reglslrations totalling 1,647 in route No. 7, became th bride or Ids, r\'ed his brother lUI bHt four courses of the new freshman Sophomore, Junior, BROWN Frank Dolezal, son of ~r . and Mrs. man. curriculum In the college of liberal Senior Sorority arts are headed by 836 new stu­ ENGAGED , Albert Dolezal, 428 Kimball road, White SaUn dents enrolled in "communications Actives Eligible lut Wednesday at 9 a. m. in St. The bride selectea for her wed­ skil ls." it was announced yester­ . Wence Jaus church. TJle Rev. din, a nOOl'-lencth lown of white day. I Announccm! nt was made fOI- ; Edward W. Neuzil read the serv­ satin, fashioned with a sweet­ This large course meets in five ice and Mrs. Philip Englert pre­ lowing the meeting of the Pan­ heart neckline, bridal pol n • sections under the general direc­ l1elenic council yesterday after-I I sented nuptial selections preced­ tion of Prof. E. C. Mabie, head of I ing the ceremony. sleeves and a lathered akin the speech department. It includes noon that petitioning for four dif.-I The bride's lit tendan t was Rose which extended. Into a senior writing, reading and speaking. fer nl offices will begin the week I uain. Her finler-Up veil "a8 "Introduction to Social Sci­ starting Monday, Oct. 2. held in place by a seed pearl ence." one of the core courses, has Any sophomore, junior or senior I First University Club tiara. and a pearl necldace, a an enrollment of 303 beginning women who are active members of litt rrom Ihe bridegroom. wu freshmen. It is held in three sec­ her only Jewelry. She carried a tions under the supervision of a sorority afe eligible for the posi­ tion. Tho's women interested in Supper to Be Sunday bouquet of white Iladioli. Prof. Kirk Porter, head of the po­ Miss Morrison was attired In a litical science department. applyIng tor the positions of pub­ licity chairman, inter-chapter ac­ I An Informal Swedish smorgo - noor-Iength lown of 1IIh1 blue There are 264 students in the tivith:.s chairman, editor and art bord will he the first tall supper net, fashioned with short sleeves, core course en titled "Western Ci v­ editor of the annual rushing book­ or the University club at 6 p. m. a round neckline and bouIfant iJization in Modern Times," under let should obtain petitions begin­ Sunday in the University club­ skirt. Her Ihoulder-Ien,th veil the direction of Prot W. T. Root, ing next Monday from either the rooms or Iowa Union. In charge of blue net Wal held in place by head of the history department. A Panhellenic' office or from Mary I01 the event will tk Mrs. Phillip blue flowers. and her bouquet lecture twice weekly is heard fol­ MRS. FLO BROWN of Ft. Madison announces the enragement of her Ann Mueller. A4 of Kansas City. Jeans. Assistln, ho tesses will be was of salmon Iladloll. lowed by a discussion meeting daUghter. Luella Beth, to Apprentice Seaman Charles U. Sanders, Mo., president of PanheHenic Mrs. Gustav Bergmann, Mrs. The bridegroom', mother ChOM held in five sections. son of ~8. June Sanders. also of Ft. Madison. No date had been council. A board of four persons Clayton Gerken. Mrs. W. R. Mon­ for the weddln, a two-pJece dresa "Biology of Man," a core course set for &lie weddln,. Miss Brown, a rraduate of Ft. Madison hl,h Iwill reach a decision on the peti­ teith, Mrs. J . H. Wick and Prot. of black crepe, with which .he in the natural science field has an sehool. Is now a sophomore at the University of Iowa. Seaman Sand- tions Oct. 9. TOO MUCH CAN'T be said abou~ suits! The Iowa. coed. wiU nnd a Gladys Lynch. Mrs. Kenneth wore while accedCll'ies. H 1I!!r enrollment of 244 students. It is ers, also a rraduate of Ft. Madison high school, Is stationed wllh the It is the duty of the publicity fitted dressmaker suit Jlke the one modeled above an all-around fa­ Spence Is general chairman tor shoulder cor age wu of white directed by Prof. Joseph Bodine, navy V-12 prorram at the Montana School of Mines In BuUe, Mont. chairman to do contact work, dis­ vorite. It's deslrned with the new rounded J"])el and ·,ncetull,. the month of October. gladloJi. head of the zology department and tribute Panhellenic publicity and eurved tucks which serve to widen the houlderUne, aDd the IId.ri bu The program is of special inter­ Weddlnll Dblftef is offered with cooperation of the be responsible for keeping the more tullness 'han las~ sprlnr's silhouette. For sporiler OUWODI, this est to men, but aU members are A wedding dinner was held It botany, geology, home economics, Panhellenic scrapbook. smart combination (rlrht) in searlet and black check wllh the match­ invited. Two sound and color noon a~ the Hotel Jeftel'lOO lor hygiene, museum, psychology and 26 Industrialists Open House TIh e inter-chapter activities Inl' shoulder-purse and hat will be h r campus cIa Ic. tnms, "The Maldng of a Shooter," members or the bridal party and zoology departments. chairman will be in charge of ar- and "Huntin" Fishing and the the lmm~dlate [amUi • A three­ ~tate Parks of Iowa" will be Under the rUles of the new cur­ Enroll for New 'Programs Planned rangements for pledge teas and Educator Addre!sei Father Maline continued, "It Is tiered weddlnl cake surrounded riculUm, all beginning freshme~ shown. Interpretations of the Il1ms by bo\lquetJ ot white and sal­ For Saturdays scheduling other inter-chapter essential in all things. God's pur- will he given by the guest speaker, register for four semester hours functions. St. Mary's Students mon gladioli centered. the table. in "Communication Skills," unless Training Course The editor and art editor oversee pose is the unifyIng force, and Ed Sybil, state consel'vation orr!- Both Mr. and Mrs. Dolezal are excused from this requirement by A get acquainted - s t a y ac­ the publication of the annual rush- "Only when we achieve unity the principle of unIty has to be cer. ,raduales of Iowa City h J g h favorable examination. Dean F. M. Dawson of the col- quainted Saturday night open ing booklet wl1 ich comes out dur- the purpose of the Masier Artist." Reservations must be mode at school. The bridegroom is em­ the Iowa Union de k (x327) by lege of engineering has announced house will be held Saturday, ing the summer months tor pros- and a singleness 01 purpose in Father Moline told students ployed by the University of Iowa, pective rushees. lite, can we become artists at they are now learning the princ!- Friday evenlnK. ond the couple I. now ot home Sept. 30 and each week thereafter that 26 industrialists from three Mrs. Sarah Scott Edwards. supe- living," said the Rev. Julian Mo- pie of unity In living, and that at 1100 140 N. Dod,e street. Gordon Gammack states have enrolled in the new: in the women's gymnasium from rintendent of the reading room and line S. J ., Ph.D., in addressing Iprinciple is designed by the Mast- po e within our elves before we training course on quality coptrol 7:30 until 10 p. m. reference librarY, met with the the student body at St. Mary's er Artist. "In a way. It Is He can produce masterpieces. Recent Vl.Uora by statistical methods. which will One portion of the program council and asked for the cooper- Catholic school yesterday. Fath- who has sketched out the plans "We must get a tullness out of Pvt. and MI'I. Joe Peterullca throughout the term will be de­ To Address Students run from Oct. 11 to Oct. 19. atibn of Panhellenic in the use of I'll' Maline, a well-known Jesuit which give unity to our lives," lite," Father Maline continued, of Ft. Bragg, N. C., were the voted to mixed swimming provid­ the library. educator, is the author of several he added. "but no matter where we are or weekend guests ot Mr and MI'I. Df these industrialists, 14 have ing those participating provide Also present at the council Catholic textbooks. The Jesuit educator Bald that I what we are doing, we can all be Albert Brandt, 931 E. Bloomlni- At Information First signed for the entire course and their own equipment. Table tennis meeting which was held in the se- "Unity is necessary in all art~," we must have a ingleness of pur- artists In living." ton .tree!. . 12 for the exe~utives' session of ahd badminton will be · held and War correspondent Go r don Oct. 11. Some of the executives for the less energetic a number of Margaret Phillips, advisor for the I Gammack opens the Information are expected to remain for the table games; bridge, cards, ' chess, nategroup, chamber who gave of olda report Capitol, on for-was iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiii t First lecture series tomorrow at 3 complete course. checkers, box hockey and shuffle- mal rush week and distributed lists p. m. in the senate chamber of Old Appointment of four visiting ex­ board will be featured. . of those women eligible for inror­ Phone 9607 Capitol. Recently returned from perts to the instructional staff also The main features of the faU mal rushing. France, the Register and Tribune was announced by Dean Dawson. program are the social mixers and The Panhellenic council is com­ STRUB-WAREHAM correspondent will talk on "From and others will be announced square dances, both of which aim posed of the president, one alumna. the Battlefront." later. to get members attending ac­ and two other delegates from each • end Oi/tR Gammack's talk will be short, Appointees include Dr. Holbrook quainted. Plans are in progress sorority house. allowing time for open discussion Working and PaUl Peach of the for an old-fashioned outdoor TTolI/(' 0/ fo th WACs, and questions. Scheduled to be in WPB office of production research square danc;e to be held Oct. 7 if Visit Dublshers .. "WAVE, Iowa City Thursday noon to speak and development. Ralph E. Ware­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carney lite the weather permits. , Marin~lI, before combined service organi­ ham of the General Electric com­ Committees for the Saturday Cedar Rapids were the guests of wtions, Gammack agreed to in­ pany and Prof. Niles H. Barnard night arrangements are: Lillian Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dubisher .719 JI1..nt ee1b largest • PAR.v, clude the Information First lec­ of the University of Nebraska me­ E. Church street, last weekend. Castner, A4 of Des Moines. presi­ alld N!lrlll'.~ ture in his busy round of ~ak­ chanical engineering departmen t. dent of W. R. A.; Dorothy Bonn, Showing of Ing engagements. Peach, on leave from the U. S. , A3 of Highland Park, Ill., open Fairfield and Mary Jane McCrea, Cala/inn -

PAGE FOUR TilE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1944 • All Chi In First Tie May A Detroit, St. louis Continue Place Round

By Jack Sords ~eet Iowa's Quarterback and Passer- J\ll Iowl Brownies Shut Out eligible to Trout Hurls . Inj~ry, ~eeps 60g Red Sox, 1to 0 of th ~ Hal Johnny ond tO Ul1 KeU-'{MRe- o'clock in 27th Viclory M,brb"a'cher Jackucki-Ryba Battle USO. A 11 By BOB KRAUS E * DAMe I-\A ~F~.ICI(, ~l

duce new te~f!1'lI ~1I ' pe beIti , ick W. Kent, 302 Richards street, in which 160 studell partlcipat- OFRCIAL IULUTIM Chess Players after the bus~s se~on. In Home but Bruised Two Daughters, Son are their son-in-law and daugh- ed. (Continued from pap 2) c'large qt the social hour will be ter, Dr. and Mrs. John Greenleaf • • • Mrs. Robert Burger, Mrs. Albert of Salt Lake City, Utah. cards should report to the publi­ May AtteRd Foul'tk Arrive for Reaniolt cations department, W-9 East Vevera and Mrs. Mike Moore_ Mrs. Robert Wiley, 649 S. Gov­ • • • hall. ~hairman of the program commit­ ernor street, and son Robert Jr., Of U-G.r.1I1,"" faIIIiI. , Attend Graduation JUTA JAMES Round of Tournamellf tee is Mrs. Fred Goss, who will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson, 809 h a v e returned from Chicago a!!Sisted by Mrs. Milo Novy and 7th avenue, had as their guests where they met Pharmacl t Mate All Iowa City chess players are Mrs. Howard Brammer, daugh­ last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. earl first class Wiley, who was there ! AIlT GUILD 1. A. Opstad. eligible to attend the fourth round Mrs. ler of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Martin, Swanson and daughter, GrctcJl.. on a six day lea\'e after return-' Meeting of all art students in. of the Hawkeye Chess club's sec­ 405 S. Dodl'e street, arrived home en, Helena Johnson and Martha ing from sea duty. Both Mr. and Iterested In joining the Art Guild, ond tournament tonight at 8 Iqwa Woman's Club yesterday morning to attend a J ane Garrett, all of Des Moines; Mrs. Wiley were graduated from tomorrow at 4 p. m. in the audi­ Mrs. E. J. Strub, 504 Bowery family reunion. Pvt. James B. Mr. and Mrs Fred Lamb and the collelle of pharmacy at the torium of the Fine Arts buUding. o'clock in the lounge room of the University of Iowa. FLOllA WIDJING liSO. A welcome is extended to street, will be hostess to the Iowa Martin Jr. of the marines is home daughter, Beverly, and Mr. and unJversity students, servicemen Woman's Club tomorrow afternoon on furlough from Camp Pendle­ Mrs. H. W. Applegate of Afton. • • • ton near Oceanside, Calif.. and They attended the graduation of WAVE Transferred WGHLANDEB'S and townspeople. at 2:30. Assisting hostess will be Meetings of the Hawkeye Chess Jane Martin, formerly a civilian Wendel1 A. Johnson from the col­ Mary Rita Dutty. hospital at- BEllEABSAL SCHEDULE Mrs. Mary Pilcher. Roll call will worker in the admiral's office of lege of medicine, and Shirley tendant second class of the Schedule of rehearsals for pipers clotb are held every Wednesday be answered with names of intH­ I the 13th naval base at Seattle, Johnson Ellis, from the school of WAVES, granddaughter of Mrs. trom Sept. 13 to 29, inclusive­ ~ ,vening. Chess players may bring esting places in Iowa. A program Wash., recently joined her par­ nursing. Mrs. Ellis will be collelle Mary Du1Jy. 720 Oakland avenue, Wednesdays and FrIdays at 4 p. rD., 'J) {leir own chess sets or use those and refreshments will follow the nurse at Cornell coUege at Mt. has finished her mdoctrination armory. " "rovided by the club. business session. ents here. Mrs. Brammer, whose resigna­ Vernon, and J:1r. Johnson will course at Hunter colleee in New Schedule of rehearsals for drum­ Inler of R ..inbow Servleemen's Wives Club tion from the W AYES will be­ intern at Conemaugh Valley Me­ York CUy, and bas been trans- mers Irom Sept. 12 to 29, Inclusive Patricia Grothaus will Qe host- All wives of servicemen are come effective Oct. I, plans to morial hospital at Johnstown, Pa. tererd to Bethesda. Md., where Pipers, Mondays and Fridays enter the University of Iowa next she will undergo further training. at 4 p. m., armory. ISS: to members or the Order ~f I eligible to attend the meeting of • • • ambow at a potluck supper thIS the servicemen's wives club in semester. She has been in the Former Be Ideni Here • • • Drummers, Thursdays and evening at 6 o'clock in her home the lounge room of the USO to­ WAVES 18 months and was sta­ Mrs. George Jenkins of West Dau,bter Born Fridays at 4 p. m., armory. Kt 826 Rider street. Those attend- morrow night at 6 o'clock. Work tioned in the same office with Point, N. Y., formerly ot Iowa Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson, &hedule of rehearsals for all ing are aSked to bri ng a covered on the handicraft projects will Miss Marlin in SeatUe. City, is vi siting Mrs. Robert Gib­ 320 River street, are the parents from Oct. 3 to Nov. 24, inclusIve­ dish, sandwiches and their own continue under the direction of • • • son, 1029 E. Court street. Colonel of a daughter, Katherine, born Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays jIIole service. Assisting the hostess Mrs. J. B. Martin, club sponsor. IETUINI!D from the United Mine Return from Ea t Jenkins is stationed at West Point. Sunday at University hospital. -Tuesdays and Fridays at 4. p. m., tliU be Marybelle Miles, Marilyn . Workers convention In Cincln· ' Prof. and Mrs. George Clock­ • • • • • • armor),. naU, 0., Jo.epb Subllnsky. In­ idwell and Mary Sayre. Veterans of Forelen War. ler, 621 Holt avenue, have re­ In Honor elas Ilec:en& G~f'5ts Schedule or rehearsals for ac­ dian!>la. Pa., mows the Injurie., TWO INSEPARABLES ot the racinll Auxlliary turned [rom a trip to ~ew York Katherine E. Lone, daughter of Re~ent gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. cepted tryou ts from Sept. 11 to 29, a broken DOle and bruises, whtch circuit are "Free for AU," prize­ Women of the Moose, Post 2581 of the Veterans of GUy, where Professor Glockler Mr. and Mrs. Emory Wilson Lane, E. P. LYnn, 521 S. Lu~as street, inclusive- be says were InJl1cted because he winniDg two-year-old and his tiny attended a meeting of the Ameri­ 508 River street, has been ad- were Mr. Lynn's mother, Mrs. E. at 4 p. m., armory. Library Committee Foreign Wars auxiliary will hol~ , opposed John L. Lewis. He kitten companion, "Free (or AIl Il." can Chemical society. They a Iso milled to the high freshman Ene- C. Lynn of Donnellson, and his W. L. ADAMSON Mrs. Joseph Rummelhart anc! II rummage sale within the nex~ The turf king is shown helpfug his Edith Rummelhart, 320 S. Johnson c~ar,ea other delegates were also v~sited their son-in-law and Iish at Grinnell college, accordi/liC brother Dnd &Ister-In-Iow, Mr. PI" Major two weeks. Mrs. Frank J. Michel JJeaten. (Illter natiollal) pal with his daily cleanup at SeI­ rtreet, will be hostesses at a din­ is chairman of the event. Anyone mont Park, N. Y. (International) daughter, Mr. and Mrs, L. T. Ald­ lo an anouncement by Dr. Sam- and Mt . Max Lynn nnd family ler for the library committee of desiring to contribute articles for rich of Washington, D. C. uel N. Stevens, president ot the of Clinton. Mrs. E. C. Lynn will IOWA l'NION Women of the Moose this evening • • • college, and Dr. Paul Spencer visit a short lime in Clinton be­ MUSIC BOOM 8CHlDULa II 6:30. Visit Kenla Wood, head ot the EnaliSh de- . rore returnlnJ: to her home in Werlnesday 11-2 aoa 4-15. A meeting of the alumnae com­ Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Freder- partment, following examinations Donnellson. Thursday 11-2 and 4-6. )!littee of Women of the Moose has r:;~:~';E~~~m~: ~'::I been/announced by Mrs. Albert A. Daily Iowan Want Ads POPEYE ){iUer, chairman, for lomorrow light at 8 o'clock in the Moose Duncan 10 Organize ~ FOR RENT WI1Et.J c..tlU RE11l~N, Ihall. Members are asked to call SHALL GIVE c.QJA ){rs. Miller (6145) concerning FOR RENT-Large front room, COtJPlE Cf' NCE ~1t'OtN~:c;I !changes in meeting plans. County 'Chest' Drive . ~~c~ single or double. Reasonable . -IF I !-lAVE AN~ . 1 4861. 721 Washington. \ Coralville lIelrhts Club E. Lysle Duncan has been nameq CASH RATE Mrs. R. :f._. Snyder, 227 Chapman head of the rural liiviJ\on 0:£ thl! lor 2 days- 10c per line pt!r day Desirable rooms for men or cou­ Itreet, will be hostess to the Cor- war chest' cam])aien in Johnson ple at 109 East Prentiss . • alvllle Heights club meeting' to­ county. . 8 consecutive days- , lIorrow afternoon at 2:30. Assisl J Dlmeaq Will organize the county 7c per line per day Men Students - Medics, Dent- 'ng hostesses will be Mrs. J. A. area W\tll a chairman in each 8 consecutive days- ists - Rooms available in for­ 5 rands latter and Mrs. Harold tOWnship allq a heaq in ~ch school 5c per line per da, mer Pi K A fraternity house, 716 o 0 . 1reece. Members may brinll dish t\istrict to l!!JI?ist in the drive. 1 month- No. Dubuque. NeWly redecorated. o 0 II :owels to hem for the Red Cross. Rl1r!\l ~B91> will go into the War 4c per line per day All privileges and most reason­ o 0 Chest fund. Iowa City's funds go -Figure 5 words to line­ able rates. Dial 4115 Ol' 4368. Act o 0 lorace Mann P. T. A. towards both War Chest and the Minimum Ad-2 line. quickly. o 0 The H 0 rae e Mann Parent­ Community Chest. o 0 eacher association will meet to­ Duncan was agricultural exten­ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Nicely furnished single rooms for o 0 o morrow evening at 7:30 in the sion director of Johnson county 50c col. inch girls. Close hI. Call 4888. 326 o 1. 0 chool building. A mixer to intro. from 1929 to 1935. Or $5.00 per month S. Capital. o 0 0 BLONDIE CHIC YOUNG 000 ------~HELP WANTED '" 0 I All Want Ads Cash in Advance IWS S 00, Payable at Daily Iowan Busi- WANTED-Young ladies for part UJ Presents CI.;II", dre ·1t al5 'Clock- om office daily until 5 p.m. time work, aIternoons and eve­ nings. Apply at Whetstone's. Cancellations must be called in 'SUI (910) WMT (600) News oL the World (WHO) before 5 p. m. ------II.. (l460); (190) Young student to work as bell CBS "It1 If. R. Gross (KXEL) o 1 o WHO (IOtO) IIB8 (110) Responsible for one Incorrect boy from 7 to 11 evenings. See o 1 o 6:30 insertion only. Punch DunKel, Burkley hotel. 1 0 o It's time for children on WSUI Ea&y A('es (WMT) o 0 o each afternoon Monday through M. L. Nelsen (WHO) INsTRlJCTION o 1 o , Friday from 5 to 5:30. Programs Did You Know? (KXEL) DIAL 4191 DANCING LESSONS -ballrOOm" 0 1 ~ l be follows: "Mythland Watch the World Go By (KXEL) o as ballet tap. Dial 72i6. Mtml o 0 o amas," Monday; "Land of Fairy 1:15 Youde Wuriu. o 1 o Isles," Tuesday; "Story time in Allan Jones (WMT) O. 0 o {ursery Rhime," Friday; and Mr. and Mrs. North (WHO) WMC Regulations Harriet Walsh Dance Studio. Pri­ . 'Uncle Dick Tells a Story," Sat- Lum an' Abner (KXEL) Adverttsements for male or es­ vate and class instruction. Ball­ I U"day. 7:30 sential female workers are car­ room, ballet, tap, acrobatic, toe. This afternoon a dramatization Dr. Christian (WMT) ried in these "Help Wanted" Children and adults. Dial 4719. of "Wee Willie Winkle" will be Carton of Cheers (WHO) columns with the understand­ I'ilresellted. Requests for stories My Best Girls (KXEL) b;1g that hiring procedures shall Ihould be sent to WSUI. 7:45 conform to War Manpower Brown'. Commerce CoUe•• Iowa City's AccredltecS HENRY Victory Bulletin Board Dr. Ghrastian (WMT) Commission RegUlations. E. E. Kline, area director of the Carton of Cheers (WHO) Business School , war manpower commission in My Best' Girls ~KXEL) Established 1921 !,lowa City, will be interviewed 8:00 LOST AND FOUND Day School Night School over WSUI today at 2 o'clock by Frank Sinatra Show (WMT) I "Open the Year 'Round" Mary Ann Howell of the WSUI Time To Smile-C!lntor (WHO) Green. Sh"eifer pen between DIal 4682 staff on the program, Victory Bul­ Dunninger (KXEL) Oapltol Cafe and East Hall. I~etln board. Kline will discWis 8:15 Dial 5429. problems relating to the United Frank Sinatra Show (WMT) ------WHERE TO BUY IT .Iales Employmerlt service. Time To Smile-Cantor (WHO) Large loose Jeai notebook. blue Dunninger (KXEL) cover. REWARD. Donald Pelz. Pan America Presents For your enjoyment ... "What is t11e Pan American '8:30 Ex. 62!. Archery SUJ)Plies UI'I ~ ' b- and What Does It Do?" Ja~ Carson Program (WMT) Brown cardi beanie hat with cir­ %1 '1d be answered tOl)ight at 7 Mr. Dlstrict Attorney (WHO) cular veil. Left in cub. Call Popular and PhllharmonICI '.' 'clock in another in th~ series of Spotlight Bands (KXEL) Joyce Cord, 2186. Record Albums .: SUI programs, "Pan American . 8:45 Luggage of All KlnclJ f fr'lSents." The question will be Jack Carson Program (WMT) Cordova red billfold. Valuable I. ' !scussed by Jamie Montana, G Mr. District Attorney (WHO) papers to owner only. RE- FIRESTONE STOat [ Columbia, and Gene Bruce, G Coronet Story Teller (KXEL) • 01 Alton, TIl. WARD. LaITy' Driscoll. Call 4167. ~======~ 9:00 WANTED ; Mp~an a is doing graduate, Great Moments in Music (WMT) -; "ork in the college of engineering Fine Baked Goods College of Musical Knowledge WANTED-Plumbing and heatina. Pies Cakes Bread \ I d Bruce in the Spanish depart­ (WHO) Co. well' Dial 9681. RollI Putries ~ .nent. Raymond Grllm Swing (KXEL) , 9:15 Special Orders TODAt'S P~OGRAMS Ore"t Moments in Music (WMT) MEN City Bakery ' . 8:00 Morning Chapel ' College of MUsical Knowledge 22Z Eo Washington Dial Il41011 8:15 Musical Miniatures (WHO) WOMEN 8:30 News, The llaUy IIlWIUl Ted Malone (KXEL) 8:45 Program Cjllendar 9:30 8:55 Scrvic,e Reports CEIt-ITURY ENGINEER­ The Electric Hour (WMT) EDWARD S. ROSE says­ 9:00 Roman Literature Collese' of Musical Knowledge ING CORPORATION 9:50 WACs in Review (WHP) Protect your family and self 9:55 NeWS', The Dally Iowan NEE D S YOU FOR ' Scram~y Ambl! (KXEL) by trading at a 10:00 Here's An Idea 9:45 WAR WORK · Professional Pharmaey- 10:15 Yesterday's Musipal Fav- The Electric Hour (WMT) orites College of Musical Knowledge GOOD WAGES, DRUG-SHOP 10:30 The Bookshelf (Wll'O) 11:00 Musical Intcrludc DOWNTOWN LOCA­ Scramby Amby (KXEL) 11 :05 English Novel 10:08 TION 401 THIRD FURNrrURE MOVING 11 :50 Farm .F'lashes News, Doug Grant (WMT) 12:00 Rhythm Rambles STREET, S. E. CEDAR 12:30 News. The Dally Iowan Mercer'S Music Shop (WHO) MAHER BROS. TRANSFER 12:45 Religious News Reporter H. R. Gross (KXEL) RAPIDS, IOWA 10:111 For Efficient Furniture Movin. 1:00 Mus Ical Chats Ask Abollt Our DOG. YQU ~ CiJIT~ Fulton Lewis (WMT) 2:00 Victory Bulletin Board HELP US FINISH THE "'WI' .....'D KIT OUT-IT LOOKS News. M. L. Nelsen (WHO) WARDROBE SERVICB 2:10 Late 19th Cent~l"Y Music UKIi 1M MC:GOIiiQAY SIQI!' SportUght' Parade (KXEL) JOB ~ 00 Lest We Forget DIAL - 9696 - DIAL ~ ~ ~AMILY MACE ..... HOUPA'fOfl'IT-- ~ 15 Excursions in Science Ie:3O' ;:30 Newi. The Dally Iowan Symphonet (WMT) : :35 Afternoon Melodies War Service Billboard (WHO) :00 Elementary Spoken Spanish Dance Mu sic fr om Chicago 1:30 Tea Time Melodies . (KXEL) j:OO Chijdren's Hour lfl45 Remember - 5:30 Musical Moods Symphonet (WMT) 5:65 Newt, 1'1\, Dally I,""", CliungklnJ l\ePf)llt's (WHO) 6:00 Dinner Hour Music Dance M u 8 i c fl'o m Chicago Buy 7:00 Pan Amel'iea Prollent, (KXIL) . 7:15 American Mercury Thea- 11:to Selt tre of the-"ir N~ws (WMT) . 7:30 Sportlltirm! Stllrllt ROId (WHO) Rent 7:45 One Man's Opinion Henry J. Taylor, Commentator 8:00 Music Hour (,KnL) • 8:&5 Newt, The Dally Iowan 11:111 9:00 University Plays Its Part Ort the Record (WMT) MuslCj News (WHO) With NETWORK mOillJOU1f8 Rev. 1?let~ch'8 loiDl.Il' (I'XEL) 8:00 11:30 1 Love" Mystery (W~'E) ~nIl!1l Kaye's Band (WMT) Daily Iowan 'Want Ads' CUff and Holon (WIiO) !i!WI, (lar:~ lA~p!lrt (WHO) Grain Bel~ Rangers (KXJ:L, ~ev. PI'~'1i Hour (KXEL) 6:15 , tfl" Business Office - Basement, East Hall I'asslng Parudc <"'J4T) .... *"'8 (WMT) . PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, SEPTr:M;BEn 27, 1!W4 Capt. E. C. Albright- I·Delta Delta Delta Prof. J. E. Briggs Professors Student Explains Extracurricular Activities Will Buth Mortgage Meets ·23-Monlh-.Old Son With, ilGuess IJust Love People' During Dinner Party Will Deliver Third Delta Delta Delta nctives nnd Will Direct pledges of Phi chopter will enter­ '8aconian Lecture "I guess I just love people," continually amazes her. "Ohio declares Wanda Siebels, A3 of seems to have the most jitterbugs," tain alumnae tonight at a 6 o'clock Amber, in explanation of her she exclaims. dinner in the chapter house to Prof. J . E. Brins of the politi- ·(hesl Drive many extracurricular activities Busy Weekends Celebrate the payment of the cal science department will speak which deal with students. Wanda, who has been junior mortgage on the chapter housc. on "History and Political Science" • Wanda is the blond chairman of hostessing for almost a :veAr at the The event wiil murk the 40th an- /01' the Baronlon lecture Friday the USO junior hostesses who Department per&onnel to direct I nivers:1I'Y of the founding of the evening lit 7:15 in the senate the university's part in the War makes everyone welcome at the chumber of Old Capitol. Chest-Com unity Chest drive have USO, leads the Saturday night , chapter on the Univers ity of Iowa JIe wi 11 discuss the progress been named by Prof. Ralph H. grand marches and keeps things I' campus. The pt'ogram includes made in these fields at the Uni­ Ojemann. running smoothly . Of this favorite the bUl'l1ing of the mortgage and versity of rowa during the decade Assisting in the drive are: col­ activity, she comments: tribute to all past and present preceding Pea l' I Harbor. His lege of law, Prof. Rollin Perkins; "My biggest problem is seeing I speech, the third in the series, English department, Prof. Ned T. that everyone is having a good house association board members. wJll be broadcast over WSUI and Ashton; education department, time." When she manages to sand­ The committee in charge of ar- will be followed by 11 panel dis­ Isabel Davis; school of journal­ wich in' a dance, Wanda proves to rangements includes Mrs. Ralph cll s~ ion . ism, Prof. Wilbur S c Ii ram m ; be a hep rugcutter herself. She B. Freyder, Mrs. James L. Rcc­ swings easily from jive to a tango. school of religion, Prof. M. Wil­ ords and Helen WillIams. lard Lampe; extension division, The variety of ways in which the K, of C, to Meet $ • • The Knights of Columbus will Mrs. Carol Beals and Prof. Bruce boys from different states dance E. Mahan; libraries, Grace Van Following the program, Mrs. hold a general meeting Wednes­ Wormer. Chnrles Meardon, president of the day, Sept. 27, at 8 p. m .nt the Grounds and buildings, Ray­ Iowa City alliance, will pt'esldc at I lodge clubrooms, :128 E. Washlng- a meeting for the alumnae. ton street. mond J . Phi li ips; college of liberal Elizabeth Brown arts, Mary Louise Kelley; Me­ morial Union, Prof. E. E. Harper; Installed as Rainbow art department, Alice Davis; bot­ any department, Prof. W. A. An­ derson; chemistry department, Worthy Adviser 118·124 South Clinton Street Phone 9607 Helen Brum; classical languages, Wanda Siebels Prof. Dorrance' White; German ElIza~eth Brown was insta !led STRUB-WAREHAM department, Prof. Erich Funke; as worthy adviser of the Iowa USO, is also chairman of the Sun­ history department, Prof. William City Order of Rainbow for Girls day matinee tea dances at Iowa J . Peterson. in a formal ceremony Sunday Union. Weekends are not a time Home economics department, night in the Masonic temple. of relaxation for this attractive Mrs. Pearl Janssen; mathematics Also taking office were Darlene department, Prof. Roscoe Woods; , Barker, associate worthy adviser; Iowa coed. Even her Sunday : music department, Prof. Herald Marybelle Miles, charity; Marilyn mornings are busy, for she teaches Suede. Specta~ors Stark; philosophy department, * * " " " r . *. *. * . A new man has come into the By PAT MOORHEAD en~~ hosp~tals m th.ls war, the firth, Sidwell, hope; Beth Wilson, faith; a Suoday school class of boys, Louise Zerly; physical ed ucation, life of 23-month-old John Carter Daily Iowan Staff Writer which ongmated m the last war, Evelyn Whltebook, chaplian; Jean ages 9 to 16 years, at Children's Prof. David Armbruster and Prof. Albright, grandson of Dr. and Mrs. ------and the 105th," added Captain AI- Anderson, drill leader; Betty Kir- hospital. Ella May Small; physics depart­ George C. Albright, 715 Park road. for two years at the Massachusetts bright. "Actually they were among b y, 1ove; AIIce' R oe d er, re l'IglOn: . ment, Prof. John Eldridge; politi­ He calls him "Daddy" with an un- general hospital in Boston before the first units to be activated and Shirley Cress, nature; Patty Rick- Most truly executive office held The most perlect shoe lor dress cal science department, Prof. Mil­ mistakable Harvard inflection, and etts, immortality; Ann Fenton, fi- by Wanda is the secretaryship 01 and streel wear, creating a dred Wilslif; psychology depart­ even though he's only known him joining the armed forces as , a sent 0 v e r sea s, being activated dell'ty', Annette Braverma n, pat - the UniverSity Women's asociation. ment, Prof. A. K. Miller; com­ since yesterday morning the two member of the 105th general hos- shortly after war was declared. riotism; Doris Nunn, ser'ltice;Mary . blending of softness and color· merce department, Prof. H. V. are already fast friends. pital unit, which is affiliated with All general hospitals are not aImi- Ann Tuttle, confidential obseTver; She 1S. also a member ~r the yw ~ Cherrington; college of dentistry, "He's not at all shy," beamed the Harvard univerSity. ated," he continued. "Many are Sarah Shaffer, outside observer; counCil, and Inr.ormatlOn FIrst IS ing known only to fine quality Dean Alvin W.13ryan; college of man in the picture, Capt. Edwin C. "Affiliated hospitals," explained staffed from existing army per- Eileen Miller musician and Vi r-, one of her pet lDterests. She re- pharmacy, Prof. James W. Jones; Albright, horne on 30-day leave Captain Albright. "are sponsored so nnel. ginia Willia~son choi; director. cently served as a!1 orien~ation office of student affairs, Gertrude from duty in the so uthwest Pacific. by various medical schools or hos- "We worked partly under canvas Doris Bennett, past worthy ad- leader and .as ruslang c~alrman Unrath; publications office, Lil­ "We got acquainted very easily." pitals and staffed by men who for a while," said the doctor, "as viser, sang the "Rainbow Song" o~ Alpha Chi Omp.?a s?r.ont:J:" Her lian Bauer; business office, Virgil The blonde, blue-eyed topic of either a t ten d e d the sponsoring the hospital moved to keep in during the ceremony and a bou- biggest task now IS a1dmg In re­ Copeland; registrar's office, Mary conversation did not make an ap- school 01' who had hospital experi- touch with military progress. Our quet of rOSEs was pr~sented to the organization of the USO junior $6.15 Anderson. pearance, as it was mid-afternoon ence in connection with that hospital, as mo:st general hospitals, new worthy adviser by a group of hostess program. -nap-time in the life of every 23- school. The war department ex- served largely as a 'court of last escorts, including Betty Crow,,, ~ocia.1 WeU~e month-old boy. presses a need for a certain num- resod.' It is the last in the chain Mary Sayre, Shirley DeReu, Mar-I My ultImate goal IS. to go to Captain Albright arrived in bel' of general hospitals, and the of hospitals through which a tha Hiscock, Evelyn Barker Caro- Chma and work ()n Chmese Re- 22 Disabled Veterans town lit 1 o'clock yesterday morn- professional personnel (doctors wounded man goes." lyn Ladd, Audrey Michel a~d EL- lief program," dt~clares Wanda, ing after 28 months overseas, and and nurses) are selected from a Ward Officer len Roeder. A corsag from Miss who is a sociology major. She reg- the "fun in his furlough" is the school, supplemented by enlisted Captain Albright served as a Brown's parents, Mr. and Mr~. istered in the university as a pre- Meet to Plan thrill of getting acquainted with personnel who have been trained ward officer in the 105th hospital, Harold Brown, was presented to medic student, but changed her his young son whom he had known by the army in laboratory work, being directly in charge of a medi- her nephew, Mike Williamson. major and became interested in 'Campus Organization only through letters from home. X-ray and other technical work, cal ward. "The ward officers are A white Rainbow Bible was China through a welfare worker His wife, whose home is in Mari- assigned a commanding officer and rotated," he said, ''so that one offi- presented to the retiring worthy who had served there. etta, Ohio, and his son have been sent overseas. There they are or- cer has charge of different wards adviser, Pathicia Grothaus, by ( Wanda, who was a member of Twenty-two disabled veteran staying with Dr. and Mrs. Al- ganized into a self-sufficient unit. throughout the course of his sta- Mrs. William WeEber, mother ad- Orchesis, dances group, last year, students met at 4 o'clock yester­ bright since they received the cap- From then on they function as a tion with the hospital. viser, who represented the assem- is also a sports fan. Dancing is her day afternoon in room 221A, tain's cablegram that he was com- team. "The Australians go out of their bly. favorite pastime, but this time of Schaeffer haU, and decided to ing home, approximately a month 'Complete Entity' way to make us feel at home," re- Installing officers included Miss year she loves canoeing ,too. As form an organization for all cam­ ago. "The general hospital is a com- called the captain. "They have us Grothaus, worthy adviser; Kath- tor music, Wanda is enthusiastic pus veterans of World War II ra­ SVI Graduate plete entity-on lts own," Captain into their homes and treat us rynn Murphy, marshal, Doris Ben- about both the classical and mod- ther thi\n join the local D. A. V. A graduate Of toe medical school Albright pointed out, "It is a com- virtually like members of the nett, chaplain; Margaret Browning, ern composers. For her.own pleas- as a group. Carl Kugel acted as at Harvard, Captain Albright re- plete unit, just as complete as an family," recorder, and H£'len Gower, musl- ure she "fiddles around on the chairman at the meeting. ceived his B.A. degree at the Uni- air squadron or a regiment or any Captain Albright. reports back to cion. piano." A committee of six was nomin­ versity of Iowa in 11)36. He served other unit.' , the 105th general hospital unit at ated to formulate plans for the in internship in internal medicine "Harvard has staffed two gen-, Ihe- end of his 3D-day Jeave. new organization. Plans will be ------~------presented to the group of student veterans at a smoker meeting at Transcribed Program J)ress 7:30 p. m., Oct. 6 in the River To Be Presented Wesley Foundation, Victor Goff Extend ' room of Iowa Union. 1lcadqftorters Members of the committee are On Music Hour Carl Kugel, Dick Nazette, Gordon Varied Recreations, Advantages to Shl~ents ,Puzzled Christiensen, Earl oJ 0 l' g a n sen, Tonight at 8 o'clock over sta­ A new name and a new face in Goff said, "We emphasize student about ration points George Phetteplace and J a c k tion WSUI a program of electrical Kelso. transcriptions of perlo'rmances by Iowa City this fall is that of Vic- led programs, making use of tor Goff, leader of Wesley Foun­ speech arts, fine arts and dramatic members of the music department Bring the whole family in will be heard on the Wednesday dation, Methodist student center arts. We arl! particularly concerned OPA Reports Illegal Evening Music Hour. at the University of Iowa. with the problems stUdents face for dinner. They'll love The program consists of five se­ He is a graduate of the Univer­ on the campus and in their future Gas Diversion Totals lections which are as follows: sity of Oregon and took his B.D. it, and it's a wise, inex­ "Allegro from Sarata for Flute degree ;t Union Seminary, New vocations." Regular Sunday ves­ Nearly one and a half million Alone," C. P. E. Bach and "Piece York City. Before coming to Iowa pers will be at 4:30 p. m. in the I pensive way to save pre­ City in August of th is year, he fellowship lounge at the Methodist gallons of gasoline were diverted for Flute," by Ibert, to be played cious points. into illegal channels in the past by Fritz Baker; "Trend Suite for had been doing work with stu­ church, followed by supper and a six months by means of counter- Clarinets" by Desportes, played dents at the University of Arizona. recreation hour. feit, stolen or improperly en- by John Webster, William Gower Goff, his wife and two children, The Wintelectuals meet every dorsed gaSOline coupons in the Jr., Ammon Roberson and Rob­ David and Shat'on Lou, live in a Tuesday at 8 p. m. to discuss per­ seven-state OPA region of which ert Bates; "Hymnus for Twelve second-floor apartment of the sonal and social problems in an Iowa is a part, Walter D. Kline, Cellos," by Klengel with Prof. Wesley Foundation, leaving the informal manner around the fire­ director of the Des Moines OPA Hans Koelbel as soloist, and "Son­ rest of the house open at all times place at the Foundation. Plans for district, stated. ata for Clarinet and Piano, Opus for students' of Methodist prefer­ Saturday night parties for the ca­ This figure was obtained by 120, No . I" by Brahms, played by ence. dets now are in the making. Dreaming checking coupons turned in by William Gower Jr., and Prof. The first floor with its parlor about a snack 5,305 gasoline dealers in the Phillip Greeley Clapp, head of the and lounge is a place for students seven states-Iowa, IllInois, Wls- music department. to drop in for a game of bridge, DeMo lay to Meet consin, Minesota, Nebraska, and informal chats or to enjoy the Stop in after class and North and South Dakota. • Red Cross Director Book-of-the-Month club publica- A meeting of the Order of De­ In the Des Moines OPA dist- tions a'nd all of the better maga- Molay will be held Wednesday, have that san d w i c h T M . h zines. The radio and piano are Sept. 27, at 7:30 p. m. at the riet of 64 Iowa counties, Kline 0 eet Wit 'Home Masonic temple. said, it was found that 57,376 gal- Service Committee there for student use. At present Discussion will be held on the you've been yearning for. Ions of gasoline had been sold by the Goffs are looking for a, record election at new officers for the Meet your friends here 55 dealers who had received Eleanor Flynn, home service player. . . coming year. counterfeit, stolen or improperlr representative for the midwest I .Al so on th~ mam floor JS a ______and enjoy our food. endorsed coupons in exchanee. As area office of the American Red I kitchen exclUSively for stUdents. It a result, the 55 dealers will be un­ Cross in St. Louis, Mo., will meet can be used for in~oor picnics or Should Farm Boys able to replace in their tanks for with the Johnson county home for students who .slmply want. to re-sale the gasoline lost through service committee Monday after- get away. from It all-meanmg Have Draft Defe~m.nt7 their acceptance of improper cou­ noon at 3 p. m. in the Red Crq;s dorm cookmg, Ilf course. pons, the OPA official stated. office. With these fine faH days. ahead, This situation indicates the In the Clbsence of Henrietta many will want to take advantage emphasis that must be placed on Safley, chairman of the group, of the open f~re~lace in the yard Come in and eat with us thor the fact that illegally diverted Mrs. P. C. Jeans will preside. for outdoor P1CIltCS and the more the n gasoline for automobiles can come In order to cover the county ambitious students will be inter­ and from only one source, the supply more effectively because of in- ested in the badminton and volley You'll like our dinners and short courses. Here's a friend­ vote. allocated by the go'vernment for creasing demands on home serv- ball courts, also outside. How Thl civilian use. ice, the committee now includes: about a game of ping pong, shuf­ Iowa's ly place to eat, where the service is good and the cost miLte Commenting on the public's Henrietta Safley h e a d social 1'leboard, chess or bridge? Try the' acted share in the drive against laso­ worker at the Ps~copathic hospi- third floor of the center wtfjch is Answer Is I low. by tJ line going into the black market, tal; Mrs. P. C. Jeans, chairman; the game room. "res" line said: Mrs. William Reynolds, Oxford; A"d then there's Osca.r. ~o one ' CIO "When you offer your new A-12 Mrs. Frances Millner, Solon; Mrs. knows where he came from, but ) When War Department ofll.clall (.. , A"d YOII lIIen~ y(l/l~ IIew Cn~llJe, fn./,ioulld coupons to a gas station operator, Herman Erlanger, Mrs. Paul E. he seems to be here to stay., He ~xpressed the view that farm de_j be sure to have the stamp en­ Huston and Harold W. Saunders, weighs close to two tons, and, 'fer:ments were no lonpr, necessary , ju tlllO to'1I1. two dorsed with your car license all of Iowa City. well, it would be just too much 10 the war ellort, a reprQJi!Dtatlve nlld fdbri.: •.. .fllat"~'·I" number and state of regtstra­ trouble to try fo persuade him to cross section of Iowans were asked leave. But then, no one really ito express their opinions. tlon." fI,. ~~nlld IIlIlIJ k"ylro/Il "ec4/il/ll. Ti, • • Ii", Wi Dealers paste stamps on sheets Directors Hear Report wants Oscar to go. You see, he's ;I Whe~ llfleldk~eforters ~h t~e Murr furnished him and turn them in Of State Meeting a printing pres» in the ' basement i ~:ya ~oU:t far'::~efen:;en~ .4irl i, .tylll.1 il/ M,c4 TI,e fro"t perso to his ration bank. The sheets are of the 'house and can be used by (.hould be contin\led or removed, boat< sent to the OPA verltlcation cen­ A report of the state meeting students who wish tq experiment Itbey lot the followlDi responJel: wi" ;, ,,,"/pt"rfld i" nll.cool je'.lIl1. little ter in Chicago where experts de­ of Red Cross chapters held at with printing their own Christmas fotal Vltr Towa __. 17-CE ki Ooal .... tum tect counterfeit and stolen cou­ Ames Sept. 15 and 16 was heard cllr ds or ma ng pos te rs. def""""le .....,., """ n.,., ~ On Strub's Fashion noor steel pons. at the monthly buslne88 meeting Outlining plans for this year Jlemo... r_. annu Sheets containing, lllegal cou­ by the board of directors of. the dar._1e .. I. I. I " .. hand pons are returned to the 80urclt Johnson county Red Cross. in order that a study could be ' 1'0 ...... 11 I the ( and the dealer Involved is called Chapter orlanlzatlon and ad­ made In the area. office. In this tabulation, communlti., 15 East Washington" , ' Th to acount by his local raUol). minlstration, poSl-war pJanninl The camp and hospital service of 1ell than 2,500 population are to bl claasifted a. "town", and 2,500 and and board. It the car license number and duties of th1! Red Cross in be­ council of Johnson county has re­ above are included in the "citJ" is on the reverse aide, the .tamp half of the ex-serviceman were ceived donations of $106, of which column. "Just A Hop From Campus" men< II then traced to the car owner emphasized. Johnson county chap­ $100 wllJ be forwarde dto Schick (If "ui') .,1,." ,•• ";,,,.J I. I.., Whel or the black market operator from ter was asked to furnish home hospital for the purchase of musi­ ~N'''J", tl I~' lOWIf POLL .f I., the I DII lI,io.. 1I't/'''' ..ti T,i;"t.J, )\thorn he obtained it. _vice statistics for four montha cal instruments. 810n am.