."TIOK OALIKDAR Jlll';i\TfI, . 'A·I·I<, Re~ .lamp., A8 Ibro.," 7:1 alii! ,\5 CloudY. Ibrou,b 05 ,00' I.'ollnllol" rIOCE."ED 1'0008, BI ...I .... p. A8 Ibr••• b !118 aD' A5 Ibrou,b 105, ,00' 1.,.f1Dllol,: IIUGAR, ....., .80, st, a~ ••• sa •• vb .ood ror flv. pOUlD4. at aanol'AJ •• ,.r IhroM,1l Feblulr)', IOWA: Partly Claud, and WanD .0'" Toar: GA80LINE A·)3, lout ,.11.".... b, ,ood Ibroll,b Deo. ~l: rUEL OIL porl04 ••"d & ••• po"., THE GlllIpOnl .DAILY IOWAN &,ood .brourh SIPi. M. Hew perlgj) oue DOW rood i SHOES, alrptanl lia.pl 1 and 2, ,ood M • N - ~ ~~ID4~";'ln~lt.~IY~.======================~~~~~~==========~========~lo::w::a==C~i;t~y~'~s~~~o~r~n~'~n~g~~e~W~s;p~a~p;e~r~================~~~~::~~===========V~UNffi)~~~~~n:JI ADOCl'AftIt .- VOLUME XL V NUMBER 3 fIVE CENTS t'B • .uIOClADJI ..... IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER '};T, 1944 h = YANKS HUNT NAZI ENEMY IN THEIR HOMELAND Transpor-ts Land in Holland; Russians Pr.ess Toward Riga Jazis Yield Announces New Banl- New British 500 Towns U. _Se_R_estricl__s _A_r-=-ge_' n__ti _ne_I_ro_o_e Drive Opens WASHINGTON CAP) - The A state department spokesman Wue a-pttiea United States tightened screws on said the reason tor the hipping Recognition was refused to Far- Fall Back on Riga Argentino yesterday with two Germans Claim moves thinning trade between the ban was because route. must be rell's government and American 'Red Devil' Division For What May Be two countries to a trickle. r ponslve to war requirements. Ambassador Norman Armour was Lalt Baltic Stand The state department announced Tho e countries contribulinl ef­ withdrawn {rom Buenos Aires Wiped Out the first move-a ban preventing fectively to the pro. ecution of the this summer. IJONDO (AP) - Yielding American ships from calling at war will or course continue to re­ Last month, all exporls of gold PREME lIEADQI AR- more than 500 towns lind vii· Ar,entine ports after Oct. I. cei ve sympathetic consideration were banned to Argentlna, [lDd TER, • AEF, "IV dn sday ( AP) At the same time, it was with respect to American ships the state department made clear - 'fh Briti h 'ccond anny nt lages 10 the RUF;sians, the for their domestic need , he con­ Monday that Ar,entine firms Jearned, the department Instruct d anoth r column t toward AS A CAMOUFLAGED TANK opens UP on a hidden Nasi position In the town of Roth, Germany, mouled divisions or the German the foreign economic admlnisttn­ tinued. which helped the Nazis will con­ American infantrymell crouch by a roadside fence alld hold their machine runs readY. The moment the northern ormy corp. fell back lion to restrict export licenses to The trade restrictions headed tinue on an American blacklist l'many y . terda)" pnlling lip enemy 'is flushed out ,the runs will berln their de adly chatter. This Is all official slrnal corps photo, on Ri~a last night for what may Argentina to a minimum. the list ot a long series 01 diplO­ after the war. on th fen riv r at B xm r, be their last stand in t he Baltic No Trade matic ond economic measures Political Isolation of Argentina 13 mill' !IOnth of Nijml'grn and stat p . The shipping ban means that which this gO\olCrnment has taken tram the rest of the al1!ed world only thr mil from th DlIt~b· A brief oviet commnnique no American vessels can engage against the militaristic regime of was climaxed when Farrell's (lOV­ Grrman hol'dl'r. reported that Red army fore . in trade with Argentina, re ultlng President Edelmiro Farrell since ernment withdrew this month Tlli n w driv am SUI Presiden.t Names New Dean took more than 200 ploceR in In a huge slash in the amount of it seized power at the beeinning tram the inter-American commit­ American tron port 1 n n d (' d their drive to clear the scattered goods which can be carried. at the year. tee for political defense. 10. behind th front in Hoi· this position the dean administered City. In 1934 he was named to the and disorganized enemy from land with ml' n. wr ollOIl ond Allin Winston Dakin the joint functions of the three col­ teach ing sta!! of the commerce de­ the west coo t of Estonia south­ \IT>pli for thr brlragu r<'d leges whic hhave individual presi­ partment of Robert college at west of Tallinn and pressed on Marines on Peleliu B·29's Bomb House CommiHee airborne troops in th NIJm g n­ Istanbul, T u r key and I ate r down within 45 miles northeast at Arnhem sector and bolstered the To Assume New Post dents and separate boards of assumed the office of bursar of Riga. taking 300 places in Latvia. trustees. Robert college and the American Near Akarakoro Point A h J Starts Contempt Case anted forces for the Increaslnlly A native of Iowa, Dean Dakin College for Girlll. While in Istan­ Capture Cesls vital struule at the northern Appointed to Work A supplement to the communi­ was born in Mason City, June 2, bul he was managing director of Sever Communications Cite Edward Rumely ,oteway to the Rhine. As Administrative 1905, the son of Dr. Channing E. the American hospital, largest in­ que mentioned capture of Cesls, ns an, ap There l Ull was no word eorlY Assistant to President and Norra A. Dakin. His parents stitution of its kind east of Paris. 50 miles northeast of Riga. and For Refusal to Produce today. however, 01 the tate of the were graduated from the Univer- During his five years in Turkey. Madliena, 37 miles east of Riga, Between Jap Lines; Sf el Cenler Subpoenaed Records British airborne "Red Devil" dl­ sity of Iowa and his father, a Dean Dakin traveled extensively as among the day's notable feats. Encircle Some Units e vislon which has clun, stubbornly President Virgil M. Hancher an- graduate of the class of '96, was for spending one summer visiting Riga, last Baltic capital in to a 11 tUe foothold on the north nounced yesterday the appoint- 45 years a surgeon in Mason City. throughout A nat 0 I I a to learn enemy hands and a highly valu- U. S. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD­ A B-29 SUP E R FOR TRESS WASHINGTON (AP) - The bank of the Nedel' Rhine for nine house campallD Inv Utatln, com­ ment of Allin Winston Dakin of His mother, a graduate of '97, is Turkish business procedure. He able naval base for the newly un- QUARTERS Pearl Harbor (AP) BASE IN WEST CHINA (AP)- A doys and nllhu. Claremont. Calif. as his adminis- the daughter of Thomas and Kate travelled through Africa, especial­ fettered Red Baltic fleet, already l-s' h ~red and eighty-six heavy torce of American Super­ mittee called yesterday for federal A German broadcast, uncon­ trative assistant with the rank and Allin, pioneer residents of Iowa ly south Africa and the eastern is closely threatened by the Rus- IX un court action apinst an official 01 flrmed by allied sources. asserted slans six miles to the south. and Americans have been kllled, 406 fo rtresses bombed Industrial in­ title of dean. The newly-named City. ports. He visited in Crimea, stallations at Anshan In Man­ the committee for constitutional that the valiant little band or dean will come to the University Dean Dakin was graduated from Cascausia, northern Russia and only a narrow escape corridor are missing and 4,408 have been churia for the third time by day­ British ,ltytTooper. finally had of Iowa from the associated Clare- the University of Iowa in 1926, Scandinavia. leading westward along the sea wounded in the invasion of lhe light yesterday. ,overnment who refused to sub- been liquidated with the last 600 mont colleges: Pomona, Scripps, president of his class. For three 1ft Far East remains to the Germans. Palaus through Sept. 25 Admiral The B-29 squadrons. second in mit a list of contributors of $100 or IUTrel\de'I1n, , terda, mornlo,.; ..... 'monv a re- and Claremont, as soon as his suc- years after graduation, he re­ In 1939, enroute to the United The Soviet communique al~o . ' . &ize only to those which made a more. The combination of powerful Chi cessor there has been appointed. mained at Iowa as a member of the States, he went to India. the East announced capture of Turka. in Chester W. NimItz announced 10 mass attack on Manchuria Sept. 8, The congret8lo081 committee, around blow. by British armor The bride's In making the appointment, teaching staff of the college of Indies, China and Japan. From southern Poland 12 miles from the a communique last night. took off early in the morning to and the reinforcements and sup~ which was President Hancher said that the commerce. experiences gained in these travels border of Czechoslovakia, and Last night Nimitz reported that "clean up anything ov rloo)<ed In headed by Representative Ander- plies landed from trallllporill and and whIte inl!reasingly heavy duties imposed Given Scholarship he has based many of his lectures nine other communities in that the marines on PeleUu drove al- previous vlslt& to the ey city III san (0., NM), cited Edward " , (lliders eased the erltical IIItuatioA can dies. uPl\ln him have made a l'eorganiza. Having receive<t his M.A. de- given in the United States. mountainous frontier rellon. most to Akarakoro polnl at the Japan's Manchurian war produc­ Rumely.
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