December 2016 & Upper Eden

Community News Winter 2016 / 2017

News from Kirkby Stephen Local Links ... Inside this issue: Get Ready for Winter 1 Helping our community to stay healthy, happy and Like our warm this winter. On Friday 18th November we held facebook page: Town Council News 2 - 3 our winter community event at the Local Links. Our “Get Kirkby Stephen Ready for Winter” day was organised to help provide lo- Community Centre Community Services 4 cal access to services, support, advice and guidance, on a variety of essential topics, all focusing on the needs of Follow us on Local News & 5 residents over the winter months. twitter: communitycentre Activities Supported by a number of organisations, who deliver What`s on for the 6 services across Kirkby Stephen and Upper Eden, the @kslocallinks Local Links building was transformed into a winter FREE WIFI at Kirkby Ste- coming season “information hub” for the day. Local residents were invit- phen Local Links Local club listings 7 - 8 ed to drop-in and find out about services on offer, as Business Directory well as accessing 1-2-1 advice on energy switching, in- formation on wellbeing, health, support services and much more. Sarah Greenop from Eden Independent Living also In case you were not able to visit us on 18th November, supported our event and was here is an overview of the organisations who supported kept busy talking to visitors our event and the services they offer across our region: about the range of services they offer to residents across Action for Sustaina- our region, that help people to bility's Frankie O`Keeffe live independently and safe in demonstrating the benefits of their homes. For more infor- a “Sheep Chimney” which mation or to access support helps to prevent drafts and contact: 01768 890657 heat loss when your fire is not in use. The CAfS Team were Volunteers from Upper Eden also on hand throughout the First Responders very day to provide 1-2-1 energy kindly gave up a day to join switching advice and offer es- our event and talk to visitors sential guidance and practical about the excellent work advice on improvements you they do, volunteering oppor- can make to your home or tunities, emergency first aid business, if you live in a flood and much more. If you are risk area. keen to join their team, Leanne Ruddick, REACH please go to page 4 of this Officer also joined our event newsletter or contact Mollie to talk to members of our Young on 017683 72833. community about the sup- port services delivered by Our own “Good Neighbours” stand provided an ideal the Age UK and opportunity to create awareness about our new scheme Eden Team, across our and the help and support we offer to our local communi- region. Leanne also provid- ty. Our volunteers were available through the day to ed tips on health and wellbe- pass on information about volunteering opportunities and ing and assisted a number details on how to access help from the scheme. of customers with winter Walkers are Welcome also joined our event for the warmth grants. For more day, to share news about their activities in the local area information contact Leanne and talk to visitors about their DAWDLES walks pro- on 017683 54918. gramme and the many benefits that regular gentle walks can offer. Information about the organisation and a pro- gramme of their forthcoming activities can be picked up Kirkby Stephen Local Links Open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10.00am—5.00pm from the Local Links or visit: (Closed 12.30—1.30 pm) Saturday 10.00am—1.00pm (Library only) If you were unable to attend our “Get Ready for Winter” Address: Vicarage Lane, Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4QX event but would like information about the services avail- Tel: 017683 71775 Fax: 017683 74858 able this winter, pop in and see us at the Local Links or Email: [email protected] call 017683 71775. Page 2 Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News

Kirkby Stephen Town Council News

Clock Appeal Precept and Budget Setting Royal British Le- 2017/18 The Clock Ap- gion Poppy Appeal peal is growing, The Council will be setting its budg- Since 2015 I have thank you to an- et and precept for 2017/18 at its been co-ordinating yone who has meeting on 24th January at 6.45pm the Poppy Appeal for donated to the in the Local Links. Kirkby Stephen & appeal. District. On top of the regular services the Council pays for, or contributes to- The support given to the appeal is If you wish to make a donation to the wards, on the town’s behalf; the astonishing and this year a total of appeal you can do this in a number of Council is being asked to consider ways: taking over some non statutory ser- £4166.71 has been raised by the local community. vices which are currently provided by the other tiers of local govern- The amounts raised are as follows: Gift Aid declaration envelopes are ment. available to complete if you are able to Crosby Garrett £356.06, Hartley gift aid your donation, this allows the The County and District Councils £154.82, Kaber £66.47, Kirkby Stephen PCC to reclaim an additional 25% of are facing reductions in the funding £2997.22, Nateby £109.28, Soulby the donation amount at no extra cost they receive from central govern- £33.00 and Winton £199.86, a further to the donor and giving a considerable ment. As a result of this, non statu- £250 was raised from the poppy boost to the appeal. Cash or cheques, tory services are under scrutiny and wreaths. made payable to Kirkby Stephen Paro- more and more are being offered to chial Church Council can be placed in Town and Parish Council’s to take Thank you to everyone who supported the envelopes. Whatever form you over or risk losing the service alto- the appeal, particular thanks to the vol- use to make your donation please use gether. unteers who carry out the house to the reference ‘clock appeal’. house collections, the pupils of the Kirk- by Stephen Primary and Grammar As you may be aware from the newsletter last year, some footway Schools and to the shops and busi- Donations can be left with the town lights, particularly those on build- nesses for allowing poppies to be sold Clerk. A Just Giving page for the ings, are to be removed and if we from their premises. KIRKBY STEPHEN CLOCK APPEAL want to replace them with new will be going live shortly. lights it will be for the Town Council Would you like to help with the appeal to find the funds. in 2017?

Recently the Council has been in- Volunteers are needed to carry out formed that Council is house to house collections in Crosby handing the public car park at Garrett, North Road, The Crescent, Christian Head back to the County South Road and Birkbeck Gardens. Flood Prevention Council and the Town Council is The collection dates are limited to the being asked to consider taking over two weeks leading up to Remembrance At a recent Flood Forum meeting held th responsibility for the asset. The Sunday which will take place on 12 in Kirkby Stephen, residents were 563 public bus service is under November 2017. If you can help out in asked to clear leaves from their proper- threat and the Town Council is any of the areas mentioned please con- ties as these are a major source of asked to consider financially sup- tact me on 017683 71853. blockages for the drainage system. porting the service. The Communi- Jeanette Cooper, Co-ordinator for Kirk- ty and Council Centre is expecting Eden District Council has provided by Stephen District sand and bags in Kirkby Stephen. A to pay towards the building costs at number of people turned out to help fill the Local Links. The addition of sand bags at Pennine View earlier this these services will put further pres- month, these will stay at the park to sure on the Town Council budget help prevent flooding into Quarry Close and will be considered in full at the and Birkbeck Gardens, however, a budget meeting. quantity of sand is available for other Town Council meetings are open to people in Kirkby Stephen that have the public and you are given an been affected by flooding. opportunity to speak in public par- Town Council Budget Meeting Please contact the Clerk for further ticipation should you wish to make any comments or ask any ques- details. Tuesday 24th January 6.45pm tions. in the Local Links Meeting Room Page 3 Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News

Christmas Display Our thanks to Stephen & Elizabeth Huck for judging the windows. Dates of Town Council Meetings Earlier in the year the Council held a 10th January 2017 public meeting to look at the Christ- 24th January—Budget/Precept meeting mas lights display in the town. This The results of the window competi- 7th February followed the disappointment last tion are: 7th March year when new lights purchased for Meetings start at 6.45pm in the Local the Christmas tree were sabotaged 1st place: Little Treasures Links Meeting Room. and the weather caused problems 2nd Place: J N & E Capsticks with the Market Street display. The first item is 3rd Place: Archway Fish & Chips, Public Participation created by Biggins Nursery If you have anything you wish to raise A small group undertook to raise Most festive window: Haughey An- about the town or items on the agenda money for a new display and sought tiques this is your opportunity to speak to the donations from local businesses. Council. Thanks to all those who made dona- Congratulations and thank you to everyone who took part. tions towards the new display. Agendas & minutes are available to download from The Upper Eden Rotary Club drew This year we have replaced the Copies are available at the Local Links. lights with new, weatherproof strings the winners of their annual raffle, which raises money each year for of LED lights and the focal point for TOWN COUNCILLORS the display is in the Market Square. Christmas gifts for over-80s and gives support for day centres. Mrs. J Johnstone, Chairman The introduction of the telegraph Mr. A Birtles pole in the Market Square raised a Miss. G Earl few eyebrows when it was first in- There are a number of people and Mrs. G Lumley stalled but we hope you agree that it organisations to thank for playing a Mr. D Marsh has created a super display in the part in the switch on event, the Sil- Mr. P Richardson, Vice-Chairman town centre. ver Band, the Church Choir, the Pri- Mrs. J Sowerby mary School. Mrs. D Thornton Dr. M Walker The annual switch on was held in the Church yard, which has also The Council would like to thank the Clerk/Financial Officer: been included in the new display. team of volunteers who have Mrs. J Cooper Entertainment was provided by the worked exceedingly hard this year to Primary School Choir performing set up the new lights, and those CONTACT DETAILS several songs, there was an oppor- companies who assisted with the Phone/Fax: 017683 74854 tunity for people to join in with the display. [email protected] Church Choir who sang traditional Kirkby Stephen Town Council *Team: Clifford Simpson, Thomas Christmas Carols accompanied by Local Links Robinson, Mike Hall, Keith Beck- the Silver Band. The Council pro- Vicarage Lane with, Jonny Sayer, Patrick Bowman vided children with glow sticks to Kirkby Stephen take part in the fun. Companies: Lakeland Laser, Cumbria, CA17 4QX Lakeland Commercial, Johnstone’s Garage, Ian Hind, Neil McWhirter Dr. Stephen Huck performed the switch-on of the lights and present- Masonic Hall Lights: David Scott ed the prizes to the winners of the Organisation: Shiela Haughey, Christmas window competition. Mike Walker, Joan Johnstone The theme of the Christmas Window 563 KS-Brough-Appleby-Penrith competition was Spirit of Christmas. Following Grand Prix’s announce- ment that it would cease operation of the 563 service after 11th Novem- Obstructions on pavements ber, which was later extended until the 16th December, the Council has We continue to receive complaints about obstructions on the pavements in been working with other parishes Market Street and South Road. along the route to try to secure the Market Street—please ensure that advertisement signs and furniture are kept service. within the boundary of the premises and clear of the pavement. Negotiations are on-going though it South Road—we understand that there are parking pressures in South Road is likely that the parishes will be ex- and have no wish to add to this, however, if parking restrictions are to be avoid- pected to provide financial support ed, sufficient clearance of the pavement, to accommodate pedestrians with for the service if it is to be viable in prams and users of mobility scooters, must be maintained. the long term. Page 4

Community services and support

Volunteer Opportunity Change your home from cold to cosy The Upper Eden First Responders Team are looking Make your home warmer and save money on your ener- to appoint a new secretary in 2017. We need some- gy bills this winter with free draught proofing and LED body to keep us on the straight and narrow with meet- bulbs, courtesy of local charity Cumbria Action for Sus- ing dates, venues, agendas and meeting notes. You tainability (CAfS). don’t have to be a First Responder to be our Secre- tary and full training will be provided. The work is vol- You can request a free energy advice visit at your home untary and will take 2-3 hours per week, which can be if you are over 60 or you`re on a means-tested benefit, done in your own time. and also if someone in your household has a disability or long-term health issue.

A CAfS Energy Champion will check your home for If you are interested in hearing more about the role draughts that could be sealed up, light bulbs that could then please contact Mollie Young on 017683 72833 or be replaced with low-energy LEDs and whether moving Libby Bateman on 07759665233 or email: to a different energy tariff could save you money. CAfS [email protected] or via facebook. will then arrange for a professional installer to fit the draught-proofing materials and LED bulbs for you—all free of charge thanks to funding from the Ebico Trust. We are also recruiting for new team members, so please also get in touch if you `re interested in be- They might install products like seals, brushes and coming a First Responder. This involves an initial in- draught strips for doors and windows, letterbox covers, terview and training followed by monthly refresher keyhole covers and chimney balloons, for example. training. The role of the First Responder is to help There's a limited amount of funding available, so if you'd maintain life before an ambulance arrives, it does not like to take advantage of this free service call CAfS on replace the ambulance service. Responders carry a 01768 210276 or email [email protected] . defibrillator and oxygen and are called to attend to an adult in a state of collapse, we do not attend trauma like car accidents or children. To find out more and to register online please visit: Carlisle Eden Mind CONNECT Project Through the Connect Project, Carlisle Eden Mind, are supporting individuals who are suffering from mental health issues and living in hardship and/or crisis. Kirkby Stephen and Upper Eden Good Neighbours Helping to make a difference to your day! CEMIND are working in partnership on this project with Citizens Advice Bureau, CASS and Cumbria Law Cen- Recruitment and enquiries for our new support tre, to get people the relevant help when they need it. scheme have been gathering pace over the last cou- ple of weeks. We now have a team of 15 volunteers, The Connect caseworkers are Amy Madge and Lisa ready to offer assistance to those who are in need. Anderson, both of whom bring a wealth of experience in The scheme is operational every Monday, Wednes- working with vulnerable people and are taking referrals day and Friday between 10am and 5pm. If you need a from supporting agencies in Carlisle and Eden but also little help, or know someone who does, get in touch by self-referrals from individuals over the phone. telephoning 017683 71775. Contact Amy Madge and Lisa Anderson on: 01228 Our dedicated team of volunteers are happy to help with a variety of things from collecting shopping and 370633 prescriptions to organising cupboards and changing Email; [email protected] light bulbs. Whatever you need, we'll do out best to Website; MINDLINE 0300 561 0000—Helpline for anyone who help, or find you the support you need. needs to talk about their mental health or find out which Contact us on: 017683 71775 Monday, Wednesday or agencies are available to get support. Friday between 10am to 5pm to access support.

Talk to your local County Councilor Eden Save Credit Union Libby Bateman will be at Kirkby Stephen Local Links on Your community bank providing affordable loans and the following Saturdays between 10.00am—11.30am: 7th January, 4th February and 4th March 2017 a place to save. To enquire about membership of EdenSave please contact the Penrith office on: 01768 890065, leaving your contact details if outside open- Please come along if you have an issue you would like Libby ing hours of 10.30am—1.00pm pm on weekdays. to take up on your behalf, or just stop in to say “hello”. If you're More information about EdenSave can be found at not able to make it to a surgery but have a problem you would like Libby to look into then please email: [email protected] or telephone: 07759665233 - receive up to date issues effecting your community. Page 5

Local news and activities.

Walkers are Welcome Pad 9 Youth Group We have several new projects for 2017, one of which We currently have vacancies in both out groups as will be to plant boots with vegetables for display young people have moved up or left school. The Junior around the town. If you have any old boots, trainers or group meet on Monday between 6—7pm and do craft wellingtons to throw out, please put them in the box work and games, coupled with life skills. The Senior provided in the cycle shed at Kirkby Stephen Local group meet on Thursday between 7—9pm and pro- Links. If you would like to help with the project in May, gramme most of their own activities to include music please tell the Local Links staff or contact us on: and games. Just come along to the Evergreen Hut, 017683 71976. Redmayne Road and see if you like us. Subs are just .50p per week.

Box Clever for Marie Curie Marie Curie is appealing to the people of Kirkby Ste- Kirkby Stephen Song Time phen to help look after collection tins and daffodil For singing and fun, from birth to pre-school. Come and boxes in the local area. Hayley Revell, Community join us at The Church House (with the red door) in Kirk- Fundraiser for Marie Curie said: “Looking after the by Stephen Parish Church grounds. Tuesday morning collection tins is a really effective way to help support at 9.30am during term time. £1 per family. Everyone local Marie Curie services. We’re looking for people welcome! who can visit sites in their local area once every three months to replace the full tin with an empty one, then Contact: Jan Donaldson on 07928 767245 for details. count and bank the money raised”. For more information, please contact Hayley Revell The Changing Rooms on 07711 387976 or email [email protected] . St Michaels Church and the Methodist Chapel in Brough, have been working together and launched a new project. We reopened the doors to the redundant Guide for people in flood-risk areas - Practical Changing Rooms that belong to Brough Football Club. tips to make your building cope better. The building is sited next to Brough School and is open Mon-Fri 9.30-3.30am. It is run by volunteers who Cumbria Action for Sustainability have produced a welcome customers warmly, offer tea, coffee and chat new factsheet with lots of practical tips for improve- whilst people browse the number of racks of second ments you can do to your home, community building hand clothing, books, furniture, toys, household goods or business if you're in a flood-risk area. and bric-a-brac. We are working closely with the Op- The building materials you use when refitting after Shops in Carlisle and their input has been invaluable. flooding, or just while you're doing other works, can It has been funded by the Churches but we are hope- help get your building back into use more quickly, if ful, once we have paid our debts, that we can give to you are flooded in the future. The right building meth- some local charities. There is a weekly craft club ods can also make a big difference. (Thursday 1-3) and a men`s group (Wednesday 1-3). We will take any donations for the shop and can collect Factsheets are available to download from furniture. The Upper Eden Food Bank has a collection, printed copies are point and CAB Debt Advice are happy to meet custom- available to pick up from Kirkby Stephen Local Links. ers in the first instance. It`s still early days but we have If you'd like one posted out to you, please email em- been happy with the progress and have lots planned [email protected]. Or contact CAfS on 01768 210276 for 2017. Volunteers always wanted, contact Rachel for more information. on 017683 42411.

What`s on at Kirkby Stephen Local Links

Eden Carers Outreach Clinic Monday 30th Jan, 27th Feb, 27th Mar & 24th April 2.30pm—4.00pm Appointment booking essential, contact Katie Gill on 01768 890280. Go Digital @ Local Links Every Friday 10.30am— 4.00pm Free one-to-one IT Tuition, 30 minute appointments, available every Friday, telephone 017683 71775 to book your 1-2-1 Job Support Service Every Friday 10.00am—4.30pm Help with writing a CV, accessing local and online jobs, application support, interview preparation, support with online ser- vices including access to universal credit and other employment benefits. Bridging The Gap Every 3rd Tuesday 10.00am —12.00pm Drop-in session for people with hearing loss. Call in and get your hearing aid checked by the professionals. Story Time—”Telling Tales” Every Wednesday 10.15am—12.00pm Kirkby Stephen Community Arts presents: Story Time. Age 0-4 years. Wednesday morning during Term Time.

Visit:—for a full list of Eden District Council services Page 6 Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News

Local Events for the coming Season

Are you on your own on Christmas Day? Decorative and Fine Arts Society present: Join us in Kirkby Stephen for a Painting with Light—Stained Glass in Britain from Bede to TRADITIONAL LUNCH Now on Wednesday 14th December at 11.00am If you`re interested, give us a ring and we`ll be happy to give you more details and may be able to arrange transport if you A lecture by Mr David Winpenny at Appleby Market Hall need it. Contact: Coffee served from 10.15am Members Free, Admission £8 Alison—017683 71515 Mary—017683 72119 A Churches Together in Kirkby Stephen initiative. Great North Air Ambulance DROP-IN Collection: The next Air Ambulance drop-in collections in Brough will be on Wednesday 22nd February 2017. The Brough Memorial Hall—Remote Cinema Brough Memorial Hall will be open between noon and 1pm and again between 5pm and 7pm.. Empty bags Wednesday 21st December—Oddball and the Penguins (U) may obtained at no cost from Dave Williams (phone Doors open 2.30pm—Main film at 3.00pm A colony of penguins is threatened by foxes. Can Oddball the 017683 42135). sheepdog save them? Come and find out! Advanced Adult ticket £3.50 available by telephone: 017683 41949 or 07561391961. Adult on the door ticket: £4.50 U/16 BROUGH FARMERS`MARKET £2.00. Refreshments on sales. Memorial Hall, Brough Saturday 17th December, 9.30am—2.00pm Buy lamb, beef, pork, venison, fish, poultry, Black Bull Hotel—Festive Events eggs, bread, cheese, cakes, photography, jewellery, textiles and more Saturday 10th December 9pm—Live Music featuring 3rd Sat of each month - no admission charge! “The Wannabees Thursday 15th December 8pm—Christmas Quiz Night Sunday 18th December 8pm—Christmas Dominoes Tuesday 20th December 8pm—Christmas Darts Sports and social, clubs and groups contd... Thursday 29th December 8pm—Quiz, review of 2016

Festive menu served throughout December Brough Sowerby Lunch Club, first Wednesday of every month at Brough Sowerby Chapel. 12.00—1.00pm. Contact Kirkby Stephen Community Arts, Forthcoming Events Sarah Kirkup on: 017683 41258. Theatre for 3-6 year olds Kirkby Stephen Silver Band. Meet every Monday in the IN A NUTSHELL Band Hut on Mill Lane Kirkby Stephen at 7.30pm. For more Saturday 10 December, 11am and 2pm details go to: Kirkby Stephen Methodist hall Tickets £8 Adults, £6 Child and £24 Family Upper Eden Community Choir—”The Local Choir with a Big Advance booking recommended, telephone: 017683 71885 Heart” meet Wednesday 7.00—9.00pm at Brough Memorial Hall. Cost £4. All welcome, lots of fun, music to suit all tastes. Remote Cinema with Eden Arts Contact Karen West on 07974 759136 or email: All tickers £5 Adult, £3 under 18s [email protected] . WHITE CHRISTMAS Kirkby Stephen Bowling Club. Our outdoor bowling Friday 16 December 7pm (doors open 6.30pm) green is open from April to September any week day at Licenced bar available, mulled wine and mince pies. Kick off 5.30pm or Saturday afternoon. All welcome. Bowls and the festive season with this Christmas classic! Includes a instruction given to new players. For more details contact display of archives and programmes from the old Kirkby Mick Botterill on 017683 72973 or email: Stephen cinema, which was run by Heb Lumley and his fam- [email protected]. ily. The Gardeners of Eden, meet on the first Tuesday of the THE BFG month, except January and February. Winter meetings are Saturday 17 December 11am (doors open 10.30am) held at The Friends Meeting House at 2pm. Summer Bring the whole family and enjoy this Roald Dahl favourite, meetings are elsewhere, out and about. starring Oscar winner Mark Rylance. Includes a display of Contact Sue Bradley on: 017683 72700 archives and programmes from the old Kirkby Stephen cine- ma, which was run by Heb Lumley and his family. Table Tennis Club, meet in KSGS Gym every Thursday Between September to Easter. Juniors 6.30—7.30pm, Adults LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP 7.00—9.00pm. All welcome. Contact Mike Sunderland for Friday 20 January 7pm (doors open 6.30pm) details KS 71406. Kate Beckinsale, Chloe Sevigny and Stephen Fry star in this critically acclaimed adaptation of Jane Austen`s novella, Koryo Eden Taekwondo, meet every Wednesday in Lady Susan. New Village Hall between 5.30—7.30pm. All welcome. Contact: [email protected] tel: 07710 011730. Regular activities continue with our weekly Telling Tales storytime and craft session at Kirkby Stephen Local Links, Kirkby Stephen Bridge Club, Monday 1.00pm at Kirkby Wednesdays during term-time at 10.15am and Construction Stephen Sports and Social Club. Ring Colette Dow 017683 Club, fortnightly on Tuesday, 4-5pm at Pad9 Evergreen Hut 53887 or Jean Metcalf 017683 71672. on Redmayne Road, Kirkby Stephen. To include your group, club, sport or social activity in this listing, email: [email protected]

Visit: for more information on services, businesses and activities in Kirkby Stephen Page 7

Sports and social, clubs and groups. Business Directory

PAD9—Kirkby Stephen Youth Group Mon 6-8pm Juniors & Thurs 7-9pm Seniors at The Evergreen Hut on Redmayne Road, Kirkby Stephen. M.C.STALEY 1st Kirkby Stephen Brownies & Guides, NOW MEET AT THE METHODIST CHAPEL SCHOOL ROOMS every Kaber Tuesday. Brownies 5.30—7.00pm, Guides 7.00-8.30pm. Visit: for details. 1st Kirkby Stephen Scout Group Over 25 years experience Beavers (alt Weds), Cubs (alt Weds), Scouts #1 (alt Tues), of Drystone Walling, Gar- KSA Scouts (alt Fri). All meet at the Silver Band Hut off den Landscaping, Paving, Mellbecks email: [email protected] or tel: 017683 41107. Stone Fireplaces and Kirkby Stephen Young Farmers Club—age 10-26 Stone Facing. Tues, 7.30pm Winton Village Hall, tel: 01768866550 Guaranteed exceptional 2192 Appleby Air Cadets meet Weds & Fri 7.15-9.30pm at workmanship Air Cadet Hut behind AGS tel: 017683 61845 FREE no obligation quote DAWDLES—Walkers, meet every Thurs 10.30am To discuss requirements Cloisters For more details visit: Running—Howgill Harriers meet at KSGS Mon 6.30pm Tel: 017683 72662 running, Weds 7.00pm circuits. For more details of runs and 07875 551117 events visit: h Kirkby Stephen Tae Kwon-Do meet every Friday in the Gallery Room at KSGS Sports Hall, Age 7-12 6.00-7.00pm, KL Venning Slaters Ltd Age 12 & over 7.00-8.30pm and every Monday from 7.00- Slating, Flagging, 8:30 pm, 12 years & over in the Dance Studio at KSGS

Contact: James Wilbye 07591 522317 Tiling, Leadwork. e:[email protected] visit: . For a free no obligation Kirkby Stephen LOCAL CYCLE EVENTS: Meet in KSGS Quotation The practice with personality Tel: 015396 24481 or Email: car park Tuesdays, beginning March 29th, 6.30pm to dusk. Accountancy, Taxation, Road cycling, distance depending on ability. Local qualified [email protected] Online Bookkeeping Skyride Leader. Run by Mike Sunderland and Pauline Tyson. Solutions, Bookkeeping For details tel: 07975 946312. Management Accounts, Badminton for all from beginners to experienced players. Business Development, meet Weds from 7.30—9.30pm KSGS Sports Hall contact: Business Advice, To Advertise Sarah Bowman 07912 122624. VAT &Payroll Junior & Senior Badminton—KSGS Sports Hall, Fridays your Business in our 6.00-9.00pm Contact: Jeanette McQuirter 017683 71693 Community Newsletter FREE Initial Consultation please telephone: Cycling and Socialising—Eden Valley CTC, Weds & Sun Tel: 017683 71600 9.30 starts. visit: for details 017683 71775 [email protected] or email: Circle Dancing—1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from communitynews@ 17-19 Market Street November through to Easter at Brough Memorial Hall. No Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4QS partner needed, Beginners very welcome. Enjoy dancing to a rich variety of music, traditional (including Celtic, Greek and Israeli) together with modern and classical. Donations welcome for Brough Memorial Hall. Contact Pat Mitchell 017683 41949. Live happy! Upper Eden History Society—Meet monthly in The Coffee Bar in KSGS. visit: for details. with The black bull hotel Slimming World Royal British Legion Women`s Section—Meet First An open fire burns in our Every Wednesday Monday of every month at Swanson House in Brough. New spacious well stocked bar, members very welcome, for more details contact: Sheila all winter long. We serve Kirkby Stephen Rugby club Proctor on: 017683 71061 seasonal homemade mod- 6.30pm ern British pub food in our Nateby and Wharton WI—first Fri of month 7.00-9.00 pm, Telephone Kay Quaker Meeting House tel: Joyce Hunter 017683 71517. restaurant and bar. All of our bedrooms have on 015396 20137 Upper Eden Quitters—Quilting, Knitting & Crochet, Fridays en-suite facilities. @ Friends Meeting House, 2.00-4.30pm tel: Sue Bradley on 017683 72700 or Jenny McWilliam on 017683 71820. Kirkby 38 Market Street, Kirkby Stephen Family History Group—meet 2nd Tues in Month Stephen, CA17 4QW @Kirkby Stephen local links email: [email protected] Tel: 017683 71237 Stitch and Chatter—meet alt Fridays from10-12 in Winton. [email protected] Craft in all areas of textile, learn new skills and share your www.blackbullkirkby own. Call Carole on: 07419372881 for details.

For more information about activities and events across Eden visit: Page 8 Kirkby Stephen & Upper Eden Community News

Business Directory

Coast to W Dawson& Son Ltd Coast Approved Coal Merchants CYCLES Established 1985, Tel: 015396 20210 Hair & Beauty  Cycle Hire & Repairs Offer: Wedding Packages, Children`s parties, ear pierc-  Minor repairs Email: office@ ing and gift vouchers.  Full overhauls For all your beauty needs! We also offer a traditional Monday Closed  Wheel building Suppliers of: wet shave for men. Tuesday 9.00-7.30  Hydraulic brakes Monday—closed Wednesday 9.00-5.30  Quality House coal Tuesday 9.30am—5pm Thursday 9.00-7.30 Above the Visitors Centre, Wednesday 10am—8pm Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4QN.  Stove Fuels Friday 9.00-5.00 Thursday 9.30am—8pm Saturday 9.00-3.00 017683 71776 / 07582 792997  Biomass Pellets Friday 9.30am—6pm Closed Wednesday & Sunday. Saturday 9am—3pm 3 Silver Street, Through Winter 01/10—31/03,  Kiln Dried Ash 2 Market Square, we close at 1pm on Mon, Tues Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4RB Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4QT & Fri.  Seasoned Logs Tel: 017683 72917 Tel: 017683 71122 e: [email protected]

SERVING THE COMMUNITY OF KIRKBY STEPHEN AND THE UPPER EDEN VALLEY FOR OVER 100 YEARS. Serving proper homemade * PROBATE & ESTATE Call in for food, as locally sourced ADMINISTRATION * A friendly welcome as possible. * Superb Food * RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Our menu regularly changes, * Good Beer CONVEYANCING giving you the excuse to * Fine Wines * AGRICULTURAL & come back again and again. BUSINESS SERVICES * Comfortable Beds Our function suites are now We hope to see you soon * WILLS & TRUSTS open for parties of 10 to 100 * POWER OF ATTORNEY Why not hold your next party or Steve, Debbie, Lucy & Tim social occasion here? * CARE HOME FEE PLANNING Tel: 017683 42443 Tel: 017683 41252 * INHERITANCE TAX PLANNING [email protected] Email: TEL: 017683 71534 [email protected] [email protected]

Mike Addison Opticians 32-34 Market St Kirkby Stephen

 Coal Merchant *Providing Flowers for all occasions  Bottled Gas –Flo Gas Open Daily eye care for all the family FLOWERS * PLANTS *  Kiln Dried Logs Lunch *Private & NHS Patients BALLOONS *  Builders Merchants 12-2pm, Monday—Saturday GIFTS * CARDS * welcome  Garden Supplies Evening Meals FREE DELIVERY *FREE Eye Examination for

Served daily 6-9pm Children and over 60`s 7 Days a Week Tel: 017683 72333 Email: Carvery Every Sunday Opening hours *Supplier of all spectacles [email protected] MON—FRI 8am—4.30pm and vision related products SAT 9am—4pm Tel: 017683 71451 Tel: 017683 71555 Tel: 017683 71028 Email: infoks@ 9 Market Street, Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4QS.

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