Luxury Low Countries
LUXURY LUXURY in the LOW LUXURY COUNTRIES the in in the e superflu, chose très nécessaire”, wrote Voltaire 1736 in COUNTRIES LOW LOW his poem Le mondain. Needless to say that luxury is much Lmore than merely materialised/solidified redundancy. Offering a first panoramic view on various manifestations of conspicuous material culture in a Netherlandish context from 1500 until the present, this study – rather than investigating self- COUNTRIES evident cases of luxury – aims to explore its boundaries and the different stages in which luxury is fabricated or sometimes only simulated. Thematically, the volume focuses on two major issues, i.e. collections and foodways as means of expression of prosperity and splendour, which will be discussed by an international group of scholars, emanating from disciplines such as archaeology, history, book and media studies, art history, linguistics, and historical (ed.) Rittersma Rengenier ethnology. With an afterword by Maxine Berg. MIScellaneous RefleCtions on NETHERlandish MaTERial CULTURE, 1500 to the PRESENT Rengenier Rittersma (ed.) 9 789054 875406 Miscellaneous Reflections on Netherlandish Material Culture, 1500 to the Present Rengenier C. Rittersma (ed.) © 2010 FARO. Flemish interface for cultural heritage Cover image: Adriaan de Lelie, De kunstgalerij van Jan Priemstraat 51, B-1000 Brussels Gildemeester Jansz in zijn huis aan de Herengracht te Amsterdam, 1794-1795 © Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Editorial board: Marc Jacobs, Rengenier C. Rittersma, All rights reserved. No part of this book may be Peter Scholliers, Ans Van de Cotte reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, Final editors: Frederik Hautain & Ans Van de Cotte recording, or on any information, storage or retrieval system without permission of the publisher.
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