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DEVONSHIRE. · [ KELLY's 834 MAS DEVONSHIRE. · [ KELLY's Mason J ames, Gestridgc, Kingsteign­ Matthews Miss, High Beach, l'pton M. May Misses, The Rock, South I3rent ton, Newton Abbot Torquay R S. 0 Mason Miss, rB Hill's view, Bamstaple i\Iatthews Miss,r LoweL" Summerl:mds, :May ~·Irs. ::\iapstone, Lustleigh, ~ew- :\fason Thomas Brown, Beenleigh, Exeter ton Abbot Harbertonford R.S.O Matthews Mrs. 9 Bexley terrJce,13cJmtJ- ::\I ay Mrs. 95 Newport rd. I3nrnstople • ~fason "William, 4 Grafton road, :Mut- fylde road, Torquay May Mrs. J. R Albany villa, Gl:mville Jey, Plymouth Matthews Mrs. 46 Coombe rd. Tgnmth road, Tavistocl;:: Mason William,5 Hyde Park road,Mut­ Matthews Mrs. 2 Elmfiehl villas, S~. May Richd. Gunston house, Creditun • ley, l'lymouth ~lary Church road, SL.Mary Church, May Richard, 59 Oxford rd. E~eter :VIassey F. J. 2-1- Iddesleigh nl. Exeter Torquay May Richard, 21 SL John's rd. lleaYi- Massey J. r8 Alexandra rd. Plymouth Matthews Mrs_ Fair view, Yealmpton, tree, Exeter Massey Miss, I3 St. J olm's ro:.~d,Heavi- Plymouth ~fay T. A., :M.A. Courtenay ho. T\·stck tree, Exeter Mattlwws Mrs. 9 Mansard ter.Drtmtl1 .May William, I2 Ebberley lawn, Bear Massey Mrs. Inglewood, Landseore rd. Matthews :Mrs. 25 Percy ter. Exmth street, Barnstaple Teignmouth Matthews Mrs. Rackenford, Morchard May 'Vm. 4 Egerton cres. Plymouth ~!aster Miss, Highfieln, Miuule War­ Bishop U.S.O l\-1ay Wm. 47 South st. South :O.fulton berry road, Torquay :\Iattbews i\1rs. 22 Weirfield rd. Exeter .Maye H_ Riverford, St.avertun, Totms ~Iasterman William Alfred,6 Bronshill ::\Iatthews Richard, Newlnnd, Stoke Maye John, PPnrose, South Brent villas, Lower Bronshill rrl.. 'l'orquay Gabriel, 'l'otnes Maye Mrs.Penrose,South I3rent R.S,O Masters Adams, I Endsleigh pl<lce,Dod­ ~Ia.ttbews Hobert Henry, GlenllDlme, .Maye Robert L. High 1st. llideford brooke, Kingsbridge Church hill, Honiton Maye Thos. Mount El"~>ell, Plymouth Masters Edwin H. H. llmnswick place, Mattbe"~>s Thomas, I4 Abington road, road, Totnes Dawlish Victoria park, Plymouth ~aye "\Villia.rn Bennet-t,Abham,Staver- Masters John, I5 The Green, Sbaldon, ~Iatthews W. IQ Morton road, Exmtb tun, Buckfastleigh RS.O Teignmouth Maude Rev. Tbomns, Selborne, Vicar- Maver ::\llr;;. Ir6 St_ Andrew's road, Masters Miss, 5 Bedforu villas, Beer age road, Chelston, Torquay Exmouth Alston RS.O Maude Mrs. Belle vue, Old Mill road, Mayer William Lewin, Burton house, Masters Hichard William, Ty-Neydd, Chelston, Torquay Higher Brixham, Torquay Rathmore road, Chelston, Torqnay Maule George Xorman M.A., J.P_ I Mayers John Bowen, Io Devon square, Matchett Major Alfred Wjlliam, The Hillsboroug-h terrace, Ilfracombe Newton Abbot Cottage, Portland avenue, Exmouth Maule Miss, 7 Abbey crescent,Torquay l\-Iayjor Miss I Abbey mead,Tavistock Materlace Arth. E. West enri, Honiton Maunder J. 22 Bedford pk. Plymouth Mayl:tnd H. LII Belgrave ter.Tgnmtll Materface Harry John Threade1·, Old l\Iannder J. I. Black'hill, Pinhoe, Exetr 1 Maynard H. 22 AlPxandra rd.l'lymth Post Office vard, Honiton Maunder Misses, Hereford house,Torrs · Maynard Henry, Gilwell house, Rad- • Mather Mrs. 4 Hyde Park terrace,Mnt- park, Ilfracombe nor place, Plymouth ley Plymouth Maunder Rd. 50 George st_ Devonport Maynard J. 28 Lisson gro. Plymouth ~latheson Major Duncan, New ~orth Maunder Sml. 10 Hichmond rd. Exetr · ~laynard John, 'fuson villa, Holbcton, road, Exeter Maunder W. West st.Ashbnrton RS.O Ivybridge Matheson Mrs. 6o Mutley pln.Plymth Maunder Wjllinm, 3' Grove viiia~, Maynard Mrs. Meadow ,side, Torquay Mathew John Pynsent, 3 Homefield Landscore road, Teignmouth road, Newton Abbot place, Heavitree, Exeter Maunder William, 22 l'nion rd. Exeter Mayne Miss, 22 Belmont rd. Exeter l\-bthew John Waiter Wrighb M.A. I ~law Roht.Meavy vie"I>,Yeh,ertonR.S.O, Mayne Mrs. High street, Honiton F, Manston ter. Heavitree, Exeter Maw Thoma.s, 4 Mowbray av. Exeter I Mayne Mrs. Langstone, Dartmouth Mathew Jonah Pynsent, Hydon house, .Mawle H. E. IO Vale rd. Newton Abbt · road, •Paignton Talaton, Ottery St. Mary Maxwell Hev. Joseph Towmend, Cour- Mayne Mrs. 4 Victoria. ploce, 2\Iathews Arthur, I I3elgrave terrace, tenay lodge, Wilderness road, l\-Ian- Ston1~house, Plymouth Totnes road, Paig-nton namead. Plymouth Mayne Mrs. l'aget, The Sh1·ubbery, :\Iathews Charles, rro Boutport street, Maxwell Rev .. Robert David, IQ Grove Ashfield road, Chelston, Torquay Barnstaple crescent, Teignmouth M:~yne Thomas, 2 Harbour vie"~>, 1\Iathews George. Trebarwith, Glanville Maxwell JamPs Smtt, Seaway, Seaway 1 Shaldon, Teignmouth roild, Tavistuck lane, Chelston, Torquay I ~Iayne W. H. I30 ~orth rd. Plymouth Mathews Henry John Rng, rs Grim­ ~axwell Misse~, 3 Lansdml!lC place, ~ayo .Tohn W. Strand, Torquay stone ter.Houndiscombe rd. Plvmth• VansiHart road, Torqua_v :Mayo Mrs. I Carlisle ter. Plymouth 2\Iathews Jo~eph, Woorlside, 'l':ll-istock 'Vfa.xwell Mrs. ro Ferndale, Teignmouth Mayo ''Villi am Henry, The Castle, Mathews Miss, Church street, Mod­ l\L'lxwell Mrs. I ThG Priory, Under- Seat-on, Axminster bury, llryhridge wood, Plynipton St. ~1:nr~' i MayoL" Cecil Morgan, Holmwood, 2\Iathews Miss, Rock view, Tavistocl• l\Iaxwell Mrs. o Woodford villas, Sonthfield road, Paignton ~la the"ITs :Miss, 4 SI1tberlnnd toad, Mannarnead, Plymouth I Mayston Robert, I Keyham terrace, Plvmouth. ~lay Capt'. Philip R.N. North cottage, Murice Town, Devonport Mathews W., C.E. Moorfields,Tavistck :North street, Northam, BidPford May,ston Robert R.N. Royal Dock- ~lathews William Wevill. The Elms, May Fleet-Surgeon Arthur W.Ravens- yard, Devonport G bnville road, Tavistock bury, Dartmouth Mead Ern est J oseph, View house, :M a thison Robert., Linrienwood, We~t ~iay Re''· Edward Henry Fox B.A. , Station road, Totne.s hill, Budleigh Salterton S.O Rectory, Roborough, Beaford R.S.O Mead J. Robins, Odun villa, Odun l\-faton Leonard J. Harston, Sidrnout.h ~lay Rev. George Mont3gue B.A. road, .Appledore R.S.O M:1tters John, 6 Trafalgar pl. Stoke, Cambridge road, Ford, Devonport ~ead James, 4 Grosvenor pi. Exet~r Devon port ~fay Bert, Lynton, St-ation rd_ l\-1ead Mrs. Deyman's hill, Tiverton ~latthew George Willis, 6 ~famhend Okehampton :\lend-Briggs Thomas Henry :\LA. view, Exmouth l\Iav C. S-wallowcliffe,SPat-on,Axminstr Rock house Lunmouth Barnstaple "' ' r ' Matthews Rev. Prebendary .Tohn I3.A., May Colin ~acgregor Fd-ward, Nelson Meade Mrs. Spencer, Kanescombe, .T.P_ Vicarage, Knowstone, S. Molton house, Stavert{)n, Totnes Lower Warberry road, Torquay M a tthews Charles, Stol•e house, Stoke l\Iay E. A. 8 Evelyn pl. Plymouth Meade-.King Waiter, I2 Baring cres- Gabriel, Totnes May Fleetwood, Victmia pla;ce, Tops- cent, Heavitree, ExetQr Matthews Coryndon, Stentaway, ham, Exeter . Meadows Edwin, 7 Trafalgar plnce, Plvmstocl( l\I::ty George, g S1dney road, St. Stoke, Devonport l\-I<Jtthews Edmund Walter, High st. Thomas, Exeter Meads Chas. Jas. Red cot. Dartmouth Honiton l\-tlay H. G. 6 Park place, Exeter ~eakin Wilfred Johnson, Lawn vie"~>, 2\Iatthews Harold F. Nicl10ls Nymet ho. May Herbert, Gnr_Iston ho. Crediton Thorn Park rd. Manna.mead,Plymth ~orth Tawton R_S.O May J. I Nelson v1ls. Stoke, Devonprt Mear M. r6 Gloucester rd. Teignmth Matthews Henry, Belgrave house,Win­ :\fay J. 3 Norman av. Stoke, Devonprt M ear W. G. 5 Devonshire pi. Exeter ner street, Paign ton l\Iay J. 7 Osborne vils.Stoke,Devnprt Meardon Miss, So Mount Gold rd- Matthew~ Henry, Wnrwick park, Hon­ May J. 23 Pinhoe rd. Heavitree, Exetr Plymouth iclmowle, Crown llill RS.O May James~ 22 Oxford road, Exeter Medland FrPdk. Ernest, Brook vie"~>, 1\ratthP-ws J. H_ 2:;- Toronto rd_ Exeter May John, Nunebam, Parkwood av. Lower Brimley, Teignmouth M:atthews John, ~f:mor house, Shaldon, 'raviswck Medlnnd Henry, _=;::; Oxford rd. Exeter Teig-nmouth May John Henry Square, I & 2 Port- l\-1:edland Jas. 3 Gascoyne pi. Plymth Matt hews John, 6o South st. S. Molton land villas, Plvmouth .Medland Miss, 5 Ca.rlton pi. Teignmth Matthews .Tohn Chichester, Kenwyn, ~ay Jonn. E. SU:Jke Gabriel, Totnes Medland Mosf~s, Exbourne R.S.O Higher Wellesley road, Torquay l\lay Josepb, jun. 53 Haddingt{)n road, ~edland William Cock. Windy cros.s, Matthews John J osepb, Ashcombe, Stoke. Devonpont Grea.t 'l'orrington.. Thurlow rond, Torquay :May Miss, 2 Vicboria pi. Tor, Torquay :::\iedway Isaac, 8 Salisbury rd.Plymth Matthews John William, Erme wood, l\lay Jo.seph AndersDn .T.P. Linkstor Medley Mrs. 'Vinsford Towers, North Harford, Ivybridge lodge, Bridestowe R.S.O Lew, Beaworthy R.S.O .
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  • Stop Press!! Sad News Our group AGM this year will be on Saturday the 7th November. We are again at the Black Horse in Torrington as we were well looked after last year. Angela will be taking lunch bookings and leading the morning walk. Our formal meeting will commence at 2 pm and take just over an hour. Three of our long-standing committee members will be standing down and we need some new, enthusiastic recruits. Some jobs are 'behind the scenes' and some more 'front of house'. All committee members are available to put interested individuals in the picture as to the time involved and skills needed for these roles so do please ask. Our committee meetings are held four times a year. Please consider taking this opportunity to give something back to our group that gives so much pleasure to us all. Special Events Winter Walking Festival On Wednesday the 18th November at 7.15 pm we have a skittles evening at The Black Horse Inn, Over the hectic Christmas period and at the start of a new year is when people look to the countryside Church Street, Braunton. Supper will be a Chicken Tikka Masala with rice and poppadoms or a and walking as a way of reinvigorating themselves, getting a bit fitter and trying new hobbies. We vegetarian alternative, both £6.95. Numbers will be limited, so to book please send a cheque made have five walks as part of Ramblers Winter Walking Festival that we would like you to publicise for payable to North Devon Ramblers for £7.30 (35p for prizes) to Linda Lee, 9 Grange Avenue, us.
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