I , ,r 0,0{1;: ~a b()rl()c1Hn3as.!!?(Y) b 87J~ao3o v()c1Ja(Y)a()~ 0a6S!!?(Y)6() o()ac1Jmo()6a67JS-!!?0 ac1Ja6o b (Y)(1)(>()6o'b()(30() bm()6 PERMANENT MISSION OF GEORGIA TO THE UNITED NATIONS N~ l 0 I ) \.{ -01 ~~~;~ 22 May 2009 : ..-o 'l. fo Excellency, I have the honor to transmit the annexed letter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Mr. Grigol Vashadze regarding the recent report on the situation in Abkhazia, Georgia dated May 22, 2009. Please, accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Sincerely, Alexander Lomaia Permanent Representative H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon Secretary-General United Nations New York - 1 One United Nations Plaza, 26TH floor, New York, NY 10017, USA Tel: I (212) 759-1949 Fax: I (212) 759-1832 E-mail:
[email protected] l~~~:i :1r ~/ I L__ :: _ ~ ~.,;::;.'- ~~_:f· ~~ - -: L.Jj.JfY'-.ffi 3 ::l~rlL L,)3.) fY1 ::lf'1 L.) j (l::Jffi .) a060LoM0 MINISTER OF FO RE IGN AF FAIR S OF GEO RGIA Tbilisi, May 22, 2009 Excellency. I would like to use th is opportunity and extend my compliments to you It is with a great sense of urgency that I write to you today The purpose of this letter is to share with you some observations concerning the recent Report on the situation in Ab khazia, Georgia especi ally in light of the upcoming UN Security Council deliberations Excellen cy GeJrg a 1s a rnen ~ b e r of th e United Nat1ons. a sovereign and democratic state.