Hardwood Lumber and Veneer Series: Black Waknut
PURDUE EXTENSION Hardwood Lumber and Veneer Series Black Walnut FNR-278-W Daniel L. Cassens, Professor and Extension Wood Products Specialist Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 American Black Walnut (Juglans nigra L.) is probably the most famous and unique species of all our hardwoods. Large trees, defect free and exceptionally well-formed, were once common. Because of its rich, brown, lustrous heartwood with a grain pattern and intermediate pore size falling somewhere between the grainy hardwoods, such as oak and the uniform textured woods such as maple and yellow-poplar, the wood became prized for furniture, paneling, military and sporting gun stocks, novelties, and many other items. The wood was abundant and had a natural resistance to decay and insects. Therefore, it was also commonly used for construction purposes, such as barn timbers. Even as late as the 1960s the author witnessed the sale and use of walnut 1 x 12s for hayrack boards because it would not rot. By the 1970s, the wood became relatively expensive, forcing the furniture and cabinet industry to promote other species. By the mid-1990s, the trend toward light colored hardwoods also lessened walnut’s popularity. Today, it is preferred in office furniture, architectural millwork, flooring, high-end gun stocks, specialty, and custom items. Some suppliers Chip Morrison feel that it is becoming somewhat more popular Walnut trees again. However, walnut lumber constitutes less than two percent of all hardwood lumber produced. This species prefers deep, rich, moist soils of Black walnut ranges from the east coast to the alluvial origin.
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