Issue no 96 March 2020 Issue no 88 November 2018 HARVEST HOME

Speedo Mick Passes through the parish on his charity walk to Lands End from John O’Groats. More details & lots of other parish news inside.


Parish Council Update By Rebecca Frame, Parish Clerk

The Parish Council held a Parish information event on 22nd February in the Methodist Church Hall. Launceston Medical Centre Patient Participation Group and the Speed Watch group were able to join us. Below I’ve provided an overview of the information provided at the event. The Community Governance Review: stage 3 is almost complete and the parish council will be submitting their final comments at the next parish council meeting. The proposed parking restrictions in the area of the telephone box and toilets: the online consultation is still being prepared by Cormac, the parish council are hastening this. Speeding traffic in the village: Cormac will be carrying out a traffic speed survey in the vicinity of the Methodist Church Hall; no date has yet been given. Also the Speed Watch Team is looking for volunteers, please let me know if you are interested (see page 32 for more details). Launceston Medical Centre Patient Participation Group (right): the medical centre building work is on schedule to be completed before Christmas. Climate Change working group: Councilor Rachel Jeffery has volunteered to start a parish group which will link into other parish groups and the Town Council. South Petherwin Emergency Defibrillator (SPED): the SPED committee dissolved on 15th January 2020 and the Parish Council will be taking over responsibility. The Photo by defibrillator requires a weekly check and volunteers are requiredSue Vernon to help with this task, please let me know if you are interested. Highways: the edges of the road from South Petherwin to Petherwin Water have been ploughed by Cormac which has reduced the amount of excess water on the road. This has not, however, completely solved the problem. Trekelland Bridge: the bridge received some significant damage recently but repairs are now complete. Tregadillett footpath: Cormac have carried out a very thorough clearing of the Treburyse to Tregadillett footpath where the grass had encroached onto the path. For any further information please do not hesitate to contact the parish council or attend a parish council meeting. The Parish Council AGM will take place on 13th May in the Village Hall and the Annual Parish Meeting will take place towards the end of May in the Methodist Church Hall. Rebecca


Parish Council Update By Rebecca Frame, Parish Clerk

Link to Council website for more information on the Coronavirus: information-about-coronavirus-covid-19/

To contact the Parish Council: South Petherwin Parish Council Clerk: [email protected] Parish Council Chairman: Phil Parsons; Tel 01566 777179, mobile 07597 383685 Parish Council Vice-chair: Rachel Jeffery - [email protected]

Contact your local MP: SCOTT MANN (Con)

Westminster: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA Constituency office of Scott Mann: 10 Market House Arcade, Fore Street, PL31 2JA Telephone 01208 74337

Rain, rain go away…

We are living in very uncertain and troubling times at the moment. Worries over the weather, Brexit and now — and most concerning – Coronavirus. Please stay safe and follow guidelines — see above for the link to the website. Meanwhile. life goes on in our parish and there are many events that have happened or are yet to come to give us some good cheer and something to look forward to. Alison Barham, Editor

We loved this photo of a soggy long-tailed tit looking rather forlorn, by David Montgomery



On February 16th there was great excitement in the parish as news spread that Mick Cullen aka Speedo Mick was about to pass through on his way to Lands End. He had set off from John O’Groats in December on a 1,000 mile trek to raise money for Leave The Light On — a community interest company that works with disadvantaged people. On his website, he said: "For a long time, I was in need of that very same help and support that I am now offering to others. "I have been the homeless person you see in the shop doorway, the addict, the alcoholic, the hopeless case that had made so many bad decisions that there was surely no way back." Parishioner Ness Elcock made sure she gave him a Cornish flag that she could see was still in his rucksack when he reach his end goal. She said: “Speedo Mick is such an amazing person who has inspired people all over the country.” An avid Everton fan, Speedo Mick recently announced that he had been given a cheque for £140,000 from the Chairman of Everton Football Club, so his total is up to £500,000 and still growing. You can visit Mick’s GoFundMe page here: https://

Thanks to all those who sent in photos: Simon Harry, Ness Elcock, Jackie Bateman, Mandy Day


Lawrence House Museum

Your local free museum re-opens on the last Monday in March. What’s new? Well from now on the museum will be open every Saturday so all of you who have not been able to visit in the past because you were working can now treat yourselves to seeing Launceston’s own “little gem”. We have a new curator, Dr Damon Dennis, who has previously worked in the Ashmolean and Pitt Rivers museums in Oxford and who has lots of new ideas for our museum.

We start the year with “Prayer & Persecution”. This tells the story of religion and worship in Launceston and the surrounding community.

In April, local artist Karen Howse will begin her project “The People’s Herbarium” inspired by William Wise’s wonderful 6 volume Herbarium on permanent display in the museum. Nature walks and print workshops to appeal to all ages are planned. The event will run from the museum’s opening at the end of March until it closes in October so spanning the seasons.

In August the museum will be hosting the Launceston & Motor Club Centenary exhibition in the Mayor’s Parlour. To help make the exhibition really special, the club would like to hear from anyone who has personal or family memories, photographs, video, film, programmes, results, awards, certificates etc. related to the club from the past 100 years which they might be willing to lend. If you can help please contact Joe Caudle phone 07495 358904 or email [email protected] To find out more about the club visit

The museum continues to host the monthly “Fake or Fortune” free valuations of your treasures by Richard Hamm of Bearnes, Hampton & Littlewood. He will be in the museum from 10am – 12 noon on Tuesday17 March.

We are open Monday to Saturday and all Bank Holidays until Saturday 31st October from 10.30am – 4.30pm – last entry at 4.00pm. Contact us on 01566 773277 or by email [email protected]. Check out our website

In memoriam: Phyllis Edwards

We are sorry to have said goodbye to Phyllis Edwards at the end of January, aged 88. She was born at Beneath Wood in Linkinhorne, schooled in the local area & worked in Henwood, coming to the South Petherwin area when she married John in 1955. For many years she was a keen follower of the Hunt, loved Old Time Dancing with John, and rode his motor cycle with him. She was also an excellent cook. We send our heartfelt condolences to John.


Recycling for Charity

SHARE have set up over 20 collection points, locally outside the Sunday School entrance at the Methodist chapel, at Tre, Pol & Pen, inside Tesco Launceston and Launceston Library and for all empty, clean, dry plastic pet food bags and pouches Pets at Home on Hurdon Rd. You have helped SHARE save a massive amount of items which would have been wasted and incinerated. These specific items are sent to Terracycle and made into park benches, water-buts, chil- dren’s toys and credit our nominated charity Kicks Count who aim to reduce the UK still-birth rate. To date you have helped us raise over £1000 Thank you!

The manufacturers sponsoring the program dictate the items that can be accepted. Here’s the list. 1. Empty Crisps packets, all sizes & brands & multipacks, inc, Kettle chips, Quavers, Doritos, Wotsits, Squares, French Fries, Monster Munch, Sunbites, Hoola Hoops, Nik Naks 2. All empty snacks packets, popcorn, pretzels, nuts, pork scratchings & non crisps packs 3. Pringles brand only, whole tubes with plastic lids and foil 4. All chocolates and sweet wrappers, individual, packets & multipacks, no foil, trays or paper 5. Kinder products all packaging inc. plastic egg 6. All biscuits, crackers & cakes wrappers. Inc Mini Cheddars, Soreen, mini rolls & multipacks 7. Baby food pouches + lids & Ella’s, Kiddilious, Goodies snacks 8. Used toothbrushes, electric heads, toothpaste tubes, dental floss packaging 9. Triggers & pumps off bottles, plastic in hair dye kits, roll on deodorants, latex style gloves 10. Flexible packs from cleaning wipes, dishwasher tablets, refill packs, plastic air fresheners. 11. Soft tubes from lotions, gels, creams, ointments +lipsticks, mascaras, eye shadow compacts 12. Clean, dry and bagged together separately pet food pouches & biscuits, treats from all pets If it’s not on this list we can’t accept it For updates join Recycling for Charity FB page & www.south- . If you would like to be involved, help with collecting, sorting or have questions email [email protected] or Text Ali 07305 044049 Thank You for your support and Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.


Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing to say how much I particularly enjoyed the last edition of the parish magazine. The articles about the Launceston medical centre development, and why sheep are marked with different colours were both informative and interesting. I was also fascinated by Roger Pyke's article on the village pump and surprised to learn that many people in the parish collected water from the pump up until 1958. How did they manage? The idea of coping with muddy clothes, dirty floors, nappies etc without running water is beyond my 21st century brain! So thank you for a great magazine and long may it continue. Helena Northmore

Thanks Helena, we always welcome feedback on the magazine. Alison, Ed.

Neighbourhood Watch in the Parish

Sunday 1st March saw the launch of this year’s livestock worrying campaign in Devon and Cornwall. Local policing officers will be raising awareness of livestock worrying across the force area. In 2019 on Bodmin Moor alone 43 sheep were killed and 36 injured as a result of dog attacks. You are responsible for your dog and livestock worrying is a crime. This has a financial and emotional impact on all concerned and can affect the livestock long after the incident has taken place. Action may be taken against you and your dog. Ensure responsible dog ownership, they should not be unaccompanied outside their home and their behaviour should be managed at all times. On access land your dog MUST be on a lead between 1st March and 31st July and at all times when livestock is present. Only release your dog if chased by cattle. Farmers have the right to protect their livestock. Ensure you are aware of the legislation and your legal responsibilities. Please report any livestock worrying through the normal police communications system.

Co-ordinators: Tregaller Lane and Tremeale: Mary Stoneman (773375) and Crispin Earle (774038) The Village: Helen Masters (775545) Tiny Meadows: Richard Beacham (773614) Daws House: Andrea Foster (779181) School watch: Gillian Sleep (773300) If you are interested in joining the scheme please contact any of the above.


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Cake and Rakers: Rakes at the Ready!

South Petherwin Cake & Rakers will soon be getting ready for the first cut of the year at St Paternus churchyard. Last year was our first working as a volunteer group with Cormac, and it has proved to be a successful partnership. One difficulty has been in organising events at short notice, as it hasn’t been possible for the schedule to be planned in advance. This year we have been able to agree some provisional dates for the cuts with Cormac and the PCC – these may of course change due to the weather, church functions or unforeseen circumstances, but as things stand the plan is as follows:

Cut 1: w/o 27/04/2020 (rake 02/05/2020) Cut 2: w/o 15/06/2020 (rake 20/06/2020) Cut 3: w/o 24/08/2020 (rake 29/08/2020) Cut 4: w/o 26/10/2020 (rake 31/10/2020)

The attached plan shows which sections will be cut each time – you can see the full size version in the church porch. Path edges will be cut on a monthly basis. If you are interested in helping out with the raking or anything else please get in touch via our email so we can add your name to the list to keep you up to date with any changes or other events, or just turn up on the day – you will be rewarded with tea and pretty awesome cakes! Karen Harry


St Paternus Church (C of E)

Join us at South Petherwin Church for a special relaxed family service to celebrate Easter!

11.15am Sunday April 12th

There will be no holy communion at this service


The Parish Magazine Committee intend to produce a parish calendar for 2021 which will also coincide with our 100th issue!! This will feature all your photos taken throughout the year: village life and events, people, wildlife, pets, landscapes. The plan is to have the calendar, which will be sold in aid of charity, ready to buy in November 2020.

Happy snapping!



Rain, Rain, and yet more rain. The ground is still wet and the industry awaits a dry spell, long enough to plant crops or even allow the lambs to dry! Best place for the lamb and cattle is under the shelter of a shed roof — as the photo shows! Across the country the planted wheat area is down so this means spring cereal seed will be in demand. Not wishing to panic the buying public but this could yet mean bread prices will go up in the summer.

Phil Parsons

South Petherwin Allotment Growers

One of Launceston area’s best kept gardening secrets is our very own South Petherwin Allotments, which are situated at Linnick Farm exactly one mile by road from the water pump. Magnificent views stretch across rolling fields of cattle, horses, barns and cottages, across to Kit Hill; so hours can be idled away leaning on your spade, just looking at the view. Taking on an allotment is undoubtedly a commitment that requires a realistic approach; when the first piece of equipment to arrive is a BBQ it doesn’t always bode well, however, for those that stick through the wind, mud, rain and pigeons, allotmenting extends a delight way beyond relaxing with a beer or flask of tea. It’s a connection with the very ground that’s nourishing to the soul. In fact, soil itself has been found to have some unexpected qualities: mice exposed to mycobacterium vaccae had higher levels of serotonin and performed better in tests designed to measure wellbeing, than those on anti-depressant drugs. Combine this with exercise, which according to the Journal of Environmental Health Research, makes you happier when done outside: gardening is a no brainer! Of course, it is mainly about growing, harvesting and building on previous experience. This year I have decided to mostly buy my plants! No more pricking out of dozens of pots only to be knocked off the windowsill by a dog’s tail, but next year… who knows! If you’re interested in a plot of your own, message us on Facebook or email [email protected]. Abigail Caine


Pre school News

By Rachel Jeffery

The last half term went very quickly. The children explored the effects the weather has been having in our garden. They have been collecting all the pine cones that have been blown off the trees, and have been using the branches to build with. They have also enjoyed watching and counting the sheep and lambs that are in the field next to the school grounds. The children have also enjoyed making pancakes for pancake day. They measured and made their mix all unaided and cut up all the fruit to add to their pancakes. They tossed pretend pancakes in frying pans and enjoyed eating all of the pancakes they made.

South Petherwin (Wind Turbine) Community Fund Your Fund – Your Money

For application form contact the Secretary Peter Northmore Tel: 778744 Email: [email protected]

Next meetings: 1st April Applications to be received one week beforehand please


The Really Useful Page

WHAT WHEN WHERE WHO Methodist Coffee 10.30am Sat 8th February & Methodist Hall Mary Stoneman Morning Sat 14th March 773375 Tea & Toast Every Thursday during Sunday school room, Rev Jo Smart School term 8.30-10am Methodist Church 01566 782921 Prayer meeting First and third Monday of Methodist Church Tony Stephens the month at 4pm 01566 776519 St Paternus Church The first Saturday of each St Paternus Church D Adams 774244; coffee morning month from 10am B Cobbledick 772559 SING! 7-9pm Tuesday The Frog & Bucket Sam Davies pub 07590 371796 BIMBO's (Over 50's Every first, second & third Methodist Hall June Dungate keep fit) Monday (except B/Hols) 880057 9.30am Games Club Sundays 5-11pm Village Hall Martin Cargill 07956 121043

Friendship Group Monday 27th January & Methodist Hall Rev Jo Smart 24th February 2-4pm 01566 782921 Bell ringers 7.30pm Mondays St Paternus Church Nigel Parker 773233 Skittles 7pm Tuesdays Village Hall Gwen Ruby 773684

Bingo Last Wednesday of the Village Hall Pat Locke 774671 month 2pm Table tennis 10am Tuesdays Village Hall Bill Salt 779950

Hall Hire

Village Hall: Contact or Alison on 777561 Or Sue on 772640 Methodist Hall: Contact Mary Stoneman on 773375

Mobile Post Office Every Thursday 3–5pm

South Petherwin Methodist Chapel Hall

The new Post Office service is managed by Gunnislake Post Office Tel: 01822 832297

Please note that service is available subject to stock availability, working technology, and may be closed without notice for reasons beyond our control, such as extreme weather conditions, staff illness or the requirements of the host.


Useful Numbers

Emergencies: Police Ambulance Fire Brigade Coastguard 999 Police (Non emergency-general Enquiries) 101 Email: [email protected] Non-emergency medical calls 111 Crime stoppers 0800 555111 Environment Agency—Emergency Hotline 0800 807060 South West Water 0344 346 2020 Western Power Distribution - emergency 0800 6783105

Church Services South Petherwin Parish Council

St Paternus Church (C of E) The Parish Council meets on the second Sunday worship at 11.15 (no service on 5th Sunday of the month) Wednesday of each month at 7pm in the Village Hall (May-October) & the Methodist Rev Heather West 770649 - Chapel Hall (November April). Church wardens: It is open for anyone to come and listen in. Deborah Adams 774244 Barbara Cobbledick 772559 Parish Councillors: Chairman: Phil Parsons Methodist Chapel Michael Screech Sunday Service at 11am Adrian Finnimore Roger Kneebone Minister: Rev Jo Smart 782921 Steward: Tony Stephens 776519 Dawn Rogers Chris Powlesland Sue Vernon

Launceston Food Bank Amy Trehane Rachel Jeffery Helping Local People in Crisis Steve Rogers

Unit 13D Newport Industrial Estate Clerk: Rebecca Frame Launceston PL15 8EX Email: [email protected] [email protected] 01566 779550 Oil Syndicate Check website or telephone

for opening times Contact Ann Nicholson 01566 779254

Email [email protected] Cornwall Council

Tel 0300 1234 100 For rubbish, recycling and Website: garden waste collection dates: Email: [email protected]

Call 0300 1234 100 Cornwall Councillor: Neil Burden or go to: 01566 782286 [email protected]



1st Sunday of each month CaféScientifique is a nationwide Please come along and join us network of groups for the informal

discussion of scientific issues THE MIRACLE MAKER retells the gospel story of the ministry and passion of Christ told Next Launceston meeting: through the eyes of a child. The film is Tuesday 21st April 2020 at 7.00pm at creatively produced using lifelike 3D model Eagle House Hotel, 3 Castle Street. animation, which is complemented by the Launceston PL15 8BA considerable vocal talents of Ralph Fiennes, Miranda Richardson, Richard E Grant and “Out on a Limb—Recent advances in William Hurt. An epic production, which kids Upper-limb prosthetics & orthotics” and adults alike should enjoy. Professor Roland Burns (Advanced Control Research)

Entry still free but donations are very So join us at Coads Green Chapel on Palm Sunday 5th April at 2:30 pm. welcome to cover hire of room & speakers’ expenses. All refreshments All are welcome to this free event. must be paid for

For any queries contact: Cherry Warne on SAVE THE DATE: 01566 772701 or email: cheerywatsonov- Sunday 3rd May Film War Room [email protected] or through our website:


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School News By Theresa Mills

Happy St Piran’s Day from all of us at School! We were proud to be asked to be part of the St Piran’s Day parade in Launceston. The children waved their flags with passion, sang their hearts out to ‘Trelawny’ and did a great performance of ‘Quack Said the Billy Goat’ by Charles Causley in front of a packed Town Hall audience.

Keeping with the Cornish theme, we celebrated World Book Day (which happened to fall on St Piran’s Day) by recognising the wonderful Cornish tales and Cornish characters we are fortunate to encounter in books set in Cornwall. As you can see, the children had wonderful creative ideas for their costumes.

Mermaids of Zennor Mousehole cats


School News By Theresa Mills Our Wow Week at the end of February was probably one of my favourites. The theme was ‘Make a Difference’ and each class raised money for a charity, such as the Launceston Memory Café and Guide Dogs for the Blind. To conclude the week, we invited parents, relatives and friends into school to watch the children perform a song that they had written and other songs which were signed using Makaton. Very many thanks to Miss Paynter for teaching the children this sign language. Their performance of ‘A Million Dreams’ from the Greatest Showman was simply breath-taking. This ‘busking’ raised money for the Hi 5 Talk Time Café, whereas Launceston Memory Café benefited from the profits of Class 4’s cake stall, Class 3 raised money for Feet off the Ground by selling toy aeroplanes and Class 2 made very popular dog biscuits. Congratulations to them all !

Finally, I really don’t like asking for money from the local community but please can you consider joining our school lottery. So far, we have sold 46 tickets but to make the lottery sustainable we need to sell just four more tickets. If you join, it really would make the world of difference to our school funds and hopefully you could get something in return!

How the lottery works: £1 per ticket – That’s right, unlike many other lotteries, our lottery tick- ets are only £1 per week. 76% to our school and prizes – For every ticket you play, 76% goes to our school and prizes £20.00 guaranteed prize – Each week, someone who enters our school lottery will win £20.00 (this will go up as tickets are sold). That’s good odds! £25,000 grand prize – Match all numbers and you win the national JACKPOT! How to start supporting – Visit and search for South Petherwin CP



We were pleased to welcome our friends from various churches and chapels to join us for the Ecumenical Worship service (Week of Christian Unity) held on Sunday 19th January. The service was conducted jointly by Revd Jo Smart and Revd Heather West. The theme was “Unusual Kindness” and bible readings were taken from Acts Ch 27 which charted Paul`s hazardous experiences at sea and the kindness given when reaching dry land and read by members of the congregation. Over 70 people took part in the communion service which followed, after joining in the Affirmation of Faith promise together. The organist was Mrs Mary Stoneman. Many people stayed to enjoy the refreshments served after the service and were able to catch up with friends and acquaintances. Proceeds from our February coffee Morning in support of The Barnabas Fund (supporting Christians worldwide persecuted for their faith) amounted to £108.40. Our next coffee morning will be held on Saturday 11th April 10.30 – 12 noon. All are Welcome. Mary Stoneman

South Petherwin Methodist Chapel launched a new project on 27th January in the form of "A Friendship Group" which was to reach anyone who felt alone and would like companionship. The first meeting proved a wonderful success and all attending were thrilled to meet and catch-up with their friends and new acquaintances, it was a terrific atmosphere and one that was requested to be repeated. We had freshly brewed coffee and tea accompanied by slices of cake and biscuits and plenty of chat. The next meeting is on Monday the 23th of March at 2pm and thereafter the 4th Monday each month. A very warm welcome awaits all those who attend. Tony Stephens

TEA AND TOAST We have recently marked our 2nd anniversary for this popular outreach in the village. A selection of tea, fresh coffee and toast for the mums, juice, biscuits or toast for the youngsters and toys for them to play with. Its a lovely, warm venue and a friendly welcome awaits all who visit us. In the two years going forward, we have catered for over 1300 mums and children, so we have been delighted with the success. We are hoping more people will join us in the months ahead, so do give us a thought if you are free on Thursday mornings between 8.30 am – 10.00 am during term time. Tony & Margaret Stephens



Cotehele in Bloom by Helena Northmore

Cotehele is a solid granite house set on a hill above the . Built in the early 1500’s on the site of a medieval house, Cotehele was owned by the Edgecumbe family for nearly 600 years, until 1947 when it passed to the National Trust. I have been a volunteer there for the last six years. To my mind, the house and gardens look their best in spring. Closed throughout the winter, the house reopens in March just when the daffodils and crocuses are in full bloom. Masses of golden flowers surround the house and tip down to the river Tamar reminding visitors of Wordsworth’s famous poem. He could have been writing about Cotehele. There is no electric light in the main part of the house so by mid afternoon in March, the rooms are shadowy and dim. I always think the house seems particularly atmospheric at this time. Paranormal experts have found evidence of activity in several rooms and though I remain sceptical, it’s easy to think of generations of the Edgecumbe family who lived, loved and died within these walls. So the next time there is a fresh, blustery day with a blue sky and a sun that promises spring is on its way, take a trip to Cotehele and experience the magic of walking around the estate amid literally hundreds the daffodils. I promise you won’t be disappointed. For details of opening hours and the daffodil festival go to:

PUB QUIZ by Phil Fox

On Sunday January 26th, at 4 pm, a quiz took place in The Frog and Bucket, raising money for the Alzheimer’s Society. Again, the quiz was very well attended with twelve teams competing. As well as the quiz, there were also three games of Play Your Cards Right. The first Play Your Cards Right game took place before the quiz started, and the contestant (chosen via raffle ticket) won, but graciously asked for their prize to be given to charity! The first half of the quiz proceeded without incident, and at half time there were many teams vying for the lead. During the interval another Play Your Cards Right game saw the contestant lose, as did the final game at the end of the quiz, which meant the game prize money went to the charity. The second half of the quiz took place, and the eventual winners were We Are United (pictured), with a score of 113, followed by MLC, from North Hill, with a score of 92.5, and third were Norfolk Enchance with a score of 92. After everything was totted up over £200 was raised for the charity, The Alzheimer’s Society. A big thank you to all who supported the quiz.


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The magazine committee were delighted to learn about a well-deserved award for Sue & Peter Vernon, who were honoured as ‘Volunteers of the Year’ by Volunteer Cornwall. They were overall winners in the culture category, which recognised their volunteer work for Sterts Theatre over the last ten years. They have both assisted with the running of the theatre and Peter has also appeared in many productions. Sue & Peter are active members of the U3A as well as many other local events. They are both on the village hall committee (Peter is Chairman) and Sue is a parish councillor, as well as secretary of the bell ringers and the parish magazine committee. We found out about the award through another parishioner and we’re glad we did. Congratulations Sue & Peter! Sterts Theatre Company, as a charity run almost entirely by volunteers, have now been nominated for the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. They have made the final three in their category, so Peter & Sue have the bonus of being amongst the representatives of Sterts who have been invited to the Afternoon Tea Award ceremony at County Hall in April. Watch this space.

Pictured: Sue & Peter at the awards lunch at the Eden Project Some of the three wise men


Become a Speed Watch Volunteer

Speeding traffic is one of the regular issued raised at Parish Council meetings across the county. South Petherwin Parish Council has worked with Cornwall Council Highways department over the years to reduce and monitor the speed of traffic through the village. Enforcement of speeding traffic is considered the best solution but police traffic officers are very rarely seen as they target the A roads and prime speeding locations. So is there another solution to enforcement? The Community Speed Watch Scheme was set up to answer this question. Graham Curzon, pictured with a local resident, heads up the team of volunteers who run Launceston Community Speed Watch Group. Some of you will no doubt have viewed the team and the speed monitor/speed gun as you drove through Daws House. You may have even been one of the drivers to receive a warning letter from the police! According to Graham 10% of the drivers will be over the speed limit at any one of the nine approved sites they run from. To date there is only one team which monitors traffic morning or afternoons, on any one of the seven days in the week. There is mandatory online theory training, onsite equipment and operational training for the volunteers whose job is solely to monitor and report excessive speed. A typical Speed Watch day would take up to two hours. This includes driving to the site, calling out the excessive speed recorded on the gun and car number plate. Next writing down the number plate and speed then transferring information to police headquarters at Plymouth. So how successful is this team in their role of ‘speed reduction’? According to the Devon and Cornwall Police figures in 2018, 2,500 letters were issued to excessive speeding drivers, but one year later in 2019 this had reduced by fifty per cent. Graham wishes to set up two teams — at the moment there are only four active volunteers covering all the Launceston area sites. Simple maths: you can see that one team (minimum of 3 volunteers per team) covering one site per week means that South Petherwin will have CSW attend once every nine weeks! Another team of volunteers, who would be fully trained and supported in this worthwhile active community role can double the effort making drivers even more aware that CSW is watching!

If you are interested in joining the CSW team please contact Graham, details below

Mb 07860435304 [email protected]



Despite record amounts of rain, Spring Marches on! For gardeners, March signifies the start of the growing season when bright green shoots appear day by day but the weather can still be very unpredictable.

Jobs in Spring

• After such a wet winter, moss in the lawn is common and a sign of poor drainage. Aerate the ground all over with a fork and brush a mixture of sharp sand and fine compost into the holes. Go over the lawn with a wire rake to remove the debris and let light in to help the grass grow. • Where perennials have outgrown their space, dig them up in clumps and divide them with a spade and replant elsewhere or share with others. • Let bulb leaves die back naturally. • Apply a fertiliser such as blood, fish and bone as a feed around plants before mulching borders. This helps replace nutrients that have been washed away and will help retain moisture for later in the season and keep the weeds down. • Start sowing seeds indoors or in a greenhouse of annual flowers such as sweet peas, cosmos and zinnias and vegetables such as tomatoes, beetroot, radish, lettuce, broad beans to plant out in May. • Chit seed potatoes in egg boxes on a sunny windowsill to promote healthy shoots before planting out at Easter. • Prune hydrangeas by removing the old flower heads and pruning the stem back to a healthy pair of green buds. Where the plant has become very congested remove the oldest stems at the base of the plant.

For those who don’t already know, Gardeners World weekly programme started again this month. There are also very good gardening radio programmes on BBC Radio 4 Gardeners Question Time on Fri/Sun and Radio Cornwall and Radio Devon on Sunday mornings.

Ella Payne Email: [email protected]



Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary Sam on 21st March lots of love Ella xx

Congratulations Morwenna for graduating with a Masters in Climate Change Science and Policy.

Love Mum, Dad, Jacob, Meg, Callum and Leah xx

Photo by Simon Harry


ADVERTISER INDEX South Petherwin Parish Magazine includes advertisers’ details in good faith, but please note that we cannot be held responsible for any goods or services which these businesses provide. Please support our advertisers, they support the magazine. If you wish to advertise with us, please contact the Advertising Officer, Jo Tope Phone: 779575 Email: [email protected]

Advertiser Page Advertiser Page Adrian Davey painting & decorating 21 Lovaton Cattery, Andrea 21 Andrew Hosking, furniture & joinery 12 Magnolia Cottage B&B 21 Bees Trees & Garden Maintenance 29 Melanie Young, chimney sweep 9 Calweton Vets 29 Mobile Foot Care, Sally Isaac 11 Caroline Harris Bookkeeping 13 Nic Parker hairdressing 12 Castle Vets 13 North Cornwall Pest Solutions 10 David Elcock, plumbing & heating 30 Parnalls, solicitors 30 Dowson's Plumbing 28 PRJ Engineering, trailer centre 9 ESG Boilercare 22 R Mears & Sons, chimney sweep 11 George Bateman, building 8 Reflexology 28 Group Travel 22 Radford Plumbing 12 Hardwood logs for sale 20 Round & Round the Garden 29 Hine Landscaping & Gardening 11 Ruby's Garage 23 Jack Rich, Lawnmower repair 8 South Petherwin Pre School 8 Jaspers, wholesale butchers 30 The Frog & Bucket pub 10 Jonathan Blake Money Management 23 Age Concern 28

Easter bark Great to make with children!

Ingredients: 400g milk or dark chocolate 100g white chocolate A mixture of Easter sweets and treats Instructions: Line an A4-sized baking sheet with parchment. Break the dark or milk chocolate into a large glass bowl. Bring a small saucepan of water to a slow simmer, then sit the bowl on top, making sure it doesn’t touch the water. Over a low heat, slowly melt the chocolate, stirring once it begins to melt, or melt in the microwave in short bursts until smooth and glossy. Pour the chocolate onto the prepared baking sheet, spread into an even layer using a palette knife, then melt the white chocolate following the same method. Dot blobs of the white chocolate on top of the dark chocolate then use a skewer to swirl them together in any pattern you like. Top the bark with any assortment of treats you fancy – the more outrageous the better. Leave to set at room temperature to get a glossy effect, then break into shards to serve. Will keep for two weeks in an airtight container.


Parish Magazine Committee

Editor: Alison Barham 772596 [email protected] Advertising: Jo Tope 779575 [email protected] Treasurer: Helen Masters 775545 Secretary: Sue Vernon 772640 Phil Parsons 777179 Rebecca Frame 07833 446402 Ella Payne 248423

Copy for the next issue of the magazine should be emailed to Alison Barham or given to a member of the editorial committee no later than 8th May please. All articles printed in the magazine are printed in good faith and are not necessarily the views of the editor or the committee.

Fancy getting involved? We need one more committee member — please contact the editor to find out more.

Forthcoming parish events:

South Petherwin Fun Day & Scarecrow Festival Saturday 30th May 2-5pm: Scarecrow trail 7pm-late : evening event at The Frog & Bucket Helpers required please, before & on the day. Contact Phil Parsons on 07737 008416 or Rachel Jeffrey on 07932 838999

Photo by JamesCamp- beellWell James CampbellSimon Harry

Printed by Phil Tucker Email [email protected]