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1873. VICTORIA. REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEUMS, AND N ATION'AL G ALLEl{Y OF VIOTORIA, WITH THE REPORTS OF THE SECTIONAL COMMITTEES, FOR THJi) YJi),AR PHESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT BY HIS EXCELLENCY'S COMMAND. PURSUANT TO ACT OF PARLIAMENT 33 VIeT. NQ. 357. " ~!? :!utborit!: "OHN FEMES. flOVER101EN'f l'IUNTER, MELBOURNE. No. '16. \, THE TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEUMS, ETC. 1.872. THEllON. sm WILLIAJll FOSTER STAWELL, CHARLgS EDWARD BRIGHT, ESQ., HIS HONOR lim,. JUSTICE BAlmY, PRESIDENT, 'I'HE REV.• TOHN IGNATIUS BLEASDALE, D.D" THE HON. SIR FHANCIS lITURPHY, lIU".C., JOliN HADCOCK, r;sQ., DAYID CHARTElUS lIIACAR'rHUR, ESQ., MAl1TD, HOWY IRVING, ESQ., THE HON. THO]\IAS HOWARD FELLOWS, • TIlE HON. WILLIAM HENltY ],'ANCOURT MITCHELL, THE HON. Sill CHAl1LES GAVA-." DUFFY, ICC.M.G., .. ]\LL.C., THE HON. Sill JAilmS lIIcCULLOCH, K.C."?i::G., • ',', I 1'Hg 11m,: SIU'GEOnGE FREDElUCK VERDON, K.C.M.G., C.B., ' THE HON. AUCHIBALD ::mCH[E, VIIJB'·PllESIDEN'l', THE HON. CHARLES lIIACl\IAHON, M.P., THE. HON. JAJlrES GOODALL l<'RL.'fCIS, 3I.P., THE HON. WILLIAM MOUNTFORD KI::<fSEY VALE, THE HON. THOMAS Tt'RNER A'llECKETT, :M.I".C., llU'., THE HON. SA..~UEJ, HENRY BINDON, :THE lION, FRA-.'lX STANT,EY DOBSON, LL.D., ?LL.C. THE HON. JOHN ALEXANDER lIfACPHBllSON, lILl'., Dttllibcnt: HIS HON0I1 Mll. JUSTICE !lAnRY. ,; ire~'Dre!ltbrnt : THE HON. AllcrrmALD "Hcrrm. ~rta;!lttnl' : , 'I'HE HON:. ,rom, Af;E:XANDm.l; lIfACPHEllSON.· ~ ~ '."...., THE LIBRARIAN: .:~JGP;m;~ 'J'jmc, ,- . \ TH~ SUPERINTENDENT'OF THE 'INDUSTRIAL MUSEUM: .1. c. XE\YHERV, ESQ.,. H ..SC • . \ THE DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL l'lUSEUM: '''~.' ,~ THE MASTER OF THE SCHOOL.O~ PAINTING AN.D CU~-!lTOR OF FINE ART GALL~Y: EUGF.Nl·; \'0:-; C{JEItAl:1l. ESQ. THE MASTER OF THE SCHOOL OF DESIGN: '.' ., jlEdRETARY TO 'TH{'TRUSTEES ; ~c ~ ;'IIARCUS' Or,ARKF., ESQ: - _•. APPROXIMATE'COST OF REPORT. :£ I. d. Preparation-Not given. Printing (1250 copies) £Ilf> 5 0 REPORT. To the Honorablc the Chief Secretary. The Trustees of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria have the honor to report for the year lS72 :- 1. By letter, dated 6th .June lS72, the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, was plea~ed to appoint the Honorable Sir George Frederick Verdon, K.C.M.G., C.B., the Honorable Charles Mac Mahon, M.P., the Honorable William Mountford Kinsey Vale, M.P., the Honorable Frank Stanley Dobson, LL.D., M.L.C., to be Trustees of t.his Institution. 2. At 11 meet,ing of the Trustees held on the 5th April lS72; His Honor Mr. Justice Barry was re elected President, and the Honorable Archibald. Michie, Vice-President. The Sectional Committees were re-elected~ .::'. ,: .' " ", . , . 1 ., 3. The Trustees revised the Rules of the Illstitution, and, at a meeting held on the 11 th April, directed that the Rilles as amended should be suhmitteu for the approval of His Excellency the Governor. This was done, and His Excellency'S approval received on the lOth January lS73. 4. The amended Rules provided that the finances of the Institution be supervised by a Treasurer. At a meeting held on the 5lh April 1872, t.lieJIonorable .James Goodall Francis was elected to that office. On the 5th oT July a letter was received from";\h; Francis, stating that, his having taken the office of Chief Secretary, his official duties would. prev(lnt him from. undertaking the duties, and, on the 12th of August, the Honqrable. Sir.. Ge.9~ge ye.r~~w w:u~ elected .. , .Sh; Georg~ V m'doll r~si!$ned on.the 4th October, and o,n the same day Chades Edwai:d Brig,h~, Esq., was('l~ct.('d. Mr. Brighi;'s departure for Europe necessitated the appointment of another Treasurer, and,' on the 24th of F:ebruary 1873, the Honorable John Alexander MacPherson accepted the office. 5. At a meeting held on the 15th March IS72, the Trustees, acting on the recommendation of the Building Committee, resolved to'mripend the' sum of £S60 in erecting suitable entrance gates. Drawings prepared by the architects were approved, and a tender for £725 accepted. The work is now in progress. 6. At a meeting'held on the 12th,August it was resolved that a deputation wait upon the Honorable the Chief Secretary, and l;equest him to put upon the Estimates a sum of £7000 for the ereCtion of a new wing tor a Picture Gallery. ' . The Trustees are still of the opinion, expressed in their last Report, that this work is absolutely required for the preservation of the National Collection of Pictures, and trust that, though the Government were unable last year, to accede to the request preferred by'the deputation, sufficient provision may be made for this work on the next Estimates. ; 7. At a meetiIJg held on the 10th March lS73, the Trustees, acting on the advice of the Building Committee, resolved to expend a sum of' £133· 2s. 6d. in repairing hydrllnts and pnrchase of hose. These works, nO\v in progress, lire absolutely necessary to .protect the building and its contents against fire. S. The Trustees desire to impress upon the Govei'nment the great and increasing importance of the classes in connection with the Technological Section :of this Institution, nup. the totally nnsnitaLle and inadequate accommodation lit present in existence. 9. The Commissioners of the Internat.ional Exhibition for lS72-3 having requested that they might be allowed space in tho bnilding for the eX}libit.ion of the articles intended to be forwarded to London, at a meeting held on' the 21 st Jmie it was resolved that t.he Trnstees would afford as much accommodation as the space at their disposal would permit, on the understanding that suitable buildings be at once commenced for exhibition purposes. A aeputation, consisting of the Trustees and the Commissioners, waited upon the , Honorable the Chief Secretary to request that a sum of £6000 might be placed upon the Estimates for the purpose of a permanent buildiug of this kind. £3000 was subsequently voted, ,,,hich sum the .Trustees were preparing to expend, when 11 letter was received from the Chief Secretary informing tiJem "that it is not the present intention of the Government to expend the sum of £3000 voted for the purpose of buildings and repairs to the Public Library, &c., during the last session of Parliament." Acting in compliance with this intimation, the Trnstees suspended the preliminary proceedings taken with a view to the expenditure of this sum. 10. The Trustees, on the 27th July, placed the Great Hall and annexes at the disposal of the Com missioners, who retained possession of' them until the close of the Exhibition on the ISth January 1873. 11. The Trustees have under their anxious consideration the completion of the building, and the Building Committee have from time to time reported upon the plans submitted by the architects; but no decision has yet been arrived at. 12. The reports of The Building and General Committee, The Public Library Committee, The Indnstrial aud Technological Museum Committee, The National Museum Committee, The National GaUery Committee, . The Trensurer, are annexed. REDMOND BAHRY, President. :JIst March IS73. REPORT OF THE SECTIONAL BUILDING\ AND GENERAL COMMITTEE. ~triionltl ~ommittee: His Honor Mr. JUSTICE BARRY, President. The Hon. SAMUEL HENRY BINDON, The Rev. JOHN IGNATIUS BLEASDALE, D.D., The HOll. SIR C. GAVAN DUFFY, CHARLES E. BRIGHT, Esq. The Hon. JOHN ALEXANDER MACPHERSON, 1. The Building and General Committee have the honor to report.:- 2. The sum of £3700 was placed 011 the Estimates for the year 1872-3 for building, repairs, &c. Of this, a sum of £72 was expended in repairing and refitting gas pipes in the Museum; a sum of £145 Ill. 6d, in repairing the Pavilion and Fountain in the south-east court. Tenders were accepted for "the sum of £725 for the erection of gates and piers in the western entrance to the grounds. Owing to circumstances incapable of control by the Committee, these were not completed within the prescribed time; a contractor of eompet.ent ability has undertaken to complete the work, and it is expected that it will be finished at the end of the yem'. A portion of the material has been already brought upon the ground. '3. In the months of October, November, and December 1872, the Exhibition, preparatory to those to be held at London and at Vienna in this year, was opened on the premises. The great hall, the annexe, arid some of the ont buildings,on the land of' the Trustees were delivered over to the Commissioners for the p.urpose. The Trustees prev:ailed upon the Commissioners to undertake the necessary"repairs to the roof, floors, and partitions, subject to the supervision of their architect. To these works the Trustees contribnted a portion, £65. 4. No steps have been taken to layout any portion of the sum of £3000 voted towards the erection' of. a building adjoining the Library for a .Museum and Gallery of Art. REPORT OF THE SEC1'IONAL COMMTfTEE OE THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. !irctional QJ:onunittee: His Honor Sir REDMOND BARRY, Chairman. The HOll. Sit' WILLIAIIl FOSTER STAWEI.L, '1 DAVID CHARTERIS MACARTHUR, Esq" The Hon. Sir FRANCIS MURPHY, .J OHN BADCOCK, Esq., The Hon. JOHN O'SHANASSY, The Hon. CHARLES MAC MAHON. 1. The Sectional Committee of' the Public Library have tlie honor to present the Report of their proceedings fur the year ending 31st December 1872. 2. The schedules annexed show in detail the expenditure and additions' to the property of the Schedulel.