Tizen Web Application Development for Beginners

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Tizen Web Application Development for Beginners Tizen Web Application Development for Beginners Version 1.0 (2014/09/XX) Tizen Web Application Development for Beginners Table of Contents 1. Introduction to Tizen ............................................................................ 6 Understanding Tizen ............................................................................................................... 6 Tizen as an Open-source Software Platform ................................................................... 6 Tizen as a Web Software Platform .................................................................................. 6 Tizen as an Industry Software Platform ........................................................................... 6 Tizen Community Web Sites ................................................................................................... 6 2. Tizen Architecture ................................................................................. 8 3. Introduction to Tizen Web APIs ........................................................... 9 Tizen Device APIs ................................................................................................................... 9 4. Getting Started with Web Application Development ..................... 12 Planning and Designing the Application.............................................................................. 12 Installing the Tizen SDK ...................................................................................................... 12 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................ 12 Installing the Tizen SDK (Online) ................................................................................. 13 Installing the Tizen SDK (Offline) ................................................................................. 13 Creating the Application Project .......................................................................................... 13 Creating a Web Application Project ............................................................................. 14 Supported Templates and Samples ............................................................................. 15 Creating a User Template ............................................................................................ 16 Setting Project Properties ............................................................................................ 18 Configuring the Application .......................................................................................... 19 Creating the Application UI with the UI Builder ................................................................... 26 Creating a UI Builder Project ....................................................................................... 26 Adding a Page .............................................................................................................. 26 Designing the Page ...................................................................................................... 26 Handling Events on the Page ...................................................................................... 29 Testing the UI Builder Project ...................................................................................... 30 Building the Application ....................................................................................................... 31 Running and Debugging the Application ............................................................................. 31 Running the Application in the Simulator ..................................................................... 31 Except as noted, this content - excluding the Code Examples - is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 and all of the Code Examples contained herein are licensed under BSD-3-Clause. For details, see the Content License. 2|Page Tizen Web Application Development for Beginners Running the Application in the Emulator ...................................................................... 32 Running the Application on a Target Device ............................................................... 33 Debugging the Application ........................................................................................... 33 Rapid Development Support ........................................................................................ 35 Packaging the Application ................................................................................................... 35 Viewing the Application Package ................................................................................. 36 Localizing the Application .................................................................................................... 37 5. Using the Tizen Advanced UI ........................................................... 39 Introduction to the Tizen Advanced UI ................................................................................ 39 Getting Started with a Simple Application ........................................................................... 39 Adding a Page ..................................................................................................................... 40 Handling Events on the Page .............................................................................................. 41 Available UI Widgets ........................................................................................................... 41 Handling Multiple Pages, Widgets, and Events .................................................................. 42 6. Using Tizen Web APIs ...................................................................... 44 Calendar .............................................................................................................................. 44 Calendar API Main Features ........................................................................................ 44 Adding an Event to a Calendar .................................................................................... 46 Adding Events to a Calendar in Batch Mode ............................................................... 47 Managing a Event ........................................................................................................ 47 Managing Multiple Calendar Events in Batch Mode .................................................... 48 Updating a Recurring Calendar Event ......................................................................... 49 Receiving Notifications on Calendar Changes ............................................................ 49 Converting Calendar Items .......................................................................................... 50 Contact ................................................................................................................................ 51 Contact API Main Features .......................................................................................... 51 Retrieving Address Books ............................................................................................ 53 Adding a Contact .......................................................................................................... 53 Adding Multiple Contacts in Batch Mode ..................................................................... 54 Managing a Contact ..................................................................................................... 54 Managing Multiple Contacts in Batch Mode ................................................................ 55 Receiving Notifications on Contact Changes ............................................................... 56 Importing Contacts ....................................................................................................... 57 Except as noted, this content - excluding the Code Examples - is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 and all of the Code Examples contained herein are licensed under BSD-3-Clause. For details, see the Content License. 3|Page Tizen Web Application Development for Beginners Exporting Contacts ....................................................................................................... 58 Managing People ......................................................................................................... 58 Messaging ........................................................................................................................... 59 Messaging API Main Features ..................................................................................... 59 Sending Messages....................................................................................................... 60 Managing Messages .................................................................................................... 61 Synchronizing Emails ................................................................................................... 62 Receiving Notifications on Message Storage Changes ............................................... 63 Multimedia ........................................................................................................................... 64 Discovering Content ..................................................................................................... 64 Capturing Images and Video ....................................................................................... 65 Playing Audio and Video .............................................................................................
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