S·O:3::~:~T~!E~~ W!~1~;Dmi~E Te~~- ~~:C:#R.:~~ I~Rt~:Rh~4I!I~Ts · ~Perin,~Ne 'R~9.Ioh ·± ~ .~I.G,Ll.T · I;>E J5est Aqhi'ev~Q:J

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S·O:3::~:~T~!E~~ W!~1~;Dmi~E Te~~- ~~:C:#R.:~~ I~Rt~:Rh~4I!I~Ts · ~Perin,~Ne 'R~9.Ioh ·± ~ .~I.G,Ll.T · I;>E J5est Aqhi'ev~Q:J ... , .~ ~70 10029 ~~. '' .. M ·]\.l;la~y~;:~,i·s o.f · th~ Sqi~:ntiiib D~TE: O<::tdbe.r 13, · 1970 ob:j e'¢.tive$· · and J?.:i;-OJ?ps~d +,.an~iin<J . s:i.. tes irt the. aadley.:.Ap,ennine Re:gion FROM: J . w. lie ad case:34o .) The possible scientiEic objectives at the Hadley~ Ap~nnine region a·re out:~ined: CI;J:ld incl,~de. tlle Ap.el}n:~ne Mo,un;t;;tins 1 H~dley. R.±l:le, mar.e mai;.erial~· lladleyf] c qr~·teri yol·can·ic ra:.Pd'"" :~;s·o:3::~:~t~!e~~ w!~1~;dmi~e te~~- ~~:C:#R.:~~ i~rt~:rH~4i!i~ts · ~perin,~ne 'r~9.ioh ·± ~ .~i.g,ll.t · i;>e J5est aqhi'ev~q:j . ·ba$¢d: on cli;ff.e;temt .irit¢]tpret:a~ions of t:h~. origin {Jf :J:hese va,r$.o\lS fe~tures. Five la'ii~i:hg po;iri·ts are evcl;:l:U.atea: in terms of· t:J:ie, ..$:1;:1,3, ty to acnlev¢ the 'sq;lentific o_bjectfves bo~ on a rover .and a walkil19 mii.s;.. sion. ·c .0 ,.... :.. ..,... .. ··ti:]9::ijii11·-·· uncla:s 12811' .B"'E~I¥-:t,;.;CPM~M • .INC. • ss5· ~;ENFAt4T' P~~~~~I~~::s:y;1 . ~As~IW~ro~~ o:.C: -~01)2~.· .. SUBJECT! oAT£: octo.b~r 1:3~ · 1970 .FROMi j.· W. Head t. GEN:E!M:4 li'~cii~yt~Ap~ni1.ine · 'l'h.~ ~pepf!irie Mol;tn-ta.in!3 rise. up to -~' km· above th.e. r~lati v¢ly · ¥o'Ujig m~:r~. sU:~~a,c~ o~ Palu$ Pnt_;J:"edin~s a1,1d· might ~~~tlF!i~!i;:~n!~~r~t~i~:Ril~~~:~f~ft~!~~~n· ~d . th.e· .f:i.J.i,Jling 0 :f . the m~Jo:r: m~'iE! Pa:s.~~n~ ~- R~ma li~d-ley is .a y-.sh;c:tt>:ec1 l,~,ri.~~ sinu6us .. _:r;iJ~e which P.~~~.l.:lels. t~~ Ap;~nn~n,e Moup:tt'~iJ,l f;ofi"f: a.:J:o;ng tl:te. e4s~ern .boW,i'.c:l(~ry q~ Mate Imbrium. The . r;i,-lle . oxi'ginatE;!s in. an elonga~e ae.ptessi,on in. ar1 aiea q.f' -~~n;6qi~~~~ .. vo19~ni:¢. domes, ~I1d· 9-~.P;~:~:c:t~ly. ma.in~aip~, a . width of abouu _1· .Jan and a deptlf O:f' 2'og·;.:.,ao·o meters tintil it Iri~rg_es .• ~b •·a:_· s~t;:oricf ril.ie. apprp~:i;Jri~-tei¥;,. ·'is. 'kin -~o the :n~r.tp ~ . Tlie 6rigi_n .of sinuou$ ril-les such a$ ·Rima aa4ley i.~ enigina1;:ic b:ut prob;a:bty .i.I1VoJ,ves s9me t:ype o1= .fltu,ia flow and/br co.ll~i>se. TJ:i\ts;, th~ s£:udy of_.t-he_.Pi~cess of s~~ti.ous·rl:·L:te·"fdrm~tion . may yield dp:ta on the hiStOl:'Y of lu~l:.l;r·vplatil:es. It. · P~l'J\l::l,:JEP· SCIEN"r.:EF:I:G QJ3J$.¢!L'J!~S. Qf.: .Tf!E ~PLE~-:A]?ENNtN.E REG:J:O~(·.· I .. -··, ,' 1. AEtenn~;ine 11-o.un:tq.ins ' - ·,- ...... ,.. · T}l~ · Ap.enni.n~. MP'Ili.lta,ins fo~m pa;tt of the southeaste:r:n bou~&i:!:~Y 9f:".r-~a,:r;e l:wl).tiurq."ilr,i4 ·Cire b~lieved to h.ave been formed at the· ·time df origin of ·the. tmbriuitt- bas·in. The Apennines and overlying· _ptee;X;ist;in9'· t'9_pogl".aphy pl!oJ;>~bly s·~mi:J;at in. ,, / BELLC.OMM. lNc. mo:rt>hology to highland· regi:on$ o£. th~ .. rtJ.qon~ iJ.'lie Q.tls.i:nward i:tc~#ps ··of :b<?.iih, the AE·erui~n.$. :a.Pa: d~£ii-i;t:Jc$i;:a ~op;~-1:~;t-n. citains p:~;oJ:>~ly . re:Prese.I1t fau::J..t planes, a.totig wh:i,lq[l .t·nte;rr.;o_:r:,J;rig ... l)ioG.W_i3: ·sQb'f;;i,.d.e'4 '~fi::e~:~:--.*~-~~dti(:;J:l :o-~·-.ttie~·.t:n~t::ta:x _-· ¢9ffij?~~ss-:l¢rr aefs4metr·· to be: ass oci·ab:id- wi-th the ~veri t. c {F:ig);ll:e ?l. ·rrhe m~t:er:tal .expi?s·ea ·6rt tliEif ~c~ri>.s ¢>r ·!rlouilt~itn';rfell!tt.s: .:could·, represent a cros.s · pection of lunar PX'tist. seviaral· f.h:ousand n1~te:tts- thi.ck. fr~v~r·a:t ;faqi;qrs·, however, coijlbine to r~d.trce . the --aitlount··of anclent~ ·cru.stal· material-· whJ-C:h- mi~ght -a:ctuctlJ.y .be expos~d on thii. scarps. ) (T) :Mare fTooding1 s:ubsequent. to th'$. ori.g;in. of the bas:in and. f()l:'tfi.at±o:ii ·o£ tile sca;rps, · w£ il p:'Ji:ogfes·~i v~ly q¢~~x tb~.· . iq,wer atJd · ~:tro:Oably o,ld~r . pa;rt.~. of. tli,e· . expose<} ~·ectiori (s~e Figu;te 3,2 1:5; c)-. Tli-ickries~es of· th1,:s m~:r;e :fill ·.<;it.· thee. l;iaf;!.£:'! · o~ th~ . At>eijp.ine :F.pont are uhcei.tai:p._ hut ..tl),e 4Qo.-3Q.o met;er· dep:th· ?f Haaley R;ille suggesb~ that -tbis figur!3 is a minimUm.. (2) 1\ second f~ctor concerns the ejecta tht"Qwn out of th.e Iinb;ri uin ~~sin at. the time of: its o}ic;rin (F:ta :Mauro Formation-)~- This: utl:it forms· a:. blanket which man-tles th·e, P,r~.e~istil;i;g al1qient 'dl:~s~ta'l' ~in~te-:t:iai .. and decrt'i.~~(¥s in thiickit¢ss aw.ix~l f~o:m.. the n&s'il'): cei:tt~i~ E~t:i,.~ate~ qf the thickness_ o:f thi.s blan·ke·t are plott~c;f alogg. w±:th tiici:l: of . Qri~nt~:te in Fj,gure 4. OnE! .~stim.:a.t~er '!me. thickp~s.~. at the· Uaq1;¢y~Ap.ennine· r~_giq·n at ·approxima±:~!y a.o o. meters . ~ T!l:e-r~f6:re:, the upper %'8(fo meters of. the· .1\peilnirie E'.ront is :P;rzobahly. cqmposed .of Itribrium :basin ejE_=!cta r~tne:t than a section of. in... situpre.::.tmbrium. crustal mat.er.ial (F:i:ID:i:r.:e 3) ~ . ·.. .. - . .. - (3) M :additi.9n~:+ p.oss.ih;Lli ty sug.ges:ts that no se~tion o;f :Ln si~u pl;"'e-<tlnbid.an c_ru:s£al. mat~ri.al e~ists a.l<>ng tile -:Fl;'¢I1t• In thl,~ _case., th.e F;ra ·M'chtro Forma,_tion wo\iid have blahket~d the- front area and wqtiiq. 'nave p~e~ ·a~pqsite~ s~~eq\l~n;t<tq tfi.e :fqr.$:~tion of the front. Evidence for.th:i{s,poss:iibility, can he i:·:xn~Yi~b~~-t~g -~e-~~i~tti:~x?~~u:.~~t~~-~c~:~~~ntdre (~rialpgo'!ls :eo Plie- Apertnl~e ·Mountain F:tto~tl app\3fl'is t:o ):ie (J.r~p-~q l:iy 1;h~: O:t~~n{:~le ej.~¢ta -b;l~#ket ('L\41ar 01;;-oiter tV,·:J;Sl,. 3H; 4a> .9:IO.n(J;,_mariY: porti:oJ,is.. Th¢ :~;!!!n11 ~~~~t!~: ~t~~~~~~~d~:~tZ!h~~~~n~~i:}: -~~~~ the! ~ext imi,e.r. x-ing (l~ook Mountains)~· ';['herefore, an .. El~L~COMM. INC. - 3 - e].e..9t~ b]..~nket l!n4¢~p.e~fih- th~· pr~$e.nt ·r.iWi)J;:lum ·mate; ~~t~!~;ti~!i~~J~r~;~i!~:!:::· (4) · An .addd.~~qp;~l pos.sib.i,lity; a11d .p·ethaps:· the most. l;\kely ·qn~-,- ·sU:gge~t'S· •trra:t-,-th~~: Atre-n!fin~"';- .~t~z:tt· ·:ts-~<:)tts.ctu:ed-:i:Jy· a talu~ p.i;le c_qnsi~t:,i'ng o.f.' mixed 4eb,r:i;s of the · Fra J~i:ifm~;~:~:~rdr~~~:~;~~~u;~~~lt a~pt,h or 'p61dd::O'n 6£ 1:11$ crU.s-e~i se.ctioii' on stratigraphic gr6unP,s vi~dfir~:tiy· :tlppossiblci.. · ! woti'J.d' . t>e ' . :[n s.Urtii.O,?liy·~ 4· n~~mb¢'r of .:Po.9,sil)1e interpret.a:t;ions exist for the rela~ipi)~}tips along the. ~p¢nnin~:· .Fro.nt, .ail;d ecich. ibt,er­ P.f"et·at:ion h~~ ·v~r~~d .:ra~fic;~tid'96 f9r:''Ci:frf~~erit p:a.tt's 'of t~'e Apeli.nipe a:~tea. A:cc.epting the gene~a]:' mo.del C:)'f · c~.at:er eje,cta -d±s trib,u ti9.ii, Fra Mcipro ·f'oJ;:maJ:ioP. d~posi ted at -' th;e, J:op 6£ . th¢ Apenn±ne Mqilnt:ains in' · t.h~ l!a:dley r~gi<)n Should ha:ve . dt:igin,ated frq~ d$ep~r W:i·thin tlie· in't:¢#1¢ll'. tp:~~n·· mc,d:~i~a.l d~J?qs~t~cf' ~t :th~ 1\.pol:!,o 14' landj,ng ~ft~· Hbwever, a talus ·pi;Le de~iv~d··':f:r:i?m the complete 'seqtion of 'F;,t'a, M·~u~o ,d'epO:site.'d ~t the frorit would 'probably cbrisist of . .a· of a;L.l depths. ·, mixture. mate.r±al. :from; . (1) AP,en:hi.ne Mount~ill ·F,:t:ont '7" the ~.egiQ.n ditectly . alpng til~ front,a:L ~Ouh.,t~in sca,rp .c9rt·~tit11tes t11e most l·ikely fdr·· sampling· in~.situ. pre"-.Irlibrian crli~t~d~ matierials.
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