Best :Magazine Artici.E First Quarter 1952
LINCOLN LORE Bulletin of the LincoLn National Uf• Fonnd•tlon • • • • • • Or. Lovlo A. Warren, Editor Publt4hed eacl> week by 1'bo Llneoln Natlooal Ll!e In.ouzanco Company, Fort Wayne. Indiana NillffiER 1207 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA MAY 26, 1952 BEST :MAGAZINE ARTICI.E FIRST QUARTER 1952 Long bofore the ballots were issued to ascertain the Hanser, Richard, "The Other Abraham Lincoln," best Lincoln magazine article published during the first (abbreviated) Reader's Digest, Feb. 1952, 52-54 pp. quarter of 1952, Lincoln students in general had begun Harper, Robert S., "Abe's Dream of Ann Rutledge,'' to call attention to the interesting monograph appearing Collior's, Feb. 16, 1952, 16-17, 54, 56 pp. in the February issue of Tho National Geographic Mago.· zino. The Foundation advisory group confirmed with their Howard, Clinton N. "Abraham Lincoln-The Chris· votes what wan apparently the people's choice and se tian," ProgrtBI, (Publication of the International Re· lected Ralph Gray's excellent geographic contribution form Federation), Feb. 1952, 8-6 pp. uva.eation Tour Through Lincoln Land" to receive first Lasker, Bruno, 14Lincoln and World Human Rights," honors. Mr. Gray's story is profusely illustrated with Survey, Feb. 1952, 82-83 pp. <"Oiored pictures and will undoubtedly encourage many Lufkin, Richard Friend, "Mr. Lincoln's Light From families to tour the Lincoln country this summer. Under a Bushel-1851," Limoln Herald, Winter 1952, 2-25 Jlp. Authors who contributed monographs which were pub lished during the first quarter of 1952 are listed below McPhaul, Jack, "Lincoln Would Be at Home in 'S2 with the subject of the discussion and source following Campaign," Chicago Sun-Times, Feb.
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