Sons of the American Revolution
OFFICIAL BULLET!:\ CHARLES OSBORNE TILTON, Norfolk, Va. (N. Y. 20230). OFFICIAL BULLETIN Uriah Tilton, Major Mass. Militia. 01'" WILLIAM HENRY TIPPETTS, St. Petersburg, Fla. (uns). Beier Wetmore, private Third Mass. Regt. CLARENCE ELLSWORTH TOWNSEND, Painted Post, N. Y. (20248). Greato THE NATIONAL SOCIETY grandson of Arthur Erwin, Colonel Fourth Bucks County Battalion Pen • 01'" THI! Militia; great2-grandson of Elisha Mulford, Jr., and great8·grandson of Ern: Mulford, Sr., signers of "General Association" of East Hampton, N. y .., • 17 great4-grandson of Conrad Kreider, Wagon Master NorthamptOI;l Count·• 1s· ' Penna., Militia. y, SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION FREDERICK JEROME TOWNSEND, Painted Post, N. Y. (20247). Great•. President General Oraanized April 30, 1889 grandson of Arthur Erwin, Colonel Fourth Bucks Coounty Battalion Pen H.,,. Stoc~bridae, Baltimore, Md. Incorporated by Act of Conareu June 9, 1906 Militia; great·grandson of Elisha Mulford, Jr., and great2·grandson of Eli~ Mulford, Sr., signers of "General Association" of East Hampton, N. Y., . 1775 Volume III MARCH, 1909 Number 4 great0·gra_n_d~on of Conrad Kreider, Wagon Master Northampton County: Penn., M1ht1a. Published at the office of the Secretary General (A. Howard Clark, Smithaonian WILLIS HENRY UPSON, Kensington, Conn. (20319). Great2·grandson of Sa.,. JDatitution), Washington, D. C., in May, October, December, and March. uel Upson, Captain Fifteenth Regt. Conn. Militia. Entered as second-class matter, May 7, 1908, at the post-office at Washington, R. C. VANDERVEER, Middletown, Ohio (19673). Great2-grandson of Joseph D. C., under the Act of July 16, 1894. Bow~te, Corporal, Captain Waddell's Company Monmouth County New Jersey Militia.
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