The weather Mostly cloudy warm and humid today Inside today with showers and thunderstorms main­ ly in the afternoon. Highs today mainly Area news...... 7 Fam ily...... 5 In the 80s or around 29 Celsius. Lows Gassified .... 10-12 Obituaries...... 14 tonight in the 60s. Partly sunny breezy Comics...... 13 Sports...... 8-9 and less humid Tuesday. Highs around MancAealer— /f City of Village Charm

80. National weather forecast map on

Page 11. FOURTEEN PAGES Ma n c h e st e r , con n ., Mo n d ay, jo l y $5,1977- v o l. x c v i, no. 260 PttIUEt FIFTEEN GENTS

Carter answers critics

k-h , I on programs for blacks

By HELEN THOMAS to blacks, told the Urban League ■ M . Vernon Jordan, the league’s In his Welfare proposal, the Presi­ UPI While House today his welfare program will executive director, criticized Carter dent said, “ there will be an ad­ create one million new jobs. Reporter Sunday, saying “ black people, having ditional one million job oppor­

“ I’ve been in office now for six tasted the sweetness of victory in tunities. Our goal is for every single WASHINGTON (UPI) - President months,” Carter told the League’s November, resent the sour taste of Carter, answering criticism that he family to have ... a guaranteed job by annual convention. ” 1 have no disappointment in July ... We resent the government” did not keep his campaign promises apologies to make,” unfulfilled promises of jobs, com­ Carter drew a samile from Jordan promises to win conservative support and applause from the audience when and the continued acceptance of high he said, “ 1 hope in the months ahead unemployment.” I’ll be able to work closely with Ver­ In his speech. Carter listed the non Jordan — at the White House. programs he had begun for the poor, “We haven't done everything we Cummings asks including a new requirement that 10 would like to do nor everything we

per cent of all subcontracts in the are going to do,” said the President, public works bill go to minority cautioning critics not to jump the charter study groups. He predicted unemployment gun.

could be “ perhaps as low as 6.5 per

cent by the end of the year, with a "It takes time to change the course

over conflicts trend downward,” of history. The eagerness to put into

Carter said the major goal of his effect these programs is there.”

administration is to assure that “ all Carter ended on a solemn note,

those who are able to work should be saying he hoped “ together we can put Because of a number of conflict-of- Stone, a form er member of the able to find work.” smiles on the faces — instead of interest matters that have affected Manchester Economic Development The President went on, explaining: tears ” Town of Manchester office-holders. Commission, were the developers of “ This emphasis on work for those Jordan clasped the President’s Democratic Town Chairman the proposed subdivision. Their at­ who are able is not discriminatory, is hand warmly following the speech Theodore Cummings said Monday torney, Thomas Bailey, also resigned not moving backward. We want for and the two talked for about 15 that he will ask the Board of Direc­ as chairman of the Redevelopment people to not be dependent on govern­ minutes before Carter returned to tors to establish a charter revision Agency before a public hearing on ment ... (but) be able to stand on the White House, Jordan would not commission to deal with the conflict the proposal. their own feet.” comment on the discussion. issue. Another Democratic director,

The most recent conflict-of- Phyllis Jackston, was asked to resign

interest matter involves William by Republican Town Chairman

Bayer, who has decided to step down Thomas Ferguson before her recent

as a candidate for the Board of public hearing on an appeal to the Hearing tonight Education. Bayer, a Democrat, had Zoning Board of Appeals. Mrs. expressed interest in running this Jackston is still a member of the November for the school board. board. But, he has sent a letter to Cum­ on housing rule Cummings said that he will request mings withdrawing his application as that the Board of Directors establish The Manchester Planning and a candidate. Supporters of the project have said a charter revision commission to act Zoning Commission (PZC) will con­ that there is a need for housing for Bayer is an engineer with the just on the conflict-of-interest issue. duct a public hearing tonight on a the elderly and handicapped in Manchester firm of Kahn & Bayer, He also will suggest that a code of regulation that would permit housing Manchester, and the change in Paintings viewed at crafts fair The firm has done some work with ethics be written for town of­ for the elderly and handicapped as a regulations will help meet the need. the architect that is working on the ficeholders. special exception in most zones. The Stone & Goldberg application Washington School-West Side Rec “ In this super-charged atmosphere LeaAnn Fortin of 54 Eldridge St. takes a closer look at the The meeting will be held at 7:30 in has also been a center of controversy renovation project. Bayer decided of conflict of interest, you know who artwork displayed at Saturday’s SAM Crafts Fair in Center the Nathan Hale School, 160 Spruce for several months. Residents who that this might present a possible loses? The town loses,” Cummings St. The public hearing on housing for surround the proposed site have Park. The fair featured a variety of crafts and artwork by area conflict of interest and has stepped said. the elderly and handicapped will be persons. The next SAM Fair will be Aug. 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 out of the November race. expressed opposition to the cluster He said that he “ takes his hat” off the first agenda item. zone because it would permit houses Three Democrats resigned from p.m. in Center Park (Herald photo by Dunn) to party members who have had to The PZC may also act tonight on and lots that are smaller than those town boards when a question of con­ step down when conflict questions the application submitted by Robert flict arose concerning a proposed permitted in a normal Residence AA have developed. Stone and Jack Goldberg for a housing development that all three Zone. “ We’re losing good people. We’ve Residence AA Cluster Zone on the The residents also oppose a were involved in. got to meet the challenge,” he said. Lenti Farms tract off Gardner St. proposed two-pond detention Jack Goldberg, a former member Thus, he said that he will make his A number of people are expected to drainage facility, which they have of the Board of Directors, and Robert suggestions to the town directors. Today’s summary attend the meeting to speak both for said will create a safety hazard in the and against the change in regulations neighborhood. The developers have

that would permit housing for the said that the proposal will help solve Compiled by United Preae Internetlonal elderly or handicapped as a special a drainage problem in the area. exception in the following zones: „ The termination date deciding on Rural Residence, Residence A, B, C the application is Aug. 17. This is the and M, Business I, II and III, the Cen­ State NEWPORT, R.l. (UPI) - Sen. Zinsser to , last scheduled PZC meeting before Claiborne Pell, D-R.I., today said tral Business District, and the Com­ that date.

he supports offshore oil drilling prehensive Urban Development Zone. HARTFORD (UPI) - Only 1,- and expects petroleum companies sees time good Other public hearing items tonight The opposition centers around an 973 persons have been plac^ in to take sufficient environmental include a request by Hockanum

permanent jobs by a Hartford- precautions so that the fishing in­ elderly housing project proposed for Valley Associates to permit the the Hartford Rd. campus of South area manpower training program dustry can also flourish. deferment of sidewalks in zoning for GOP victory United Methodist Church. A group of regulations; a request from Daniel that has spent more than $45 million in its four years of residents has formed to oppose the C. Guachione et al for a 12-lot sub­

proposal, and many are expected to existence. The U.S. Department division off Parker St.; and an of Labor has called the Hartford- National / Carl Zinsser, a Republican Prignano — will not be seeking re- attend tonight’s PZC hearing. a p p lic a tio n from Sam u el H. area program, in which the city is member of the Manchester Board of election. The group has said that the regula­ Chorches et al to change the zone responsible for all federally WASHINGTON (U P I)'- Senate Directors, has announced that he will In his announcement, Zinsser also tion change amounts to spot zoning from Residence A to Business II for a funded job programs in the 27- Majority Leader Robert Byrd seek re-election in the November wrote, “ I become very upset when I and would permit more units per parcel of less than an acre at 56 and town region, among the worst in vows—to outlast a scheduled election. see the Town of Manchester move acre than existing elderly housing. 60 Oakland St. the nation. Republican filibuster this week In a letter sent Saturday to mountains to clear the way for the against public financing of Republican Town Chairman Thomas J.C. Penney facility, which I have ■

WATERBURY (UPI) - A senatorial campaigns. If the first Ferguson, Zinsser wrote, “ I am very supported, and yet take years to start f4Vt: Waterbury brass firm has offered attempt to cut off debate fails pleased with the high quality of peo­ construction of the elderly housing on , ^ to donate its mostly unused fac­ Friday, Byrd said, he will try ple that the party is interviewing to Spencer St., to improve the storm m tory to the city, officials say. again next week. run in the fall. It looks to me that 1977 sewers system along White Brook, to Municipal officials and represen­ is going to be a Republican year,” improve traffic flow at the center.

tatives of the Chase Brass & Zinsser, along with Republican “I ask, if we can expedite J.C. Director Vivian Ferguson, will seek Penney’s move to Manchester, then Copper Co. say the firm, which International last year let go 700 workers re-election to the board. The party’s we can surely take care of any of the ’ V third member, Paul Willhide, has an­ other problems,” Zinsser said. following a long strike, has COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (UPI) - nounced that he will not be running in “These and other problems that offered the 900,000 square foot building to the city. More than 30 persons have been November, have confronted Manchester for so killed since last week’s election in On the Democratic side, three pre­ many years can be solved with the which Prime Minister J.R. STORRS (UPI) — The ceiling in sent directors — Mayor Matthew strong leadership of a Republican Jayewardene’s United National Moriarty, Robert Price, and Pascal Board of Directors,” he wrote. the University of Connecticut’^’ party ousted former Prime swimming pool building is Minister Sirimayo Bandaranaike, deteriorating, exposing asbestos police sources said. fibers that could harm people, ac­ cording to the Connecticut Public NAIROBI, Kenya (UPI) - Interest Research Group. “ Due in Somali-backed insurgents have State gets fewer funds part to high heat and moisture in captured the Ethiopian town of the pool building the ceiling over Gode in the Ogaden desert after the pool, which contains asbestos fierce fighting with government than most in Northeast fibers, has been deteriorating for troops, Somalia Radio said today. some time,” Joan Dalman, head The radio said guerrillas of the HARTFORD (UPI) - A private overall federal spending continued to of the university’s CPIRG Western Somalia Liberation publication on government affairs in favor the SunbSlt states last year chapter, said Saturday. Washington says in 1976 Connecticut Front "captured the town of Gode over areas of the Northeast and

after fierce fighting with Ethio­ received fewer federal grant dollars Midwest where unemployment is

pian forces, a large number of per person than any of the nine higher.

whom surrendered to the front.” Northeastern states. Connecticut sent $1.1 billion more

Connecticut received $234 per to Washington in the form of federal

Regional capita last year in federal grants, ac­ tax dollars than it received back in TEL AVIV, Israel (UPI) - Prime Minister Menahem Begin, cording to a new study released Sun­ specific program grants and other

MILLINOCKET, Maine (UPI) returning home today after a day by the National Journal. Only forms of federal spending, the study seven states received $234 per person — Firefighters in Baxter State nine-day American tour, is said. or less in the nation. Park had completed about 85 per headed for a fight with the United Rep. William R. Cotter, D-Conn.,

cent of a control line today around States despite his warm reception Connecticut's per capita allocation said the study points up the need for

a stubborn, eight-day-old forest in Washington, his predecessor was $70 below the average for the continued activism by the Northeast- nine-state Northeastern area and $36 fire, the state Forest ^ rv ice said. says. Former Prime Minister Midwest Economic Advancement below the national average of $270. The encircled area included Yitzhak Rabin said Begin, who Coalition. between 5,000 and 6,000 acres of The study said the average spent “ We’re not asking for favoritism left New York’s Kennedy Airport state land and property owned by Sunday night for the 12-hour flight per person in federal grant from the federal government. The

the Great Northern Paper Co., home, had'only postponed an in­ allocations in the other New England coalition’s goal is to fight discrimina­ Lesson in vegetable growing more than half of which has slates last year was: New tion against Northern states where evitable confrontation with Presi­ If you are having trouble growing tomatoes or getting them to already burned, a spokesman dent C arter on Middle E ast Hampshire, $260; M assachusetts, cities are dying and unemployment said. polices. $313; Rhode Island, $335; Maine, $353 remains higher than the national ripen, study the conditions under which this one grew. It ap­ and Vermont, $373. average,” Cotter said. parently planted itself in the gutter on Butternut Rd. and you can The National Journal study said see the result. (Herald photo by Pinto) PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HKRALl). Manchcsler. Conn . Mon . July 25. 1977 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon,. July 25, 1977 — PAGE THREE The F irst Church of Citizens Pinochle Group Center Congregational The meeting is open to per­ ' Christ, Scientist, will have will have a game Thursday Carter assures Park on U.S. stance About town MACC news Church, Manchester. sons 'who are divorced, Auditors criticize About town its regular meeting, which at 9:45 a.m. at the Arm y widowed, separated or SEOUL. South Korea (U P I) - nor any other countries should doubt Infantry Division to the South Korean includes testimonies of By Eluine llolroiiib and Navy Club. Play is never married and having President Carter, in a letter the firmness of U.S. commitments to Manchester WAXES will meet at Manchester Chapter, armed forces and additional sales of and friends are invited. healing, Wednesday at 8 open to all senior citizens. South Korea. He said he wanted to the Italian-American Club Tuesday. The Kiwanis Club of Parents Without Partners, at least one living child. delivered to President Park Chung- military equipment to South Korea. Various activities are p.m. at the church, 447 N. Weighing in will be from 7 to 8 p.m. corrections books I’m sure it’s going to lady. Only in Manchester. Manchester will meet will have a general hee. today assured the proposed reassure that the pullout of 33.000 Carter's letter was delivered to Main St. The meeting is The top losers for the month of June come as no news to you if I Tuesday noon at the planned. Food and The local chapter of A Holy Communion is pullout of American troops does not U.S. troops from South Korea will be Park while American and South Clothing Bank open to all. meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m, H A R T F O R D (U P I) - The state —Officials should be certain announce - It ’s been hot at Manchester Country Club. refreshments will be Parents Anonymous will scheduled for Wednesday mean any changes in a strong U.S. carried out gradually and cautiously Korean military officials met in the were Joyce Beebe and Charlotte The MACC Clothing at Community Baptist Beebe. Department of Correction needs to refunds of expenditures are applied the 10th Annual Interfaith Guest speaker will be Ed served. meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. at at 10 a m. at St. M a ry’s security commitment to South over four to five years so as to 10th annual security consultative Bank will still be open one Manchester Senior Church, 585 E. Center St. improve its bookkeeping procedures, only to the account where the Day Camp. But not as hot Bailey who will speak on Episcopal Church. Korea preserve peace on the Korean penin­ meeting. Brown is here as head of last Thursday afternoon state auditors said today. original spending was made. A $24,- as it’s been on the streets recollections of a young A townwide Playground Carter's personal letter was sula. the Am erican delegation to the from 1 to 3 at South United Members of the Manchester Auditors Leo V. Donohue and 000 refund was credited to one ac­ farm boy. Volleyball Tournament handed to Park by Defense Secretary Carter in the letter also said U.S. meeting. of Hartford where many of Methodist. Thousands of Chapter 1275, American Association Henry Becker Jr. said three of their count from money originally spent by will be held Thursday, July We answer... Harold Brown when the two met at Air Force, logistics and intelligence our children would have items of clothing have been The meeting concentrated on dis­ of Retired Persons, Inc. (AARP), previous recommendations had not another account, the auditors said. 28 beginning at 10 a.m. at the Blue House, the official residence units and personnel with stay on in- been playing or in a small disbursed. Even I have The Central Connecticut all your office needs open every mondpy! cussing what measures to be taken to will go to Lenox, Mass., on Aug. 9, bw n complied with and three ad­ Keeney School. of the South Korean president, a definitely after troops are compensate for the U.S. pullout and 2nd floor apartment on been surprised at the heavy Chapter, U.S. Submarine bring in your cucalioning friend.! Following dinner in Lenox, they will ditional problems had also been presidential spokesman said. withdrawn. U.S. naval units will stay ensure peace on the Korean penin­ Main or Center St, here in use made of the Clothing Veterans World War II will Call 646-7272 we have a good aaiortmant ol post carda, attend a performance of the Boston found in their examination of the Members of the Council The Blue House released a transla­ in Korean waters, he said. sula. Manchester. Bank. Although a number hold its first annual family conn^tteut loiivanirt; and they will anjoy Pops Orchestra conducted by Arthur department’s books for the last three of Ministries of South tion of the letter which said the U.S.- Carter further promised effort to Brown said the gradual withdrawal Program To those of you who have of service organizations picnic Saturday, at Lake Fiddler at the Tanglewood Theater fiscal years. United Methodist Church lo u r " o ld South Korea mutual defense treaty is obtain approval from Congress for of U.S. troops would take place "in a been baking for the have been contacted con­ Compounce in Bristol from Harrison s They said the three recommen­ are asked to attend the I faahlonod still in effect and the United States help to im prove South K o re a 's manner which will not upset the children in this extreme cerning the operation of 11 aim. to 5 p.m. All sub­ dations repeated from the previous scheduled Property Zoning Commis­ will swiftly support South Korea in defense capabilities, including the military balance or risk war.” heat, our sincere admira­ the bank, there is at pre­ marine veterans and par­ Sfafioners audit were: ticularly those of World sion meeting at the I'y T . e r ? ." * case of a North Korean attack. transfer of equipment from tion. If you are still looking sent no plan to reopen it In “Since 1945" is ijowritown mancLelter J L u tz p la n s — A need for improvement in the on safety War II and their families Municipal Building tonight Carter said neither North Korea withdrawing forces of the U.S. 2nd for something to do for the the near future. 849 Main St., Manchaster budgeting and accounting procedures children, might we suggest at 7:30. A health, safety and crime preven­ *** s governing federal funds, especially ice cream or even ^old’ picnic tion program will be held for all Film canceled ^ in coordination between those doing watermelon. We are senior citizens of Manchester at § A Walt Disney Film. ^ the budgeting and those implemen­ presently feeding between City workers on strike, On Wednesday, the Lutz Junior Cronin Hall in Mayfair Gardens, X sponsored by the ting the program. 100 and 130 children, BIG SAVINGS Museum will sponsor an Old Main and N. Main Sts. Tuesday at — Incomplete inventory records; counselors and staff. Manchester Area § Fashioned Picnic from 2 p.m. to 4 12:30 p.m. AT ALL Providenee mayor to sue ^ Conference of Churches, — A need for greater care in com­ Thanxs to the ingenuity of p.m. Community Relations Officer g which was scheduled for piling the annual inventory submitted our camp manager, Irene CALDOR STORES PROVIDENCE. R 1. (UPI) - The event is free to the public, with James McCooe of the Manchester PRE-INVENTORY SALE! Wednesday at 1 p.m. at to the state comptroller; Goss, our hot lunch .Nearly 2.000 city workers went on sonnel a minimal charge for refreshments. Police Department will show a new St. Bridget Church, has The new areas where improvement program has been strike today to protest a new budget Cianci said he will keep accurate There will also be a watermelon raf­ film, "O n Guard, Bunco," and will S been canceled. is needed, according to the auditors: transformed into a cold which laid off 182 municipal records of overtime costs of police fle. discuss the recent change in the —The department should be lunch program and the employes Mayor Vincent A. Cianci and supervisors and file suit against Children may participate in such crosswalk light at the housing careful not to repeat a situation in sports program has tem­ was ready to seek a court injunction the union for financial damages timeless activities as bobbing for project. He will also have an which it decided to upgrade a certain porarily taken second BOYS’ to end the walkout. caused by from the walkout. P in o c h le apples, a sack race, making sailboats engraving tool to mark small Save program on the premise federal fun­ place to reading in the KNIT SHIRTS The long-threatened strike in­ Joseph Virgilio. president of the s c o r e s and moustaches, soap bubble blowing household items, such as radios, por­ UpTo' volved about 1.700 members of local and games. There will also be an old- ding was available, but later turned shade under the tree with a aSHORTS union local, re fu s^ comment on Winners in the Vernon out it was not; table televisions, CB radios and OliOurOrig. Prices 1033 of the Laborers' Union. Picket what the union plans to do if ordered fashioned costume contest at 3 p.m. counselor or playing some Senior Citizens pinochle —All transfers between the cameras as a deterrent against theft lines went up shortly after dawn at back to work. "W e ll cross that Although the grand prize winner will of the used games left over • SHIRTS group for July 19 are: department’s accounts should be ful­ for those who wish to bring the items public works and sanitation bridge when we come to it." receive a special gift, everyone who from the Seasonal Sharing •SHELLS Beatrice Minor, 680; Ted ly documented and be approved by a to the meeting, facilities Nearly 300 workers were Virgilio said he would meet with comes in costume will be given a Appeal. aTUNICS Leboc. 669; Alma Dittrich, responsible official. The auditors Phyllis Saich of the Manchester waiting outside City Hall for Cianci Cianci today only if the negotiations prize. Jingle Bells 669; Basyl Ugolik, 661; said that had not been done all the Public Health Nursing Association • T-SHIRTS to show up. are aimed at resolving the job losses. For further information, contact Speaking of Seasonal Doris Stiebitz, 653; Minnie time in the past; will assist in the program. •SHORTS Cianci said Sunday he was confi­ the Lutz Junior Museum at 643-0949. "1 don't want to meet with him and Luetjen. 648. Sharing, I was absolutely NEWATCALDOR! SCOOTERS dent supervisory personnel can keep get a lot of baloney. 1 want to get the flabbergasted yesterday as Winners for July 21 are; Assorted styles, vital services running. The walkout (182) people back to work. " Virgilio a woman, bearing a batch crews, tanks and SHORT SETS Leslie Richardson, 607; V J la IIS fit'Id ^Dt 1 ve in does not involve police or fire per­ said. Nf I- A s* ■«). • B,| of brownies into the Day machine washable Amelia Truman, 606; GENERAL0ELECTRIC Orig.To5.99 Camp kitchen, said over screen prints; 4 to 18. Beatrice Minor, 588; and GLOBE Western style frayed her shoulder, " I bought a Selma Mritchard, 584. Nm ttni Tims. Uults 2J$ and hemmed shorts, Travel Service IM ir 12FrN turkey yesterday." FOOD PROCESSOR 4 to 18. T H IS P W J S Iment S5S MAIN STREET "F o r ? " 1 questioned. S43-2165 m H O W A RD "That Seasonal Sharing The Latest Sensation in Food Citizen gets award thing’’ she said, dis­ Saturday’s daily O rer 30 Yeon ism m uMtnisTU Processing That • SLICES • GRATES appearing into the kitchen. A Manchester resident has been named recipient of an 2 5 6 Fra re/ Experience H e'S* KKM SK tD tMSASWt! Y o u •CHOPS • SHREDS And • GRINDS "Ideal Citizen” award by the International Meditation Authorized agent in "Seasonal Sharing," I Society (IMS). ManchMter Evaning Harald Manchester for all said in astonishment, Eitratall Airlines. Railroads and Gertrude W. Marsh, 30 Adelaide Rd., was one of ten “ t h a t ’s not t il l food chute for p Cover Interlock Published ev^fy «v«nlng txc«pt Steamship Lines iM d ini foods system helps Su n d tyt and h o lid M . Ent«f«d at tha N e v e r November.” Greater Hartford citizens recognized at recent intocuninf auure correct Manchattar. Conn. Poat Offlca ta Sa- wiftSS!" ceremonies in Hartford. “ But,’’ said she, assembly. assembly before cond Claaa Mall Manar. v n u SAVE An assistant professor of art and supervisor of the Cen­ reappearing and rapidly unit can cerate Suggested Carrier Rates tral Connecticut State College student teachers in art exiting, "turkeys are only Transparent TOPS; Easy care poly^- 1 Payabla In Advanca m bowl holds up C a n 49< a pound. I ’ll freeze it." ester. Cotton, striped g YOU MONEY education, Mrs. Marsh has conducted creativity courses Slngla c o p y...... is« PLUS to 40 ounces of W aakty...... 9^^ and was instrumental in organizing the popular Saturday It was 99 degrees and foods as they're gauze. S-M-L. w Ona m o n th ...... 13 90 MWDcmnmatwwiie processed.«N,^ Powerful ly t Workshops for area youth. She is active in art educa­ Thtaa monlha ...... $11 70 that was one beautiful SHORTS, s c o o t e r s featuring the . nutmeg 36&watt motor 4 SHORT SETS: Many a tion projects across the state and has been a member of Six m o nth a ...... $23 40 CANNONBAU ISMrmanently ...... »4«.'bo ANtRVOIlO PCILRES I n n I T e ll lubricated. colors and fabrics. m the executive board of the Connecticut Art Association Mall Ratal Upon Raquaat RtlLASE Sizes 8 to 16 w e a th e r for many years. Su bicrib ari who fall to racalva Sumner thair nawtpapar bafora 5:30 p m should talaphona tha circulation M0N.-TUES. Not Every Style dapartmant, 647.9946. piagiieuse A P le asant Play b y MCC lOTH in Every Store. Theater schedule 99< CINES G . B. S h a w c a le n d a r APUPPnSHOW / Manchester Community Food Pusher East Hartford Drive-In — UA Theater 2 — "Loves of For Children College offers this calen­ to direct foods "Grand Theft Auto," and Benji," 2:00-7:00-9:00 TUESDAY. JULY 79 THROUGH Ihroufh chute. Two Control SATURDAY.AUGUST 6 dar of events in the interest “Cannon Ball, " Dusk UA T h eater 3 — "T h e Switches for PANumoNium IN THE AIR CONDITIONEO of the community. All the continuous or East Windsor Drive-In — Deep," 2:00-7:00-9:00 7:10 9:20 HARRIET S. JORGENSEN THEATRE / MCC-sponsored activities on/off operation. Save "People Time Forgot, " and PUPPETEEm THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT Two-in-One Stainless Steel Reversible Disc: Up T o ' "Future World," Dusk Wad., July 27th CURTAIN: 9:1Sp.m. listed below are open to the EAST HARTFORD Knife Blede lor (l)SUcir« side for Oft Our Orig. Prices Manchester Drive-In — 912.00 FOR A 04FW4ER THEATRE PACKAGE public and many are free of irindini and chop­ potatoes, cucumbers, U S ROUTES D R IV E IN s;s rus 12 NOON 1 1:1$ ni WITH JURY'S TAVERN <42»«497> "The People That Time MANCHESTER charge. For further infor­ ping vefetables or etc.t2)Shreddii« m a t e r n it y In air condltlonad INFO: 42»291Z meats, crumbing, side lor cabbage, Forgot,” 8:30; "At the DRIVE-IN/ROUTES 6 &44A mation, call 646-2137. grating, miiing HMHUn IJOMENKN ' Woody Allan'i luncheon meeU. finely SPORTSWEAR Earth's Core," 10:00 FEATURE f ir s t orblerang. chopped nuts. etc. ENDS TUES. THEATK No w m I Comody W'ednesday, July 27 Vernon Cine 1 — "Rocky," NEW HIT STAirrS 8:30 MlnK| il HMinRII Movie — "Godfather Storrs, Conn. 7:10-9:20 KIDS FREE . nutmeg Part II,” MAud, 8 p.m. ICTOB’^ Vernon Cine 2 — "Annie ANNIE HALL Friday, July 29 Hall," 7:20-9:30 T h e P E O P L C j lUWiiMn U.00 \ 7:20 9.30 a M S u p e r Duplicate Bridge — Open SP *1 5 UA Theater 1 - "Star T h a t T I M E OVEB KnitT'sor tank lops, Boi Offlea SAVE War," 12:00-2:30-5:15-7:45- playnouse & Novice, 7:45 p.m., H R sun tops or blouses. 6 4 9 - 9 3 3 3 10:15 FORGOT 4 2 9-291 2 102, 103. Some with printed Plui Co HH After Sale 74.97 sayings, (^icutta, denim or Chino pants. AT THE EARTHS CORE EAST WINDSOR P.O. Phone 649-5491 U S ROUTES D R IV E IN C3 3D/3 Executive Dlih Calvin Coolidge, who invited (]^THEATRES EAST members of Congress to jo a u !»«t «l(5Ua ASXiSt •«>< breakfast meetings at the White house, startled his 684 HMTFORD ROU guests one morning by pour­ i D a iry ing coffee and cream Into his saucer. In confusion, several FOR THE LOVES Q ueen FAMILY DAYS others at the table did the _0FJEIiJI(O) _ same. Without a word, the President placed his saucer on TUES., WED., THURS. ONLY the floor for his dog.

This printing test pattern is part of The Herald quality Sandals and Apparel Not Available in Our Riverside Store. S h o w c a s e control program in order to Totes, Bags, Here’S What give you one of the finest C i n e m a s newspapers in the nation. IMTER8TATe84 Y o u Get... e x r r s e SILVER LANE BIG BRAZIER PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE Corel le® ROBERTS STREET E r to and from EAST HARTFORD FRENCH FRIES Dinnerware s e s - s a i o COKE 20 Pc. Service for 4 BAPQAmiUtnNEES Our Reg. to 27.96 82.80 III 2130PM. CAPE ALL THIS with connecting service to F9R ONLY MARTHA’S VINEYARD LIZ.\ tCEERI COD and N A N T U C K ET • INSULATES MINNELLI DENICt ISLANDS NEVtH KK NEWY( U A handsome starter set In choice • MAINTENANCE FREE UwMAftitts - LEAVE MANCHESTER DAILY AT - Ei'ma'aies peeling cbipp'^q :'dr».nq ous’p''nt' W e've got of pretty, practical patterns ^eluces pamfinq 9:15am 12:15pm 3:45pm 5:45pm that are dishwasher sale. also 8;45pm departure for PRO VID EN CE . EASY TO CLEAN WALT DISNEY nooucfons the tough Opefates wfti rngeftip ease STRAWBERRY one • OTHER MODELS ‘RESCUERS fast, dally trips: Corelle® ALSO AVAILABLE nCHMCOlOR* SHORTCAKE NEW YORK CITY Expression tiiuioulUus n«L Ihr rinl\ 8:30am 10:35am 2:30pm 4:45pm 7:45pm FULL FINANCING AVAILABLE Big mount ol Iroozor frooh Dairy Dinnerware Ihinq Ihri lr(l In lose Quton on top of a Iraah daaart ahall, FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE 20 Pc. Service for 4 tmoUiarad with Iraah Iroxan barriaa, Bonanza offers you many wonderful vacation trip possibilities 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY SUNDAY i toppad oN with D.Q. topping. M-M-M thru scenic New England... and links you with the entire nation Our Reg. 47.96 GOOD. You'll see more, enjoy CALL 529-7443 more - save fuel |COPElANO Reg. and save money. or TOLL FREE GO BO NANZA * latexite 80 in full comfort SUPER-SEAL l-(800)-842-8433 ... it's a great The Super-Tough Freezer-toK)ven-to table and way to travel microwave oven safe. Safe in Driveway Saver your dishwasher, too. Smart, AHWEN INDUSt S e """"" The Other modern colors and designs. 30 Jordan Uine, Wethariliold, Conn. 06)09 HARTFORD ROAD SPEED QUEEN LAUNDRY R««W htio* fOui toll I 0, Tiniulhy today completed 95 perq,e winds could "flare up the huge July 15 at Rockville Raymond F Rob

Mn. Harriet Brogan make memorial gifts to the Mansfield Training School, Solenski of Windsor Locks and Walter Solenski of Coven­ Mrs. Harriet Brogan. 68, formerly of Chestnut St., died Bo* 81, Mansfield Depot, or the Manchester Area try; and two sisters. Mrs. Robert (Esther) Kelley of Obituaries Saturday at a Manchester convalescent home. Conference of Churches. Coventry and Mrs. Andrew (Jane) Nasansky of Mrs. Brogan was born in Springfield, Mass., jnd lived Francis J. McKernan Sr. Mansfield. >irsi. Araxe Egazarian in Manchester for 20 years. She was a licensed practical Francis J. McKeman Sr., 87, of West Haven, husband The funeral is Wednesday at 9:15 a.m. at the Watkins :htipr Eiif Hiug HfralJi Funeral services were held Saturday in Worcester, nurse at Manchester Memorial Hospital for 15 years, of the late Bridget Linehan McKernan, died Sunday at his Funeral Home, 142 E. Center St., with a Mass at 10 a m For Mass . for Mrs. Araxe Egazarian, 72, who died July 20 in retiring four years ago. She was a member of St. James home. at St. Bartholomew’s Church. Burial will be In East her Worcester home. Church. He was the father of Edward J. McKernan of Cemetery. Home Delivery Manchester. She was born in Harpoot, Armenia, and came to to She is survived by two brothers. Charles Hood of Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 7 Phone 647-9946 Worcester in 1922 where she raised her family. Her hus­ Ludlow, Mass., and Elbert Hood of East Longmeadow, Other survivors are 2 other sons, a daughter, a sister, to 9 p.m. band died some years ago. Mass. 27 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren. The family suggests that friends wishing to do so may She leaves a son, Harry Egazarian of East Hartford The funeral is ’Tuesday at 8:15 a.m. from Holmes Mr. McKeman was the retired foreman of car inspec­ make memorial gifts to the American Cancer Society. JULY 25. 1977 two daughters, Mrs, Rose Sachetto of Worcester and Funeral Home, 400 Main St., and at 9 a.m. at St. James tors for the former New York-New Haven-Hartford 237 E. Center St. railroad. Mrs. .Margaret Urbec of Westerlv, R.I., and eight Church. Burial will be in St. Michael’s Cemetery, grandchildren Springfield. The funeral will be Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at Keenan Friends may call at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 Funeral Home, West Haven. A mass of Christian Burial ■W'- Mrs. Sadonia Misovich p.m. will be held at St. Lawrence Church, West Haven, at 10 .m George F. Johnson III a.m., and burial will be in St. Lawrence Cemetery. East Hartford news briefs Mrs. Sadonia Misovich, 85. of 33 Hamlin St., died Sun­ Friends may call at the funeral home ’Tuesday from 3-5 Some residents day at Manchester Memorial Hospital after being George F. Johnson III, 51, of West Hartford, son of p.m. and 7-9 p.m. George Johnson and Helen Cooke Johnson of Manchester, Curnival opens stricken at home. She was the widow of Michael The family suggests that friends wishing to do so may more about the meeting, call Mrs. .Misovich. died Friday at Hartford Hospital. He was the husband of Foes of Seabrook The St. Rose Carnival begins a six- Powell at 289-3282. Mrs. Ethel Gordon Johnson. make memorial gifts to the St. Lawrence Church day run tonight at 6:30 at the church Mrs. .Misovich was born in Czechoslovakia and lived in Building Fund. of Meadow Hill KTt grounds. •Andover several years before moving to Manchester 35 Mr. Johnson was bom in Waterbury and was a lifelong plan new protest Wednesday services years ago. resident of the Hartford area. He was a Navy veteran of Amedee J. Fournier Board meets tonight World War II. The Wednesday evening summer Survivors include a son. Michael Misovich of A m ^ee Joseph Fournier, 80, of 78B Imperial Dr., died The Board of Education will meet service begins at 7 p.m. in the Mary .Manchester: 5 daughters, Mrs. Stephen lErnestine) Other survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Diane Conway Saturday in a local convalescent home CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) - The New Hampshire criticize story -3dfr- tonight at 7:30 at the Penney High of West Hartford and Mrs. Pamela Williamson of New Clamsheli Alliance approved plans Sunday for another and Martha Chapel of First Yaworski, Mrs. Raymond (Mary) Johnson and Mrs. Mr. Fournier was born in Vel Brian, Que., Can and School. Financial matters dominate Congregational Church on Main St. Haven; a brother, Robert A. Johnson of Wethersfield; occupation of the Seabrook nuclear power plant site next Michael (Ann)Hanko, all of Manchester, and Miss ived in Worcester, Mass. 17 years and. East Hartford Some residents of the Meadow Hill haven’t seen one lately. the agenda. The board will hear the The informal service is meant to be a Amelia Misovich and Mrs. Victor (Irene) Boscher, both two sisters. Mrs. (iharles Pinto and Mrs. Margaret Daly, spring. two years, before moving to Manchester six months ago. elderly housing high rise at 101 “The roaches are pretty well request of Mr. and Mrs. Donald family affair and is usually over by of New York City: 10 grandchildren and a great- both of Manchester, and a grandchild. A mass occupation of the site in May lead to the arrest He worked for the Central Maine State Power Co. 35 Connecticut Blvd. in East Hartford licked. The exterminator comes in Hartley of 238 Woodlawn Circle for 7:30 p.m. To learn more, call the TTie funeral is Monday at 9 a.m. at St. James Church, of 1,414 antinuclear protestors and their subsequent in­ grandson. years retiring in 1957. He attended St. Mary’s Church, have taken issue with an article in every Friday. If a tenant sees bus transportation for their child. church at 528-3133. The funeral is Tuesday at 10 a m. at Watkins Funeral Rocky Hill. Burial will be in Rose Hill Memorial Park, East Hartford. carceration for almost two weeks in six national guard The Herald July 6. 'anything, the exterminator will Prospect St. meeting Home, 142 E. Center St., and at 10:30 a m. at Emanuel Rocky Hill. There are no calling hours. Other survivors are a son,'Sylivo A. Fournier of armories. The article included comments and HMO talk tonight spray that apartment. He does six to Residents of the Prospect St. area Lutheran Church Chapel. Burial will be in East The family suggests that friends wishing to do so may Chicago, 111.; three sisters, Mrs. Eulalie Roy of Rumford Clamshell spokesman Paul Gunter of Marlow said the photos of the five directors of the The Health Maintenance Organiza­ 1C a week. will hold a neighborhood meeting Cemetery. make memorial gifts to West Hartford Volunteer Am­ Mmne, Mrs. Odila Derosier of St. Hyacinth, Que., Can ’ group is not planning another mass occupation of the site, East Hartford Housing Authority “As for Mr. Ozimek, whatever he tion (HMO) which plans to build a Friends may call today from 7 to 9 p.m. bulance Association, Raymond Rd., West Hartford. but rather would send 100 persons onto the site “until the Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Com­ 27,000 square foot complex on Ash St. and Dfcs. Bernadette Roy of Simi, Calif, and two which owns and manages the 10-story done, the people here miss him right munity Room of the Raymond .Mary C. Sullivan Rose Hill Funeral Home, 580 Elm St., Rocky Hill, is in grandchildren. point of confrontation.” building built in 1966. All of its 120 now. He certainly did take care of the will be explained tonight at 7 at the charge of arrangements. He said the group would then assume a “non-violent Library on Main St. Town Hall. VERNON — .Mary Catherine Sullivan, 85, formerly of today from Callahan Funeral Home, apartment units are kept filled. A place. The people here really cared It will be the first meeting of the 60 .Mountain St., Rockville section, died Saturday in St. Mrs. Ellen H. O’Hara Mam St., East Hartford, and St. Mary’s Church, posture" and sit down. He said authorities “would then growing list of elderly people are for him." When and if built, the HMO will have to deal with us at that point.” neighbors since other East Hartford serve people of East Hartford and 15 Mary Home, West Hartford. Mrs. Ellen L. Hamel O’Hara, formerly of Hartford, East Hartford. Burial will be in St. Peter and St Paul waiting for vacancies. One irate lady who refused to give neighborhoods began holding such area towns including Manchester, .Miss Suliivan was a lifelong resident of Rockville. She and mother of Mrs. Joseph R. Halloran of Manchester, Cemetery, Lewiston, Maine. Gunter said if the group was not arrested, it would be TTie article also included the com­ her name for fear of being evicted relieved the next day by another 100 people and the cycle session this spring. The meetings Glastonbury, South Windsor, Vernon, was a supervisor at the Travelers Insurance Co. 47 years, died Friday at a local convalescent home. She was the ments and a photo by the authority’s said all the letter’s charges are true. Mrs. John W. Sturgeon would be continued as long as possible. were partly sparked by the Citizens Bolton and Coventry. retiring in 1957. widow of George R. O’Hara. executive director, Nicholas Conditions in Meadow Hill are poor, Mrs. Stella R. Solenski Sturgeon, 64, of 45 Lake! Action Groups. The HMO will offer medical care Survivors include several cousins. Mrs. O’Hara was bom in Springfield, Mass., and lived Gunter said the Clamshell did not want to “intimidate Gtamalis. she said. early today at Manchester Memorial Hospital, the authorities into the use of firehoses, dogs and gas.” Concerns likely to be discussed to families. Payment will be through The funeral is Tuesday at 10 a.m. at St. Mary Home in Hartford most of her life. All six said the authority and all of "For one thing, there are no fire the wife of John W. Sturgeon. Attorney General David Souter has said he would not rule Tuesday are traffic volume, truck the health insurance plans of area Chapel. Burial will be in St. Bernard Cemetery, Other survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Edward L. Cross its 879 apartment units including 549 extinguishers in the incinerator Mrs. Sturgeon was born Nov. 1,1912 in Willimantic and trafic, flooding, sewers, house br- companies. Instead of the company Rockville. of Enfield, 12 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. out the use of such devices if another mass occupation of for the elderly were improved over rooms. They were stolen a long time lived in Manchester for the past 30 years. She was a com­ the site should occur. duks, and the Center School and the employe buying health in­ Molloy Funeral Home, 906 Farmington Ave., West The funeral was today from Farley-Sullivan Funeral two years ago. They said finances ago. municant of St. Bartholomew’s Church. playground, said a resident, Mrs. surance, the same funds would Hartford, is in charge of arrangements. Home with a Mass at St. Augstine’s Church in Hartford. were now much better. Major repair “Now Mr. Ozimek, he may have Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters. Ruth Powell. beome the employe’s dues for family Friends may call at the funeral home Monday from 7 to Burial was in Rose Hill Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. problems were being solved as state stole from the rich,'4)ut he was very Miss Susan R. Sturgeon, at home, and Mrs. Walter All residents are invited. To learn membership in the HMO. 9 p.m. The family suggests that friends wishing to do so may (Ellen) M. Davidson of Torrington; two brothers, Joseph and federal grants came through. good to the poor.” Russell E. Strickland "Things are far from perfect,” Ozimek is now serving a three-year said Clifford Atwell, a longtime resi­ term in federal prison for charges HEBRON — Russell E. Strickland, 55, of 105 Deepwood dent of Meadow Hill. Dr., Amston section, died Friday at Manchester connected to the alleged defrauding East Hartford fire calls Atwell said the large building is not Memoriai Hospital. He was the husband of Mrs. Evelyn of the authority of at least 580,(XK) in kept clean. The incinerator rooms Allshouse Strickland. false billings. Four other employes are messy. East Hartford Sunday, 12:22 a.m, -M edical call to 169 iMr. Strickland was bom in Peekskill, N.Y., and lived in were indicted for fraud. The scandal “Bad help — that’s the trouble, I rocked East Hartford in the fall of Saturday, 9:43 a m. —Medical call to Hollister Dr. the Hebron area more than 40 years. He worked for the A sunny summer face think," Atwell said. 1975. 245 Main St. Sunday, 12:40 a m. -M edical call to 88 New England Tire Co., Columbia. Columbus St. “Things were run better under Mr. The woman who refused to give her Tina D Angelo, 6, of 209 Main St., East Hartford wears a Saturday, 12:36 p.m. -Medical call to He is also survived by two stepsons, Richard Verizzi 51 Flower Lane. Sunday, 12:43 a.m. —Medical call to (Stanley) Ozimek,” Atwell said. “He name admitted she does not know of relaxed smile as she wades in the small pool at Hockanum Park. Park Ave. at Melrose St. and .Mark Verizzi of Hebron: a stepdaughter, Mrs. Gail came around more often. We never Saturday, 12:56 p.m. —Man threatened Timlinsgn of Willimantic; a brother and a sister and nine anyone ever evicted from Meadow (Herald photo by Barlow) to jump from the Founders Bridge into Sunday, 9:20 a.m, —Medical call to 1-84 see anyone now. I wouldn’t know the grandchildren. Hill for any reason. the Connecticut River. He jumped and east of Governor St. new man (Giamalis) if I saw him.” The funeral is Tuesday at 1 p.m. from the Potter Eldridge Benedict, a Meadow Hill then swam to shore. He was not harmed. Sunday, 12:28 p.m. —Defective alarm Atwell said a letter to the editor of at the East Hartford Convalescent Home Funeral Home, 456 Jackson St., Willimantic, and at 1:30 resident with his wife, Elsie, since it Saturday, 1:21 p .m —Medical call to 84 a newspaper last week citing opened, said, “There’s no heaven on Mill Rd. on Main St. p.m. at St. Peter's Church, Hebron. Burial will be in St. East Hartford public records Sunday, 1:06 p.m. —Investigation at the Peter’s Cemetery. problems at Meadow Hill was largely earth. If you want to be a nit picker, Saturday, 2:20 p.m. -Medical call to correct. The letter said the building you can find fault anywhere.’’ 351 Main St. Hockanum School. Friends may call at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 has roaches, rats, and garbage piling Saturday, 2:28 p.m. -Medical call to Sunday, 2:59 p.m. —Medical call to 67 p.m. He said the critics of the authority Woodlawn Circle. up in the basement when a holiday should take their complaints to Warranty ilrriU Robert Buffington et al, property at the'Exxon station at Main St. and Burn­ .Mrs. Eva J. Krawski side Ave. Sunday, 3:24 p m. —Car fire at 499 falls on a Monday. It said the Giamalis or a director. John P. Lukach Jr. et al to Robert 801 Tolland St., conveyance tax of Silver Lane. SOUTH WINDSOR — Mrs. Eva J. Krawski, 59, of 2140 residents of the complex were ‘ ‘up in 847.85. Saturday, 4:08 p.m. —Lockout at 63 “I had to once,” he said. “And it K. Stillwell, property on Andover Prospect St. Sunday, 5:06 p.m. —Medical call to 593 Ellington Rd., died Saturday at Manchester Memorial Anthony S. Paitaris et al to Tina arms” over The Herald’s, article was handled most satisfactorily. Rd., conveyance tax of 867.65. Saturday, 4:35 p.m. —Medical call to 92 Burnside Ave. Hospital. She was the widow of John A. Krawski Sr. which the writer said was “You’ll never hear me complain James Wilson et al to Anthony S, Saretsky, property on Main St., con­ Lafayette Ave. Sunday, 5:16 p.m. —Medical call to 24 Mrs. Krawski was bom in Broad Brook and lived in “ridiculous.” about the housing here. I’ll never Paitaris et al, property on Clune St., veyance tax of 851.70. Saturday, 5:06 p.m. —Medical call to Barbonsel Rd. South Windsor 40 years. She worked for Caidor of The letter was not signed. leave bik feet first. I have a list of conveyance tax of 818.15. Thomas E. Couran Jr. et al to Arbutus St. Sunday, 6:40 p.m. —Medical call to the Manchester, Inc. 10 years. She was a member of St. Robert Whitaker, a Meadow Hill everyone who has ever moved in William E. Scamuzzi to Martin L. Arlene L. Unikewicz, property at 9 Saturday, 5:33 p.m. —Medical call to 86 Ramada Inn on E. River Dr. Margaret Mai7 Church in South Windsor. resident since the building opened, here. TTiose that went out had died. Hainsey, property on Whitney St., Christine Dr., conveyance tax of Ensign St. Sunday, 6:48 p.m. —Dumpster fire at the Seaparks store at 317 Main St. She is survived by two sons, John A. Krawski Jr. of said, “It’s not perfect. There are One did move to California but she conveyance tax of 848.40 845.65. Saturday, 7:59 p.m. -Lockout at 75 Vernon and Bernard J. Krawski of Southboro, Mass.; a apartments here which haven’t been Joseph J. Sparveri et al to Luy King St. Sunday, 7 p.m. —Medical call to Gor­ was soon back and got another apart­ Robert N. Cramer Jr. et al to man Park. daughter, Mrs. Charles Shimanski of Coventry; her Nguyen at al, property on Montclear Saturday, 8:11 p .m —Gas washdown at painted in six years. People are ment with the authority. George H. Pain et al, property on Sunday, 7:04 p.m. —Lockout at 145 Ar­ father, Paul Padelski of South Windsor, a sister, Mrs. mostly hollering about this. Dr., conveyance tax of 852.80. School St. and Park Ave. “You notice none of the critics Timothy Rd., conveyance tax of Saturday, 10:02 p.m. —Medical call to butus St. Eleanor Kearney of Manchester, and five grandchildren. “There were some rafs in the gar­ want to leave. How terrible can it 831.90. Capitol Builders Inc. to Martin K. Sunday, 7:18 p.m. —Medical tcall to 41C The funeral is Tuesday at 9 a m. from Holmes Funeral 830 Park Ave. age. We got rid of them pretty well. I be?” he said. Edward J. Montovani et al to Nevins et al, property on Forest St., Saturday, 10:43 p.m. —Medical call to Racebrook Dr. Home, 400 Main St., Manchester, and at St. Margaret conveyance tax of 859.40. 15 King Court. Sunday, 7:22 p.m. —Medical call to Mary Church at 10 a.m. Burial will be in St. Catherine’s H & J Builders and Developers Inc. Saturday, 11:27 p.m. —Gas washdown Chapel and Ward Sts. Cemetery, Broad Brook. to Ralph A. Gates et al. Lot 20 on at 3 Francis St. Sunday, 10:20 p.m .—Medical call to 200 Friends may call at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 Police report Woodmont Dr., conveyance tax of Sunday, 12:13 a m. -M edical call to 158 Nutmeg Lane. p.m. $55.55. Woodlawn Circle. Today, 9:53 a m. —Outdoor light fixture The family suggests that friends wishing to do so may at the Seaparks store on fire. make memorial gifts to the American Cancer Society. East Hartford Goss allegedly had an argument with his girl friend and Police arrested two young men early Saturday on he broke her jaw and nose, police said. She was taken to Mrs. Mary S. Maziarz several drug related charges. Manchester Memorial Hospital where she was treated VERNON — Mrs. Mary S. Byra Maziarz, 85, of Hart­ and released. ford, died Saturday at Hartford Hospital. She was the Julius C. Easingsky, 21, of 32 Smith Dr., East Hartford, He was being held this morning on $500 surety bond for widow of Joseph Maziarz and the mother of Mrs. was charged with possession of a narcotics substance, appearance in court here today. Josephine Foisie of Rockville. possession of marijuana, and carrying a dangerous Mrs. Maziarz was bora in Poland and lived in Hartford weapon (air pistol) in a motor vehicle. A Chapman St. home was broken into Friday between 8 50 years. She attended Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church, IS THE TIME TO BUY DURING a.m. and 10 p.m. and ransacked. Missing is 8350 worth of Hartford. Brian D. Labbe, 16, of Bear Swamp Rd., Andover, was jewelry. R e tu rn s She is also survived by 7 other children, 19 THIS ONCE k YEAR SALEH arrested with him and charged with conspiracy to Mac s Hot Dog Stand at 344 Silver Lane was entered grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. possess narcotics, to possess marijuana and to carry a through a northeast corner window. Police suspect a The funeral is Tuesday at 9 a.m. from Rose Hill It's back! The once-a-year sale that weapon in a motor vehicle. featuring smart appliance buyers have been wailing lo r... small sized person made the entry. Nothing was taken Funeral Home, 580 Elm St., Rocky Hill, with a Mass at 10 Beacon Machine at 24 Leggett St. was broken into over a m. from Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church. Burial will be Frigidaire Week. Right nqw. prices have been slashed on dependable, top-quality Frigidaire appliances. So come on smart Easinsky was released on a $500 bond for appearance in the weekend. The firm’s vending machines were forced o n S a v in g i^ in Rose Hill Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. appliance buyers, save big— this is your week lor Frigidaire. Common Pleas Court 12 here Aug. 8. Labbe was released open but nothing was inside as the firm has been on vaca­ Friends may cail at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 on his promise to appear the same day. tion. The thief or thieves apparently got mad when they p.m. discovered the machines were empty and they smashed .Mrs. Agenes J. Zelonis 'Ihe arrest followed observations by plainclothes them up, police said. SOUTH WINDSOR — Mrs. Agenes Jucionis Zelonis, 81, FREE police, police said. Effective Yield Annual Rate Type of Account of 695 Main St., died ~Saturday in a local convalescent home. She was the widow of Michael Zelonis. Edward Goss, 19, of 550 Burnside Ave., was arrested 6 Year Certificate, Mrs. Zelonis was born in Lithuania and lived in Hart­ IN THE HOUSE bunday and charged with third-degree assault and third- 8. 17^» $1,000 minimum. ford 30 years before moving to South Windsor in 1940. She SURVEY OF YOURI degree criminal mischief following a 3 a.m. disturbance worked for the J.E. Sheppard Co., for many years, and at nis apartment, police said. attended Holy Trinity Church, Hartford. AIR CONDITIONER [ 4 Year Certificate, 7.90^° ~ 7 ^ $1,000 minimum. The funeral is Tuesday at 8:15 a.m. from Samsel- FPM52T is c o u n t FPCI-170T-7 FCI-20V3 «Electri-clean Oven WD/DEC NEEDS D Bassinger Francis of Assisi Church of South Windsor. Here's another value; A Frigidaire Get 100% Frost-Proof Here's a 20.3 cu. It. Get a 100% Frost-Proof > Automatic Cook- Burial will be in St. Mary’s (Cemetery, Blast Hartford. Frigidaire side-by-side 15.2 cu. ft. Frigidaire re­ washer and dryer pair featuring family- 2Y2 Year Certificate, convenience for less Master Oven Control size washday capacity. Normal and Friends may call at the funeral home today from 3 to 4 during Frigidaire refrigerator-freezer. frigerator that's just 30" $1,000 minimum. It's 100% Frost-Proof wide yet holds up to 166 • Easy-View Surface Gentle wash cycles p'us exclusive 7.08^“ Week. This 17 0 cu. Flowinq Heat lor Iasi, even drying. QUALin and 7 to 9 p.m. ft. Frigidaire Custom and organized from lbs. of frozen foods in the Unit controls top to bottom. Another 4.75 cu. ft. freezer. And Manchest6r Glastonbury Mrs. Caroline O. Anderson Imperial model has a • Digital Clock and full- SERVIGEI 4,75 cu. M. freezer that Frigidaire Week value. ?et it for less, now during 260 No. Main St. Fox Run Mall 1-2 Year Certificate, EAST HARTFORD — Mrs. Caroline Olson Anderson, stores up to 166 lbs. rigidaire Week. width Console Light' GENUINE 6. 81^° $1,000 minimum. 91, of St. Regis St., died Sunday at home. She was the EAST HARTFORD widow of Gustave A. Anderson. AIR CONDITIONERS PARTSI 1150 Burnside Ave. • 801 Silver Lane 3 Month Certificate, Mrs. Anderson was born in Wermeland, Sweden, and $1,000 minimum. had lived in East Hartford 54 years. She attended TIME TO BUY! TIME TO SAVE! 8 ox. 6.00^° Prospect Gospel Chapel, Hartford. RIGHT GUARD Regular Savings Account. Survivors include a son, Carl'G. Anderson of East Hart­ m , PUMP Interest paid day of deposit ford; a daughter, Mrs. Alice C. Globe of East Hartford, REVLON 5.47^» to day of withdrawal. with whom she lived; and six grandchildren and five '—A MHAPLUS AHTI- great-grandchildren. PERSPIRAHT The funeral is Tuesday at 11 a.m. from Newkirk & WI jON SHAMPOO Interest compounded daily and continuously providing the highest 'M lU f • Normal S ctn l A Whitney Funeral Home, 318 Burnside Ave. Burial will be t> u js e \) U Untcented effective annual yield allowed by law. All certificate accounts require in Zion Hill Cemetery. s m m Before you accept someone's • Dry • Oily • TIntad 3 Oz. a substantial penalty in the event of early withdrawal. Friends may call at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 pitch about the joys of owning your R*g. 2.39 p.m. Rag. 82.3S SPECIAL JULY PRICE8I own phone system, let's talk. About The family suggests that friends wishing to do so may make memorial gifts to East Hartford Emergency equipment that can grow as you M.98 2.11 Medical Service, 726 Main St. grow, among other things. Just call Our Own your local telephone business office. FM A LIC T ■HAIRPAINTING Kf I.N .VIKMOKIAM IN MKIVIORIAM Factory Trained Q»lrol prcMfUi halrpalnllntf In loving memory of Charles H. Car- HAM SPRAY Herit^;e Savir^ In loving memory of Charles H. Car- Service Dapt. son who passed away July 25, 1976. son who passed away July 25, 1978. Business tools that talk your language. Qu)efy>ucH Your Satisfaction Ultra It broke our hearts to lose you Each leaf and flower may wither. But you did not go alone The evening tun may set. Guaranteed Ragular & Loan Association • Since 1891 For part of us went with you, But the hearts that loved you dearly, Unaanlad When God called you home. Are the ones that won't forget. I Backed with 50 Years] A million times we've missed you, of Caring A million times we've cried. Sadly missed, B.D. 4 ox. Mam Office 1007 Mam S I. M ancheiltr 649-4586 • K-Mart Office Spencer S I. Mancheiler 649-3007 # Coventry OHice Route 31. U2 732) Its Our Most Tolland Office Rt 195, V.mile south of 1-86. E«>l 99. 072-7387 a Henlage Moneymarltel in Frank t Supermarket. East Middle Turnpike Manchesler If love could have saved you. The Murphy Famdy &SON ESEE' You never would have died. Important Product Southern New England Rag. $1.55 Coming toon Moneymarkel II in Food Mart Manchester Parkade 619 MAIN .STRKKT Reouested by PEARLTKI.. 6t;f.2171 MAN( ill Sil K EST. 1941 Telep h on e Mother, Brothers •1.29 And Sisters (who else?) *3.79