CZECH POLAR REPORTS 5 (1): 33-43, 2015

Reindeer herding and environmental change in the Oymyakon District, Republic

Atsushi Nakada*

Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples, 309-1 Shiomi, Abashiri-shi, Hokkaido 093- 0042, Japan

Abstract The aim of this study is to assess the influence of environmental change on herding in the Oymyakon District in the eastern part of the Sakha Republic. To investigate environmental change and its influence on reindeer herding, semi-structured interviews were conducted at two villages in the Oymyakon District, from February 24th to March 8th, 2013. As a result of the interview, meteorological, topographical, and ecological changes and their influence on general livelihood were evaluated by local residents to a greater or lesser degree. Part of the climatic changes felt by local residents was supported meteorological data set. Generally speaking, local reindeer herders and a manager of reindeer herding enterprise did not think these climatic, topographical and biological impacts were serious problems for reindeer herding. More serious problems, in their consideration, were social and economic difficulties. Judging from these results and the fluctuation of the number of domestic reindeer, even though meteorological variables are gradually changing, serious environmental changes have not generally been noted by local residents as yet. It can be concluded that the environmental changes do not appear to have exerted intense harmful influences on reindeer herding in Oymyakon District so far.

Key words: Semi-structured interview, local residents, climate change, ,

DOI: 10.5817/CPR2015-1-4

——— Received June 30, 2015, accepted July 8, 2015. *Corresponding author: Atsushi Nakada Acknowledgements: I gratefully acknowledge V. D. Ingat’eva, S. I. Boyakova (Institute of the Humanities and the of the North) and I. M. Okhlopkov (Institute for Biological Problems of the Cryolithozone) of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, , for their support and assistance to whole of this study. I also express gratitude towards all the interviewees in Oymyakon District for their acceptance and cooperation. This study was conducted as a part of research project “Global Warming and the Human-Nature Dimension in Siberia” (C-07) (2009–2014) organized by RIHN (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan). 33 A. NAKADA


Climate change in northern areas that arisen that global warming, related climate may be induced by global warming may change, and the indirect effects of these affect not only a whole ecosystem, but also would exert a harmful influence on the the ecology of individual animal and plant physical conditions and ecology of wild species. Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), and domestic reindeer through changes in which may be the most important domestic quality of pasture, availability of forage animal among many northern indigenous (Klein 1991, Weladji et al. 2002). Conse- peoples, is no exception from the rule. To quently, reindeer herding is also affected estimate the influence of environmental by these changes (ACIA 2004, Oskal changes on reindeer herding, a research 2008, Weladji et Holand 2006). was conducted through investigation of the Reindeer herding is undertaken through- perceptions of local residents, fluctuations out the vast area of northern Eurasia, and of meteorological variables, and statistic several studies have been conducted deal- processing of the number of domestic ing with the relationship between reindeer reindeer in the area of Oymyakon District. herding and environmental changes both Reindeer herding has been a way of life broadly and locally (Rees et al. 2003, in the area for about 3 000 years (Vainsh- 2008, Baskin 2005, Forbes et Stammler tein 1980). Recently, approximately 2.5 2009, Klokov 2012, Yoshida 2012). How- million reindeer are herded by nearly ever, in eastern Siberia, such studies are 100,000 people belonging to more than 20 scarce at the moment. ethnic groups in the 9 nations of the To fill the gap in general knowledge on circumpolar region (Oskal et al. 2009). It the likely impact of ongoing environ- is an important subsistence activity for mental changes on reindeer herding, field indigenous peoples living in northern research was conducted in the Oymyakon Eurasia, not only economically for meat District, Sakha Republic in eastern Siberia. production (Baskin 2000, Jernsletten et The aim of this paper was to estimate the Klokov 2002, Klokov 2012) but also cul- influence of environmental change on rein- turally. Reindeer herding helps indigenous deer herding through the perception of people to preserve their traditional way of local residents, in reference to the fluctu- life (Ulvevadet et Klokov 2004, Muller- ation of climatic variables and statistical Wille et al. 2006, Oskal et al. 2009). data on the numbers of domestic reindeer. In recent years some concerns have

Material and Methods

Research was performed in Oymyakon occurred in this district; −71.2°C, mean air District, situated in the eastern part of the temperature is from −41 to −51°C in Sakha Republic (Fig. 1). The gross area of January and from +8 to +19°C in July, and the district is 92 000 km2, and a greater mean annual precipitation is from approxi- part of the district is mountainous. The mately 150 mm – 200 mm in the valley River runs through its central region and approximately 600 mm in the part. Oymyakon District is well known for mountain region (Government of Sakha being severely cold in winter, having won Republic (Yakutia) and the Institute of the name “pole of coldness” (poljus Human Studies, Academy of Science, kholoda). The coldest air temperatures Sakha Republic (Yakutia) 2007). Vege- ever recorded in the northern hemisphere tation cover of the Oymyakon District is

34 REINDEER HERDERS AND CLIMATE CHANGE categorized as a mountainous stony desert, and its influence on reindeer herding, tundra and a near-tundra sparse wood semi-structured interviews with local resi- types. Throughout the area, sparse forests dents were conducted, using open-ended of northern mountain larch prevail, questions, at Uchugei and Sordnnokh composed of Larix cajanderi and L. (Orto-Balagan) Village in Oymyakon Dis- gmelinii, and, as the altitude increases, trict from February 24th to March, 8th, these forests are replaced by the shrub- 2013. The Uchugei settlement is situated beries formed mainly by Pinus pumila and in the southwestern part of the district and mountain tundra, stony and rubbly scree, Sordnnokh is located approximately 100km and detritus (Kuznetsova et al. 2010). east of it. Interviews addressed, among The district has a population of 14 700, other things, background of interviewees, including populations of the following their subjective perceptions of changes in ethnic groups: Russian (56.8%), Sakha meteorological variables (air temperature, (22.8%), Ukrainian (10.2%), Even (2.7%), precipitation, and extreme events), topo- Evenki (0.4%), and others (7.1%) (Gov- graphical features (landslide, subsidence, ernment of Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and flood, flow path), and fauna and flora, over the Institute of Human Studies, Academy about the last 20 years in the nearby area of Science, Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in particular. In addition, current problems 2007). There are 14 787 heads of domestic of their general livelihoods, including sub- reindeer, 72 reindeer herders and 26 tent sistence activities besides reindeer herding workers in the district (Osipova et al. such as hunting, fishing, and gathering 2010). were investigated as well. To investigate environmental change

Fig. 1. Map of the study site.


Furthermore, for supplementary work, annual and monthly averages were calcu- two indicators were focused on, namely lated for the period 1960–2010. Data were (1) fluctuations of meteorological varia- then surveyed and inspected transition bles and (2) statistical data of domestic according to season: spring (March, April, reindeer numbers. These were examined May), summer (June, July, August), au- individually, and relationships and inter- tumn (September, October, November), actions with interviews of inhabitants were and winter (December, January, February). considered. The fluctuation of numbers of domestic Climate change was estimated by the reindeer in the entire Sakha Republic and fluctuations of meteorological variables Oymyakon District from 1980 to 2010 (as (mean daily temperature and daily precipi- presented by the Ministry of Agriculture of tation) in Oymyakon District from 1960 to Sakha Republic, Osipova et al. 2010) were 2010. Data sets were acquired from examined to confirm the trend and a de- NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmos- gree of reindeer herding success in the dis- pheric Administration). From the data sets, trict.


Semi-structured Interviews

Six local residents were interviewed, mental changes in the area to a greater or being males from 25 to 68 years old (see lesser extent. Recognition of changes in air Table 1). Four of them were of the Even temperature had been noted by four ethnicity; the other were Sakha. Five were interviewees (B, D, E. F), who all registered as residents of Uchugei, and recognized warming in summer; three of three of them were reindeer herders (A, B, them (D, E, F) were also aware of cooling F), who spent most of their life time close in winter. As to precipitation, two inter- to pasture with reindeer herds, away from viewees (B, D) said rain was increasing in the village center. The herders worked at a summer; however E said precipitation was reindeer herding enterprise in Uchugei, decreasing but that rain tended to be heavy and F also worked at a “clan-community”, when it occurred. Three interviewees (B, a small-scale organization formed by mi- C, and F) said snow was tending to nority relatives. D was a manager of the decrease in winter. Two (A, C) said there reindeer herding enterprise, and basically a had been no climatic changes. resident at the village center. E worked as With regard to topographical features, a painter and a tour guide, usually staying five were aware of some kinds of change at Uchugei in summer, and living in (all except C). Of them four (A, B, D, F) Yakutsk, the capital of the republic, in recognized increases in number of floods. winter. C worked as a horse herder at Furthermore B added that the number of Sordnnokh village, usually staying at an ponds and streams were increasing; B and isolated cabin near pasture from April to D said there were many changes in flow September, and living at the center of the paths, and D had also noticed increasing village in winter. The individual interview landslides. Meanwhile E perceived a re- took from 30 minutes to 1 hour. duction in the size of lakes. All interviewees were aware of environ-


Age Sex Ethnicity Residence Occupation A 25 M Even Uchugei Reindeer Herder B 56 M Even Uchugei Reindeer Herder C 57 M Even Sordnnokh Horse Herder D 49 M Sakha Uchugei Manager of Reindeer Herding Enterprise E 53 M Sakha Uchugei Painter / Guide F 68 M Even Uchugei Reindeer Herder

Table 1. Interviewees for Semi-structured Interview.

As to fauna and flora, all interviewees ges of flow paths (B). B also stated that perceived changes. Three (D, E, F) stated pastures were damaged because reindeer that numbers of wolves were increasing, was habitually herded in same locations. and two of them (D, F) also noted an in- D stated that there had been an increase of crease in numbers of bears. Five inter- predation by wolves and bears. However, viewees (all except F) noticed new bird overall they did not recognize a serious species to the area (a species of gull, some impact from environmental changes on species of duck, hazel grouse) and animals their general livelihood and reindeer herd- (minks, otters, and sables). F said that ing at present. However, the serious chal- some fish, such as grayling and Dolly lenges for reindeer herding as perceived by Varden trout, parasitic flies, and mosqui- them were as follows: (1) a relatively low toes were decreasing. With regard to flora, salary for herders (A, B), (2) the difficulty E noticed that young trees were growing in of the transportation of commodities to re- formerly bare land. mote camp sites (B), and (3) a shortage of As to general livelihood, two reindeer young workers for reindeer herding, as herders (A, B) and the manager of the youth are moving to bigger cities (D). C, reindeer herding enterprise (D) recognized E, and F, however, stated that there were several problems. Pastures were thought to no serious challenges to their livelihoods. have decreased due to floods (A) and chan-

Fluctuation of Meteorological Variables

Meteorological data sets indicated that ency to increase in spring, summer, and in spite of the fact that annual and seasonal autumn, but decrease in winter (Fig. 2). average temperatures fluctuated, the an- With regard to precipitation, annual and all nual average temperature did not indicate seasonal averages gradually increasing in transition of increase or decrease. Average Oymyakon (Fig. 3). seasonal temperatures have shown a tend-


Fig. 2. Annual and Seasonal Variation of Average Temperature in Oymyakon District (1960- 2010). Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Number of Domestic Reindeer

Statistical data showed that numbers of From 2006, the numbers steadily re- domestic reindeer in Oymyakon District covered, reaching 14 787 head in 2010 were relatively stable until 1994. The maxi- (75.1%) - Fig. 4. From this data, it seems mum number of domestic reindeer in this that environmental changes have not had period was 19 684 heads in 1988. After serious negative effects on reindeer herd- this period, the number decreased sharply, ing in Oymyakon District, as in the entire reaching a minimum of 7 858 head in 2005 Sakha Republic, at least in recent years. (i.e. 39.9% of maximum).


Fig. 3. Annual and Seasonal Variation of Average Precipitation in Oymyakon District (1960- 2010). Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


In this study, meteorological, topo- and three of them noticed cooling in graphical, ecological changes and their in- winter. Meteorological data showed that fluence on the livelihood of local resi- air temperature fluctuated, gradually in- dents, especially the livelihood of reindeer creasing in spring, summer, and autumn herders, were examined in the Oymyakon but decreasing in winter over the past 50 District. Some of these changes have been years (1960 – 2010, see Fig. 2). Thus, the recognized by local residents to a greater climatic changes felt by these local res- or lesser degree. idents were supported by the meteorologi- As to air temperature, four of the inter- cal data set. viewees recognized warming in summer,


Fig. 4. Reindeer Number in Sakha Republic and Oymyakon District (1980-2010). Source: Ministry of Agriculture of Sakha Republic (Osipova et al. 2010).

Regarding precipitation, two interview- of ponds and streams, changes of flow ees perceived increasing rain in summer, paths, and reduction of lake sizes. There is and three stated they had noted decreasing some possibility that these changes have snow in winter. According to meteorologi- been caused by increasing precipitation cal records precipitation actually increased however, a cause-effect approach cannot in all seasons over the past 50 years (see be applied because more detailed climatic Fig. 3). However, as per data limited to a and hydrological data are missing. recent decade (2001–2010), precipitation Some faunal and floral changes were during all seasons has been decreasing. also recognized. As three interviewees said This recent tendency might have affected that numbers of wolves increased, the the impression of the interviewees of re- cause seems to be a decrease in the amount duced snowfall. As snow, different from of time to rid of wolves, as some of inter- rain, remains on the surface of the land viewees stated. However, this and other and accumulates from autumn to spring, faunal and floral changes may be influ- the impression of snowfall might be more enced by environmental change as well. vivid than that of rain. For example, American mink seems to be As to topographic changes, four of the ordinarily distributed in the southwestern interviewees perceived an increase in part of the Sakha republic (Sidorov 2014). floods, and two of them expressed a per- If it inhabits parts of the Oymyakon Dis- ception of another change in water cycle trict, its distribution might change to east- as well, namely an increase in the number ward.


As to current general challenges to ing reindeer. Therefore, they are reported livelihood, reindeer herders and a manager to be a major difficulty for reindeer herd- of the enterprise recognized several chal- ing (Oskal 2008, Oskal et al. 2009). How- lenges for reindeer herding. However, ever, in the Oymyakon District, air tem- judging from the fluctuation of the num- perature has not been increasing in winter, bers of domestic reindeer, reindeer herding remaining around or below -40°C. It in the Oymyakon District seems to be seems, as a result, that ice layers do not managed successfully, at least in recent tend to form in the snow in the district. years. It has been pointed out that the over- Two herders have recognized damage whelming influence of social and eco- to pastures from floods, change of flow nomic circumstances may prevail slight paths, and overgrazing in fixed areas. In changes in the natural environment per- addition, an increase in number of ponds ceived by indigenous people. Previous stud- and streams may have caused a reduction ies indicated that socioeconomic circum- of pasture area and, consequently, changes stances have played an important role in in migration routes between pastures. reindeer herding in northern and However, since the actual number of rein- Russia (Tyler et al. 2007, Rees et al. 2008, deer (14 787 heads) is slightly less than the Forbes et Stammler 2009, Klokov 2012). full capacity of Oymyakon District (15 In the case of Russia, reindeer herding 300 heads) (Osipova et al. 2010), short- passed dramatic changes after the founda- ages of pasture seem not to have devel- tion of the USSR in the early 1930-ies. At oped as a serious problem for reindeer that time, a large-scale collectivization of herding in the district. However, since a private livestock into public ownership herder stated that some pasture has been was underway and many domestic rein- damaged by overgrazing in fixed areas, deer were lost in this process. The number good pasture may become insufficient in of domestic reindeer has increased after the future. this time, it reached a maximum from Generally speaking, it seems that local 1960 to 1990. In the period from 1990 to reindeer herders and a herding-enterprise and 2000, the number of domestic reindeer manager did not see the above-specified decreased dramatically thanks to collapse environmental impacts as serious difficul- of Soviet regime, and consequent social ties for reindeer herding. They considered and economic changes. After the develop- that more serious challenges were posed ment of the market economy and the by social and economic difficulties, such resumption of support, the number of rein- as the low salaries of reindeer herders, the deer has been gradually recovering. Simi- difficulty of transportation to remote camp larly, in this study, although local reindeer sites, and the shortage of young workers. herders and the manager felt some impact According to available data, and the fact of environmental changes on reindeer herd- that meteorological variables have gradu- ing, they consider that social and eco- ally been changing, serious environmental nomic challenges have been more serious. impacts have not generally been recog- However, in contradiction to the results nized by local residents. The interviewees of this study, it seems that environmental also have not exerted an intense harmful changes exert a harmful influence on rein- influence on reindeer herding in the Oy- deer herding in a general way, even at myakon District. Kobyai District in the central part of Sakha A possible cause of this seems to be the Republic (Yoshida 2012). To evaluate the extremely cold climate in this region. Ice influence of environmental variables and layers formed in the snow may limit and/ other factors on reindeer herding, and ex- or block an access to winter food for graz- amine different situations in different are-

41 A. NAKADA as, however, more comprehensive and de- tive studies in different areas are required. tailed studies in this district and compara-


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