Index to AAPS News, August, 1986-December, 2006
Index to AAPS News, August, 1986-December, 2006 100 Years of Market Distortions 7/06,1 AAPS v. Clinton 3/99,1 Abschöpfung 6/01,2 3M and medical procedure codes 3/01,2 AAPS v. Clinton 1/99,3 abuse, legal def. 9/00,2 AAFP 1/94,2; 4/94,2 AAPS-PAC 1/94,3 Acadiana Coalition 1/95,2 AAFP 10/00,2 AAPS-PAC report 3/00,2 access, "right" to 4/92,2 AAFP 2/02,2 Aaron, Henry 1/96,3 access and mandatory assign. 12/90,4 AAFP 2/01,3 Aaron, Henry 3/06,1 access problems 7/03,S2 AAFP, stand on universal coverage 10/99,2 AARP 11/97,1,S2 access to courts 4/92,1 AAN on right to die 12/03,1 AARP 5/98,S2 access under single payer 3/00,2 AAP 1/94,2 AARP 5/02,S1 Access and Choice Act 12/99,S1 AAP 10/00,2 AARP 5/95,S2 ACCESS Procedures Manual 3/96,3 AAP vaccine refusal form 4/06,2 AARP 5/90,1; 10/92,S1 accident insurance 8/98,4 AAPS associate membership 9/93,4 AARP 5/02,4 accountability 9/98,1 AAPS Medicare survey 1999 10/99,2 AARP 6/01,S2 accountability of federal agents 7/02,3 AAPS Non-Participation Policy 3/03,1 AARP 6/99,S1 accountability v. autonomy 1/06,2 AAPS Nonparticipation Policy 4/95,3 AARP 7/02,2,4 accountable health organizations 3/99,2 AAPS Patients' Bill of Rights 1/98,1 AARP 8/95,S1 Accountable Health Plans 2/93,1 AAPS survey, Arizona physicians on managed care AARP 9/94,3 Accountable Health Partnerships 8/92,S2 5/97,2 AARP and private contracting 4/98,S4 accounting, government 9/02,1 AAPS testimony 5/93,2 AARP and private contracts 12/97,S1 accreditation and AMA 9/96,1 AAPS v Clinton 5/03,1 AARP prescription drug benefit 4/02,S2 Accreditation Council
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