B'TSELEM ®Æ¯ÆÚ©†ÌÈÁˢ·†Ì„‡‰†˙ÂÈÂÎÊφÈχ¯˘È‰†Ú„ÈÓ‰†Êίӆ≠†Ìψ· B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories Information Sheet May 2005 ®Æ¯ÆÚ©†ÌÈÁˢ·†Ì„‡‰†˙ÂÈÂÎÊφÈχ¯˘È‰†Ú„ÈÓ‰†ÊίӆÌψ· B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È†®˙ÈÚÈ·¯†‰Ó˜©†∏†‰È˘Ú˙‰†·ÂÁ¯ π±µ≥±†ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È†µ≥±≥≤†Æ„Æ˙ ∞≤≠∂∑¥π±±±†∫Ò˜Ù†¨∞≤≠∂∑≥µµππ†∫ÔÂÙÏË 8 Hata'asiya St. (4th Floor) Talpiot, Jerusalem P.O.Box 53132 Jerusalem 91531 Tel: 02-6735599 Fax: 02-6749111
[email protected] www.btselem.org Take No Prisoners The Fatal Shooting of Palestinians by Israeli Security Forces during “Arrest Operations” Researched and written by Ronen Shnayderman Data coordination by Suhair ’Abdi, Antigona Ashkar, Shlomi Swissa, Sohad Sakalla Fieldwork by ’Atef Abu a-Rob, Salma Deba’i, Musa Abu Hashhash Translated by Shaul Vardi Edited by Zvi Shulman Cover photo: IDF soldier training (Uriel Sinai, Reuters) ISSN 0792-8114 B’TSELEM Information Sheet May 2005 Take No Prisoners The Fatal Shooting of Palestinians by Israeli Security Forces during “Arrest Operations” B’TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories was founded in 1989 by a group of lawyers, authors, academics, journalists, and Members of Knesset. B’Tselem documents human rights abuses in the Occupied Territories and brings them to the attention of policymakers and the general public. Its data are based on independent fieldwork and research, official sources, the media, and data from Palestinian and Israeli human rights organizations.