
Vertebrate scavenger receptor class B member 2 (SCARB2): comparative studies of a major lysosomal membrane glycoprotein

Roger S Holmes School of Biomolecular and Physical Sciences, Griffith University, Nathan, QLD, Australia Received on April 5, 2012; Accepted on May 24, 2012; Published on June 16, 2012 Correspondence should be addressed to Roger S Holmes; Phone: +61 7 37355077, Fax: +61 7 37357773, E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Scavenger receptor class B member 2 (SCARB2) (also and conserved predicted secondary structures were called LIMP-2, CD36L2 or LGP85) is a major ly- examined, including cytoplasmic, transmembrane and sosomal membrane glycoprotein involved in en- external lysosomal membrane sequences: cysteine di- dosomal and lysosomal biogenesis and maintenance. sulfide residues, thrombospondin (THP1) binding sites SCARB2 acts as a receptor for the lysosomal mannose and 16 proline and 20 glycine conserved residues, -6-phosphate independent targeting of β-glucuronidase which may contribute to short loop formation within and 71 and influences Parkinson’s disease the exomembrane SCARB2 sequences. Vertebrate and epilepsy. Genetic deficiency of this causes SCARB2 contained 12 coding exons. The human deafness and peripheral neuropathy in mice as well as SCARB2 contained a CpG island (CpG100), ten myoclonic epilepsy and nephrotic syndrome in hu- microRNA-binding sites and several transcription fac- mans. Comparative SCARB2 sequences tor binding sites (including PPARA) which may con- and structures and SCARB2 gene locations were exam- tribute to a higher level (2.4 times average) of gene ined using data from several vertebrate genome pro- expression. Phylogenetic analyses examined the rela- jects. Vertebrate SCARB2 sequences shared 43-100% tionships and potential evolutionary origins of the ver- identity as compared with 30-36% sequence identities tebrate SCARB2 gene with vertebrate SCARB1 and with other CD36-like superfamily members, SCARB1 CD36 genes. These suggested that SCARB2 originated and CD36. At least 10 N-glycosylation sites were con- from duplications of the CD36 gene in an ancestral served among most vertebrate SCARB2 ex- genome forming three vertebrate CD36 gene family amined. Sequence alignments, key amino acid residues members: SCARB1, SCARB2 and CD36.

Introduction ficking and macrophage activation (Carrasco-Marin et al. 2011). SCARB2 also serves as a lysosomal mem- Scavenger receptor class B member 2 (SCARB2) [also brane surface receptor of thrombospondins and other called SRB2, lysosomal membrane glycoprotein 2 lipids (Tserentsoodol et al. 2006), mannose-6- (LIMP-2), cluster of differentiation 36 like-2 phosphate independent targeting of β-glucuronidase (CD36L2) or lysosomal glycoprotein 85 (LGP85)] is (Blanz et al. 2010, Reczek et al. 2007, Sleat et al. one of at least three members of the collagen type 1 2006, Velayti et al. 2011) and enterovirus 71 (involved receptor (thrombospondin) CD36-like family that is an in the pathogenesis of hand, foot and mouth disease) integrated lysosomal and endosomal membrane protein (HFMD) (Lin et al. 2012, Yamayoshi et al. 2009, Ya- of many tissues and cells of the body (Calvo et al. mayoshi & Koike 2011). In addition to HFMD, 1995, Fujita et al. 1992, Ogata et al. 1994, Tabuchi et SCARB2 has been implicated in diseases such as car- al. 1997). SCARB2 plays a major role in lysosomal diac myocyte hypertrophy (Schroen et al. 2007) and and endosomal membrane organization (Gamp et al. progressive myoclonus epilepsy and renal failure syn- 2003, Kuronita et al. 2002), cytosolic protein turnover drome (Berkovic et al. 2008, Chaves et al. 2011, (Roszek & Gniot-Szulzycka 2005), phagosomal traf- Hopfner et al. 2011, Rubboli et al. 2011) and has been

Journal of Molecular Biochemistry (2012) 1, 99-115 © The Author(s) 2012. Published by Lorem Ipsum Press. 100 Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012 recognized as a candidate gene for autism (Ilu et al. and segmental glomerular sclerosis (FSGS) and myo- 2010) and Parkinson’s disease (Do et al. 2011, Miche- clonic epilepsy (Balreira et al. 2008, Berkovic et al. lakakis et al. 2012). 2008, Chaves et al. 2011, Desmond et al. 2011, Dib- SCARB1 (also called CLA1, SRB1 and bens et al. 2011, Hopfner et al. 2011, Rubboli et al. CD36L1) is a second member of the CD36 family that 2011). serves as a homo-oligomeric plasma membrane cell This paper reports the predicted gene struc- surface glycoprotein receptor for high density lipopro- tures and amino acid sequences for several vertebrate tein cholesterol (HDL), other phospholipid ligands and SCARB2 genes and proteins, the secondary structures chylomicron remnants (Acton et al. 1996, Bultel- for vertebrate SCARB2 proteins, several potential sites Brienne et al. 2002, Connelly et al. 2004, Holmes and for regulating human SCARB2 and the Cox 2012, Kent & Stylianou 2011, Marsche et al. structural, phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships 2003). A third member of the CD36 family, CD36 for these genes and enzymes with those for vertebrate (also called SCARB3, fatty acyltranslocase [FAT] and SCARB2, SCARB1 and CD36 gene families. glycoprotein 88 [GP88]) is an integral membrane pro- tein of many tissues of the body which plays a role in Materials and Methods fatty acyl translocation and as a multiple ligand cell surface receptor of oxidized low density lipoprotein Vertebrate SCARB2 gene and protein identification cholesterol (LDL) (Martin et al. 2007, Tandon et al. BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) studies 1989), and has been implicated in several diseases in- were undertaken using web tools from the National cluding insulin resistance, diabetes, atherosclerosis and Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) (http:// malaria (Adachi & Tsujimoto 2006, Collot-Teixeira et (Altschul et al. 1997). al. 2007, Gautum & Banerjee 2011, Martin et al. 2007, Protein BLAST analyses used human and mouse Ren 2012, Simantov & Silverstein 2003). SCARB2 amino acid sequences previously described The gene encoding human SCARB2 (Fujita et al. 1992, Ogata et al. 1994, Calvo et al. (SCARB2) is on 4, encoded by 12 coding 1995, Tabuchi et al. 1997) (Table 1). Non-redundant exons (Calvo et al. 1995) and localized between the protein sequence databases for several vertebrate ge- genes encoding nucleoporin (NUP54) and protein fam- nomes were examined using the blastp algorithm from ily 47 (FAM47E) (Kent et al. 2003). In addition, sources previously described (Holmes 2012). This pro- SCARB2 has been assigned to chromosome 8 in pigs cedure produced multiple BLAST ‘hits’ for each of the (Kim et al. 2006) and to chromosome 5 in mice, but protein databases which were individually examined designated as Scarb2 in the latter genome (Tabuchi et and retained in FASTA format, and a record kept of al. 1997). SCARB2 is ubiquitously expressed in vari- the sequences for predicted mRNAs and encoded ous cells and tissues of the body, including SCARB2-like proteins. Predicted SCARB2-like pro- glomerular tubules (Berkovic et al. 2008, Desmond et tein sequences were obtained in each case and sub- al. 2011), (Tabuchi et al. 1997, Zhang et al. jected to analyses of predicted protein and gene struc- 2007), retinal ganglia and photoreceptor outer seg- tures. ments (Tserentsoodol et al. 2006), ureter epithelial BLAT (Blast-like Alignment Tool) analyses cells (Gamp et al. 2003), metastatic islet cells were subsequently undertaken for each of the predicted (Fujita et al. 1992), the cardiac SCARB2 amino acid sequences using the UC Santa (Schroen et al. 2007) and phagocytes (Carrasco-Marin Cruz Genome Browser (Kent et al. 2003) with the de- et al. 2011). Studies of Scarb2¯/Scarb2¯ knock out fault settings to obtain the predicted locations for each mice have shown that SCARB2-deficiency causes of the vertebrate SCARB2 genes, including predicted ureteric pelvic junction obstruction, deafness and pe- exon boundary locations and gene sizes. BLAT analy- ripheral neuropathy (Gamp et al. 2003), renal tubular ses were similarly undertaken for vertebrate SCARB1 proteinuria (Desmond et al. 2011), an inability to and CD36 genes using previously reported sequences mount a hypertrophic response to increased blood in each case (see Table 1; Holmes & Cox 2012). pressure, due to the absence of SCARB2 in the cardiac Structures for human SCARB2, mouse Scarb2 and rat intercalated disc (Schroen et al. 2007) and macrophage Scarb2 transcripts were obtained using the AceView -related defects in immunity to infection (Carrasco- website to examine predicted gene and protein struc- Marin et al. 2011). Human clinical studies have also tures (Thierry-Mieg & Thierry-Mieg 2006). Predic- examined SCARB2 polymorphisms associated with tions for human, mouse and rat SCARB2 CpG islands, diseases causing mutations of β- miRNA binding sites and transcription factor binding binding, which is defective in Gaucher disease (Blanz sites were obtained using the UC Santa Cruz Genome et al. 2010, Velayati et al. 2011); and collapsing focal Browser (Kent et al. 2003).

Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012 101


% %

35 35 34 35 34 35 36 34 34 34 35 33 35 33 33 35 33

with with




% %

99 99 97 85 86 87 88 86 88 90 87 59 53 54 43

100 100

with with




% %

34 34 33 33 32 32 32 32 33 31 34 34 33 30 33 31 31

bl genome database http://

with with




fers fers to unknown chromosome; bps



na na na na na na na na na na na na na na

3.2 3.6 1.0




ities are bold.shown in



54,290 54,309 54,331 54,281 54,215 54,044 54,091 54,059 53,985 54,015 54,015 53,588 53,981 53,907 53,969 54,586 60,234



50,316 50,633 51,475 50,755 61,905 59,005 51,485 76,296 81,748 51,593 66,802 63,131 76,011 18,353 23,701 32,825 13,354

Size bps

ve) ve) ve) ve) ve) ve) ve) ve)



12 ( 12 ( 12 ( 12 ( 12 ( 12 ( 12 ( 12 (


(strand) 12 (+ve) 12 (+ve) 12 (+ve) 12 (+ve) 12 (+ve) 12 (+ve) 12 (+ve) 12 (+ve) 13 (+ve)

- - - -



like proteins (see; Un







3,808,324 74233068

77,134,696 77,135,377 79,555,051 54,329,383 92,934,334 17,168,942 92,879,565 61,335,361 21,106,415 51,429,620 63,955,449

118,533,432 146,901,887


4:77,084,378 4:77,134,567 4:79,503,577 5:53,378,629 5:92,875,330 6:92,797,818 32:3,756,732 8:61,268,560 15:74169938 4:51,411,268

5: 63,942,096

3:118,471,528 14:17,119,648 30:21,030,405 5:146,878,187




478 478 478 478 478 478 478 478 478 478 478 478 478 481 482 483 474



na na na na na na














Prot IDs for individual CD36


na na na na na na na na na na




BC029073 BC061853 BC149935 BC171025 BC162407


RefSeq ID

Vertebrate SCARB2, SCARB1 and CD36and Genes Proteins. RefSeq: referencethe ac amino acid¹predicted sequence; amino Ensembl

NM_005506 NM_007644 NM_054001


¹XP_517214.2 ¹XP_535612.4


¹Ensembl/NCBI ¹Ensembl/NCBI

¹XP_002814942.1 ¹XP_001096458.1 ¹XP_002745738.1 ¹XP_002924780.1 ¹XP_002717150.1 ¹XP_003414189.1 ¹XP_003221897.1

NM_001102153.1 NM_001244155.1 NM_001016577.2

Anolis Anolis

Rattus Rattus










Bos taurus Bos



Danio rerio Danio


Pongo abelii



Gallus gallus Gallus

Homo sapiens Homo



Canis Canis familaris

Macaca mulatta

not not available; GenBank IDs are derived NCBI; Ensembl ID was derived from Ensem









Mouse Rabbit









Table 1 (continued on page 4). sequence; na ; UNIPROT refers to UniprotKB/Swiss refers to base pairs nucleotideof the sequences; number codingof exons are listed; expressiongene levels are bold; in % id SCARB2 Gene SCARB2 Gene

102 Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012

31 29 31 30 83 61 53 35 31 24 26



human human

% Iden- %

tity withtity

29 29 28 28 30 31 32 31 35 33 26 23

human human

% Iden- %

tity withtity


79 57 51 31 30 30 31 34 26 21 20


human human

% Iden- %

tity withtity


na na na na na na na

5.1 6.6 4.2 4.6



pression pression

Gene Ex-Gene


56,973 56,754 55,918 55,742 53,053 52,698 52,624 51,590 54,141 58,009 60,182 58,663

Subunit Subunit

Gene Gene

8,849 1,542 3,118

81,035 63,985 15,901 45,684 72,231 43,170 30,108 12,513 #2,511

Size bps bps Size

ve) ve) ve) ve) ve) ve)

ve) ve)


- -


1 ( 6 (

8 (+ve)

Coding Coding

12 ( 12 ( 12 ( 12 ( 12 ( 12 (

(strand) 12 (+ve) 12 (+ve) 12 (+ve)




- - - -

- - - - -

location location

4,558,954 2,873,903

21,572,478 80,303,732 17,334,712 12,107,415 21,606,961 12,456,726 20,867,116

125,348,266 125,821,252 534,343,082

15:4,543,054 7:80,275,645 5:17,291,543 1:12,077,308 4:21,594,449

Chromosome Chromosome

5:125,761,478 11:21,526,513 09p:2,872,362 III:12,453,609




509 509 503 496 472 472 471 465 480 523 534 520

acids acids

Amino Amino

na na na na



Q61009 Q08857







na na na na na


GenBank GenBank


BC022087 BC004656 BC044516 BC008406 BC010262 BC076048




NM_198121 NM_067224

sembl/NCBI sembl/NCBI

RefSeq ID ID ¹En- RefSeq




¹XP_002609178.1 ¹XP_002127015.1

NM_001205082.1 NM_001159555.1



Species Species


Drosophila Drosophila

Danio rerio Danio rerio

Gallusgallus Gallusgallus


Ciona intesti-

Homo sapiens musculus Mus Homo sapiens musculus Mus


Caenorhabditis Caenorhabditis

Mouse Mouse

Human Human

Chicken Chicken

Fruit fly Fruit


Zebrafish Zebrafish

Sea squirt Sea


CD36 Gene

Table1 (continued from previous page). SCARB1 Gene Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012 103

Predicted Structures and Properties of Vertebrate expression levels. SCARB2 and other CD36-like Proteins Predicted secondary structures for vertebrate SCARB2 Phylogeny Studies and Sequence Divergence proteins, human SCARB1 and CD36, lancelet Alignments of vertebrate SCARB2, SCARB1 and (Branchiostoma floridae) CD36, sea squirt (Ciona in- CD36 sequences were assembled using BioEdit v.5.0.1 testinalis) CD36 and a fruit fly (Drosophila using the default settings (Hall 1999). Alignment of melanogaster) epithelial membrane protein ambiguous regions, including the amino and carboxyl (FBpp0072309) were obtained using the PSIPRED termini, were excluded prior to phylogenetic analysis, v2.5 web site tools provided by Brunel University yielding alignments of 431 residues for comparisons of (McGuffin et al. 2000). Molecular weights, N- vertebrate SCARB2 sequences with human, mouse, glycosylation sites (Gupta & Brunak 2002) and pre- chicken and zebra-fish SCARB1 and CD36 sequences dicted transmembrane, cytosolic and exocellular se- with the lancelet (Branchiostoma floridae) CD36 se- quences for vertebrate SCARB2 proteins were ob- quence (Table 1). Evolutionary distances and phyloge- tained using Expasy web tools ( netic trees were calculated as previously described tools/pi_tool.html). (Holmes 2012). Tree topology was reexamined by the boot-strap method (100 bootstraps were applied) of Comparative Human SCARB2 and Mouse Scarb2 resampling and only values that were highly signifi- Gene Expression cant (≥95) are shown (Felsenstein 1985). The genome browser ( (Kent et al. 2003) was used to examine GNF Expression Atlas Results and Discussion 2 data using various expression chips for human SCARB2 and mouse Scarb2 genes, respectively (Su et Alignments of Vertebrate SCARB2 Amino Acid al. 2004) ( Gene array expression Sequences ‘heat maps’ were examined for comparative gene ex- The deduced amino acid sequences for cow (Co) (Bos pression levels among human and mouse tissues show- taurus), chicken (Ch) (Gallus gallus), lizard (Li) ing high (red), intermediate (black), and low (green) (Anolis carolensis), frog (Fr) (Xenopus tropicalis) and

Figure 1. Amino Acid Sequence Alignments for Vertebrate SCARB2 Sequences. See Table 1 for sources of SCARB2 se- quences; * shows identical residues for SCARB2 subunits; : similar alternate residues; . dissimilar alternate residues; predicted cytoplasmic residues are shown in red; predicted transmembrane residues are shown in blue; N-glycosylated and potential N- glycosylated Asn sites are highlighted in green; predicted disulfide bond Cys residues are highlighted in cyan blue; predicted α- helices for vertebrate SCARB2 are highlighted in yellow and numbered in sequence from the start of the predicted exoplasmic domain; predicted β-sheets are highlighted in grey and also numbered in sequence; bold underlined font shows residues corre- sponding to known or predicted exon start sites; exon numbers refer to human SCARB2 gene exons; exolysosomic refers to the predicted SCARB2 sequence external to the lysosomal membrane. 104 Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012 zebrafish (Zf) (Danio rerio) SCARB2 are shown in (Tabuchi et al. 1997). All of these sites were predomi- Figure 1 together with the previously reported se- nantly retained among the 16 vertebrate SCARB2 se- quences for human (Hu) and mouse (Mo) SCARB2 quences examined. Given the sequence conservation (Table 1) (Fujita et al. 1992, Tabuchi et al. 1997). observed for these residues among the vertebrate Alignments of human with other vertebrate SCARB2 SCARB2 sequences examined, it is apparent that they sequences examined were between 43-100% identical, are essential for the function of vertebrate SCARB2 as suggesting that these are products of the same family a glycoprotein. The multiple N-glycosylation sites ob- of genes, whereas comparisons of sequence identities served for vertebrate SCARB2 sequences were consis- of vertebrate SCARB2 proteins with human SCARB1 tent with a major role for N-proteoglycan residues ex- and CD36 proteins exhibited lower levels of sequence posed on the external membrane surface of identities (30-36%), indicating that these are members in the performance of SCARB2 functions in binding of distinct CD36-like gene families (Table 1). The various lipid molecules, and in their reported functions amino acid sequences for mammalian SCARB2 con- in maintaining the organization of lysosomal and en- tained 478 residues while chicken (Gallus gallus), liz- dosomal membranes (Gamp et al. 2003; Kuronita et al. ard (Anolis carolensis), frog (Xenopus tropicalis) and 2002). This is also supported by recent animal model zebrafish (Danio rerio) SCARB2 contained 481, 482, studies, which demonstrated a key role for N- 483 and 474 amino acids, respectively (Table 1; Figure glycosylation in the recruitment of a related integrated 1). membrane CD36-like family member (CD36) into car- Previous studies have reported several key diac membranes (Lauzier et al. 2011). regions and residues for human and mouse SCARB2 proteins (human SCARB2 amino acid residues were Vertebrate SCARB2 Cysteine Residues identified in each case). These included cytoplasmic N Four conserved external lysosomal membrane verte- -terminal and C-terminal residues, residues 2-6 and brate SCARB2 cysteine residues were observed: 457-478, and N-terminal and C-terminal transmem- Cys274, Cys312, Cys318 and Cys329, which corre- brane helical regions: residues 7-30 and 432-456 sponded to four of six previously identified disulfide (Fujita et al. 1992, Tabuchi et al. 1997). These motifs forming cysteine residues for bovine CD36 underwent significant changes in amino acid sequence (Rasmussen et al. 1998). In contrast, ten cysteine resi- but retained the predicted cytoplasmic and transmem- dues of the vertebrate CD36 sequences were con- brane properties in each case (Figure 1). These served, including two within each of the N- (Cys3 and changes are in contrast to the N-terminal transmem- Cys7) and C-terminal (Cys464 and Cys466) cytoplas- brane sequences for vertebrate SCARB1 and CD36 mic sequences, and six within the vertebrate exoplas- sequences, for which several glycine residues were mic sequences (Cys243; Cys272; Cys311; Cys313; predominantly conserved, especially for CD36 Gly12, Cys322; and Cys333) (Holmes & Cox 2012). The Gly16 and Gly24/Gly25 residues and for SCARB1 key CD36 N- and C-terminal conserved cytoplasmic cys- N-terminal glycine residues (Gly15/Gly18/Gly25) teine residues have been shown to be palmitoylated (Holmes & Cox 2012), which form a dimerization mo- (Tao et al. 1996), which may contribute to protein- tif in the N-terminal transmembrane domain and par- protein interactions, protein trafficking and membrane ticipate in forming SCARB1 oligomers (Gaidukov et localization (Salaun et al. 2010). These conserved cys- al. 2011). There were no SCARB2 N-terminal trans- teines are lacking in the vertebrate SCARB2 sequences membrane glycine residues conserved for the verte- (Figure 1), which suggests that S-palmitoyl cysteine brate sequences examined, although Gly10 was pre- residues do not play a role for this lysosomal mem- dominantly conserved with a Gly/Ala substitution ob- brane protein. Vertebrate SCARB1 exoplasmic se- served for the frog SCARB2 sequence (Figure 1). A quences also contained only four conserved cysteine conserved glycine residue was observed for the verte- residues forming disulfide bridges (Cys281; Cys321; brate C-terminal transmembrane sequences (human Cys323; and Cys334) (Holmes & Cox 2012) although SCARB2 Gly449) (Figure 1); however the role of this another conserved SCARB1 cysteine (not observed in residue has not been investigated. the CD36 and SCARB2 sequences) (human SCARB1 Cys384) serves a major role in lipid transfer activity Comparative Sequences for Vertebrate SCARB2 N- (Papale et al. 2011, Yua et al. 2011) (Figure 2). Glycosylation Sites Ten N-glycosylation sites for human SCARB2 have SCARB2 C-terminal Lysosomal Targeting Se- been previously identified for this protein (Figure 1; quences Table 2) (Lewandrowski et al. 2005), whereas eleven The targeting of SCARB2 to lysosomes has been pre- such sites have been reported for mouse SCARB2 viously shown to result from a Leu-Ile dipeptide motif

Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012 105 -

9 8 8

10 10 10 10 10 11 11 10 11 10 11 11 10


No of of No

lysine; I




430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430




asparagine; K


412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 412 415 415 416



325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 328 328 329 326



. Higher probability N




tial tial sites identified, including 10 sites for

304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 305






249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249 250 247



224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224





206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 207 204




valine. Note that there are 12 poten





Numbers refer to amino acids in the acid sequences, including N

122 122 122 122 122 123

tyrosine; and V






105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 106





aspartate; Y




glutamine; D


68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 69




45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46


Site 2




threonine; Q


35 35



serine; T


glycosylation glycosylation Sites for Vertebrate SCARB2 Sequences.


glycosylation sites identifiedwere NetNGlyc using the 1.0 server web (



Mus Mus



Homo gallus

Rattus Anolis




mulatta jacchus

Species Species






cuniculus tropicalis








Danio rerio


histidine; S


Predicted N








Chimp Rabbit




SCARB2 Elephant



Vertebrate Vertebrate


Table 2. isoleucine; H human SCARB2. N aresites bold. 106 Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012

in the Leu475-Ile476-Arg477-Thr478 C-terminal cyto- al. 2000) and GLUT4 (insulin-regulatable glucose plasmic sequence (Ogata & Fukuda 1994, Tabuchi et transporter) (James et al. 1989). Tabuchi and cowork- al. 1997). The deletion of the nine amino acids closer ers (2000; 2002) have also reported that two acidic to the SCARB2 C-terminal transmembrane domain amino acids (Asp470-Glu471) in the COOH-terminal also abolished this lysosomal location suggesting that SCARB2 sequence play important roles in regulating an extended cytoplasmic tail for this protein is required the movement of this protein within the endocytic for this function. Figure 1 shows a comparison of ver- pathway. A comparison of vertebrate SCARB2 C- tebrate SCARB2 C-terminal sequences, with the 7 se- terminal sequences supports this hypothesis with quences examined showing a Leu-Ile or a Leu-Leu acidic amino acids being predominantly conserved for (zebrafish SCARB2) C-terminal sequence in each these positions, with the exception of zebrafish case, which is consistent with a proposal for a dileu- SCARB2, which has an apparent human 470Asp cine (or -isoleucine) lysosomal sorting motifs zebrafish 466Ala substitution, but with an additional reported for the COOH tails of SCARB2 (Sandoval et acidic amino acid (469Glu) further down the C-



Figure 2. Amino Acid Sequence Alignments for Rat (Ra) SCARB2 (SCA2), SCARB1 (SCA1) and CD36 Sequences with Lancelet (La), Sea Squirt (Ss) and Fruit Fly (DmEMP1) CD-36 Like Sequences. See Table 1 for sources of rat SCARB2, SCARB1 and CD36 sequences as well as other CD36-like sequences; * shows identical residues for CD36-like subunits; : similar alternate residues; . dissimilar alternate residues; predicted cytoplasmic residues are shown in red; predicted transmem- brane residues are shown in blue; N-glycosylated and potential N-glycosylated Asn sites are highlighted in green; free-SH Cys involved in lipid transfer for rat SCARB1 is highlighted in pink; predicted disulfide bond Cys residues are highlighted in cyan blue; predicted α-helices for vertebrate CD36-like sequences are highlighted in yellow and numbered in sequence from the start of the predicted exoplasmic domain; predicted β-sheets are highlighted in grey and also numbered in sequence; bold underlined font shows residues corresponding to known or predicted exon start sites; exon numbers are shown; AKL refers to final three C -terminal residues for rat SCARB1 which bind a PDZ domain-containing protein (PDZK1); transmembrane conserved glycines are shown as G; TSP1-A, TSP1-B and TSP1-C represent motifs identified by Crombie & Silverstein 1998. Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012 107 terminal cytoplasmic tail (Figure 1). The intracellular sequences were examined (Figure 1), particularly for trafficking of lysosomal membrane proteins has been the sequences external to the lysosomal membrane extensively investigated in recent years, and these (residues 28-433 for rat SCARB2) (Figure 2). α-Helix studies have shown that sorting from the Golgi or the and β-sheet structures were similar in each case, with a plasma membrane into the endosomes and lysosomes α-helix extending beyond the N-terminal and C- represents one pathway which is mediated by short terminal transmembrane regions in each case: α1 and COOH-terminal cytoplasmic sequences (Hunziker & α6. A consistent sequence of predicted secondary Geuze 1996). The dileucine cytoplasmic signal is one structure was also observed for each of the vertebrate such pathway, however others also serve to target ly- SCARB2 sequences: N-terminal cytoplasmic se- sosomal proteins, such as cholesterol ester lipase quence--N-terminal transmembrane sequence--α1--β1- (LIPA) which contains a C-terminal Arg-Lys dipeptide -α2--β2--β3--β4--β5--α3--β6--α4--α5--β7--β8--β9--β10 sequence (Sleat et al. 2006) and the C-terminal tyro- --β11--β12--β13--β14--α6--C-terminal trans-membrane sine based lysosomal targeting signal reported for ly- sequence--C-terminal cytoplasmic sequence. Further sosome-associated membrane glycoprotein-1 (LAMP- description of the secondary and tertiary structures for 1) (Akasaki et al. 2010, Höning et al. 1996). SCARB2 must await the three dimensional structure of this protein, particularly for the external lysosomal Predicted Secondary Structures for Vertebrate membrane region which directly binds lipids and con- SCARB2 tributes towards the organization and maintenance of Predicted secondary structures for vertebrate SCARB2 the lysosomal membranes (Gamp et al. 2003; Kuronita

Figure 3. Gene Structures and Major Transcripts for the Human, Mouse and Rat SCARB2 Genes. Derived from the AceView website; 31 mature isoforms are shown with capped 5’- and 3’- ends for the predicted mRNA sequences; NM refers to the NCBI reference sequence; exons are in pink; the directions for transcription are shown as 5’  3’; black squares show predicted CpG island sites at or near the 5’untranslated regions of the genes; the symbol ⌃ shows 10 predicted microRNA binding sites observed at or near the SCARB2 3’untranslated regions; sizes of mRNA sequences are shown in kilobases (kb); predicted transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) for human SCARB2 are shown: PPARA- peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α ; ATF-activation transcription factor; IRF7-interferon regulatory factor; HAND1-- and neural crest derivatives-expressed protein system; EVI1-ecotropic viral integration site; NKX 2.2- 108 Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012 et al. 2002). these short loop structures within vertebrate SCARB2 external lysosomal membrane sequences was evident Conserved Proline and Glycine Residues within the from the predicted secondary structures for vertebrate SCARB2 External Lysosomal Membrane Domain SCARB2 (Figure 1), with proline and/or glycine resi- Figure 1S (see supplementary data) shows the align- dues found at the start or end of the following struc- ment of 7 vertebrate SCARB2 amino acid sequences tures: β1 (Pro57; Pro58; Pro60), α2 (Pro72), β2 (Gly78 for the external lysosomal membrane domain with col- -Pro81), β3 (Gly87/Pro88), β4 (Gly106), α3 (Pro139), ors depicting the properties of individual amino acids α5 (Gly179), β7 (Gly211; Gly218), β8 (Gly233), β11 and conservation observed for some of these protein (Gly211) and β12 (Pro371) (Figure 1). sequences. In addition to the key vertebrate SCARB2 amino acids detailed previously, others were also con- Alignments of Rat SCARB2, SCARB1 and CD36 served, including 16 proline residues. Prolines play a with other CD36 Sequences major role in protein folding and protein-protein inter- The amino acid sequences for rat SCARB2, actions, involving the cyclic pyrrolidine amino acid SCARB1 and CD36 (see Table 1) are aligned in Figure side chain, which may introduce turns (or kinks) in the 2. The sequences were 30-33% identical and showed polypeptide chain as well as having destabilizing ef- similarities in several key features and residues, in- fects on α-helix and β-strand conformations cluding cytoplasmic N-terminal and C-terminal resi- (MacArthur & Thornton 1991). In addition, the pres- dues; N-terminal and C-terminal trans-membrane heli- ence of sequential prolines within a protein sequence cal regions; disulfide bond forming residues, previ- may confer further restriction in folding conformation ously identified for bovine CD36: Cys243-Cys311, and create a distinctive structure, such as that reported Cys272-Cys333 and Cys313-Cys322 (Rasmussen et for the mammalian Na+/H+ exchanger, which plays a al. 1998); several predicted N-glycosylation sites for major role in cation transport (Kreiger et al. 2005). rat SCARB2 (11 sites) (Table 2), rat SCARB1 (10 Sequential prolines (P1 and P2: Pro57-Pro58) were sites) and CD36 (9 sites) (Holmes & Cox 2012), of conserved for 6 of 7 vertebrate SCARB2 sequences which only one was shared between these sequences examined, which may confer a distinctive conforma- (N-glycosylation site 10) (Table 2); similar throm- tion in this region supporting the lipid receptor func- bospondin-1 binding sites (designated as TSP1-A, tions for this protein. For three of the vertebrate TSP1-B and TSP1-C) previously reported for SCARB2 sequences examined, four sequential proline SCARB2, SCARB2 and CD36 (Crombie & Silverstein residues were observed (chicken, frog and zebrafish: 1998) and similar predicted secondary structures previ- Pro57-Pro58-Pro59-Pro60) which may contribute fur- ously identified for SCARB1 and CD36 (Holmes & ther to the distinctive folding conformation in this re- Cox 2012) (Figure 1). Sequence comparisons for the gion. Regions of water exposed proteins with high lev- TSP1 binding sites confirmed the presence of a protein els of proline residues are often sites for protein- kinase C consensus site (Crombie & protein interactions (Kay et al. 2000) and these resi- Silverstein 1998) within the TSP1-A site (GPYTYR) dues may significantly contribute to the binding of lip- for rat SCARB2, CD36 and SCARB1 (but with a sub- ids by the external lysosomal membrane region of stitution at one site: GPYVYR). The current studies SCARB2. Similar results have been recently reported demonstrated other common features of these sites; for vertebrate SCARB1 and CD36 exoplasmic regions, namely the predicted β-sheet secondary structures for however 30 and 17 conserved proline residues were TSP1-A (β2) and TSP1-B (β3), the absence of pre- observed, respectively in these proteins (Holmes & dicted secondary structure for TSP1-C (located be- Cox 2012). tween β5 and β6) and the predicted N-glycosylation Figure 1S (see supplementary data) also shows sites observed for TSP1-B. The Cys384 residue, for conservation of 20 glycine residues for these vertebrate which the free-SH group plays a major role in SCARB2 external domains of lysosomal membranes, SCARB1-mediated lipid transport (Yua et al. 2011), which due to their small size, may be essential for was unique to SCARB1, being replaced by other resi- static turns, bends or close packing in the domain, or dues for the corresponding SCARB2 and CD36 pro- required for conformational dynamics during lipid re- teins (Gly379 and Phe383, respectively). N-terminal ceptor on-off switching, as in the case of the aspartate transmembrane glycine residues, which play a role in receptor protein (Coleman et al. 2005). Both proline the formation of SCARB1 oligomers (Gaidukov et al. and glycine residues are frequently found in turn and 2011), were also observed for the rat CD36 sequence, loop structures of proteins, and usually influence short although twin-glycines (Gly23-Gly24) were observed loop formation within proteins containing between 2 for the vertebrate CD36 sequences (Holmes & Cox and 10 amino acids (Kreiger et al. 2005). Evidence for 2012). In contrast, only one of these glycines (Gly10) Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012 109 was observed for the rat SCARB2 N-terminal trans- transmembrane glycine residues, which were observed membrane sequence. These results suggest that rat in both the N- and C-terminal sequences, although SCARB2, SCARB1 and CD36 proteins share several with only a single glycine residue for the human important properties, features and conserved residues, SCARB2 sequence. including being membrane-bound with cytoplasmic and transmembrane regions, N-glycosylated at specific Gene Locations and Exonic Structures for Verte- sites and have similar secondary structures but each is brate SCARB2 Genes sufficiently different to serve distinct functions exter- Table 1 summarizes the predicted locations for verte- nal to the respective membrane surfaces. brate SCARB2 genes based upon BLAT interrogations Alignments were also prepared for the pre- of several vertebrate genomes using the reported hu- dicted lancelet (Branchiostoma floridae) and sea squirt man and mouse SCARB2 sequences (Fujita et al. (Ciona intestinalis) CD36-like sequences (Table 1) 1992, Tabuchi et al. 1997) and the predicted sequences and a major epithelial membrane protein (EMP) from for other vertebrate and fruit fly CD36-like genes de- the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) rived from the UC Santa Cruz genome browser (Kent (FBpp0072309) (Nichols & Vogt 2008) with the rat et al. 2003). The predicted vertebrate SCARB2 genes SCARB2, SCARB1 and CD36 sequences (Figure 2). were transcribed on either the positive strand (e.g. The lancelet, sea squirt and fruit fly sequences exam- chimpanzee, rhesus monkey, marmoset, rat, chicken, ined shared many features with the CD36-like rat se- lizard and zebrafish genomes) or the negative strand quences, including the N- and C-terminal cytoplasmic (e.g. human, orangutan, mouse, cow, pig, opossum, and transmembrane sequences, similarities in predicted chicken and frog genomes). Figure 1 summarizes the secondary structures, positional identities for five con- predicted exonic start sites for human, mouse, cow, served cysteine residues (indicating conservation of at chicken, lizard, frog and zebrafish SCARB2 genes with least 2 disulfide bridges for these proteins), predicted each having 12 coding exons, in identical or similar N-glycosylation sites (including one which is shared positions to those reported for the human SCARB2 across all 6 CD-like sequences; site 10 in Table 2) and gene (Kent et al. 2003).

Figure 4. Comparative Tissue Expression for Human and Mouse SCARB2 Genes. Expression ‘heat maps’ (GNF Expression Atlas 2 data) ( (Su et al, 2004) were examined for comparative gene expression levels among human and mouse tissues for SCARB2 genes showing high (red); intermediate (black); and low (green) expression levels. Derived from human and mouse genome browsers ( (Kent et al. 2003). 110 Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012

Figure 3 shows the predicted structures for the HAND1 (heart- and neural crest derivatives-expressed major human, mouse and rat SCARB2/Scarb2 tran- protein system) which drives ongoing expression of scripts (Thierry-Mieg & Thierry-Mieg 2006). The tran- cardiac-specific genes (Riley et al. 1998); EVI1 scripts were ~2kbs in length with 12 exons present for (ecotropic viral integration site), which is a complex the mRNA transcripts and in each case, a non-coding transcription factor with multiple functions 5’-untranslated sequence and an extended 3’- (Buonamici et al. 2003) and NKX22 (homeobox pro- untranslated region (UTR) were observed. The human tein Nkx-2.2) which contributes to the expression of SCARB2 genome sequence contained several predicted genes that play a role in axonal guidance (Holz et al. transcription factor binding sites (TFBS), including 2010). PPARA (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- Figure 3 also reports the presence of a CpG is- α), which plays a major role in kidney proximal tubule land within the promoter region of the human, mouse development and maintenance (Kamijo et al. 2002) and rat SCARB2 genes (CpG100, CpG69 and CpG60, where SCARB2 is highly expressed (Berkovic et al. respectively). CpG islands were also observed within 2008, Desmond et al. 2011); NRSF (neuron-restrictive the promoter regions of other vertebrate SCARB2 silencing factor), which functions as a neuronal cell genes, including marmoset (CpG106), pig (CpG71) repressor (Kim et al. 2004); ATF (activating transcrip- and lizard (CpG420) (data not shown). CpG islands are tion factor 1) which mediates heme oxygenase induc- typically found within the gene promoter for house- tion by heme and drives macrophage adaptation to in- keeping genes (Saxanov et al. 2006). Elango & Yi traplaque hemorrhage during atherosclerosis (Boyle et (2011) have also proposed that larger CpG islands are al. 2012); IRF7 (interferon regulatory factor-7) which associated with gene promoters showing a broad range is critical for the regulation of inflammatory responses of gene expressions and contain more RNA poly- in the central nervous system (Salem et al. 2011); merase II binding sites than other promoters. Conse-

Figure 5: Phylogenetic Tree of Vertebrate SCARB2 Amino Acid Sequences with Human, Mouse, Chicken and Zebrafish SCARB1 and CD36 Sequences. The tree is labeled with the SCARB-like name and the name of the animal and is ‘rooted’ with the lancelet CD36 sequence. Note the 3 major clusters corresponding to the SCARB2, SCARB1 and CD36 gene families. A ge- netic distance scale is shown. The number of times a clade (sequences common to a node or branch) occurred in the bootstrap replicates are shown. Only replicate values of 95 or more, which are highly significant are shown with 100 bootstrap replicates performed in each case. Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012 111 quently, the presence of CpG100 and the transcription dated the appearance of fish > 500 million years ago factor binding sites observed within the SCARB2 gene (Donohue & Benton 2007). In parallel with the evolu- may contribute significantly to the broad tissue expres- tion of SCARB2 and other CD36-like proteins sion observed for SCARB2 transcripts. The human (SCARB1 and CD36), thrombospondins (TSPs) are SCARB2 transcript also contained an extended 3’- also undergoing evolutionary changes in their struc- noncoding segment with ten predicted miRNA binding tures and functions (Bentley & Adams 2010), with sites (miR-340, 203, 10, 182, 590, 876, 141, 542, 219 gene duplication events proposed at the origin of deu- and 494), which is well in excess of the usual number terostomes. of such sites. miRNAs have been reported to function as post-transcriptional regulators that bind to comple- Conclusions mentary sequences on target messenger RNA tran- scripts (mRNAs), which result in translational repres- The results of the present study indicate that vertebrate sion or target degradation and gene silencing (Bartel SCARB2 genes and encoded proteins represent a dis- 2009). tinct gene and protein family of CD36-like proteins which share key conserved sequences that have been Comparative Human and Mouse SCARB2 Tissue reported for other CD36-like proteins (SCARB1 and Expression CD36) previously studied (Acton et al. 1996, Bultel- Figure 4 presents ‘heat maps’ showing comparative Brienne et al. 2002, Connelly et al. 2004, Fujita et al. gene expression for various human and mouse tissues 1992, Holmes & Cox 2012, Kent et al. 2011, Kuronita obtained from GNF Expression Atlas Data using the et al. 2002, Lin et al. 2012, Marsche et al. 2003, Ogata U133A and GNF1H (human) and GNF1M (mouse) & Fukuda 1994, Tabuchi et al. 1997). SCARB2 has a chips (; unique property among these proteins in serving major (Su et al. 2004). These data support a broad and high roles within endosomal and lysosomal membranes of level of tissue expression for human and mouse various cells and tissues of the body. SCARB2 is en- SCARB2, particularly for adipose tissue, cardiac myo- coded by a single gene among the vertebrate genomes cytes, skeletal muscle and liver which is consistent studied and is highly expressed in human and mouse with previous reports for these genes (Calvo et al. tissues, particularly in adipose tissue, cardiac myo- 1995, Fujita et al. 1992, Ogata et al. 1994, Tabuchi et cytes, skeletal muscle and liver, and usually contained al. 1997). Much lower levels of mouse Scarb2 gene 12 coding exons. Predicted secondary structures for expression were observed in oocytes and during early vertebrate CD36 proteins showed strong similarities embryonic development. Overall, however, human and with other CD36-like proteins, SCARB1 and CD36. mouse SCARB2 tissue expression levels were 2-4 Three major structural domains were apparent for ver- times higher than the average level of gene expression, tebrate SCARB2, including the N-terminal and C- which supports the key role played by this protein in terminal cytoplasmic domains, the N-terminal and C- lysosomal and endosomal membranes of the body. terminal transmembrane domains, the external ly- sosomal membrane domain, two disulfide bridges and Phylogeny of vertebrate SCARB2 and related several N-glycosylation sites for glycan binding, which CD36-like sequences are apparently essential for membrane recruitment. A phylogenetic tree (Figure 5) was calculated by the Phylogenetic studies using 17 vertebrate SCARB2 se- progressive alignment of 17 vertebrate SCARB2 quences with human, mouse, chicken and zebrafish amino acid sequences with human, mouse, chicken and SCARB1 and CD36 sequences indicated that the zebrafish SCARB1 and CD36 sequences ‘rooted’ with CD36 gene has appeared early in evolution, prior to the lancelet (Branchiostoma floridae) CD36 sequence the appearance of bony fish more that 500 million (see Table 1). The phylogram showed clustering of the years ago, and has undergone at least two gene dupli- SCARB2 sequences into groups which were consistent cation events. with their evolutionary relatedness as well as groups for human, mouse, chicken and zebrafish SCARB1 Conflicts of Interest and Responsibility for and CD36 sequences, which were distinct from the Contents lancelet CD36 sequence. These groups were signifi- cantly different from each other (with bootstrap values The author declares no conflicts of interest and is fully of ~ 100/100). It is apparent from this study of verte- responsible for the writing and completion of the stud- brate CD-like genes and proteins that this is an ancient ies undertaken. protein for which a proposed common ancestor for the CD36, SCARB1 and SCARB2 genes may have pre- 112 Journal of Molecular Biochemistry, 2012

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