The 108-Year History of Norwest St. Paul Page 4
RAMSEY COUNTY NORWEST A Publication o f the Ramsey County Historical Society To The Nth Degree Fall, 1995 Volume 30, Number 3 The 108-Year History of Norwest St. Paul Page 4 à imf îf I mr t i ‘iHff RAMSEY COUNTY HISTORY Executive Director " ■ ■ RAMSEY COUNTY Priscilla Famham Editor Virginia Brainard Kunz History RAMSEY COUNTY Volume 30, Number 3 Fall, 1995 HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Joanne A. Englund Chairman of the Board CONTENTS John M. Lindley President 3 Letters Laurie Zenner First Vice President Judge Margaret M. Marrinan 4 After 108 Years a Transformation Second Vice President Norwest Bank St. Paul and its Century-old Heritage Richard A. Wilhoit Secretary James B. Bell James Russell Treasurer 1 8 Banking on Minnesota’s Unfettered Frontier— Arthur Baumeister, Jr., Alexandra Bjorklund, Andrew Boss, Thomas Boyd, Mark Eisen- When Barter Was the Name of the Only Game in Town schenk, John Harens, Marshall Hatfield, Liz James B. Bell Johnson, Richard Long, Laurie Murphy, Richard T. Muiphy, Sr., Thomond O’Brien, Robert Olsen, Vicenta Scarlett, Evangeline 2 2 ‘Cheery, Refined and Comfortable’ Schroeder, Jane Thiele, Anne Cowie Wilson. Episcopal Church Home Begins Its Second Century EDITORIAL BOARD With Its ‘Caring Services’ that Help the Elderly John M. Lindley, chairman; Thomas H. Boyd, Thomas C. Buckley, Laurie M. Marcia Fotsch Murphy, Dr. Thomas B. Mega. HONORARY ADVISORY BOARD 2 4 Growing Up in St. Paul Elmer L. Andersen, Olivia I. Dodge, A Boyhood Resting on the City’s Seven Hills— Charlton Dietz, William Finney, Clarence Frame, Otis Godfrey, Jr., Ronald Hachey, But Once Upon a Time There Were Eight Reuel D.
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