Ma Barker Gang V2
Cold Open: Holy shit this is gonna to be a fun ride today! Man, I forgot how much I loved Depression era gangster tales! The members of the Ma Barker Gang, aka the Barker-Karpis Gang it quickly evolved into and became more commonly known as, were cold-blooded, thieving, kidnapping, cop-killing sons-of-bitches. They don’t deserve to be romanticized. They were self-serving, ruthless dirtbags - I know that! But…there is something darkly romantic about old time bank robbers. A criminal such as a rapist is an obvious fucking coward. Holding down someone usually physically weaker then themselves, physically and psychology violating someone they’ve drugged, or tricked, or are holding a weapon to, using them for their own sadistic, physical pleasure. The nature of that crime is inherently evil. Same for pedophilia. Same for most murders. Those crimes seem to me, and to most of us, as inhuman somehow, which explains our fascination with them. How could someone do that? Theft, however, while also not morally justified, is so much more relatable, because it’s so very human. We don’t all, thank God, want to rape. However, we ALL do want money! Even if you don’t consider yourself materialistic, or monetarily driven, you still have bills to pay. Or, if you don’t, then someone else is paying for your existence - and I hope you’re grateful for them being at least somewhat financially motivated. And, almost all of us have stolen something at some point in our lives! Maybe you haven’t taken anything from a store, but, have you bit torrented a movie? Ever used someone else’s username and password to watch something intended for paid subscribers only? Ever downloaded an album someone gave you on a thumb drive and listened to it over and over and then never paid for it? Well, welcome to the thief club! You took something, or you used something - you listened to or watched something - that someone else created with the intention of having it sold.
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