1 CONSUMER GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL FORUM CENTRAL REGION (Formed under Section 42(5) of the Electricity Act 2003) 220 kV Substation Compound, HMTColony P.O. Kalamasery, Pin – 683 503 Phone No. 0484-2556500 Website : cgrf.kseb.in, Email :
[email protected], CUG No. 9496008719 Present (1) Shri. Lorance. K.M Chairperson (2) Smt. B. Soudamini Member (3) Shri. Jefrin Manuel Member Petitioner Sri. P.M. Aliyar, Convener, Mulavoor Kudivella Samithi, Mulavoor P.O., Muvattupuzha, Pin – 686 673. Respondent 1) The Asst. Exe. Engineer, Electrical Sub Division, Velloorkunnam 2) The Assistant Engineer, Electrical Section, Muvattupuzha No. II ======================================================== No.CGRF-CR/Comp. 21/2016-17 Date: 8/8/2016 O R D E R Background of the case: The Petitioner, Sri. P.M. Aliyar is the Convener of Mulavoor Kudivella Samithi, Mulavoor P.O., Muvattupuzha Cons. No. 3463 under the jurisdictional area of Ele. Section, Muvattupuzha No. II. The connection is utilized for pumping water for drinking water scheme. Initially the tariff assigned was LT I(a). Subsequent to tariff order dated 14-08-2014 many consumer categories were reclassified wef 16-8-14. Accordingly,on 16.8.14 the tariff pertaining to the petitioner was changed to LT VI (E). The petitioner had duly remitted all the bimonthly bills issued to him. A short assessment bill for Rs 28,334/- was served to the petitioner on 28-01-16. 2 Aggrieved by the above action of the Respondents, the Petitioner approached the licensee and lodged a complaint on 28-4-2016. But the petition was dismissed after the hearing. Hence the petitioners filed a complaint in this Forum on 6/6/2016.