
June 2, 2016 年 6 月 2 日 MEDIA CONTACT / 媒體聯絡::: Bonnie Kwong | 415.501.0776 | [email protected]

Caregiving: The Circle of Love with MSNBC Anchor Richard Lui 照護家人: 愛的傳承 MSNBC 著名主播呂勇詩經驗之談

Join Discussion about Chinese American Family Caregiving Tuesday, June 21 at 6pm at University of San Francisco 請於 6 月 21 日(星期二)晚上 6 時蒞臨舊金山大學 討論華裔社區中照護親人的議題

AARP’s Caregiving: The Circle of Love follows three family caregivers: former educator Elizabeth Chun, MSNBC Anchor Richard Lui and AARP Historian Emerita Lily Liu.

WHAT 事項::: AARP ’s new documentary Caregiving: The Circle of Love presents the traditions and challenges of caregiving in the Chinese American community from the point of view of three family caregivers, including MSNBC News Anchor Richard Lui. Filmed by San Francisco-based Executive Producer Toan Lam, the fourteen-minute film was created by AARP to help families start the difficult but vital conversation about caregiving. AARP 全新紀錄片《《《照護家人: 愛的傳承》》》(Caregiving: The Circle of Love )將通過 MSNBC 新聞主播呂勇詩(Richard Lui )等三位家庭照護者 訪談,介紹美國華裔社區照護親友的傳統和所遇到的挑戰。這條十四分鐘

的電影是由 AARP 製作及來自舊金山的導演 Toan Lam 拍攝,以幫助華裔 家庭就十分困難但又極為重要的照護親友議題展開對話。

WHO 人物:::  Daphne Kwok , AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audiences, and Family Caregiver  Toan Lam , Executive Producer of Caregiving: The Circle of Love , Founder of GoInspireGo , and former Family Caregiver  Lily Liu , AARP Historian Emerita and Family Caregiver  Richard Lui , MSNBC News Anchor and Family Caregiver

WHEN: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 6:00pm: Reception 酒會 7:00pm: Screening, Panel Discussion, and Q&A 播放影片、座談會和問答環節 8:15pm: Program ends 活動結束

WHERE 地點::: Fromm Hall (Xavier Auditorium) University of San Francisco 舊金山大學 2497 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco, CA 94118 * Enter on Parker Street near McAllister Street; Fromm Hall is on the left * FREE limited parking in Koret Lot on Parker Street at Turk Street (first-come, first-served)

WHY 背景:::  One in five Americans care for aging parents, spouses, relatives, friends or other loved ones. At some point in your life, you either will be a caregiver or need a caregiver.  In , there are more than 4 million family caregivers providing $47 billion annually in unpaid care .  provide caregiving for their families more than any other ethnic group (42% compared to 22% of other Americans).

 Asian Americans have a higher sense of caregiving responsibility with 73% feeling that children in the family should care for elderly parents (compared to 49% of other Americans). 72% of Asian Americans express guilt for not providing more care (compared to 48% of other Americans).  Chinese Americans are twice as likely (14%) to live in multigenerational households compared to other Americans (7%). With the heavy expectation that care should be provided by one’s own family, larger households help enable caregiving. • 五分之一的美國人正在照護年老的父母、配偶、親戚、朋友或其他親 人。如果你目前還不是一位照護者,你便曾經是或者將來會是一位照護 者。在你人生的某個階段,你必然會成為一位照護者或者你將需要一位 照護者。 • 在加州,有超過 400 萬萬萬位家庭照護者萬 ,每年在家提供 470 億元價值的無 償護理。 • 美國亞裔照護家人的比例其他任何族群都高(亞裔 42% ,其他美國 人 22% )。 • 亞裔在照護親人方面有更高的責任感。 73% 的亞裔認為子女必須照護 年邁的父母(相比其他美國人 49% )。 72% 亞裔因為沒有提供更多的 照護而感到內疚(相比其他美國人 48% )。 • 美國華裔家庭幾代同堂生活的比例(14% )是其他的美國人(7% )的 兩倍。由於人們都認為應該由自己家人提供照護,因此大家庭共同生活 更能互相幫忙照護。

CO-PRESENTER 合合合辦合辦辦辦機構機構:  University of San Francisco School of Education

COMMUNITY PARTNERS 社區合作夥伴伴伴:::  Alzheimer’s Association  Center for Asian American Media  Chinese American Citizens Alliance, San Francisco Lodge  OCA - East Bay, San Francisco and San Mateo Chapters  Self Help for the Elderly

GUEST RSVP 賓客報名::: aarp.cvent.com/caregiving062116 FREE EVENT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

PRESS REGISTRATION 媒體報名:::Bonnie Kwong at [email protected] or (415) 501-0776

About AARP AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of nearly 38 million that helps people turn their goals and dreams into 'Real Possibilities' by changing the way America defines aging. With staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, AARP

works to strengthen communities and promote the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare security, financial security and personal fulfillment. AARP also advocates for individuals in the marketplace by selecting products and services of high quality and value to carry the AARP name. As a trusted source for news and information, AARP produces the world’s largest circulation magazine, AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. AARP does not endorse candidates for public office or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates. To learn more, visit www.aarp.org or follow @aarp and our CEO @JoAnn_Jenkins on .

關於 AARP AARP 是一個擁有將近 3,800 萬會員的非營利及無黨派組織,旨在通過改變美國對年長的定義, 幫助人們將目標和夢想轉化為可實現的機會。AARP 在全美 50 州、華盛頓特區、波多黎各及美屬 維京群島均設有職員辦事處,並致力強化各個社區及改善一些與大部份家庭息息相關的議題,例 如:醫療保健、財務穩定和個人發展。我們並關注在市場上的個人權益,悉心挑選值得冠以 AARP 名稱的優質和高值產品和服務。作為一個可以信賴的新聞和信息來源,AARP 並出版全球 發行量最大的《AARP 雜誌》及《AARP 通報》。AARP 不背書任何公職候選人或對任何政治活動或 候選人捐贈獻金。詳情請瀏覽網站:www.aarp.org 或追蹤 AARP 推特@aarp 及 AARP 執行長推特 @JoAnn_Jenkins 。

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