
Architectural Commentaries by Professor A Collection


© Katherine Metz

The Louvre ,

“The new entrance to the , inaugurated in 1989, the year of the Bicentenary of the , has become the symbol of the Louvre. Formal simplicity and high technology presided over the implementation of this project by the architect Ieoh Ming Pei, with its spider like glass and metal structure and visitors’ reception areas.”

“Since its inauguration in 1989, the has dominated the cour . It was designed by the American Chinese-born architect, Ieoh Ming Pei, as the main entrance to the museum. The glass, which is strong and light, is transparent and makes it possible to admire the ’s facades from the inside.”

Here are Professor’s comments on the Feng Shui of the Louvre in Paris, France:

1. The French government was right in asking Pei to design the new entrance despite the fact that the choice of a non-Frenchman created an uproar.

2. The use of glass was a wise choice, for it allows one to appreciate the architecture of the entire building without disturbing the flow. Another material may have disturbed the flow, the chi and the view. The design “preserved the chi of the Louvre”.

3. If you are inspired by the glass pyramid, do not build one in a client’s garden. were originally used as burial sites for Pharaohs, and are, therefore, a sign of death. This is not auspicious for the person living in the house and trying to enjoy the garden.

4. There is a casino in Las Vegas that is built in the shape of a pyramid. It is not doing well, and, in fact, is doing the worst business on the Strip. The owners should do the following:

• Add a circulating spotlight to the top of the pyramid. It will elevate the chi, and the finances.

5. When asked about receiving a small crystal pyramid as a gift, Professor made the following comment:

• A small pyramid is no problem. A small crystal pyramid paperweight is ok. We are talking here of large structures.

© Katherine Metz 2

6. Since a pyramid is really a “monument to death,” I. M. Pei would have been wise to etch a flower pattern into the glass. The flower etchings would have brought life to a structure that is symbolic of death. This would have corrected this shortcoming of the design.

7. It is important to make a “chi connection” between the original museum and the new pyramid. This could have been done during construction by placing the museum logo, or any other symbol of the museum, inside each triangle of the pyramid.

© Katherine Metz 3