Ridley Pearson,Dr Dave Barry,Greg Call | 451 pages | 01 May 2006 | Hyperion | 9780786849079 | English | New York, United States Peter and the Starcatcher – DVC Drama

A much-loved humorist and a renowned writer of adult thrillers make a strong combined crossover bid with this compulsively readable prequel to . When a secret society called Starcatchers tries transporting the starstuff to safety, the shipment is hijacked for nefarious purposes by the wonderfully named Slank—after which it changes hands over and over as a quintet of orphans led Peter and the Starcatchers alpha male Peter, feared pirate Black Stache named for his facial hairmermaids, island folk, and an oversized crocodile dubbed Peter and the Starcatchers Grin are thrown into the never-a-dull-moment plot. Despite continual danger and violence, wounds and Peter and the Starcatchers disappear with Disney-like speed, and by the end, all the major characters except Wendy and sibs appear onstage and Black Stache is ready for a new moniker. A sly, side-splitting hoot from start to finish. The dreary prospect of spending a lifetime making caskets instead of wonderful inventions prompts a young orphan to snatch up his little sister and flee. To the circus, of course. Alas, the budding engineer barely has time to settle in to begin work on an experimental circus wagon powered by chicken poop and dubbed with questionable forethought the Autopsy. A climactic clutch culminating in a magnificently destructive display of fireworks leaves the Coggin sibs well-positioned for bright futures. Illustrations not seen. One of those rare thrillers whose answers are even more scarifying than its mysteries. A middle-aged woman sidelined by a horrific accident finds even sharper pains waiting on the other side of her Peter and the Starcatchers in this expert Peter and the Starcatchers by Peter and the Starcatchers, familiar to many readers as Megan Hart, author of All the Secrets We Keepetc. When she awoke, she was minus her gallbladder, two working collarbones and therefore two functioning armsand her memory. Every day is filled with torments. At the emergency room, her credit card and debit card are declined. She feels that she hates oppressively solicitous Harriett but has no idea why. Her sessions with her psychiatrist fail to heal her rage at her adoptive mother, an addict who abandoned her then returned only to disappear again and die an ugly death. Even worse, her attempts to recover her lost memory lead to an excruciatingly paced series of revelations. Val says Diana asked her to seduce Jonathan. Where can this maze of deceptions possibly Peter and the Starcatchers Surviving the media coverage and the unwanted attention of other high school students has become more onerous to Brian than his experiences in the wild; realizing that the wilderness has become larger within him than the need to be with people, Brian methodically gathers survival equipment—listed in detail—then leaves his old life behind. Becoming ever more attuned to the natural wonders around him, he travels over a succession of lakes and streams, pausing to make camp, howl with a wolf, read Shakespeare to a pair of attentive otters and, once, to share a meal with an old man who talks about animal guides and leaves a medicine bundle for him. Already have an account? Log in. Trouble signing in? Retrieve credentials. Sign Up. Pub Date: Sept. Page Count: Publisher: Hyperion. No Comments Yet. More In The Series. More by Dave Barry. Review Posted Online: Dec. Show all comments. More by Elinor Teele. Pub Date: Nov. Page Count: Publisher: Crooked Lane. Peter and the Starcatchers Posted Online: Aug. Pub Date: Jan. Page Count: Publisher: Delacorte. More by Gary Paulsen. Please sign up to continue. Almost there! Reader Writer Industry Professional. Send me weekly book recommendations and inside scoop. Peter and the Starcatchers me logged in. Sign in using your Kirkus account Sign in Keep me logged in. Need Help? Contact us: or email customercare kirkus. Please select an existing bookshelf OR Create a new bookshelf Continue. Peter and the Starcatcher | Music Theatre International

Best-selling authors Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson have turned back the clock and revealed a wonderful story that precedes J. Barrie's beloved Peter Pan. In an evocative and fast-paced adventure on the high seas and on a faraway island, an orphan boy named Peter and his mysterious new friend, Molly, overcome bands of pirates and thieves in their quest to keep a fantastical secret safe and save the world from evil. This riveting adventure takes listeners on a journey from a harsh orphanage in old England to a treacherous sea in a decrepit old tub. Aboard the Never Land is a trunk that holds a magical substance with the power to change the fate of the world - just a sprinkle and wounds heal; just a dusting and people can fly. Towering seas and a violent storm are the backdrop for battles at sea. Bone-crushing waves eventually Peter and the Starcatchers our characters on Mollusk Island - where the action really heats up. Peter and the Starcatchers is brimming with richly developed characters, from the scary but somehow familiar Black Stache and the ferocious Mister Peter and the Starcatchers to the sweet but sophisticated Molly and the fearless Peter. In an evocative and fast-paced adventure on the high seas Peter and the Starcatchers on a faraway island an orphan boy named Peter and his mysterious new friend, Molly, overcome Peter and the Starcatchers of pirates and thieves in their quest to keep a fantastical secret Peter and the Starcatchers and save the world from evil. Peter leaves the Peter and the Starcatchers safety of Mollusk Island - along with his trusted companion, - for the cold, damp, dangerous streets of London. Peter and Molly find themselves in the dangerous land of Rundoon, ruled by the evil King Zarboff, who takes great delight in watching his pet snake, Kundalini, consume anyone who displeases him. The year is - it's been 23 years since Peter and the returned from Rundoon. Since then, nobody on the island has grown a day older, and the Lost Boys continue their friendship with the Mollusk tribe and their rivalry with . One night, a visitor appears at her door; it's James, one of Peter's original Lost Boys. Something about the document seems familiar to Sarah, and that night she realizes what it is: the document seems to be referring to some books she has read - the Starcatchers series, about the origin of Peter Pan. But how could that be? The document seems far older than the books. And of course, the books are just stories Peter and the Starcatchers 5 books in series. Peter and the Starcatchers Publisher's Summary. Book 1. Add to Cart failed. Please try again later. Add to Wish List failed. Remove from wishlist failed. Peter and the Starcatchers to library failed. Please try again. Follow podcast failed. Unfollow podcast failed. Free with day trial. Book Peter and the Starcatchers. Book 3. Book 4. Book 5. Peter and the Starcatchers Series by Dave Barry

Peter and the Starcatchers is a children's novel that was published by Hyperion Booksa subsidiary of Disneyin Barrie 's novel . Although frequently reported to be a prequel to Barrie's novel, it is in fact a reimagining and reboot of Peter Pan's world, with very different character histories and internal world-building. A series of Never Land chapter books for younger readers is based on the novels. InDisney hired Jay Wolpert to adapt the book to film, reportedly to use 3D animation. A play with music adaptation of the book debuted in winter at La Jolla Playhouseas part Peter and the Starcatchers an arrangement with Disney Theatrical. Filming was expected to begin in A mysterious trunk, identical to another that had been escorted by the Royal Guard onto Her Majesty's Waspanother ship in harbor. Meanwhile, feared pirate Black Stache, captain of the Sea Devil hears of the trunk on the Wasp containing the greatest treasure of all time, and plots to capture it. While the Sea Devil dumps much of its weight and water in order to lighten the ship enough to run down The WaspPeter and the orphans attempt to adapt to their measly hold and Peter meets Molly Aster, a mysterious passenger of his own age. While scavenging for food one night, Peter and the Starcatchers finds himself in the hold where the trunk is guarded and is acquainted with a flying rat. Molly rescues him Peter and the Starcatchers crew members on their way to check out the commotion caused, and stories of the flying rat begin to travel through the ship, prompting Peter and Alf, a member of the crew, to wonder about the hold's contents. The Sea Devil manages to run down and board The Waspand Leonard Aster, Molly's father and a safekeeper of the trunk, fruitlessly attempts and fails to escape with the trunk in question. As The Wasp' s crew is forced to surrender, Black Stache opens the trunk only to find sand, and both himself and Aster realize that a switch had been made at port and the actual treasure is on the Never Land. Aster jumps overboard and escapes with dolphin allies of his, who send a dolphin, Ammm, to relay to Molly that Black Stache was on his way. Molly later stops Peter and Alf from Peter and the Starcatchers out a plan to discover the contents of the trunk, and confides to Peter about the contents of the trunk; Starstuff, dust of extraordinary power that had fallen from the heavens, which had temporarily made the rat fly. Molly's family is revealed to be members of a secret society known as the Starcatcherswho located the Starstuff when it fell from the heavens and kept it out of the wrong hands. The contents of this particular trunk were the result of the largest fall in history, which had been located by a rival group, the Others, before the Starcatchers could acquire it. Molly Peter and the Starcatchers Peter to assist in throwing the trunk overboard before Black Stache arrived. Black Stache and his men rechristen the Wasp as the Jolly Roger and race against a monster storm to intercept the Never Land and acquire the treasure. Attempting to dispose of the trunk with Molly, Peter is thrown overboard by Slank right before Black Stache and his men arrive and locate the trunk on the dock just as the storm hits. Having come into contact with Starstuff from the trunk, Peter manages to fly back and hurl the trunk overboard, prompting Black Stache to quickly leave and take Slank, sailor Little Richard, and Molly's governess Peter and the Starcatchers. Molly jumps overboard to rescue Peter as his Starstuff wears off as Alf and the orphans escape the Never Land as the storm and nearby reef obliterate it. Both parties Peter and the Starcatchers the trunk wash up on a nearby island, with the Jolly Peter and the Starcatchers close behind. Alf, James, Prentiss, Thomas, Tubby Ted, and Peter are soon captured by the local natives, while Black Stache and a large posse search the island for the trunk, leaving the ship virtually unguarded while Slank and Little Richard break out of the Jolly Rogersubdue the remaining pirates, and search for the trunk. The natives, known as the Mollusks and led by Fighting Prawn, decide to feed the group to Mister Grin, an abnormally large crocodile who is kept captive in an enclosure, as it is their policy when dealing with foreigners. Molly enters and rescues them with some reserve starstuff, enabling the group and Mister Grin to fly out Peter and the Starcatchers the enclosure and cause mass panic among the Mollusks and pirate posse. The trunk is eventually found Peter and the Starcatchers Slank and Little Richard, who battle Mermaids lagoon fish who came into contact with starstuff from the leaky trunktrick the pirates, and knock Peter out, who is shortly rescued by the mermaids for healing one of their own from a wound inflicted by Slank. With help from Ammm, the group assaults Slank and Little Richard and nearly succeeds in overpowering the both of them before Slank restrains Molly and reveals that he is in league with the Others, who were rivals of the Starcatchers and wanted the Starstuff for their own purposes. He confirms that a switch had been made in port and that the trunk of Starstuff was originally intended for the Waspand that both ships had been headed to Rundoon, where the starstuff was to be delivered to the corrupt King Zarboff III and the boys as palace servants. He and Little Richard take Molly hostage on their longboat in order to escape with the trunk, but Peter rescues Molly and is later revealed to have earlier physically lifted the box of Starstuff out of the trunk, and they leave Slank and Little Richard to drift out to sea. Aster and a group of Starcatchers soon arrive on the Island, accompanied by ships of the British Navy, and Aster deduces that Peter should have died when lifting the box of Starstuff, but had an extraordinarily high tolerance to Starstuff and instantly stopped aging forever while retaining the permanent ability to fly. The Mollusks and the pirates converge on the group, and a fight ensures, whereas Fighting Prawn is mortally wounded and Peter manages to sever Black Stache's hand, which is eaten by Mister Grin. As the pirates flee to another part of the island, Peter uses the starstuff in Aster's locket to save Fighting Prawn, who spares the group, allows Molly, Aster, Alf, and the Starcatchers to leave the island with the now-secured box of Starstuff, and lets Peter, James, Thomas, Prentiss, and Tubby Ted to stay on the island, as Peter feels that he wouldn't be able to fit in with society. As he and Molly bid farewell to one another, Aster uses Peter and the Starcatchers a local bird Peter and the Starcatchers a fairly, Tinker Bell, to watch over Peter. Peter promises to come to London in the near future to visit, and he and the boys begin to settle on the island. The story ends with Peter discovering a washed-up plank with the printed name of the Never Landwhich he decides to nickname the island although the sequels still refer to it by its given name, Mollusk Island. Although Peter and the Starcatchers and its follow-ups are sometimes advertised as " prequels " to Peter and Wendythe series is in fact a complete continuity rebootwhich "borrows" Peter and other characters to create a self-sufficient universe. There are a number of differences between the Starcatchers series and the original novel, particularly contradicting the material in The Little White Birditself not consistent with Barrie's other Peter Pan works. The treatment of magic is presented very differently from anything Barrie ever wrote. The series eschews the notion that there is an age limit on the use of magic, or that certain beings can be saved from death by sympathetic gestures and wishes. Most of these differences are established in the first book in the series. On May 17,it was announced by Walt Disney Pictures that a motion picture of the novel will be made. It was also reported that Jesse Wigutow will write the script for the film. On August 20,Gary Rossthe director of The Hunger Gamessigned on to direct the film, with filming expected to start in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the stage adaptation of the novel, see Peter and the Starcatcher. Movie News. May 17, Archived from the original on February 16, Archived from the original on Retrieved The Washington Post. TV Media. Retrieved September 21, Children's literature portal. Barrie 's Peter Pan. Smee Tinker Bell . The Lost Boys Peter and the Starcatchers . The Child Thief. Disney Peter and the Starcatchers Ice Fantasmic! Peter Pan's Flight ride . Never Never Land. Categories : Peter and the Starcatchers Works based on Peter Pan American novels children's books fantasy novels American children's novels Novels by Dave Barry Literary collaborations Novels about orphans American novels adapted into plays. Hidden categories: All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September Namespaces Article Talk. 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